HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-4, Page 8--iiia SIGNAL : GOMM 0I4C4411O
With the'incoming of November most people prepare for
Winter by purohaaing Winter Clothing and Winter Comfort& We can
supply you with these needs at the lowe3t possible piice& This week
special attention to a clearing up lot on the
5c. T,ADL�
comprising PRINTS, GINGHAMS and Ends of ORGANDIE MUS-
LIM, worth from 10c to 15c a yd., suitable for Comforters, Linings,
Aprons, Etc. Look these over.
A range of Fancy and Plain DRESS 19C.
GOODS, worth 25c to 30c, for..........
Hosiery and Gloves .. .
. Clothing_.. _
Mantl�es_and. Millinery
awes .A.N1J olv n vgair ,a o1itLY.
Ilwbortant Events In Few Words
For Busy Readers.
IDA Sway Werad's Sapp.wlweg overate,
emptied and ONO reuse Mama) sad
Attractive Usage For tbe Beadier, et
ear tare -A 1.114 Seer's aaleym•as
Yee rlir
be Tilsouburg, Erie i le FeebR.R.
is constricting -k coniieettbtt at 'Tilton -
burg with the M.C.R., and will build a
$10,009 steel bridge across Otter Creek.
Mr. Chauncey M. petitew, one of the
presidents of the New York Central Ba:l-
e way. " it de kledj - of dale& --that
wreck at Garrison was cawed by dyna-
mite placed upon tet track with er-iwin-
TN* St hav-de.
tided to enbinit a bylaw to the rite-
payed on Noy. 30 to gntlrantee %sill bonds
at the, Street Sitllway tei__tbb eriitiRnt
Of :.'50,000 and pay the diet yeas` la -
Ladies' and
Men's Coats,
Cass after Case has been opened
anti piled in our Store up -stain and
down this last two weeks.
In Men's and Women's FUR
CO:8.1 , about 100 to chaoee from,
and every Garment guaranteed of the
best primne Skins and best quality of
Linings and Trimmings used, as we
buy frouo- only most reliable Manu-
Zpecial Sale a,; Mantle Cloths, e
Extra Heavy -wove Freizea, regular $1.00. for 85c
Beaver Clothe in all Colors and Black, real valtiisr$l.tb
Band ,'1;1.35; at _ R. W. McKENZIR has _heed In tttock the largest
�' iii : t -t .'f '�.-i T..." i :TY' 'i1�Ol
•,�' ..= importation i W I bt D o W'
1l er-URRITT€i4CK'S tforld famoaa-Pa vas �t71'��$�tr
+'�c . ■ � i►t prima whtoD tonne be wanted
yes • '•;y, :1M. -
is 7+baM OO,6T13 from $3.50
Taemrn toescamake, direct from the makers. The best (loo la
MSN1 pe�ss
M NILE CLOTHS in all thColorine l�ewgs
Makes and
this seams. Yoe should see our Rios* for these Geode before you huy.
Ladles°sada?, as seen) NAL, prime
Dress Goods
of the Newest makes and Celeriac* at surprisingly low Woe.. Sone
41-iitehinde Goods for 16o. A lot et Drew Tweeds as 26 gents, worth from
30o to 360. Fall wolpbta
GOOD, Heavy Grey Flannel at 12}c and better Roods at higher prices.
Ladies and Mens' Underclothing in great variety and cheaper than ever.
Lidice Wool Hose, heavy weights, 20c, 25c, 30. The best value we ever
CarpetsThe Lamest, Best and Cheapest Stock
• in town In Brua�tels,Axminsters,Tapes.
tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply All -wools,
Unions and 'lamps. Twin and Japanese Mattings. Oil Clothe in
three qualitieengdirect from the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths.
The balance of our stock at Rock -Bottom Prices.
COI -MORN= =mos.
.P 11.11-t J_ H- 04DLBO1RNI9D.
The Grant Carpet Warehouse of Me County •wee..- _
Nove®ber Fashion Sheets all in and given free. - .t., • Y . at . *lace. To get his galosh to scours your custom.
r �l iR!" --- i. - --leets the �` t''._`._ r.._.. .
-111:11131.11LIJOIr AL,.
property fur an Ghee in Winnipeg.
`November 'L'S will be observed as
Thanksgiving slay hi the UnitedB&Mei
sa-welt-itsin Canada.
A crusade against departmental stores
has commencers in Chicago.
It is announced that an agreement
s been entered into between the Ham -
hurt -American Steamship Company and
tt rand_ Trunk_iaiiroad of Canada for
It L currently reported .that Prlace
pobenlobe, the German Chancsllee, has
resigned. -
1•UIt6LY 1'ZIt ONAL.
---Ma.. Zeta -Dana, son of the late Outs..
A. Dana. has been appointed editor of
Tbe. New York Sun.
