The Signal, 1897-11-18, Page 3( Team THE SIGNAL': GODERIOK TlFIYISI DAY, Nov. 18, 1897. You may get ,over that I ATROCIOUS BUTCHERY slight cold all right, but it has left its mark on the mem- branes lining your throat. Most Fiendish Way You are liable to takeanother cold and the second one will hang on longer than the first. Scott's Emulsion is not an ordinary cough specific, but it is " the ounce of preven- tion. It builds up the atrocious§ i• •tecutdvu, were committed system, checks inflammation utas the tillage of Rawdon, ;v the Cuua�' of Montealm, about 50 miler Four Children Murders&lf $ Twe .f the Little MRM Were Mebeoded 1. the Meese sad a Third Was dale la the herd -The Bides*, • Girl et is, was /mind Mad la abs Mara Wide Del- dencesel Criminal As..alt Montreal, Nov. 5.--tSlccial.)-A aer- ies of murders, revolting in aim and nd heals inflamed mem- branes. "Slight" colds never bring serious results when it is promptly taken. Book on the subject free, Dentistry 11NICHOLSON, LD.B. D*NTa.l siraogow. Rooms opposite the Post Moe fold Filling. (.Yewasand Bridge Work • Specialty. 35 Years Cztteri nee. M. MARCIi. D.D.$ 14. TALSUItvWN-Latest and approved setbodsfor all dental operatloaa Preesrve ion of the natural itaaeth e p chitty. Office Iver James ltobin& ary ods store, orf. .or of Kest 81. sat M S0.ar.. 07 J' bl. TURK • ILL, D.D.S., L.D.B.- Dental Bart eea. (1ste1y associated .Iii lar. Diem. of Montri*I. Golf and porce- lain artlflolal teeth mounted on gold or alum - Una' Mem special attention given to the pprarrestion of the Mersa teak. 011.8 io yeLon's new block. 2551-U , ltedltsal. t IR. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN, SCI[ L7 mos, he. Oleos -Seam street. the reel Ores yNatalia .-�N�_ UG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLI GAMIN 17sa k., Omer -On !Wadies strut. Gams_ das deaf of o lboroe !toss dry Pads stela.37- L� SN T..-R_RATON -- BARRISTER, LJ • -Saari Public . Aobaoos. ltiw•1ZT- C*MPION,Q.C.; $A tusTER, SOL-. 4:/. hater. leotar'1, ate. Otos erne Medical 1W.. %mem God.rtoh. bt1 0. JOHNSTON. BAROIISTER, 80• • natter. +aa ss ssieaar..tc, Massy wm sae. Oaken :.or.H.sslltos .a48%. Andrew's Mesta. trodetioh, tit. I? 0. IUAY8, BeKRISTEIt, SOLICIT Olt, ko. Odiee Nortb•at., neat door flierizb oe. Priest* Funds to lead at .;;rest rates of interest. Wee- / ARItOW * ppOtDFOOT, BAP-- Vf rimers. Aherne aa,, 8o11oltors. to., Gods t!rh J T. Owens. 410.. W. Preemie eAMB1tDN, HOLT & HOLMES, Gatwick. 11,1i., 0, tOmeresctes , Q.0.; p holt medley Holies. G. WARD, OONVEYANOBR U • ie,, .ad oommladoser terand re se,rtng reoogalsaeoss al hall. amdeviu of afarmations, depositions or solemn deolare- btloo.ad In or eonoernlsg say maims. suit or pen ssedlne is the HLth Court of Juattoe, he Court of Appeal tar ossarto. or la any Oonnty lerldoa Cowl. All treassottoos o.r.InU we promptly saiQe,iss. Resldsnce ad PA tddre *-Dtse,aa+• OM. nes-if from bene„ y*Oenlay 10Orui g. The detail& Jape rather meagre, dud, owl. to the bail rutins and the distance from railway and telegraph sleoe., it is Ms - parable to obtain more to -eight, but it it known thin the rict.imi, are: Elisa- beth Nulty. egad 18; Ann., Nulty, aged 18; Ellen Nulty, aged 14; Patrick Nulty, aged P. They are the children of Mich- ael Nult>r, one of the moot reepecte11 farmer* of Hamden Perish, Uvwg about nine mires firth or the village of the lame taame. The district was settled year ago by tteotch land Irish, and has always been of the mart yt'treelul char- acter. It was pprububly to? tier reason that the paitenfs were. aecnstotntelP to leaving the ehlkireu aloee when they want to any of she' aetigle:wring vilh*g ' . whoLe_C „ sect ng grass of esc emend; dud• ilmui the foul villain be captured the Authori- ties will have tte Jim. forth thkir ttmost efforts to protect him.1rum the veugeanei of the incensed community. The revue of the tragedy it; tar removed from any other farm. There it a name mentioned in the despatches from the place whieh. in the interests of justice, it t• thought wise to suppress, as in a matter of tier importalitr the greatest car: is neceo- sary to prottvt innocent people from the license of mot§ lata. Near Mreth«e irm•te....: ' „Montreal. Nov. 7.