The Signal, 1897-11-11, Page 6e TIUaSD.T, Nov. 11, 1 BHT.
Only • gloss of ,parkilag wise
When the tempter's power held sway,
But it led is vtotim down the path
Of sin's most deadly way ;
It turned the chromed of oma young lite
Into paths of deepest woe,
And blackened one poor heart that ono,
Was as pure ea the whitest snow.
Only • glass of wine, alas !
It was • most fatal start,
For it turned to • demon • fair young tad
Aod broke • fond mother's heart :
It darkened • young wife's happiness,
And gave her but pea and woe
It brought her, instead of loving oaress,
A ours and • cruel blow.
Galt • glass of glowing wise I
- 'Ti. a little thing, but, then.
'11 turned • bright and sunny borne
Iato • drunkard's den
"blasted forever • preoious lite,
_ - And founded • Mama! knell ;
It planed the wreck in • drunkard's grave
Aod led to • drunkard's hell.
President Messrs Yves 11.
}'resident Henry Wade Rogers of North-
western University is w advocate of the
ordinance. Hs said : •' You may quota me
as being in favor ot the curfew ordinance. I
do not at all approve of having young lads
'TucvteIritheet- the-
mproper to allow them their freedom at
night, and they ought to he kept at home.
To permit them to roam the streets at all
hours of the Dight Is to expose them to
manifold dangers from which they e.bould
be shielded. The ourfiw ordinance to • very
proper polios regulation and is in the inter-
est of morality and good order. I •m glad
the counoii haw tweed it and that the mayor
bs 'mead at. Now let the polio, snforoe it.
Our pond institutions are full of young fel-
lows, ve,y many of whom would never hews
Rotten there had they hem kept off tba
streets at night."
Catholic Priest favors it.
Rev. H. P. Smyth said : "I am heartily
• eenc.ia. sitaise earths sarilt tsestfAllotyree#-wifi IF
in a year Irom now. It will 'strengthen the
Parente 1*.nentrolUAg tbdiL i den. I1
v.:S moke bettor ottisma of the young people
who are now growing up. Evanston will
hereafter graduate fewer orimin►ls from the
ranks of the young. This law may not have
been enacted tor the nI• ority. Laws
seatnat urfminsis serer ire. there N s
minority for whom ft will be an admirable
thing. The municipality Is not ssummg
psrenal care. Every law is an aesumption
of some pattern•l etre. If parent* would do
their fullest duty then would be ao wed tit
Jobe B. Kirk mid : "I do not think meek
of the oartew law. But I guess there is no
particular bum in it. 1 have never thought
It would amount to muoh."
Alderman A. L. Currey justifies hie
coarse in the council. He said : "I voted
for the ordtn.noe bemuse 1 believed in to.
It will clear tit: streets of • rough clam of
boys who make things unpleasant for th
bsinesa men and pedestrians."
Professor H. R. Kinoaky said : "If chil-
dren form the habit of spending the eve-
nings at home their homes will become mors
attractive to them. If this curfew law is
r made effective children who now inhabit the
streets will find more pleasure in their
homes with their merest& The polios are
given powers of discrimination in dealing
with vagrant children, and I a no berm in
this so long as it is their duty Bret to tete
• the child to its parents."
The liawehSsbs legislature which had
already en its statute books • taw prohibit-
ing the killing of soot and tusseoMvorous
birds, has reostly passed . supplementary
sot maktag It an offense be cell,wear or have
in possession the wings or feathers of any
birds protected by the laws of the state.
The following beautlfat petition of the
birds, whioh was instrumented in getting
the new law passed, was written -ea we
learn from " Oar Dumb Animals "-by
United Stereo Senator George E. Hoer, and
de authorship does credit to the honorable
senator's mend and heart. lo.smuob as the
petition u in form • petition to behalf of the
birds of other states that have no legal pro-
tection, it seems not unfit to style It the
Bird. Foreign Idissionery Petition. W•
give it in full with the signors' names ap-
pended :
To the Great and tleneral t`ou. t the Com-
monwealth of Man•Cbu.elta:
ADORsas oolirtlltnl ie -
W•, the song birds of M•ss•ebastta and
their play fellows, mass this our humble
petition. Ws know more about you than
you think we do. , We know how good you
ere. 'We have hopped about the roofs and
looked in at the windows ot the bouses von
have built for poor and siok and hungry
people end little lame and deaf and blind
chtldreo. We have built our nese to the
trees and sang many • song as we flew about
irrgsrdens-en4 -peels. -yes lora sed►ao
beautiful for your own children, espeolslly
your poor children, to play in.
