The Signal, 1897-11-4, Page 5- ...,.,n.�.� 1- CENTRE. OF DRY GOODS gr. J. T. ACHESON ts! .E1V1. JACP ETS in )THS, LINEN, AWLS, TWEEDS, &c du QUALITY. i -=j PRICES. dY SOLLOW_ ►BINSON N - £Psu 'figura - iota -766747004seir d Chimneys, Ooaplete . 75 ce for leas than double Last you osn have your As an early call and we your good jadgment ELLIOTT SMD FAT ? ALL • Clothing !ecdly is . . Make oily Sbst'sy's rder for you. EW FALL 000DS ESTATE JAB. A. REID. + + Our Fall Stock is now complete. Over thirty cases of the latest Novelties in STAPLE and FANOY DRY GOODS, READY TO WEAR CLOTHING, MEN'S FURNISHINGS &c. and we do not hesitate in saying we have the larg "St assortment and best value in town, but the teat for buyers is comparison, and all we ask of the public is to compare our Goods and Prices with others and we know we can please and satisfy you. ESTATE JAS. A. REID - S. J. REID, Manager. DIED. Bully --In Colborne Township, o• Teo lel. beloved wife of Archibald BendNoreen oar bad. 1897, Catharine B s. M lean and a moaU.. The taserel will take place from the resi- dency, of bar husband. Colborne, today. More - tier Iib. at 5:30 o'clock r.H., to Co borne Cemetery. Fusers& privto day, fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Repo1•t ' U• . T.s•re s sue in i Ter Costa. 1 rode I e Seat Y t • ckl.ro Amami To - M' assns. sa• Meth Men Pewit tt."-e. - -..' arm^" • ���"r" Om of theChristmas uoo Maui �ssd t irmya btterra by tbO wlisssr of tine photo raeberir epeeist acid srbse. pp nemA well 'mows n N hbe by wearers ap ' Pridbbamo' /alcoinl evuIS saisy ere reuses obw in price. lova mid are ad mired bT all mea - Is Obas. Blaekst :keto esie.-•. 161 Fell 1.st•• we•• Beat •ssortseaRr/hami• h tows. -- °MITT Cocxr1t..-I1 h.vt.g been dead• ed is held •wtbse muting this year ter the the trsacsetlen of in psrysat bsd•• ae. seat el% has bac 0.11o1 to o•.5 os Tuesday, Nov. 30. allies ~dr, i.vttaNeas. w:eddiat mn- sooseemeste. elo. We Mao lime • few very aloe buss is memorial !olden ; teem papers Mr airoul.n, eta., white and adored poster papers aad • ivertidag oerdbwrda We are prepared to tura oat any wOr; Irrewd th for e eolidey trade proslPdy 7 price.. Call .ad ti.e d we can't sate yogi at Tits Sioi*i- Vtorosu•er. Ax:alysa.Aar.-The anni v.sary servtoss to tots ohnroh on Monday and Mesday worn • gratifying moues. Asi- propei•te sermons wen pre.obsd w Sunday by Rev. H. Irvine and the p••eor Rev. W. Uodwin to Large lad etteaiy. oongrag•' pens- At the moraine( service Miss B. Rusk woo mildest *maim* by singing • •s lo ontitlsd " Pray for ue." The platform oily meeting on Moodey evening began attar 8 e'olook by gigging " AU Hell ibs Power." and prayer by Rev. B. H Hatton • former meter. The oboir was heartily applauded after singing so anthem entitled " Exalt Him ". Earnest and practical ad- dressee were delivered by Revs B. L Hut - ba, J. A. Anderson and Jos. Edge. Three pupils of Mise Wino sang with exoelle•t voice and expression. as follows : Mise Brown. " Guide as, guard ns,' mud the "Flower Song ; " Mi.e Ausebrook, " He was • Prince." and Mies Connolly, " The -Ckoreb mimes the way.."_ Nr. Pelona'. by -tis moldering of 'Tay will be Dose " m.tnesined bis high repooMeiws a. • soloist. Rev. W. Godwin presided. Contribution. rsmoived 610000 tented at . re•eon•ble prior, und anyhow before ms.y y. an they will h•,s to be puri chased, (Jr as the town grow'd this direct road to the station will become • osoamity. Ns* Oa:Asi.T eon Kxox Cuu&du.