•li Meier swtelnatioa has revealed
• the fact that out of a -herd of 62 cattle
e t the Ottawa Experimental Farm 26
are infected with tuberculosis.
A confereuce between representatives
of the employera and delegate* from the
striking engineers in Britain has been
practloallt arranged, the tatter having
agreed to withdraw their demand for
eight • hour per day, which bas been
the great stumbling block iu the way
of arriving at a settlement of the strike.
WITH notALri a•• -
The German Court =bas been ordered
tato mourning for ten days as a mark
ef svtnputli: for the relatives of the late
Duchess of Teck. .. _.
The iIluchens of Teck, cousin of the
Queen, died at Richet 1. of carrot.
failure, as the result of an operation
ter hernia. Her Royal Highness wail
64 years of age.
1 itis
At the meting of the W.T.C.U. in
Buffalo, Mas Willard, in her annual ad-
drese. land n beautiful tribute to Lady
Henry Somerset, praising her good wi rk,
bat regretting the stand she hod taken
on the Indian Cantonment Art..
'The riundittbe-world missionaries of
the W.C.T.U. who recently resigned on
account of differing with- the Views of
have indicated their intention at con-
tinuing their warfare against that lady.
, Rev. Father Connelly of Sassing&' to
Dr. Alexander Milton Row, a Cana-
dian scientist, died in Detroit on Wed-
nesday. He was sixty-five year% of age.
Mrs. Wm. Borns, wife of ex-Council-
br Burns of Whitby, died very suddenly
burg and Portia td. •
in different quarters the unmsnally
mild weather has bteted as a deterrent
to the ordinary "prngreas of trade. and
the. drafted for *lam lines of reason-
able (mods has be checked. There is
ee decided Increase in any direction. The
demand fee-- ism -sad steel continues
good, as it is expected the coat of manu-
facture will Increase .hrxtly. There is
a fair demand for woollen goods at
steady priers. brit oottom goods are weak
sad Mocks targe. The commercial tail-
gates In the Uaited States for the week
butt ended are 218. compared with 206
Tor tbe corresponding week a year ago.
CATV A I.Tl res.
Alerted Zaeitz, a Coldstream farmer,
hunted him'elf whte temporarily Sloane.
Two (7rnnd Trunk freight trains col -
!Olio! et Ptrmey Creek and a number of
iisat wee . mashed.
Wm. White. a lit -teen -year-old Oak -
r lie boy, lord his life by being dragged
nto s grain chute at Mr. Wales' ware -
Mn. Georgia Wilson of Pleton died
tt-Winnipeg from the effects or an over-
verlose of morphine tablets taken :or M-
Bert Leedbam, aged 16. son of the
foreman of the Withrow mined. South
Unlaeke, N.S., wail caught iu th- ma-
ehinery, and Instantly kilfe.d.
George Lightfoot, aged 13, Fon of a
Toronto grocer, waw shot and killed by
the accidental discharge of a revolver in
the hands of his chum, a stepson of Prof.
Hector St. Pierre, the motorman on
one of the cars, was killed. aryl 'Motor-
man Leprollnn was ininred by a collie
Railway. -.
John Pntterknn, 11 year* rat nge, was
syte.keirt Aya savaire sow on the farm
of Mr. Willihsa Cameron. Vertrieb. and
flied while being tattoo to the hoopital
et Chatham.
r1N.1 TItJa.yfl►1lADt A N. •
The third session of the Legislature
of the Northwest Territoriea opeued at
'* ootoro1Q.'':.. -r: 't:: -. -b nelriars^il lf'birra
sir -All Hardware Building Supplies sway down in Price.
ROCERI S Soar -want the Beni and- --- _ ... _..... x...� -.- ..._._ . _ .0
ther Freshest, particularly when you can get them at .
STURDY BROS. at the game jerice that poorer goods
coe111u elsewhere. - _ -- I. a
We -sell quickly, hence omi Goods are always fres -21-
they.doL t slay with us Iong enough to get ant* ,
If you want to buy a useful present, see the nice
things we have in CHINA and GLANS. a
Do Not Forgot Forget..
s "
. . .
that we are again in the OTttTta trade.
Canadian and Imported Scotch and English Yarns. Na baiter assort-
ment or value in town. _
Ladies' and Children's Summer -Weight Undprbldthing,'Long and Shari;
Our 50 cent Corset, said to be the best value at the price.
Large Stock of all kinds of Braids alid Velvet Ribbons.
Full Lines in Small Wares.
