The Signal, 1897-11-18, Page 6t
6 TaUaaDAT, Nov. 18, 1sur
It wee • horrid trick you played,
O otgaretm,
Upon the lsugbiag, winsome maid.
Whose hue's brunette.
She spied you on her brother's stood ;
Her heart was at
Oa you. Why, did you not feel grad.
O cigarette
She stood before the looking -glass ;
Her lips you met :-
An odd sight was the bonnie lase,
The sly brunette.
Smoke round her as she puffed cad laughed
(hurled like a ost-
You never had • freer draught,
O cigarette!
Before a sweeter face. I weeo,
You could not get.
Nor daintier lingers be betwee•,
o oig•rette !
Your ohoiosst loosese should haus curled
To pious the pet,
A girl in pearly smoke tmpe•rled-
The dear braaette.
Instead, your oonduot was unwise -
I much regret ;
You tilled with smoke her throat and eyes,
O cigarette !
She shook and roped -you took her breath,
And made her fret ;
She oetarly oougbOd herself to death -
111 starred beunsttert' ,
tlI.--suet you down •wd.nd-eysa
Trod hard. 111 hgti..
Her face assumed an ashen has
O cigarette
Wlv to her you should haat yearned ;
And never let
The darling have her fingers burned -
My poor brunette !
Her perfent head gat in a twirl -
The twentieth set.,
Au weltr.a, °e'er npcet that girl,
O cigarette !
You filled her eyes with tears and gloom
She "mace oould get
Unto the 1 d within her ro.m,
O cigarette!
You did • oruel wrong, you see :
I can't forget
(Ibis thinking more of you than me--
Ynn're in my debt.
ru smoke you up and have revenge,
0 oigareta
j kM1Or, yeast* last comelyon► [eapiago
How's any brunette !
The motet of good bread•m•kwg u one
that is gonerally the afoot perplexing of do-
mestic questions t tits housekeeper. The
following recipes have boon gathered from
the exporieaoes of many mammal house-
wives, and may be reoommaded :es both
reliable and worth trylne, the hoes results
wog vouuhwtsd tt directions are properly
One oup sifted squab, on. of milk, Owe
tablespoonfuls of sugar, lard size of w etas
one halt oup of )'east, salt. lain as bread.
Make Into biscuits. When light, bake.
Crum six shoes of dry white bread. Pour
• hale het water on at, then past It through
• ool•odsr, add • plot ot "out milk, two
ergs, one teap000ful of soda. • pinoh of
it and a little flour. Bake on • hot grid-
Ons quart sifted ooru mal, one quart
wheat flour, one quart sour milk, one ono
rather dark 000king molasses, one-half tea-
spoon ease,. four eve. teaspoonfuls @oda dis•
solved In the milk. Steam two end a half
iemlramdb•he • bait boss..
' rrt'UL1Ane. '
One pint M flour sifted wttkeN tom
sp000tul ot haling powder, •1 QtliiTuTroae
egg. mix with one pint of sweet milk, boas
well to • batter, and bake quick in butter•
ed gem pane. Try thea+. They arespleo-
did. The •hove recipe makes twelve.
Oue and ane -half oup@ of Indian meal,
one cup of wheat floor,,one-b•1f oup ct
weer, ose-half cap of cream, one imp of
milk, ona
e smell tepot° of soda, one tea-
spoon cream tartar, salt, one erg. Bake in
• small dripping pan. It ie very sloe.
Two cups ct sour mak, one cup street
milk. two num graham flour, one nap wheat,
one teaspoonful soda, ons tablespoonful Salto
good halt cap molar.... �--
Stir folly twenty minutes, bake I. aglow
even from an hoar 1L
Build • Rrwaite wall batwes° the ehildrati•
tad thep�e!�'+ tan Irma
pu1pT�,__ pr•ot Zia
- ar as a part of real
-Montreal Wawa.
- Alcohol is -iba tee of the whole human
family, robbing the user of godliness,
reason, morels. affection. and health, sad
often of life Raiff is lesally made End Nl!•
by a Carlotta" people, Wit right!
