HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-18, Page 88 TiuespaY, :Nov. Is, 1!37. THE SIGNAL : GODERICI`? Never Such Values Shown This you will candidly say when you see the TEMPTING BARGAINS we have just placed on our counters. A WHOLESALE HOUSE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS HAD TO CLEAR OUT THEIR STOCK. This was an opportunity which, with our CASH PAYING FACILITIES, we are able to place before you such great Bargains never before thought possible in this vicinity. Dress Goods Dress Goods e-. Do you want Children's School Noises or Ladies' house DMISIM F-- ;this line— Double-width Small Checks,5 or 6 patterns, worth mc., 42 inch Costume Twills, extra heavy, all colors, worth 25c., for ..15c 42 inch Fancy Tweed Effects, extra heavy, large range- colors, worth 35c., for i 19c 48 inch Costume Cloths, regular SOc., for 19c A special lot, latest design and color, brojten checks, worth 50c, for 25e THESE ARE EAfliIAIhi8 THAT_:ITW4Li. Por YOU TO INSPECT, EVEN IPO 'OU DON'T NEED THEM JUST NOW. GRAND OPENING" WYATT'S FAIR UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SATTSRSD.E%.'Y, 27t11., '07 STOCK EST BB SOLD The entire Stook to be closed out at a great reduction. Come early if you wish to secure bargains. CANDY CANDY Best Mixed Coady, cal, ba lb Gumdrops. sal. prix. 6.. lb Large size Coal Hods, with gilt beads ermine, best 10o. Ib sad rivaled beadle, oozy lbo Best Chocolates, only . 10o. Ib Only 1 Ib. to each oostomer. BAh.INO POW DER. Best Vienna Baking Powder, nasally sold at 20c. Ib., oar price 10o TA B LES. One lot of small tables. nicely polished, regular $1.25, to clear out at 90o TINWARE. Large size pieced dippers only, Only one to Mop e.etomer. FLOSS !HEVES. Vistas Flees BMWs, skis pries 10e GOAL HODS STOVE PIPE Beet polished Stove pip., only 7o. per 1oagth BROOMS. 4 String Broom., regular 25o., will be mold tor 150 3 String Brooms, 2 for :60 SOAP'S. 3 Ib bar of best laundry Seep. regular 15 and 20 pout bar, .ale prim 100 3o I Fancy decorated box of Toilet Soap, 3 sake, in box, sale price. per box,10. Sups, will not permit os to mention ell Mr hawks, but oom. and .ee for yourr.lf ..s Hosiery, Hosiery. ...w• ‘' ..x, ,....5i'{fjEtk"Saititt ''Iv..•rw.1w-,, Heavy Ribbed Hose, Ladies' size, 1 c. Children's Hose • specialty. -Ladies' Underwear in Flannelette Night Gowns, Vests, Drawers, etc. Gloves, Gloves. -Fancy Ringwoods, the ;atest, worth 25c., for 18c 13c biles Cashmere Gloves, only Furs, Furs. Ladies' Fur do --do do do do do Men's 'do Capes Jackets Ruffs and Muffs Gauntlets Coats OI'R PRICES BOUND TO. BE ON THE BOTTOM. Blankets Yarns Comforters Flannels Lace Cu rtai rs Flannelettes Tweeds, Tweeds. M. ',.. Extra heavy, new pattern, rrai arig*,-fm 3 4c Nice Tweeds, for 25c . r Cottonades, regular 25c., for 18c Ticking., extra heavy, atdps,.worth 20c., for 15c ---1/451-1-10-for E Waists. a Fancy Broches, worth 76c. to $1.00, for 'mly 50c. New Shot Glaces ; also full r tnge of plain colors. Clothing, Clothing. Men's Suits and Overcoat® Boys' Suits and Ovsrooate THE BEST MAD& THE CHEAPEST PRICE. Inspect our Stock. No Trouble to Show Goods. A Complete Stock of Gents' Furnishings id it 44 ed " u dd dd 44 id di dt Small Wares Millinery and Mantles Drerta Goods Staples Clothing Corner of West Street slid Sg11re, In any of these Departments you will find the latest Goode of the Season, all bought for CASH, consequently bought Cheap ; to be sold for Caeh, consequently sold Cheap. 04$R AND ONZ PRIGS ONLY. MITH BROS. & CO. AT MUNRO'S. STAPLE AID FANCY DRY WODS 1 ALL SEASONABLE. Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linen Department,—well assorted. Small -wares Complete. A large stock of Underwear at popular prices Scarlet, Grey, Navy, White and Grey Flannels. I ,pectionkindly solicited. No one will be importmisd to• �RDnlwls. FSS BARGAINS is LADIES.' OOILTS from 53.50 ups Theae are ibis 5saso.s make, direct from the saakera Th. best Goods in town al the prio.e MANTLE CLOTHS in all the Noriagsew Makes and Ool Now this .wen. You should see ear otiwe for thew bloods before you i.uy 10 pleoes Ladle.' Coatis,. at sheet lima price Dress Goods of tie Newest maks. and Colorises at yarprieiegly low priors Sole 41 -bosh-wide Goode for 16o. A lot of Drees Tweed. at 26 oast., worth hum 30o to 35o, Fall weil►ta. 0001), Heavy Grey Flannel at 12p and better goods at higher prices. Ladies' and Mens' Underclothing in great variety and cheaper than ever. Ladies' Wool Hose, heavy weights, 20c, 25c, 30. The best value we ever offered. Cara is The Lamest, Beet and Cheapest Stock p . • in town In Brussels,Axminsters,Tapee- tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply All -wools, Unions and Hemps. Twine and 'Japanese Matting.. Oil Cloths in three qualities direct from the mill ,in 4-4, 54, 54, rukai widthr, The balance of our stuck at Rook -Bottom Prices. COZ.3330 S - p81ii. J. 8- 00L0 The Creat e,'sumi Warehmesr of the Geology WINDOW GLASS. A. IYMUNRO, Draper. YUU WANT TRE BEST - R. W. McKENZIE has Dianna tE .took the lartnat Importation !WINDOW (lj. ,53 let received at prim.. which easel) be toaobed any when. To Bet hie prioe ie to .00s» roar ouetem. H. keep the ELEPHANT BM, WHITE LEAD. '�r:.�..,, s . - ; ..,...,.�t�,,,v • .Mo+taowlslll�.�llF.ti�l4. 4.4.4 /1101d1 Hardware Building Supplies away down in !!loll, buying GROCERIES you want the Best and the Freshest, particularly when you can get them at STURDY BROS. at the same price that poorer goods cost you elsewhere. We sell quickly, hence our Goode are always fresh -- they dot't stay with us long enough to get stale. If you want to bay a useful'present, see the nice things we have in CHINA and GLAM. STURDY BROS. THOROUGHLY GRATEFUL. MR. STEPHEN BELISLE 'GLADLY TELLS HOW His WAS CURED. AFTER OTB*1 aJMEDII5 FAILED 're MLP HLA, DR. WILLUAYA' PINE PIU.E RADE HIM A HEALTHY MAN. From The Mbatreal Gerald. Down es William street the bulk of the beam sod obsess trade is done and it is thele that t6. Montreal cold Heap. aha freesia, company's mammoth building V toasted. In the mummer time, when exam - sive .hipmeotu are being made, the big block N a veritable beehive. Several well known exporting Arm have their warehouses in this lending and ass of them is Wm. i. Wan & Co. Their hood warehouse man i. Mr. Stephen Belisle, who, as his name Indloates is • Fresob-Caa•diaa and in the prime of life. 1f over there was a grateful man on the fees of the earth to -day that man is Stephen Belisle After mu>fertne i•demor$b-, able armies for several mouths, be 1. now the picture et health and feels that It is him duty to tell all the world how he was restor- ed to health and heWnese. Mr. Belisle ex- plained hitt tronb, neve fortunately • thisg of the past, to a rprter of the Herald reoently. " My work called me Se MI parte of the war Ito se," said be, .• siva mometime• I west into the freezing roes withott my Boat or asp oe and then book M the ether parte of the w.nhouw to elle warmer atmosphere. About a year site I MORONI very ill with a eomplioatton et diseases. 