HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-18, Page 2••••44,117:. A., • • -- 2 THURSDAY, Nov 18, 18... ST(NAJ.: ,t;��RRICH oNmr.: - mnrmrnnim m mute WE'RE TRYING II jl to Nave _you looney on your burros. Will you lot us! t e woad like to have you oaten anti rise bow we roll our &hot•s. Here are is few pointers. look them ever. Ladies' Dongola Shoes, lace and button, worth $1.60 ; we dell for 11111.25 Ladies' Tor Looe shoes that are worth $1.,�9``0.� ���Wt, only ask... $11.50 w hnt r •a ..n Big Bargain* til hell's Shoat Yen's Glove Grain Bala, worth $1 ',5. We sell for, $L25 Yen's Bongo's Kid Elastin Bide :,hose, .vin to., worth $2.0(1; oAr pn,,, *150 Come e.r.d sea cu: Bargains. Wo have others that will eurprtae you ST. GEO. PRICE -. ,eua your repairing to us. tt est side ut Somers a eeememeeemmemeeemeeeeeeeeme ‘4444444444“ • HOME FAOES''NAUfT THE 'MART.I gave a sigh of relief. No piIrish- ay winos a folio. an, however loyal, minds breakieg See M the scales *lair harmony - TM mesio et the ulcer lite -- Ars orb time sever o•n grow old, Of mocha., sweetheart, wife. The blessing of • tether'' voice. Tb. early friends oar uhtldhood knew, Whoa life est sail and felt no gale. -Wi- joatl?. eneriteted crew. Tlbrishsd dust ot those wbo The dust of those we bold most dear- . Through every change that Time may bring, le rainbowed with a smile end tsar. .Toss, like the light of stars at oyht, Int desert or in mart, WMr'e'er we go, through memory's glow, Home foes b•sat the bb.ri. AN EVENING NUMBEI ONE." 1 SLY was anwandergraduat4 at Tnnity Col- -1111111311955',`"I receded- ' $t'bgstown. A few doors off was a -- circulating library, keptby • man then unknown to fame, but since notorious as " Number One," of the " Invinc - Me" conspiracy. T --..was a baud- some, agreeebls-malt,--fief an cont, and Mall my sympathies were with the Englisbrr we had many • debate,•on dittos. T— never fat Uirtamper,- where is more then can be mid of many who do not kill Chief Secretaries or blow up kings. One weak in 1813- Dteblin was all astir. The heir to the Crown of Eng- land, with his beautiful Princess, was at the vioe-regal lodge, and n great function was to 'be performed in St. Petrick's Cathedral, in connection with the Prince's entry into an Irish order of chivalry. T— was veryin- dignant at such " adulation of a foreign despot," and two days before the ceremony we grew quite bot -at least 1 did -discussing the nutter. "At any rate," I said, "all the Irub girls are wilt) about the Prince. 2ou'll find he has not sir enemy emy among them." • " If you will eome and take a hand at Dards this evening 'upstairs" said the Irish Guy Fawkes, " I will show you a beautiful girl who hates tbe tyrant as bitterly as I do. And listen, there is a drop of potheen in the house that never paid Victoria a penny You are not too loyal to drink it, I hope 1" Irish whiskey (which, as it. is well known, fi utterly spoilt by paying duty) is better. Besides, the fair rebel wee an antra:tion to a youth of nineteen, so I accepted. 1 had spent several evenings with T--•-, and I aae-boundrto say -ISak-barring weakness for killing 'tyrants" -he was as agreeable and courteous • host i as ever mixed punch or shuffled cards. On this oocasion, besides T—'s 's wife, I was presented to a Miss Ellen Maguire, a handsome, black-eyed, red- "D•ar Sir, -1t hal Dome to the kaow- chesksd girl, about two -and -twenty, age of ?abase thoriti i that yom r.o.etly onavyd oenutniog a dsegeroe. sed picturesquely attired in a white even- 1 udlawful •- 'ole to • hou.e in Yerk Street. ing dress, with green ribbons and a it is hoped teat this was done is tgeorace, shamrock