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The Signal, 1897-11-11, Page 1
SO up. we ia is ,ske8 1 rou buy. Some Ih from prices. an ever. slue we ever pest Stock tters,TapuS- r AII-wooly, 1 Cloths in widths, )S. 1 Price. [NUS ERS Is ". RN. ES! tL►.O, HURONIANE est tea tmta MAY QUEEN HURO• NS BRANDS. st.v Ala TUM same de ture°. II M DDQO B A KENNEDY II • •ODLMJQIL - - • THD Lf]ADI TO Ni7W®PAFPP' OF HVRON OOL1N'T" re GODERICH, ON TA rad, CANADA : NOVEMBER 11. 1897. .FIFTIETH YEAR ---2647 NEW AOVERTISEMENT8.-NOV• II OU R OTTAWA LETTER. toreros N rvesssees- Filled t Co... 4 Ina -Post OM.. Bonmlller 1 What le GiotnHort faiths, Capital yea dost require as as -Riess Pat's dolt 4 Steele and Fancy Goods -A. Munn ... , 8 New wattle be a ped twee to Retld •p tedpreeat-Besatees with tae V, s. -The Pini«• et Tappers - Owl •N• The Fait C•mp- pai-EIS. Joe. A. Reid 6 Three Taws Three -R. B. Smith. 4 Mooting of Herm Oes.•7 Oeu.oU-W. 1 Laos Clerk gpepe, Soaps, Seeps -Dachas Drug I 1TAWA, Nov. )S• -The recent ashimitea 11 pasha• whlob s.nounood g i61 rob' ArnedeiY=Ms$bonuies are Aeneas- , 1 ly disposed to opals as .bi•tioas tor um DJ. Store New Fib; sad reed 86sse--M. G. Netto, to Crediton -B, U. Heys bpseisle for Ne Week -W, A.►eses 1 r'•nremeet of • treaty of reolprooity to it Som 6 trade totters, with Ca.•da, are .sib es Te itad•.R. N. LewM, , ..... , . , . 1 Votes Cultism -Mims. Mete 1 Waring and We Ebbw -Opera Hese8 For WO or To Rost. rro RENT. -COMFORTABLE HOUSt, 1 one Meek trots Sgusro. /pro•ce, gntle. Saida seders 0wveslamotn. good stables and srrtaq+ bort••. Rest sedante. apply to a N. LBWiS, FOR SALT, OR TO SINT-FOR SALE or to tent, the dwelling qa N on -s1. at went 000501ed be V. isbela eost•lae Li rooms, laddlas drawing room. dinled mom. purl.. k,%Ilaa. and has • library, tabor et instead • iced Dollar. M half ea scribe/ lard tastefully te.. shrubs and fruit sad an • oat 9N t!', Tad dwelllor at Carlow. Covulty of area, "even and miles te es traQodertob. Fret elms lee dose (test good low. PO. Inlers A building 0U apply te F. W. MoDONAGH. Carlow, t., et to 1. A. MCDUNAOH, 49 WedlagamtLt bast. Tomato the other head, Cont'ervatives, with loft, A DES'I'ROCTIYE FIRE. head touching the eters. plate themselves e • so the sole party of •Ilegi•ooe to the British Em -are, " determined to build up the northern halt of this ooatl•sot a tree, order- Elevator and LumbIP In Ashen ly, wsll•govened state, whose iostituttea• should be the natural devlopesat of those historic institutions that have tees the basis of England's greatness." Viewed la ike light eves of the most moot •vsate, ooald such • statement otherwise than as utter bosh, except Is the ears of the party bigot. Yet it was made • few days ago la the leadiy Tory organa It is not more ab- surd, however than that emiasatly rtdtoal• out' statement made res•stl) by Su (.\hire Tupper, who said that when he left the Oseroment and found himself la owe - Moo, he Immediately turned tittles work ae developing the oosatry by prosetisr the gold interne 1•dsstry. This oot'elflah patri- ot is only laboring for his oouutry's be.eet, sad gold nuggets are of !no son twee. b of bursa Donbas'', the Hos. George Eakin, who is •leo ardently premeds/ the gold minim industry. ls Imbued with the same eestimest, sad le esly warmed la min- ter with t he sabre lofty intent sad inspired by the same unselfish patriotism It M • good yarn for the mart•«. As • prolific. dealer la Notion Stir Coulee has always awed pre-eadasOt, sad as • natant oo•segsesos the party follows is the shadow out by its leader, through all his Moue's ways, sad a sabservieet press emulate' his prominent obanoterietio. There is sometaiog avails sat in the departure of the Premier Bir W ubt•4tem today le mammy with Louie Davies. The visit is ostensibly made is eoaasotiea with the walla* ooslst 0e, bet doubt'sss the new r.otprnwty provosts will have eto ' do with Sir Wilkie's .e. Caepiil; %f a people thbla edit ab-ak.: SC0E- irid .