HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-4, Page 7==112 EAKNEss RIBY plus been troubled Weakness and I have used but nothing did til I tried your Pills. I only and am cured. blish this, as it eye of some sufferiuge as-- estsis-,_ :bunters, Ont. PHIs tale Weakness. "Mlle 1164.1 RhYlIRS 'maks Pad BLIND kinds of 1. SHINGLES ...Tr ea Specialty. now complettille: lergeat and best de the cities, ELLS itity to snit the ;hells loaded with while you wait. 11 Stock of ;HELLS, RS AND WADS. S ICK OF — 5 fire but only kill RDWARIL !AR OF LIGHTNING. • JOB THE MOST PART THE ALARM FELT IS GROUNDLESS. rigs Elsotrle Sole Irrom Hoilivea's aloe Frightens lasinr. It Is True. But It Nits Still Viewer - The Selesee or j.thetniste A current awes item gives the result4 au,. eivestigatios carried ou by Dr. U. &alley Presideut 01 Clark Uni- *rely, uu the things that most excite ive le people. 01 the/ 2d8 classes of object'4 few to which 1707 permits ofjeseed, thunder and lightning led all the rest, altildlet in certain localities, es, fur LOStAnCe. those subject to cy- clones, etc., the fear pf the latter pre- dominates. It may be accepted as prob- *Me true that thunderstorms coustitute gee most pronounced source ot fear with the majority of people, due, no doubt, to the always impressive and not nitre- aueutly overpowering 'nature of the pbe- Dometion. But is there any justifiention ki fel for this fear so far ES bail Mr oohs sr* concerned? We believe there is not,--ara- the contrary. that many other causes which barely have a place In Dr. Hall's list are infinitely more entitled to the -4M Unction us fear producers than lightning. Ae proof of this we may cite statioties the United State/ Weather Bureau, The show that for the four years. 1890- 98. the deaths from lightuieg numbered 7$4. or an average of 196 a year. Agnin, H F. Krether of St. Lotus found from the record of nearly 200 newspapers that for the five years. 1883448, there were NW (heaths caused by lightning, or an tete of AM • yeas. Wa doubt whe- ther. of the number of deaths clnesed as "accidental" in tbe Whole United States, any one 'row) can show so small a number. In New York eity alone over 2011 people are drowned evert year, while nelrly 150 are burned or sealdell to deed'. and Close OU to 500 persous meet their end by falls of the kind or another. Comparing the record of 200 lightning fatalities for the -whole country with tbe above retords for New York city, with its total of 'nearly 1500 accidental deaths every year, it will be seen how ground - hes le tIttrpripular -Mut of ittierntng. is a surrival, an inherited auperstitiou. But there is another point la eunnto- tiou with this matter which might to • Weertienisely Nereffiridesg .nit7 Whet country dweller* mny not be Dot awash, unless the vcrutetation is eery mach better thou k ie in the great majority of tnewbouses. In the effort to keep die cow. waren, the iniaioritt W cow -owners allow Ivo little nPlare to tan cow, and make the cowhouses wo Dearly airtight. As a coeuesammee, the purity oe the air is sacrificed to secure warmth. k is kept warm, but made foul NOW. pare air is of tar greater =pumas= then hot air, or sem warm. If a tow must breathe either foul air or cold air. it wonid be couch better for her to take the cold air. But it le rarely that • good cow need De force= a choice. It Is quite praeticabLe to bulki eowsboueee that will secure com- fort with west:me Cows may be kept in perfect health and comfort with- out being in a bothome all the time. bat they cannot be kept in health if they are kept as hothouse plants, breath- ing air that has been tuhaied over and over again, neektag with foul odors Stiff kmded down with disease gettue.