HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-18, Page 1s><
lust AIR. Tien °wward KAptr•o•TUMID
chum of the brothers, sad they were Meth, NES THE DISTRICT.
• tneodiy till that tune. Harvey was • strong
young mos, two year, older thea Fred. He
i %
port Os$ Yaps
,hOa;rogauone were 01W4J ietermleteat- QVaa 1 ani n 'TRACT.
Our pastor, he said was ever ::&Tone in Ili s
o.re, doing ever his best to advanoe them ;
.ptrit.ally, end °occluded by telling them
a minister's dream of drawing a oo•oh •03' The dlPist from the Loom MU.
ender with him stuck to the mud at disown
door. The pastor replied to his fellow -
worker's kind word. of enoourgme°t to the
welfare of his charge .t Leeburo and Union
and .loud with the beoedtoUon. The new
lamps lately got were used for the first time;
among them was a large light for the churoh
porch, whioh was lighted for the drat time
by • Dunlop maiden. The order ot the
•we0i.g was good, though before the pro-
gram opened there wee a little candy -tiepins
to which some of the local notables were
mode the tercets. But we think this little
habit should be dropped forthwith. Re-
member that an Eye above sees this, even t
you do not heed our correction about it.
l II
voted, ti•lesl•dy-Boz 999, btu -r AI. 1
O1 oe
torongbly GrsWful-Fulford t (•o 4
Trag-Geo. Price..... 2
otos For :1e
•--Geo, Netber,. it 1
uom For Christmas -Porter's Boo k■tore
odericb Bargain Centre -Jaw. Reiman
allow For Bab -Jae. &Mosotho's
tivdss sod Music -Geo F. Emerson:4
seder. For Supplies.Iaspeet0r of
swot ,Stich Values -`Smith Birth. & Co.
penal For The Week -W. Aoheso. &
seders Wasted-D.dley Holmes
'rade ',ethics -G. M. Eniott-
luron'• Greatest Shore -R B. ;iamb., .
Laic -Nilo McCall 1
ile Tracked-Viosorls Opera Howse-. . 4
:rood Opening -Wyatt', Volr, 8
'atm Property foe Bab -Philp Holt---. 5
did not thunk Fred had soy .stentioa o
Before the Pollee PBILMI$trate 'hoot at an : be thought that the piste Front OUP own COPre/POIIdSU to
west off •ooidontelly, and that tt was Fred's
]red's habit was to oarry • revolver ; be I Aero 1. InformaUsa Mere That Coolies be
intention b scare Harvey our, not to .
The tvldeare Ghee Meter? Ills worship
b -► te.aad tail Tuesday I seat lip
4 Trial ea • Charge et
1 ON Eridsy Fred Elliott wee before
8 the Polios Magistrate, charged with *hoot -
lag amid killing ids brothiir. Haney, to tMay•
6 field. Only three witnewel' were heard. and Oh led him to •
1 Fed set .vin -_- --
when they were through, the Crown prose• d there war Mn Crawford DVH fIplQy,
4 outor filed the evidences of the dooton and in h band Ttiesaey. Mow, 16. 4
b r
had then one with him A number of 11101•.
la re-examinrtio0 Woods said that be did
wet remember •nyeoe being with them wires
be .•w tee revolver, but otbere eo did set
alter bis evidence.
Frank Keegan testified that he went to
the house after the ,booting occurred, and
after •i.wing the b,dy end learning who did
it be started to the beck of the buuee to look
for Fred, knowing him well He saw him
Doming out at tb• yard; and Fred rid,
Frank 1 shot him." H
seat and they set down, but a. r
down be buret out orylsg, .n lie •
• crowd viten, led the prisoner up- •
In oro.s-axsmiastioo Keegan mid IbisHar-
vey as...ty q.sryel•ome wb.p, o liquor,
and war • pothole' yoaor man, Whereas the
prisoner was of • quiet disposition and had
bad oonsider.hle stoknses• the
Tho., ld•rk mid that he war opposite
A'b oo and heard load talking ouuida the
hotel He started across, and when within
10 or 15 feet saw Harvey Elliott, Woods,
Fred E .•ott, Mrs. Elliott and the daughter.
Harvey Ind Woods were aloes to the hall
door ate,. and Fred was between the hell
and bar doors, throe or four teat away from
Harvey. Woods and Mir Elliott had hold
ot Harvey, who car swearing. Witness
saw whet be thought was • revolver in
Fred's hand, his arm being by his aide.