• es - es his Ent estry alto the Federal •tress. 7w years aro, as Lound in les Bien Public, will bear repetition : " He is tall. thin. straight with pale face, hair obestaut color, thick, and slightly cooly. His exprewloo is gentle, serious sod sympw•bati0 ; his manner, atm* d•11e• a and senerved ; voles. sweet sod sonorous. Of elevated charaotr and piercing intelligmoe, Mr. Laurier is rather • normative than • brilliant orator, and in method, weight of Nesrbl, imitates of reason, purity and *legume of diction, is unsurpassed among the Trench speakers is Lower Cana- da. H• was bore on the 20th et November. 1841, •t St Lin. His father, Cerelus Laur- ier, it • land surveyor.. In I854 the future statesman entered the college of L'As•emp- tion, when be Boos became remarkable for literary sod or•torio•l t.aleota, and was °hose as the popular orator of tis• ostler" amid as editor of totmal •ddresseiL s. seems M Men en • good D theugb he obeyed ge"enity the college M. elation", he was sometimes .pooished for Masa stolen away to hear the lawyers plead is the Court How or to lutes to pol- itno•1 orstors. His voo.tion asserted itself in spite of rules. Having hni•bed studies, be went to Montreal to study law, sad his.tudene life seems to hsve been re- ma,kably free from three esoap•des end •x memo which too efts. eb•rwtense that period In the life of professional mem. Celled to the Bar is 1864, he practised two years in Montreal. file was sebt. is 1871. by • majority of 1,000 votes, to the Locos Hoses, where no seems to hers crested • Dentins. l0 1874 he Ent entered the Dominion Par- liament, and ia sseoodisg the Address at *nos made hie mark, and took first plates se • parliamentary et •,sir." A.V. W. ONE DOLLAR WILL PA Y 1011 THE SIGNAL Pon OM1 Irma. D. M°I iLLICUDDY, EDITOR. .4 - .0d & «rail hardly belt... N.► iae TRAGEDY AT BAYFIELD. ete•r •pros el dock, will i$$ twisted sea was the Orad Trask desk Awl awaken the bInBI mterset and hopefulnt'w in the atlnbii all Canadians, Irrespective of part,"ltsst. The .so.baeiss of • rootprooiiy treaty, Shish would bring shoat • meditate of affairs similar to that whiok prevsiud, dbefore the abrogation of WE, the treaty of , would be bald with supreme salief°seiea by the people of the• ossntry, as it .Aid apes wide the dor to greeter prosperity anti Debt la • sew era of better times. The wealth, population and vest reeouros of the mitten to the south make their markets for oar prdnote a 'tool to be most adeptly desired. The hope of so althea", freer oommeroial intorooune with the Unitd Stoles has •Iwaym bees keesly alive b the breast of all politicians Alt. a•.i. • dentary. 1r swerai years prior to rot SALE --ONE OT THE BEST farm. 10 Westrm Lot L000ass- noo p, wws•btp of Collagen, Harm County. NO scree. good clay ssfl. S,rIn( watt. H as Yee coot .nonely is vesture ter 13 rear'. let class urge frame bars fd 44. fl ams house sad l ambito. Joon &sir M ceit gxoe? gravel rwda Ise ser oast intermit Apply to 1. W. Mc DON AOH, Carlow P.O.. Ont.. or to J. A. Mc DUN AG H. 49 Wellington 8t. Mast. Toronto. tt, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. p•rtdIot a. Coaossoton C. Godertob Town. ooat,ht.g 1 I-4 area of Mod. There le situated on the property • good 1} story Wow dwelling. with klt•hen att.oied and with cellar ender the erhola 5.... alt is a really tiro alar plate and will 4 sold es reasonable term.. To- wrtiootare apply to PHILIP HOLT. Parris a Ociderlch. Dated 6th Jt 1' .1557. LIOR SALE -LOTH 641 AND 70 L' flutohlnwo's server fa the Town of Godericb, upon which is wasted w njoe dwe11- bg Louse. Dated 411 N..te10 br,1ltlg. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT HOLMES, 6ederlob the provisoes averaged &boat Elltt,OW, per annum. During the seventh year after the onto° of Its provanoss the foreign trade, under reciprocity sed freedom ot interprov- tnoi•l trade, had roadbed the dgureof 4240,- 000,000 Amrio•m• have all along held to the Wee, sad bow srroaeoes 1t L they are saw beginning to realise, that Canada was dependent upon trade with 16. United States for oommsrotal exists,os ; and •000r- dingly they have persistently demanded Omit, is return for the b000 of reciprootty, any saw trade treaty should only be entered Into upon the oo.dition that the United States should have the proforma' stet all other °oestrtes in the markets of Cased& But such • oro sided ebfpelaton, when rightly known end understood by the people of Canada, would never for • moment be tolerated except by those who desire polii- ioal mice et the two oeustrtes, as it would mean nothing mon nor lees than a oommer- el,d isoorporatlon with the United States, a sheathes that world peeve • potent tooter In weak -mien the ,loo *high now bind as to the Mother Laud. This oommerotal union is the -food hope and stronghold of the se- seeas4o:iats ; and bemuse Liberals, •t one time, a4vooatd • broad polany of -reoiproo- itv with the United Suttee, the Tory party msed the opportunity to immediately raise ViALLAKLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR he false cry that all Liberals were heart SALRM-Tie briar resides°,/rerlooking &D°rrationtets, disloyal to the Crown, and tt•• r°cev and lake formerly moulded by the reed to •mss°, a the .o nd of who call, to Lt" A. M... i anrmrtt coq., Master in Chancery Y On. of tin m valuable and desirable pro- become renegade. - These, and similar state - eerie• 'stows. meed, have been . •ueded time and again The terminator _frame dwelling bon•• on in the columns of tot.Tory prose upon every e' met truth p.m" l,d1„A„17rdjptr n. the ',Ht.Ab gEoftagt e4 •at preset " :"tis' los 0001"In° when i1 wee thought that such Mr. Ando -r 1R'ad410 base skuders would serve their parry sends. I. The .! T. \rues lard &Molnir,- a -^.tar. 1'he (oosenathe party is nue of marvellous um the A. T. It. Katloa, formerly.-ccupirA trf late termitic erm Toros assumption, reckless in dation, rernes dleof the Prlcu sed ertDe of torment rw•attuele, aD toot, of many Bides. Whatever stead is erne ly to BARROW t r t0(lD . (1 a ese verdant or eetiaf for the suoosee of that 7441 Dmre>.aor• party will be 000lly adopted when the party ass .s Dies demand It. Publle Pieties. It has hems oonuemptuo0sly omitted. with empew 4issegard of the truth. Ibot Libor r - els were willing to fall In with American proposals ot • oommeroi•1 union. end to identity the future of Llamado with the dee- tiey .f the American Republic, while, es attests Nader lift. --lis Svelva'. Meru Trip Threath tie 4.5.-£ Marlin of Bare - tat Brawls- • One ■awdred ?biassed U.Wr glow. TI1E tow clock had barely chimed Me Mut that meted the p•assina away of Friday wises the water weeks whistle and theta the strsatr 8t. &Blom were beard all ever tows, sad .hale all were wonderimt; what the duce meant, the wmt.hm•a .send - ed the Els ball. Alters as soma .. the Mama rasa Lim town was a Ugba as day, se the lanes who tamed oat did not .mod to ask " Where's the Ere 7' bbey merely fol- lowed the glare and were soon .1 the Harbor Park mss along the bank, where one of the moat aafrtsn•te though brilliant eight. mos the Thew, for the Limed Trunk elevator was •blew In every part. From the oom- meas..arf athe En until the whole of "be•uppers, allewe wsm mmwsmed or had tumbled into the harbor, • •estimmoam "bower of burn- ing breads wee serried eastward, and monis of them,* foes 1a length, fell over ax hes hundred yards away. When the elevator was folly slight, theheist and sparks ignited the lumbar piles Hiles few yards