-Jece my Bulletin. -41044-44*4-ntW-4°4- tis " statute.. Bebe' engird ning is We times greater in the cuuntry than is the city. The cause of this immunity for city dwellers is mot far to 'welt. It is doubtless due to tbe predominance of metal toots, the well-grounded water pipe, ja biome, -mod pretiably a• ninth se anything to the prospective network of overbead eiectrie wires of all 'Muds. The popular belief that a stroke of light - slag is invariably fatal is also sot borne eat by fact^. Indeed. one record speci- ally devoted to this feature elbows that et 212 mesons struck, ouly 74 were kill- ed. Taking it all in all. there seems to be no more groundless popular few than that of lightning. Indeed, if the ean go by statistics. the risk ot meeting death by a horse kick in New York Is over 50 per cent greater than that ot death by Usktning. Yet with all tbe weight of statistics taintlt its deadliness, lightning will con - nue to ware people as heretofore. Per- haps, after all. there may be a more di- rect sew than tbe mere psychological nee nswftly ascribed to it, and that is the fee' that many people of eervons imperilment are affected boars before the approach of a thunderstorm and thus reinlereel partienInrly powerless to stand the strain which more or lees effects the ne.t phlegmatic natures during a die tneenee in the heavenc-Electrical En- gineer. The Gress Bustard. The greet busterd (Otis taints), a bird still found in tbe southern proem - cos of Husain, is the heeded European fcrwl. In size it exceede the Norwegian blitekeock. says The New 'fuck Sun. The old males attain a weight . of 35 pouuds, and where food is plentiful weighing 38 pounds, sad even rlpionuenagda, bave been captured. Thew birds have disappeared trim Western Europe, where once they were almost as numerous as partridges, and leo seen ooly in small fioggs in the sand - hills skirtieg the lower vsJiwy of the Dueiper, sod here and there along the north attest ot theCaspian. The ben lays eggs as big as or/emerypears. A larger and beerier bird -the mesowary -is incapable of lieht, but it ean kick with the etrength of a mnie, and uses the sharp, bony quills of its minim as a warm uses let Mum WOMAN'S HAPPIEST HOUR. The happiest boar in • women's life is very diffioult 50 specify. Among tbe hap- piest hours in my own life Mae been those spent to witressine the development of my tidy obild. My idea of happioess in thee 111. is-pieet y ef mum nisi work, end an at- tempt to resew in We. Emerson' motto- ' Help moue. boy." Seats K BOLTON. 1 , saestiittu ott neetneess. The happiest hour of my life was 50. 001 In which I was least conscious of myself, mid eseeinisid tato koly theriehts eat4 pue• Vint .ed beenfioent activity. What is my idea of happiness," Aisne's STORYETTES. Hid Celts Messed Bp The limited Bootee Treasury is retalaing oI1 the Indeed Stews mins resolved in the wdlaary mums of badmen bearing the gle- am of Liberty sewed. These coins &re seat te the Mist te be melted up. Over three million dollarsworth in subsidiary Meese has been melted and remined during tbe past year. Of °three the mew dies are used. Tbie is but • drop ia the bucket to the mass of old sUver which is still in okonlation. - Harper's Rouad Table. ties °melee, end the is said to ham saved She 11. 01 the lamens miellec. win Is moond oaly to Lod Welseley, on two 000esions. Tor the last low years Tel el-Ketber bee bees kept is the stables .ef tin Horse Owls. aad bas renewed as much attention aa her owner. Sin la the oaly horse that was ever decorated by Qeses VII0SoC1,1, and 11 was. therefore, apprepriate that the should hese • plea, 1. 50. proosesiese.-New York World. — - • Tons* eaters Wee. "AU right I" At that word the tall individual in the loose velvet mat, jumped up perpendicoler in the air and emitted a ory that sounded like courtesy. A yeses lady, who mane out front • home le the west end of Loudon, wine Widening rousd s owner, n.a waned • little street ..rale. She e.id." My poor boy, I bops I hese not hurt you. I'm teary sorry. I beg your perdon." The little ohap was slake asetemished. Taking off the three-quarters of ciao wheal be had upon him head. be made bora grand salute, sod said, " Yon oan her my pardine (for that's what bal sailed it), miss, and mellows ; end the next time you run &gin me, you *my lima me clean down and I won't say • word." And teen, when the lady Ind mooed on, be tamed to kis chum. sad resseaked, "1 say Jim. it's the first time I ever bad thybody ask my girding, and it's kind o' took MO of my feet." Respect nor *owns rowers. We should Jenne be Imreers, gladly welcoming every belp sad remeotina evert parsonality. But dem* also teepee our own. end bogie * Wad that, though the wide universe 1. 