Heard prtaoner uv, keep him away or be
would shoot him. Mrs. Elliott ties went
o Fred. but eiil 4lfraelf tliit='itMi
war mild. Outing diff time H•rviy woe b.•
..,r o*id by W t --s Idol SllistM- 1111'..,
was struggling and 'wowing, when Tr
said ••Roup him away from me or I'Il shoot
him." Harvey finally broke away from
'Norris and ht. sister, banked up a few feet,
polled off bis ooat and said, with an oath.
., Here's somebody who u Dot alra•d of be-
lyiitrt." or something to that effect, and
MTaw towards Fred in a stooping post -
Ogg, and o. be pared his mother. witness
Nth prisoner raise his hand, not very far,
and the pistol °went off. The revolver
Pointed toward. Harvey as be .waw op.
Harvey then fell forward. and as he fell the
pl l was in prisoner's tend. Harvey was
thin carried into the house, and Fred was
rvieg and making quite a fn... in crow
examination witness gave s more minute
description of the positions of those preemie,
said that Harvey seemed determined be get
at Fred and assault him, but neither Dross
nor re -direct examination varied moth from
the direct.
The medioal testimony, a. taken at the
oornoer's inquest, was then handed in, ani
the P. M. •djoarned the cane till Tuesday to
prepare his decision. On the opening ot the
°hurt on Tuesday Mr Seaver committed
Elliott for trial on a charge of manslaught-
E. N. Lewis prosecuted, and Wm. Proud -
foot detonated.
/soled Anywhere tlse-Newe of the
Dowdy apeetaite B.perted
roe The Waal.
Mt. Agate Herbert spent Wednesday,Is
Idles Emma MoCrookenbas retuned Irmo
it to Breathitt
d left last week for Lake
Ds Mea., to join her husband.
7 J. mower and tittle daughter
MrrprroaComiltoa, are visiting let Wm.
Mr. L. B. Duff has been re-engaged with
en inoreesed salary for sobool No. 9. East
MONDAY, Not. 15.
SEEING OLD CoraADta.-Geo Rielly, one
of the first on the school roll formatioO list
of the .ohool seottoo over nine years ago, is
up from Petrolss, visiting about here. Geo.
le yet s oandidsto as he .till asloy1 single
EAiiii$T Wo.K*a4.-On Wednesday of
list week, Mires, M. and E. Hayden from
yb.pp•rdton, were in our ratchet oolleolJ g
da.ages& ia-dfet
d of e Bible Seatsty.
young ladise walkinits diotsoas of 13 m11.0
asthma. mrmling,IOnkst$4I from the road
to the farmhouses. on our route.
FOP SSW oar To Rant
1 one Meek from Square tee.
piths modern orreniencet gdod stables and
or are house. heat moderate. apply Ito E.
of lout and Albert Street*, near Drand
[runt Derot. The house Is two etory•'btaot.
.o first oIaa. order The stable is ons of the
,net in town. This property is well situated
it 044 of t►s best localities la tpw0, and w111
lir Yield drop. yew further .rtloo'ar t" -i.
o L I•AN(' Y. Ooderiolk or GEO. AEI-
gLYAAiih„iii►door. Oat.
oo r a'eat, the dwelling on Ne1wo et at
•restst'esenvied by Ir. *meets it 000talne
1.1 roes tooled se drawing room, dialog
room, /art: mad Mechem. sad has a llbrery,
law., :•_.
a era
isl a good sellar.
1.04 ttMsftttll7 to
.•urs • eat
ea. re -
dosed the Dasa, World's,* war .ubetan-
tialiy aadsYs s
Albert We.b the lint witness. said -
He. Gernert It Harvey Elliott had been
at Verus en)" .fteruoos of the Bth,return-
Ing to tieyti about 11 o'clock. They had
all been drinking. On their return they
had a driok or so, end afterwards he ted
Lamart wast to obt.AO a lunch, and on
their return were in the bar, end there were
other pei.oas present. He heard gorvey
Elliott soy to prisoner, " Go into the hove,''
or something to that effect. Fad was
standing outside the hall door and Hatvsy
Ow= Women O.torko, Lot 1.000oe5
ion 4.A/ Celborae. Heron County,
1X aegiL els, Moll =Hag water. R as
been oast anomaly la pasture for LI'Gant. 151
elan largo frame barn db. In. Frame bones
sad latches. "morass% traveloroadl- 41.0 web. b.laoc of
Eve car pant Ioti.eSL Apply to F. W. Mc-
IKa% AGH, Oorlow P.O.. Ost.. or to J. A. Mc-
o-DOS AGB. Y Wolltwgte. BL fast. Taranto. 11,
Pert of Lot 9. Cesoesetrea C. Ooderlsl
Tows. oole1•I sine 3 1 d sores or land. Thawed
sheeted on tb• property a good li story bra
dwelling. with kl•eben soothed. and with
Dollar under the whole house. Tb15 is • retail
Ent clam p1..s sed will he sold on reasonable
terms. 170- pritloulsn apply to PHILIP
HOLT. Barris it Dederick.