- Miss McCall, who bis filled the position of err/AM o1 Nort.b.st. Methodist churoh very .00eptably dunce the pest year. his been appointed organist ot Knox airarek. HALLOWEsx Truces -Soma boys around Bt. Andrew's Ward Mosel' on Saturday night broke .w.y the steps from the trout mimeos to the junior room, and smashed ibs window over the entranoe to the senior depertimot. N1111Buspor EN -zoos: --The toltowtag N organ .ad vocal solos, in •d. Egt the reviler hymns, will be iso - 1 y . be choir of North -et Methodist chars.. Var edemas cm " Noyes Hymns," 51amose To Torso Mvz-The firta o a WNW niof DermDerma*) ng men will e pn•obed is North et- Methodist obarob next Sunday svoatng. by the pastor. Rev. Jas. Edge. Tits LATE Mow 'Novae -There died io BEATEMALL STOVE -PIPE VARN ISH. LEAST ODOR BRIGHTEST LUSTRE QUICKEST Dd. Use it now before tilt's Itively the beet. Use no oil Wenn hg Monday, Oet.a residentlen R Dick of this place son, aged, 84 roan,, for •bout two years. Miser Dicckoou wu • mitts, g d, and mine th her naivete endtemilvlei to this county 55 years too. They e•nie direot to this ooan- te and were amoog the first settlers here an 1 by dint of hard work and thr ft woo •messed • oonmid.r•ble portion of this world's wealth. Roht. Dickson, of Rox- boro, and Ju Diction, who was registrar at Goderich for a number of years, hat now de - oared, were brothers of the deosased. Mise Dtok.o.. Our townsmen W. Somerville and Messrs. Aroh'd and is. Soott are nephews, and h was with the latter gentleman's he made her home since she removed trots Godertob. Miss Dickson was • oonsisteot member of the Presbyterian ohuroh, the ohuroh Ming the last plus she attended, as call two weeks We She partook of the ono - me," Oetrish :. " iicampl Cocfessiom," by `,asses of the Lord'a supper then. The Tberne ; ., Marche Da Satre,' by Meyer;II ...sera took Dlaoeon Weanaed.y Mr the boor • Venal linin, Evi . lamentetion.," . Maitland °amatory, being tollowed by, ra logo �°saaorse of sorrowing friends a d 5•ttrw. -iiia- Dr. 'McDonald oandaslIMIUM hots *erotism-9e•torth Sun. -- MD= THE Our:. -blades- MitegiblIggi draw a was ashouse rtb7 the Friday attendanos. The drama ebaraoters in the ploy were all well sustain- ed, in toot it is a rare thing to see a dram• kis Gaderidt with .nob • strong oast of ohar• •eters. In addition to having noand p o- mutative' for each Wt P language were .deaf, though .oma might tak• eruption to the author'e rather over-- drawn ver=drawn °harssar of the Rev. B. Z Body the was e .soh • gbdoubtful lthere gentleman 10 a SwThe coen.ry sad stage 'effeel, were exoelleot, poo and t Rigsby bas though we were informed that ou amount t•. might of being the older a the two, a of the limited room for its display only • who* might make but elm the strongest. I portion oould be prominently shown. The The New kiln will be pleased to .•late ! want of owe to handle the stage trappings either as President. I necessitated several long stege watt.: tow (y,sAx or Yoca �Awy -Now is the however wen bone in rood pert by toe Oz- ites RrvIYAL Msnrtxo.-Speciaiw being oosd.eted by the pastor is North-st. Methodist eobanh, this week. All are wet - .Dine. The ssrvioer will ocnmesos et 7.45 moll eventual. lir-Korot. •Moartiio. --There .wan • oostiag of the water and light oommittee esrhisroc'p,vesla=. to c...i ..' 4`so nee* "r eu*iaese Smith who had been suspended by the ob•trmas of the committee, for neglect and taata.ties is duty. After oonsidsrable disooeslon • motion that the engineer be ,.prissadsd sad rammed to duty was carried, aad the report was to be pnssntod te the ooaucil asst evening. Putout) WITH E1rHii-Among the memos mentioned ea aspirants for the Presi- dency of the Loudon Coofor.uoa of the M.to• Mist obsob or. Roy. W. Rigsby, Blyth. end Bev. J. pdp..