Hoar ate Mara u09J Wa:MA .._.-- -
Boil sad awash about a pint of sweet po-
tatoes Sift one good teaspoonful of sods
with thAto cape of flour. Beat two sacs
L Add DJ!_te almoffal sato _meta r
Milk sonugh to tsars • thin batter. Vivo
waffle ironer as possible without
borniog the welles.
.:000D BkkAl1VAg1' etUeTEne..._--_
Brook two eggs in • bowl and beat *111
very tight, aid a pinch of salt and by de-
grees threi naps of sweet milk and one quirt
of flour in which is well mixed three tea.
Auother murder has been committed, thio spoonfuls rat baking powder. Bat this mis-
time in oar own (=matt of Huron, •s4 tare very bard and nearly HU thaga n moat
again whiskey is the prime factor. If those which bays been well greased. and t»ks
',rotten were not fronded by the demon fifteen or twenty mtoutet in a hot oven. If
drink, this darkest, "oddest ortme, would those are made right, they will be found de-
pot hate been perpetrated. licioua.
Gulped dews a quart of WbWiey:i Dead. MOLLY'S OoaN MUFFINS.
St. Louis, Nov. 8, -Frank Cutter, who . Two eggs well beaten, and • pinch of salt.
drank • quart of whiskey at one draught on Aod gradually one and one hall cum of
• wager on Oat. 28, died from the effeots of milk ; stir together one cap wheat flour.
N to -day. one oup Indian meal, two teaspoonfuls' of
baking powder, and one teaspoonful of
saved from tke Trolley. white sager ; beat them altogether bard tor
Toe Good Providence wbioh guards se oral minutes, then old one teaspoonful
drunken men sad tools eau at the oorner ot
of melted lard. Heat wall, and pour into
well greased gem psna ; bake one half hour
king and lenge street when ,iohn'la°el, of ! in a hot oven.
Hamiltoo, se drunk as • lord, became tang-
led with the oar servto.,' and dodged tits I eARazm HOUSE SOUR. oar. The oar fender struck John,
and rolled and shoved him up the greasy 1 Take i,wo quarte ot flour and tboroughly
pavement for • dozen tarda. Finally he was rub into it two tablespoonfuls of lard or
rescued by • bystander end banded over to other shortening, one pint of 000l boiled
Policeman Snider, who took him to Polios milk, two tablespoonfuls of brown eager.
Headquarters. where be was held until he
sobered up. -Toronto Star.
one -hell oup yeast and a little @•U. If in-
tended tor breakfast, mix at noon, knead in
the afternoon, and at night. In the morn.
onlay Dr. Guthrie became as abstainer, log knead again. Roll half an inch thick,
was a ii wit •1lTlyfrnt: - busteaanahal�.,- tarn than
even. Pat to pane, let them rise fifteen
seeing to whatostroae abuse the use of minaas and then b•k't.
grows, had treeing in west •
multitude of cases the me was followed by
the ohms,' and nes ng how the example of
the opper Glosses, the practices ot ministers,
and tits habits of Churoh members, were
used to shield and sanction indnlgenoes so
A B'ew of the very May tleashold Von
ie TM. Ar.lcla
(!attired cotton fabrics will not fade by
subeequeat waeblag, it planed iu boning
water to which hat beset added throe
gills of salt to every tour quart* ot
water. Lu not remove the cloth oath
the water is cold.
Window glass, Lampe, ma' bite alai etoue
vase' or tuautles are uuwkly cleaned if
rubbed with salt slightly dampened. A
teaspoonful of salt In a coal oil harp
maker the wick burn tteiglitttr and give a
cheater light.
Fresh ink stain* on carpets or Goble -
clothe can he removed by repeated app--
plicuriuue of dry *alt. Ca ere fresh-
ened and colors heoghtenod it wiped with
o.eau cloths wrung front salt water.
