HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-11, Page 24
2 TMUUDAT, Nov 11, 1687;
tial'•• • • .
retains the Customer.
il0 --skl.t1/4. '' V The Rhues we handle must have all
pass marl(• or epodes** da. we
V of would not sell than. For fall asd
fir _ Winter wear we are showleg • range
r f Goods tklat W13 be euro to pleuse, bdtb as regards Prices and Looks, and you
my de twnd.epen the wear of tIrm. GE
PR'CE, r � ^t,
' ST.
resale work w eK olds of liquors
t We N ski loads et
wine the Oust unto.
pleases the Cueto leer
The wlurnn leaves are turning,
Another .ummer's gone ,
With all the D_y4 sad sorrows ...�-.. r
O'er which us •w hath shone.
Tbs hand of N•tur.'e minims
Tb. leaves • gtunou.. red,
Tb. trees, •eget shades of ruby
And •maald ►*awes .bed.
The glories of the •taae.t
Are Mirrored a the trees,
As their richly tiatel leaves
Are trembtwg t• the breeze.
Thii swaying..et the teas looks
Like °loads et tt•m:ag fire,
As they wave their red bronchia
In beauty's fend d•.iee.
Theo' the raisshow-e biirre-•gk-
The brs.zes auf:ly Ww.
Like melemobely mode,
Sio dinar Y. gad sad blow.
The ..turas leaver retied n.
1J.'st wmmeell we to o'er,
And ell it. try, sae pleasure.
Will Cb• . 9., sad be no more.
Will ear •arum• lenee. of Ute
' �^'7-�3'1Zae.'- •� .IDN
Cr will thew *home to derknees,'
And be dud, dry sed deed!
-F Bares CARRY.
near being robbed and murdered. A son
smoked bins, threw boar to bis eyes cod
Need to steal his watch sod pocket -book.
Meths Sim turned upon hue, however, and
tha.beld rascal tied. H. caught s glnmes
Willie fellows face, sod says hei will
bits among a thousand. He le very anxious
to meet you and we will expect you to Ma-
nse -Heftily,
" It's s bad sort of scrape, old fel-
lew," said Carl, musingly returning
tite letter.
"Bei 1 Why it has ,just ruined
my chances,' mid Arthur, despond
Carl made no answer, but after a
moment of silence he sprang to his
feet with a joyful exclamation.
•' I :pars it, old fellow I" be -cried..
" Listen, and I'll tell you how you can
pull through alright and sate! ICM
' Do I" said Arthur, " •nitt'T11 pro
nise yon my everlasting grathtuda,"-,
"First," said car], " you must write
a letter aLeeplanation to tbe youag
(kis1 - volit Yooj)
yearli lepaint, a wig and a false beard
_identity ander a legume- L
covered his composure, and when they
adjourned to the parlor he was himself
m aiu.
Ella entertained them at the piano,
and they sang deers together which
putties oolonel in good humor. Finally
he begged Ella to ring fora servant.
When the ring was answered, he re-
quested the man to bring • large tub
of water and some apples into the par-
lor. Ella looked\ surprised et the
strange request, and the colonel
smiled at her bewilderment.
" Young folks," be will, " it is Hal-
lowe'en. When I was a boy we used
to play all sorts of tricks this night,
and as tbe sight of your your young
faces and loving happiness has made
not feel young again, I'm going to re-
vive one of the old customs for our
amusement this evening."
Two serv&nts came in, bearing be-
tween them the tub of water and the
cotonel directed the. -to plata it -in the
centre of the room. -His eyes twinkl-
ed merrily. and taking one of the
apples that had been provided, he
dropped it into the water, where it
bobbed up and down like a cork.
"This is an old Scotch game," be
said, getting down on his knees in
front of the tub. " The object is to
dive into the water and isti the
apple with your beetle"
. With this observation, he plunged
his head into tbe'watcr, and after one
one or two unsuoceesful efforts suc-
ceeded in seizing the apple. He rose
to his feet, and shook the water from
hi* gray hast and beard.
