HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-18, Page 7THE S> AL : .GLQDER16H •O'NTARIOe
Affection for His Do; A Threat
Cemgrl.d Oat.
Henry vuu I'oschiuger, why has pule
Oohed tele or twelve volume* regarding
Prince Ill rune rck'r politics saner, had
written a mitelpareue satiety coutuaumg
ogeutlou is weer Lamurtous sed several uew lifnnarck Aeries. As new
Samp.rs maple Transit - A Bath el Bismarck .weirs are sane pieces or leers
iter Ilse Peon t ousid to fte the best
scone of De.t•*rlu.1. •
to tht• Southwest the railroad* have a
tare nowadays, it may be worth while•
to gelate two or threw of than. Tek! iu
Posc•hiuget's lupguage they ate:
••Ire 1M77, wilco Bismarck's favorite
Weak of expense wh.ch dude uu dos, Sultan, was dying,' the Chaucelloi
ore watched Over the pour creature with emit
vu the books of k'iaat cru tuwpunter, I keen dlstnm that i'ount Herbert M 1 est
• beiug for the et -metal 01 'icer interfered and sought to lead bis fa'tber
.icb grow Crank sag luxuriantly a•- awuj. The Prize.* took u few atepr
toward the diet:. 'l'hru, an Mit• turned,
be met the eyes of hie old friend. -
"'No, no; leave rite alone; he ex-
mel aud tried to destroy time wt•rd Wbe n us be Lent Intek to l9uat
s. When the Oea we. dead be Welted upat
yr 'The 1'hitkd,ipblu Record, but that a frirud gear by sud said:
adopted by the Atchison, Topeka u Oar old German ghce*terr had it
tj;uita Ne road is to harm- them by beautiful religious belief. They helieved
cane of an ail dame. This burner de. that atter death they would meet in the
.uyr the vegetable betwi.ta the rails heavenly hunting grounds all the good
d over a apace of l4 to SO Weber .tri dogs which were their companions in
je of them. The outfit. as deecribedlift. 1 ouly wish I could believe the
The Behead Gazette; eousista of .t 1 ane.•
✓ made of iron, of iron shield*. sur ••iu leJfel--u your still in the shadow of
:tided under the cur and between the the revolution -when the tide of 1H.liti-
ucks, an oil tank Ger having n cal19etty i cal passion was still ranutng very hitt',4500Xenon*had a emnder tail tank � Bitware•k entered a restaurant one day
loll► pitons eepaelty strong enough to flet a gisse of beer. A luau who et!
witltrtand a peeseure of 70 Pounds'near him. and evidently was inspired 1•y
'r ingrate 4neh. • TitiseellttlM'ia. filled the adteir*tlon Qf @eyelet friends, b.- std
um the tank mer and air pressure b I to abuse a nnwb'er of the royal ninety.
tweet for forcing the oil to the burn- Bjemurek ks,ktrl at him coldly, and then
v. Pbe•eaer i. •
rengthened b7 (a fyon 7fiifet leer.
idle side and has a cab a tiled with., finish this beer I will break the gl* e
erugataal iron at one trod. The car ' over your bead.'
iuteruled to be pulled ever the rr•wue�d I •• 1'h, luau did not Iv. Be nter& emptied
, a lav enotiee. The shield bcue•ath.We bis glass slowly, rip by sip. lie :terse.
it w 32 feet long with 'memo at eacb 1 walked deliberately over to the man who
ok to retain the heat and to prevent had spoken iusnitingly of the roil
de winds carrying the flame to our side ; tamely. wad amusbed the glees on hie
r the sbield. The forward true•k is I head. The man fell bowling to the floor.
n,tetted by an auxiliary shield fudteu-I Bismarck turned to the waiter and asked
d to the bottom of the lower nr•h bars. *bat the glass tort, paid the bill, and
i'b•n the fire is started the shield is walked uut slowly to the street. Yet at
,e, red to witbiu Three- or four iiiches thea time he was a man of political
f the rail and the &prone them alit 'maiden end the recognized leader of the
D theground. When crossing brides Conaeryative party. True to his prim
le shelds are lifted clear of the rail* j clear. however, he toaik the offensive,
I ,.r 15 taches by "wane of air preesprt•
. oat a r•aervoir acting thr.iugh a train et
belie and pulleys. The oil supply hi
L., elft off in crowing bridges and the
cement the oil valves an• closed the
saw is eitlaguiataed and it is as reedit,,' the letters which were not strictly por-
e, wed when the oil valves are Agnes ate were sent tick to Berlin to be oppecu-
pe,uctL__The oil is directed agalnet the rd and answered. The majority of thein
fPiittte}' Wilder --werfaseeea&-1.- shielae-eserele+ttiul to contain regnest'ttfrmoney
(111.11 retains ramcis%b�ai to jgq�t 'reeanta,' not one.
