HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-4, Page 6.w
6 f1'3ullaDAT, Nev. 4. I$YT.
The soar of away other matron
Have Mak sod white cheeks lust as fair,
Aad wealth of gold and brown looks waving;
But coos on with may boy oomp•re ;
Oft la the Mutat ue with his comrades
1 see him Doming, while alar,
Among pie whole group shining radian%
As when from grey olouda gleams • soar 1
When merry songs in n.lehb'rt.t wood-
King forth like sweet bells, pure and
I hear but one mid all the vetoes,—
My son's aloes doth reach my ear !
And when • ball to happy playtime
Thee upward to the veru roof,
I know that my own boy's band flung It,—
Of his young strength • joyous proof !
When fifteen more brief years have fleeted,
The vision ye will see with me.
As slender as a wren young hr•trunk
He stands beneath the apple tree !
E'en now, his bright, clear eyes uplifted
The radiant sunshine strives to bear ;
Yes. then ere sons of other mothers, _
But news oars with my boy oompars
—Jonas • Await/WV&
The Suo00$S of a Great Cana
Mian Industry.
A abort Skeletal at as Mammesb ria■t
watery lie rte.{ lames Malt Wq.ors
that Canada "'redness are Manufactured
—A Toronto Writer somerlbe. kis WWI
t. the E.Iabli.hmtat et the Carling L
t P1. Co.. ,Limited,, Inane..
Frotp the Toronto Oibbe, Bipt. I!, 1NR.
Tarr immense eatiblislinent of the
above company, mewing a ground area ot
AillatrattAkt jiztilonee In height, with
eknatet from top to-botten, iliiod■'
..,a,1—ooga$Wµpu4ty__ Y . Qaq A hs. le•dibg
manufaotories of London. ft was founded
oa a small scale fitty years ago by the late
Thomas C.rliog. It is one, however, whose
fame and reputation is not oonfinea to Lon-
don er (:.nada signs, but is known .11 the
world over. Through tbeTcindnese of Sir
John Carling The Globe's repreeintottve had
ye.tesdoy.tbs opportunity of •Eamining into
eh. resouroee of this immense industry, and
be wan amazed not only at the gigantic op-
erations earned on, hut at the amount of
machinery and .trek necessary to conduot •
hulloes. of this magnitude. London is ex-
ceptionally favored in having such an indus-
try within its limits, while the oompany are
to he wagratulated on having their plant in
.uob • flourishing city, and surrounded by
counties whose fertile *ores well entitle
them to ha called " the garden of Canada."
In all the j roduot. of the company tee sane
oars as to .he tons end .xoellenos of the
quality -of ligor. i. observed.
Their celebrated porter deserves especial
mention„not only as being an exoelient hev-
errlp, but because physicians recommend it
eeteady for invalids and persons with weak
emstitutione. It's 000stituent element. are
SIM **Dublin" malt, the same as that used
by the world-famous brewer. Guinness, and
pure spring water, The wster is kept in •
beautiful reservoir on their adjacent
ground.. It is the purest in Canada, as
shown by chemical analysis, and is employed
in the manufacture ot all the firm'. output.
It prodaoe. during 24 hours 60.000 gallons
of water, and 1. thus kept in • perennial
stats of purity and coolness.
The Carling'. ales and lager are also
famous throb bdtrt Canada on account of
their superior quality. purity and delicacy
of 6ovor, being produced from the beet quail-
Ity of burley and hop.. A. • result teen
has h.en a great falling off of the imported
articles in thew lines in recent year., es
Canadians are quick to reoogoize the merits
of an article of home prodnotlon when the
Them exhibit at the this
year 1.. model of artistic arrangement. It
is pyramidal in snaps, 12 feet in diameter
and 25 feet high. Fifteen hundred bottles
of their ales, lagers, porter.. eta, are ..n-
ploved in its 000.truotlen, making it one of
the most striking natures of the exhibit,
and one showing the enterprise and push
which characterise all the actions of this
As an evidence of the popularity of their
good. 1t may be farther stated that they
were granted .penial diplomas and medal.
at the World's Fair in Chloago for the gen.
oral excellence of their goods as well as et
every other exhibition of import•noe where
their goods were displayed.