" Your torn, Ella,' he said laugh-
ing, and she fell upon her knees and
plunged her face into the water. She
was less adroit than her uncle, and
nearly etrangled herself in en effort to
seize the apple. She finally succeed-
ed, however, and the colonel applaud-
ed the act.
,:tlr sift" he said,
will so disguise you that even your
THE LAST ,ONE. gonad will not recognize yon."
"Pie the lase:lr, alibism r, __ Capital, capital !" oried_.lrthw,
Lett buzzing aleaa entering at once into the spirit a hi.
All hie busy sempenteaa friend's suggestion. " I'll write the
ars trans sad anew letter."
o tsar .1 hi. kiad..d, - When it was ibsiikad be read it to
N. tasat teaa1Ia
Uiesommlate, dimpag
his friend. -iii it ieegized for
T• void whdsw .rase the libelrip •3he had token with the
wealthy soiMel, excnaing the act ming
I'll b legiw, the thea lane tae
joke. Li continuation he said . of laughter, and clapped the young
You may expect
is d, to dyou must
many al l P1aLIdallone'eenk jokes, will
I shall come disguised, y
not express surprise at my changed you le be oriel. •
appearance." And thsnj M -Arthur stammered
Promptly at six o'clock Arthur pre- out an apology and explanation, the
sented himself at Mrs. Liewellen's, the colonel shook his hand heartily.
widowed aunt with whom Ella Benson " You're forgiven, my dear boy !'•
lived. Ordinarily his feceawas famll- he said ; "although I was furiously
iar to the servant, but the man stared angry at the time. You are pretty
at bim in surprise when he toll/ skillful at disguising yourself, but I
hung up his hat and walked into the saw throngh the paint and powder,
parlor recognized you at once, and dsterniin-
Colonel Benson was standing at ons ed to have any little joke. I don't mind
of the windows. He turned as Arthur a bit of fun, any more than the nett
entered the room and stared at him one, and I was young once myself."
enquiringly. They parted good friends, and
" This is Colonel Benson, I pre- when tmeding took place at
sume r' Obriat�s the tvolonel told the assem•
" Zea, sir," was the answer ; " and bled gamete the story, laughing heart -
you I suppose, are Mr. Arthur de ily as be described Arthur's appear -
Crease, of whom I have heard so once after he ducked for the aprle.
much r'
AveherAteketewhldged „�.- was RICHER -THAN. iQ%NSE _ -. _
Asooylegly ells- outrage by confessing that it was a
One mash •.ditiotiges,
Thou pest et
By gtoosr 1 I've missed kits I
His bszaiev aegis.
Or is it another
Great Scott ! There ase ter.
Aid wbea, oo the morrow,
A warmer wave Domes,
Revivtou by hundret•,
They 11 stows their kuw,
When does re is Winter
No fellow v sy knew ;
Hot uproots the guzzle :
How sow will then go!
ttC1a$Ci UTILtZils ALL THE OX.
every terte1 k tb11.. ply ter etyma
la to .rustle es the •• Weeders of the
Wurld'e Waite," William G•u. Jerdaa. to
L111•6' Hoare JwrssI, details how redeem
at the presuas day stases the oz. " Not
many veers age,' be (eye, when as ax
was .Naught. red lusty per can. of the
imolai was wasted : at the resist Llano
•' ambito' is wasted but it's dyes breath."