ted to blazefromtyid pile' mtJa agetE provMlgOij. elms, of ywind ewes ewes tai the north=MmA"tuietireti3 MOD*-_ the bask jest whoa it seemed about to resit as Wise .1 the Goderiob Lumber Oa Before the blessed ohonge of wind memw there had bees some herd battling with Ere ted water, for the .eboonr Taiyuan, the tag Southard, the dredge Aroeldt, and tem fishing tufo Evalyn, Soo Kew, Bstbold.8se Dull, gee Queen and Clues* were in bewim- ent dearer, sad here, psritime, tbo most ex. Mart mews of the night occurred. The boot. and vessels in the Darrow re•oh were all jammed together. sad beton steam could be rased the western 501,10oe wee closed by the Ere, and the other being seemed w oo finally cloyed by logs. Oni me of ■ he mo bops. However, °masks g g p swam and foroed the Evelyn astern through the logs, and being assisted as he was by numbers of *thio* bands be finally passed out of danger amid the cheers of the oulsok• OM. .t C•pb. A(tr7iDmo leeeti ee•1 attempts Craigia to relieve the Todmea and other boats, all bonds tuned in to ht them, and recorded, many b•Irbre.th escape notably that of a oourt oLolol who. while eousieg the Todmn from Dome plank., toll Into the water and di.aonsered• end who, while alive to toll the tale, will for• temfall or that he left the pail at the bottom. At cos time it looked as if the Tdman was doomed, em the larger part of her rig - t will Bake t will Hest, t are Stoves Dares ..L PRIDES um; trod Baggy far r ng OTICE-THIS 18 TO GIVE NOTICE that f will allow tee As' Mrs. es or st so it par{ et may ed. L will be Me.eed Park. WANTED -1 CAN PAY TSN DOL - Mn weekly se o kid of mat ate, m- a▪ ws, and tact to her Yme • good sew. T. H. LI Ne00 [[["'ill Toronto, ant. rz•ARS HAIIDLINNG. A1aY QUAN- Treas. mei ft ktndp of 00 septa wM1111ta pO . anal NG 01 HURON COUNTY NA COUNCIL. The OouooU a the diree.utleu of the rite of Haron1. ib. Cort ream ebe tows of es Tuesday nth. last. •1 t o' W. LA1tE. Clout. Dated .t Oodertoh NOV. tib. 1W'7 s NotIse o UrodflorS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ter miner fir a a. BRANS i eta. / las Town N (F•darasa, a the Oowwh Hume., Ite ekat.ta. Debtors. Th. abomeawed 4.be51. have smile as as Utmost so me, vodka MMs pawvl•I.Mo(' 4. or Credirs t belt' , 11tm' 0. lflil, ted Mead Ian SOW. • • • Of tewM lis. ovum misses A meeting of lbs fC will los mid as mg Home. to the Tows d[ w e eloek la /bre +1 l g as lath da of Nw►eyil`lYter die sett or 1°gnelors trivia, et s lo.s with referee.. to tie lisp el .t e state. w why Ivor,the encs n 4 M eialgs/4051 o totto we teal mak Iowan. et obi lamital, vest fir r X. °•se , , in of. RMT G. care ()Moe 0atseieh, Nov. OW.IMf . Ats1pm- that a the lot► sot hovembr was cevst•d Fred MUMS his brother. with mob immense piles of Iambic, loth sad posts A HOT TIME IN QODERICH. 1 With apologies w Iha odtgla•1 ssthor.1 + Pbortly atter twelve i otek tore wee • e oddes eve, The sky coo vary rd -fibre wen ois4ea is Ne air - The bells Wean to rinm s..1 the whistle load d4 blare. Then wee a het same is Oodertob that might. r.or. The 8t Amides. piped her tyres load esto wake the dead, But the mirMrlmt pert• sot obirpy, . kiwis/•sly teat N hod. At lase than appeared es • balsams p•I•to♦ se& that nice,. =moo was a bel time W UdurbSb When the 6remin sigiedirV& elevator wet half gone, Aad all they •ould deMas to hold hose sad leek em, While the grain frees the big life tato We lumber ra.. Aad We fishes had a good time Nal Os (,timl5ds tug. the Evelyn, ta•y Wild to goo w ete.m, 10 lo 11 they had to bs.11., as It was ebb - by mem That they had to move her out or sink her in the segeam Ihm the hot dnt* in the ofd town that night. Ban Rehires, was there to sere the tag or die. 9RW legitrubber boom sad • asp waded la um p ter with <ru Then was • hot ,ism for Basalt that night. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CARLOW Glkern eooed1 410tI*M* tevnbhtp bah' es the 2.d lest. All the members were presoak. The minutes of lost meeting were read mad pared. Melted by H. J. Morris t'seended by I MUlian that lot 4, oats 8, be sawed from 8. evades No. a, •rod planed musty. la wheel mama No 1. Carried. It was moved b H. J. Morris ooadsd by Nathan Joel's tis . k the Coaootl grant Thomas Mit- chell 96s. per red for win for his fe.0e en division Bee. (,sated. The following im- amate wore paid vis . Joseph Meachler, 3 Skase kind by deco 47.00 ; John Rossler, vol 47.96 ; Alex. W. Young, lnspeolttag $3.00; Wm. McKnight, tmsp.etioy sad m- ealtime advert 47 50 ; JUIN* Teams, build- ing twiner, $14.76 ; Wm. Smith. repairing A!e>st/-V :ed• red r 40o. ; Joseph McCann, read troth 04.80 ; John Levy. read week $3.00 ; AA ALT HELP WO1=1.-,AN SEER- "'oh Tb•"1 etsellieg 4350 ; Ed. Til re .I ag ueiort $2.80: Vtr. Bogie, gale salesmen tea b Mow. a(eli $1 be ; James Chisholm, read oath sad vicinity. work $200 : John 1(oL•rty, red work 43.. r SUMATRA 00» ' 26; Jelin Seveso, building calved $14.90 ; Star Prate,. 46. 66; Jseelb Meana. 1.,m ea grades 42 601 Almm. 8bisldo J00 John Seed.. repairing l ibs Barker. gravelling beatific! 469.7b Elisio Maw, lespe ; Joke Berber. JANTED.-INDUSTRIOUS MEN 01 with shell aa led tib sane yarrgesr. The LMHOOL"I' 0011- Hebert Bees, tam a grader ; se Harker. NOT*, melvm,ltSsd Deelsp's PANT, rsra.ma 1>iH1 p 00. 4111:6"1"41.164.4. tihwb adj..rmmtd to ANTED. -TREES LADIES TO IN- mest.wesed WANTED. traduce • le••ep.M wail; J. :1fa1. W. MoD.wAda, Qssk. ('etude to eemvetesty•fo' WAY.. Toronto. 188 BETTS CHUTE. Gredaste sad Medalist Gottschalk Lyric' Scheel Clisege, Orgeal ggl t{o rim Mirth Street Cum*. Saw eh ism M ed itMla111"1=ssol1 ie rltPain. aaPlola giggd g'messr , e st tis. 8801e.e5 s A. w M1oEI 11. lines tlltes I. ANTED. - AN EXPERIENCED waverer to onset stampedes sa••i► Ne wsammisg,a7W The BADLBY-At`wn` 'There was a quarrel betwee■ tie two thretbers ami etas of them was Mises-- Ttee Vsreser's diary's decision so *be abssUeS. _ had • well known musio mea tried to supertnteed the new, Aod Jim worked pretty bard while the tug was going tbrotegb Ws was not the nuly p: iescom 11a-sraca others ou It, too. They bed a hot time an Goderiob that night. Antirib Sal third gang.- tee, crime eet'r u • _herd•, Tet mbeuld have seen Joe 041111fripsr the persptr•tlan poured, Bet he got there just the same before the eepian yelled, " Aboard 1" Hs had • hot tome to Ooderiob that sight. ON Monday, the viUgo. d Hayfield, me of the quietest spate in Camas. was the et'etre of me et the saddest fatalities ever wasted threaah • brother'. quarrel. The labia'. Rebel, since' use de4tb of the tatter oboist me year oqo, kw been rue by the two sees sod their towbar. Harvey EUlote M•py is • swum et hie brothers mad tram. Weise bees ki/led by a ballet toed by his brother Fred, • boy of olnetess yeses. ►101a 01 TES .800T140. From what ono be leaned trent tae vil- lagers, who are loath to give pertioulsn, the feats of the owe aro as follows :-Both had been indulging tee freely la liquor, sed about 8:30 lett. Harvey Elliott, alma with • frierd .owed Duman, who had taken • drive to Varma, a small vtli•ge about torr miles distant, reeurDd, sad a dispute fol- lowed which led to althea W halo ►he brothers were still quarrelling, Dumut and mother (nand named Woods adjourned se a neighboring atom to puroh•ee bioouite coati obsess ler • lusob. When Wood/land Doman . - _ returned they fisted the brothers mull quer- rolling. *hat parted between them as net irerer, t,,t,.tyslfs,.a:eaaa•dlwvey ,sono mita-de the hotel. followed by his brother ,+ `rahri 11.6a.newlent, 'Om "sill entering the left gide, passing through the aorta and tr.ohea. Deetb was very gntok. be having died shortly after medical aid was milted. As he fell he was taught by his Mead. Albert w Woods, and tb. fatalie dtWee blood tells the erne where dl wee Acne. He woo at 0Doe carred iota the tome, but diad immediately after be- ds" carried in. .,,The •flair ea. wttoeeeed b, 1u moths, rff sister, who are heart- broken ever tbe s.4 orae -Toronto Olobe. wriseTe jury was summoned so Tamm - day .ltw ee.. sad edjouroed till 10 a 1[, yesterday when it r. -opened, E. N. Lewis appearing for the grown, and Wm. Proud - foot appearing for Elliott. A. we go to press the oorooer's jury had mot retuned a verdict. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Next upon the ems* appeared the busy bailiff bold, Rut, alas 1 for " Little Billie " kis etre meta told : He slipped from off the hosting raft sad west to hunt for gold At the bottom of tbs harbor that night. And whoa the Evelyn did at last the debris clear, From all 'Inert t.-0 hank .he.. moms • roury R ,Anter And then she gaily steamed to • berth ba - side the pier, And her hat tinea WOLaThr- th%, nivht. lag was on fila but she weathered the Wben msrniug I...k. a _lest phet • cruel soros a as i hnre- e 'torn ot ,peke and heat and •1411 rides on se •sen kesl. Although attempts were trade to scuttle the fishier/ tugs. only ane took the methane, namely, the Clews, and this boat will shortly be ratted. All the others were btdly eoorobed and the beat opened their weether seams, so that they will need the std of the maker before they coo set another net. Not long after the ere started someone suggested that the boathouses be broken oyes and the boats planed in the creek on Um inlaid, add 1*'vtrry fvertai..sem ©opt•Ie Baxter's sad LM private ones were devoid ot boats C•ptan Wiggins took time by the fereioek, sad before the donator had seared the boats he hoisted his °eaves sod mild out of the reach rig•lea dr. •ad storm 1. • manner Net proved bim • true sailor, and won applause from all who maw the feat. Willie all were •ppres/ly worlds' la vase trying to save We vowels the ehasie of wind owns, and from that tine till day deemed all was pliais sailing. One of the Debts is oonseatioe with the fin that everyone wants so keen► is what caused it, end in tbis same, like so many Where. the answer is, no we limes. It le wee 1hrs me severaltheorise, heated sad calash is that oil nun way bays 11 t .mother le that a spark tress the .seek• steak way bare blown Into the building ander time omealo and st rtedi► b•th- eater -- ted ether le that the m•ebtary mai missed the sateatrepho, sesne., 11 is p.seible Mat Ie may hove bees we et them. thesgl ss *sleeker whs caw 11 • few ..wsas atter the alarm wield thieh it bad •s waned b the lower peri ef the the west eel sod had hem barmiag wase tubi ter ea se *Wee bynetbee s Gould b •m east M the Ins bunting es briskly at Menest wa4 with .eek • sal from the waw WOO. iMwwr, N wades, haw N Would, tats moat wham cauasl,. ad- ditive to the w+[ te Sing shat will b. saverely felt by them who have tree keg • parted wrbpd around the elevator. The Orad Trak lase will preb•bly meth tweedy -eve thousand dollars, as the elevator and Nur, oars were estirely essouse4, and the upper portion of the desk go.ddwably dastsgGd The Gamow el the what, whoa wt 440,000 ars supposed to DA issues/ farfall vales. 13. Dymmd Isom sightly wee ewesg-eve thoas•ad della&. cors ewe gad a bell WMtllos' tee of lumber having bees II is satissa.t'd that up to the One et the prows math the Mather was Wend, bit es tial date h ems allowed to dog„ as the wiser seams had s.mmesesd• W.. Ramses les will likely be bestrew Nes .ted fest Mbeama& dollars. but as the gestkmss is eat of tows tire .Meet A/.rG. was at b. eb..lasd. His Ise seeress two mad Ism bu dbsd tMps5ti feet Ube est Nhr selsrtsastes. be via est lemma fee • asst. Ml.r Leese Meld• dabs.