What Guineers and Boss an to Great
Britain or Rapa to the United States, Car•
ling is to Canada, sod it is safe to pr.diot
that in the fatten as la the peat this oem-
pny will occupy the ferment p1.w is this
line of mannfaotures b Gas d•.
■shutes and Test.w.raac.
" I pretest against time old argument
witch has Iknes Deed, now • lithe too long,
by many good people, that as soon as ever •
minister of the Gospel who desires to do
good i■ hu generation joins this glorious
total •bstinwo. cause he Is putting total
•bstioenoe to plain of the Gospel. What !
do they think that we have not yet learned
that the Gospel of Jesus, wherever it Domes
into the human heart, b the only balm tor
the sins sed sorrows of the human raw :
tic•► if it were received into all hearts, it
would ours every ill (against wbtoh we
„ Bat I do say this, that total •bstiaanoe
hes beau to many • man the first step
towards religion. " Cease to do evil ;" then
learn to do well." Then may be men end
women here who have not, perhaps, bent
sM knee in prayer to God far many years
11 they were to go home this night and pray
to Him, though it be with eammerinv lips,
/.t they would pass the Rubicon of their
spirituel history. Why ! Bemuse praying
could save them ! No ; none but Cbr1st
oan do that. But beoause prayer, tboigb •
little thing in 'teal!. would be the first seep
ot that struggling sou towards Chris,; es iia
saviour. And so, though not quite in the
tame sense. we believe it has often been
with total abstinenos."—Rev. Canon Flom -
Don't increase Temapiatien.
•' Convinod MTam- T suppose, you
are—ot the Imam. depravity of human
nature, I think that we have no need to ie-
creese the dam -woof temptation, and arm it
with additional powers. They who o•rry
gunpowder on board we o•refut of fires and
lights—nor careless oven of • spark, lest
that. reaching the magazine, should blow
the ship out of the water and the crew into
eternity. Believing as I do in the weak-
ness of our nature, I think we have Tittle
need for anvtbtnr to increase our proneness
tor fall The pathway of • man, even of •
mac on the highway to Heaven, is never
one o(pg1ttyet is.ty�t,.u often one of ire
'Moendongsv ttYeeenibletiltam mount$
peewee in the Higher Alpe, where the marrow
reei8, F.d' di -x7 3 Sas
below, require • steady foot and the coolest
head ; noa false, one stumbling step, and
you ars gone, over the rooks, sheer down a
hundred fathoms, where the angry torrent
foams is the bottom of • gloomy gorge,
white as the -+now- it flows .from ; or—no
happier fete—vow •re left Tying, midway
down, on some projecting orag, • mangled
mass—a h•nqust for the vultures. Many
suob dangerous posses there are in the jour-
ney of life. The very next tarn, for any-.
thing we know, may bring us on one. Turn
that projecting point, which hides the path
before you. and you are suddenly in circum-
stances which demand that reason be *Moog,
and conscience be tender, and hope he
bright, and faith be vigorous, sad the
prayer be ready to spring from our lips,
" Lord, hold up my goings. that my toot -
steps slip not "—Rev Dr. Gut.hrt..
The Necessity ler Total Abetlnwee.
For one convert of Christianity, for one
new creation to Christ Jesos by the oper-
ation of God's Holy Spirit upon the heart
—for one such Daae in India, the drineing
pr•otiose of the Eoglish have med. • thou-
sand drunkards 1 ''
The Venerable Arohds•oon Jeffreys, in •
volus!,le publioation on the Tempersn s
question, now causing maoh attention, atter
making the strove startling assertion, thus
wrote :—" That any individuals ono be
found who profess to love the Lord Jesus
Christ in einoerity, and yet option the Tee-
total canto, and should even plead their
love of the Gospel as a rewire for their op-
position, is • melenoholy proof of the de-
oeitfulness of the human heart, and of the
un•coomt•ble delusions to which it is ex-
posed. There never woe o time when the
Gospel was more extensively preached ; .rad
yet, wader .11 this preaching, drunkenness
is seen in every plans, from the pal.es to
the cottage. There ie more drunkenness in
Reg(otad-111• lend of Bibles—than among
t the untold milllous ra Hlndooi Tn Tnd10 T
nay, it bis hese mloalated that tbarountry
(which spends nearly • hundred millions an-
nually in strong drink) monopolises nin.•
tenths of this dreadful crime that is being
oommltted tnrougbout the world. One
sine!. Britisb newest has more courts
myrti•1 for this sin, than the hundred sad
fifty thousand nativetroops of India. Then
is no one osume wbiob robe our Churches
sod e.orameot•l tables of the attendance of
the poor so effectually as intempsr•nos. We
must (toys the Arobde•ooa) strive hard as a
nation, to put away the • aeoursed thing,' or
God will neither bless our preaching nor
our prayer..