Every year we fly • great way over the
country, keeping all the time where the
sun is bright and warm ; and ws know that
wh you do anything, other people all
over this great land between the seal and
the great lakes find it out, and pretty soon
will try to do the tome thing. We know ;
we' know. We are Amerioan'a just as yen
are. Some of us, like some of you, came
from aortas the great sea ; but most of the
birds like us have lived hers • long while ;
and birds like us welcomed your Whore
ethers and mothers have always done their
best is plea your fathers ,pnotber•.
Now we have a sod stogy to tell you.
Thoughtless or bed people are trying to de-
stroy ua, They kill us bemuse oar feathers
ars beautiful. Even pretty and sweet girls,
who we should think would hs our best
friends, kill our brothers and obildren so
they may their plumage on their hate.
Sometimes people kill us from more wantos-
eqs. Creel boys destroy our nests and
steal our eggs and our young ones. People
with runs and snares lis in wait to kali us,
as if the pisoe for • bird were not in the
sky, alive, but tn ► shop window or under •
glass use. If this goes on muoh longer all
your song birds will be gone. Already, we
are told, in some other oountrnes that used
t1 be full of birds, they are almost gone.
Even the nightingales are being all killed in
Now we humbly pray that you will stop
all this, and will eve us from this sad fate.
You have already made ► low that no one
shall kill .a harmless song bird or destroy
our nests or our eggs. Will you please to
maze another that no one shall wear our
feathers, so that no one will kill no to get
them. We want them all ourselves. Your
pretty girls are pretty enqugh without
them. We are told that it Ts u easy for
you to do it s for Blaokbirds to whistle.
A PLZDOR 01 swat ice.
1* 1'oronlo, 21 Richmond st., in • small
4.ilor shop, • father murdered his own son.
He had " put • devil is bis month tested
away his brains," and cruel king Alcohol
will lead bis viotim to the gallows, has
olaimed • eon and • follow workman,
has desolated • family, bereft • wife of her
husband, and will poet Canada hundreds ot
dollars. Will prohibition Day t
You give largely to loud charity, time
and money ; I.ut why not equally to local
reforms that would prevent the need of
tagfJtngsrwlttr -ern} a&
rather than mere oostquenoes, we should
Opinions oonoereing the Curfew law by
residents of Evanston, Ill.:
EDITOR Tlwzs-HIRALD :-Ther• esm to
exist many 000dioting opnions•boob.-the so-
called curfew ordinance posed by the oom•
mon council of Evestou Tuesday evening
last. Is enthusiastic advocates hope that
Its enforcement here and the teforoeatent of
similar Taws elsewhere will result In • great
rednotion of crime, and the statement' of
mayors and chiefs of polios of many cities
give them reason for their hope Its eppon-
ante assert that it is 000trary to the spirit
of oar American Government. An •x-gov
Greer of this State is reported to have said
that the ordinance Is an attempt not at
" government by inieeobton " Mast govern•
meet by the polis, and 11. is therefore •
cares of dapper. To my mind the truth
lies between them two extreme views The
ordinance, enforoed with Aisoretteo, mut
result to good, how much only time esm
tell ; interned without disoletion it may be-
come • grave seeaoe as civil liberty. Is
Evnstoe we shall endeavor to carry out Is
provisions as fall as is possible without In•
triagist upon the nersonal rights of anv-
one. It It oannot M enforced in that spirit
i1 eight to be repealed. This ordinals,
Mete ao now power to the pillet ; it aniy
gives them more ezplloit instraetlon In re-
gard to the eternise of power already nem•
tarred noon them by the State, A sereful
examination of the provision, of this
measure will Blear up mach of the existing
mi.nedsr.tandiog. Wn.Luti A. DTens,
Myer of Evoms's.
Fleming H. Revell maid : "The eadew
law is • good for these who heed it,
and should work no hardship to those who
do net. Parente who bees their children
under oontrol may objets to it on the
ground that there le so necessity for omni
an ordinance, hat there are parents who
seed the •ssateaes of the silty la on•trolling
their ebildrs.. As to IN legality, I eon
espy my that It has been is operation
in other settee of the country for years."
"It's a gond thing. and I am decidedly
to favor of it," said former Alderman .Tame.
Patmselsr John A. Childs said : " i like
tM idea newslesd le the oerfew e,die•eee
I de wet thhk it sea de any h'rm. •ed it
may An worm pod. Hoodlums have ootaters
gated es the street oerewty. and ander the
SOW 1•ar the polies tan seed them home.