brooch, ohe spoke with a slight American accent running through her native brogue, and avowed herself a Fenian, Anarchist, " Communist, etc., with the most charm- ing effrontery. Before the evening ended I was quite fascinated ; and had she offered to administer the Fenian oath, could hardly have re- fused. We were left together for a short time by our entertainers, when Miss Magus said " I am crossing by the mail boat in the morning, and tbnre is a eepmia non which I should have done today in Dahlin. Would you do it for me Y' "Certainly," I replied ; "with pleasure" " I ought to warn you," said this Hibernian Delilah, " that you will be breaking the law of this miserable • connthree, or, rather, that of its Saxon oppressor. I fait rather uneasy at this. Law- breaking was not in my line, and 1 began to fear that the beaux lent of this siren might lure me on the rooks. However, I wured her that I was ready " to mount the gallows for her sake." (of mums I should not have risked my neck for all the eyes in Ire- land, re- �dbat one mutt he polite to a 1 Well. 'tie just this." said the temptress. " i have a small jar of that stiff you have been deinkin'," pouting to tLe potheen, " which I shooirt_ ave left- at a house to reek Street, Will you take it there early tomerrenr 1" the eaoiserame't " All right," said I ; " 1 will de- liver it if you will pay me for my 'trouble in advance. I am not going Ito• -break the -law and defraud my gracious Q1eeu fornothing." She lifted her face to me, and her esti hips. " Here is my puree," sbe said ; take y ur fes." And I took it. . When I rose to go, Mies Maguire slil'ped sway, and met me iu the pas- s:ige wi•h a small bag. T— said t:ooti-night," and absented himsett. •• Here it is," said she ; " mind •loti't break it, or drink it. The ad- dress is on this card :- MR. SANDERSON. 10. YOWL Mum (ssoot'n moos rsoNT) t would,not do to address oontraoand -- 5." "14t1 ou v Paid t4um,t.ilfi you promisedd " I whispe "�ruacovetous " re- plied, '• but take your full pay, add begone." "• It took a long time to open the hall door, but at last 1 and the bag, which was terribly heavy, were in tbe street I~went-ta- odgings to dream of -- � sok ba�'-_ �— I had a season-tioket on the railway, d went in every day, usually carry ing a hag of books. I felt rather guilty, and thought ediry policeman and porter looked suspiciously at my burden. Its weight forced me to take a cab on my arrival, and I was soon conveyed to York Street, a narrow thoroughfare leading feel, Stephen's Green towards St. Patrick's Cathedral. Number ten was a 'tenement house, whose door stood open day and night I ascended to the second floor, and knocked at the front room door. A tall, red-headed Irish -American, who spoke with a nasal twang, opened it about six inches. " Wall, young sir," he said, " what's yer bizness !" r " I was asked by a lady," I replied, "to deliver this to Mr. Sanderson. If you are he, that's my business." He looked at me and the bag, then, seizing the latter, aid- " All right,' ', u.! slammed the door in my twce. I went off iu greet wrath. "After all," I thought, "I have earned t.hoee few kisses dearly." I hurried to the oollege, and soon forgot Miss Maguire and her commis- sion. " We hope not," said my interroga- tor ; " at least, rot a tui ty one. How- ever, you a in not deny having carried a black bag which you received trees a young woman at T—'s circulating library in Kiug'ttown, to 10, York Street, the day before ytesterdaj 1" " Certainly not," 1 au.wer'ed The young lad" asked we tp do t. trifling commission for hor, end I diel " I ask you,:' gaud the magistrate solemnly, " did you know