As bat the -third of the w.ieht of the
.etas.i oosiet• e1 predaot• that see be estop,
the question 4 uttlta fig the *sets is •
serious sue. Tbw blued is nest Ai rename
*user sad le sizing paper, or meouteetnred
tate door know sad battens. The bide
gem to the tanner ; horns end hoods ar
traestota ed lata combs bottom thigh -bogies
err won►eighty dollars per ton are out tato
toadies' fur oiottusebruaha ; two ley bones
sell for thirty dollen, per lou ter roller
buttons, parsed handles and jewelry ; the
water in which boom are boded le rdeeee
1.0 ghte_i the dust trent sawiag the bases is
food tor cattle .rad- i Miry ; -the seatltlif
worm ere reed* iota boot besot. &sob lout
yields • quarter of • prat of se.t'. toot al
the tall goes to the "wow" ; while the brae ;
of heir .t the end of the tail Is mid to the
mstrr•.-wskor, The chewer pans of the tat
of buttering ; the mwtiaes ere ped fur
make the basis Damage oaauge or bedvbt by
gold beaters. The undigested food to the
stomach, whtoh fesmorly met the packers of
Cbicevo thirty thousand dollars • year to
remove and destroy is sow made tatsop•pet.
Theseus hat few ot the predate of .b'assi e
All wraps mai, for .ay other uta tied wel-
come in the glue -pot, or they de mtasioaary
work for termore by acting es fertihsrs.
NINNY •NONba L J•tuda.
hreWY naddegi tad .f Ere ores at.w..
of Preerees sad awveoty.
Now Tate. Oat S0. -fie .needs id
efngle tax. Henry Darman died aboral 6
v'cktck yestesd•y ootaicer at Unless
'Square Rotel, bis ttou headquarters.
He had addressed several meetings.
In the course of his ldayoralty-ot-
Greater-Ned York campaign, the sights
before, and had rlured late. About $
elclock in the Murano Mrs. (leaner
was awakened by the couvulsive,
movements of ber husband. He was
moaning faintly. Jumping up, she found
blue in a dyiug condition. She imme-
diately rang tbe bell, and Night Clerk
E. A. Warner responded. He sent for
a doctor to West 59th -street. It was
over 20 minutes before the doctor ar-
rived. Henry George, Jr., who occupied
a room on the second floor, was hastily
called. He hurried to the bedside of bis
dying father. He. Hrs. George and the
Geese la with • Treat.
A rsmerk ble diepi.! of ••lural .aping
was given Nut week ie K.wgtes by bee
bores drives by old Harry P,' W, as alis -
*ram soil desist. Harry lees Men • smell
dealer tar rears •ad aseasteinskswiliMNs
to customers of tweet,. ?gaga'. etawdiwg_
" Seater," the old bay MOM. hell boos own-
ed 5ra
by Marry ter sev1 ys Iia�a
, •itboagb
he le old sod lbws. the •alingreetese his
to Arthur, " try your luck." g! wet Nene wee deb: Mir:
`1�"r�-t1r staamnttllb8' 7tdd' 7AvfltR seg • d yilttta�t gas leek
but the colonel, good naturedly, forced see tan ms late a treewl'b beam to rebs.
him down beside the tub, and with an New, Ywtor evtdeatl Est tared et wedelns.
inward groan, the young man thrust jpr woes Garry• WI" bad mese very sick.
• rtes oat,Wltb his friend to he dnyes home,
IfIn f>b {bo ' w tela was gone, Leas that 'hareem
W� egad ft „ '•' . the grandson anis home with a■ empty
had disappeared. The beard and wig veggon, •od asplsued that fleeter bad
tJ u and (hal the
d thegoes ever the regular roe
were floating is the tub,
u su psoplh wM bad best wetaue for tbefr Deal
water, trickling down his cheeks, rove oat sod took what airy waste& and
washed the paint into muddy streaks. phi for it. Herr became very tit sed we•
He presented a pit:ante appearance, oou6•ed to bed or ever • week. bas the
and Ella uttered a frightened scream sappar eft o.•i n• s1P/•d. Lay's
.41.51 N5 wenn wagon ere ge-
The coloset, beinevev, bane into*. roar reg to werb and the tea. Weald b5 sons
" WELL, I --(�__done for now," said
Arthur de Grier to his friend and
fellow stock broker. " I suppose I
have jest about ruined my chances of
winning the sweetest girl alive "
"How have yon offended her r'
asked his friend.
her uncle I have offended."