it eru after it hats .ae• r riff" far' a �� t1p8•fiij$fili►widar"tali Vibe
elf an hour. In crweiug small cult eels marek's usristuuce. One of the .dictate,
std cattle guards the c'• des 1st the valvea particularly systematic mat. kept a re -
vett the tracks, reriuusly tot_pe.11ee
pid terming. being crushed nudes the
keel. and tuaklag the truck "imply and
.r)•. \'a ken methods Lav& been
atpeitiuc hid opponent with the first
tilt=that came to hand. -
"lZe begging letters realised by.Bis-
auarek were to be counted by the thou*
and. Witten he was etch 11-- Varxfn all
Mime Timely Adele* About I►•.pteg I
Sweet and Clesn.
We rowedities hear complaints &limit
k".1"11 the churn. sweat aud c Cdu.
They gut to anaelliug strong or e•eheedy"
and cause e•onsidereblei trouble, b•erdds
teelurieg the buttir made In them.
With' proper carr, no churn seed ever
get In this condition. 1 tare not how
long in nee. writer Mrs. E. A.
to The Cotrntry Oeutleman. 9liwuaniniLe-
mem somewhere hay been the cause
every time. and although I am nut wise
enough to proscribe a curt., I eau tell whet
will reetore its swe..tnete ,igaln. I can
tell buw to care for it so that it will not
get lute that co ieditiuu.
la the first place, cream should never
be allowed to minim' iu n woolen churn
any gouger than is n t•esaary to .burn
it, and it utuat be carefully settided
each time before the cream is put in.
To let it stand for half a day or longer
a-ith cream iu is the ftrat step toward
tainting it. Neale the churn toot it
With eiear, mkt water and immediately
put in the cream and churn it.
Wean - tire batter has l000l,t renewal,.
rinse the churn well with cow water at
like, and as 140.11 as p.essible tour 'n
hot water. nip/ace the cover and re-
votvr"ME -ev batsei-... rhetrat for a few
niiuutea, then druw off the water, wipe
the castings and outside with a clean
cloth wrung trent *hot water, tune tite-
rftnry bottom side ap anal hook it in
that position. leaverg the cucir off eu-
tirely. It will rarefy b• ueeees,ry, to
use a brush on the inelde, if oumeiete
hot water is used. - Varefully examine
the interior under the top rim of the
thorn to ascertain if any particles of
butter have lodged there before wash-
ing. This rim is hi some charts metol.,
atiel if so the batter may aelhere to it.
The whole secret of preserving the
churn sweet tar years lies in its beteg
rinsed tree of buttermilk before the
boiling water is put in. This water
cooks the particles sud hold,. thein fast
to the wood in the same manner than it
doer upon milk pails and straluore ttlae
are not 6r.t washed in water only
moderately hot. If any one has hit
Cod a yellmwisb substance attached to
the inside of a milk pail. whetter wood
or tin, he kgove-thatt the mese of
it is ponriMr-Biiilii+ii water upon k lie -
fere it istreailliaa► every trace of milk.
Once on. there is 'eiily m111 way. of tt•
moving it. sad Liam is by seruplug. 'lets
can be done with tin, but for woolen
ware It le better to threw the utensil
away and buy new.
Mr own way .4 waahiug and malting
Yi..-beeper-dn-timeahir-ke``' ani
Vier rinsing before add ng the hot writer
fen washing uutwt* •seer, The, churn is
thoroughly freel feint every trace of
buttermilk by the time the washing and
smiting of tbe batter is tone.
Yue outside of a barrel churu should
never have hot Water put on it. To
do so to ultneccesa rv, se it dose net get
ett ail soiled. and the aetken of the 'dater
soon spoils the earnkeh, (riving the churn
anything but a neat appearance. The
owner eurt&ee neetle only to be wiped
off with a damp c:o:b. Tne ataudaid
will need to be tlaorough7 *crnified if
net k. pt varnished, se here is where that
gr.erii h mold fir( starts. The enol,
meat atmosphere of a creamery or a
dairy mem makes it dimcalt to prevent
this aecgmuletivn.
in sel.etiug a churu it is well to get
one with gwlvaaiaed hoops [ and eThr
ince. Salt serosa rusts any o
cork edge of the cover *ha uld be breahed.
tlfiornieghdy each time it is eleaneed sate
all particles of cram earefelly-.moved.
