HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-11, Page 88 'Prem.._ I ;Nov. 11, 1537. _..... ,.�
With the incoming of November most people prepare for
Winter by purchasing Winter Clothing and Winter Comforts. We can
supply you with these needs at the lowest possible pikes. This week
special attention to a clearing up lot on the
5c- Tom.. LE
comprising PRINTS, GINGIIA31S and Ends of ORGANDIE MUS-
LIN 8, worth from 10c to 15c a yd,„ euit.ble for Comforters, Linings.
Aprons, Etc. Look these over.
A range of Fancy and Plain DRESS 19'.
GOODS, worth 25c to 30c, for..........
-Hosiery and Gloves�a a .
... Clothing...
... Mantles and Millinery
C sir.ND orTNI PR.ZczatwLZ_1
Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linen Department, -well assorted.
Small -wares Complete.
A large stook of Underwear at popular prices.
8oarist, Grey, Navy, White and Grey Flannels.
Inspection Kindly solicited. No one will be importuned to purchase.
A. MUNRO. Draper.
In buying GROCERIES you want the Best and
the Freshest, particularly when you can get them at
STURDY BROS at the same price that poorer goods
cost you elsewhere.
We sell quickly, hence our Goods are always fresh -
VA' don siay yitk ns W1101 ttgle.8141ft
If you want to bayAl slessfid presoak see the nice '
thin* we have is QSI:A 1114,0LAIS.
las Parte nt Ewrite In Few Words
For Busy Reader*.
Rest wedges Rippers ass earolef1
Oaml~! = M aims two *soft NA
Attractive Maps Ie1--�S• -
wnr raper+t a.MII. #ear's naSes mind
In Paragraphed i_S_ s•
servative convention Mr. Calder Ws*
nominated to contest the constknency.
The returns show that the Opp.+i-
tton In Newfoundland have currieJ
twenty -tore +.eata out of thirty -Ave, atwl
=-filar-N4Fham We'
resign within felt days.
LUIlala Anti- aatigtk$$AL$.-
The coroner's jury imvestlsatfng the
accident on the Canadian- Pmdae Safi-
_ Way urur Cithere i1Iebrought hie verdict
of manslaughter agatuet fustiianeeF Tex -
ander /del.:eaig and Coe ductor Harry
Rev. F. A. Guuner died at Listowel.
The funeral eereiees over the remains
d the Duchess o1 Tech were brill to
Bt. Georges (bevel, Windsor castle.
t 01.1 • 11 A- )uxiabA.
The United States Goverumeat is said
to be favorably considedag recipreeity
wfth Canada.
One hundred and forty millions was
paid In petwwns by the United States
Government Inst year.
Under threats of dt'ehfin ben lade
prurience. Turkey has ato Bu
s dewier --for -4+seLaLot 1g •r+
bishops to Macedonia.
int.1.•5 Agf-t-Ol*MSACE.
A number or r'rencn stealers nave ores,
arrested at Naury for distributing Anar-
chist literature:
The Spanish Government has decided
to court-martial Gen. Weyier lox• his ut-
terances on the ocateion of his k•avtta
The filibustering 'termer Dnnntless
has returned to Key Weat from Cuba.
having atI_ccefded in landing a cargo of
arms and ammunition tor the insurgents.
The French forces have evacuated
kir ono of ab•-posta-of..lae LagoaHin-
iiaterland, which wag oerupied by their
hoops in contraveatioe of the Anglo-
Fe.uch convention of 1889.
TheslPflt Eragl tens r'...li: :.'gig
Guard intends celebrating Its twenty -
by an eatead-
td tour, which will embrace Toronto,
Niagara Falls and Montreal.
Maximo Gomer:, Conlin auder-dn-Chief
of the Cuban Army of Liberation. de -
Hares terninet necepting tiny compromise
from the Spanish Government lode-
s* aloha --will ---titdl'k 1iOr1.
POLITICm CAte atatAw_ _
The' banquet to Hoa. Mr. 8ifton at
Vancouver was the largest affair of the
tIJn the hater:id the city._
There are already four applications for
ihorce bills to come before the next
session of the Dominion Parliament.