E. J. Mama, Jr., sing.. the !'raises of
i)odd's Kidney Pills—B. was Bed•rid•
ridden for menthe and his Streegth
was Sapped by Diabetes—He
bald his oan in six boxes
e Dodd'. Kida.y
St. (etherise., Nov. 1.—For several
omens E. J. Mumma, Jr., one of the most
°.p•ble painters in the city. was oonfited to
his h.d, • sufferer from that painful disease
—diabetes. the oompl•In► sapped his
etrsagth, tad epos hie musol.s, and redwood
his to • skeleton almost. Then, providen-
tially. he heard of What Dodd'. Kidney
Pitts have Meas ha similar essma. R. bought
six boxes. This i. what he my. .f their
work : "Atter wing We third hex 1 weld
Yf1 light weights. 1 used nae other three
hoses, sad sow I am well. 1 have tried
many other medians, and sonsuHd aay
floaters. All gave me poor ssooarogsmmt
Rat Dodd's Kidney Pi11s oared me."
Tetegrenk Says nal Serest bel se Swallow
Leaden, ---The Dail Telegraph • few
days ago devoted Its ( stat. to the
" damp 1n Americana.' 15 says :
' Devine the recast boom the Rritleh
petal* whioh has learned sometblst tram
Its .rporiemes ad pent wnos., aA1e•!ly en.
loaded Its bairnsgs as Ise tterk.t and
avoided the erre, of rep.rohuMgat high
prises, Wall street, tb.wfers, had b swal-
low Met halt intended fey the Britisher.
"The egbriestgre et the Inial', get all tel
-Mite Ohemielvao Led there 11 ivory'noMa-
'Wlta 15.. resy Mat p s of Aar i�w� fa 'NAV
Teems bees Mad w.ebai .Lith blriwid
tessny Te see hat 6
et *. rafts asighla beim taws
aro hbetat Ileo Is r onktt
learn to fusels.
Every fernier wbo has an orohard should
learn to graft. It is muob mere satisfactory
to do the work than to hire It don., and be-
side', at the rate whin meat grafters
charge, tel labor, Womb ample, and not
hard, is better paid than most work that
farmers do.
A top grafted tree, if • 000dderable num-
ber of .tofu ars pet is, Domes lute bearing
quickly. It you hire the ',rafts put la, most
will try to do with too few, Iesdtae to •
large wood growth sad d.leyiag fruiting.
There is still another point in promoting
early fruitfulness- In selecting the graft
choose new growth on the end of beoriag
limbs. Trees from the nureery are usually
root grafted, and as it u noun more waves -
mot to take ..tons from nursery stook that
hes never born fruit these are usually
ubeMen, This is believed by many to be one
why young trees now do nut come into bear-
ing as soon as they used to do, lotion nearly
.11 the trees were grown fro.. seed Sad top
Tae Mahe Milker.
A herd of good dairy cows deserves to
have good ogre, and thin can only L. ensured
by having the right kind of attendants. If
the owner is unable to attend the oowe him-
ilelf or give the matter personal supervision
twloe • dos or more, it is to his interest and
proal to ba oertaia that his emp.oy.ea are
ttuttw•irthy ani tit to be cow -keepers.
Every our should be quiet, eyed -simpered,
gentle and regular and cleanly in his habits.