Dated tilt Jt It .1900.
was standing neat bum oo the platform.
Fred refaoei.tu$- h -•4o the booth, trod Har-
vey walked or ran up to him sod toot 10111
et hint. Tt**pjlinohed. He. Woods. got
hold of them_" 'part them, and some otter
e 'se helped. After they were parted Pried
walked towards the bar door, peat Harvey
and witness. As be walked away Harvey
took off his cwt, though he war told sot to :
h e threw it on the platform, sod witness
was holding him all the time. Harvey got
away, and -ibis witness went towards Fred,
lntendine to take him away, old when be
got pretty elan to him t ollie wad Mid
saw Hsrve'y either wolkim ble* * Mme rinf
towards tans. Wilepa-ApImd Hervey
around the waist end thus saw • revolver in
Fred's head. He .bsMtsd " Don't shoot,"
sad Ara as he said t1 the pistol went off.
The pistol was in the pru ner's right hand
when it went of! ; it was not gait* in a bor-
leoatel position when it went off. Harvey
fell Into witew arms immediately after
the pistol went off. Before the pistol west
off Harvey was straggling with him to ret
at Fred, and seemed determined to do °o.
When the pistol was fired, the prtwner was
slap. to Harvey. When the shot was fired
promote wee getting farther sway from Har-
vey- Before Harvey took off hu overcoat
wtteess told Fred to go away, and toe start -
.d to ria. There was no load talking, but
than was clear and chateau talking by
Harvey ; what witness bard was Har•
voile order 10 prisoner to go into the house
No one screamed. The whole cones of the
trouble was that pri.00er would not ro into
the house when Harvey ordered him. He
talked with prisoner •forwards that even-
Isg ; he (prisoner) wa- very sorry, and said
be wished he raid pn•. an end to his Gziet-
.vea. Io oro.• -examination witness said
th .1 Horsy was determined to fight ths
prieon•r, and was very querrelseme whim he
h••l began end was the worse of liquor.
They were all, laoludinr Fred, pretty fall
There was no quarrel in th• bar and all
were frietdly no 10 the floe. He wee a
', Survey tbe Town of
poder{ch wain le erected •• ohm wadi -
toy hone*.
lasted tib Soote.ber, ISM.
Ooderleh 11641
SALE --TIN brisk Tadd mos or..rbootkiia1
the river aged lake former! o
1.re A. Katherine* asq.•
Ono .t the meet w.l..ble aged deatraM..rv-
pertlse Wows.
2. The twoomery home dwe111ow I .ave on
South =ma Iat01) •d)mnlnir • e Brit-
at present °cassia '4 by
Mr Andrew
s A dare tlpN
1 The dt alYsM IgM. lad formerly
*Mining groundscped
wear the o. 'Tr 1rlt.• .sgettsm. trmert' 000ap{ed
by the late Judea Teel*
,geARe*T nada
Ito sad
last So astore. Goderiob.
Not..14 1t' 4i!'
rhe matter of C. R. ft et WR ! CO.• of the
Town of 0olerlek, la the Cowart or
Huron, Merrkaate. Debtors.
The rbovesSm5d dialators have made 00 ae-
sitomest te tan, ender the pr♦vlsisel of " As
Lot respeuUatfor e benefit
of t:ted.tor.. Wag Mae. th .0.1117. sad
amending O.
A meeting ef the Creditors of to said Debt-
or will be bbl at my *Elea le Terri
Rouse, 'a e Town of tiederlch, eves
o'clock th the foresees. tem Thursday, the
1Rth dr 04 v
II..b•r, LW. tee 01-
r thea
Moet of los4Seterl sod the glvlag "1
lone with refereed* so the disposal el the
Rimm p.rsrs elMaklig M
ea the .state is
partioalara at seas.
claret took
*omits of.
Sheriffs fh8oe t1
Oodseioh. NN. 51h. 1M7.
macro ie mai
tie tarnish to a
by amd.vlt loot
Mil: M tb. °are
of =N.
For 111•01•
Elt1IatIon. Vacant.