" What has he to do with it t"
'• He's a wealthy old bachelor, and
Ella is his heiress. She has no prop-
erty of her own, mad he has been a
father to her ever since her own par-
ents died. He knows about our fond -
nein for each other, but he wasn't wil-
ling to give his consent to the marri-
age until he had first seen me, when
he could judge for himself whether I
was worthy of such a peerless treasure
as bit niece."
"west r
"Of course, glace I have offended
him, I'm too much of a man to held
Ella to her engsgeslsent, and thus cut bolos 4 " T have beep looking over
her out of the handsome fortune that your album, ♦_ I think the face of
the individual referred to, and the old Is the Sinks wade by J. D. Elly,, of Nia
gentleman wrung his hand vigorously, ore Fdr�. s,s {Egg and Gives
staring into his painted face in • way greater Returns thee does gold
that made him quake with fear, lest miming ea the Yukon.
his disguise should be penetrated. The /elegant FaJe, Oat., Nov 8.--J.mes D.
colonel at once launched into a die-, Ellieflood • rof bls •trek. rhes is in • that
be hes
cneaion of the state of trade ; and Ar- pend • es b the bJaodfi. gold region. 0.
thur did his best to make a good im- y eooldsab tem the r.tnrss for bas wrest.
prelusion on his affianced uncle. meat hes otter than o. -i be eat as the
Presently the young lady herself Yak �ddkibat tath p4 will
leo his
ever pis,
entered the room. She greeted Arthur runlet bemr►UY .fires with him. to t
cordially, managing to whisper that hie serer I ha••, fur Els years, sefloged
his disguise was oo perfect that even istemely fees diabetes. lien thea I could
she would have failed to recognize hardy get .iter tear; mollifies s. relief. 1s
m Pts •ed•, (eillia,a.
ed et ti, b.dt it rive
By the way. Eu&,. said the > . 1 basaid lbres;saes, aril am egg
lastly eared."
hi dearer I bombe • beg c Mold's Kidm y
will Dome to her when her uncle dear.
"Than you've met him r
"Yes, and under the most nmdor-
tunete cireunlatances. Tonight, you
know, is Eiallowt'en 7"
" Well, just before the Exchange
closed today, one of the fellows Balled
my attention to the tact--bssiness
was dull and we concluded to have
some fun. About twenty-five or
thirty of us rushed out and each pro-
vided himself with a beg of flour.'
We came back quiet' concealing the
flour under our odds, nd at a given
signal rushed in among he 'bulla' and
bears on the floor, soatMltng the flour
over everything. A Irene of wild
oonfusion followed, and in the midst
of it 1 noticed a dignified -looking
party making towards the door. I
ge)ef64d him as a victim, rushed
toward him, k•ocked hie tall hat over
UM eras.end, covered him with floor.
"Pieta tonal gg7ed'we like a tiger, and
would ou believe me it was Colonel
f "7"ifreMelgrdillite.' by the
Whin" EillarNiMp ;pew
fblrYw we err• ., rile,/ .'70
:�yl�oae6 adJ
old' .
No, but be will, wheseI!tr eat
the brutal coward who assaulted me
this afternoon in the exchange' is
" imposeible, uncle 1" said Ella.
None of my friends could be guilty
of such, ..dens.."
" Hui I hl" was the oolonel's com-
ment, a . 1 opening the album, he
pointed to Arthur's photograph.
" That ie the villtan !" cried tbe
oolonel hotly. " I would know his
fags aingeg a thousand. Who is her
Arthur glanced appealingly et Ella,
and she bushel guiltily. -
" What's his name r oontinued the
colonel, glaring `at the pictured face.
" Ah—that--a. - is a Mr. Smith.
He's a chano '-just .rt acquaintance,"
she st. mmered ;
"Smith, eh r repeated the colonel.