the coutents of that bag '1" I hesitated, but 1 did not thunk it right, or perhaps wise, to tell a lie, so 1 said, with a reale : " Yes, sir ; I knew the contents ed Out bag. Very good stuff it was, too. I hope His Boyd Highne.s will get some before be leaves Ireland." "Silence, sir," cried both the magis- trates t'egetlier, thea the senior said : " I tnink we way stop the examin- ation and oowwit this wretched youtb, who glories in his guilt, to Kiltnain- ham. He actually smiles at a crime that might have resulted in death and destruction." " Gentlemen," I cried indignantly, " surely you will not send me to prison. f.,r suob'a trifle f '1 did wrong, I snp- pase, but. I was reared in Sligo, where man, woman and child -mega rattle and minfsT T ieTridd'-dr11nkii themn.. To circg,{gg pt the gauger, by carrying it to a friend, is consider - e I an act of piety and charity, which rio Christian man would refuse to per- form. Tte British Ewpire will not come to an end because half a crown hes not been paid on a quart of good liquor. I will pay the sum three times over, and a tine as well. But you have no right to send we to gaol -at least, in this holo-apd corner manner. I demand a public examina- tion and legal assistance." The magistrates leoked greatly rs k-Tat1..,-ngs17.ktsdpw II hat yaeit supposed �-W-t�i1�,s�1i_n� that bag,' said the in- geltaiti?rr, 'Yi�C -J' ' u --.... ,... " A quart of potheen br illicit whis- key," I replied. " And 1 aj again that I wish Hie Royal Highness had some. If he once tasted it, I ani sure be would never 'mulls sub to jail making or_muteJiag ar pig PP • • " Would' you be surprised to hear that youetriend's jer of potheen was a attro.giyo rine bomb, intendedtu have been flung into the Prince's cirri* 'p by the Fenian B—, alias •San,..:t- son 1" asked the megisti ate. 1 nearly fainted with horror. " And who is Ellen Maguire 1" I -asked. " B—'s wife," said Detective Phallon, " as dangerous an Anarchist as there is in Europe: She carries the weapons of the conspirators, and some- times J;ersuadea"young foo!s, who ad- mire her black eyes, to help her." " The serpen',. !" 1 exclaimed. " 1 will give evidence against her with pleasure, and go to see herr hanged. 1 dept with that awful thing under my pillow ! It might Kaye blown me to pip" " And t,alf Kingston as well," said the officer. " A fall or event shake might have done it. But we have got to catch Mr. and Mrs. E— yet. I fear they are in Frantce by this time. It appeared that the police, having obtained news of the plot in the usual way (through an informer), searched the room in York Street shortly after I delivered the Infernal machine. The found the bomb ; but B—, alias an arson, a ng step on a neighboring bar, saw the officers; di- vined their errand, and managed to les The citizene were in the streeta, watch- ing the procession and cheering the royal visitors. I stayed out late see- ing the illuminations and dnnking my future Sovereign's health, with other loyal and thirsty 'undergrade' of Trinity. When I came out of coy bedroom next morning, I found the following pleasant letter awaiting me : " Head Police OfBoe, " Lower Castle Yard. bet to avoid unpleasant oiroumetaooes, you w111 do well to attend at this oSoe at 3 p.m. tomorrow, and state all you know of the al• fair. The polios have instrootfons to arm rest you. ehoold von attempt to imam. •' Yours, .to,, T. P"Atuotr, R I was thunderstruck. This cisme of oonsorting with Fenian' and females. 