* se the Tedesco. M. tags B•gdlerd, $oasts , Sea (#.11, Bim Qss.s, !WWI! see ()lame. beim) Ara•Ill. mel aba se, Nettime Mrtnp beleng1.g te Gm Teal is m M*ILI* ter& e dial beteg IM _dredge. wheel bad beestemead rw er 11aaer/ae Meeeke tttwM- mdirwer s goellgell sat wbbastoewr te• twee Ain * 4 rope k los"d Me See w. =rope inti Emil ti/ dlkselrar. W ANTE t OOMlURTABte COY elLLNtJDDT. WANTED. - MEN AND WOMSN who ea were Med algae sed wrlt- ne eis burs Alban days • week. and *rut he essteutt res sonars.ILN. Omar Bey dews biendlSta. Tem to. OM. A OENTB,--" THE BEST POPULAR CI Y.is , I bete ism.: ui0ld 13r .1salinT J$I+ - Omer tl Easy M A tl- O at Ott rov&WOODTOR IiA NEBAOE bets a Mahe Intimamlieas1f !essm. • Aij11 ours BELL '• KLONDIKE OLD It • Itbe eaterfreffs lee i elirAFairlassi s4.116 law • • west VISavagle Owri.• ar eed s0 Mt.. oat. WE WAIT eBa " siMalb AGEATS. Ir. 46 antra' w 'wegh/wwdrrowareatatirwrin?maim oat AUCTION SALES - Au p YeE e• •tree asties mewed 4•iitR } f ! imed at tar to Ie Hew of Oft `,tTDaDAT. Nov. 27 -As 1 nn. thane 5111 be gid by sahib) asinine .1 Raabe' td, • good 60•-•reta Waists fats b ethiship. Jiro. Knox, Asetieseer. Oo Waspii aAs, N•.. 17-Cemstwarg M 1 t.u-. lbwf. 5411 ke veld by VOA/ sora Mea .4 the Readier Lara, odb mUs Orem H.miliat, fans Meet sed lealsss.dr. Jae. E Nox, As,tiesesr. C. E L. U. The bliiswiee re the toles fp N. MMU - tome yaw emotes ..dello' fluid mast Avows tisip week i ,North -el lb4edMA •bets\ E L alb. E. T,Ny evening M 9 delict. Os Nev. Ida. w epmgoby se JM.e." ItllMOs'Asap.a. [wet smr* T.P.E.C.IL meets es Ihisiday Tho lew Ila, he*. NWe4 be es*e.00 .4 " Due 14.1010. 45-4t Quested 10V Mods The lumber sadly miesmq, and the dock so dull and be -ti- lted new the folks ars wondering who the demerit will repair For the hot time In the old tows that night. -Hos TSM BlIea- HAI.00R AND RIVER. The water la the harbor and river was ,1447- jEh es S•tsrdsy. The .Is. Aogrehaw { a f i on Sunday, to di•oharlm habeas her 0111110. Although the rale loterferred with the sport. several good arias* of porch were made the past week. The slaughter of sea ptgems "eatm•nosd last week, several upore•mee having wasted oos.id.rable powder os Setnrday. The lumber mill roadway, bei cenpos- des it wee of slab• sad sawdoet mon than half breed away by the firm. The big piles of square timber that had been on the dook for some time, and were in • tended tor repairs to the etre-mars, disap- peared with the other piles. The water did not seem cold to those Madly souls www waded breast deep la the harbor es hatarday manatee tryi.g to rive property ba{e.gl.1 et other p opia ()bidets 7r•lgie is teed a his thanks to those wbo "e ably assisted him in moving the Evely., and he partiouls,ly mention Joseph Oo1 tborps jr., s.d Ed. Reek. The fire so Saturday horning attracted m large aambr of decks sed sea pigeons. sad though the termer flew very high, they onuld he saw la large 8eokt honoring over We hernia* elevator. Cotteo tails drive rot of their burrows by the hest wows moos 1. largo ousbers ell alma the top of the beak *hila tee its oras ragtag. N. Mo&slay reports bevl.4Ssse as m•sy as twelve is a banish. jp W mellitptkstrsi steseest ewe 4MW .re -b 64. illi biasseeebt 01 iters 0. • Ite sb e• kll0lf MOO 'ftp Odd* le be presses. Hairga's BAIL. -Apropos of Madame Msroheet's torthoomiog tour througbo.t the States sod the p.blioeuoa of her book. Harper's Bazar *ooites •o interesting se. thele spoil the famous teacher of so msay diem ; there will also be • London letter by Sire. Pouitn.y B crines : • short •tor7, .e- sitled "As Rvsic-D.y Suot " by V rvia& Van d. Water ; and acholoe on '• Tii•. Out - Door Woman " and " What Girls .re Do - Th. u.•t,l It^;•a-tmr.,'rn Women's 2 ,urs t. t..uiudo.., .. 