HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-4, Page 44•`' TIIOsaDAY, Nov, 4, 1897. $15.00 Cash and •6.00 per month will buy one of our splendid Cleveland Bicycles We have only a few (eft Now is the time to buy. Watch for the opening of our new Music Store, which will take place in a few days. EMERSON'S Bicycle and and Cleveland Music House. Cycle Livery West Street Ooderlch. Itittflalt 11 ro.uaaaD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ET D. ise4rlJ.rt71N* Terse of n.aeel p d.* • One month. In advance Three montha, 811 • use year. • 4 15 ....,,.....D....•• S >t Qt tlaIse Rates. sed other casual advertisements. 10o rr ace for fleet insertion. and t menta per Un for each subsegment Insertion. Measured by • amtyaretl soate. Raeiaces oasts of six lines and ander. 86 per year. AdvertLemenu of Lost, Fouad strayed enn ui:es vanes. RItoatiome h anted and Ne dseee Chance. Wanted- set Hod neap. -.11, el per month. Hone • • -tale and Farms on Rale. not •o e xceed t 1 S. 51 for first month, 60a per sub- s/ t Larger..dvts. ttf lobyen A d�1oe, the oi promote the peca/k of any 100% ,,e18 eh. lel end an ad. VertDMoietit o tngty. Loral notices to nonpareil tree one 0.111 Per word. no notices less than So. Local notices in ordinary reading type two tents per word. No notice tor less than 600. Notices for churches and other religious and busevotent fmtf - - lilebecrlbor who fall to remade Tia Hoorai regularly by mail, will entice it favor by se- asmUng us of the feet et a. early an dateaa mut Ole When a change of address la desired. bout the old and the new address should be vee Publisher. metres. J. C. be Teasel, of itede.tdb..bar bees ep rotted Local'MvelHag Amateur the town• ships of Goderioh. Oolborne, Ashfield and Wa waaeh. Looal postmasters aver the di.trlot are aim empowered to rea ve subscriptions to Tun StaXAL All communication mt,et be addressed D MoillUJ 1 '1.'DDY, Tut =(er.I. IsMahone 0.1110 - tied.dok On . OODZRICH, ITHUIISDAT. NOV. 5, 1ttT. CLUBBING RATES. SUBSCRIBERS who desire to take advantage of Tam Slower' offer to dab with any of the toilowi g news- - for 1898 may have the balance of 1897 free : Tam Smut and Globe, $1 60 Tas Swim. and Mail and Bk. vire • 1 50 Ties Sweat and Farm and Fire- ' gide 1 50 TisZONAL ant. Weekly Sun1 35 Ties 'SIOIIAL and Family Herald with chromo 1 85 Tag Signal. and London Daily Newt1..., .._ . 2 10 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA RIO. bed of reeve. Horn in humble eironr.stanee/ he had been by turns, a Bailor before the most. a printer, a reporter, •o editor, .red e4 e•OPss lis >fwmerfit fit' work " Progreso and Poverty," rays him • works -wide reputation sod an euthaeiaetio following, and paved the way for the other products of his fails pen. He was a wnter of for&eful English, well put to- gether, and full of the power of expression, although without academic training. He would have delighted the heart of Honeys (1asZLIY, who believed that college men were ueelews to the newspaper and pub- lishing busioeee, and gave an his opinion on this line, "(H all horned cattle arviund • newspaper office, the collt•ge•hreol chap u the wont." -The Bruseela Poet recently printed the following : " Alex. McIntosh, of Molesworth, re- ceived an anonymous letter lately with the envelope addn.sed to `,Alexander McIntosh, better known as Derkey Mc- - Intorh, Molenwortie- Oet..' and euotaie. ins 11.60 with • note saying that a num- ber of years ago in paying the writer fur sone stock he had overpaid him /1.00, which was now enclosed, with interest. • Xt. McIntosh has no idea who the party lily tett wishes te say 'that- he is much ob1igad " Right here is a good chance for uewapeper men to get in their work with aMass of sub- scribers who make it a point to ttliilly- shally about paying .nbsc•riptions on time. There are persons who take newspapers and neglect to pay for them pay for every- thing else --even chunrh pew rents. The butcher and baker and grocer and shoe- maker all have to he paid, and so hat+ the man who furuishea the Otttetlde newspaper, but the local publisher is often .allowed to fall to the rear, so far as payment is ooa- rerned. Why this should be the case it is difficult to understand, except, on tie sup- poaitios__titrif the l ea_e sepaper Min . is tetter natured than- tie Teslow WW6ifes him, and can live without meat, clothing or Apr,,,ec. chn .,ndaa,cce. buy stock and plant akeep things run - your local newspaper, pay up ; if the paper thpaper is worth the anb.crilitton, pay for it in ad- vance ; if you don't want to take it any , leLthe pttblisherknow it ; buy._oi►'t be shack number, • sponge or a deadbeat, flip waiting -for the Lord to conscience - stone you so that -you will be constrained to pity up with usury. In other words keep your eye on your.