--tepeclal.)-$mien and unconcerned, Tom Nulty lies In Joliette All. the melt t:oafeestd murderer of his three sisters and young brother at their moun- tain - tr deur ltawdon. •fila startling and chucking dettouemest to Thursdays trait. dy followed, clew ou the change In pilbnc fit ttn to the dtartet as the hes. of the carr became -better known ' The murderer Malty le a pews MAIM about _Kt years old. and has worked In tae BROKE THE, CH4RM, alma of mates In the hitt of Ties+ Yes- •enta a Murk• nate. "Narrow escape ay friend, Major Orackliottle, had," said the colonel. "when we were huating big gate 1n ladle." "Whiskey five out'[" irked chs Ik.eter. "No, sub," returned the Ookonel. 'it didn't.. We had aloes two bah'el& of the finest klud of liquor. It was a snake that endangered my friend's' Bt.., suit. We were in a native village called 1.tah- maputra, In the mountable ueut tank, hupiug to get a shut at a roues leopard. '1'he Major and L were sittius at sup- per in our teut, with a couple of na- tives waiting matt us. when au enormous cobra di cupel'o crawled in and wound it- self round one leg of the table.' "Lid you see the snake?" lutt'rruptr„ the Doctor. "See him, rub; of course we did." "But was there any snake, Colonel?' "I scorn your In•tinuatiom, sub," snit the Colonel. "1'he snake wnn about nine feet lora and it raisers its h •td on a level with the Major's and fixed its glit- tering eyes on his. The cobra. Tike he rattlesnake. has the power to charm Its victim, mud in u moment there sat my friend, the Major, .taring Into the mon- ster's eyes, completely fascinated and linable to anlve a muscly, "I was sitting acme. the table fteld him almost paralyzed with horro' am! afraid to mike any movement to his res- cue lest the cobra might strike. It wee stowing. mon•,atul tsaar• -greeted revery minute, and' its bead-like eyia sboue like diamonds. The poor Major est like - rank c'a yve_d in stone wholly under the tt?IUenee of the aria -le -Fe "I was shotdto .spring to my 'feet { when I felt a light touch on my4 der, and one of the nati! e. whim.•. n in my .ar: "Snhih, please not move. Snake cotes in tent for water. N. rain; n in jungle. I ...will place water upon table. Rneke drink it and go sway:" " Brea th[cooly I Nen eited. I heard the eft footfalls of the native as he crossed the tent. I. saw bi:u cie p o iwdissly back and vet a- glass of water betwee.t the cobra and my friend. [tie Major. The! is the way soar, Mejee-Oesekbottle was saved from a terrible death.' "Tie snake drunk the .water, dkl her asked the Doctor. did No. soh: said the IJo'o_el, lams H11s Insuranee. MONEY TO wax ou0 00 kv Privet Visas to bad at di is+', ant. ssa"- aUy, M. G. CAMiltON Hortaw ' Block. spoo.ue Colborne Basel Oodarick- - A f UNEY TO LOAN.-F1VE P$R CEN i 111 moms, to loan. solvate feeds ; also tires ohs 1arm..to rent or mil. Houses and 1ots to rent or toe sale. Y. N. LAW'S, Barrister. Dederick. pig V Ara "Tttitil.T `� -- drone of obtaining money oa first -camas farm smartly oem do ea M 44 per os•t. air plying to J. A. MCDUNAOH. Room1111.