1t a w•hitieth meting conies apbn the
galvanized parts, it mnat be removed
by scraping with n thin bladed knife.
•n,1 more tare taken to prevent its for
One mistake whitto many make is in
•aerewinar down the sever of the churn
too tightly. When it is jest 'tight
enough to prevent leakage of cream,
atop. To tighten it further injuree the
cork and necewita,te* doing the same
every time.
Pnuperly cared for. there is no rcaswn
why a wooden churn remold not 1H• in
constant use for an indefinite pea
netl lis
without getting rancid. to eu le the
t in ewe churn pve 7
temperature of the cream. it .houli to
rade quite floe, that the.lgakIe .of the
tees errrsm}ait forcibly agntnret It. 'Fheye
is also dung r
P unlaces.ary, as the Ortega the shield road ret the*e letters and the amounts re -
rill tarry the game high ruough to pr• -
row* any firlug of the Bathers.
hrough the Lanier* and for
lieid is led by two Westin
emoted try the writers. The sura total
10.000.000 marks. When this wig
tc jii merrk he diel not show g
of • amtit; Is%t *turn 1dt
snpV oasal *bonder; and gave a look of bitter score.
lir pumps), ehe.e being audit -tent to ma:a- • !b it wane that. seeing the memo- dee
lain an air pressure at 70 pounds with l or human natarr. be became ge'wrelly
leer burnt* 1n dee. The amount of mieentbropic. Lie held feat to the few
required for each hurneris about eight men and Icemen whom_ he trance, and
plle•ur per mile. A light crude oil is his first thought when be saw a new
preferred. Only a few minutes are n- tees was: 'Well, 'What does this man
pure' It/ get an effective heat alter want from rue?'"
rrsrhiug the place where the work 1s to
tel Ogle, and after the tire few win- tls,k.• "aa^
rine Du difgcnity u • :n...4.aced from the Skunk skins are -,nv of the biegiest
el drepplag
sari rix• rails and makhrtg I items in the fur market. (trey go under,
i [o • . of "Alaska ub:e."
tht•ui grteefy. 1 gess of four (net the attractive name
M'y-,;Jane to the car to pat out all ties It is not believed that there -ane any
6r d. Mi it'M the iatelatIon soon to ase . skinks in Alaska, the latitude being tee.
steam jets trent- the leo ul'•uve in e.- high for theta, but a goal many tboue-
tincuishing fired ties. '}be speed with arid„ of pelts are taken In the Brltieh
shote the eir travels rlepe0rie mon tlhe,poemen*lons, peening through the hands
kind of veegi•tntben to b.• .arched. Early' a the lind,Da Bay Crempttny. A vest
L.° the strtw.u, when we. 1v are tender I number of kidies' muffs are made of
atnl hot Dyer bre tx siz ruches high. a; this kind of fur. whiel fre'Itien•'y ie
speed of four utiles an hour is sweetie- passed off for that of the bis•. to 'g -len r •d
sbeereehereas it the track is thickly oar- t Abyetisiaa monkey. Farriers have %pe-
ered and matted with heavy, coarwe ossa Hal methods for Retina rjl1 of the pecali-
the *peed chest be mascot' to two anti a, ass effluvium. hut *ometunes in a warn
hall miles an hour. Only the light blades room a mall or boa ad:Alaska sable "de -
of grn-ss are consumed. the greater part - eelDp;' anpeoesetly,
beiiig sevrched. and white stray *talks I Eighty cents peal may net seem n klub
1140.111 .10.te green atter the Irian pewee whelcsale price for tbe beet skunk skins.
over them, in a few days they. too, wilt ; bat the profit in the farming business
and die One carious and unexpiaine•d 1 nee mainly in the fact that it involve"
fact which has also been observed iu DD ettpeenaM worth mentioning. The most
cohection with forest ares is that a new barren lona is suitable for the porpoise,
kind of tegetatiuu appears after each I, fenced in, and the animals may to feed
baring. The colt of operating the car' - offal. Many people bave a nation
for a day ht 12 bum's is riot, eo that cam tblt skunk terms are like frog farms
ebur :w idles a day the average emit per in one teepett-namely. that they have
sik is $1.0G66�. I1 1 claimed the oil Goon- l no existano,• in feet. Thea ism mistake.
cub. 1 is a`"i•ompataetiveety stall iter in Frig farms. so frequently written op in
the total etk•ti'e, the tender from owe ; the newspapers. are iseoriahly ligaments
-Mreed th other and the a-0 of the reportorial Imagination: the De -
of a 1.ett*notive ng ,tiaejs•ltarc �ieh 1ltrentw all
samed, over the country, has tried yainey to
find nne. But there are quite a number
A. ,i,nlaum et noire) I...r.m`ata. .-.f actual skunk farms In operation.
Various musical inetrame•nts are mule The little animal* are by no meanie hard
of aluminum, indudiug mandoUni, gni- to manage. being a. tamable as kitten*.