WI',CJi'1L .,,.:
find to set as beet-lem use a
WOIMS Ston. Lateen bot 114MWItAL
OUR l.o,:A1. MacuANIC:.-The beat of Lee -
burn's local amateurs were in the rear
with their skill and knowledge a few weeks
ago, at the Sunday school in Leeburn. •
key dropped ban t versed
dd with skp ill in mochas
pboerd and
nut ► 100.1 m
icel tools could get the key edit without pro-
posing the anger, ohtrl and saw to fish for
it. One of our local non-profemlooale hear-
ing of this appeared and with an axe soon
made an opening wtahout • brook, when an
urchin's hand quickly re•ohed the key.
the ittatmaa .1. Crews, Er. Mrir.dy'.
Sunday, Nov. 14th, being the anniversary
of oho opening and dedication of the new
St. Peter's, the occasion was marked by the
erection of this new 9atioea of the Cross.
Bishop O'Connor being pr.seetaad perform-
ing the oeremoay. Early mass at 7 o'olook,
and the Episcopal u -.as at 7:30 hegan the
services of the day At 10 o'olook High
mase was celebrated, with Rev. Dean Mar.
phy, of Irbbtowa, as osl.brant. At it. ma -
elusion Bishop O'Connor pre °bed an lip.
propels* sad iestr.o1ve ,sena, dealing
- wR_a= loyr-tb•
mid ♦arpos& of the practise of following the
Way of the Cross. At the oonolasoa of the
serene the stations were blessed by the
Bishop, and bung on the walls of the
oharob, seven ea either side. As each
.tattoo was emend, she prayers of the Way
of the Craw. were monied by Rev Father
West. sad 16. choir °basted the doloroa.
" Sial)./ Mater." Tb. fourteen oil paiot-
ian which sonnies the °Inti°.s are sword -
'ugly iso works of art. painted by the mile -
beaded Trsnob artist, Cohens, and wore
pareba.sd by Rev. Father West during s
roast .1.11 to Motional, a1 • net remed-
ial" $300. The massy band -carved oat
frames, wkiob .and ever eve fee* is height
are the demotion of Alex. Maeda, of
*Moe, formerly of Godwin, sad are valued
at 11900. The sew station =rennin %bor.
5otdlly with the other substantial and n et-
lyfurnish*" et tbo *arab. the shank far.
unhinge and the tram.s teeing both natural
tai, sod the fine painting, are entailed Is
their grandeur by the bountiful cathedral
wlsde= beside them. The attraction of
the day. bew•ver, was to tb5 enable 5•r-
vwa, whoa Rey. Father Metirsd Presi-
des* of Mt Mioheal's College. Tersato,
pr..ebed the eevmoa- The altar woe ger-
g.wly d.esro1d, sad the illamimmlios was
Veers was nag by the neinneinfad the spnagb. [dlswl.g elerry.om were in the
510OM0ry, Bishop O'Oesaer. Rev. Dee
M.rpbT, of Irbleterwe. Rev. Tr. Diana, 0f
Rae. Tr. Molina. of S0. A.gast•
1.s, Rad. Fr. ,West. sad the speaker. This
was net rather Mo1e.dy'a fret apoearOO.o
la Gadslhsb, as he waste motor sa (h5 se -
n ein el she laylan of the sorier-.tees of
t deme edifies em the 17th of
gr it:tie gigot at kis .st.. a en
that byt was nib at be fes i6. seating
wlmrdty of the ebseeh es Sosd.y last. He
be his thee. The Divinity of ()heist,
wiled ter.told Hie
, mod 0periag them
wpb- the •tlfltt i1 sower of iti'lilw He al-
oe dessribet Is *mashie tern the w/er4.0•
mod boob d see Leta. dthwbg from them
ale= isillgtlsble pteef e1 bbd metely et
CNH. old the sublimity of Ills &mien.
rheiwit Ilio ref. eattpasa .peke fer se
bear .s4 m wf. the ..oterty handli .4.f m
4r and sob set Macs to a .ad all dee
eibastd the cash- 1 *'.honer
Will 1wsys pit ter Mei as large nod as ot.
Moseley a . 4..I_g+Mea as thew clewed Wh.
Heisillelbse .heal fibs s.ewri.s et the
ki a g1SecM!k Slabs cut to tt
---city of
'aches sad to
Cedar Slabs
and Et for
pare of the
Dilor. Stn..
store, soder
1a jgWroe wood Is dry
n wee. Will deliver so all
semi ass se adored. irk
et S J. Here groovy
1 ewe* aid dente, or
Publl. Platt.s.
that I will slew e, w to sheet et hast
par property. Amy one dole
o will be arrested -and prosecuted. Yrs. H.
i, ATTRILL. Rtdeewoed Park.
esement ood
len weekly to a her
el ssatu r• .ge, re-
mora. T. LINBOOTT. Teereste, Ont. g
tButter, Atm
Ds* or all 614.opoultry, W.