A. MUNRO, Draper.
from heart disease at an evening meet- Regina -
lag in the Ladies' College. • A deputatku from Montreal urged em -
Henry George, the Single Tax adv°. one the Government the desirability of
rate, and one of the ce.ndidates for the having Caunrin sepreeeirted at the Paris
Mayoralty of Greater New $oak, died Expoaltioa
suddenly at his hotel atter addrewsing The date of the meeting of the Do -
several meeting%. He was 68 ream erg minion rudiment has not yet leen
age, fixed, hnt it is ewpected that the “pen -
THE ar..L101OUa WORLD. the will take place about the mottle
Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist, ad- of Janne ry.
Govern -
dreamed et'itwrled meetings In Marcy anent
is stated that tbe D6min ou Govern -
Hall, : 9roronto, lest week. anent proposenett seasltvn in :uttsslnce
The American Poblie Health Merida -I4 Z ..tion ti, increase the totIi4ng d -
tion endorses the action of a number of tlowance of 8nprenw (7nnrt lul;ce. from
churches in adopting the for of iadividn- bast -thirds to four-fifths rat their, *envy.
RI Nips or chalkes in admlri15tentng the ew nn R. li to econ i% tPlo tuboe
New Rrnnstrirk, a reronstreetton' erg the
communion, Local Government heving+rheen otfected.
BirhOp Awdry of Osaka, Japan Is in On neemint of 111-henhh Thin. .T®meis
Toronto, with Mew Awdry, on their way Mitchell resigned the Premier.hip.
tome after attending the Lambeth Con- The Retnil Mernhaittw' Asso`iatinn of
feience. The Bishop addreusd the stn- Ottawa has decided to ask the legit-
egisdents of Trinity College. and Mrs. lath re to to dimity change the present
Awdry spoke to the members of the nnrtinneering Inwa, sad all the muaial-
tills' Friendly Society. pnllties throughout Ontario will 1* ask -
sox HEN or WAR. ed to join in this mopes!.
/'b. British toms in India have sap- Sir Wilfrid Laurier *seared a &pats --
tion from Montreal that it direct com-
mnnirntinn were e.tahlished betiteen
(Nada and France. In complianre with
the term, proposed. the snlwldv M fltty
thoncnnd dollars a year will be gran
Para.*. Will T.'v again.
London, Oot. SO. -Charles barles Poisons.
toted Semparha pass.
The first Miner to be given advrntege
of the new militia regulation estabnah-
tas honorary iteetenant-eotonelw is Sir
George 1Kirkpatriek, who be eoxnew hon-
orary enlonet of the 47th of Frontenac.
An inve•tlgattan 1n Athens reveals the
seneatktntl fact that the cartridges *teed
to the torpedoes daring the Tnrkn-Greek
war were nnprovkied with perr*isaion
est*, and would heave bees sbsnlntely
naekas. Prince George. whn was roar
hander of the torpedo flotilla, le being
roundly attacked.
Mr. D. 0. McRae is the Liberal can-
didata tqr alt- i.egielaaiv. A asawnbly is
Mr. J. b. Morgan was nominated toe
the Leglidatbe A,aarnbly by the Liber
lab of South Grey.
J Mr. O. A. Brower. M.L.A., Is the Oen-
sarvative nnminee for the L.gis1 ve A.stanbfye in East Elgin.
Wast MiddI.s.z Ometervarlves hays
sowinated Mr. G. B. OenybuII at Apple
le oppose Hon. Goo. W. I1sss
At • meeting of the ihberalQawrva-
tives a 1L..t Elgin at Aylmer, Mr. A.
Brown, the present eneasber, Inn need -
sated aa the candidate d the pent It
the elating Provlat4U efortio011. j
RAlt.ROAfl std *. '-.It is r=.1tilte * 4011611* SP.
New Y Ifni le sow we
*see am-beia-v
for inventor of the .Ream tortilla whii•h
loss fitted in the 100 -hint torpedo bort
Tnrl.btia, giving ber a speed mit IS
knots an boor. Is about to construct at
NewrnwtIu-ens►-'fine w ewes t nr the tot-
pnIn boat deetrover tope. with tmtilne
of 1AA to la w 40 knots she will
•tri e'ew,w.. s....A.
Ottawa, Get S0. -Th. Department of
Nem, yesterday r relved word that
the Cnn.tanee had seised and brongbt
Into Quebec: the erhnnner ()snarls, ow.
May. with over *4(110 worth of metre -
band wMskv aboard. The deportment
tie not sore that thia 1. the fnit cargo
which the Canada hod when she sailed
from 8t. Pierer. Miquelon.