The bell wield be • good thief, tooh
wild he • eewtist rssleder .i the exist.
sees of The law. The std esssu mf% to he
operative withshla�yy se dealer
FLitton, _ jlot •r eeltfifi' raft sem
eSmmee nes,•."
Jam& with teas mad yos'Y gut the wank
of la
•' Contempt le the wily way to ttlkinph
over ealemity.,,
A moo never Sets mod to • woman's
home% toainoslIy.
. Take the post's eyes and sero -bot the
sows of the iwiestiat
The plain spoken man 1. likely to ruffle
the feelings of others.
Tho Lord Meath a cheerful River, bet
sot so well as • tramp.
Bury your troubles and pleat blooming
e vergreens oa the grave.
The poet'a eye in • tine treaty rolling sib
dom makes • ten strike.
Some people oonot fool common mortals
cad yet imagine they tee fooing the Lord.
There is many • young mall tbst is able
t" out into a fortune who oannot oars* one.
Mnttwrtant Ertllnlle in Few Words
For ROW Reader..
V? CLAtialat rl.
Another outbreak of bog cholera lis
11r.ex 1* reported.
Au ezpetltttuu will start trop Mont-
real for the Ktondyke in a few weeks.
The threatened strike of the cotton
operatives throughout the North of Etta --
land will affect 200,000 persona.
It is reported that Mr. W. Southam
of Hamilton is uegotiatiug fur the pur-
chase of The Ottawa Citizen.
The Richelieu and Ontario Navigation
Company intend having two magnificent
new steamers on their route next year.
Mr. Balder.on's action in the Beebe.
quer Court at Ottawa for an increase
When a man of opposite views readily of his euperannuatlon allow/Loco has been
.gra with you, you have either suoo•Gded diamis eevelope marked "Conscience
ie oosvanctng or tiring blas Boodle," and containing $1060 in Nova
It is well enough to have faith is human- Scotia, New Brunswick and American
ity, but it a muoh more tmporant time bilin, hag been received at the Inman"
humanity should have faits in von. Degrement at Ottawa.
When some people got oo to the foot that results of the general election of
they were intruded tor tollowere inst.Sdbf members of the Newfoundland Amenably
leaders they will be happier and the world indicate that the Wbiteway Government
will be.boeter. will have a much smaller majority in the
new Aseembty.
There is no work of genius whi,b has notI The Cuban leaders have issued a pro -
been the d!I4bt of manktnd ; nn word of elamation in which they rejeet the offer
groins to•trftM the human heart and soul of autonomy from Spain, and threaten
have note--weaser or later, responded.- to hold gniHg of treason any bearer of
Lowell. the proposals into the country.
As there has been no response to the
The only libertyy c'hat a man, worthy of ( kan n ofor designs for
the mono, ought iaask for: n u7have'ittt'eens4
tn � i o!- I5r2t: area The litre
re.trwtions, toward nod outward, removed goo. Alexander Mackenzie, which are
that prevent eta doing what be ought.- F. to be ptaeed on Parliament Hill, the of -
W. Robsrtaon. . Ger may have to be thrown open to Bri-
Evsry man deems that he has precisely fish and foreign artists.
the trials and temptations which are lb.! it ie reported in Christiania that a
hardest of all others for him to bear ; bus . whaling boat returning from the Arctic
they are so ngtply became, they see the �w Frei Andme'■ balloon floating in
--_._Abe water near Spitsbergen. Brakmo,
very omen he most meads.
the Arctic explorer, propos[. to proceed
There is this difference between happiness to Prince Charles promontory to inyesti-
and widom, that he who thinks homed! the rate the truth of the story.
bapptest man, really is so ; but be -who earma AND CItlsItgALa.
thinks himself the wisest, is a 1'y the
1 The grand jury at WNkesborre, Ps.,
greatest fool -Colton has found true bilis against Sheriff Mar-
kin and his deputies our the murder opt
Tse tlggest (bootees -tax. Sayer lathe miner&
Free, the criminal from West Gwldl-
flw s Jelikee1 aass«a•,
•' es yes weal • fpm&M.s Y' trtd the
bushiest -Yee. sir.* air." replied the appUe•at.
..Hwa l De yea ever go lalag Y•
" W1 tetra Haifa/ IgM r
Day halts. emberdsy,
•' Cwtob anytbiag
" hot • War."