C..urt.c s:ilt igmiukled occarionaIly around
the edge of carpets is a mathatesttoyer.
tisk spas are removed from gingham
by saturating them with sweet milk,
then cut ering with *uIt. Salt and lemon
juii•e will remove mildew. Soak brooms
occasionally int hot salt water; they alit
be dotter, tea btieti ' sow -low near
Bret - salt err hat
oven. Crush expo tistd_ aft through a
trite vier Store jug .t•pverea box in
a dry place. end it will not cake. This
is-ptvttrttdtie to -Mixing. oorastarch with
it, which thickens deicer dremings uud
One sag, one pint of buttermilk, one ta-
sp000tul of *oda and • little shortening
Mix it with halt sad half white flour and
often carried to ezoess, 1 saw the case to he graham. Have the gem pans hot and bake
aim for the Apostle's warping -"Take heed quick.
lest by any mats this liberty ot yours be- Another good relipe for Graham Gems is
oome • *tumbling-blook to them that are se follows' : One pint sweet milk, two eggs,
weak." Paul says of meat offered unto an two ocff.e cups of graham Boar, two table -
Idol : -" Moat oommendsih as oot to God ; spoonfuls Indian meal, one tablespoonful
for neither it we at are we the better.
neither if we eat not are we the worse."
And will any man day, that, *ave in medi-
cal oases, I min with the most psrfeot troth
adopt the words of inspiration, and say of
times stimulants what Paul says of mat :-
" Drank oommendeth us not to God; for
maths' It we drink are we the better, and
wither it we drink sot ars we the worse!"
Oa the contrary, the mainsoay of physio- salt. Let it stand ten minutes, then stir in
ions, the experiese nce of them who, in Arotio two t•hlespoonlula rat Hoar, and est in •
=fiascoes the moot trying to the constitut-
ion, the ezperieooe also of every own who
hu exchanged temperate indulgenoe for
rigid abstinence, have demonstrated that,
sugar, • Dinah of salt, one large teaspoon -
fol baking powder mixed thoroughly in the
flour. Beat well and bake in gem pans one
hall hour.
Bedroom Boons -may be kept cool and
fredi by willing theta daily wail stroug
salt water. Microbes, moths and other
insect gents are thus deatse,yetl, - Balt
anal , atnphor in cold water it an ex-
t.11eut di,:iufectaut ill bedroll ut. A.
('leati.e rattan, bamboo and willotf
work with a brush and salt wale
rub thy_ wallow Sala dIOftI. Floorliffeat
ting wITIThe more pliable and less brittle
if occasionally washed with silt water.
Wash chamber ware with colo so. t
water instead of w•urw *oapy water.
To rsanove egg stains from silver, rub
gently with a Clamp cloth sprinkled with
fine ,mit. Salt on the bands will prevent
fowls and fish fro m*lippiug during �e
pawkiest tr[ dressing. `alt dieeolveti la
alcohol N ammonia wil remove grease
An exce b▪ itetication far a eerainq,�, A...,
the well -bollen of three eg�ygsmilF=
od with thi+ee'`tatblertptiexff4ls •1wa to laseaess otesiowa
mimed to Mash. I =asp, from bands= to death la • berm 1a -
Halitaxl NIL. Nov. T. --The house of whiob head • mom ot men were eleeptegTh
George luliuch, tern th. Coal Harbor- is Manitoba. aka of the party lust hie life
road, was destroyed by IIre last int
night. A dater of Mrs. Tuliuoh, a young
woei.0 of 20, named Maria Walker, and
an infant child of the Tullochs' perished
la the flames. Mr. 'foliucb maw un
heroic effort to drag Mir.Welker through
the llamas to •u open window, but his
•tre gth tailed, autl he barely 'met -rectal
th rtsehinr the window; also Jam.r Ilar
thou, stuudiug ou top of a ladder, pulled
Dim across the wiute��ow eat and aka
combined weight btu R the ladder, Tut
loch being seriously injured by the fall.
Mrs. Tullocb escaped by jumping from
an upper window,anddher husband saved
their Y -year-old boy by droppiug him
into the arms of a man below before
returning to Attempt to save Misr Walk•
er and the baby. Mrs. Tulkch was
badly hurt, but will recover.
hilted a. • Katie.
