HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-11, Page 5FALL GOODS 1VIPAICN THE SIGNAL : GODE)UCR . ONTARIO: • .tdte whibits as the Yell show. Abbess\ ineesagt is genes ito by the a•e1441. all An tail es inberwit la beware and trait ▪ welootnia aad is hoped that this was- ese's disouselow swill further advent* We te- tanal that •1•0 moiety innards - W. C. T. U. Mgrettur.-The regular iseeting of Wit W. T. U. was bold in trie mordent to SW uheir. It was deuided that dories toi3 • W tell' months • @OMNI of Sun- day after000a mootinge be held, mid the ofevicee of Mies Andrews to preside at th• organ ware *soured. The preedent, who bed hese um delegate to the meat W. C. T. U. °convention la Toronte, delivered her report. and was voted hearty triaelie by the tunes for the full and instruotive resume of wee • lavas °umber of v tutors pewees, w bleb shows that the ladies of God/glob ere latesested ta temperance work. Hereafter Om regular meeting will be bold hiosday lensed of Friday. ETS in Ready -to -Wear Clot.h_ ing has fairly commenced, and our = in varletl! and style im the larg SON ) Su able Lamps s, Coniplete est, most comprehensive, up4o.db.ti tver shown by ua Noimliggerations, no, word trickery to get your dollars --and we wish einphasise the fact that in these days of cheap, trashy _goods old fashioned honesty is rare. Kindly remember, we guarantee all our goods as represented, or your m,oney back if you want it. • STAPLE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS. - Ewert's Linen Tablings (from 18c. to 11.54 per yard) and Towelings, direct from Belfast, Ireland. Ask to see them. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, pairs for 25c. Our Ladies' Heavy All -Wool Hose, at 25c. beats them all. Grey Flannel (not all wool), 10c. per yard. Grey Flannel, all wool, from 18c. up. .- 2 and 3 -ply Factory Yarn (best make) at 35c. per lb. Grey Cotton, 34 in. wide, 2ie. per yard, up. 425 &Lite Men's Underwear, the Winter kind, from 50c. to 13.00 per Suit. . Floor Oil -Cloth, tn ;slew, 1 yard wide, 13c., former priee,113c. ; 2 yards Temeamemr. Nev. 11, .1107. es LEAST 00OR BRIGHTEST LUSTRE QUICKEST DRYING. Use it now before flew are started. iuvely beet. Um no other. Pow AN IRON COMPOUND PILL so owohined as to make a remarks UM edy or Weekness, Lowness of Spirits, Poverty of Blood, etc. etc. air Vi by NV dee. for Inferior remedies. Use the senate SAMPSON'S. W. C. GOODE BEDFORD BLOCK. CHEMIST St. Peter's will be held on Sunday, Nov. 14 High mew will be sung by Rev. Doan Murphy, of Irielt town, at 1.0 a. te. after wiimit Hie Lordship Bishop O'Connor, of London. will peewit aad *mot the new stations ot the Cross, 14 in number. The evening service will wintoense at 7 p.ta., opiates wish vespers. Rev. Fewer MoBrady. of 81. College, Toronto "penal masc. Tim foliates olorgymen are iv:mated to be present ; Rev. Dr MoCebe, Fr. 3'ourtois. Drysdale Rev. b. Dixon, Anemones. All We oervioes of the day are volantary ant ba Godergoit Township, the residewe of George Middleton, war yesterday %b. wane of We piquet" of the much loved and pope - ler daughter Maud Middletoo and Wm. C. Le. of town. Owing to recent bereave - meats in both families only tbe immediate relatives soil ooe or two old friends ware present. The how* was graoefully deoor- gated with ferns and ohrysanthentume and was performed by Rev. Mark Turtle'''. The bride wee given away by her fattier. and assisted by her oougin, Mies Marioa Shepherd. as bridesmaid, while Rim. C. A. Sewer weed as beet man to the bridegroom. After the oeremoey Mrs. Muldlewnie hos- pitable proviso° wag doss full jestlos to, and earsest sad kindly wishes for the wet- .2gt.n., etinglagg „WA* peer hie oven and emponded to. The wediflug pink Wiles, aad the fair bride stood is ex - at• tired is silk tit daffodil shot, with violet and vele," bolero. TM travelling wesume • esigneassie oloth with white water °eat sod tamp of green velvet. has and mantle to oorresposd. The happy ample left for the East aad atm • short hooey - moos will return to reside to their new home by the lake. Mew' and useful were the peewits testifying be seetrest to welch both Mr. and Mrs. Lee are_held..17 their large oirole of friends. The 10.1111101 et itt. James church made • preesetatios of bamtlestane candlesticks. evincing their love aa4 regret in beim the valuable servious ot one who bee lived and worked &moose theen all lam life. 25 pieces Flanr.elette, on sale Saturday, at 5c. per yd, eaeily worth 7c. thordoubla four call and we d judgment OTT Philadelphia, at prieei at ma t edtrithobjsitt. CLOTHING. • Our Ready -to -Wear Clothing Departtnent covers nearly era the 2nd floor, with the kind of Goods that will catch your eye, wedr and fit well, and our experience gives you a double guarantee that the quality jelly. best obtainable, sad Est. JAS. A. REID SOA PS ! SOAPS! SOAPS! FINEST LINE OF TOILET SOAPS IN GODERICII Blew Ssaforth epalipatline with Tri- their he - FROM Set*TO 36o. PER CAKE. - SPECIAL Lams OF GILTC113faft, CASTILE. awe OATMEAL-'80APS, sr 50. PER CAKE. EXCELSIOR CATARRH CURE 13, A CURE YOU, , NAY DEPEND ON. %Mir IT - 'Am SOLD ONLY AT - MARRIED. ' itad this break from fell houses wee • ear - COOK -HORTON-In Pe tier Ird et1Priott to now, present. Tim bill ef fare Nov, M. by the eb.;:,-. . H•101 toe. B. telt wee lamest the beet over gives in A.. Widiam Cook. eldest son et Wean ,Z7lch, and had tt sot been tor the oes P °°k• t° litaintia• 61"" ""ht" 01 J" i °India( woos of rather overawe oomody, it ewdnenoe MORD= Titt•La.-eve trials will take tile °donee charged. Mrs. Stemma st Cayuga ea the 16th, the boy Allis°. at Gen ou the 29th, Wm. Honimond at Brew - bridge, the Trey ease at Napalms. ead We Bamboo, ow at Usilsay. LEE-MIDDLETON-On Wednesday, 10th inst.. Wm. Castles Les. of Pooled* to Mead. wooed dan.hter of Omeirge Midair ten, Req.. at Mowt Masses Fans, Gods - rich 'owlishly. ilsters tit, Brown. and Orford ,4 inches long, oiler, 5 pock - at s with off " buttons retail in i and Village 111S ..12ie yd yd 11.00 75e. yd m 6543. 15 pat- 450- ld latI. IV `rt cm TALK OF THE TOWN. !Prom the Reporter's Notebook. f You've • Mete la a' Tor Ceara. 1 redo is teat rt t • adore Amami re -ItsieneleeermsW-laMi len New Fall Millinery. You1I sever Prows on the Yak's. twat tee North Pale. while woods, as WM Frees overawe el Belabors's aka. The WM Doe ta4el, well the elevate( has pasiM ewe ; wet otlialiew's medal t ad pries abates will live for We. boiler home le *early faished soli the jo.ate fee the bee Goer me all at pesitiso. bier Bau..--Gadmeleh wit (*Mos will Pa• rk wie Tbs be faced Cume rem 11•40. -The is a remedy , prepared by Y. M. Dualism fer wide in the lead and give yes maid almost laideor e Torso Um- Tbe sewed et tbe sedge of sermons toss: isme will be prombed V.M. Jest in lierehme. Methodist *arab sere ease& Fos els itirriAM,o-las Moods, both! Samoa we la ties , wok TigeOby Blake who woo emessilasi fee Lowey woo ▪ Ineke does, ter tie Imalles Aryls*. Base Balt SWIM abbe VMS per Pim el stralasti les sissall lag etbse Tars COLD 11111.111111.-D sesame to fled the owlets* is old deseyed wells pad inak• Forrniatt- -A two from the Collegiate lestitess mid the Model Sohool went down to Closes al Wedaeodey sad played toot - ball with the boys et Climes mewl. wino• big the frame by a wore et 1 to 0. The Om/gory. Seed. McDowell, Clarkees. &tett, Fraser. Wake, Derain.and SUMO. are to haad, to the offeot that shoddy pod - glare are wavaseing Western Osterio, and that limey termer, who have boss bitting by the gang am oomplainteg about the Way Wey Imre bow robbed. Well those who have bens takes la deserve libe pualehlwat. for warnings have been °trembled about thew traveller, foe years Peet, we the block betweso flosth sad Vietoria strwee ou the Beall' aide 01 Ifilgis mosso, he tem of the Moose reeitlegdial Meeks in town lo oddities to the reoliesees ot Reeve Tatum:roe, Dr. Whitley, sod Joe. Stewart. four madam two stmay ber are beide @reeved, the builders MAW eerily, sad Mrs. Harriega. TIIE LATEST STYLES IN DA*Iff DRUG STORE HATS AND BONNETS and all the Newest Shades in VELVETS,. FLOWERS and FANCY FEATHERS. Agents for PARKER'S DYE WOREE. MISSES YATES. with sower ea welt end of town hall water et opened up whom Sound was reterred to ed with iron rods Fublio Works titan onrolid. millibutom ger. From F. Smooth, &Whig weenp-tion on improvements, it he erect a briok building on the site of his planing mili reoently burn- ed. Special committee, oonsider and From A. 8. Chrystal, asking tax exemp- tion on improvement., if he ergot a large building for aa engine and numbine shop. Referred to sante esinsaittee to report speed - TOWN COUNCIL Ifinetes I•111 Begetar swami ell lass The regular amiably meeting of tne wawa was held on Wednesday ••••blia!02, leet week. OP/WM IMPORTS. follows : Salanoe for September Mille payable $2,500 00 Maitland Oenteeery 60 50 Taxes 1896 168 06 Taxes 181/7 9525 00 Klestil° light rates._ . 313 96 Eleotrio Bebe bretall'n136 60 Market 10 00 Watt* rates 296 22 ALT lieuelie Ova -- litewes• Bell Red Oirrdas be. IkPar• Ed. Best, sad tit. whitely. pad • einitemi Weeeleir Mar Leal* elle resew weetiee Weiewdee of lase wee. mini as is meal, were well, aorta/mi. Tbe sleek* el of - Goers that took plaw dense Ow essiele re-' stilted as follows M.. Alm Robert- Yousg ; Secy., Maier Varese Auditors. W. Young. slid J. WOW,' : Tyler. Jam Grim - Doter Blii -Vie are informed time • of 1•Wellory 'fettles are golos about the surrosedling too whips milker what they mesa to be first Masa geld walnut Tinanos oommittos: McColl Beer ; oil, $16.- 40 ; Gotta Pemba Rubber Co., fire hose and supplies. ; Stevens Mfg. Co., 2 fire bydrents, $62, and water impetigo $14.90 ; *grown of COMMITTI.18. From public Wake oomouttee, recom- mending (1) that Humber and Cawley be paid $400 of the $577.69 retained on their watract, they to give their personal boad to mete good say defeat* found in their work ; (2)tbat the offer of C. Cameron to pity half the wet of an extension of the wirer 13136 1 $ 13828 Debeatere interest....$ 130 00 Bills payable. roselral• 2.500 00 Water works 614 66 , P= statue 488 37 8 11 00 great 100 00 Sewers 3761 b7 Separate Sabred 100 OC " Collegiats Institate, 1200 00 &Motets Bebe 21 11 " Poblie Werke 118 14 Fire Deparenseet .. 4 61 Public, seism& 571 30 3 85 them sobs. This Mellbeithe Saveral,gartiao grIM were foolish swag P Gum. Try it, oaly 10e. es to Mr. Fee to fed out wbee they are sow te operMiee. eel Mae " griete sod wt keg tog melt. althea/A theme f leers lialsores From Mrs A. Wilson salting • nineties ef taxes en bee Oourt of Revnioa From Wilms, Smith. oakum osestestios town yesterday proved that Codorioli is moving. chi organ factory being under full seam, boll hended. end haviny orders ea Mod to Met enemy weeks. Tbe cycle works had steam up end .hotigh not handSd were pushing tbings vigoronely. The knit- ting factory was running full tires and had it net boon for west ot special materiai would hat• been running overtime. The sew grist mill was harnm:nr, the North Atnertoan Chi/mural Co. was turning oat salt of the earth in large quantita..2- egad ellee hammer" at Chrystal's boiler works were beard afar off. At the harbor the elevator was not in eight, but the lumber mill spouted steam merrily. Tall Wheat flour, patent. per owt - 90 to 2 90 .. .. ...... 