B. KENO. Wingham.
Tho County o1 Huron of the
m js fon of m
the Court roma
1. the tow. of Ooderioh, ole Teesdm'. NoY.
MALMO.. at 3 o'clock P.Y.
W. LAN . Clark.
Elated at Godwin Nov. 110. 1147
.Mt ion.
le well !tows ma .Iran btr er1Ottst OOk.
wad, Ty M Okt>k1e.. -. Zljeetthe
oqVISA/ She Oh IITUR N11s. c
19- sDfurth Q
he ►er further psRtts r tb.
er .e the flans, .' TgseeMStellft0. P.
" eadleass Wantid.
1. MON Olt
meet data
Ctralnn s
&Remi tied•
_ get* salmon
to renege* as to 0.4-
Onferred MJMATBA OIQAi1 oo..
NSo1 cony's n g, Salarto vel a nsesspal&.
The BA•DL$T--OAS 1t dao., Idmlted.
obesats6. _P!
COLDEST. -Fridaya i/ caw the ooide•L
day the. feu . w
CoLL&Crtr5- 'J- M. Roberts and his
Jshu are on a oolleottot tour of insurance
ANNUAL TgANKwnv1ru.-Divine *styles
will be held on 'Thursday. the 251b, to the
ohurohee bore, it being Thanksgiving Day,
as appointed by the Government.
CoxvALtsINo -Richard Treleaven is, we
are pleased to stats, gradually being restored
to health -Mrs. .f. M. Roberts mod Mrs.
McCaig, both of whom have been 111, are
oonvleeoiog slowly bat surely.
-November is thee tar, as in tourer years,
ilerlf. Armory and - gloomy wow her. On
_ tqehow
storm, Whish rresul isimuddy ►wt ,lot
owing to fine weather on Wednesday fo1-
iewfirEfl<a roads aoos-7agascsist es
ditioo tor travelling,.
(Too te for last week.)
ML. Minnie Hillier of Goderioh spent
Sandey with Mrs. W. F. Riot.
On Thursday of last week L. Prong had
a ben drawing wood from hu former home
ou the let con. and in the evening gave a
party to his friends and nei5hbon which
was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
The supper and entertainment held in the
Orange Hall, 411 ooh. on Friday evening
last was a decided suooess. Although the
night was stormy tbe hall was crowded to
the doors. The sapper was oompoeed of
fowls of .11 kinds and hot potsto5 with
other delicacies too unmeron$ to mention,
end was an .ioellent one. The entertain-
ment was given principally by the members
of the Union Churob ana was unuanally good.
Addresses were given by Jas. Hamilton and
Rev. E. A. Shaw, while the °hair was thou -
pied by oonnty Warden Cox. Prooseds 440.
PANT. Torose•
WAuseta4 aTleossshsgd team. 5910y 116A
tonne to eCM•POIMII 11111•16. J. Y•LLP
wAt.. Terre.
oor AND ' IOMhN
try 4h 'FBA `44..sset
di:LA a.a w Cartier ot%, •d•
TUESDAY, Nov. 19th.
Oar former resident Mrs. 3. Mair spent a
few days visiting old tomes and •guai0t.mosa
in the community.
Thos. Trewin of Cedar Spring. Kest
°aunty paid • visit to hie wife's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Hick.
A Dumber of our farmers have bought a
quantity of damaged wheat from the hit ere
1,lbvdock ta -=,-..--__..
TU.NDAT, Noe- 16.
John Horton attended the late presbytery
meeting in Cantos, out Tuesday of last week.
cif. and Jas. MOMnus were in Goderieh
township, last week, attending the funeral
of their mole, the late 8. Burke.
• Waukee WWgnt or *meaty Mews agreed
up 1. Matt tyerybodl - rub sad
Tidos alipped amid Ceade.sed
Tri. Myer? Sartain.
CLINTON : The price of hogs has
dropped te $3 50 per hundred.
Grey : J. Lamont, Grey, was added to the
House of Refuge inmates this week.
Esser: Mand Jeokell left o0 Monday foe •
Brantford where she will go tato the hsrpN
vas nurse.
Wingham On Friday lage_s_deer woe.r♦•
Delved from t11. hunters. G. B. Race was • .
the luck -Tr 1boefa.
Clinton.: Miss- Myrtle Cudmore, Tucker
smith. who died on Saturday, was • meth
of Geo. Davis, town.