-Boston Transcript
Tu vn..&Y, Nov. 11, 1897. 2
Old hese ease tamed into German saes -
ease ie Berlin.
lbe.ntoy u the seuoad lervest town to
toe Beitasb empire.
There are 5,000 Protsat•Qte to one Roams
Cat hobo In Sweden.
In Sala. is only 71 per cent of the pope•
will make • pe•oll•note en his Gaff of •
motive wish* the alma evening, perhaps,
will be made the theme of • favorite welts.
Hie saloon is a veritable sapeam of pious
bomyp sad peewees =eyelid's from lath•
mate (meads. The orowne end the laurels
of petal. glory nave • spacial . Otu•ry is
a parities which is serer throws open.
The Countess hohlmmelmsnn, formerly a
halm a° reed and write. lady.ts.watliog et the Court of Berlin, ad -
At the tlaesn's denier table there M e dressed the working men of Copenhagen the
separate servant fur each ponos. other day, and announced that she bNeded
Nor three ounseaut.ivs eiILts a Portland to sell her Targe villa near the Danish apt-
pceey whiled ewe, the tram lehkd lit • tale and devote the proceeds to the peer.
sofa She had lived. she said. in the palaoe of au
Al Lennox the fashionable tail resort, • ISmper°r and to the hue of fisherman, and
she had become °envieoed that the poor are
girl is not strictly swell umbras she hu happier the the milliosare.
It is said that the mLoapers of the Bangor Halifax is credited with having • citizen
music festival will Ilse over $Fr,000 on tens who u hair to an earldom. At present he
year's venture. 000upi.. the humble position of porter in
The sewing arcl is in several Maine Lowes one of the drapery eetablishmeats in fo r
&seamed tbe duty of patohing the sidewalk. town. Those wbo have inquired into the
when they need a'. matter stats that he is in the line of sue
A lady in Kent. Coco., (Lurid a 'ergo oessios to the earldom, it not the actual
b000b of clover in which were 20 (sur -leaf heir, but some time must elapse before the
and several five-leat'cIuVen. legal difficulties which sand in the way of
his Osiers being eetal,lisbeel are removed.
Mortgagee on real estate in Jan Berner. ___
dine county. California. have been reduced The foremost gentlemen is the f'rioos of
during the but year $4M 000. ed
Great Britain has 180,000 miles of roses
welch omit £&l,000.000 aud 6.000 miles of
street*, which ooat 110,000,000,
The north of Ireland is justly famed for
holiday remora, for Its beautiful scenery,
and mazy .pet► oil ha toaloel Int.Feat.
The Royal Geographical society of Eug•
land has mow nearly 4,000 mem bars and •
library of 70,000 books and pamphl te.
Th. saving banks of New Yea .eats
have 36.000 more depositors and $2.000.000
more deposits thee (key had • year ago.
By • carious coincidence. the number
of lives lost at eel during 1896 in British
merchant ships weareturned Y.zsotly 1.897
The values of cburones and the land on
which they ars erected in this country up to
July 1. 1867, b estimated .t .990,000,000
1 enrioity bas bees brought to light in
Eget Friendship. Me.-• mao who hu knot
• diary since den. 1. 1870, and never missed
* oderi
t•iootlend is the only town in Connecticut
which oast Do votes epeeist re. constitution-
al amendment requiring voters to be able to
read Eagles.
A Brcoktos Mem.) Gen says sill n n
• gallop or more whisky .very week, but
said this in trying to *ocouot for alarm" sup
ply in kis haat..
tars, banjos and violets, and drums. ► tit'
advantages claimed are reeirteace to e-
metic inaneneer anal aupertor,tr sae. tune.
flume of the mandolins are made with
the be ti Including the top, entirety of
Indiana acar..l hylar Elevator.