Cornwall, Nov. 6--(uptcia1.-David
Brodie, a tine young former Itviug near
Brodie postutlfte, in Uleagarry county,
war killed as the result of au awkward
Rugby tackle during a friendly scuffle
with a farm baud the other day.
Brodie and two omen were working in
a field temuviugg stomps, and in u play
tut scuffle Brodie pursued Tom Borria.
The latter turned and dutktrl and his
head struck Brodie in the lower part
of the abdomeu, rupturing his bladder
nod causing Inaammatlon. Medial as
'lettuce was at once procured, but Bre
die died next da Au =quart was held
f y hate WL A t 1Jiluu 0LAlea tudria .an'J
the jury returuod p verdict of accidental
death sad exonerated Norris from uL
amain Deettaes cls Take Part.
',imam', Nov. 6. -(}teat Britain has
declined W take part In the Florida
Fietheries (Aio[ereac'e. The United
States Ambassador, Col. John Hay, re-
ceived a polite note from the Foreign.
QQate,., bo -day, saying Her Majesty's
Glovermatent is greatly iMer'eated m the
object* of the conference, but regretted
its inability to send an official repre-
will Delp window flee •affer*es-
New York, Nov. 7. -Dr. James Ak
Meek. President of the Canadian Sudety
of New York, has issued a call for a
Meeting of the Canadian colouy of Great-
er New York toe Moeda; evening. Nov.
li ut the Fifth-uvetiue Hotel. Subrcrgr
tion lista will bet opened to aid the out
Mas btT -the eceaHM"MM- Wei,t:::r
salt. A plaster of the yelk of an egg London. Nov. 6.-A despatch reaetvM
of scutute d with 1aapplied to the oe t t .here titin Bulawayo. Matabeleland, to
of ace pulp will ot efts relieveewhich place the railroad bee jest been
Amid salt to tie water Iniavtlich blade
!Totten g,.ale are washed to frJ— peened,, that Mr. Cecil Rhodes, the
iter and turning brawn. Ru might nut restdent dTr.etor of the British charter
hones S'ee'r _psirragalea ed'ia1t'tl7` "ed n..-.,.,.�
salt. Lemon Ads* and malt will .remove „that he b s decided to extgd tin nal -
stains [elan the hands. Do not use soap road to 3`sbeal without delay. --
immediately tlheteafter. --
When rank vegetables, cabbage, 01111111 -Seen .Meer Connally 111.
anises. etc.. or4ab, have been eooleed,-Rondos -lint. 8. -Mrs. Seymour Rieke
to prevent odors from clittging to pot ;Elaine Terries) the well-known Rig-
or pan, put n lithe salt on a hot stove ash actress, gave birth to a son yals•sr-
and invert the vessel over it a few day. The child died this morning, and
*notes. Stain on table ware and t'U the mother is said to be in a critical coi-
discolorations' sea removed with damp inion.
• we es coeds when broihug
It iii+ a "biasing from the
dripping fat. When coptents of pot tr
pain boil over, or are spilled, throw on
salt at once. It will prevent a dis-
agreeable odor, and the Stove or range
may be more readily eleabed.
Feathers nod plumes straightened br
damp weather or exposure tb rain may
bo rejuceuatol by *baking them over a
what i rat hot coals ,sprinkled with stilt.
Fire is noon extinguished if sprayed or
aplatwheri with following solution: Test
pounds of waft, five pound* of h*aaonia,
and three and * ,if--orfour gallons of
water. This should be tightly corked
and kept in store where there is special
danger from fire.
To clean black and burnt sol'ir ", tr
kettles, boil in tient a little snit and
vinegar. then scornvia ;rowdy with .
iron diohcloth. Copper 'acrd blast may
be brightened by a vigorous rubbing
with a slice fa konon dieted in salt.