" Yon ma worn• ie work neat Monday if
you like. if you keep ea telling the troth
like that, you may be • partner is the Ars
nae of these days.' -Nuggets.
ted-M•tied Gnats los a Freestaa.
Dr. C. L Treatises, of Feed .why,
shipps • very realists semis te Meads 1a
Louisville. 11 was of a red mel.r, wish
nog' shat its body .very 1wh sad with •
blued -rod bead.- Louisville Peat.
��13Y ro ORDDlR
ET ASA ltt«�i-afa.!Mb ear Me
Inst bu Cleared 0111!
,.......MY OWN MAKE
Ityoti will, ws know bow to pay you •
hundred times over. We will teach your
children to keep themselves Olean and neat.
We will show them how to live together in
peace and love and to agree as ws do in our
nests. Ws will build pretty houses which
you will like to a. We wall play about
asp. ,4 =._a *emu lasda.,-- otusalres Lks
flowers on wing,, -without Goy nest to yon
We will destroy the wioked Ines sod
worms that spoil your cherries sad ourr.ots
and plums and apples and roses. We jrill
give you our best aongs,aod maks the spring
more beautiful and the summer sweeter to
you. Every June morning, wish you ro
one into the field. Oriole and Blaokbird and
bolink will fiy afar you and maks the
day mors delightful to you : and whoa you
go home tired at sundown, Vesper Sparrow
will tell you how grateful we are. When
you sit down on your porch after dark. Fife
Bird and Hermit Thrash and Weed Thrush
will sing to you ; and even Wblp-poor-will
will ohear up • little. We knew when we
are sets. In • little whsle all Ike birds will
Dome is live h Massachusetts again, and
sv syb.dy who loves outdo will like be
make • satttmer home with yon.
Brown Thrasher, Robert O' Lleo.In,
Hermit Thrash, Vesper Apatrew,
Robtn Rel Brest, Song Sparrow,
Scarlet Tanager, Sommer Red Bird,
Blue Horns, Hsmmise Bird,
Yellow Bird, Whip pees -will.
Water Wog-t•tl Qtoedpeek.e,
Pitmen Woodpecker, Indigo BIM,
Yellow Throat, Wileeo's Thrush,
Chick idea, ing BiM,
Swallow, Bird,
Cow Bird, arum,
Veery, Nea.
Fit. Bird,
Maki. lies til the *1 . ub be It w the In-
stalment ph* sed seek ed deed is •
hetes aced 1• tge
he esasenalea•
All $rut -clan Goods, sad well male up. will
be sold at remark• low prices to clear It
out woe.
A tine assortment of New Goods for Hall
and Winter wear.
•1115511 td.
Wtatat ?saw. mat Hest Meatiest. .
,I �oo veriaa. the modal op- limbnr7. Ie. lead utaw,tM to oto aasault-
erui of t i• onet►Cfbi is ltrxptlAQl�lttilFt'}t>lt�ItiH q som'''e" W
To foo t eieotton, the "agent" al- b 11►1aiist g ti0ry
ways bri R%s.OrspI es& of t•ything partici"-
July moved to his Iter. John Hatton was killed in a quarrel
with his father, James Button, in a
He presents his list, sod all the donor has shanty on Victoria street on Saturday
to do is to mark some particular article, evening, and the father i• under arrest
whioh is delivered to him next day.,, ` on a charge of murder.
—7613ff Meletyve, mt. er`the Windsor.
N.B., men arrewted on a charge a start-
ing the fire which resulted in the de-
struction of that town, has been cum-
mkted for triaL
Governor Atkinson of Georgia, in his
message, condemns mob law, and sug-
gests, among other remedies, that the
prisoners be armed and allowed to use
their weapons in their own defence.
Dr. C. R. Church, jail surgeon at Ot-
tawa, has certified to the Police Magi-
strate that Ferdinand Carrier* is in-
sane. Tile is the Rimoaski man who
Everyone knows the painful dRfiunity of
selecting a 2briatmas-box, and the longer
the Furs the more .out• the difficulty be -
The are hundreds of smart people in the
West End of London to whom the moots
betore Christmas really is a month's hard
Only the other day a grateful peeress le
Grosvenor Square promoted him with £10
for pvisg her trom what .he celled " the
bard -labour fortnight of the year."
.Armed with • most comprehensive and expressed a desire to kill the Premier.
o•refolly-priced list of all the latest .ted
daintiest novelties of the eee•om, be takes •
house-to-house tour through the West End
and Kensington.