� bold Betakes, Torsos, � BEAGBR, CONNBYAN�y D . la/breamsem. oft�estlo MONEY TO LIND ON MORTGAGE • at W pse .sea limes dlseoasted, C CR, ttAos sppo5ts Martin's H.sat, God* risk y L He -pas bees bout. oft an (t o , arrele harridan TL'Ptlnent'-... the family. and there was load blood be- tweeu tinily and his sisters. Joe returned to the house on the night after the war- der. and claimed that be had not been near the house all day. Ile displayed 'the cool- est nerve. surveying the bodies of has vic- tims, which were laid out In the little firm Muse. and htktnlr with the -neighbors *beat _the nutrder, te;npy gee a-ttend- ed the tuners) of ars 'triune $M tstbttJtinnt the rhurcb vendee perfectly, un- concerned. Detective McCa 11. who has been working on the ease, boo strong sim- pletons that Nulty was the guilty party. and d.elded upoe hie arrest. When he was arreetrd - be Wok* dawn and made a tell confession. CANAD-l'8 100X - Dan's Review Gives a ta.wteg Ateeut Orem as A11 aeaad slew. New York, Nov. 5. --Dan's Review of Canadian trade to -morrow will say: Canadian buboes* ha becu .tanaewhat improved by more seasonable weather in retail trade at Quebec, though lees ac- tive at Vancouver, and collections are fair at Halifax and Victoria; good at Toronto, Wiunipcw : and Vancuua; eennewhat improved at Quebec and Montreal. Without especial features bwtnees continues fir at 8t Jobn,and there is the tomtit tall activity in ship- ping of apples and tither produce et Halifez, though the bash market has tot pined. Muntreed reports trade *itis - factory, with heavy goods•moving quite briskly, so winter raft's go into effe.'t on the 15th. At Toronto erielesale business is very, satisfactory in grocet':ea, hardware sad leather, with fair sorting no orders in fluty goods and At Winnipeg wholesale orders from the •-.uutry are steady for maple goods, and e ;a,aritags indicated larger volume of l.:adness than any previous, week. Re- tail trade at Victoria. except in boots and shoes, is Jess active and wholesale trade la quiet is groceries, drygood* and hardware, but October business on the whole exceeds last year's. Trade in all lines le generally good at Vancouver, A LYRIC OF WPM REA& Our gattaut Ship 1N» awtttV Over the waves any; WILL strldeut mar, Her bow before Hisser the salt sea spray. Over the depths unfahomed. Over the sea's grteu caves, List to the sung so dear and strung gang by the loud -Upped wan* Over the halls est coral Whose pearly doors Ile deep Where white sea maiden With dreams o'er -laden. alwubers les breathler. steep. Thou oct'aa wide and voiceful! • Orlw mystery' Wruudr thee o'el7 Th tempests rave TW mariners brave ' Lie dead on the damp, dark Ware. The whitrptumed waves are unease Like ordered files to war; In might Wrong They whirl alien! To the dim hurtwn r bar. You era bard pulsing dreamful Thy secret* dread must know; 111s .now -white breast Cu thane doth rest When cradling billows low. God's power hu, era o'er thee; ills wonder wort art thou; • Thy watt-borts *land At His oulmaand And peaceful bears thy beow,.7.-7 When sawmill, the sugerg trumpet e Asd shake the atTrigh Alese 'Thea *ball the Lord__ _ Feist) ills Vord t. w.•_. Thy sheeted dead sot M, * -Rev. James >CINSIO "Seems Impossible" �r That a pure Ceylon Tea, su4h as "LUDELLA" can be offered at bo low a price ; but it is so. Others are beginning to appreciate and take advantage of this snap. Why not you ? 25, 40, 60 and 6l&. Lead Packages. Bargains! Bargains 1 Bargains not. But my"friend, Major Qrnekhttt li, when he sale fiat water set before him t?a fare a Plate -mat. and landed thirteen !humid have sem _Itis face. [ Iwutrbtew. ] !�. tint. soh "�Detr ' !humid 'ern home, old 'tan, If yon Ain`t' t .+atoddle--lbs-- it ettaw} there thentw,Ivy* it Fal i'- �i di' 'w•ttr wa o�-� - `t` brlocked it toes uitfTi hem ytltflt' mor r." [Ratan of Iaughter.l �..