Frozen vegetable* are less •mpaired :1
pleeed rat once in a c„Id salt water both
anti left in a warm place to thaw. If
• tcoapt,atful of salt is added to a q:ttrt
of milk, it will keep sweet and puroo a
much longer time. If the cook at any
time gets n dish too sweet td salt the
tawte, a pinch of salt is a corrective, and
Pour one-half pint of boiling water on two
tablespoonful's of Dorn meal and a pinch of
cold or Ind ase Feat, have boon exposed is warm plan to Ales over night. Ls the
morning add one -halt Dint of fresh. swat
milk, or warm water, •no noor enough to
make task yeast smooth. Pat it in • kettle
if we drink not, we are the better. of water warm enough to bar your band 1n
Then is no feaster delusion to tbis world and he oaretnl to keep it the same tampons -
thee that health, or strength, or joyousness tare. Wises this riser, make your bread.
is dependent a tits use of enoh stimulants. either with or without making' a swage.
So fat as h•ppisees 1s onnoerned, we an •f• It is good either way. Some think 11 !leer
toed to leave snob means to those who in- and whiter if made into • sponge first.
habit the doleful dons of sin. They cannot
want them. They have te relieve the dark•
mem with lurid plams_ They bate to drown
remoree in the bowl's oblivion. They have
to bury the r000lleotion of what they wore,
and the sena of what they •n, and the for•
boding of what they shall he.
bats' Home Journal hoe seenred what
promises to be the greatest imageries feature
el 11RA8. It 1s entitled "The lunar ezperion-
ees of a Cabinet Member'. Wife " in •
series eft letters emitter by the wife of a
Oahlnet numbs' to her sister at home. era
detailed her actual expertenoes in Waehla*-
teso frankly and featly gives. The letters
were wriaae without any intention of pub -
hostiles. Theglee Ietimate paw =Wad
the *artais .f high .15elal ud =dal life.
They are absolutely fearless, they study
Wash Casson life seder the tarok -light as It
hes sever Mats beton presented. The Pres-
idewl and the highest nlieiate of lbs land,
with the mat hrtllut ma ad woman of
Ms Capitol, are neon is the mese familiar
—Imp. ass1,titan ere all aehall-ssplrriistiess the
taZoiwtiter 1s w Mesons Apl
F. salt
oma i.rtssid
~illtsrjir bei n
Is IM Dsastisr easier sod will 10a lexis
fist gateeal 11111111h11.
snows sooxln
One pint bnttermtlk. me -half cop batter
or lard, ose-half iwpea soda dissolved m
the milk. one-half =woos baking powder
mixed ie the floor, aoath flour to make •
stiff dough. itol out quits thin ••d bake
in fry'ng pans m tree top of the stove.
Another way of m aktnp R.otoh soon. is
as tollows : Ono pound flour. one ounce bat-
ter, one moos sager, • small taspsen sed•,
ms -half teaspoon Dram of tartar, little salt,
nearly • pint of sour milk.
Place the soda std ersam of tartar 1. •
plata and rub smooth. lila the Soar, salt,
half the sugar and the better lt0ersuthly
sad add the ends and oroomt of tartar. Add
the your milk last, nsaklag • moist dough,
and knead until stiff eso'th at roll eat. Cat
in two otiose and roll .soh noted about one
inoh la tOlolosso . Gaal =room on the too
to mark It. and piano in floured pass to hake
twenty mantes. then brach with egm
sprinkle the rest of sugar eve, awl brew'
u ova.
*h. ft sews phew
An, t 1 roar will
.aestall AI +r ase
hhmas'a *so illItlift . N r
eta pia sad MA rellave yon 1a tease to -ions
awes P ison'a Oar' EEtWsessr •
Country Oeneleman.
(*barged wttk itaamy
Tnrnnt , Nov. R. John Schofield or Mark-
bant Is in custody, (-barged with bigamy.
He is. aimed) 'errrjiny�g� a abort term tot
frond. The emnplulpnat le J. 8. liun-
phn'y, • private detective.
la sae bural•g butldta^_
SR Helene: IL. (G•ust & Sons, of Yt,1
Helms's shipped • baa bred Iamb by *wow
to Broaden, Masltobt, en bl.sdaY. The
exams' atones were 810 lb.