1 Alai,
Pee Web,
Yoke AIM,
Immediately after this new law for the
protection of wag birds went into effect, s
the newsp•nato report. mltlisers began be
end their .Wok of festbsrs and birds' wises
ant et the state, and iodise m remove elms
trent their hate sad besets.
" Who. •1011 ws three s..b again 1"
Not on earth whom ens we sever
Dir.reat ways one pasha mpee Its.
A11 through life diesel/tag ewer.
Bet though sorted here we resat,
its may gale the seem hien items.
Widely unnamed we shall May
tl Rsreit 'shies* we larva t
Ah ! my (meads. (led gam„ $ soy
Eger tees the end 1e
Stetvtetg still to aqua
What euf mpwgii $eel ghi oaf.
Nash insi hate ad lee from. sinkgodii.ltarait R. fled ►w *ha 1
Reek may sari.• • ereww b wad,
Every reams may end les haves.
'hter*, whew earthly tells are
We may same to pie se sere.
-Annul Ikaluster.
The mere poet of the preset:ts isn't the
trouble ; at as she seleetiou of gifts suitable
to the tastes of dozens of expectant recipients
that bee hitherto taken all tbs gilt off the
Christmas gingerbread.
All that is ohenged now. An enterpris-
ing individual, who styles himself "a
Christmas and New Year's soot," will se-
lect •11 your Christmas -boxes for you. You
give him • obegae-he does all tee rest.
How the experiment hs worked may be
Fathered from the feet that a well known
jeweller in Bond Street received orders for
nearly £300 worth of nicknacks in • single
week through the medium ot this enter-
prising middleman.
At the present moment the Christmas -box
agent is probably the busiest man in London,
as be " interviews " daily about one hoed•
red different householders. However, be is
evideoNy reaping a golden harvest, tm, 11 -
dependently altogether of his commission
Imo _the ysitiRttl.ohopo to which he brings
orders, he receives frequent doeorore trete
the purchasers,
Mrs. Gorge Armitage of Bt. Thomas
was attacked by a man dressed in wo-
men's clothes and wearing a veil Atter
being somewhat roughly handled, the
lady rucceeded in makingher escape
The private bank of illes rig. at
Teeswater was robbed of $2000. The
cracksmen blew the safe door off and
forced it through the wank door, which
was probably clotted to deaden the noise.
John McIntyre, the Witedsnr, N.L. fire-
bug, escaped from the bleck-hoaae, where
he was confined. while his jailer sept.
Shortly atter noon he was recognised
In n railway cutting near Newport, and
taptnred by teectionmen, after • bard
strngr'!e. He was taken back to Wind-
sor and placed In custody of the mili-
What las Wanted.
Some time ago an old ooanue farmer lost
his wile and • favorite oow on the same day.
His friends oonslsd him for the loss of his
wife, and being highly respeoteble, several
Mete and offers were made towards Retttng
him another.
" Ob, ay," he at length remarked,"• ye're
Item enough to get me aaitb•r wife, my
friend,. but 'biota trate o'v offers to Ret me
anither neo."
• /sere That Play With Th. Pisa*.
"Ibis way for the beam:noted' nes,"
shouted a 000kasy showman as the writer
pressed forward to stub • glimpse of Alpha
the the intellectual *equine who is pretest.
ly @bowleg himself off at t,% Royal
Aquarium. The meets' fats he •soomoliuh-
es are wsederfat. Befog asked to de •
sim in addition, hs iadieated the figures by
laps a jth his tore -foot. sme tap for ew
two fol two. sal .o en. ' He sever wakes e
mistake. Subtraction to him la perfectly
wry, and he enbtr•ote fes long row ot Agar -
es from another by the "templet" method
with the smarmy of • Reed •rithmNhaa.
At sap he to •o adept, tied feverishly wine
eny ram* of words he eheew te ploy.
Alpha adds incite to hie other e000etplisb-
meets. A piano has item spookily made
for hi@ me, and he is 1.reAdeet m several
simple times. His favorite Mem is "Ofd
Save the Queen," and this be plays with hie
fere-feet, is a wearer quite es.egaisble te
susie►I sari. In Ms leisure hoes he pis 3 -
than anthems •.d erns, high -else movie*,
urodaetieas. Alpha ashes te be the great-
est player is the week!.