A cow abominates an nuclear man. Tobac-
co in all its forme is oboe:ion. to every de-
rariment of dairying. All the work about
the herd should be done with the utmost
system and regulsr.ty—stable cleaning
groom.ag, enrolee, watering, feeding, milk-
ing—a flied time for everything, and every-
thing at its appointed time.
Nothing has been prudnoed which begins
10 dbmpare with th6 human hand al c mttk-
tog machine. Cleanliness and regularity
areet�� the
�first requisites in good
� milking.
p•nliilu by t evisi.fl/ 'ltwohrid gentians.. � etilkeri �
rapid- and one slow (tae cow being •°ous-
sonMei'tla Seurp'-ef i• ger 'Weft! itoe
quantity of milk in any given number of
days, but the former will get the mote fat.
The quicker the milking the richer the
milk, if the work is done well and complete-
ly ; the.differenoe may not be great, bus it
i. measurable Fa butter or money. Agin,
two men milktng like quantities in like
time, from the same oow or animals giving
milk usually just alike, will get different re-
sults as to riobn.es, and 11 they change
place the saber milt is neared by the
sanso --Ther milk -1N er-batter fat
oouwk-Train tic. oeQ ').tW.i ILe 6zpw%
milker that gets the most of it.—C•Uforsia
Tie New Woman
Now eaters ma pursuits formerly monopol-
ised by mea Bet the feminine serves aro
mt1U ben and she gaffers from toothache.
To her we noommend NervUlne—nerve pals
oan—oures tontbobe in • moment. Nary -
dine. the meet marvellous pain remedy
known to schism. Nerviline may be used
effectively for •11 nerve pain.
whit se t/leaeed by eel The eases.
Mee who soil the great lakes •n at last
taking to the use of oil tanks to break the
destructive .Reels of warm during .tensa
Through the alerts of the Ualed flava
bydrographl• edges o.ptalss have boating
hotter antedated with the marvelous effect
• small quantity of oil will b... apes break-
in', ewe. Fora long time lake sailor. had •
strew( prejudios against the wee of oil, seam
fugly retarding It us an evidence of weak-
ness, 1f net positive eewardl.s. For • time
this feeiing was w strong o•ptatae wools
set admit they had spread .11 on the watery
even when ft had weed them fres what
might have been serious disaster. Pe Ith the
nmlag of fall steams this »e.oe sentiment
bas obanged woderfally. A large swabs
of beets are bey equipped with appliaso.s
for the proper mai e8 is stern The
most ossa •ppliano. Is • boo. fres whteb
the ell drops to the water. This is hag
fres ever the side *labs easel, where lb
slowly empties its oesteuis. A thiek mit.
.gal oil has bees need the boot- Its .Ant
is to stop the breaking of the wane, eta
vetting the seas into twig sw.W—Client*
15 Is imperative tel/ the haw fee •0
blade of .took Awad be pstteelly dry.
!Mapaa.. 1s always total, espeej.11 ej
e ight. Rave the b.11dteg s osse4sMed
that %b• goon et the hes haps. are .t lead
silt Wilms Mom the taut ek Knead out
tide I s fat k1 seek hotter. Ras rosette
falai dsstd dt ya
lee roast es pendia Orsaps
Vat ars the gist wmolaeea ad WNW ob.