1 reflected that smuggling potheen was not, after all, a hanging nutter. Indeed. I was rather surprised that the detective police should notice it at, all. It was the business of the excise- men or " gangers " " They most have little to do at the Castle," I thought. " However, I hie better tape the music." At the appointed time I presented myself at the Irish Scotland Yard. ?hellion received me civilly enough and conducted me to a room where a oouple of magistrates and Mr. Phillip- son, the Crown Solicitor, were seated. " This is breaking a butterfly on a wheel'in earnest," I said to myselL " What a fuss about a jar of whisky." " Mr. --- .," said the senior magis- trate, "it is my duty to warn you that yoe need not answer the questions we are about to put Yam might have berm here as a prisoner, but we hope you are an innocent agent in this atrocious conspiracy. You oat, I think, best prove your innocence by complete candor. But, remember, your statement may be used agtlbat yourself.' " Astt what you like," T replied ; T have bard no share in any 'atroei. nus oonspirsey' " STORYZTTES. ember $pedal Wbes(a beamed goes akeatiag Tis hie bream wile tutors She will have} • two -t aye' pioaie With him ebrdereys sad hen. -Cale•go Revd. Re Teed Mer. A good liehl•od nuolstyr wee endeavor Mg to ettea- • boatload r t roam okv ladies to the Isoil:ug plate. A aqua I ea. b,rst- ing and the steering wee very diftioult Cue of the girls annoyed him by jue,puae uu, calling enziossty, " Oh, whet. &re war going to Y' "1f ion do not sit down and keep still, ay y'ouag I-ddy," said the wove tar pilot suoutntly, " that will very greatly depend on how you were brought up. fie w ly ••• deed, Tolerance -A disposition w el ,w whir people to attend to their own bustness- oharaoteristtc of penis with weak minds. Foresight --The 1.. "Ity of be lig on the spot when sctnelhtyg 1. going to hopper.. Reason -A power of the mind by whish we strive at the denied 000011114 n. Monoses -A rem manors of luck, pluck, brains, energy rat .t persevereuoe, judiciously operated wit• i t.. a sufficient edaux ute ..f yoyorupulou.i.,.w co tuaure the hest of the bargain, and just enough aeration of Mega* ao m to captivate the victim lute be Seeing that he is fortunate in helog worst ted M melt es sottish• ge.Ioma.. escape Neither he nor nis wife was cap- tured. The latter, some years later, achieved an infasloes notoriety as " the brave.. little woman " who cor - veyed to Dublin the knives with which the Pbtxniz Park murders were committed. Her friend T—, whose aoquaintanoe 1 dropped after the.. events, became specially notorious,and I am not likely to hurriedly forget the evening I spent with "Number One." A NORSE HERO. Seamed Mee e'esap•.lase has. • Werrk. d skip. The wrecking of the se►oomwr Hueneme off Uealaska island dlsooverd • reel hero in the penes of Charles Neilson, • Nose sailor. Amid • donee fog la • *out bens gale whit* threw see spray ever the tepmeek, the vessel streak • hidden rook. The deck- houses were swept away, nod Cape. Peter- son ad hia men ohs./ to the rigging. It seemed that every sea world dash them to death, whoa the captain appealed • "Who venture ashore r "I tnit !" Holism shouted, and with the life lee sheat hie waist he started oat tor .hoes Is was some time before b. was heard from, and tbe mss the wreek were bewailing his fate, when • .bast told them of Nodose'. aiMy. To the 1i1e lies a Mw. err was tied, ad (.'dor time Neilson pulled his nine shipwrecked o.mpateos sinews -- Chiesgo Record. t..awvsa Tata ersleaclr For pain in rim beak, video or chest, a Httle " Qmrksr." Tread se • pine. of Tinos or setts, sad applied to tae bre spot will remove tee pain and inflammation et mese. son. and $1.00 .lee " Qulokonre" onto tt old three and alae times trial lase. only • little is required. nese Astray. --tenser