(;odericb. Both are rood men, either of whom would 000apy the pad- ' with audit odor. Nero° Sraool -A paW6ttesl ng for the oleospurpose of starting an semi* oleos will be held at the Central Soloed tomorrow, Fri- dey..t 7:30 r r. Those iotendl*F 10 Will should rpsoiily mead. A Tim Pori. -The Modelitesof 1897 sod the students of the Ont and wooed forms at the Collegiate lostltute had • taffy pull 1n the gymnasium erosion.on ot As may be "apposed there was Iotra and toffy. TUESDAY ^^ 0V. J ot the Paved as with .a sada new BROS. M1STRELS autism trot port sews •• T1s shag.• r e�moiitts�fllrom the awn. sad asmeUmis na Ms ba starea r bit most parade as seen. 33I0N, 251 35 ad 50c. ale at Porter'. Motsier% wiser Wee aad • line ..emmosseet Wall mow ITH'S ESS MONTH OF ER -a-• 5.96. Ietoo, 20c. s pair. and Dacha -Feed 8.W glbh51 ' Data deeds. Blare Silks, Trie- d flexr a► Hos, shwa ler 4661. e`• gawp Day Goods, bast/ sabjeot to tis • begat. PM.aby Babes% sad Milliser7 AMU! T .VIE FOR b Mows' -Oa Monday, oomtable Van Norman of Wingbam owns to taw* with Isiah Graz, and leaded him is the county jail. Cres bad been s.oteeoed to 6 months ea a tramp by Justices J. A. Mor- ton sad Joo. Valles. Arron .reg Dssa.-William Rattus sod Dover Psaaingtae left last week for JAN. Ma's Harbor. fully equipped for deer shoot- , 'jj!I,ey travelled via Wisrteu, when . ' fleFiae+. orbsmilk alit. Misr heads make up tae wase.'s bastion Peed.as von 1897. -Overdeems tt tbsenssd dollars had bees pal In by e f bun mouth, some •wo tho.ssad eight hundred dollars more thea at the same data lad year. Tb. two per oust. Memos" saded 0e Saturday, one poi cent. only Ming allow- ed this =oath. THE OstAR FArrORY.-Thein are 11111 SAMPSON'S .RED BLOOD PILLS. AN IRON OOMPOUND PILL so oombined as 1. mike • remarkable *wady for• Weakness, Lowness of Spirits, Poverty of Blood, oto. sten PING. pBIOB 25C. t5 D'OI $1.00 ire started.. Pot tiff VI by pay 50o. for interior remedial, r. Use the genuine SAMPSON'S. W. C, G O O D E CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCK. STILL GOT THAT NASTY COUGH YET? - Why don't you try a t ottle of - )UNHAM'S COUGHfIXTURE? A BURS CURL PUT IIP Tx 25a BOTTLiI AND SOLD ONLY BY F. M. D U N H AM, Chemist and Druggist. day. The Collegiate Institute Journal was then read by the odium's, Miss Ethel Rhyme, and ita reading caused 000siderable merriment, as it was brimful of hits, wt, football and wisdom. At this part of Program ten minutes' .octal intercourse. was allowed. On resuming order Miss Castile sang a very sweet nolo in French, and Mat it sweetly. H. L Strang, B.A., anowere.d some inter.tiug questions from the question drawer, mid Miss Tye gave • recit•ttoe in a =miser that won bar muoh applause. The indigos, Messrs. Fraser, Alex. MoDonald and Johnston. then appeared and the first named gentleman declared that Mr. Nand and Miss Carter had proved that the elder Pitt was • greater statesman than Walpole. Es also Intunated that the verdict was not u&•aimoue, as the judges ,:...e! 2 to 1. Mr. Clarkson then real the Model School dour - nal, and it proved an excellent number, every tam it oontaineedbeing well • written. .An with i•. oo enzdho llimi•te, 44'.. ooa•iderable .p•oe to foot ball, bat no one we oopapleip et this if it leads the modelitae 'to -future vfotbri.i fn tyle root-ldal'i" ftidef:rTtrr glee club then sang " A Hot Time" remark- ably well, and " God Save the Queen " brought the proceedings to • close" • a...r ., decked oat of hogs terCofiinnwood on Mon- day. Don't miss the bargains in Men's