1011 .1 geed, se boreal or nourishing °ors osn °mem to us bat through our tod bestowed on that plot of ground which is givea to us to till. To undervalue oter owe tbought bemuse it is ours, to de- preciate our owe powers or fatielties bemuse some one else's are more Heoroge. to shriek from doing what we ma became we tblek we can dos. little, 1. 10 hinder ear ewe de- velopment and the prowess of the world. For is is only by exercise that any festally is starenethesed, eued only by saoh otte pas- ting hie .boulder te the maid that, tie world moven and hilelanitit &deacon. HAS wHITEIT'S !SAPPIEST ROCS Yrr TO (vitt _I think the happiest hour depends upon woman it tit The differeseirweeld lle net only in the experisathe bet-li the Isktag et thew What to one lemma would be the deems% sad highest, grain le *eth- er be qwito iftesetheireheesthle. Amid thee we oh* new se hatie of what • happy snomosit les hese asill it is all ever. I am afraid 14611 tiontiase to take • world full of women. geseration after gesserntion, to reach • bill tiouolusson upon the matter ; and that is the risseoo, among others simiber, why the old world hem had totem es loag ! For myself, 1 do not thlk I have had my Nippiest hour yet ; I tenoy 11 is in expect - &moo with almost OM ybody: I mast es ea aud finith my lite Bus: then. weil-thee if you owl sok !no With. ENIFEISRS 1 Cali tell you. ADELINE D. T. WHITNEY. lipes sa▪ te& r Polo011111. The T'hree removes* Hasse. Instead of a !tingle European type there is indubitable evidence of at becet tbree distinct races. each possessed of a history of its own, and each contributing something to the common product, pope - idiom as we me it to -day. If this be eetablished it does away ' at the fell swore with moat of the current mouth- ing. about Aryans wed pre -Aryans; and eeKeially with such &Minions all the ••Guesiiian" or the "Idde-Ctertnahle' nice. Supposing for present peace that It be allowed that the aneestore of liempre-unty---onee- Isom- bean - within sight of either tbe Caspian Sea or the Himalayas, we have still Oft two-thirdt of our European races and teetwilstiell bat of account. As yet it is toe early to discuss the events of the history ot these rnees; that will claim our attentiou at & later time. The present task be- fore us is to establtsh first ot aU thrtt &me such eerie' types exile in Europe. - Prof. W. Z. Vey. in Appleton'e Popular Science onthly. , FLOUR WORLD. isms keel at glair Woods mill. Am- rrom the •ettep of t sod is the best we. The neer as rELON'S wows.* eel WM beriorii Midas. from tat Um= ribs mai. rELON, :4 An A111/11114111* Task Drama. A game dealer has of late bad a lot of terrapin and a large number of frogs is the same tank, and it has been funny to We the frogs pile on the terrapin's becks, whether to get their feet out 01the wet or to enjoy a ride is net keowit. Yesterday the tank was partly filled with water. and a huge se. turtle WES reliti is it At once tbe terrapin craw the back of the turtle, and the frogs MI- kered and clitned on the terrapin, and the whole outfit sailed around as gee aa a picnic party. One old frog that lad succeeded in reselling the highest "Int 'Venn to croak exttltantly, end I500)54( to be saying, "More room at the 505) more room at the top." -Portland Oregonian. 4121 OPINION BONI " TIES DITTCHIES " have bed it suggested to me by • friend staying in the boom es this time, that the happiest moment in • woman's 111. 1. when, having brought the MOM Of hat heart to the point of proposing. she makes hien wait • minute for two fee her asswer. To know, and feel his anxiety -to usdermand that the sexilty is all caused through love of ber- thas would constitute s blies sot to be rival- led, • bliss the -sweeter for Woe so shot - lived. end because of the fact that it °an never 0000?amis. Bet this strikes me as being • little feline nature, loot a trifle greed. For myself, I should thisk there would be 10....' toy in that moment when • woman is able to say " lies " to the most important *Miss lif gad to give herself free- , (islet notesartag Hogg. Thew is no longer the demand for tile benstrweielit hogs which used to prevail when larue what tbe heg was most- ' b „ialnlid fete What is most wpnted new are hogs