-•.,... ee He �' t:.,... -......, .}- s." asked the cautious nun, "what l 'fie Blieo-�' la� in .kugues? irrepr "Boy tion tett do people eat vyeLeTs is a referendum?' i'MaintJff:Yoga. In coon*. oyster- 1 Two • fellows who were the ones ad- &sus gars lnnn ithey is go„d." Ju:ir.' •.:ng�lish 41yMer .r..l. An a�n.ing ease ca Judge Hawn at itheanabtu7 County re- Centiy when a costerut011ger 1lanleti• Moore claimed 10 uhWings term Henry Tabor, Jr., 4 Billingsgate Market. Ike feotlate did ant appear. Judge Boom; "Tell Inc about this claim." 1Maintia:, "Weill, your Honor, it was lite Usage Lawt Angus[ Lads hoMay 1 bought :u hammer u1L 3110 oysters Mae him to sail I .. took 'em thane. My insane saia.id, '1 say, Bila them ere oysters are a bit whaIIJ.' [Laughter.) 1 looks ala 'em, and blow me, whai3o ji�1 lhtnk' found? Tbere were a few geed 'am ea, top, and the rest were At to walk:, [Luria laughter.] 1 put 'eat ore til stall and a cu`tper came by. He 'was ,V I o' mine. die emelt them -tor'. ..CARD' .. Clothing Emporium. OPEN YOUR EYEQ, LOOK dressed 'Oohed up from a game of poker. "Oh, give us sumethiug,h:irtl. Every- body that knows anything knows what a referendum tit. --And it -isn't the ugly cite naautgeeit.. ether' 1 knew it was a wi antmaT-Or sort said the older map; "perhaps'. site, you know so much you can tell me what a stipendium is." "You tell him BiIL" "No. You -tell-him; Dick." - "Hanged -if I know "Sante with me. However, here goes," , ,JSiu rsitad his voiet• and witn a landook of se,tsa atlrprlse acid to the eautioes-'fnmmonr tae. If you wins the day. I i - man: die yen two bob extry for the dtt,1(;a "A stipendittm Is -a stipendium. I ate booze.'" [Laughter.] Jud,ge Bacon: not ezactly familiar with the breed, but "How- do you make your dais► 10s.r I take it to be a cresta between a unicorn You on4f paid 5s. for there doiiciono and a zebra. Am I tight, Dick?' bivalves.Plaintiff: 'There's loss o' "Might ss a string: 1 iwee never seen profit and ware ti tune." Judge pecuuf a etip''ndium, but I should know it at "Well, 'Tabor does Dot appear. You can once from your description. rant aces have judgment. Now you have won your and a king are hard to beat. Show your case you had better go to him and get band." , the extra 2s. he promised yon for a "Thank yon. boys," said the esteems d, •" [Latrglster.]-London Standard. man. with n knowing look. "1 only ask- ed you those questions to eee if yon were crab. Ch.rene.l by Moot,. up in the topiea •nf the day. Glad to The ofd gsotados, "mask hath 'know that you are," and he walked off. t�rtrms; etc., has been construed to in- leaviug the two boys troubled n knoor chade many kinds: lifts. aatace and whether they had playedodierwiee, hist imp to date nobody las rapt riven the ugly, tetro,[ratting crab credal lior a nlua,ca,l cur. The fut'.win; facts bearing on this point ore indisputable: .Mrs. Francis Fenimore of this city, who has been summering_ at Harvey Ciders, bas a rat terrier, 1'tn, by nein*', wbldz accompanies all fishing parties that leaven the plane. Ie Baruegat Ray crabs often usurp the bait intended for 'better game and ue 'soiled in the boat. Bacon: "What did you pay for them Plaintiff: -"Five boo for. the ani."- Jodge Bacon: "W hat FIV*. sbll:itnei for 30tYaystttw! Are ed4Me-wwtere >ihet_ucice2 111 Ityartikett,iso At what price did you Plaintiff: '1 sells them at a - taaurr - dosed. These were not seethe•.' [Laughter.) The Judge: "i atapieme fat. What were they~' Plaintiff; 'they was Portuguese. I got,s she neat] day sad are INdier. He won't pay met back. He says: 'Well, cony -lie -ugh. ter) -it you want your ouftieh back' poc eta and well made in every pat ticular for only .. . 