Mr. William Lount,- M.P. for Centre
Toronto, has resigned his neat, and the
writ for a new election will be issued
at once.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir Louis
navies are expected M Washington on
Tuesday. A prep despatch nays they
propeee to take part in Behring Sea In-
Instructions have been sent to alit the
inertmenhi of the Domdalou public Per -
rice to expedite the preparation of the
annual reports, in readiness for an early
eessioa et Parliament.
The report that 31r. C. Ii- Deviiu, im-
migration agent in Irelanc, proposes .1*
resign and return t6 Canadlap pates,
There is repi rted to be a grind opening ks denial by his either, who has just
for C+inadiau pine lumber in Spain, the come back from irelnmd.
Bpauish lumber suppiy having r.+l{ru off. 'There is good authority for saying that
Itepaorts from the e11irn€r411i1 1*1 IMI •+ Senator Melones "i11 get the Lieuten-
01 aleasrs. Dun and Bradstreet do not ant-/:u4•ern.Lil, of British Columbia, and
indiente any marked cha:ige in the gen- that Mr. Tempkemnn. wbei was a defeat -
awl business pee.iti ss,, and the eomnt_r- ed candidate in the last gehetal elections,
tial failures iu 'the .1'tfitei State& f ,r !Wilt -get the Senatorship vacated by Mr.
the week just ended .ere X21. Compared McInnes.
with JN{ for the correspondtug week a I r t;L "elellEn
year ago.. • More than fiftyee
thouod persons will
t'F IICI iG101'b W0111.D. directly indirectly draw Rena the
Sri the 8 ad®inistnt of the
roc o' uo y pal
Archbi�oep Lewis ' and Mrs. Lewis tit? rat toe
)rive returned to Kingston after .t I Mayor of Greater New York.
year's nbsenee.
A thorough search 1s _wing made 'b
the Vatican for a Letter .uppo•ed to
have been written by Pontius Pilate W
The Montreal Petrie earnestlp urge%
the French-Canadians to seek Britie+h
Columbia lastesd of the United Staees
as a field for settlement and con uest.
in CIES' COATS from $3.60 •
nese are this Sea.aaa make. diteot erem the seeker*. Thebsse Goode is,
Mime se *be prise.
MANTLE CLOTHS in all thOole l�oriew nga Maher and
New tibia sewn. You should w ear prisms for thew Goods before you
to p roes Ladles' Oeatiys et about W.,, prim
Dress Goods
of the Newest makes and Colorises se serpristegly low priers. Some
41 -Mob -yid' Goode for 160. A lob d DressTweeds as 26 oats, worth from
boo to 55a, Fall weights.
GOOD, Heavy Grey Flannel at 12;o and better goods at higher prices.
Ladies' and Mena' Underclothing in great variety and cheaper than ever.
Ladies' Wool Hose, heavy weights, 20c, 25o, 50. The best value we ever
Carpets .
The Largest, Beet and Cheapest Stock
e in town in Brueeels,Azminsters,Tapes_
tries, 3 -ply All -wools, !-ply All -wools,
Unions and Hemp& Twine and Japanese ' fatting's. Oil Clothe in
three qualities direct from the mill in 4-4 5-4, 8-4. and 8-4 widths.
' The balance of our stook at Rock -Bottom Prices.
COS.m�O r= =MOS.
-. EROS - pzun J.. MIL 001....180
• hs Oros Cot Warehouse of Me Gbit
Chas. Reida dwelling near the st•tioa M
roofed in.
Judge Doyle held Divieon Courb is Des-
.gennoo ea Meodsy.-
Tb. Dasenber 8entoea will sacs fair
waalta teem Tuesday.
The Goderiob Am tasewearlaidlid of
gettamg up another play.
The Cboew Friends will las* Is att0a>rg
session the Thursday *conies:.
Two oar loads of equate timber arched
Iha week for the breakwater lob.
es:dawee prim for butter sad
4 rieg them in. Gee. Haley.
Bros. aid 'ed. sittppenra emit'
load et hags to Colltngwood yesterday.
Andrews Bros. & Co, shipped two double
decked oars of Iambs W Buffalo en Satur-
Our 6regres'bsd a hard time at Ohs bis
Ars bent tall that could be -
did it well
When will the akaols rink elle•-Petr
skating, is a gs.etion often raked by ear
young people. -
Winter heti' wage b evident" M-ram%1tc.
and in many Wssass• silty were unwise -
eerily feathery.