" Very oommon name, and a very
oommon sort of man. Where done
he live r
" Hs—ah-- I thin•=-ty1ar, I knciw—
he stops at one of the hotels."
t. Wall, if you're the sensible girl I
think you are, yon won't allow his
idiotic hos to longer disgrsee your al -
eat= take it out at once," cried
NIa- estdmr) , anxious to direct bar
111lkideirom the Sinfui anIjeett,
mealy at Arthur.
�S�50 m•msed
iateite* itSe to
• twee' awil def- ad' Uili !nibs
ve jia.t 011/01k.114480/016.
aveesei. teetitthee
4141 • tamttIM sIvRMsrs saes ami lege
Daring w mmol he w
out is shares H the little boy. It has bees
proves stem that old Hester sever missed •
osatomes •5O be 1. sow pointed out as • to
markable hose.
aider Aad iameew.
Fruit tares beef saffar.d meoh the putt
areas* inns blight std aildrsw. The form-
er dies•., has hero espraslly traitorous be
puss, *amiss esos derails Out et trees in
.robards baro -•beats. Its /•wages began
early t• the .essw sad oompteted 1N Os•d-
Whoa weans will. she will -maybe sad
whew she wes'tw she wam'i-perbsp•.
A ave always, tees, ee though hs .d deem
wee( wham • g4: kis.* him s gaimse bim
Every wealth keg as Wer that hes bashasd
is awfully amid et kb eplanaion ut woe%
admit w
fiesta Vow are kap, oti busy ge5iag ftp
sew dykes with game mush saws, that
they mem get time M Mara bow to cook.
It she avers. w bad to eharpes the
gram settee -sod est' ter r5e4M55 in hie
/lad fits'/ day r1a �mrwiFf�mmimlit Ifs•,
• - A I♦eare 1116slai , •
"Qatikeasm" takes the peso of all 111 -
mm lleag 'Melons he many eaves with muoh
bother •ad gnleter molts. Pbvsdetfve mese
setae and reeeessiedies it for dleas,
brain., sots .tad bergs. ft Mab the mare
pprea•.ly y sltdailaff helsae•tioe and dr
dg.e,ies the mieswite 'Nes mime team,
besides rellsvins the pia iu batly
ly work by midsummer. drew& specs ep
-rear eo the loxes wblah otter • little run
together till the Mede streetere dries tip
and drops off. The apple Dorm, bee marred
the septet crop tad ioju.d the foliage, thus
°laolor the tree. •t a ei•mdvaatege ter next
year's yrowtb the prodaotion, sinus dsimiles
foll•e' checks the development of tude.
The mel. wee sprier/end esrly summw was
favorable to the growth of ebb fungus .ad
it got she upper herd mere whore preveiUve
measures whets employed against it.
Mildew was also gate • seta reel visitor
indorsed by the muchness of tlmp•esture
and moisture. Is our ewe orob•rd it appear -
5d ill;ettntdsumvrsair seewe4 -
path •gid the youry sherry trees. Oa the
Latter the powdery itemise Old mel Phew till
long after fruitier, though something cased
the blight of folly half the sherries while
they were yee essU. Watt did ripen. bey.
ever, were very dao The west nem
morel the affected pearl trees bad the haves
end the young %wisp sowed with the white
powdery appe!Mba, tad tee fruit wee
spotted with the same. lister the
mloroeooye the ecosystem alie oleeter•
d together is area. ee eblokle e5 to es-
lsos .11 bbs adore d the wetness. 1 was'
ladtaoed to destroy tett of these trees to
preserve the orchard. 'bleb I did by tr•wtsg
tb.. dewa. l.avlrg tint weeps is ois_eoo_k
up sesta es e meta three • tste.lon.
One Wee eteading 5.hiad a Mil whore it
would set be ,15.11 to seaustls•te eehme
nes lett he nabob *5555.5 deveteheeats et
diesseThthe seedy fenage bus diMppsas•
ed End may the tad d eke sew brsesem
sed held tee .Udsw : tams won me di
• few dais ege. • ne'vbbos else Mwd
down some of Ids swab wow tlejUerly
effecteds but lathe t•,t tbd the emerges.