that at seven or eight month. old will avenge* pound • day, OT a trite more, for ..eh day of their hTee' gueb bogs as thew! are alarm, salable, and it is very rare that they will net yithl a profit to the grower. tw`t Dian for breeding are usual', a cross of the flne-boned small breeds en Nene large and rather eoarsehroilt sows, the rath lle olware being e smTh aller. e result will be hogs, which tor feeding 0111 he superior to either sire or dam. I think4 however. do qmstisa • dittwalt ...to answers. Teem am geology different S aturn, that what would lte extremes happi- n ess to one woman, might be only &mild de- light to another. Sone wealth. fOr=i4tee, liavethe ma. tainted inettam mere develeeed than others, mid fee them the vessel email ary of their finthers meat cause as uplifting M tbe heart that ao other iodise ou earth oold cued*. All in that eapiness moms* inrforritien The ambit** woos* onset fled her best hour when she imasestaised the senunis ot her hopes. sad Victory orowas her with lta laurel wroth- - To the weans steals( ever the slot bed that metal= the eati Wing dearest to bee oe earth.— Mims ha an hour mere rife • Matter set opiate* 'Shrsabl e has 'bore' tentnriscitairThstilharo. along and he made up his mind that " Tootle, tootle, toot !" Ordinarily the would have suspected him of being the last person to indulge in mole &otiose as be was of • staid sed slightly severe ocuotenanos, and • dem observer would haveishrewdly supposed that he was tar from eurying himself. bat it is to be preowned that he know his Own business best. In any case the perspiration bedewed his brow. A taw yards from him eat soiree one in • ohdr-s young girl. She gazed, at the jumpiest owe with an expression of resent meat and • tear bedimund her eye. Rhe wept bitterly. The individual in the loose velvet owit gritted bis teeth, swore under his breath and moviel hastily away. The young girl's parents who were present looked unoecoern- ed. After a hurried confab the velvety coated one headed *soh of the eareete • large tio pen and • wick of wood. He Um. elf handled • tin bora. " Come on now !" The horn win blown lastly, the tin pans wee* Winged with fervor, and all them danciee up and down with Btholdin1111111 vehetnenes theadon. Aod they shouted : "Booty ti Web r "Hi Medley bi M 1" "Filly willy ',talcum boom !" Their Noes grew purple and their veins smiled to the mist of bursting. It was most impresetve. Tin young girl fixed her eyes on the pro. Tbey'laoked lustre at first, but by depress began to take en some show of interest. t " New shrieked the individual in the loceelvelvet seat with Messes excitement. A snap tree heard, and the young girl- ish' was but Iwo years haill-&1111111 suomestully photographed et last. - -- -"'-'14017s14605-01EIROP EALT:"- - APHORISMS. nevassas, Wav.:4, 1897. 7 _ , Better be driven out from WM" MOH aim to he deeliked by obildrea, -Death Trust net blue that has ono. Meshes faith. He who beirayed thee 0005 will betray thee again. -Shakespeare. Tame is we • heart but tise 15. momeets of longing, yearaing tor something better nobler. holier than it knows now. -Bomber You may depend upon it that be is • good man whose intineate friends are good aad whose enemies are deuidedly bed. - Lester. • It is wonderful what strength of pantos* and beldame and energy of will &re &roused the assulanwe that we are doing our duty. -Scott. 11 is only the belief of goodness and wig. dom of a superior being, that our °alembics OM IN bonnie the manner which bmomes a man. -Mackeezie. Candor is the seal of a noble mind. the ornament and pride of man. the soorn of raseels and the rerest virtue of sociability. - Sterne°. Energy will do anything that win be done he had to 4;et Wren. Tt teth the nein . brilliant and mient othandrune wiles* mower Disdekins thought was looked ia his manly bosom. " I haves oconnudrum for you MiMI Yea - Ito es14 swims h• seether.eist. -"M." cob* replied,- elbelik• ? ~AO m 011Ow" a fig brid. ling ementhat. •• lodeed West is it!" " Why see my **tams like tba nesse She !imitated • moment end DudeWee-1W• gam to loot triumpher. wiper rms.! " You may think. she mid slowly. sad Dielskine somehow felt the owed dipping from under him, " it is bemuse they hams nem to them ; and you have a perfect debt to think as you please, bate Me. Dedekins, opinions differ." The Wissmes vein» to 11141141" It is predicted that for tbe elate" fere moot In rover will be wibi., Mairias sable in the dark 411.lialla atitraklisn. and _diet lanitY et astrakhan. *Dog lirnimon" vents (still -born lainb). altseei- et:tux , es real/ "ftlag of -mason. The toot = teeline i•• to tangoes alt Immo km berth - 144'e*. Erritearnal. M 74.4460•1140. OS oisraospoi. A ennetrust eetki liMuldiinf he fl*"..1 eh le reengress4 IA larl'glith,........ VI Nero in einoltstion sof the cww""`"-- - thee treitivratum negelbtr wirde010.01AV:re thee whoa the dee. weed 1 Heim Muth the.adored one will le rives bask to bee eyes tbe very jawed' Death 1 And yet, atter all, I Walt Le*, "that areal Illeeter," as lie has bese justly sidled, has more to de svith • wosan'e reside* hoer than saythise else oe tart& T• and to feel Mee self legoved-thet is. in- deed, es 'mow the best ef We. TU 000*' tor ,M hope! Oh, magic Aneempeters conemp:" Daring • French eanioinen Africa many brave deeds were dose. but Dose braver, perhaps, thee Trumpeter Esooffisr's resoles of his osptelo. Tin Arabs were pressing the cavalry of THE BEST 18 THE BEST IS THE BEST 18 THE BEST IS THE BEST 18 THE BEST 18 THE BEST THZ BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THIC BEST THE BEST THE BEST TRE BEST THE BEST T HE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST 'THE BEST THE BEST T H E BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST aileeft.tath eta _-hllobowhowl eftlAlp!!!! mks* it hero brighter end give a clearer Clothes rattan, bimboo and willow with a brush and molt water; then rub dry with &soft oloth. - -Window glass, heaps. mariateeed Mose eases or mantles are quickly darned if rob- bed with salt slightly dampened. Floor matting wii t 0. onpIIsbh and leas brittle if ocessionally washed with salt water. Wash chamber ware with oold ..It water instead of warm sown water. , Colored cotton *brim will not fade by subsequent washiog 0 placed in boiling water to whith has bona added three gills of *eh to every tour motets ot water. Do Sot remove the °loth =MI WI wafer is oold. An excellent application for s' sprain is well -beaten whites of three ages mixed with three mast teaspoonfuts of salt. A plaster or the yolk of an egg thiokened with salt applied to the seat of acute pats will often relieve. Captain De Cott, and everything has in o onfusioa, wleme De Cotes born worn killed adder bine and the capture of the officer and the whole oompany seemed inevitable. At that moment the trumpeter of the company leaped from big horse aad gave it to De Cott, saying " Valto bit. Your MN is neeerrem7 ; mine is melees. You can rally the 1340. It doss not matter about my peek De Dett mounted the horse. rallied the oompaoy sad *attuned the tight. Trump. eter &maw was takes Meaner, but the Arabs, wbe adore mange, had witmessert the some, and appreotatine the nobility of du, man treated hien wish generosity. Eis trumpet was • *throe of Oath eetertoin- moot to his milkers, who mod often to titageltifft gtve-ilaw-vignele-ot-the various military movements. Ono day Keoeffier gay. the whole repertoire with greet gusto, finlehisig up by blowier the summons for • charge with an extended flourieh. " What's that t" asked the Arab thief. "Ab !" said F000ffier, •• you will see* hear sbut,1 hope. That is the Mosel for • charge." Whim atm tries to live off his relatives they soon get on to hie Ida game. Anxious limber -Well, Bobby, and bow diA you betimes at the party! Sebby-Oe. Mammy, I didn't behave at eu. 10.. elevelpea. A sehool teethe Isielipel the questioe, "What is the higent feethil ilektal life r " The giraffe." responded a height member .1 55. dem sse akin Wm mars • * sod obteially dor the "Boa gays I pew here beautiful every Moo Sofas. lino," sou mows. *Why deal yos mit 5101 tall ottimer?" Assia-Rarper's Barer. The agave gllebleeners• The (*rate EN/Wanders' praises Ore 611 everybody's mouth. Led the Sikhs, who shared with them le the memnificent exploit at the Chsere.lietel. share the laudations here as welL The sinister dimeseions of 14.411* is 1 tau the itembsb. howeese.by winprieb. No seek desperate rthistenge lad 50.5.4 1..' rem the Pathan tribes, at Mem by th• °Math public. Even military authorities are seteselsed to fled that they pre so doh ifs Martial -Henri rifle* sad am. gene frothe arm reeks at night m les‘mitieol musities. Tbe native habit of wares, an old leery, mid Muse weaves@ are Dew thrums up by the thousands us the ham* of the lithesome. 