Wingham : Chas. Gillespie shipped • car-
load of apples, per 6 T. R , on W ednesory
last to Newcastle. England.
Cliwtoo : J. T. Powell, a graduote of the
Clinton Collegiate, has been esgeged in S.
8. No. 9, ilodertoh township.
Egmoodville : 14. M Graham, father ot
Mn. H. McGevm, died ore day Inst week
at the advonoed ago of 84 Sion.
Exeter : Reginald Elliott, GOD of B. V.
Elliott, town, hes been appointed °Amager
ot the Motion's Bank, at Norwioh.
&uetila:- Thia weak G. A- Deed.efie
.hipped sr Voreiefassere ta.iadJ deceit i -....
mg pomq is M•nitoba.nd 16. West.
Bru.sal►t r7,_ Q,. . hod the LSO
Acre term, being , Sit. 'W3. Or? ; fit... •-`
the mongers sale recently held. The prion
war =1,900.
Blyth : While playing on Monday little
-Nina Begley had tbe misfortune to fall and
strike • stow, breaking her loft •moulder
blad. - ♦ - - -.
Moerrie : \% o .re plealt•Mar i01
Charles Hinson, - iiR.o.. hoed wesaN.rety
injured in a nutting box nog wheel, iissiisteadi-
ly improving. -.- -
Brothels: Adam beets sed, daughter,
formerly ot Morris, have taken lip their
residence in Brussels. Mr. Soott's health is
net tory good.
Walton : 01d landmarks were removed
WAS week Ip the cutting down of the willow
trees at Louis Mot) maid's rstdamoa.
They have stood there tor many years.
Blyth : Robert Walden, of Begot, Mani-
toba, • former resident of Blyth, was one of
the sufferers by the reosne prairie fire in
Manitoba. He loot everything be had.
Exeter : The euhool house, known
es the T•mar•ok swamp school, on the 7th
ono. of London township, section No. 13,
hos been closed on aocouot• of di-astherii.
iiiytn : John Cutter Iters purohaeed the
residence on Darnley street east at present
ucupie.l by Charles Roodhouse from
N. H. Ynuov. The .price pail was 91 000.
Soalortb : Jann.d Molnu:l.ud, of the Lon-
don toad, lett on Thursday for Surrey.
Eogland. He is going eit the request of an
old lady, hie aunt, to look after her affairs,
WELL MERITED NorL-In iooktog OYer
last week'• line of The Luoknow Sentinel,
we notioed in Belfast oorrespondenoe a well
deserved tribute to Thos. Lindsay, who has
°haws of the oenvsya0ee of HeerkWeime*y'g
Royal Mei( from cd5ricb to. egg.
notonly is Ballast_ but all alcor t..e rent.:
we presume. the .iSe is dos to him for
panotnality, se ales ter his obi' ging at tent ie
to the 10..M.. esNssM y.
R***OrAL-i)srisg Int weak. Samuel
Rosh., who had tora ,ember of year' sup-
plied the Milieus of Dungannon and others
in the vicinity with bread, oonfeotiooOry,
etc., having leased his establishment to
Wm. holster' for • terra of roue, removed
into a dwelling owned by Wm. McMath.
W5 wish him good health in retirement
from business, he being from oAtwork and
too close application thereto somewhat in a
poor abate of health. We also wish his
•0oosaeer, who oomee highly recommended
as an adept in his lime, good patronage.
Tuesday, the 9th, the munioipsl fathers of
the municipality of West Wawanosh met
In the town hall. All the members wore
praenl. stege-, look next 1,-esided. A..nmg
the municipal busi.ees a number of cheques
were Mood on the treasurer and ordered to
be paid. The next emotion will M held nn
the 15.h lie i.,v •e I•y
statute for all mui lwpal onutwits to the
Province. All having claims against the
municipality will present them for payment
on or before that date, when all taxon are
liable to be paid. -Ashfield oonoo)I met
on Saturday,the 13th.
• a1.I
N a014.45 0.4
ts5 'set
MINS REITs emirs.
. W. MoOA i..
iparrvit..1114111010 plane*
roseaat IS
ome. mad
Omslbek Lyric
wriest awe
w eve see`:
ODA Har Supper.- Was ia foot a genuine
.nooses. re. night if dark and rainy did
sot obeok youth or old age turning out to
the obioken and the niorphisa and other
varieties in the form of as senile= mean
provided. After the sapper • program wee
given by the Uoiea.-Cholri:OP Primrose
G.derloh tp. ohoir whioh was dispersed
by t6e rough weather as the route eio
Tbarsd•y, rallied in fall foros sod dye
Weenier. of .hoc, readm7, reattstiea eta.