--eatnrth : TM new look bozos for the
post ottoa have arrived and will be planed
ie position next week. They ars the same
as are used is the olty oboes.
Clinton ; One aged comate of the Home
of Refuge has osrtatnly improved under the
oars and %tatment, rete ved there. she dev-
ise gained 23 lir. in osi. montb.
Exeter : Johnnie, sea of David Russel.
Exeter north, aged 17 years, 10 mo'tbs,
died on Wednesday last, titer a tow moetbs'
illness from that dread disease ooassmpt►en.
se ALL GRN Sale-Ilar.Mlae. tart- Iib
Morris : Rev. W. O. Hamm ha. been
inducted into the pastorate of Moet Forest
Prest yterian Church. lir. Hanna is an old
Baronies' and graduate edam old Clinic°
High aohool.
Bayfield : Mr. Sellers met with • serious
accident on Sunday evening, on the road to
church. He wag run into by • bicycle ; he
was unconscious for sometime, tot iaoow
on a fair way to reoovery.
Brussels : Mon lay merninp, attest 3
o'olock, th* madames of Dr. Kalhfleieob,
Willem street, was vented by • person or
persona unanown •od .boot 862.00, 813.01
of which eau • cheque, •tolsp.
Wingh, m: James hiontoesseay. formerly
an employee of the Advaaos. had a narrow
Heat Broth. for invalids.
Mutton Broth. -Place a well -washed
neck of mutton in • aaocwpan over this
fire; add half a cup of barky, cover
with cold water, ads' one teaspoonful
salt; when it bpil•, add one stalk 1.1
celery, half a carrot, half a white tnr-
nip, one onion and one sprig or 2atw-
1..-7. Boil until the meat separates frmi
the bones. Shortly before serving strain
the broth, remove every particle of fat,
wetison to taste; nerve one cupful at a
•ince, with one talespoonful cream.
Mutton Cream Broth. -Prepare the
broth the sale as in tore' Ing recipe.
Plato a bolt pint of the prepared broth
in a saucepan over the fire; mix the
yelk of one egg with three tablespoon-
fuls cream. add slowly the boiling broth
to the yeik while stirring constantly;
thew nerve.
Beef Test. -Chop fine one pemnd of
leen beef; pnt it in a saucepan with one
pant of cold water, let it Mand one hour;
'hem place the saucepan over the fire.
,let it come slowly to a boil and simmer
bait ,an hour. Strain throngh a fine
sieve Or napkin, setasop with Mlt and
Beef Tea Egg Nog. --Pat the yelk of
one egetinto a ettp. add gradnaly three-
quarter% of a euptfal of bot beef tea,
season to taste with alt, then beat the
white of egg to a stiff troth and pat it
o" top of the carp.
Another way Is to beat tike whole egg
411i it ammo. tied add gradoathy three-
quarters of a capful of bot beef tea, sea-
son to taste with tack and serve.
Tb Clarify Beet Tea. -Beat the white
or one egg to a stiff froth, add ops pint
of beef tea place over the fire, boil and
stir five mindtes; remove and let stand
three minutes, then strain through a
napkin and serve.
t *Cfewen Frear f'leeeer.
A Philadelphia women has bit on •
novel plan a converting matte= into
cash. Whoa her hhsbrlld, a laboring
mon, died leaving her with tour smell
ebikiren with healthy •pprt(te•, she ds
sided to heroism a professional darer ag
kitchen floors. She has worked her apec!-
nity to advantage -midis so efficient that
her regular diatoms/, would ase soon
think of allowing a plumber to ttreo •
grand piano no is loam it any One sins
to toneh their kitchen floors.
Mora, kitchen floors nowadays are
made M hard wood or tiles or are cover-
ed with olteloth or linoleum. An export
enn clean them with groat rapidity. as
this woman ban proved. She make" the
overage floor au neat Re was in hill an
boor, end chimers only 26 ceofi for doing
on. She carries her own tools, soap and
clothe fns gettitl( the dirt aft (f?puttlnaa
the shine on. learn things spiel anti'
apse behind her. Foe each customer she
bac a-eortai. Ulf bora o. a •Ietata. day.