155 05.5' they poi the inunstrie sten of sealeidese elm* eqpitery, simse the regu- lations Merely prohibit thole eseosselen by seliters off duty, awl there is no reseed el aay inagarin• bevies bele pillaged. The meet plausible theory is that the* has been Bedroom doors may bs keg; 000l sad troth by wiping them daily wide strong milt weber. Microbes, moths acd other lomat pests are thus destroyed. Salt !and oatr• pbor in oold water is an smells* disinfect- ant 10 5.4 rooms. Heat salt ten minutes in s very hot oven. Crush One and run through a sieve. Sten in a covered box in • dry plasm end tt will not osks. This is preferable to mixing cornsterth with itwhich thiamine delicate dressings sod soups. _ Ink spots ere removed from gingham by saturatine them with sweat milk and then with salt. Seat and lemon juices will re- move mildew. Soak brooms oomaionally in hot salt water, they will become softer. less br ittle and will wear Imager. Add salt to the weber in which bleak cotton goods are wombed to prevent tading aid tarabse-Isiown. Rein raga tat Irene weer paper mewed with salt. lemon jai** and eat will remove attains from the hands. Do not use soap immediately after. To rotnelve egg stains from sneertub gently with • damp oloth sprinkled with tine salt. Sett oa the hands will mean folds and fish None slippier during the two - mew of cleaning. Salt dissolved in alcohol or ammonia will remove ream spots. • dall emonldeting We may be clewed for Weans, by throwing ewer it a handful ot salt If salt is thrown On wer burning G abonesel it cheeks the blaze, but if sprinkled over opal makes It blurs brighter, last longer and there are fewer dithers. Fresh bak stains ea Gamete sr tableeleths me be removed by repeated alligloattsals ef dry malt. Carpets are refreshed sad oases briehtened if wiped with oleos Meths writhe from salt water. Salt sprinkled sesaidoesl. ly areued the edge of the eeriest is a moth destroye r. be* THE THE TH 41Popsio." iota little Winn, " dales- gell • softy .5 .5. stare -tellers' night *the fish, Treads, MOW" " Yee. my bey. I did. %lay r " Dig they *ask yea log tt es yea de oth whoa I tell • steryr salted lir flinitla "I lispe the* WA 'my Moab* Melrose Jimmie* sod Me efts. I feet them tomh remise op le the W. TUT sot tis digereas ease. red aide% bodes assilears whet they get est." Aim SWIM. "Ohe -fittill Mehl. lise =fibieliartga;lese ohs end Mr. de York le -7-7; - • "- te sertdeoltioes sale et esiligrobY eats. PAPA nOniellielde 11111.1011• Irlto 06.0 emalelled le shift 555 IMO* eit the Indies satherteleg. There is tio• tabor idea that they may *the prods* ef the Aseser's ann. faotory_tit EabsiL Widest that Gemmel Sir 1111 oampaign will 6110altnee bloodier result* than for. kas HE HE 80 BE HE BEST - HZ BEST IS TRI CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE HI BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND, THE SIGNAL 18 THE 01 13181 18 THE CHEAPEST AND' THE SIGNAL IS TIM HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST _AM THZ SIGEL', IS THE HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST HE /MST IS THE CHZAPICEIT-LAND THZ SIGNAL IS THE BEST le Ihie ileplitteed Iselease. so euroans. essese_. eseasportentiiee will midis a 500- ka14411 amide! • awe' w Mom 1,. Life'e °arse itre eomlorte ; IU.I 1.y heaves deeigued ; he that bade ',me must make theo., or he wretched 0&r.. 5'0 "'OOP' -54 moats told without employ tr.o soul to cum the raok; the raok of roe, to Routs mos* advent); &otiose all their j y.