Ilht tram dstepineti sed we assort /.atlas
slag readies tel mash l bswtre of alt awls
at pj.ntla. Sea tit Oa seek de nM �leh
A Creat wheat yarns
It is difficult to present the idea ot the
bigoese of these farms to the person whose
prsc000.lved notion of • farm is • little
checkerboard lyipv upon • hillside or In •
valley. Seven thou.a.d acres present the
average boaaoza taro, Generally these
tracts are not divided. Yet dut•nose •cross
field. are .o Brest that borseh.ok oommbei•
action is impracticable. ('rows of workmen
living at one end of the farm and openting
it may not see the crews in other owners
from season's end to season's end. And to
busy mesons it is tound profitable to feed
the hands lin the fields rather than to allow
them to trudge through the het 800 to the
dining halls for dinner. The diming hall.—
it will be explained later—are soettred
over the farm at convenient points. They
aro frequently five or .ix miles apart, and
many • noon finds the harvesting Drew two
mile. from its hall. This illustration may
give one some .ort ot a rough oonoeptiou of
bungee of thew farms. here is another
point of view : Avenging twenty bushels to
the norm—ae malty farms will this year—
the total number of bushels 1t • Drop ern •
bonanza farm would be 140,000 ; putting(
five hundred bushels of that crop in • freight
.sir, end allowing Meer fees Or the ear;
the train which would haul the crop
from the farm would be two miles long. and
if it were to come charging down Fifth
Avenue and Broadway in New York, the
"rear end" brakeman would be craning his
neck from the caboose to osteb might of the
Vanderbilt m•nelou while the a ngiuser and
fireman were enjoying themselves bumping
the cable oar down by Union Square. —
From "The Business of a Wheat Farm,' by
William Allen Waite, to the November
.Averts a Mea and levelly In Retrain.
Farmers In America who are sometimes
unable b " make both endo meet " would
de well to study the methods and promote.
Belgian farmers. Six millions of people is
Belgium I1ve on • territory about total to
the .tats of Maryland, and • farm of two
sores is enough to support • man and hie
fatally and enable hum to lay by something
ter • coley day. As artiole iw Cel.see's
Rend World tells something of the methods
of the Belgian termer and gives an interest
ire insight I.te rural thrift sod 'enemy is
abs most denwly es►tled ossatry of Beropa
De.eriblag the typical two -aero fare (s B.I.
glum, the arttole mays tete thritty Bulgier
make, the meet of .very Web by heavy ma -
trim and allowing se waste plass. A
ptsh of wheat or rye and burley, sob►.
,r et potatoes, ate., and ether garden %rook.
eves the sinner sides of the ditches for net.
galea hang utilised, and the moms! result
M that with shrift sod .00somy the former
provides about everytbisg Me family feeds
stoma • few groe.r$e. ad Wakes, while
the surplus prednots mon tau supply hie
other swots and leave • below be bis wean
wbl.h grove wit year.—Chiags News.
Ne Mabblat Neees�.
fa owes of severe ermine or suraln er.
dls•ry Ilsis.nu that require rubbing are
very pastel. A hull Quaintest* eased M
hese er eines, ad plata eves the sere
pan loser the pen wore quietly .ad
surely thew any Neer haws mesa. The
60.. lad $1 dices madam three sad atlas
Woes the gtmstlty in trial tier; only a
little M required.
Mr. tortes and Wales welsh easing en
easisealoa Order seq.
The Slobs publishes . Wawles Isnot
from Its @pe.ial eerrespesdeet et Sheinnya
hi stated he.. l5..ia Viatiael.Oat. 91 t
llama Pamir Pasta wad OgU.I$, who
T1 ��' pp 1"11keN I' ,
* 41 '�rh awl rare bx t�s
Pass. are at hast yet I
rad the sheeted paint lin ysehregay sear
tel WMS. Pass Ise Musset fella en hang
turn trip. Oapaaa Norwood its ltitlth
%day fee the White Herne Rigida to Mak-
lab • post then. He has tea sea. A. 11'.
Hurdastta has Marge of ib. o•sp N Lfpd•r-
num for the supply depot. I..peoior Wood
has charge of another ae Sheep ()amp, and
bas twenty lone of supply than already.
Nighty tree of,which should have
been over, were found on the ground hen.
This 1. now being pushed ever by J. 1). Ma -
Gregor. ander the direottos of Maier Waite
with thirty horses and oxen. Forty p•ekere
at Sheep's Camp have gees on strike for
fifty onus a posed over Chilkoot Pae. Mr.
Wood offer. forty, and L coolly lacing the
strikers, who say he wi11 be unable to move
without them. They do not know the ex-
ecutive ability st the head of the sxpsditina,
wbiob has been cosvul.ed with the worry
of Mr. Siftoo an )or Walsh, wbo aro or-
e/wising to overbore. the numerous tide -
Walsh will probably pun on slowly. H.
oould rat on to Dawson at cow it be wished.