Holdout . "Well, everytbiai 1a the end taws melee the same Bet what beams 4 Widow Smith's hays? Tbmy •lrr.ys segued smith bright lade' Natty* ( ori' h a Mgh i : " They beth *.reed wet *idly. JAsi. hese sent to the reforms' Wry, •ed Bill's se 'dicer." Mea. Grey • Foamy that she shoal maim mother dynps/he hsebeed. Ear MO hashes& yes keels was ter year's Mame to ttMtnes.t*. " life White : " Yea{ bet thee it will sem* �saf� to Mw ssmMlmb te Mk* tbe set11. alae 1� het la Ms knells M M. damn. JuM $ . and Master From among tee many •nedistes rested of the lets Sir Matthew Bailie Begbie, Chief Justice of British Columbia, the toll - owing may to of interest. Holding mart on a certain oceaeion in the famous gold remise of Cariboo, one of the rourhe inseparable from all noising centre. we. arraigned on • charge of aggravated meanie Being found guilty, Sir Matthew proceeded to deliver sentence ea follows : "You are used £IO, and —" The Prisoner (iatorruptinv) : "All right, my lord ; jest got that in toy hip pocket." Sir Matthew (satttoniag) : "An¢, ux ptpiglhs. Perhaps Lop;vu gg that ie your tp potshot. - fie a>='h= *bene-iwnetr Ter Y_�-: Lamy. Wltk the delicate tnstrumecta now in use, Some very interesting tact• about the heat of the body hes been diseovered. The skin of the left gide et the head, for example is warmer thus tes skin el tie right tide. - The coldest parts of the Cody are the tip- - rtestreee Simornfonnwh, quite welcome.' But t mold tell you may twosome of the Mimic tee rename ut the same Mad. I The Cave .a the Byer Iron hies of the eye are very ssataoa ad a•merou, sad yet for many el them $h• I lith toe . simplest remedies oas be applied most salutary results. W b. a cinders or other foreign bodies gat into the eye, do not drop to • flaz seed or use • key --tor these do more damage Otos the cinder. It meta be almost as well •o rut • orowb it at olio., se to sue a key. 'Ice proper way to get a Welder ou ..t the 0) O. is te draw the upper lid down over the tower, utilising the lashes of the lower se • broiet, that it way sweep the. surfesce 11 the former and thus get rid of thetnteuder lir, goat!y dnwtag the lid away trout the glob., pee • clean o•mel's-hair brush -or fold of a sift *ilk handkerchief -two or three tines between them. This procedure will, is near- ly all oases, suffice ; when it does net. the eery loos of • physician u e nvua.4ary. It is a ren arkabte fors 'bat • very minute body w,h give rue to totem pain, and eves after it has b+a extracted. tbs asnition remota' for an hoer or more. After the intruder is oat, geatly bathe the Ws every fifteen mite ewe is iewd•w•ter tUl the feats, •ebeidee When the eyes itch, or are a little red. b.the them with a week solution ut salt e•.ery tow hours -a teaspoonful io • r ams of cold water. Shsuld an aye ha greatly indented and p.statul, bathing it w hot water will relieve for the time being The eye should be kept p. -aloofly clean. pus sad ether dieebnrgee 'jltlitly washed away with Juke warm water. The other rye sissy be infected by the die hares. ; so the effee•sd one ,►mold bIY red by • light b•ndsge. Remember that n atter' from an inflamed eye are infectious, ad a person having sore eye el oul.l have hie own towels and wish basin, wb!oh ought not to be used by any ether person, lest they, too, oontract the disease. When the ryes stick together in the moro- i.S, • li tle vasehoe applied to the edges of. the lids before going to bed, is better than ail the estimators elves inexistence. Crests foruilat on the edges of Me Inds may be reeds y removed by gentle triottou'with the tipa cd the Motors .i alert le warm water. Ade rased no,'ruu , are usually applied wiM.:t reason, and. !,k^ home made reme dies, do more barns than good. A teadeaf bee •apDl••d•tathe me by tie ad vie.de bas often bean Mc pause of • ohild Mit sdaested is the Blind As) limn The jlh set • LU "to be ifrawti'oar;a'E.t it most ae.u, wily wili be injured if the poultice be 1 ft on long enough. 