An Indian yell which made the bl .tel of
the people at the statehouse run Cold re -
aluminum, others with the top of spruce, verbcratcd through the bails and offices
the neck of wand, shad the attar fittings yeatwrdny afternoon. It swiveled let'•
of the usual kind. Such a mandolin i* the dying moan of ■ thousand smilax
mid ;it trona 525 to $7110. The pr.e a of fag down into perdkioa. It wa*
all elwmtuam maadulims range s. mewhal uncanny and weird and terrifying in the
lower. wxtrerne Chiefs Much Noose and Litt1"
Gtotan with a sspprrupes top and tie'
back and sides a aluminum in a Single
piece are• sold ht item $ 5 to 52)3). 14su-
}e aro made with aluminum rims. fitted
with bezels of the Usual kind, and they
01° the, made with alnmiuum beads.
804.6 a banjo, with wire afrThP'cbut•I
k'' Oared in the rain.
Tb.' altuninum violin that is now ap''•U
the nenrtet ie, in its body. all aluminum.
white the neck and ether fittings are
of wood. All the eleil ljnent IlvtretreeIIlI
are handsome, wad * -ajgsliesun
with its silver-gray body, sad tlnee1ber1rd
and tail piece of ebony is of been-
tr. It is a eyed, lastremeet.
- makers of the adhdollw and
Piker* with apr�gl� tops are now en-
ttssed upon a iM whose back clad
.ides will be art altsainum In a Angle
pierro. the top of the instrument to be
et prate.
Talk were doing the .tateb ease Minn cop.
the Intothe elevatorcarriage ed tip,
their en t•
anti. Ghent the Indians felled. One drop-
ped down en his knee* and lifted npp
Ids voice In a weird. discordant
isco d ntthe�i-'
cation to the GreatEtpiH
er seised the iron grating of the mire
and yelled is savage style. The musters
nt his Mee stood out in bold relief, se
'remit wee the exertion of yelling. iI'he
tor and seemed in a faint. When the
the In liana scrambled
elevator bnt vatted the
ant, Mint vjsited flee atytehoaw• no lonjti'•'v.
They harried down a stair -env leading
to the mein entrence werdsnd theirs ea
Topeka s if by
Dawe (tell nip= the wane M 'the• rico*•
i .real• Irish ,.torte•.
\ Roman deacon was sent for to
ba1A" a baby. In tie oeinn he enubl
01141 no water, but was a pot of
tet "Tea,- lie re eoat&fns wet-
ter, the ,est is but dent," and pr^
radiad to pour out a cup. But it w er
straws, wvea-te blaeieasf, so 12. wen:
in search of water, and. baying- found
same, watered the tea down to a mem
tee *naable color, christened the tt*iir
wits.♦, and riposted the circnmstancot
a. a rase of c'onietdotee, to his sepert°r.
It .red 1101 0cenered to film,, hating
found the water, to 01w it _b[_ t�lf.
A tutor's letter -of .0 er
to 4 hon eyed ptardat. This wM unkind-
ly attrihnteed to aerird. The telor
wrote: "1 era sl grieved to beer
its 5x41 news •f your M1m's death. But
1 ewnat infewni• you hp weed bait•. hart
to so down to any wase, as he had
t*I1M to satiety the =emblem in Ham-
miest inoderar os•.'
One other story t may add here. M It
leaves to ilhstrate • e.ertein dlseliWT
retest nnticeahb eetweee Balton WWI
fpltie word -values. and chin tbm way to
whie•k Wee amour* r Ma
rhMorje, .&‘11"41 en HMS* a1sR' Man ill'
b awi•R a ilhr[id picture of_ Wades
%sahe et
the ewes
e of the sharp cornets
breaking the gime 'in• the cover.
W 'v Mena t/• Not Loy.
When the hats do not lay there ir-w
canoe. and it must be dleeovered. But
this pea+ schen the weather in warm,
the fault 1* oat in tete teedlug. How
may it be known that the management
}t Incorrect? B7 simply .h.erviiyt the
tarsals.. If an egg has a soft shell it
le a sure Indication deet they are (being
everted. When snob cases are noticed
the poultryman begins to give oyster
shells and other sub,rtsn_es in drier
to pmvide lime, but Bads :itch -remedies
failure. The crew are too fat, their or-
gans are o'btetreeted, and they cepnot
produce eggs. The remedy is to el%e
no food at ail for aeyertl days. and
then feed hut little. Of cotarse. suet
method will further rednee the num-
ber of eggs, but trniensi the hens ere
ed hi
altogether,but die off. The age to xtenur-
wwithholdlnngailo food the lib lackln iwith
the majority, but when the hent do not
lay the beet plats is to get them bank to
a 1 ng ooettdition er ante: a 1.,*.. and
to do this the only available method
mast wiener or later he accepted.