Most of our bee wen report befog alert
.o hooey, caused by the •aaesaly beery
raise *arty In the summer.
We are makioa prepeiatiooe to reject
odes " to the beautiful,' but are willing to
erosive owed* to 'l Ht SIGNAL.
The eminent German dlsdeot °medius,
J. E. Toole. and oompaey, with special
sossary &o., mixt Monday, the 15th
A. S. Chrystal u talking aboot building •
brick, machine and s.gims hoose beside his
boiler works if b. gets certain privileges.
Captain Craigia, with the tug Evelyn, was
raising wheat !rum the harbor the past few
days, and • oonetdersb'o yu•atttY was lifted.
The possessor of en eye that sees and sa
ear that bean knows that Roe's ems Salt
is the real thing end ahead of all imits-
For fresh oysters that can be relied upon
co to thz, Victoria Restaurant, West -e1., C.,
Blackstone. Beet assortment of mediae is
Lase Salksld, ir., informs es that the
bashes on his property • few days linos
bon fine ripe raspberries, enough to pay for
Our sportsmen report partridges as very
scarce this Beason. The scarcity is asp -
posed to have bean caused by the wet
wa•1har la e14PO_kdlli1R-_ale Joan birds -
As the underwriters maid sot obtain • bid
that was oonsidered eatiafeatory for the
burned, smoked and sunken wisest, they
ars selling by the bagful os the ground.
F. F. L•wreeos, who hes been •ppoiated
by the G.N. W. Tel. uo. aa their agent in
Goderioh, will oontinne the Aloe 1. the
stand so long ooaonied by Harry Armstrong
ea West -.t.
Although a man is arrears for btn local
pope• may or may sob be a dead beet, be is
eertainly dead to manly feeling or be °old
not look at his label week atter week with
oat striving to be placed oe use roll of hon-
Regular meeting of the Collegiate mid
Model School Literary Sooiety tomorrow,
Friday. s.esung, cm width s sesloe the oer-
tieeetes woe at the midsummer exams, and
Rev. Mark Turnbull's medal. will be protest-
ed to the winners.
The Pittsburgh Dispatch .sy■ of J. S.
Tole : " His quaint humor kept the
'admin eeestantly amused and bra pretty
.ear•, the hind which reasb the bears, wen
thoroughly appreciated. Mr. Toole is ably
misted Sy Miss D.Woelf end a company e1
merit." At oiotoru Open House on Nov.
. 15th.
The other day one of the greatest agricul-
tural inverts 1n the United States, 1n talk-
ing to one of the leading American editors
eeld, " Right over there in Canada they
have a weekly newspaper the Family Haab
sod Weekly Star, that tele emissary ease.
Mush. I have tested 3t thoroughly, and
find it the moat exesileut thing of the laid
extaet. Many et my aoquainWees 1.b
writs to it and all admit Its ersemineees.
The pablisber. of the Famlly Harald tied
Weekly star have dteoevered the seer* of
seeking • great paper ler • dollar. It'e
well worth oeel•tier." 'hes le not bad fee
Geoids, and (Apad1•ns knew Il 11 alt now
Tb. splendid parities of the F•ssily Herald
sad Weekly Star is se den % due to last
rate aeric,
tiri+m of Christ.
It is stated In erelesinetietl circles in
Rome that the Poppe will .hortl'y give his
derision on the Manila)* reboot gnew-
tion. as the moment is regarded er op-
portune in view of the admixes of the
Canadian press 'Moe Ms- dd Yera -
missi.m to Canada.
The Grand Trunk Railway Company
proposes sto reach the Klondike by bal-
loon, says his air -ship will soon lye ready
for the experimental trip.
The argument In the Ontario appeal
regarding the Common school fund has
teen finished... in the Supreme Court.
Judgment was reserved.
The United States %teener Yantic is
lying iv Montreal awaiting the arrival
of pontoons from Michigan to enable it
baa sent cheeks to Brentford dm..unt- to go through the canals. on its way to
ins to $33,500, retureing the car work.' Detroit.
boons with interest. The smallpox nconrgc has broken out
The inwuranee companies intend bridg- afresh In Montreal, Another girl was
Mg a test mine aifatnet the Intetrobni:tl taken from a Homan Catholic boarding -
Railway. to ace it railway eonapapies we school suffering from the discuss .
responsible for fires caused by sparks
trom their engines.