-Lbak -There are two things that ought to be wiped out in every respeetsble community -charivaris and hallowe'en pranks. The charivari is fast dying a natural death, ex rept in rural localities, and even there the thing ie getting a set -back from the mortal- ity among the participants. Only the other day we noticed in s local paper that a par- ticipant in s eharivari---a man wbo had reached an age when better sense ought to be expected of him, who was married and the father of three children had one hand shot off by the premature -exploeicn of an old blunderbuss which he had overloaded to aid in i.erenading a respectable couple who had been guilty of the crime of matrimony in his locality. The sympathy of the im- mediate locality is bubbling over for the un- fortunate fellow who is thus deprived of the °.Bans of earning s living for himself and family, hut if the case were submitted to a jury we very much fear the old Welsh ver- dict, " Sarre him right," would lie returned. The person, young or old, who takes part in a charivan is a fool' and a meddler who deserves the worst that may happen to him. SNAP SHOTS. --TOL la tea age of the machine -- even in polities. -Al shacking storm mast be brew- ing, politics ass so terribly Quiets -The Thanksgivingturkey is now in order, and atter that the eusslun of the Legi stature. HERE AND THERE. THE most important event of the week has been the sudden destb of Hume Gaunt:It, the candidate of the Jeffersonien Democracy- for the mayoralty of Greater Now York. As a labor and eodhomio re- former Mr. GEoaas had earned a world- wide name, and his acceptance of the straight Democratic ticket against Tani. many, and his arraignment of the bossism prevalent in Tammany and the straight • Republican party put a swing into the cam- paign which would have been lacking but for his opt -spoken, denunciations. He pil- loried Bos. Ckowee, of Tammany and Boss Plrrr of the Republican machine, and made it known on every platform that these dishonest and self-seeking politicians would either have to leave for parte un- known or go to the penitentiary were he elected 'mayor of Greater New York. • • • -There is something really refreshing in this denuneiation of o orrupt politicians who have grown rich, live in palatial mansions and lord it over the people who have been robbed, and the man who has the trinrage to pillory the rascal, no matter who they may he, or where they may reside, will al way. h*.' a goal word from Tim StusAL. The fostering sae of politics, ospecitlly on this aide of the water, to the feet that too many men are in politics because they tree* fat living in it for s man without aernples. The onrrupt politician in New York has r*. demi the wyshwt to. a science, but even thane jt has been demonstrated that there are times when the people, if properly less, will arise and give the reseals their deserts. This woe noticeably exemplified in the breaking up of lost Twain's ring in the early 70's, anti in the jailing of Joss. T. McKarrs, of Lug Island a few years ago, and when Hew( Oscan' gore the keynote that he would, if sleeted, mese lliatnry to repeat itself, he *melted a dhord in Me popttt- ler breast that remised from one end of o --.bbe.eee YarC 1'24, •^.. ! !a.. - • • • -Moray Orman was fifty-eight years of age, sod hie Iib had Mss an .1toe.Ihsr a -The Tammany tiger owns Greater New York, sod the oartouu plagiarist iu The Mail and Empire will have to ohsttge his pet animal • • • -The friends of WHlrxer any that the gentleman hopes to get something in his stocking about Christmas time. What if be gut the boot -A New York preacher has three Sunday evening:sermons on " Kissing," " Dancing " and