A melody by s trio of bachelors on the
frtgbt of a partner, mused =oh laughter
and merriment. The pastor, Rae. Mr.
Ho.Iltea ably 811.d the duties of chair-
man making °°newt of ambers given.
At the does of the meeting s vote of
thanks was moved to the choir and others
who hod helped with the aroos5dloge, by A.
C. McDessld and D. Cemmiee. The fie-
o.siml returns were over sixty dollen and all
pprreen% voted that in 'store,
for a tee
be pae
kg ,Makes sad pots
. bill e1 fars.
CAWING AN0 Gottta.-Willin•n Morrow,
having in the meantime retired from bust.
noes, he on • aHng tour, being miaow -
ponied by bis wits, to relatives in the town-
ship of Stanley and other pointe. Ws,
.loog with their host of friends and •ogn•in-
tanoes, wish them a pleasant and enjoyable
trtetttegletn..41e44-tleM•tk Lit here bet
week ole an extended visa to his daughter,
Mrs. Banish (nee Mir Annie Mollatb), of
the City of the Strata (Detroit), and other
relatives at Pontic, Michigan ; wet along
with his host of friends and aoqu•intanoes
wish the venerable gentleman a plewnt
time sed safe return. By the they, when he
left hors be. be it remembered, was ons ot
the noble company of volunteers who did
good servos in 1837 and 38 in distance of
their homes and oouotry. looked quits vig•
cons for Ms ane, being well up in tie
sev5.ries, sod if milled upon to do se again
would manfully .halt, being • loyal subject.
ae 88LL " 1Ztg11DllCfi 1rO16010018,18Aa
reaamf e
Ufa 1 e*Mse M n w
The tea anti= hold ea
with 110e, saw
very rough weather,
showers of r•1m. After 2 P Y. the
ladies *hawed with prepare g the tea
with the esalatanse *several b.ebellen one
got the stove ap sad tbm table reedy for the
good things for the meal - 'rhsrweet ear
useful b.oh.lore drew . Ise/. retrlgaraiter of
cool opriog water. as a fair word was pres-
ent- 'Two old meet pest sixty, )need the
storm to enjoy the sloe Iss, which was
heartily en)o 41 -by .11. The pastor took
4 r:flhfard
that • hot supper
°.day evening. sad •
Ater local obotr Ave
side. sad s male gnat -
Magma t 1. Sew Torii dot odic bey Mr.
IllaTelprt by slimes Mr.
W. Ilasillost, who 0411 Assbalsts be.sall re.
Mnbseed Re reports 'IMO
HtWttweb .Ml wiryi
is 7nft+.tlww. lb. Seer
is heft be II01 bees.
KNTMRTAtNat'tT AT Lt*TURN.--On Thurs-
daytheatres of last week a number of the
las and lassies 1e Dungannon and rl t city
took is the .etertatement held at Les ars.
The weather happened to be eomewhe oold
sed stormy ; however • hot sapper which
was .areptaeely peepers and of which
there was an abandOne by the fair
sex at Unbars, after 1 partaking of
whish bo the satire satiate n of all who
partook thereof, the t r and stormy
weather was forgotten not' I the tim• far
the drive homeward. On the way home-
ward weather continued to be oold and
..y sad the ante of the hot tapper
sed other amusement•. Mist( somewhat
.bated umbrellas sad wraps were brought
Into the. However, umbrellas were toe
fragile for the stormy wind whioh pre-
vailed. They Pepe* that on the whole
they enjoyed the •ntertei5ment and outing
wbith will, le 1s teepee, owing to the ii -
Moment. weather, not result In any of the
party being attacked with rheumatism or
any kindred 6*....s is the future.
Winghem : (4.o. MoT•vi.h, who has re -
meetly ban living in Strotbrev, and who
has both visiting friends in town this week,
1e11 yesterday to join the family in Rainy
Seaforth : Angie D Hey., daughter of T.
E. Hay., of this town, has been re-engaged
ter seri year •e te•oher in the eolith' in
notion No. 6. M.KiUop, at 425 increase
of salary.
_ t-.. .._ 7 onel .t_...O--.---
(yllmtOm : Tli. lig-fit tl ") "' ' .
lumber dealers, Ooderiob, was is tows co
Friday, and took orders for several oars of
lumber, but the lumber was destroyed by
fire that night.
Wingham : Menem Fowke and Tinning,
of the Old Country, have been in town the
past weak, visiting the di8ersot taunters
baritones and parohastng furniture for the
Kogluh market.