01 no organ of the human system is the mason so tree as of the eye, that "a ounce ol prerstios is worth a posed of Mie." --- of the oar and the sip of the nose, them being Hideg. colder than the rest of the tape ; and the werm..t part of the surface of the body is the armpit, where dneters eater - 44 take the temperature. Of course, the bleed a.d internal parts are skill warmer. It le unmet, impossible to make the blood hotter sr oolder. A wan remadsed is a hot • r ova where the thermometer registered 270deg., and yet Ike temperature of her body did not rise quite one degree 'Then his atm was placed is ice oold water for an hour. This 000led the skin, but halt an inch under the skin his dash wee as warm as in the hot oven. Finally, his arm was immersed for fifteen minutes in water se hot as be could beer, adao Increase is temperature could be detected. This shops that, whether in temperate regions like Canada, or in the torrid zone, or at the freesias, Poles, • man's blood tem- perature em- perature is always Shit same. a say la tea marl■. piggyMae my words seek Jere tri art „ ..r Ai the 7.no,--Orardpe Dote%get frig hies., ed, Wdlr: the to .boat to b. rod, that's what mak.. lout jump yd ruse WUke (composedly): Oh I else, ahold of elm, amides : pope Mire yes just I.ks that when hie meals 'la's ready UAW lit our inore&aing p -J-"' -, de- spite the numerous eases of betaeb N prem• tee which have recently apposed is ail papers, sod the plethora .tI `vsuad 1.,.- 1* the morning a.t reteisg jeeresls. It seems that the mammonist area' le spreading. What moat people marry few in the tint place, it would be difficult to d. • termini, ; but • comma abstract ritually called "love" is made responsible for the must extraordinary eerie@ of metal disaster thee have ever Deepened in the history of mss►Ind. It is not so leer ago eiaoe Prino,pal Crated -a married man himself -in dela raring an address to the modems of Glasgow Cower - say on the life and works of Spinoza, •:s,ke feeUne'y upon this subject, and laid down the dawn that se philosopher on ht to take unto himself • wife if he wished to reach i he highest pinnacle of achievement. Whet Mrs. Caird had to say to this I do nee know, hut the learned principal A correepondent Bends The Toronto San would find eat when he get homy S.r the following &multini story, se recently e,s Jnehua R.vnolde oleo had very strong opin- soted open an AtlantIo liner " A shy Cas. ie.. es this @abject, and • 1 n •y remember adlen major, after spending the first even- hie depressing reply to an a.; irtng seems ing with his friends to the saloon, sudden- in hie own prnferion. " What' married 1 ly rater ted to theta atter saying 'Good- Then you are lost to the world span artist." night,' and requested an interview with the Fortut•aly, th pnuur nisei lived to is - purser. He wen very white scribe his same .n the scroll ot 'able. ..d be "' There le a lady,' he said,' to my oasis was nest pilaw 'y sopped! ed i.. his snorts -No 42 ' by his wife. " • Rubbish" exclaimed the purser Bar, stip, it ie ea extraordinary thing ' Horde the list ; year nompaniou is Capt. that so may men of genius have been nafnr Hiraissec.' tuner• in their domestic relit' hare As for • • Sothic% will induce me to go into the Ynorat.e ttt east to uodereead how be ester sge>i.'s.Tttk. n .j'(N. ink vtl frppe .