1 that devoted -ie AD - swan eo l.orrespoodenes eh all sorts of WIN - tions is growing 10 resp'us^ re the it readied ase that is being made of at. This i.umber is porsioulorly rloh in illwtr•t•. i;e e•••• de sot tritons of home, street, viutwg 'r: i re- ception gowns for women mud oulilrem- There see two peperout patterns, ase of o °ambulant house -gown ; and the ht -weekly potters •hs.►. oontslsing pattens of many of the mistimes illustrated. this latter being presented free. Katherine de Forest •les eontribates • letter, fully illustrated on A, AIririy1MMAST NtImmw.-O. •esaab el the epistle of its Teeth Volume. Tbs ' M541sa Mammies hoes 0. Annlvermsry Number. It has • spools' Dover, and km were bulky than the mewl Dumber of oar n otional poblle•ties, while the oonten o are perhaps above the average. J. 8. Willlies. e ditor of the Termite Globe, hes • magnid- oast •rttolo daltog with John Semi field Maidens! d, Edward Bloke, Sir Olive, Mowat, and Has. Arthur 8. Hardy -the premien poet sad present of Oot•rie. This is undoubtedly one of the best studies in e oliuc•1 life ever peeped by • Can•dl•a. John A. Cooper gives on •0000nt of the Tinian Rald of 1866, which 1. •000mp•sled by way valuable pbetorr•pbe and mark, Ur. J. 0. B•arinos gives the era of hie sake of twelve papers es " The Makers et the Destinies el Osead•," and It 1.61.•1e that the ether ankles wi11 be decidedly kstresttog as well es edne•tive. This bra atlols to eullv.sed by some vale this bistorleal illassr.tiose relaetsp te Edema. Cabot and Cartier. Oso. W. Orton amperes Cassaba sad United Roti. Rugby, and A. H. U Colgabnen writes d Current Events Abroad.' The stories are by Lee W vsdd•m. Forges Hamm, O. IL lrirohlld, jr., sad Elk 8 Atkisson. 'the poetry •ad the departments are as letrdsk tis as semi. Oestribatiees ,rem (filbert Parker, 0.1d.4. Smith, Pri.otpal Parkin, ad ether leaders writers. ors •anonaoed fee the Ohriste •s s.mbr. • photo takes tykes the Evelyn was p•ssia4 through the loge and storm trader NE steam sad the strmmandere of the ether sasses wets srjieg to save their beets, would have made an snootiest protan tee Cadet /be Dome." The steamer Jaws arrived 1. port from Tobrmersy a1 3 a.m. Meedsy aorntag, with • ewes et ssbley .apples. 8be had tb. barge 1. Rn..e14 lumber lades frees Wkto rtes la w. sad after disobsegiag desk e•r/e steamed sur bf of port with bee taw for Deis ft The steamer zit. Adrew with 36,000 bus. et wheat, arrived et the Greed Truck ele- veter ea friday a.retag from Pert Art sir. ... •.d hT ..p the game meet's had dis- .barged bail ha °ws. lice ooetm•eder wbe had buan up tows rearmed is ale me- w l seemly after 8, sod fee seas ream.. "Ma be •.nest sepias. ease Mat the sane bad beer4w4 to • gale. meted Ids vowel item the O. T. R elevator end /W hr q 1. hta frost e mill. /Ahem* tampesii Tsssbr tsaeb• ad bee. M the a 7. h. ss,ams of Neese, he had .seam . bested behrsedll el. .. i.wee tlwteaded' we y se w w bb the seers' was on eyed spar aid lbs be. 14 I. prSbs l LL emit flirt beer Mad bbumefi E. B. Thompees of this tows, was in dederioh es $•treed&,.-8eaforth ,am. Mn. Tyadal. w Cattle, of Stratford. was the past week vlditag at the old home. Mrs. and Mies Attri11 lett for Los Angel- es oe 8•tard.y, where they will spend the winter. H. L Clerk, .1 Teresa, • gentleman wolf k ferment by fert visite. was In tows Ibiswweek. W. Btstea.ms. sewer oostraotor, who left rather Ill, spas the pass week .t him home Pon Hares. J4 Tp; &.d Walter Bis....tt spot ewe +am le the .dgkberbood of Grand Bead the pat we.k. W. Wallets oaken dews ,rem South Bey ea tee Jew .d is sew Woking atter his twig aweless& Wm Robertson ruined home from Sed• Creek, Anile\ Ctil.mbia last Friday steer as armee* treet the einem .t ever wyam. eoafer4bSee ef' the hays watt .ere est es taietlirset beet ea Libman' highs tem 1dIe MIAs te lower flas airs* lamps/ end two m ld•str1 wera.t, se fib fora-wa 1. dsrku.Mtsc. time. Yom- .