Clean r eW'e Mi*I.
it is n terrihke thought, neverthelpu
trite nne. that it the Mess's mil fed to
babite were only clean,
thnneands of little lives would be *pered
each year. Sat tbe milk. M the major-
ity of cases, 1* not clean. To this fact
I* largely Ane the enmene ee death teat*
among children thns er fiela11y fed. Tl
nneeleeannese begth% with the p' ne
MIS, ie
iw*1i0 wad centime= matt! ,
.wallnwieel a* food. Is It nen
that aneb a eleeple lemon of lint's.
cannot he learned? now many of those
who 410 the take
e to
thorneglity *nee the Ronde beforeah'
edgig in thetprtPs.tHoar erten is
the udder a the
mw caretnlandtM Pr
before mdlktrtgt Yet three th iwsi*teed aprop..
reweave should be rich
therms exit th12.' . m adsiev n matte?
In rnnnlllS ed, the
bow •Ane Its mealtes may be. Indo
grwedkli1 sbonld not be boar k ke
germs .tit, bat rather how"m
from getting I0:-'r^eined Motherhood ter
Vise. 0.aM •• Tr» 12M.. Care.
A doe** ha* started the
theory that s,plsat Arnnkeertio
iia vier MOM& and canes Net
meattrpT by eating wore et
everysek:Ig MOM _I
tetwith h t Ova,
tusks" err ter 4. -•
pat re'.n
The number o7-rito wi`� ase F cued
by Srltle►madeia•18Wb>wsRytcgee
mors then double the number carried in
Pirates are plying their t arbarone trade
on the Dost of ktor0000. Two vessels heave
recently been peeked end their osntdeaand
part of their crew's
An exttsordinary pewit crop both In the
ga•°titJ sad quality of the fruit. a reported
from Ulster county. N. Y. The farmers wit'
reap • good !Doom, from the crop.
Smglaad WY the first country to i..ce
poatage stomps and stamped envelopes, ti e
tine appearing io 1840. The denomination
of the wettest ramp was one peso..
A oamp of North nt England waists has
again been formed, for the t weary -ant year.
at Bridlington- About 50 tante have been
erected. and more than 100 cyclists are in
•' I weeder while is 1h• Priem !" and
thou orad oat, at do r, p tl Ler tolls,
" Loug live the Priam ".
le.tsatly the Preece Cur, tis .2.4 towed.
"Is that him'' ib. 1141 ,uev. with • die
spectated air.
" Of coarse it is." •uewered n neighbor.
'' Well, well," she reulsed. a'het'e •
regular knock.down ! Weil, If our Meyer
don't beat him ►11 to ate iu dress : '
SE AFOR�'H : William Roberta, sen
u1 Robert Roberta, of the ser works, wbe
has Arca working in St. Lout. ler com0 time
put. was married there u° the 27th. of OSt..
to Madeline Berger.
Grey : A. W. Wynn h.. h •en re-eogaged
as teacher for 11198 el e. S. Nu. 1*.
Bay fiekl : Messrs Holmen and J. Weldon
beta been reener.gsd es timelier. for the
coming year.
Egmoodvill• : Wm. McDougall returned
on Frid.y lest from Ins second trip this
season to the old oountry.
Grey : Geo. MoDoueld hu red a new
Brantford wind mill put on his farm toe
pulping, grindtov and Gutting fed.
Morris : Adam Scott and d.uenters, 4th
line, moved Leto Brussels tine week and have
\Ides' household, and a the one 11180 assuredly
y taken up their residence on Frederick surest.
Royalties the greatest to meow upon
u Brussels : Miss bora Smith, of Brussels,
ProbRoyal Hiitb•mus, 1. General Sir Dighton has been n•engwed as teacher for 1898 le
owes hi Comptroller sod Trwrrto. He her school adjmuiog Listowel at an ad -
owes hu position not to family or tortoise, vsnced alar ••
bat to his splendid reoord u • soldier. y•
One of the heroes of the Indian Mutual,
where b. won the coettd distinction oldie
Vietort• IN -ashy en act of exoeptiowl g•l-
batey, he is • tell. grey-beardd, soldierly
mil, unpretentious but tuff of quiet dignity.
It by been c.lcalated by Robert Ball Chit
the whole mai ■apply of our planet woold
barely suffice to produce heat equal to that
which the sun dissipates to one-tenth of a
Chios tea seems to be quite at a discount
in London, it having Leen sold as low as
8 tants a pound. British -grows tea from
India and Ceylon has taken .the plteoa 'sheik
it formerny oocopied.