and Ladies Underwear at Rubis•.nts. The Quebec Legislature 1. summoned to meet tor business on the 23rd inst. The Grind Trunk shipments the past Week totaled 120 full oars of freight. time to give book yard. • good 'leaning up. Pall down the old 'c .ddg op tratehe decoyed the pleats, .parileast earth lad flower tied. rake over the whole yard, oleos out neglected oornan, and re. MOTs all rubkisb from your premises. Get ovary thins don• beton, cold, frosty weather seta is, sad you will be surprised tow bow mai your yard will look in the winter, and how much less wort t "tiring. Besides, titeis healthy to have elms premises. Foe noo 'limos -The 000l, ven temperature of o Autumn make. it the beet time to plant many kinds of tree. and shrubs. Tht. may be done any time before the frost looks up the earth. Forest tress do utter when planted in the Fall thun is the Spring. Upon an .ors of land • grove .f fine young mades might be set out that would to time repay a hundredfold their out. A few fruit tree. oould be set out melt Fall, d ell tended would in a very properly few togetherdevelop ear. into . greed orchard. ruiner .t Me Orta F • large number of pleas� Mr hills ' of bath teraitars hates bees .hipped 11. cad week. At preyed orders are aaoiry is with a rash. sad awe art order. on the Os's bests ter 450 pea. steels. W. U. . u.-Tbe W C. T. U. will held Its Maar mesMas $5 b x.11 on Ikeda y h the Tbmpweasee Hall, whew lit will rennin proceeding at the Doeslagin 1 World'. Coaveatloss. A hill sandmen of the members M rega rdd, se beee••ir 50.04.1 rmperlat.w M to •be bsesg►t bean the Oaten. QvAaitzLy MUM° SRvWr -Quart- erly meetist service. will be held 1n North - .t. Methodist aurah next Sabbath. Nev 9, 000dnoted 'by Me paster, Rsv. Jos Id,.. The fellowship amass will •ssetease o'oleuk A. m., p roseldag ssrvies M 11, after which esenmcst r`df'rhe Lord's Mapper will h. dhpasuL • A Nooses' r.L1C.-Mie. Nellie Tighe nLSt. Paul, Mino., who some two months mono __alldlyril month at the maternal Tait 'WSW ware ins a as notary poblio t aepooiall union Uitizen of the l lad States.whichrt. at m The ledshe ywilt e a 000stinee her law studies with the firm of How & Butler. of that city, sod in the Miane.pela Law Seibold. Mies Tighe is tai Daly wallas. whose same hi on the hook. of the State Capitol for citizenship papers, aid the only 'mesa, No fat, who has applied for her sen. ted papers in the Districts Court. Nellie Tighe. Notary Public. was seas yeah One. a peed at the God.rioh High School, sod we shserfally add her Dome to the lug list of a.camshl gradatea. audience sad Manager Golden emphadsed this fact by appeerieg beton the curtain sad tendering his thanks, A. might be sr• patted in .n arneriosn play. the plot is ars r.sgsd ta oast the flag of heroism around the sailor of the nation for the part played daring the Samoan hurricane of 1889, and we moot begrudge them their b000rs, for though in the play they glorify themselves, is it 001 written on their bills and pro- grams "and from which the British ship, Calliope ' only "soaped by performing the bravest sad most desperate m•eenvre on re- oord io naval annals and for which eh. was Metered by all hands on beard the lees for- tunate ' Trenton '." CeLoos.L Aw.aiartm -Winter Hlok.d the Harem road. lett M Tan Statist MSc* last Saterdey two "prigs out from Shakes colonel outfit/ of r•epberries. sash heavily fruited. The harries ea 10- sprlrs wore &errs, well-developed sad of Ilse flavor sad ave w the mot toothsome* mouthful we had bad for mass t day. ALT. RAtH'S' RIM -Tk.rs aces • tall ohor• .1 sortie/ at 811. Geerge'e ate lir• " , in., it hang the eve et " Ml �ti� ��rr The arvies was .:orient, .ad the bane and erg.n1sb 1. se 1M eeagrataab.d ea pr well. sash a preemie dee** awed mesio Jam.. Timms flayed several asr- net parts derthg the walla. •, Tibia Amnia Vet?. -The eelehraod Gay amuse. 