501 Good ll .d w I we e to $Ts00- ter Heats for men, _ only Such valuer in clothing never heard of before. Our READY-TO- WEAR department Ili rill h-copmlete. We have a very large Stock, and the - itr Is tttsts ierge prepereiof} of our Chas hits been made by our own hands, during the Black season, so that one Suit of these is worth two of ' tl�a%, --- _n ,s,....�._•- ._..-.�>ms.arra.-.a-.ws.-- LEVI CARD- A Woman to a umokln: far. Wheu the Orange County express on the Erie Railroad stopped at Paterson, one morning last week, a stout. middle- aged Irish woman climbed up the steps of the smoking car and walked in. not herding the warning "Beer car, ladies; this is the emoting ear.'' 'rhe commuters looked up from their They are veru stunning. but Pip MAD whist. and even t`t • man front Tuxedo ends their existence. When a belUger- was a little bit ,iterested when, sale ent crab is landed be appraude's an neer meted herself, nnaiudtul of he mpossible, soke. I as posble, and after a few pwairainary A+ the train mo•' rt td oat from the ration Darks to engage ha attention. begins • the brakeman entered the Lir, tapped her weird song. y , aotea swell "Madam, this is the smoking car; ' ere ho n ' nor. '• are plenty of seats for ladies in the other weray again to a hitherto unknown ears." chord, sounding like the distant rever- That she was not teased by the in bera.tlon of a dynamite explosion. The formation was apparent to alt, and the erab listens intently. Platt? ty sups/hints man from Tuxedo allowed himself to for- anger. His claw* loose their rigidity, et whether his partner's long wait was and slowly he turns on bis tack, hel,b- hearts or d&Amends. kwtiy enraptured by the music. Then Tien the woman winked knowingly, , Pip advances, and with the "ha hi" took oat of her pocket pipe, tobacco MO at a acranpHa lett canine elUl*n matches, and answered: --i eroehee the c'r'ab in his teeth.-Philatlee "An' did ye s'spoee for wan mint I Phi& Record. 1 Lr Age Of Mediocrity. sbmoker?' She lighted her pipe *nil smoked all , "Linkman" writes In Luadon Truth: didn't be after knowin' 'twos the the way to Jersey City• -New York Seta Inne of mediocrity. Inrs soociiety wherel y the g are our Lady flaked He •tepp.d It. I and Indy Palmerston; in literature. oar .e, he ventritognist,waa a great Thackeray and Eicken.; in art, our S 1 h tlahasbor'ogfb, Reynolds, sad Turner; in FJ. T. NAPTZL, ?IRE, LIPS AND • s*sy..$ deo meat : at lowest ib 0$.. -Oar. N hest, sad armee, God 1t - Mi ON>1T TO LIND.-14. -14: tilt a 11 aawwat al Private Panda bee tavesleaes owed rates M . App'y BARROW t RADOLUlir IN R es Aga ,�aid ig�wlsis y rassa, Seal tap ...sited. hi �e. s�raigh t ens, at the lowest Ms .!� tateiwt fotnf, is sy way t. Mit t W•ww neo►- em- it door tram eatsatt. M W"t r _-- biat'*tadte Liminess. -_ LANK. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE IJoseses, GedselN. oak sub Mssa a1Me' Iasntute. (,OD?;KIOH YEON*FIOB' INeTI- TTITT L 51 A3Y Aim 111A1'llI1s11 aO011, an of lliast fleas std aqui" (u9 tktra, Ossa tron t milieu., ltd eta Its td e.lt. ABOUT 11000 VOS IN LIBRARY. Liddiinngg DaSp, Weekly end Aisslralyd - siass fie. at Pas. xTT1gP11rt� mP !7 y!1'YIt ty tist.y z _ ttaettn; trio us LIDtsrf as4 gtsa•otr At. tleattoas fat rug res.NN all Litu.rlaa, In *sem • /1. OOLAORNtI. H. BAffearTtilf. LtbHriaa. A Ma4sreet'• .a a embalms Trade. New York. Nov. 5. -Bradstreet'* will say tomorrow et Canadian trade: There is greater activity in agricultural opera. time to Ontario, owing to mild wrath -et, which has interfered somewhat with withdthe re. distribution of g'eee Lens activity is also noticed in the Pro- vince