-Youog. Truth 1. iodises, and we cannot cheap it Bails WHIG ; yet we nose live Ili it* Itch!, arid loam more end more ol its grand e nsanoig, if we but sinoerely. nonessly and patiently tread the straight road sef to:I virtue. Four-year-old Bobbie rao lireathleesly in- to the house just wben the sound of bag- pipes wee heard siomiog up th• street. • Ob, Mamma !" he " there's a man out bars with • dead pm tint .Ings; mon quick ?" "Mineue,"said little Freddy, excitedly "the ferry -boat we were on almost ran ineo another berry -beet while crossing t • 'tier." Did lir. poked mamma, anxiously. "Yee, indeed. i'm sure there would have been • oollt.ion if the other boat hadn't back pedalled." -Harper 'a , Bazar. THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST THE CHEAPEST_ AND THE SIGNAL )8 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST THE BEST TI4 SICN AL ' THE BEST - , THE BEST THE BEST - THE BEST .-• ' • THE BEST HBEST ussus TEBEST $ 11 THE BEST 88 8 Si 11.1.1 TTHHEE BBICSEJ $A $ 111 11111 THE BEST $$ $ $ LW_ _H T H E BEST Si 8 VI $ 1$11 ---1111 - 11 un 11 1111 TBE BEST THE BEST 1111 THE BEST •IN -1—fIll THE BBRE SBESTs TT litil THE BEST 1111 _........ le iv ' • $ 1111 .41.' - 111:1 ____ . TTTHHHICEE BEST IffiVoinn•wwwwWwwei..., Mt 01\77-;"2" BERT 111111111111 TnE 8351IllessoiliIMINIMarr.r.c•./411.31M.Alf=1611.111111000rr'" BEST -1r3E1A..B. - 77M THE THE THE THE THE - THE liEST BEET BEST BEST REST IN ADVANCE! BEST • L--Italaeme BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST • BEST _ BEST BEST BEET ..,•2* BEST Be tharitable sad Widmer to every; One bet thyself -Jambe's. The fanner should sever buy feed foe his Meek. otherwise what is Its here kw t svoro Way either to also altsavr oaks. boo thi ego*** of this is Oil Irma Many homy Mery teilithes are b milkers. Rapid gnosis sad rapid **seine call foe heavy metes as well as heavy milkier. MTH MEDAL. "*". Thew" 0•111 / 1101"...114.11;i i well:50re* Otte et the west awe** hone a p000lootos arra asedf. teak goart. Hee rue is Te$41-Neltr. le 22 year, *id mid wee Miles by Meld the Rt. Hop, jefa ,1116111% Whe Ohm reds ha whoa he ememeedell505 8545- tr4hionio,V= lig APS =161011 the Ina ▪ V▪ ista* erase, Moe ilso• eileFtissolosseeestril -5rit9teirgoll*, 17.61„.mr GZLMI TIER T RHEUM aturvED IN 1 DAY w ow nasiutalta asteavar ONE aro stosoortoss ar • DR. WETS MOT 001The terintleg destiguelee dieesesse It la a osiervetises este fireLlat,at Ileme. ritps.2„. dims dlede teed DAVI% . • . —selieleet SPECIAL NOTICE 1 The Attenhon of the Business Community is Respectfully Coiled to the following:. A0001:12IT PAPERS, consisting of Bill Heads, (all sizei) Statements and Dun- ners. We carry the largest stock in the county. We pad all work in quantities to suit customers. First-class stock, good printing and very reasonable prices. Call and see samples. NOTE AND LETTER PAPERS. n variety, quality of stock, neatoprinting, and good sen :cable padding, we excel. We +supply these goods tilled or unriled, and carry full lines in Linens, Linen -Mutt; Wove-and-issid- Tapers. --.Exices.AndAtylitita_vorli to suit all who favor U8 with their order& ENVELOPES. We believe we are safe in stating that we are the largest handlers of Envelopes in this section of Ontario, and supply them in quantities to suit, at prices that cannot fail to secure your patronage. Quality and printing suitable for all purposes. Country dealers supplied at a close mar- gin. A call is respectfully solicited. anumkgs, FOLDERS, CARDS, &c. It is a well-known fact that when anything of a spec- ially artistic nature is required in this line, the judicious business man instinctively turns to THE SIGNAL Office for it. We cannot afford to go back on our past record, but, on the contrary, will endeavor to keep up the requirements of the times Good Type, Plain and Fancy Papers, Fine Card and Bristol Boards, combined with gond workman- ship and fast presses, enab'e us to turn out orders expedi- tiously and in a most satisfactory manner. Be sure to call. WEDDING STATIONARY, PROGRAMMES INVITATIONS, CALLING OARD% MEM- ORIAL CARDS, asc. Tux SIGNAL Office is headquartern for these goods, and samples of the latest productions can be seen at any time All orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Prices as low as this clans of work can consistently be done for. ALL CLASSES OF PRINTING f. , not specially mentioned above, including Labels, Dodgers, Posters, Price Lists, Catalogues, PatoOlets, Book Work, Asc.. executed in a satisfactory manner. Estimates furnished. 4 ,4111 rPr. " T3ECI3 ezA.I" SEA auii HOU 00 -