1119mswnis acid apps•r tk tis* Opo Ammo, Ts.d.v Nov. 9. with entire i. sompiSy: ' a7 ve spared se emomew Is Mee eery best Wont h Aenr.s& The •sma.sy a erlrooe- or and hstter elms seer, pielst b••d bones. ie every plies. Don'& mos onset tis• hie .tree, par.dr at mea. Tors Sr. someLt: areez -TM by Andrew ma* Bur is the • ok to her oos}ortable and preW i residues re- *sari parehased from Dr. Tsow..sd •weedr for m seey years by lf.7'. Lawman. The dwelling ie .t ..ted on Mearsal•st.. nun enisem's walk from tis Square, end exactly midway between the O.T.R .tattoo and the stsambost wharf : • meet desirable Position for • first sow boarding how. The bailding is surrounded by pretty 'bade tress and • pleaea•t liars, and within every ooevenletsoe will be found.Thouse ie warmed by the hot water p. p•system cwt healthy erne is nes), and au Iso•ndes• tom. As the hosewill he found in every oo of the best known ealo see 1. Huron. the dining hall will not be oar of the Inst ettraetione at the S. Lawrence. A QOM FOR -THE POLiCi«- To the alter et!ratiollna. Dasa 811,-fk11-not there wu wane way of putting • stop Sadao rowdy and dastardly madam' ot tbe-inrao number of hoodlum boys11 town. -tier! Mist delight is to doing all the damare they SCHOOL Bogan. -The regular monthly meatier of the public school boards held on Monday evening. m Aeeht--J, H. W- h - anon, °balrman Bell. A. S. Chrystal, J. H. Colborne, Jae. Craigia and Robt. McLean. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and sp. proved. The principal'. report tor October was reed, showing an avenge attendanos of 525: boys 256, girls 269. The report noted the fact that eleven central whool pupils took arise for writing and drawing at the Northwi i ern l' i Th1Eidll� vis• tow whoa, ander the board were working s.ttsfantor- ily ; Met Mies Rusk. who was still unable to attend, would not he able to resume her duties until the week attar next of MYor- ten Robs:tees had temporary Meru Rsek's ohs. ; that Mimes Graham rahhad tingtt for two days, during o of Miss Watson, and t:h.i Miss Stewart had bees soot home til by her medical .tteedant. Tito report wee adopted anti filed. W. R. Rebertoa &Wiled for permission to nuc ase at the Uestrat school rooms during the win- ter for w evening oleos, and the asked -fel pcem era*0sd, oaadtMooaUy, os lea ori• asistry srrssgsmeste with Prladpl Halls sod Caretaker Bate.. As reeige t, P1 07 from Sturdy Bros, was or- dered be be paid. On meths of Meso. Ea sed Orsigle. bas regular te.ohen .t 1897 wore re-engaged for 1898 .t obs •.ler In they severallyhu to take seuved for 1 807. The Marge y llittitis selsetioa of . Machuao•Margew e of MStewart's this maker hands ot the prtaetpal iodise ibs badness the board •dioarogd. The monthly meeting of St. George (}arid utas Jz.ld on Tuesday eftern000: Don't forget the shooting tournament at Smith's Hill tomorrow, Friday, at 10 i. s. Oev Emenoo bas moved into the •ton os West•.t known as Johnston'. restaai'int. Goy Bros. Minstrels nekt Tuesday, the fi1h. Reserved sesta .t Porter's Book Ston. Huron Encampment No.28, I.O.O.F., will bold • roomier meeting out Monday mem lag. Robinson has reooved a lot of Ladle° and Water • roof Coats setts The gait4nq, tw�1. .till running overtime to etfob II the orders" .. hand. EXCELSIOR CATARRH CURE 18 A CURE YOU WAY DEPEND ON. =VT' IT. - SOLI) ONLY AT - DAVIS' DRUG STORE can to public and private property ! '1 ad- mire the bJy who is tond of harmlese fu, who is honest and courageous. Bat the low -lived hoodlum whose only amusement is in destruction and brutality should be pat where be will not be • menace to society or demoralize all the boys within his in- fluents. 