4 Jell nnat-r rist000 d.
gest. Otte-, 0!. *i.--Jelureflag►
gorrdr tramp who alaMt044
* eiOr1rnitolii 04 Wb frog
Ole ligovoloon jail moot t.4 air,
Mlle wwaltki teed, was e1=�y►
bared le Ha scurf Tt.we•hip, met Ave
Mike sstram bore. this aft Cb-
McOwser g 6014«�ti� �
tt Selects -and
Standards rt
cx.A9_ A_ 7'�TA1P N-
Brussels : Last week Mn. Watson Aialey
received the sad istslligeoos of the sadder
Assn si or Mrs. 606 . tk 7,-reritirrl' et
Brumsh, at the oily of Dover Colorado, on
To..day, Oot. 12th. Mrv. Stacey was a
daughter of .the late Wm. Abele, sad wee a
miter of Win. and Wataoo Ainley of this
place. Rer illness was of short duration
beginning with • bilious attack and followed
ty • faiatisg spall, which resulted in death.
Peterboro Review : A Gummi street mer-
chant knows mon about aosteleoe gas now
tnan be did yesterday morainal. He filled
the Mottle with water, placed souis of the
carbon compt.ond in It, and after a while
tcuohed a match to a pipe running from the
WOOL of the kettle. There was all the nue
Lariat for a first ole fanersl,but fortunately
the reculteat implosion oily seared John mos
of sic months' growth, and set firs to Csa•
Gel's groosry store. .
Soalorth : Hugh McKey snot with a most
oainfol neo dost es Haturday. Re wee en-
gaged coaling pans in Coleman's salt works,
when his foot slipped into a pas of b.illog
brio.. His left lea to the loses was fright-
fully molded. the dash sessisa efferbsoole o
pock was removed. The Wary N extreme-
ly "alnfal and will arta Mr. Meli:.y to
trio hones for a toss time. 16 fortunate,
however, he did not less footing. for
lad be dose w be sawredly ►ave
met his date.
Tnekeremlt�t Bd1, d Tod
con., Tuckers . mot with a miry Wahl
aeoidest on Monday svewieg last. Hs wta
retuning from Mr. Merrises's safe on a M.
t yore, and *bas d.sossUog a hill he net
Mr. Eo toe, who wgoing hated opposite
d'reotion with a hone and baggy. Mr.
Norton's hone shied sllabtly et a esivert,
swerving Into the read. and Mr. 8.11 res ta-
to bks rig. Be was throws from his wheal.
dislocating bis slloald.r sad reaslvisg otb.r
injuries of • painful mature.
Wlntbam : While guested In cntHag
sera, Oharles tiimpetia ad Naga Waimeesb
eenght hie head in ths often. t bow end bet
tee fisgars and a thumb. The head wed
draweed, het a week isi r leobjsw set In,
and Slope* died in torten.
(;Nntuw 1 flaatoleu, the aro. bins.
mads • shipmest of 2700 barrels of spoke
to the GIs•eow market het week sal ex-
psofa to fellow It up emir week wilt 3400
barrels. He has sixty where at work aid
by the time tba asses wanes will bees most
abroad 15000 bhi., of mime Omsadleo fruit.
The new lease et DomisissNampa Mn be
w sal. ea rtes 1. rb. 1 amt win he great,
the 3 neat rad ; the is. ter ted lstsreaUse-
al simemestsaMee ie Mss. The 1att,r1 the
ese whfeh will he rest on Rettleh hems
r ('.facie Art -umbers! Calm" bas is
a to aewc.sneweat of Joky outran fee
1 The srajon baring Jen. 4, nod
Marsh 26. ifs motranos �re.
"Ars& •arse tables Igo Se
residua* el Ontario.
During next,,week I will move
my Stock of
to the Store formerly occupied by
next door to Oox', Meat Shop,
where I will be pleased to meet
all my patron, and the public
A full line of CHOICE GRO-
CERIES always on Hand, and
every effort made to give satis-
1ZLI/Iligt0it411T ,' • '1
Cheaper than WHITS WASH
Yea w1$7.6.7"130111
ilj do well to Ao to
�Ytr 11 I 7" 1301 l S
*41111.111}411. • • law rim's
setcces•ase M .
For the lar,;est display of
this aide of Toronto.
wee air hese several crowd-baa1 stoves.
STOVZ FITTING , m"17o.'t-
Plumbin` Heating and Gas
Fitting married on as eztenrively as
TEE sun
Scranton lard Coal
iN TRU MA)Ii*l
at S6.76 par ton, OINK
_ilealgilefolftEkb° am".
that will Bake
that will Hest,
that are Stoves
STEEL } Stove& --
011 811111. --
wed fey gietesaaw.
r. 8. Posy, Hageella sed Boonr he
pat dog
Knives ... , .....>1;1,60
Forks .._ 76e
Table Cruet. each 750
Pickle " .t 500
Butter Knife " 150
Candle Btieks " ..•........ 41c
Bad Irene " * oe . % .. 160
Beisso,s, ped pair 10 sad 160
We osa Piste anything
in Brass, Iron Copper,
or Steel. Call and MS
samples of our work.
litIt'"111 BICYCLI C.
Lf 00Mslfa.