-ho Fsoe me the to pica! shrew, did not theroegh'y agree ; still he rate her reedit for this, that her " hen- pecking" paoalisiMrs had made Mm a phi!. n.oph•r. To oomtp nearer our own tinea, Yrs. Douala* Jerrold had the most cot- temptunu• reeerh for her hoehatd'ssidle lee, and away, wondered a hat there wee in his h orb to laugh at. The wife of Sir Walter Scott was nosily un•ympsthetio, end to show that she made no went of her diens. geed, it is r000rdd that es one 000edoo, whets talking to her ledv-frieod about Mr drawier-room carpet, she remarked, "I must rt Soost to write some more of hr nemeses books ad hay me a oat/ oas." Shelly's fiat expertise, of the matrimonial Deese, whiok M voluntarily tied around hie seek se save thetapetattos of the lady : nod Bermes domestic infelicities, are they rot writta In the history of letter The plodding and m.ebaalc•I Remain• who bee we ambition beyond nettle a fam- ily ane the orwattos et a respectable balsam as the buskers', will, no donht, lay the blame at the feet of these gifted lndividadi; but the gabbers raises a very serious social problem as to She Inoompatabil'ty of various ole.... of 'tell ad mama. Tho fernlike* mind does not, ee . rale. appreciate shorans qualifications, hat it has en t.w.ww appnshtim et pritetioal foots ; and the ideal worms of the pasts sed novel- ists is simply •e invetdles Ise bays io drams .boat. -The Ovate. Wall, I'll go,' njofoed the other. Re returned with great celerity, and with a fate as white as the major's. 'Upon my life, yoe are right. We'll pot you some- where else for rhe night, and see about it in the motatng.' With the earliest dawn thev sought the steward, and demanded an explanation "It's all • rnist•ke, gstlemwo," M said. "It's l.aptala Hig*ta•oe ail right ; here's hi. Instate." W. mn•t have this explained," said the purser. "This portmanteau is unlocked ; let se see what is in 1A" "It ooet•Ised a lady's wearing apparel. " 'Jay Rano l' cried the steward, 'that's what Domes of taktet moose as don't belong tut in. She said the tree Captain Higginson ; bah didn't say as it ma oely Jr the Sal- vation Army t' " siM1a4 toetae 111 Rewarded. Peblto imitat $lea and moieties reward and remogak., sots of g•Ilatay involving %b...ving of life far more than they used to do ; bat the perms saved -fie far as drowlog roes, at all event. --sea his or bar friends are often far freta sharing the public grati- tude t• the rawer, said ase of the most celebrated pv lemiosal awitaoo.rs of Me. age. I always take amm.r eugavemesta at seaside please, as yea knew, and this lam has settled tee M save .early a dozes lives as chase medals and esMi .sal. show, Ooe at the M I reamed wee • onllter (tom the Wiga dktti.t. He was drnah whew the be sapalsed, sad I swam eat and kept him cep fir sheet hell se hoar. Prime h. numb. Connie Charly (bidding geed bye) t " I ed the baanh-tile was u • weteriag.plaeit hays't the cheek t• to - kies yes." 1. Horeb Wel..-•ed Mete t o aft., falet- O t ani Alfa : " Uw Mien" lag, he seta,a by way of thk.:- "This will be geed besieges for yes ad Ambiguous - Peet : •' Did yen get pet year same ap," •d, after the crowd my book d seem % that Igen* you t" bad made up • pares for ane, be &steally Hie Friend : ",Oh, yes-delybtfel I as told e that h. tkonght 11e "ought to steed ooalde't sleep till ltd read 'ea" in for • bit," as le wee shroud' hem I'd do.. the Wok. Ho sad ttlrltay. •win yea be stat f' Oe soother eeeaels, is order W nesse No more toe ssylls oosome. a vatstreet sad ?raneegirl, who Blum .11 Of wombat " Mw." Out mull divas.