1 aoderetand a mob of them gave vent to their ruling p.esion of dertruot'en by breaking all the windows in toe back part ot the hoose of en inoffensive China• man, • man who attend. to his own affairs and annoys no one, who 1e honest aad up- right and pay. hie way like a man, and is entitled to the protection of our laws.' On enquiry, 1 found .tones had been thrown through his windows, large enough to fell snot. Fortunately Mr Les was not in just at the time. He is very indignant at being treated so badly and so frequently .o. I oonfess he is • man of more forbeanno. than I should be under like treatment. Bat there is • limit to forbearanoo,and is he now sailers from • tumor on the neck caused by a .tone over . year ego,he told me he would l,s oompelted to protect himself from such treatment, and as he knows the use of arms and is no ooward, snob ruffianism may yet end in tragedy. CHRIBTIAR ESDLVO1. Minuend Loire' No. 33, A.F. and A.M., will meet in regular session Dort Taesd•y eveuing. _ Captain Lawson is adding e. oneama•a- belt .tory addition to his dwelling on W.u..l.y M. . -The 1rMts-111Wit the residence being .rsat.d for lira. Harrison on Elgin Ave. is shout finished. omen's Auxiliary held the usual went meeting In Si. George's school room ou Monday afternoon. E,derdown Flannel, 64 Umbels wide, Pink, Cardinal, Cream, Blue, Grey, special 683. W. Acheson t Sen. THE WEEKLY MARKtl REPORT. Oonoorra, Nov. 3. ter. 40 to SO 311 to 30 90 to 90 00 to1 00 00 to 00 30 to 9t 40 to 40 00 to 00 30 to 35 15 to 15 It Fall Wheat Ylonr. family. per ewe.... -- Flour. patent, per .wt Bran, a ton_......... 1 Shorts. • ton .............. _. O•te,�bnsh Pees bush - •••••• •• New Hay. • ern ...�"'•"""" Potatoes. %bras•• •••••••••_.. Mutter. h l. • dost Wood LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Moseley was ylt g_t..r�=•i:10p»_ -----_ Butteriok'u Patterns, W. Acheson & Son. Friday is the regular meeting night of the town ooaoail. There was service in St. Peter's on Toe. - day .ening Floor oil cloths 2 yards wide for 41o. W. Adman A won.hoose streets are nearly ready for the finish. Chas. Lee's brick dwelling on West -at 1. ( fns touch of the painter. surly oempaeted. I A000rding to Dean'. Review, there were asa Now is the proper time to pre grove 26 failures to Quads for the week ending vines sad maple.. ( Oat, 28, while for the oorrespondiar week Crites, though always tired, will not rest , of 1896 the numbs* was 40. Hilt the snow oomea Oa Monday, All Saints' Day, there was servise is St Peter's. Sues weeks from Saturday we shall be celebrating Christmas Day. The Kesdngtoa Fustian. Co. is fall headed and tanning full time. Andrew. Bros. & Co. shipped a doable As Itrrwovesiterr -An iseprovemsat Mat spats sed by the «g . aill' "'1 ..lel •trait, es the* Mgtiwte• •a r' ir.1t rig. C ' rile w owe IrMe w.whm tag Ile lois e hy~"'�it's r o NsAti• 1s1 llal� be 46, NoaT.-trig MrraopreeTS RAva A Now °nem Gtmoslt.-Owing to the resignation of lo•dd of ebebbee of Neh who has feet ohatoh. S. P. Halls, M. , • somber of vein rendered faithful serve* te the ebeill is tied o•p.otty, the trait,* Mord of the Atwell seleet.d MIM Chats. late of Ottawa, to fill the vam.sey. The now leader °muse to Ooderieh with • good siesta.