The method ei -raising ie Simplicity it-
self, sad borer as easily eseia.d be pee
form • ear ety of trieke by Mae feu whets
rules. W ie the her.e'e •teethe. Feed his
with year ewe Mad, and sever treat Ns
aekisdly. Little by Stele sash Nm Gose
simple troth, seat es Vine dews et Ne weed
of eemwd, or beadasg doves ea has right
or left toes. Roos bus will bassets pee{d
eat in gamy aonomplisioneNo, •ad take •
pleasure is thew. Ts Welfy aaeten opail
the intellestael hares. Re .heed Neve ase
tamer. sad aw ether purees should he allow.
ed to Interfere with aim is ay way.
Why de yee Meth at his Oaks 1 Ie WI
amble to ..1.nb•ad Nos, 1t 1st No bat
if 1 dlde't lasgb he'd b se *epistle Neat.
A toward r a Neap aslesr at 1s Chiesg8
w iry eves•w iee she alter. Be mates
twee lata tiffs bees. wad W a bili -dry al
Duress 1lAisk-t$Y: flit yies iIIbs y
is Iibast ws 1 ear.
s *Wm while asseduwe*il *--I teff
Mea y didn't pis* the Ilam f Nem Ob
It un'r what people know that gets this
talo trouh'e ; it's what they imagine Mery
12 Stearn's 27 Gold
Bicvcies Watches
.em j Eve?'y
Aviv yl tMonth
Ask loan Orooer ter pmrtlalas or
drop • faalsasA to
LEVER BROS.(Limitedl Toronto
During next week 1 will move
my Stock of
to the Store formerly occupied by
next door to Cox'. Meet Shop,
where I will be pleased to meet
611 my patrons and the public
A bull lino of CHOICE GRO-
CE1U always on Hand, and
a. made to give sails-
-Merits t
GasT'D'L fpm OO]0108TI71G
to the XSPOV6 or D?t3PEPTTQ
m Quarte -Peen} Ttna only, _
by JAMr.s EPPS & Co., 1.61..HnmaoPathldeca, Londe*• LOBED SHELLS
alvlaw .7
I have been troubled for some
years with urinary trouble. 1
could not hold my urine. Was
constantly broken of my rest, as
I had to get up six or ,eight
times every night. I tried docs'
tors and many remedies without'
getting any relief until one of
my friends advised me to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I felt re-
lieved from the first box and six
boxes completely cured me. I
cannot thank you enough for
the new lease of life and corn -
fort your Dodd's Kidney Pills
has given me.
Cornwall, Ont.
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Always cure Urinary Troubles
Bichauaus & Rhyiias
sunt: P WTIY eNS
Drawn 1n W kind, of
Aad bmadmes material of every destripnoa
School liarnitare a Specialty.
Our Stock is now complete anti
is one of the largest and best
seMated outside tie cities.
T.ra.aAP5 has bean sesbltdbed to give the
mitotic a tweedelas seeds with fair and per
Im t Iia tmgwsbelda a trtnotples and la
the 1s*5 i! !1a
It ata et every torsos who
believes to
Tor gale& use tats Cespsa
item, eoeseettsg wflb all Haas and
1 • gaited Mdse. Casale sad Earep.
Dlreet through wires to all points 1a the
North• eet.J ritfeh Colombia and Pasteo Coast
Selo. -South ewe Ws -et.
71 llfaaaRer Dodnetsh
In my quantity to malt the
purchaaer. Shells loaded with
any char** while you wait.
We have a full Stock of
-Sal ons "meg 01' -
are sure fire but only kill
at one end.
& CO.
belted, have ma o arrangements with
of Weer -t. to carry a full lin. G their goods.
The public e•smet
Furniture at Factory Prices
fr him. and by doings keel. their weary
In tows, Gad have a good chance of r este,
some at it beck by OulifertIng Horne Mr an
toot era
Ali geode of the Company'. ,make are rally
guaranteed by them
St -Titt rs
s ► Timulths
C+od.ezic3�. _
All Nos Mous g In. as ad has MI
tlf•aneet ea..
"-"-' as sesta TSRONTC
t1has1Ls) aet Mem plaet sia x10. Kee.
too !fres M seas tow W elms of
Insety %%
thee' i�ae yowl ups. Mal
Thur m
now •irata tee este •t
D. 1q'S
Polilla wail bey Thaw sbwld not min
Shim sgewessetsy.
Illpeteel *got t$ Lowewim. >�nS
t$s moo}, itasitalm t11. &5ui of es User aid siMNnb mr
ifIN be Still/ ladikosemilli ■ maim of rr rA .-:
ea/ Wm" 11111masses. 110 nr ableIll er etas Nutt
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