. iter Written the expnb.oe al whet trait
mw. wbe aq the dhow 1. sob e•resasut
sad dlespe- ra la Desires are rorahl. to
14, grew*. was lea Nee es far noevus
(tete its Imam •tt•ek si be cake heeltbl
gnwflr and beer fail asps el Reed frets.
le sees priest, bstreeee, 1 • drstrey the
wedge gegen d say Owes as wee es they
wpm, ten ire swim ~web bidden
earn eaNib t• threat** Ow safety of eraharde
itla'itar/tllltm5U ave right d their
Y ' - sad lomat File may
M' •aid'shoiA41 kleMapated Iargeiy by Ike
Naar/Nes el the .sansei. sod pr.veetlos
prompty applied Weis their ravages seen
Ter billowing is the rxpeei.ese et a
patMnan Seise 1e Roeb«tot, N. Y.. Irks
hes Y early ('.rawtord tree is bur lard.
fettles Ibis year three bvbeM el he,
heel,* pwob.s t Three row ye, he
salmon tby tree was badly strewed by
ydlewe Noels ems .beet to uproot is whim
a feed /eve NM remedy 00..4 to be
au+ly albebed i• bio ••ee, ter tile supposed
ia.as6b tM4dr ; be gy11•1 It, the tree
guard. resov.rsd. •1d, he we emit it boots'
May. The weededel *IMO wee valued
by pwahvillrtrews • s.pbaty sea the
shale onkel of the ire., Weak web bribe-
is.—M. •- nye la Dwnk Weekly
OWN 01111111A66111 meuaveo ■Y OMs AS.
puri r lo.. oe
Or. Agnew's Ointment,
Mr. Jam* clamor,. merebant,wilkesbs,,,
T•.. write. :-For mise yews I lave beg
disfigured with tetter to heads and taco.
But at last I have found • cure In Dr.
Aguew's Ointment. My skin 1. now
smooth apd soft and tees from every Nem
lib. The first spplleatioa gave rellet.---JO.
Ike Ons h�, Spruce
,% .
WI* r e Gilm
ligbruT 6D1ib1 GB. -
doctor did all they creed to save Mr.
George, but despite their efforts be perm-
ated away at 5 o'clock. 11, wart torrid
dead with a mile on his face.
nir M• • F.tilaart•a.
The Henry George Campaign Oat
'sitter was in sessiou over tires keen
yesterday afternoon.. Z reeremalmeives
the vet • - . -
_ j3ttegl�i
to tiYuraOfterker •, - 'lira'''
epb Larocque ot the Cit/seas' Ulan
were present for the Paresis* of maw
the eudurseasent of Loi•.
At this juncture, however. • teisQsm
came trots Allan W. Thuuurwaa, using
the notCastle& of Hairy tet - fL
This suggestion rima adopted eamahear
ly and enthusiastically.
Thoma. L. Johnson wart 5Op•iatal a
committee to' see whether tb, neo would
accept. Henry Qeorge, Jr., was sago
almost immediately, and be aooaptel. -
• mteU.tl. /I.r.seted aisw.
"Did es sty that ebb was tobeaerod-
ing peesesb ! " asked be Dever sideman V
she shun• Mem
" • e, 1 444a'b say •mptbise et tie Wed
sad I des'( see that It makes any Camas,
te lea." replied the mer .5. wag s•ktat
N tis el4pbess." mid the ee
"I bwetp they!' yes steer 55. te heve
so take .1 tide /tire met sad paste es
**bee .4* a Meter leen es It,"
A sierra rbsobbasbd by m bays.