& record, and .leo ot bean/ • Moir tsstraeter, having ba Marsh. of the Moireats of the sad Eton Presbyteries Mpereb+ Ottawa, and from whish attar ss. eetrov A her 0eo.eetloe is seder to berths• ba% herself is the ate Okla *ass se bi pr f'snl0a• sod Ins. jai! *.aril&=add • two Mies Chat. fevered years' esagregaties with • sole at both airflow last Sah1Na, aad bas bees color. isg M the .e0Na1' bold is the shush this �lSW ,will Mks Marge of Use ask n. thts ( Monday) .vsI•g• W. Prldhani has had oharge of the oboir dories the pelt two wtlita Ursula Solari. -Tt a 0.11. a% la- statuheld a and routiinngDoon Fridl ay a cabers. bald as opts whteh was urgely atteadid. The preipr.s was quite up to the standard, the oposisg pieos being • nicely played piano solo be Miss Sheppard. Lis W illams gave • Dios recitation niosly. and then • debate took plies w the gawtion as to whtob was the greater statesman. Walpole or the elder Pitt. The Walpole aide was ohampioeed by Mr. Gregory and Mi. Colborne, sod the rides Pitt was supported by Mr. Nebel and Mies Carter. Mr. Gregory led el meet ably. his pada befog sursevom.his bs of dlso►Iss them dieser. and eyealladL Ath . et.e "Poetesses from refer is ens of the hob 'rakers we been, board amour/ the UNlsgats •tademes tar some years. Mr. Naha, "rho followed, appeared be be slightly nervesa a1 the sort, bet es Fmyd. warmed will. ale ea** c J Lally saoeesdei r seekbe1 his .hetes *war the 'mow cohomaa M 6111 pants were well sdseMd. Mies Osrhrao followed es MO W alpels aids aad dad well. but .n. ferasolety bar Illastratiese et d with dstesmmas l0 abase acme pe- MW te taiga as.Oratory: tl.asl by Maiarllbtd sol Carter rbcs es the pl•N ¢ac j , erla her weak adore H was ram theaf brie aha allot •hep would earl the rilae Pilo M watery The MOW caldelivered kw opera oloverly sea pawls. aad as bee poises Meson art sM "di abob. ems follows/ whit yen a'sJe . �Na 111riaiela.' taw 4plgrA +"�,. aee..i :.aeaw�iM.ib7 WI& .r t1W ahYlewaskfpgrark (wee dla. p4Aed ~ale*u tt sewot >lswwe s of his The town employees ere extending the plank sidewalk from the Bank ot Cameros to G. N. Davis new store. Those who deMrs ntoe flower girder's next spring and summer should secure bulbs now and plant them this 8ae weather. Several flocks of wil•1 geese passed south the past few days. Lies the passage of these birds indio•te oold weather. 8. P. Hall has improved his part ot North-st by erecting • pretty iron fence in front of his newly erected dwelling. Tb. Ontario Edaeation Department has ruled that oo etadent ■hall be admitted to the School el Pedagogy under 21 years of age. ' . Right Rey.; Isaac Helimuth, formerly bishop of Huron, has been appointed rector of Compton P•unoefort, Castle Cary, Sower• setahite. The Ontario Provincial Fat Stook and Dalry Show will be held in Brantford on D.o. 7, 8 and 9, when over 14,000 nub prizes are offered. Geo. Haley has moved his grocery stock into the store on Hamilton•at a few doors from the Square, at one time known as Orange Lodge No. 145 will have a hot supper and entertainment in their hall o. the 4th eon. Ooderioh township, tomorrow, Friday, evening. William W•llaos'a briok veneered dwell- ings on the corner of Wellington sod Lipht- 14 to 00 to CO 50 -" .• 00 10 7 40 10 0 50 ...�..............»•- ." 0 to 0 50 90 0to400 »• M„",.,�,,. 12 to 0 111 1.0 to 0 14 leto011 . 