of Quebec. Jobbers at Halifax report only a moderate business, due in part to mild weather. Trade l& dull in New Brtmswick, where the fish catch is ;Letedissppointlh�nglii anal) and low. Bank clearm a at Winni- peg, Hamittoa, Toronto. Monty. al, 11.11 - fax end St. John. N.B. amount ot10 318,000 this week, an immear per cent. over list week, and 11 per cent. over the corresponetfag total 7� ase. _ - OMAS OtiiMI Y, AIN TIOIUR 4. sae tGers lnslefet itestnal Iaa� se - Md d b in ear rert.1 t8. senate. se iv JOHN 1130 ®)d)iRA L APO- lata 11A•ass• messed tad 1/11111, aeesae asd I�tasd far. gitleeh Victoria. B.O.. Nov. 5.vnbtelt arriv-The al ksIs011H�vtsg sad to sr the flagship i.t a ewer from tai. v to p.s1� e*esshi,y' have yetis. that die British es Bsrtas s B M Orders left ai IicrveT^d lass purchased the rename awe(rh e w eae•ry' tete te hL aA 1. WA a vessel of the fleet will ran esfahnf att.sA.d rata. Jit mere tsinn. awe( CeaMr/Asrtloaser Wit asliv.s tb•+"► to bake plllal.a M ess.desma Nieuwe, Nov. 7.--(Speeial.)-A -slid fatality occurred at Lansdowne this morning, whereby Dr. H. B. Wray, a popular resident of Novenae, was It- sta*tly killed and Mr. R.la uric Merl of Camden East serlonaly j es Ingen Bicknell left routeNapenee on for Mobtreai, with ya�car- f him. Atand Lansdowne tWray ke o accom- panied stopped to take on water and another engine dashed into the cabooae, The conductor and Mr. knell Miraculously escaped, but when the debris was cleared away the mangled remains of Dr. Wray were found. The deceased was about but rat years family. Mr. Mr.e and McBride of wOobonrg, who •was in tie caboose, was slightly injured. A Leedom Maw Murdered .t h*ale. BaRaM, Noy. fl. -harry Stec w 1w*r, 37 years old, the buyer for Kellett Brae, catti� rnerebanto of London, ter., waw shot down in the Ake et the Crandall Howes eft East Buffalo.' at ply30 o'clock this afternoon,and eU boo by Plow Me► 1» a portebate!. . *nett pre. - relied em- ployed In the tdttcP�t tailed behind tite railing is Mr, hotel office. Mortry claimieg that Ibch*relano Dad rout lyatd hien for Alain; his steres yewterla 7. 1ti.Jte rdsrsa will die. 'Moe - fey wart turned over to hie pow at the Winders akest Station. ttaita�aeaae fa Me.1.*$. (. T 1; Trebel', Wet., Nee. 4 --Ai 2.0 d . �' >I<I•tt . . ibis borates a f t NittNeos yrt,ldcpfto was Nat tr►+'a• aeration, bet se saltasa A•at.otA7aat1 else. 1.4.14D srravtltovra d woo, 'x o t. bad. bas ea po dnnags Y hwew• kr jot site a Piriv has�ng made the Mende w nine, g�,eJ Smith? Yat at to period in the was allowed the freedom of tJw engine! 6esa us history of the race have there room. so many 'celtibrities' a there an Lie took • seat in do corner, and. now. Were we to establish a museum pulling his last dawn suer his eyes, ap oI mediocrities it would be the wonder geared lost in reverie. of the world.The mew+pa0era have Presently a certain pert t engineer made h1 repetitions 0l: the mediocrities, finery began went creak as hey woke the tiegularit7 oiled it and about ids duties. In o1 past drugsbeef 'insects � Dew In coarse asof fees min eet the creek_ ?neer Ing was Deazd again and the engineer soaps. Went woman Who has a friend reeked over All can In hand, so lubricate that is a journalist L now a 'beauty;' the same gunk. ev'er'y government ofikeei 'disth►g'obebed: Again he rammed his post but it was every amateur scabbier a 'celebrated only a few tremors before the same old *other' or aatherew; and actor is creek was creakinglouder than ever. the wonder od his ale We la" "Great Jupiter. be yelled, ear. inesearably more of McFoodlo, who tieing hewttc ,v1." wrote 'A Ongciette tri Callao' ali<! More oil was administered, bat 1'ss 95Wisbed it •t