Ms a sls•4, best lintel. severed by lap
No el' hoed Neb. Shee bur some .wrier
pita. Tb any geed two dN.
fir desok bitIa • as, Y Ihnume•s Lw
Dire 1 TO. .Meier 1
es• t Asap t Yell Mdmd I Try M, �" r
C/ifia o' -a1 eafails
dimes ilietio /asW gee Ma•elealtuu's Nis
5_.1... arils-. -„a iso'. C.
ems dee.
lgrooto. Nov. 1.-t■ a little twuw.r,I
&Le sloe on the corner et Tlaurls and
1(u•awwlu .renis, on tenure*, meet. •
terrible (ur•asgdy w currld, to wank $young
sue weed John Ileum was &.abbe& N
de.tA, and bis taturr, leases steams. is
now lying la the *try Nall, with the aorta
titarg• of wird r r els reed rota ave klas.
lire. ItutIot.. liar ..tr ur too wu:ttrq Is
w, upset that she eaimut tell • connected
st..ry of how rue tt aged', which occurred
In Orr pr.•eruee, too& yaAee, Wit thla a as
WIZ Al ran be shCert•taea:
Juin .suttee, ws vbtt."t, was 1N years of
age, end was an tudusttloas tollo.w. Ha
tootle olutbtug for the ♦rest sad Navy.
edlQElsayewort dIn anfura other large Mares. N•ter .oaf reasa m tb.
dour of the bulldiel on the westbwat cor-
bel of Itichntond .tld Viotuvlrt1treairb and
It was while at We work in this rrimm that
he met an untimely death •t the heads ,at
his aged parent.
M about 4 o'clock In the elteruoua old
Hutton dative -ed some .gashed wort t•
the Arµµttvaad Navy wore .aa be returned
at .tuft L Velma, under the laivamce et
1•9144. A friend 01 we notions, James
5 eek, • mlddle+t,ed lyaa wov liveec 0n
llueen-•trent esu., wasIn th« 5505 whoa
Inc old fellow i.tarueil, and he was cow
uuwiloned by Uu,aw the youugev, or Yrs.
Hutton, to go to Mcl:arros's rtluon fur 5
(tl�wart ul here -'s:pe 011 LUAU was told that
ttexaid not ge >b itt tin i, as he heti had
sulky. Alter Hock had guar east the mur-
dered man handed a coat to his tatter and
told him that the lob had to be doue ep
7 u clock. The elder man said he would not
do the coat .oleos he was helped. "tis atm
and do the coat." mild the son, as Or handed
over a piece of camas to Ire put In the
You go to h- sad do !t yourself!" as
elttidly replied lye hiker,
The mOU were workthg at $ bench right
opposite or acb other, std kith Marian
was wertlpg at a aacitlae wit* her bask
to both 4 thea(. Eike urbad as hearted
beefir-ia-law's than restock. sad saw
bleu • pair et tatiol's leug shearh
t at 15.
tl, " ask, roe sea d • ---, and
lemp•d forward eat etrsat bre if i\o
man la the thirst with the �oytgaa
roe em111N s, sharp M e =11.pa•sad et-
t5saapt4e t� take kkaande. Beth assiuwenne e. fait yo
Use dour, the eon undesaaeatbt
bly.tiodt Agate. M bM kMW mut" �5•ma.t �-
cd tie tieing sen, es be ce•Nd M atieggya
and I& ogee. s5ee the loss, a .tro•m ed
blued towing from W hrean .
(try. ilmstoe Maks As grabbed be
shears from the ell man's heads. W 'M-
ares, she sold gee did, 544 yessodar aa•
was apt saes ea fila1pimt The alma
had harfily been Gomm tied when Blank
returned with the a•a of beer. Ns Mad
sot bop away 10 minutes. Wham he ease
b at the downstairs deur he saw Yea.
Mattes st the tat the stairs with the
*damn la bee ltd rd
Yy, (:ed, Blse.k, the old man las killed
Jack." she mkt bstenatly, and Black
rubel tate the foom wiere Joan Hutto.
bay ou the door dila, in • pool of him owe
Wool .