000 � 00 Beef by�lres�ei�a�n�eter d 00 to eleidossi 6 0ort ii7e!! g 11110 0 b5 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for chappa mast be lel not later than j]((I - day noon. Adverlisgnitrs. - noon Wednesday t1R eao▪ h Oh department Suer ma f Me less Maud oss Woltz Is INA • .t,._,.a �, t ser. book .sol d 1046 M'' ��la �� tesot a 1'�,t1ii �aW.11a acne i s brew whir saidwas 1st TtiavMllne GUIdefri.. GRAND TRUNK stAILW.T. ARAM. Mixed aand Ezprees Mixed Mall and Express Mall end Express Mail and Express Mixed New M&ohine dhow.. NEW 91AUHINESHOPS--ALL KINDS of Repair Work done •t Ressceablo Prices. Farming Implements formic -Much` leery. new and seoond band bought and sold. Engines and Hollers for sale. Stand -Bates St�� ] BA}CTSR RU C1MAN oorner Victoria and Trslals 11 WALL RAPER BUB Ir 18 NOT WHAT Y017 EARN, WHAT YOU SAVE, MAKES YOURIOH. A Windsor daptoh sayo: A000rdiog to the new customs arra.gsoento, residents of the United States are allowed to bring their horses into Canada. by the year, in bond. by p.ylnr 990 sanuslt7. A large Dumber in Detroit .re baking advantage of this Danes ea! Minoring their hones to this side of the border fer the winter. Fishing tor paroh was the pastime of hun- dreds the post week, .red derivg that period . number of the fair sex became expert anglers. On Thursday, Friday and lister. day sums twenty thousand fish must hays bees hooked. for sem* of the anglers were rep an the hundreds mob of thou days. Semo of the ethers sent their eatohee to friend. at • dl.tanos, Str.Hord• London and Toronto, a•seug ether places. reoe(Ting • (air share. THE HURON AND BRUCK IRAN INVESTMENT Ci. MPANY SoucrroR$.-('•ameron Holt and Holmes DsrosITa.--Interest Compound every etz months at four per oent. per annum. on sums from one collar upwards. Depositors wfll'flnd it to their advantage to moogad see us. LOAxe-Maybe Nom time 1tbotA tpropert . E ps.uSS 01 App ij o•tlaas preoeiveed by zpsasss asceUsesoase it solicitors. North TDs Ot5paoy'ss H are we tap [ed on Hire-opPo5fts S ired and: court Bunow Suomi Oe31a.. HORAOE HORTON. J. H. COLRORNW, Mummer. President A .fresh ahi meat of (jam' Wall Paper net pass- ed into S We are going to sell Pretty Patterns in Art Colors, snit - able for any room, worth Se, lOc and 12c per roll, for All these Papers are shown with Borders or Friezes and Ceil- ings to match. • &begat tool IMAM tiihiM .::.:4.:. HEADACHE "I thi•k it 1s the most ridlonloas Idea," ✓ aid Mn. Newlywed, "o.lebntiog your diamond wedding when you hate been married seventy five ywn. rm going to reverse at, tke way It ought to be -the diamond wedding Arst, than the golden. and so forth. Why, even 1f you should live seventy-fivs years after you were married you would be 130 old to go to dinner. and dames where you mold wear the diamonds.'' --Harper's Bazar. AND NEURALGIA Tr our Ilea.S 2 e Powders tor Headache and NBrown's Balsam Wild Cherry Bark fos Coaftbs, Mo. Wilson. Iron Pills to mare you strong.2o • box. Wilson's satibllton@ P111.. 260 a bor. presented Your rooster hook It Gads are not as re. PORTERS SIC �1r l'elcpheas Igo. * WI LSON'K PRESCRIPI4ON DRUG STORE. Te1.ObM• 11. Tonsorial Artist. T FRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST. V . Hot and cord b.tbs on txemisea bis- tmsmlug..bampoolsg and every other require - mut carefully attended toand sone but m- pp00ttsosa• hands employed. * mo I11am•' old stand. McLean'. new block. next doorto arida& cam *haute Hotel /6.51 FOR YOUNG WOMEN "ALMA." ALMA Cor.L.oa, 51. Thrmr. OM. Ae denDe� school y�oamtwomhtfuUY dF listed 1n a acre park. NH the ores attendance of s^y adios cohere 1n Ontarb VAa for mmbrus tort . R. 1. war^er, principal. ALMA OOLLIOR. OT. TMOMA0 OMT. ew Fall Millinery. THE LATEST STYLES TN IL&TS LAND BONNETS and all the Newest Shades in VELVETS, FLOWERS and FANCY FEATHERS. ,verb !oe lininarS DTZ WOE, MUSES.. YATES.