Ssaforth : Thomas Fowler has sold hiy
farm in the West end, Tuoker.mitb, to W.
Orish for 46,500, and has purchased Win.
Fowler's homestead farm on the Huroa
lto•d, for 46.000.
the =air an
we*/ be boil Oh
en Ilelastleaa
tette sang a piece with (7501 .wenn,••
Wee Andrews of Daalsp belay the •poem.
peak* em the wpm. The asses oboir ow
lag to their etgnaige net monies did not
take pert, bet pretaimd for Msndety. Cheer-
ful gratin. 1114 est terser po Choreic,
J. A. A.dglaes ot he
OtelogW. le fel. althea, ea amain'
mob rl chs sleek e1 Wm weather who had
s its hod h tea dela ',Wet b.bed jest yerforwid
arenssy tet au beam
ass f
Vs lies
~Awry is I be said
mai cosy s.wsed to trolsw_ILre wave•
Wee areveired a this
tltli.giebi• bedramp
46. i•dr. *1 11 Iitai*I. lrsbles
throe frogs
8e•torth : John Weir, assi,nee tor 16.
estate of Logan & 0.., has sold the Daniel
Wilson farm, on the Rouble lit., (Stanley,
to W. G. Johnston, of :he same Una, for
44.800• There are119 aeras-
BrnsseL : Philip 8.s1, of Cadill•o, Miobi-
gan formerly of Brume's, had the misfortune
tor.oently break one of hie•rms inter° places
while working in the bush. He was .truck
by a telling tree, we understand.
Clinton : Saturday Oot. 30th, George
Johtetoa passed to his reward, aged 46
years. For 110010 time he had been a severe
sufferer. from heart disease and his death
was snmewb•t °adds°, although not =ex -
Climtem : B. Tomlinson. V. 8.. of (lints,
returned from Liman last week. where he
had 40115 to oonault se eye specialist 1t
was found that the sighs of I he right eye
can entirely destroyed, and therefore noth-
ing =old be done for it.
W. Waw•aesb : Miebasl Flalgsn, a =-
Live of fhb township, while at work on •
building in Mionigse, •ooideatally slipped
and fell to the greened sad was ;almost in-
stantly tilled. The remains were takes
home sad interred in Rt. Augustine osmetry.
HODott : The insert! of the late Thomas
Neils*. of Hallett, no Friday last, woe one
of the largest ever Nen in the count v. 11
is said tore were two hundred veh„i'Se t•
theThe remains were to l erred
in t 801 monetary, lsallett-
Bayeeld : MIs. Mc1..od, who it will be
remembered was bed fast for 20 years, and
recovered .arvelleeely a short time age,
died somewhat u tsi .otedly this week, at
the home et her brother -en law, ,1, W hid-
den. She but been around as usual • row
days haters
lesesserldll : (e Friday •veapg IMI a
sealer of the friends et O. M. Kitty, `4em-
tssNtll. assembled at the hone and pressen.
ed him with a beautiful easy their and pree-
n book. aeee p0aied by an address sxpv.s-
M.o el thew spere>.4e1ea et U. and 145
ahigh esteem is whish be b bold' Yrs.
tp one elorpevesestordi tMikeseasy .tate. , a
Farmers' i..m.Tat.
(Pram the Official BnalMlO
EA* Hoaow.-Gerrie. January 18; Bras -
eels. 98 t Blaoysb. Tehrsary 26 ; Ethel, 28 ;
Lsadbnry, Mori 1; Coa.tsnoe, 2.
Delegates --At J•ensry meeting*, C. A.
Zweite , Guelph College, wed Hebert Thumo.
efts. St Oatberines ; February end Horeb
msettaga Maier Jas- Stocepeerd, Quse.aton,
sad Joseph L Gould, Uxbridge-
WEsr Homo -Dengetioon, January 90
aid 211 Holmesville, Marsh 3 ; Auburn, 4 ;
Wkagllo., 6.
leleyte•-- At D0ed aeon, Masora.
7•.vfts sad Tholepins t se Hotme.ville,
Ashen wed Wfegbw, Messrs. Sb.ppsrd
sad 0.w1d•
Bows HtSOw.-Rzeter, Jas. 90 ; Rinee-
Bddr 21 I Ccwflles, Febraery 91 ; 7.srieb,
99 t Hassall. 98.
Dihwhti.--At Ricer mei Rroosfisld. D.
fi Kilis.nwed d T. H. Ms
B 1ttgt. iarl.b Mai
j14 , Ingyr,.It...l 1.