Mona. the weather 1a be•ati ally miUd and
the lakes and riven open, but
be will likely decide on his return to
proceed vrsdaally and stove hie s.pplles
from pact to poet, protecting his base of
supplies o.refully. The Quadra le Mrs and
the staff on shore working bard. Snow f.11
Iwo Thursday evnatog. but the temperature
is high.
Reports revived Mato that two hundred
thousand people are minim next spring.
There hes been no boat here ter • week, and
it is hard to get news out. It is • diereses
to the Washiogtoo •nthoritlee that the poet
ethos hen is • priest. •ffoir, where one is
taxed five mats to post • letter, another
five to receive one and five mats for • two -
omit stamp.
Word has just acme of a brutal murder
near Twain. A men named Henderson
killed • man named Martin Petersen by
beating him over the hood with • heavy re-
volver and them shoaling aim to the stom-
ach. The provincial polio. arrested him and
kept him in irons ohwined to . trot until In-
sp.otor Harper arrived and took him down
the river to Dawson. Jostles McGuire beard
of ilio today;- end is will no doubt be hie
first owes to try on his arrival at Dawson.
1 tab Ma Make sad privies. Make .wulljr •f -
fon yourself. •cd urge year aeigbb rt to
keep the RI[1Nre of your name sr your snare
Should Ise alas be attacked with sea -
war dl•rrbu•a the prompt enmities of e
physician is imperative. sod Maas these as -
Moles .re 'Weeded to point out the method
preventing the ills of the "nsoond meaner '•
rather then of Qurlo thaw, I shall avoid
entirely the therapoutioal .epee% of tits see-
(.'h•rli.--Popo. i•a't mowrcby the best
fors bf goverawes%!
Pap—No ; • republic ie.
Charlie—Teen why do they any *Me
K'u',dom of Heaven'!
No wonder • women's beam is •Hooted by
a pretty been t. It's sure to so 10 the
icAlio TO ORD4R
MT ALL GROCLR$ -Ilia. Me. uta Me
rust be cleared Out!
.... • MY OWN MAKE
All ental.» Goods, and well mese up, will
be fold at remarkaby low prices to clear It
out soon.
A Ape assortment of New Goods for 1W
and fnh wear.
West-st To11W, neat lank Montreal.• _ -
The first new.papr le Skagway was tooted
today L. ' of Seattle, It ma sold .
tot laiiii1111
E lpllog s tray for hue Now rasa iWt/b1/e
London,—It is understood that for the
poem whioh is to be wllitM ter the first
number of Literature. wbiob M fa fur i.eu.d
under the auspices of the 1m Is Thai%
Rudyard Kipling L to be pail tH s wSit -
It is entitled '• White Hones." sols tee
stomae of eight lis... ad is apprepr5a tar
Trafalgar Day, but _-w* *..Oea4 ts1.
itios In it. —T
Possesses the Wowing dl.ttantes merits 1
=MOM and cowroarnie
t50 Lis WZAOQV'8 or DTI azTIO.
In Quarter -Pound Tins oily,
by JAMES EPPS A Co . Ltd..
Prioafeneleopathi London.
Rules to MMp a MINI Mea1t1YI.
Twice, or even three times • day, W very
hot weather, the whole surfer). of the body
should be aissuoad with water .t • tempera -
tare of 80' LIMA atter, dried with garde
rubbing. Ma b adsg offset of these baths
u greatly increased by the addition of rook
salt or ooncestnted sea -water. Caro should
be taken to wet the ohild's head firet,and to
ase that it in not dig • current ot sir. The
following roles—being • portion of Mose no
°amended by the Ob•tetriool Society of
Philadelphia, and published by the Board of
Health of that city—ars ocean,winn worthy
of quotation :--
Rale 1—Bathe the child mos • day in
lukewarm water. It it be feeble, sponge it
all over time • day with lukewarm water
and vinegar.