With all haste Blaek ran oat tad witched
Dr. (Jarrett et Bay -street. The medial
man was es the weep, quietly. but death
claimed tie unfortunate fellow • M oda-
■tes atter his arrival. The oetdwd mea
made no statement, while the orderer
stood by stunned by the results et has
passionate act.
Policeman Charles Boll had been talked
In by . sad b. planed 15e o
ander this errant time554 took bim to Polbefd Hae4-
quarters. where be was locked up and
afterward, mut to the Nail. Me made a
statement that It was "J•ck'i oma fault"
The body of his goo and ateHm was takes
la the patrol wagon to the morgue. see
Mrs. Hatton west dews to some hies& on
Berkeleyatreet, where ser rea•hed an
at t.
Coroner Oretg lathed ■ warrant for *n
enquiry Into the was tonight at the
morgue. Yesterday k post-mortem 5xatMa.
soon was made on the bed' of deceased
Wag it erne about iwn !settee en went*
the right side of the breast. test *tteee-
rfabt nipple. Thae'eet wino that of a
wound. whtr t had emended dew%
thrwtgtt to the tett sfM. p...tralleg the
list Naas eel teaching the heart Tbie
wee the wet:nd that egna141 detw5. rig the
nett shoulder there wee *nether 461
wound, sed ares a .5t met 15e left era.
thro4L, eta
a•a11. turf,. s ems.. Pftessuseses.
Inger 3S Near
good Hat or Cap when H woes.
We have put 1n stock all 'the -Latest
Styles of Fall
Mew the wehNsRssa woman eve b.
"Charier, deer." esd yeseg 11n. Ter
haw, "I wished Few lived t. New Teak
sad held veli My Sdit7Whits be Mgt t " he embed.
" reesase w 0Nwtee the Iia* tett.
awe weep a *ser sl e01 • ee5st'es,
sad a with aeras taste god • whets W el
oboe, aril lime woad emesatah bs vrRi
sea stla p• It rasa/'eV ass at Taft..
—Mat fir w.mklytn wit.
for nality mad prioe •nnot be
egnafed. In stock are numerous as
sortments ot the latest in
C. B. BHAJZ & Oo.
The reliable Hat and rezeiskiag &olefins
La11o[IIt tau IN G11110••
Unmet its • www hew.
t!Mthtm, 0.t. i9 (Rpectai NbNr
Aping Wilma fate At. Joseph's Mople&
at 2 *Work this attmrunen a Ilan lad
mewl .111kg. Pattdruss, 11...mrs at asst
eine *•d• Be wast.'6s eietln vsease et-
hyl' brr • wrap ewer ea the fans et
Ur. 'Wild se Omaw'ea, Harwich. 11s
awn hat semi mew, and the bad wee
ttaael�s the .wlusm!s When the (fid els
ear ttrst► fila •t Nim, io.elrmrl br* - vets
.ad ��y///tttt t�l��b vrt��ans W lied. la emeel
fen Os urge
bare ell
►111 la Mao
9rte weer Ohwadel • Moot.
*asef•etaree et ell idade M
Smoke Htaoi i, Halt fries, Mesh Live
Works, eta, etc„
Aad Dealer la -
gagmen. llsokinery Getup, he.
All sins of Pipes sod Pips PWhise.
Stem sad Weber Glebe viva,
Ohsek Valves, IBaptr•tgrs, Itjewels sad la'
hooters Constantly en dead a1 Lowe
A seeded line of Steel Water sod Hoe
Trotter for eve of foremen •sei *thew
neeetehme wawa* aM dad to.
Nair P. Taos W. asi.efse•
Gartaee 86 Fuel Co.
are prepared to handle Dig-
fagsFreight and Household Ef-
f with Dispatch at reasonable
rate.. Dealers in all grades of
andCSmithink Coal
Wood aid Ladling
cut to emit customers and deify
ered with proml:Anaelu. Order; i
& 3ra cos
J, S. Prean, D. 0 Sishatimas