1 woe :116 cow 01fidetaw.....bish.yulh..._11.ton....n.i. *- Peas. V btlah.• • •:::::......• •:''';:.....:7:: 42°101054 WI:: 140114 to 0 16 00 to 6 10 Rye de (3) &eking power to pot in any additional ruttier that may be needed, and make water tables on the turista where the sewer pipes WS We.. The report wire adopted. (1) the payment ot the s000tuato referred to them as laid mooting ; (2)reporting that tresearer's and oollootor's reports bad been examieed and found correct. The report was adopted From the special oommittee on the repents/ (1) that the nogleot to promptly ring &bum on the night of Smoeth's fire woo explained by hia abeenos while after the Indian," who were making a disturbenee ;(2) ing prevailed that the watchman had not proper oontrel wee t • rowdy element on „pp the same, that he , ed too much Iodise oe the streets, as that anises he prove Moro "Molest hie esevioes be disoeseed with. Is thts assistiottoe tbe mayor repeated the stabemeate of We sigbewateriman. but added tbat this week two oral oesopialate have bees made m him, sod an examtnaties of the olook reseed for the mat two alights W owed several Iasi lames in riling of frost as hour te an hoar and a ha t eaoh sight. The report was adopted. the Fire p▪ fshite and report to omega. F Water and Light 601170121M4141. Clinton Cantelon & Fitzsimons shipped • toad of hogs to Collingwood, Monday, and C. Wallis • load to Ottawa yesterday ; the pries has dropped to $4. Morris John 11. Smith, tormerly of the 6th line, has lei t the ranks of single blessed• n ese, and will pull in acublo herniges with wedding took playa on Oat. 20t.h. Morris : Wednesday et this week Mrs.& Lowe, nee Will100, left for Mount Filmiest Isabella Co., Mlobigan, where she will join her husbatd. Morris : The 100 sore farm belonging to the eotet• of the tote Geo. °Smith, beteg North half of lot 57, oon. 9. was sold on Wed000day ot this week to Thee. and Harty Clare, of Grey, for thorium of 54.600. TO ADATMRTIBICFM. Netioe of changes must be left at ilia noon. The Oopi"-ike---ehanges must be left not lake than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements essemmeadtniting (1) that the ofer of the gaff 111 Wegeternumat to pay $80 per year for lighting; ALL PER Tan Glum Murt.-Tbry sew was si" worth. Mr. Fox "aye he we gee them ie. orr. - it „ bast eseaselea in fretting from fifteen to w" "" Paireatalid lba "Iv ""`". bosom ion do with the fakir le 110 giv. Ida poultry lama will be bold is We WWI hall, &Ism Tvitn,"4,78 nig.,,gtmL_The tim (animosities =Mitten es be held la byt to the Temperases Hall, North mt., see floterieb. flandai awesome at 4:15 o'oloolt. Wrig- ht Mottling LaiWilatten-IIIM Shettberd pee will be deffeved h° 1".•46 Jaa* Irk° rearm* elniatesd UM A A. 'Wee. ab• B. A-, of Kee: Amok esdhs. se enrolls/4e sollaPIL It Is Ilia purpose of the liessesseel*e Wall Paper nit pus - A fresh Tent of ed into Stoo the poet ales that the work required oit bellow No. 2 M the pompon! station, be dews ; 04 the% al* player and Ohairtnan bed sevesded engineer Smith for rouse and elwed J B. Kelly of Blyth. in his stead until the oitunoil should paw on the meteor Wed the «immense mom - mended that kle. Smith he reinstated with Os • motion to 'dope the report, onseoll- lere Pro:them and Colwell moved in ernend• meat that the report be amended engineer only at 1600, • :stooge° of $60 on lin