his own e�Pmr--than engineer began to smell a rat. Pretty we do of S euposte and snare of soon the crank squeaked asain, when, ltet e J t e Admiralty clerk. M1ppin•, isp behind Maecabe, be squirted than of Nelson. Tile newspapers liter. half a pint at oli down the joker's buck. �nad� es h7 he "There.' said he, "I gu+e+ that c-r*skk won't squeak any wore-"- 8p.rtt IOW4 /nests. prattle,' er. ev yeses politics, our i' and Pitt; in poetry, was on board a steamboat, eer,cArr Byron and Shelley; and in wit, ear with the engineer, 8Pf t'yA'IEII And their Wipes, Drop us a post card, and get free our booklet on "INDURATED FIBREWARE." It costs nothing, tells an about Indurated Fibre Pails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butter Tubs, and will put money in your pockets. flIE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited HULL, CANADA. Q FOCI DAYS . W EEX whye &IIr� that Meet Ma teas tfl•ek "'Ritmo. ma, air, but pan eat so little brenkfaat, IIo It not to your Ilkhagr "The bre* mot is two enough, land- lord. but I haeen't any .pptetdte." '15 there se appetiser I emu offer yen?" "Vm afraid not. You see. I have been in the hank of getting tip early ;n the morning and killing a few deMnitelem pci8 coa, and I sadly miss W. exMLnt- ;1' Pxereble. 'Then your name 1.?" "Weller."-Cllevels nil IMAM reeler. ail l.ewatest. Yrs. Wilton 1 hove not henrd Rota tier =tar eine. she tnitrr ri a fer- WWIIe {s veru nn happy. . bad; bot such matches . arro- **tort mak. the /oat LedPtd obey are,, Toe we. know. so tittle ef foreign yrashes M .. art she deem hset inqDee- est every Aims saw seta mn,1. a,+8'thee het inisbised can't tbsdeeeised a ward dot lay -M Tort Weekty. . • COTS TRAT al BOOTS TRAT An S OES AND THEY FIT AND WEAR WELL Our long experience enables us to select a good Boot when we see it ; we cannot be imposed upon by Cheat) da:ke. Our Prices -Like our Boots ---FIT 1Nermr e.:lt of Maxim. The Gulf of Mexico Is a water et storms, not frequent, but :muskrat, Vier lent It 1s, in effect, an }..aaelneer slat` lop cut from the iaad, send hnr'ricaaelli seem to graretate to it nat0Hllty. are horn In the neighborhood of Bangui. so Sew. strike he West Indira, and *41 Infrequently leave those ishnda ft a tangent just as a bell thrown at as ale ttse angle against a wall slides alost N for a Iktie apsee and again Kitts va- cancy. Theme erratic forces of •tb► air strike the coast of Metim or the ennui of Texan, ac -meting to tbeir angte, and death i in their track. The thinge called 'tidal wnrei' In that section are not really titin) wave,. They ate not rammed by an epheeval. They are mere- ly heal In effect. They are net met walls of water weight ever the f ter of the teweal. TDP; are waters banked tW aga1IMt a I ew coast by wine pre•s•nre Weft! they ovi row. in many hietenres tbe enhm.rgenee jm gradnnl .n.1 ample splpmrteNty for assess l& g$vi t. Other Dee``.« the vin a eS of the air laokee them .044,e and dei drow*nlr-Chl• sago Timms -11 SILARILal, Jr. COR. WIT -ST. AND 'SQUARE. 1 4 ILLINfRY. Having thoroughly inspected all that was new toe Fa and Winter wear in the best markets, and ,having purchased largely, I now have a stock of new and elegant Millinery, Trimmings, etc., to which I cordially invite the inapt, tion of the ladies of Goderich and vicinity. The stook ooutprises All the New Shades in Grey and Blue Trimming, Fur Mounts for Millinery Trimming, Walking Hate, in all the new shapes. Trimmed lutea, from $1.00, up, Trimmed Bonnets, from 111.75, up Bailors, from 30 cents, up. A specialty this Season G FEaNOH VEILING1 of which I have a well -assorted line in stock. All Goods sold at very I!easo paws. 041,111211•01I. Hamiltes et., 0oderich.: