The Signal, 1897-11-11, Page 44 TiV $D Y, Nov. 11, 1897.
THE'. SI NA : - 430101.1.ZH MITA kt )
$15.9° Cash
and $5.00 per month
will bur one of our
We have only a few left.
Now is the time to buy.
ONE of the hugsbooe that were pre-
sented to the'electon by the Cou.ervatiPPS
at the last Dominion election was that most
of the factories would be closed and that
wages would be [educed in those that might
continue io burins, should the Liberals bs
successful at the polls. That the cry had
an effect on the popular ote in some quar-
ters there is no doubt, but on the whole the
gaol sense of the workingmen enabled them
to steer clear of the snare that was placed
before them. .Tay we tind that work is
more plentiful than fur years back, and that
Watch for the artisan and farmer ere receiving better
r II II for the fruits of their labor than
V/MNtheir portion under the late regime.
Even Senator SANUYogi , fir a -of late years
an uncompromising opponent of the Liberal
party has made a full sarowledgmeot of
EMERSON'S the hollowness of the Tory industrial c
by increasing the pay of its employes-
wnne 1,000 -by tom per .most. -alleles point
that we. see The Hamilto.t Spectator atm'
other newsprp•rs,wh'ch i-1 leans: [days kept
dab on the atyiu' and rfuir•,a of.$3aoator
Ifiwor061i, now gnietli lasers'
Re X - -The 41 1(111." y has not got* to the eternal•
hni-�i°ws since the stiveut o: the Liberal
rs rUILlea*D party to power, and neither has it flowed
EVERY THURSDAY MORNING;[ •xelasittely W/Ll-'-milk and honey since the
beginning of the I:elorm regime. The
than•^,e in the tariff has not had time to
11 work try peneptible benefit, even if `.t
an were of s sufficiently radical nature to eSect
a peri*tent improvement, e id with the
exception of certain ei:or.a at etrenchment
[Utas sates wine cc the I)epartment.1 a:peaces,
Leal and other casual advei JsemegtL 10.
per line for first insertion. and 3 oenta per line everything else that has worLed toward the
for each subsequent insertion. Measured by betterment of the condition of the people in
• nonpareil scale
Business Dards of six lines and nadir. e6 per this country has been outside of the influ-
yesr• ones of the Goterrment The excellent
Advertisements of lost, lonad Strayed
immuring vacant. Situation' „sated sed•.yrep the ff•te weather hair huvesung, e d
Boatnees chances Wanted not xoeediag t r
the tact that, Awn to sat
lines nonpareil, el per month. 8 hCrops in. other
HousesSale and Farms on: -$.1.. not, to inures;. the pricee'reied,'11s'irefs
exceed 8 1 , -. et for bast month. 6016. per eve
assume n std, L►rger Adria. la proportion outside o Miriderial in9iisoo• Or siatutiwg
prnmr e t c
e pe
,ay¢ty}„alt, e�Qant,.In _be oonetdered .�dsM,;l,P �tp�poeojniums which have n
vertiwrointC•"nd�-6tR[iimed sworn, dr. ' `° 'r pr
Loral notices in nonparei11ypa ons oasis per psi(' to Sir WILJE ID LAI ani is -
word. no notices leas than 26c, leagues since the Liberals assumed the rein@
1 neat notices In ordinary reading type twooti�'
tufa per word. No notice tor 1..s than 600. d of6oe. e
Dee for churches sod other religious and
relent lnatltagr-ishalf [ate +g4iz srbape,ose uf.Lhe b.eatest humbugs in
embaeri` er wbo fill "1"r51" THs 8tet*s connection with the administration of just -
mall, 'will
mall,'will Bunter a favor by ss.
- gieiailesin 4L{6i ram stas earty an date -sr -ire in Csrails;-er-.eiywhere•lee, is the em -
1 lei N" +- i•' ployment of wbi6'is.teehnically known an
When a chime. of arldsss& b desired. byte
the opening of our new
Music Store, which will
take place in a few days.
aasz fftoycle and and Cleveland
Munic House. [yens Livery
^tr• a
- Oodertch.
Terms of Subserfleams t
Owe month. in •dvaoo!
Three months,
Six "
Vae rear.
1 re
the old and the new address Weald be via expert testimony. it almost every Court
of Assize the "e:Osi'xis to we f.'ont. He
may be a profu.i r freta a anitersity wiib a
penchant for Inimical terms, or an analyst
with an abserwM manner and an air of
mystery that dossdt sit well upon him, or •
rural doctor, with or without practice, or a
man who scion s shot time azo carried a
chain in a surveying party and had re-
cently bean promoted to the charge of a
theodolite. But whoever he may be, or
wherever he may hail from, the question
that should agitate the public mind ought
to be, why does this man get a special ad-
vantage over the ordinary wi„rees in point
o' fee. The merchr ret, manufacturer, jour-
nalist, or any other me o has just as good
r'ght to be paid commensurately with his
buaiuesa returns as the lawyer, doctor or
soycae else, and why the preen: clays leg-
islation should be continued is One of the
things that the public r: lint understand.
J. C. In Tommi. sodfkee derteb.�lewaay�hee�m ap
ships dOod.richhbeau .Colborne. LahWd sod Wa
Loos! postmasters over the dtetriot are also
empowered to row. re snb.oriptions to Tun
All communications mtat be addressed
Tens thews Call 10 Geode/Koh On .
SUBSCRIBERS who desire to take
advantage of TEN SIGNAL'S offer to
club with any of the following news-
papers for 1898 may have the balance
of 1897 free:
Tee SIONAL and Globe $1 60
,res SIGNAL and Mail And-Ls-
pire 160
at SIGNAL and Farm and Fire-
irsside 150
Tae 81exAL ant. Weekly Sun1 85
Tas SIGNAL add Family Herald
with ohromo 1 85
THs SIGNAL and London Daily
News . - -Firs--` IU
The Signal until Jan. Int,1899, $I
-Lett-heal up this teal question, once
and fur -ever.
-In football a half -back is better than •
broken back.
-The leaves here have been caused by
the sere leaves.
-After the scrimmage, the ambulance
wagon is in order.
-Gratitude is as hard to porpettate as
footprints in said.
-Now, Gsoros I;yn.TTAY, when you site
at Centre Toronto, try and make • bull's-
-Some men arrange to do things as if
the Almighty wu only a junior parioer in
the Arm.
-When the Tories allude to the next sit-
ting of the Legislature as a Fall scion,
what do they meant
-If the visit of Sir WILnauD and Sir
Loots ends the Behring Sea difficulty, it
will be a Sir -erase, so to speak.
- The caausiities fn a football season are
only equ•lld by the number of politicians
who go down in a general election.
-if Gaovsa (4,avluan's boy had been
twins the polies wouki have had to he called
ant to restrain the Yankee yellow journals.
--Commander. LA w, inset. -Dov. 11(aa-
rATixrx'a private secretary, will bs re-
tained in his position by Rir (h.ns
MnwAT, who has notified the secretary to
that effect.' Air OLrv*l has always he on
the side of Lew and Order.
Grey . Mise flan V. McLaehlfa has been
treto *mash h R $ Ni. IS, Tanb.rry.
y's: Ins
Morris A. M.Allinter has sold his 100
esre farm. ea die lid eewesvalon et Morris
_$e John M.Yitty,lot $4.900.
Brussel : Saeah shleviest tree attire wis-
dews s.1 the frosts of bwslew Saws Is al.
oda whine~hi u101.11111 M aid samobadyr Falk
Ou.p•l Ckri.t is a mem ge d lo.., to bs NEWS OF THE -DISTRICT
wombed by a sbin.r saved by grace to •
slier wbo needs string, and is not • sirup
Waded discourse to be delivered by •
starched up essayist, .s an endows that
the giver by • good library and perfect
literary style. MOOD Y'• swoons, has 'not
depeudod upon his grammar or his theolog-
ical research, but rather upon the earnest
paeseitatMun at a message of love to men in
need Cif • Saviour by • man of honest effort
and wide sympathies, who thoroughly be-
lieves that ,Jests Colin came to earth
from heaven to sere ,inners, and no: to
foster stray preaching.
-The Segforth Expositor refers to
the late "(tweya" A. DANA, of the New
Yolk Sun. Such is fame.
-The Klondike fever is subsiding
considerably. Cold applications are • evi-
dently doing the bttsinuse.
-iW11L1A1t LOUNT. Q.C., Dominion
member for-Oantee Toronto, has resigned
his sett. The Mail and Empire says he re
signed to be appointed to a position on the
Beach, and the (:lobe says that this is not
the reason for by resigretioo. A little
time usually regulates a slight difference of
opinion between tbo Dowspapers in a matter
of this.kind.
1n s cane recently tried at Chicago, e: -
pert testimony fail- slopped over, and the
way the alleged e. piety; on the one side got
up sod deliberately .wore that the hirelings
on the othe- side didn't know what they
were Llbi about looted -m
veruoh as if
the snoods oar„- isd s monetary interest
en the result of the tial. One of the humor-
ous points in the ease was when one of the
medical experts oonfemed his inability to
distioe ieh a human femur from the thi3h-
bone of a gor.11a. We he re eeeti just as ab-
surd pisitiors filled by medical and other
alleged expert witnesses in the Cour.. Hous
at Goderich, aid it is for that reason that
we now )h our gentle voice against., the
humbug of paying special ties to men who
by no argament s•• able to prove that their
tame or ability is of greater value than that
of many of the witnesses who are paid only
the ordinary fee.
�• • • e
-Re, c -ray we were -tiered to learn from
the Chidgo Times -Heald that the Supreme
Court of Illinois has handed down a de-
cision whish seems likely to have an im-
portant effect. upon oppert testimony hence.
forth. The case in point was carried ap
from Sat'gamon County and wu entitled,
" Dixon versus The Poople." ' In a damage
"suit in which the plsinilff bad injured • leg
by falling through a delec.ive sidewalk Dr.
Dixon wan subpmnaed as a witness and was
questio.ied cxin•erhing. the extent and
nature of the injuries. The witness refused
to testily unless he was paid • large fes as •
" expert." The lower «art held that the
witness was not entitled to extra pay, sod
npon his refusal to testify adjudged tbat he
wag in contempt of roartond fined him $2b
Upon appeal thlt )Matter was carried to the
snpreme court, which has just decided that
the wltnens was in contempt sgtd time wit -
Tessa may he oma p*lled to reader import
testimony without special fees.
--5. H. Bt.ASS, who ext -operated with D.
I. Moonv, recently, in Toronto and Hamil-
ton, has got him.olf into bot water with the
poachers try his att*ok upon essay pweaeh-
ittg and the higher criticism. It isn't any
of our Turmoil. and u there is any man in
Canada who ran take owe of himself in •
rough-and-tamhla wrap with preachers or
any other Mannar of men it is the He..
San. BLAHS, hut we take this npgertwnity
of dating right an the line with tae
lawyer pntweher in his criticism of essay
preaehint. From the Unto when Nona lot
hie nredeatfils to Wale* ills l•tillha s of the
swt+eiy deice .p to the present de, as
Man es castsa bas en .t boss omnvertod to
rlghteswassss by .say peesehfeg. The
FAL IA WHO sv*vnaa saysiaLY--OiVSN
or sr TWO 1001ess-DL wn.LlIaa'
_ JANAret• I . ���s *1sr01*D as To
alts'•*4� _
•,tv� .-
In,&hdda w had of years and
whose case bad bow given op by the attend -
tog physiolas, have been restored to health
and v,rer through that now world -famed
medicine, Dr. William. Pink Pills, bat we
doubt tf there is one more etarttteg er mere
convincing then that of Mas Umbra* Mio-
■hell, whoreeidsewith her brother, Mr• T.
Misehull of this tows, an employes is From
& Wood's Agrloaltnral Works. The News
heard of this remarkable woe, and meeting
Mr. Minaball asked him if cha story was
cornet. He replied "AU 1 know is that
lay muter had barn given up as se inoorsble
by t-oo physicians. Sbe is now well eoea/h
to do say kind of housework and eco go sad
Prom our own Oorreopondentn
More es .armlets are Time Q•uee be
Pearl Aaywasse qac -laws est Me
Vaunts ewusta'b seweresd
ter The signal.
MONDAY, Nov. 8.
e wawa to our burg Andrew Green,
who bas bought our the entire stook of W.
C. Tudor, and has also added • fresh supply
of grooertea, dry goods sad hardware to his
stock. rho Lueinsw will be under the full
management cf his daughter, Mus A. W.
Green. Mr. sod Mn. Tudor telt for Thad -
ford oa�riday of last week.
MONDAY. Nov. 8.
Mrs. Thee. Tichl•eroe returned home on
Saturday after • v' -it of some days to rela-
tive* is GOdsrioh t...sssbip.
Oar Board of eduoaWn. No. 9. S. S. Oen•
borne, have re-engaged Mins Lowes As
drew" for the owning year 1898, with es is -
crease of &allay, ,
Bellows'.* Sere wee tamest
the sobool gate bong the only oiemdpru•
party lined sod hid away. The etnasr hal
better be on the look out for the erseleMil
who are on the alert to find oat who it wee
to take lural steps to punish htm.
A well known former resident were
amongst us test week as a ironstone visitor,
in the porton of Martin Roland, jr. Ho now
resides in Buffalo, being on the baggage
staff at one of the olty railroad stations.
aim trip to Canada was • sad owcaning
to attend the funeral of his brother Mlohaal.
who died trom the effests of an accident met
with fn • mining shaft in Miobigan. There
wen hopes at the hospital for hie reoovery,
but • change took plow for rho wont and
death wme. He was brought to St Augus-
tine mad buried to the R. C. cemetery, Sat
urd•y of last week.
Tra'DAY, Nov. 9
lasmesbek the toa westing es We 'Merck
to -night.
.e r bell N/ie` fad
relative. c
attending to nesse of Imperisub marten
that may bring a new resident here.
HAI,,OW,'EN Pateras.-Tatty were duly
observed by the bad bay element but we as
decidedly bad sa the previous year. How-
ever, as we bore lattloed before, th.taw`
makers of Ontario who mese woo • year
should endeavour to pas • law to pat th'e
praotloe out of tmssety altogether.
Mrs. O'Estse iris Loodoo enjoyed •
ptomain s W omain week's viher Parsee Mr. and
Mn.MToLif, .CdrotSitltea . on s tord•y of
last week. it toting hoe Ate[ visit home saes
her wadding in Anew last. By -the -bye,
Mr. O'Brien wbo was rho groonssau at the
You Don't Require
an axe to break it, of'to heat it in an oven,
or to crush it with a rolling pin, or to sift it,
or to add corn starch to it
To the Store formerly occupied by Mr. J. T. AOHESON
Ladies' Jackets !
We are showing the largest range of 1.11111E$' _JACKETS tit
the Town -of Goderich. Latest styles to $ up.,.,
- SHAWLS, TWEEDS, Ole. pita
Your Grocer has it. Ask him for it.
Every package guaranteed to give highest satisfaction.
come as she pleases, and this obange has, it
is my holiest 000viotion, been brought about
by the um et Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr.
gasohol' then related the following story to
the News: -"My sister is twenty years of
we. She came to Canada trim E•glsod
abouttsa. start ego... sod Melded with e
Baptist minister, Rev. Mr. Cody, at acre%
Quo. In April, of 1896, else took ill and
gradually grew wore. She was ander a
fowl physiei&n's ears for over eve months.
The dooter said that she was soft/star from
• oompltestlon of dissese., and that
he oould do little for bee. The minister
with whom she lived then wrote me of my
sister'• .tate of health. and 1 had hes ammo
to Smith'. Falls, in the bops that a Wawa
and rest would do bar good. When she
arrived hen she was is • very weak stats
end -a local physielan was Galled as to OW
bit. ae attmodsd her for acme time, bat
with poor results, sad !Molly wkswledgd
that Masses was ow be weld do very WW
for. My sister bad by this time became a
liable ebjs*t : the &lightest noise would
disturb her. mad tbsdlebtm/ *victim would
almost maks her laws. Is requited samo-
sas to be with her at ai times, and often
steer a it of extreme aervsuswes she would
bseeme unocaselow and vain is that state
ter hours. When I went hoses I had te
take my b.ote off at the door -seep sees not
to dietterb her. I scs-lesd wltb my wife,
wbo had great faith in Dr. Williams' Ptak
Pills as she knew of severs' oases where they
had worked wonderful ours, and I oomolad-
ad It would bo ne harm to try them anyway
sad mentioned the fact to the dootw. The
desist did not oppose their use, but said b.
Noagbt they might de her good, as they
wore • good melicera la September .f
lest year she began Wass tb. Pall., sad be-
gan to show signs of Improvement. Sid
has wotiaod their we duos .red Is to -4101
• liaise testimony of the wrath's power et
Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills." Mr. Meshed!
has me besitniden be sepodinr the praises of
a remedy that has worked snob i .haaas !i
the heath .f his sister sad obserfnlly have
the "Nowa" bbo above parlbalars, sad
when asked to de se sense willingly dga.d
the following doelm•Mes :-
flurries Farts, Rest. 1116. 1897.
I hereby make deolaratlen that the state-
ments 1s obeys as tie las weadlties d my
dotty, and the benefit mho resolved tree the
see of Ih. Williams' Tisk Pills are absol-
utely oorreet. Time. Mis.aou..
Wawoes, J. H. Rom.
Grey • A delights, has otos te Rbddss
NW home et Marital! Herrlass.
�rsa�Is : Two boys were sobbed es the
•wet:sadayousted be CoMM.ble Wright
cele engaged is a Cfnhoebrtt.siswess.
eosbak The was Waive fes bat
on premises eif hotter Wheeler the Rowe
wasted las dab liberty. Rowdyism will
s/ be prmithd by *Mat bete et nos.
wedding was sled up, and went onward to
we one of his 1.11ew guests who was at the
weddiuw, sad made • deep impregaios that
will lead to Ashfield township, losing one
of eta Wrest dowers at no distant data
COPID'■ Bows.. -Ascher wedding took
plersebroornildm Wednesday .t Let week,
whoa Willies, eldest sec of Joseph Cook,
wee married to Maggie, eldest daughter of
James Horton, as the taster's redde.os.
Only the parent..[ ties eentraetinr porta,
were promos at the Rev. James
Hamtltoa paster of tee Presbyteries ebaueh
ben, performed the e.rem.ey. The yeas
oo.ple will rdride awe and have the good
wishes of a large sirens of frauds for •
happy lift 1n the [wore.
TIIsaDAT, Nov. 9.
Mrs. Callitos,of Stratford, 1s visit's* bar
denerhter, Mn. Ctuwss.,
Sr.w.-At the time of writing, we are
tevlog a sooty stars, r.misdiag as `that
easier is •opreashi.g.
Mfr Laysro.k, M To5Msbamr soba bow
on Agenda, of last weak for her how after
haves* vatted relatives We.
Orrrr.n.-WIWss Pass same was
emmlttd last week from the lies of these
promoted from Sear. III. to form IV.
Hattowt'zn.--8isec ear lase, mother
ballowe'sn be. passed. cad we on Flowed to
report se far se heard teat i1 passed over
quietly. without gay -lajary to presort',
save eh. renewal of • few gator and ever-
tanrisg water demo.
New PsoraraTox IN FaoDeos AND Pm
81oa1.-0e0. 8sethers having pnr.b•a.d the
steak of ted wed gr.oerles. se else the bus-
ses of Was. Morrow, is sow e•rryisg ea
the bamboo as ewooasser es Wm. Marrow.
May good wow* wows him is bit sur
DIVISION Oovay.-Aoeerdtwg to preview
appointment Division Court was bold Hie
homer Judge Doyle, mad barristers Holt sad
Prewdfo.t.1 Galleried" were presoak Thos
were only two ass pending. widen wets
monad by vastest ease..[ of the voodoo,
.taw! Rtfow.-Os Saturday the 306h. the
first wow made its appesrsaes i however.
winter has sot as yet set la. wileh will be
gratifying te all and sundry. owl sw,.oWly
to those of the fanning oommea tt who bad
tet mewed their [aisle steps ser pslmWd
f•11 plw►isg. els.
CALLS* IS 1S1 Plums ov Lr1S. -Thos.
Ndleled Piero*. ass of the bet. N• hs*'
Pi.... Aah8eid. diad Suds i S
wed was Lammed i■ Pert Al M�
as neilKy
Mowdsy, at the o of 19 sant Hat was
ill for two weeks. saws* of �th being to-
iainseaMow of the lasso hogs the MIMI.f
Wet measles. Res. 11{. L Hata oosdesSsd Om
Snow*t ldlss ..-. r OUv.ri wb* was n. ebwqui.m. Tb. bs.rM .M .M Mia.
daiworwwdy M se Wtswip g Ass resevaasd woo hate the syttllKlfy M traknsslwiMa
w wfibeleatlr to prstt et [tar jowrsoytni to ANmmsL Ourisor 7o Ma OaAsw OaDes.
Totwo . Virosponozy to boa/. that &h. -Os Sabbath wadi* hh a.hip-
Gael. to Gm cwt 'Web, arias to • tr*.bio Aram pr.' id L.
boated 1. the how, bus beim a untie feast [wads to sss8Mwsd s the fly, 1111*,
w ed aha boss ewtment w01 mews w sad 14 vases Whore *WA be M.
may, nowt *high awe Iatric[ ma spew $s
hand painted Table Lam
Y th -metal Founts, `10 -in
Shades, Solders and Chimneys, Complete
like Cut for
------ $L75
Yon never heard of one u aloe for. Las tkai tbouble
the price before, but while hejr at you can -Un jour
pick. We only ask that you give us an early call and we
are satisfied to leave the rest to your good ,judgment
and taste.
the t!cp&alen. , 1•rgs imbrue[ We nes- him se scald in last week's Woe of Seaforih
h>•s'at [hems r. w.ts protest, •s alae Expoettor. We su.erely sympathise with
i1Aii, tiles Saadi beteg wen slid. There the widow , sad Atkins, is their be-
weae *Me s.nha 1,,. ahs Nils and re•vement.
rsppar4tas Wide he aetandaare.
Draraovsa sr Fats -On Friday evening
last, deers wee eeneumed by Are, on the
premises of Geo. Westbrook. township of
Ashfield, sad not fu from Dungannon, the
baro, outbuildings, and oonieat., in whioh
there was s Dew binder sod rood comer.
Cause supposed to he oomboasion of d•mp-
iek boek•wbes-, which w.s stored to the
barn. Alth0ofb fairly well intend, be will
asvertbeles satiate quite a los. He was
from home at the tits of the soundest, and
no doubt when he arrived home was sshop-
oily surprised.
Cease AND Goleo,-Ora Walker sod
wife f Co-rtactOturi1ewd0T+44er ♦MdMs*
kis lather sed mother. Mr. and Mn. Walk•
er W. C. Girvan, of H•rruton, and
formerly merchant olathier and tailor at
Dongaasoo, is vieither his mother and other
Mauves, sari aloe renewing former acgsain•
Moose We aro an pleased to note that kb
new location at Harriston agrees with Idea.
as be looks the piotare of gond health, ae
reports that he has immense woman In his
Its&, whish bis host of friends will be
plesesd te hear Mn. 11. M. Duff, e1
loft here r eestly en a raider/
tour to relatives at Lakcedd. We wW
beg a pleasant visit and safe ratan.
YODDIN CALL. -We sincerely regret to
have to tnoord We sadden call of ese of the
meet ettessed sad p.pal•t. pbs.sru of
Watt'e usMlsmsst, is the township of Hsi -
tot, vtd, Thomas amuse& Your hwsbbe
Meta had for mow years fes pleasure N b.•
Mg soqustneed with the damaged. sad
Ibsetore .sawn with the tr(bute paid to
Rigby Rain -Proofed
Frieze Ulsiers
In Olive Mix, Brown,
Fawn, Claret and Oxford
Grey; 51 to 54 inches long,
with 6 inch collar, 5 pock-
ets and throat a with
"wont -come - off" buttons
are be bought retail in
every Town and Village
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
1 -Double Fold Plaid Prost Goods, worth from 15e, tb 18c. , ,1Z}a yd
2- " Black Beaver Cloth, worth 81.66, for 96a yd
8- " " All -Wool Berge Dress Goode, worth 80c., for 10e. yd
4 --All our Black and Colored Silk Velvets, worth from :1.00
to $1.16 75c yd
5 -All our Shot Silk Velvets sad Velveteens, worth. from 65e.
to 85e. osc. yd
6 -All our Black and Colored Blouse Silks, choice of 25 pat-
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