mlary, and thee he bs reprimanded by the mayor and wanistee for his improper °endues ir the past : that Jolts B. Kelly be appointed 'lean:Asa and have Wargo of the elsotrio light Meat at • salary of $506 : the Won atia duties of all parties to be regulated by tb• sesisnittor who are to have meeplete ortstrol. Reeve Preudfoot thought the *muesli should be plead in powsesetes of the Isom Nadia( es the soden of himself and the mayor. and be therefore melted the acts of dereliMien of duty and disobedient* of orders es peusentee he UM, coontattia• at their meshing ea Metter semileg. tionte ef thew taste were confirebed by egievielller floods who approved of the onion of the *hairnets and mayor. He &besiege thee as Walter Breve had mead Ile retorts to duties se his termer oder,. the artmagemeet weld& probably he the hem, as It smeared sel seeds Mee =tits id the tate salarlea 111114:Mire Wage Mew seemed to °amend Wear elves le tire Noma WI4 the eletenthnent MI euvied ',Whew deem& Traveling Galas. New blaontne EW MACHINE SHOPS -ALL KINDS 111 of Repair Work done at RessonaMe Prises. Farming Implement@ tor sale. Mach- inery. new and s000nd band, bought and sold. Engines and Boilers for salts. Btend-Bates id wagon shoo, terrier Victoria and Trafalgar TT 18 NUT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT me HURON AND sr,ice LOAN itottcrrons.-Cameres, Holt and Holmes .- Durostre.--Intorest Compound every stg months at four per mut. Der annum. en 'um" from one boiler upwards. Depositors it to their advantage to oome and see us. Loser -May be secured at any time without delay on the security of approved desirable property. Expenses moderate. Applications reoeivea by the Manager or solicitors. Tbe Company's offices are loosed on North Street and. Court House SQuere-0111,01134 ORSIlle TRUNK RAILWAY. Mixed 10.69 a.m. MAU and kering 1.26 pm. Mixed 7.40 p.m. Mail Ind /Worse* 7.1 ant T FRITZKLY, TONSORIAL ARTIST., towning.shentwoing and everrother twill* meat oarefully attended to, and none but com- petegt hands employed, wilt toms' old stand. MoLean's Rey, block. next door to British Ex. Armee Hotel 911-0 weithiee a% OM la. All ire epeeist, inelseil =it. , Tint Sam ere es merry the illeteetee ell 4 . Ind wiles ibis la %WY "14. t" Tare Wtu. Rieretre..-00 IhrineenieriM . "'lb Part ef 14.1ss. mew* 0 flatiala O. TWO/a I (Me alert lithlitivaplatelllthes= _ Smith straw* sad Me west Draws leb. tti° the timettoN si ilb° NM at 1h* sidle ' thole lied Ateastlily 44$7e are going to sell Pretty ltatterne in Art Colors, suit- able for any room, worth le, 10e and lte per roll, for 50 Raw Melee Offloe. HEADACHE NEURALGIA Neuralgia. I for to. Brown's lissom Wild Cheery Bark foe coughs, Mo. Wilson • Iron Pilla to mate you "trona% 250 • box. Wilson's !metalling' Pills, 25c a box. Your mosey Wok if Goods are not se re. molested up PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORK. Telephone 11. W. ACHESON & SON All Border. or Friezes+ sad Oeil• 4aits bo notch. these are ("twat) se -Tuesday sad tre wog owe reel elf ileererlit sous sesowses eh. as IMMO "litsenartgal=1114::. eel "heist. ••=141/111"."614/00,441•43.111 la "WM ' e• ifahot6i,itta. PORTEFril • • SPEOlkL FOR TIIIS WEEK : 20 Dozen Men's Extra Heavy Fine All -Wool Ribbed Shirte and Drawers, the famous " O.K." brand, at 50c. each, regular 75c. quality. 20 Dozen Fine Plain Grey Scotch Lambe -Wool Shirts and Draw- ers, in small men's, men's, and Pia elantallila hy-kw W weenie KeLidpbte. allow lie '1.AF64114117n.„111§, 411011141isetee tete ire d Amigos Ms 11. Am* bs Piney Dress Tweeds All -Wool, 54 in. wide, for Dresses or Children's Cloaks, 15 pieces at 50e. a yard, reduced from • NEW FASHION sEarrk