Rule 2—Avoid all tight bandaging. Have
light flannel as the inner garment, and the
rest of the olothiog light and 000l, and so
loos that the child may have free play for
Its limbs. At night undrape it, spoors it,
, and pat on slip, In the morning remove
the alip, bathe the obild and drew it in clean
olotbe.. If this osneot be afforded, tbor•
oS',bly sir the day olothint by bistlsg It
up during the Dight. Use olean diapers.
and change them often. Never dry • soiled
one in the room in whioh the stud is, lad
wine- en wee -for s, second Ow. wttbo0i
first washing it.
Rule 3 —Tbs child should sleep by itself
in • out or angle. It should be pct to bed
.t regular boon, and he taught to go to
sleep without being nursed to the arms.
Withoy the advice) of • physician nave.
pave it any nitrite. cordials. carmtnativo.,
.00thtnr syrups, or sleeping drops. Thou..
and. of children die every year from the
use ot thew poisons. If the obild fretrod
doss not sleep, it is Maher hearty or Mai UI.
it needs • physician. Never quiet it by
sandy or by oak. ; they are oommos causes
of dlarrb po.
Rale 4. —Give the obUd plenty of fresh
My. In the 000l of the morning and sway
evening, have 11 out of doors for • little ;
take it let the shady side of broad streets, 1
the public squares, to the park, or sake
inquest eseereioas en the rivers. Whoa.
over it seems to suffer tram the best, lel It
drink trebly of water 'Alois ha bees belled
and cooled by los. Reap It al of the race
is wbiob washing or cooking is gam .a.$1►
is excessive beat that destroys the lives et
young (stoats.
Rule 6.—Keep year hews .wipe. and
elan. °eel and well aired. Is very hot
weather lot the windows be epee day and
skin- De year_se•ktag W the yard, W •
shed, Is the garret or as upper room,
Whitewash the walls every , sad see
Oat •he seller le Hear et 0U sub let
a slop 0.11101 to eases the air. Oerreet
all foul swills by peering °blends of Ilse
AIM eerrent MM TO
27 °° wATCHEs
w A w21
sac u lwene thr te -
550.195.0 .gurii/asm ._w_aa\ rr—A_
T.z eas•ra
Maltese eastibilia to give the
aeen�blic i.�.e p� gelet�lsa o. with Mr end per
the interest et Millane. trlatpl» sad w
It dawns the tale
every areaareaoo
Tor �Es 0.toad
�d�s�taNttespaubni lines •C. pes■tes
�rp�. N w£p.sr1eeap le theNorte, biaallPewee Curs
DirOcoee—loath seta.
71 Kamm, tieliiirleh
The Kensington FIlniture Co,
Limited. have ma e arrangement. with
of West -t, to earn • full Use o their feeds.
The public oan get
Furniture at Factory Prices
won. and by doteg se keep their soap
is tows. ad have • pooh chane. of 'MAR
noses se it back by supporting Home Mann
All moods of the Company's ,make are folly
gusrrateed by them
Steam -Fitters
e e.Tinsmiths
For years I have been troubled
with Female Weakness and
Kidney Disease. I have used
many remedies, but nothing did
me any good until I tried your
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I only
used two boxes and am cured.
I wish you to publish this, as it
may catch the eye of some
woman who is suffering iirr-
have done.
Yours sincerely,
MRS. WM. CRAsnit,
Chambers, Ont.
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Always Cure Female Weakness,
lluchaiiaiis & Rhyiias
Dealers la all !Linda of
4f6 baddsr'e 5.0101 ml of ovary demrtpnoe
chool Furniture a Specialty.
Our 1
issouse et *till-bsst -
esieisd Mild i
say 9 ty to mit the
purchaser. Shall. loaded with
any charge while you wait:.
We have a full Mock of
They are sure Sre but only lull
at one e1.d.
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
Alli gun from a la. to It IM Ara
005.5 av mrna T�RONTC
1 b•v.t net res. (lad a ear lest a ilowr
ffrreet ts i • the Wade mil, Ree
tloor le
:sinew the
the world one tarn MM. Your is
sew offend ter sale N
Leri. wt 1V 1R1sur *said rat mW
ttpeatal_ es tau lee
t .0 ild lbs r. s. ps i.
.*1 55bals.al. %hostas o ease.
Mk pew Weak* for
Wonderful Tads