A statue of the late Charles Darwin was
noveiled on the llth alt., in his native town
of Shrewsbury The cost. wbich was £1,000
was entirely defrayed by the Shropshire
Horticultural society.
It is said that there are 50,000 refugee.
from Theesaly now in Athens, all ot.lbem
being in a destitute condition. An appeal
has been made to the British puplio for
funds to relieve the distress..
An observer in one of the doweeriver
Conneauout towns predicts • warm winter.
from the small croo of esteem and chest-
nut. In the woods, Squirrels aid their wise
`ter teed -se ..M07 th*1-1Mlan•bar
pine 000es.
Here is the latest Kipling story. When
the •oveli.t was twelve years old he went
ons ase -voyage with his lather. The elder
Kt,,liov beame very essesick and went be-
low, leaving the youngster to himself. Pres-
ently there wee • great commotion overhead,
end one o1 the ship'. officers rushed down
and banged at Mr. Kipi.og's door.
Mr. Kipling," he ailed out, " your boy
has crawled oat on the yard -arm, and if he
lets go hell drown."
• Ye." said Yr. Kipling, glad to know
that nothing .erious was the matter : " bat
he won't let go."
Er.deriok Verney, eeoretery to the Chin-
ese Legation in Condos, b the happy pos-
ssmor of whet be ails " the finest stud of
cycles in England." The hall of his house
Onslow Gardens is lined with 1„oyoles.
Haste tricycles are .n.peoded lake the sword
of Damocles from the selling. His whole
Faun)' dw,)e' illi, b• meso $*- wheeaie...MA. S
Varney and his son leading tits procession
on tb•ir "bikes," and hie wife sad two
two little daughters following on their tri-
cycles. Mr. Varney is most untiring in his
effort* to proselytise ell the noe-cyoliste of
ter segmentary'''.
The Prins of Wales once visited •selae:de
town for the psrpose of layiae the founda-
tion stone of the new harbor. The Priam,
in company with_ Lord 1)afferee, drove
through *be tows prwo.ded by the Mayor
in his official robes. As old aehwife, felling
to dlsdKaish R.R.H. &monk the other
gentlemen, eseldased
The first ace .f Niagara's power was
made in 1725. a primitive sawmill being
operetd. Nothing more was done until
1842. when Augusta. Porter conostoid the
plan of hydraulic, canals. and is 1861 one of
them was completed.
Ltieter ; R. S. IADg, wbo for some weeks
i *s outfitted to his bed with an attack of
'typhoid, has'suffloiently ;recovered to be
around again.
Stanley: Wal Graham, of the Jiabylal
line, Staniet, eye of the early settlers, died
et his residence on Tuesday, of that dread
disease. cancer.
W ingb.m : Sam Fren .. , who b*. linen'
olerking ..t O. E. King's, went to Lacknow
on Monday, where he hes secured • posttests
in R. 1). Uamcron's store.
T'IrYeOlemitgR--a'�'7 r...�• e;ienvel Ms most ��.nawuuvs.,s
Up{ent bead oelda, and when tbe seeds of disease
are sown steals away the beauty bloom and makes
kin pleasures • drudet.ry.
wtll care the ladpteo cold and the most Stab
torn -and -ersds-G.*"•sesa 14. p.sa Usk- .--
the bs•uty p1ka d sheds sunshine In Its trail
wtb wwasi I were t lith troubled with Metres-
bet_ess ha• a enjoyed froodaet tram
tit- astrere. alta. Me ti -•.r application of Dr. Ai -
um" Catarrhal fspllerer it wax 1n,tantaneowily-
r.lsltll•-en tummies, and wabalart
re Y °a Mae toe 4eel 1. seated to bane tt In .
nodule, D. none, Buffalo, N.Y.-p
The Attention of the Business Community is
Respectfully Called ro Ilea -.following ;_
consisting of ' Bill Heads, (all sizes) Statements and Dun-
ners. We carry the largest stock in the county. We pad
all work in quantities to suitf customers. First-class stock,
good printing and very reasonable prices. Call and see
n varier , quality of stock, neat printing, and good
-sn 1 these goods
ruled or nnruled, and carry full lines in Linens, Linen
Bond, Wove and Laid Papers. Prices and style of work
to suit all who favor us with their orders.
We believe we are safe in stating that we are the
largest handlers of Envelopes in this section of Ontario, and
supply them in quantities to suit, at prices that cannot fail "
secure your patronage. Quality and printing suitable.
lor all purposes. Country dealers supplied at a close mar-
gin. wA call is respectfully solicited.