Rhe Is an exact Imam, lath kawsatat
trt(i y tomerbe14� *sheµ
a day. and metro she Am watt =atm
Ih•a studios a easter.
All ftrstctan Ooodss,, and well nude op, will
be sold at remarksbiy low prises to deer It
uut won.
A fine assortment of New Goods for Wall
and Winter wear.
CALL AYD and ■L.
e Bladder
I was troubled for three years
with inflammation of the blad-
der, the neck of which was near-
ly closed up. Doctors and medi-
cines gave me no relief until I
tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. Seven
boxes completely cured me. I
work in Tuckett's tobacco fat.
tory, and all my fellow-employEs
know of my disease and can
testify to my wonderful cure.
124 Peter St., Hamilton.
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Always cure Bladder Troubles.
Buchauaiis & Rhyims
Dellen to •U tied. or .-
west st Tailor. next /tank ltoatreaL
Mas•smssth• wing distinctive merits
ta?3e N18Y048 or DYIIPZPTIO.
In Quarter-Poyti Tina only,
Prepared by JAM IPPB !k Co .Ltd:
H' • • tltiy*t$t(cL . ?JObQo
t. atm
...... Ass
EVERY moats
Your Groom will gots you lochs, or drop
LEVEFl BRO8.(Limited) Toronto
During next week 1 will move
my hawk of
10 the Store formerly occupied by
nett door to Oox's Meat Shop,
where I will be pleated to meet
all my patrons and the pablio
A full line et CHOIOE 414•
CERINS always on Hand, and
every effort made to giro esti}
HaM1NIt0I1 P.
• Telegraph
TaractiiPH bubo= established to give the
pobUc a first -clam earvtoe with fair and pr
manent competition.
1t is managed on badmen trfnclples and 1s
the Interest of Its patrons.
It deserves the support of every perms who
beltovne In oompetliloo.
Tor quirk despatch use tile Cem/pa•aayyl�s
llses oenwedln.• with all lines and sables
1a Pelted Wet ea. Canada amid Europe.
Direst t' rough wires to all points In the
Neth• see.Ftritieb Colombo' and Pacific (:own
dace -!*ate aids West -et.
71 Manager Gods -lel
The gensinwton Faniter° C
Aad bonds" material of every dea,ellbla
School Furniture a SoecialtT.
Our Stock is now complete and
is one of the largest and beat
eele.;ted outride O sler.
In any quantity to 1111h IM
purchaser. Shells loaded with
soy charge while you wait
We have a full Stock of
-eta Ou'tt .Tot K of' -
They are sure bre but only kI
at one aid.
Limited, Ears ma e srraeaentente with
a[ orm*..t, to carry a fall Ilas their goads,
pmltifo *Nina
Furniture at Factory Pr nee
tr him. and by doing en keep their money
tis town, and bave • good chorea of netting
•Dote of It batik by aur porting Home Mesa
all goods et the company's make are fufj
ttnaranteed be them
Sti83 -7 ttls s
e , Tinsmiths
W13 MAKE —,_.--
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
Ari limesDMIN
Coess•wi. e x t�
THE OS! 910 SEWESTR .x11P PE $1
eoi ADS. AIO0
gseruwv AT trrrsoa TORONTG
.. . FLOUR
f l'e cul utas pratear lead ei Tear
tasun ea As wade mm. Kee
slw� !am sada M 1'hfs 110er b
People *00 bayFloor should not mai
this opperanitty.
ep.aal 1>tataatoDiyiAra Is =114 tras�l."g
swat ' pDa
rias sea bsadi
wart' STASE
Tint 11,000, ISIUI. as n» Mess Olio Mee Or 1111160.• sod
*IV M, baud IN -able V ism M Farr beiglealli.
1/ et' Y Ault x111/ le
� O 01111101111110