•ea se Were dragged ape down, 1 had in He asks, "CM tbe yes.s t" rem Mr biters 1 es1A tri her ashen. It -1-- ie se •etml feet that, ebougb the crowd Weald yea oblige,"uaid the rmpreeeee•dve l.mgbed and °homed, the �� �1rl's metier- e1 " Home Obai," " by telling nate what Ate was at 111--M•Iled me a "brute" book has helped yes mese la life " •ed all the t(mo.fee •,set ever lb* girl .M Ates b ehe0Mtful Paw* toe gene tae. hopes svel•imiag :- a.swmsed t Y1 beak-heek." "Peer dartitag. did the brute strike sed assay kill yea!" D.io.Mve (i. weed .*a siert t " cos 'M ewe 1.41 la* eowa that .ft rwa.. yes email the ime w.vk year buebad wittiest ee mouth se Mab lee ma. The addressed My+a before helmet sway f tether .t • lad thee .1, B. Jehaties saved Wife t •' Yoe ; be said, • Mamie Miami kiln a stli epi lead the o=e.il..at fi e= sake d. eht M r mum. ktsaws w •'O.saaV' tMil see tbet s «w sr�«sore. attar rp lretie. amok *keit that Yhs, ewbres . tits save+litYs ge iR"'IAawie vwAmLr" thak old lee «Wesse et i.Maad, • elle shed p/u Gar-. ► f llaslrldM hes kirl�* �t i1N fete 11M D.at'1 way ar; I'a.wNl demi pit me mfMlblf«� sM I MI HOT CORN. u; Ada(pssrvely): 1 hope yua'!I invite u.. to the wedditag whoa yes get married '' Jack (beady); '• Yom 11 be the fiat pesos 1 shall •av11i, sad U you don't accept then won't be any wedding " Three emathe let or she married hire. Mr. Jones leased epee hi* eardeu rake and salted over the fence. 1 noticed a Babb to your house lass night, Mt. Maley," he said. Are tour baby's teeth bothertag him arils !" " Don't know bow moth they're bother- ing him," but they're lathering the liteoun et fur. " 1 hardly Maw *bother be marry her oat not," said the Dallas Osasi. " Her lather u to the derbies brads." • • There is mosey in Monies,` said i . Herman Priuoe. "There's ia't say d mlMM,' eau tag Osei t. Actors, Singers; .-_ 'Bids of actors. public asrsl___-1 sinters, [ecru. age, preachers and !vadat' 8110 taasated web throat weakness. These drl.cate ovebNnp lbi. t rad a head hoarse delding sewee deep tsg le the throat, pain over the eyes, drythroat. sac.; an theae ase for.ruonera o[ Crank Asthma. Tonsil/tie, and are but urppppl1r�tg.boaa b to o r • uraoua oomph1�t1ort 11 neglat ted. DL Aapww's C*TAUH� . POWD 4Eawarbakruniaaa, harwilswoinciquickacang, sod will c t s elf each altaroouublle•-rdieva to mi so tt.... der ei orad c Agnew'' Cc�a rlforraPo�w�- and pubes it .ail rah ware both subject, Qf eg9 Camerh,end osver aerthing to .q great ready for ipfich and eoratly. qualities,- .1 le . wonder worker. 1 heartily recommend it 1,my brother pro earma L' �1 Remelt FoadfeWthew Yotk C*j SOLD BY J. B. DAVIS, a simple, scientific and highly gptritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. eraser WATSON a CO., e•.eei.»a., Yewret•i For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKIN POWDE THE COOICS BEST FRIEND L*RatsT SACC iN CANADA. STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, Bweeessoe Oaryatal d• Mod* ataanhetarer of all Wads of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Ir_r Works, etc., etc., Aad Dealer is- Esglsee, Maohisery Castings, kc. All elms of Pipes aced Pipe Fittlage, Steam and Water Owren, Globe Valves, Chock Valves, Isapiretett Ejectors sad le - petters eale- pettersle- pettersHead et, Lows• Prima. AI Use of Steel Water and Hos Trey* see of famere end others Rdaalrtng erOsNtr an dad to A. S. CZ11TST4L. Inky P. Hes 5?. Oedarten. Cartage &Fuel Co. are prepared to handle Bag gage Freight and Household Eff- fecta with Dispae: a! reasonable rates. Dealers hi all -grades of HARD SOFT and $sithing boat Wood and 13iadliag cut to aleft muitomers and deliv Peed with promptness. Ostia,$ ISO licited. Telephone fd Cf. dF.CV; J,ZhFtM�� D.0 L