It is a well-known fact that when anything of a spec-
ially artistic nature is required in this li.ne,*the judicious
business man instinctively turns to Tni Slower. Office for
it. We cannot afford to go back on our past record, but,
on the contrary, will endeavor to keep up the requirements
of the times. (food Type, Plain and Fancy Papers, Fine
Card and Bristol Boards, combined with good workman-
ship and fast presses, enable us to turn out orders expedi-
tiously and in a most satisfactory manner. Be sure to call.
TIM SIGNAL Office is headquarters for these goods, and
samples of the latest productions can be seen at any time.
All orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Prices
as low as this class of work can consistently be done for.
not specially mentioned above, including Labels, Rodgers,
Posters, Price Lists, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Book Work, &c..
executed in a satisfactory manner.timatety furnished.
Tblw e?wasn Yr.•sei tear*.
It does not pay to let cows get vett'
thin in flesh, for It th.*y 4o both the
aount sud quality of their milk will
be impaired for flee erten:n.t peer. Au
old rouser owe este tbet when gratis,
and .veebi turn. wee plenty an
cheep hgt cathed •iwaia look foe , omit -
able hatter yield from hie d*lry. TAere
is mesh thing se feeding tow hvtvily
With earn, thus fattening the etre .tai
decreasing hie milk yield. Nu a ed
farmer ie likely to woke this ss:•take.
There are v'e'ry law herd% n1 saw. which
ealtnal irreststhdy be f.'i remelt snore
grain than fh.y now revolve. It is for
this rMion that we urge x11 farmer. to
�rasr ewe for home teenine. It will
ie fed .Mach • *ore freely it VI sen os
hAtN has to be parebaaed.
meriaah k ate.
Isy ate timely ase Y sale's to*rev teflle-
Use great safe Savers of the lets Ma-
.•ry--$Inseamt's Inseam robbed
.e Its Terror..
Orr*w•, Nov. 15 -Local medloal teen, in
oomenes with 10511 brethren from ell partema
of the emote y, have olwgys =Listened that
Bttgbt's disease is incurable, sad that all
that ran in Jms of globe for uta victim that die-
se.o is to saes their joaro.y to the grave.
Them Theare thousands of Canadian, however,
wbo know that *hie opinion i. wrong.
Among them M W. a one., traveller. of this
easy, wbo says he wee oared of Brigbdis-
easeu's dis-
ease by Dodd'. Keeney Pill.. •' 1 ale onm-
*te1 red." he ear, "and no other =iod-
ides bamit Dodd's Kelsey Pills did a spy
These ese pills are the oath
sure oa
for Bright's disease.
?'•re r,•Y.7.hr for tear. 110110r.
it there is mat *Abject Shote all others
that need. ettesfl•n just new ,1 is treat
Of honey adaltesektioa. IVs mast have
a tureens' pare feed law everted pretty
loor b be �'are rer iltr.ile.
shamk.ekN offal teas p,tseete
atly at
yd` • >r creosotesof s
ki aelet
tee Osiea has a Ms jlbThti United
*bead of it. It will the anit d
. . . ,
George Westinghouse. Lk* patentee of the
reeoweed brake whish bears his name. bee
mode ever 14,000.000 ltd of his isvwtlon.
Tbe Primo. of Wales dslikes a dinner to
bs served slowly. for he ie a quick miser.
Obs hoer and five minutes is the limit Mir a
full stases• of enhances.
Professor Calderwood, of Itdlnbergb Ud-
varsitr is the e'h•mpies Nee rseell .tee. It
baud is the Ualyenify that he mew ter -
Sea mu of hie students. shevRs hie dare
w►bh ..*hire shoat 900. Maumee welly
from year 0. year, sad he sem the members
forcibly dee hoer daily.
Peewees Besttreem bas always hem knew,,
Y iks nese soeempWhed naiadese of the
Royal family. Whew quits yoodg eaW-d.-
vdmped • weediest gilt .1 readies difficult
as@i. M debt. bad tMe has been .•rf•lly
Balt mutei. dere es mese reamed eewpe•se.
leari ate lamails
d Te••ya,sal pewee* the
Eteaa11 sennet write es eller. H• sever
weeks when dielaelbseit. sad weeks. dame
Mane tmandis, pYs mamma hie t•kisa a pea
lido fihied.
Lm beers r
dew. Med. isIOW r
e.webo mein
Maly NM le teeh =temp
MaMame 1.. S re 12
le/te• es edits ..r a mem to wrap dews
tltearhe. and dere M • mem. bees M t
.'WM= S2QNAS+••