The Grand Trunk Relive/ay, the Cana-
dian Nellie Railway and the Riche-
lieu & Ontario Nee/keel in Company
have combined to reorganise tike sys-
.teen of hatgnere transfer and delivery
now in use, and have called for tenders
from the easter carters o1 Toronto
and Montreal.
Anth.my Ch nda of C1larlotte file
Township blew the top of his bead off
while ahootint in the wood..
The Red Star line strainer Southwark
In the face of threatened .tarratkoa
and denth in the Yukon region. the
Portland Chamber of Commerce Is pre-
pared to snooty food artd eletbing, and
has risked the united Stater War De-
parhnent to provide transportation.
With regard to Milting to the Yukon,
Surveyor Ogilvie recommends a change
in the sire of the standard claim, now
limited to one hundred feet along the
river, and that the Government reserve
sections be taken In blocks.
Tha Royal Victoria H.>peal, which
Lorded Mountetepben and 1 trnihcona pre-
sented to Montreal st n or
which 'from New York on Wed- 100 .•ttt:
600, u grown gn too oIlll,an.
nesday, cern. beck on Prided' with are the governors are considering pions for
in bier cargo. a $100,000 extension.
Mr. George Parker of Parkereville Mr. Devitt Gowrie of Hamilton has it
went into the Muskoka River atter a calm against rhe Spanish Government
deer be had shot. His brother Edward ' for $25,000 indemnity for the imprison -
went to his asadgtaTuee, and both were ment of his son William In Cuba on
drowsed. Oct 2R, 1Athe 96, by e Rpnntah war sli-
liens Deering of Ikesop
the fell tharme..
dead fn his eartiage while driving home
with his family from Stretford. in
file excitement the horse ran away, and
the oc+eimente of the rig were thrown
oat but not injured.
Princess' Kiwniani ltaa sailed from Stn
Francisco for Ifonnh110.
iiir Donald A. $mlth bag formally de -
that his n w title wilt be Lord
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain has been In-
�ailed as Lewd Rectne of Glasgow
Vaivei 4t'y.
It is denied on authority tba't tis,
sent w messase to ex -President
ve.eland rrrryrrstnlatiug him on rho
birth of it nom.
Mrs. Celle Wallace, a wealthy O'ti-
tattgo lady, hes taken ear% a limey to
Evangeline Olancr'oo that she has offer-
ed to adopt her.
Premier Tamar and ether British Col-
ombia kfinistere are criticised by rhe
London terns for es -spearing as promoters
of mining eceimanies.
li1.r. Tette bee been deterred. try dif-
drevtt canoes, from taking hb oreporwil
to Hnrape. He hes nog yet an illy
eaop the idea..ad may go later In
roll[ wan +ow WAei.
Q>te.r wsa a genie ea tkb New ?tick
eked juin o� sr the giro peeta of
HILL 60 our or ntaiiSag.
The F.remets' Lose era Miriam femrea■r
will Tstnntsrltt etewiesie.
Tbrnne% ?tor. 1.-henrge R. C. Beth-
une, manager of the Farmers' Loan &
Ravings Company, ba. Informed the
press that owing to the deereeslea
the fart that oosslderable anprodartMe
property has Dome Into the hands of the
company sed the Margin of profits bas
been greatly reduced, the directors of the
Warmers' teem and Sailogs Gompaay
halve Aee'ded to recommend to the Marie
bol+Mrs the gradual winding tow of lye
eamp.ay by means o1 a rolesaary ilgal-
A full stetemmt of the poituon M ribs
menpanv Is w being preeeree and w'11
as soon se posdhi. leo enbmitted to tae
Interest en debessar.e and depedts for
the Mit yea • will b± pain forthwith.
The amount of the assets is largely
Is aceto of the rabtiltle.
TMjtet l seem }M H see
Ova eolle+ e -111100141e
beaten. 11.0.000. w rile taw tlaiit
le Stake r seder 01111101►
tr.:%•gid• 1.1G..itr.t i.
his nb.eriplks. We wore pleased bo wel-
come our old friend, the one time owner
and ovate of the Goldbuntee.