1 was entering with indigestioe. biliousness and the resulting nervous disorders moot ea doh hse iwhe and low of appetite. I began doctoring, bet I seemed to grow wore every day. I slept very little E su as time went os I was set able to do any werk, and even the exertion of moving about would tiro me out. I hada very poor speetite sad *het feed I ate did not agree wigs me. 1 ales w.ered fresh • severe pais in the leek and side. Deriver that dole I had tried many mediates' bot they ,ave ane so relief. I had bemuse so weak and m♦ system was so ran dews that Ilk was • burden to m.. I was advised to try 1». W 'Mame Pink Pills, w5lsb I did with ex- tremely benefice' reunite. I eemmesosd baking the pills about Christmas time and now I am feeliag so good that I thought it my duty te write the prepprrff..Mrs of Dr. W Blimps Pisk Pills and let them know how extremely gr•tet.l I am fel the our* their malaise, bas effeetmi is tiara. I had taken wily six balm when .iy seadlties of 5..115 was • paradises to what it had been for some mouths previous. Mr. Belisle r a quiet esam onlay mos sad evidently ..t riven te ever adhesions'', but there was., mYMking his ear.est.ees when reserve leg hie sew- settees thersettee• M Ste reverter. Re will .boys be e firm believer is Dr, WINI.m'.Ptak Pills De. wallow., Pleb Pilo sere by gulag M the root of the di...... Thre renew sal build up theand 55. .eras, N« Itt. gbl g ... hw.Ms Avert loillatioos by fllidrl on ghee bre tenposelismi to etiiidi't..bilbyliet ., d s Mia W.mak. De. WILT. Plot Pub fe .PMIS Ps.pl•. Olo. wobbly Aral. aileou nt Ahs work .t li. Iran week .1 Ne Moot eco .. .Awa sod kill the was woolen e. Mess Is llwtleB4. AUCTION SALES. All parties getting Omar sale bills printed at We colas will have • tree notice inserted to this list no to the time of Wee. ON SATURDAY. Nov. 27—At 1 P.M., there will be sold by public •notion at Saalts' Hotel, • Rood 50 -acre farm. situate in Ash field township. Jeno. HNoc, Auctioneer. The new breakwater is still rising, bet the went of stringers delayed the work the past week The second stretch is now ander fair headway, and given s few fine days the structure will soon be in Zine with the first 00s WEST -ST Floor and Feed STORE The ipool' a1BL'ly anataeaMT0el .rssus-etMs gad 'soiree where he Ytea/ s. • Ian SEER* ostressf el the gest lisp de SOUR what. Oats a g giber eared praM *- Matmo. Bran. merle, ObgpM stuffs. er reeds. I k•ve had several Teen' with the lam firm of Ogilvie, t Air a. sad anderetaad telly the regairemssb of this trade. You will find our roods .in firM..ka., and our servtes prompt end reliable. We aim to please you. and Melte • trial order. N. G. fflCIIOLSOR Marked Down Cheaper than WHITE WASH You will do well to go to CPEO. WA.TBON'B F Wall Paper OF THE @HRAP$ H* SSA Do Not; F,oret 1 hat we are again in the OTwi a trade. BEST ALTIMORE OYSTERS Selects" and it Standards" FRESH AND SOLID MEATS. ,moi cgg,S_ .A i r A I E !EE & SHEPHAADIST LIVES I sEIC.. 8•eceesors to HARPER & LE VW the lariest display of COOKING and BEATING ST OVE S this side of Toronto. We also bare several .cooed -hand steres C11A P. STOVE FITTING r Plumbing, Heating ani Gas Fitting carried on as ezten, vely as ever HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TRI SINT Scranton Hard Coal u TBI MIRBIT at *6.76 per ton, Gash. Aa nail ...tom on the Market Neale* MBe ran sot •Tau ilm, ter s tan. WIC (Weft w• uishi 'BIM STP w111 STOVES ohm win Heats STOVE_ _S r:: SfOVeS ALL KINDS and ALL PRICES oasitt' si rh. tchaap Neveassa. P. 8. Posy. Harness and Boggy for MIS that are Stoves Silver Plating PRICE LIST. Spoon per des Knives 750 $1,50 Forks ......, ...• .. 75o 75 50c Table Oram, each Fields " " !fatter %aifo " ........... . Candle Stinks " .. Sad Irene " Mahon, per pair .......10 sod 15c We au Plato anSing la Brass, im r, or Stall. see sample. of ear work. 15c 15c X BIRO CO.