The Signal, 1897-11-11, Page 7tI TIIVBL Sill a MY PILLS en troubled for some h urinary trouble. 1 hold my urine. Was r broken of my rest, as get up six or . eight ry night. I tried doc- nany remedies without ny relief until one of Is advised me to try idney Pills. I felt re- in the first box and six npletely cured me. 1 lank you enough for lease of life and com- Dodd's Kidney Pills me. A. MCGRECORY, Cornwall, Ont. idney Pula cure Urinary Troubles rnni MILL. ITAIUSJILLLU Ia - - . aus & 86yuas OOR and BLIND laws to ell kinds of LATH. SHINGLES material of every I5.. sash• ,rniture a Specialty. e Mock is now complete and e of the largest and beet led outside the cities. rn SELLS my quantity to suit the 'tasty. Shells loaded with charge while you wait lave a full Stock of SHOT, SHELLS, PRIMERS AND WADS. teat 0110 wrv,t•a or - ALS, faro sure fire but only kill ie cud. ISON & CO. DATL BAR DWARF.. i• • 4 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO..,.. 4 - f _ STORYETTES. wades* ebbe esi s Weals. usiosuger (*.cabal et the Welk Verge express Oomp.y sat 1■ sae earner et kb ser .arty the ether nursing e■ the trip east }nom $toest silly, bellies s revolver Le moa bed wilt!s he swatted the •uto.me or a ewe vuoountM bstwees two wildcat. Dyad to a wealth stets .mrcely wide sneseh fur MM somata to ►ash about. Tae fight beta se hour, and is hen tb• growls ••4 marls had subtlds4 euuagh to gin tie memaugar courage to wok. an to, vailgettoe be lowed, in place of the smeller .t Ibe beside which lad bosh consigned to to atm, a few tulle or the gore. of hair d paths ot Lone, . Th• fight w ss) lo ►d been to the death. abed the larger .aim - Wafter kitties its mate had devoured its body The Dee were reshi from Ba ssi. (al, to Regis , MorFerry, Cioomattl Cesammousl Trfbnns. among 11. easaal upa•s.f £100 fur the tlsltral •1irw'i' 15bleote .broad. the eyteda d' maims is Chia" Wm glees FA lac •*ssd..■4 in Japes ped 1 Sims, they ast 426 some, while the Omega! A, ohms , pyrdormao eat et the Comes.■wealti. No oats are brought into the fetal* teethe but they Dome .t their own sweat will and they • great deal loaner than their preserm A required. When the guide others his tourut• &best him in the house lsbbl and lieu his umbrella h point to the spoors.' swab to the ekylIRbt above, Ike visitor is sate to tea tb0 form of a me •r.tohd at fall length on the glees The eat is not deed, however, as the *hole force pf the sergesat-•t-•rhe dope/tmest the joule butmehoply mime esthete ie the /weal sunlight. 9h& came a through the eultiocb front end .ought the roof. tribe bode on mise and nobody can get w1Nla • hundred feet of her. 11 she ierurntetded .< the Defoe street tad the soon melee'► brick through the line of ber pottiere sed adjourns to the vicluity of the gilded dome. At present she spends most of her um. over Ste ekylirht io the State L'br•ry -Boston Tr•oscriph HOT CORN. OssenLg Berries threnghou* the Heald interenttna •goads amber £690 A womb dog attached to • chola 14 likely to bemuse wound up. oo Tuuacsar, Nov. 11, 1897. 7 le t■-teote•ty le Seam N the s•eea. a Of all the otlioiet b.oguets in London' that re organised mob year oo the 000ssi.n of the birthday cl Queen Vaotorta, !bore is woe mors serious than ibst givers by the Matzen e1 the Robes to her Majesty. The Muses. of the Robes is the feminine head o1 the Royal tioesebeld. and bar wader her orders all the ladimein-waittoe, the melds of lather. the bedchamber women led the readers. the reootves a large eatery and pi/gashes, and 1. regarded as pmewlbg rush so immense amount of influence that, .ince the days of Sar Robert Peel, fifty years ago, her tenure of of io. has invariably bests so -existent with that of the Cabinet. Tb. present Mistress of the robes is the Duobese of tluooleuob, s very grand and stately dame. She 1. the sister ot the Mar- obtonw of ltlaudtord, sad, as snob, is aunt to the young Duke of Marlborough and to his American Duthie.. Ile tem Is Use /A aS. bus a Terme Is Joseph MBf.a appeared se minplalaleg ptoses WWI J. Q. Borg "tremor for keep- }, a female's des. PNominnee% legal Ujhta =.sA-trafuadst rosy wWam7e flq�t d. E !Shtbw.4 /ba& than tg.whloh r a eery vloahle Goa loo Bettor. krsagbt iw. from V.assoels &best mem yours sac, le always geetesi .ad w.11 'sobered u los( as be le ea Allegbeoy armee or bay other fd _ata stirots, hue gets toegh •ad •ties....5 seen as his sear f• the sed more *imam streets. T ha fat seemed to strike til- large asliewot from lig bomorees side, and .seed iamb m.rrilliaM es themes of the similaribp tenses. tan.-Aliegbeny Record. MAKE.. r and art Pipes strews ad.aslb beenestawe. TN FOR t RIO $. 'ARID SEWER PIPE O AORAIDS HT. ■.. aorta TOROMTC ITOBA . ..FLOUR DS TEE •A11LD. ice'--- spiitellt oar :