Uaptaia A. M. McGregor eau:sod le
town on Saturday..
Sheriff Reynolds returned
to Tomato on Friday.
(:spbaia J. R. Paeaoaa arrived home for
the e.aee. se Tuesday.
W. P. Kitl.okey, of W indoor, was vie1i-
lows os S.turdsy.
• Barns, of Beybeld, mine to tows
Ma Meaaday to see the ruins.
• nail
001111110 ANO GOING
Joseph Williams drove to Grand Bead Mel
Mr. Wyatt of tows wee k. Leedom last
lls,ister Cook, el Hessail. wash beers
Rev. Tr. Wan was in the elty ell Btra1.rd
e Monday.
Ges. Great, of RlkbaA, tad., wee la
Mere Inst wish. •
0. P. B.ejsanb, of Mwhwl, spat a u -
Amy 1• Gderw.
deb. MeOlegeam ell 'Bawls was is bows
ahwOwl Am.
Qaps.i. Alm. 11kLmsd of UAWVantsy
.eW w w slw.L Fray t l rsaetra4
R. W. McKENZIE e.. pleoed in stook tb1 Lenten
impestauo t W I X D O W
GLASS ret received at prima which o•..o he touched say
whore. To get ht. price 1. 14101011116 a
Hs ► ep. th.
Rabat Peeasok, d Qkgdmth..rpsM-
peal sadttbylflbe &kat, valid.
titres in Moots. the oast week.
County Cesseillor Holt was in tb• Qesee
City for • tow days the pest week.
jCe `now ledged tee beglumluale
•-All Hardware Building Supplies away dosed to Ptfios.
Mrs. Jao. Straiton sad obudres left ter-
keens, lie George's, ea 9aturd•y. •
At (aadatl.k, la 1ba _-
week d =d. Haat.-liesforth sob
("-Beebe,c...dr, st ttratford, .md I1epae,4.Ol TR2 OHEAP HARDWARE STORE
for Oew, of the Inland Reveller.,
Window, were to Goderich on Sstardsy, ea
en mopeetensil .Mat.
Victoria Onord House
Monday, Nov.15th
The Emiommt German Dialect Comedlen
killarne r aonrW1he Rhinefl
Plan of Seats at Porter's Book Store.
ADMISSION, 25c., 35c , and 50e.
Next attraction. "Side Tracked'' -the
great suoceme, on 22nd Nov.
lour and Fri
The undersigned reepeeealty meoanees 10
the people of oede ab that kr. hes O�.aad
out as no -to- ate near sad feel Bines la 15.
old Poet Often bueidlbet, M West street
where he will keep ea bane • fall stook of
all the es breads of
Rolled Whist.(ds mMbether 5
atou: aso. Bean, Moen
and other reed..
I have had severs! years' • eerlam with
the late eta of Oallvies & IgatogI.oa. sad
usdsrstand folly mit requi*sssnm of sats
Ton w111 and oor goods at ant -•lass, and
our eervtes promat sad reliable, We alai l
Melee fen. sod Invite a trial order,
CSbesper than WHITE WASH
Yon will do well to go to
Not Po
that we are again in the aroma trade.
Selects" and "Standards
enoceseor, to
Foe the largest display of
.ills side et Tsswate.
We ala pave es►mml seeread4.aat Maws.
Plumbing, Heating and Gas
Fitting carried on se,eltterudrely as
Scniiteu eat Coal
TN ?a'Z MAatl1'
at *5.775�pve�r ft*, egah.
AU bare sees gat R' ► tba tet a teatlranbi.e doles,
Osten IsM u WUM aro
that will Bake
that will Heat,
that are Stoves
• J.T
�R ELit S
11e weep M•v airt.
& Pea?. grasses sad Bogey fee
Spoons per dos 760
Knives 1r. *1.59
Forks _ . 7
Table C rest, ee oh y ...._ ...... 760
Mutter Knife "
Caadfs Sticks "
tilled Iraaa « 15o
Saboong, pot pair 10 sad 15.
WO eau Plate anything
in &awe Iron, Oo per.
or Steel all and see
samples of nnoiiar work.
guansor D1�CO.
....,. 16e