Biting." No moo ,hodld preach without a knowledge of his subject, and particular preacher baa a fall knowledge of hie -subject, what will t tion say he style of preach' nig is very .t+tferent from that of the late PAI,'. "'•maec'us -Those who wish to, sell their farms can have the particulars placed in the hands of iutending buyers by arranging with J. J. Italy & Co., of Guelph. They are reliable and have good eonnectiops, and we find that their mode of doing liminess has caused buyers of farm property to acme to Weeteru Ontario from the Old Country and from other parte. HARBOR AND RIVER. The el.vator was nearly empty o4 Satur- day night. The steamer Joses is expected in port to- morrow, Friday. The rronnd around the water works has bees Molly smoothed off. ar the harbor reeetved am wisher, several hundred tea pigeons. It took four days to unload the Most- ht.taorme work Osumi bt.4eod-kv .Mrsy weather. wrests. Mr. ..4 Ma J. H. Wtui.ss. ISM gas Mr home. Hrkl••d Creek. es /Merles. lamoribee el Isla.& Royalise, A. Davao. p*id as ,idol vkllt te Uederfeh last week Mr. Tressaka*, alter trpsodta/ four rooks 1s tows. left for home, Tomato, es Tbes- ay. Mr.. sed alts Sybil TOMS lett yesterday for New York sly, where they will sped the w1.1 t. lits. Jae. Heloses left on Wednesday tor Ooderiob to malt the Liter's parents... Exeter Mow. Mn. Chao. Sino., of Goderiob, most Sunday with nor niece. Mr,. W. J. Clark. - tieaforth Sun. Mies Maud Hale is so tar reoorered from her recent illness as to be able to visit her rotor In Oomph. Mfrs Allis Johnston, et Ooderfoh. ta to town thio weak, the guast of Moo Kate Broadfoot.-Seetorth Sun. Jeno. Snell. of Opderioh, who is well known in town. hu been engaged to teach in S.S. No. 4, Howtck.-Wingham Ad- vaaoe. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS - With the oi.e of Volume KVILL Has, per's Round Table mess, to be publisned as • weekly, and becomes • Notably Mammies devoted to the intermit of youth ten fiction, literature, scheme, travel and sport. lo ire mew form, largely mermaid in loop, ted fid., the periodical will appear the tins of each month, offering to Its maitre the best short and,lon/ stories obt.n•ble,intenpsned with practical sad desoripttve articles on subjects of living interest. Stories, of course, will be the priaoipal feature of the paper but the Round Table will now have the •dyastogsel offering longer stories and more 01 them them Its restricted size made poesible. in former days. So. too, the in- stalments of the serial stories will be oom- sid•rably extended and the plans for the Doming year tooled, the publication of three serial : " The Adventurers," by 11 8. Mutter -Walrus ; " Four for ► fortune," by Albers L t amd'The Copper ?names." by Kirk M " The Adventurers" is a , fording story, the some of wbiob i, laid in an old earle away in the mountains of Wale.. Then is • treasure to fieht for, as the title implies and there is plenty of lively sktrmtshtag from -the-first chapter to the last. " Four for • Fortune " is • stirring tale of four companies who have located a -fnetano tag inane ,ed en asejanta.c3.ni , 1 be Copper Prisons " exploits the mtatng Dui haemo n.S11+�.ebt'tallM.k tegipo ret Lak• S4. p jor. It l in the cutting and moving i maaafaotared articlebotrits of 5&e.utk ('''floe hero alit. pe. - 10 the uptown yard. ,The fishing tug Sea Queen, Captain M. YoOo.ald, made this port yesterday, shah ♦he •wee', heels' at the I)eek'w The schooner Mootblano, from Lorraine. - arrived in Dort last Thursday morning with 600 hoe of Owl for the water works. A number of mw have been a.g•ged the part tem days prep•tiag the Ogilvie elevator fur the reoeptloo ot wheat tor the tirm'a mill NSado 11. Coxlreotor Madigan la still maleic/ bur propose. The flat etretob is now beyond danger from Fall treabete, sod the 'weed ease tele Sae his adventures, and it is there be Ods and rescues the heroine. who gives the Mils to the narrative. Monthly depart - womb will be oo*dnoted on a larger scale allerg---11Niaante Lines that have woo for etfem ties ty which they have always ea- jo , and will appear in each issue -under the captions" The Editor's Table." "Stamps and Coma," and " The Camera Club." ODEIIICH - BARGAIN - CENTRE J'A►x1111 11ww34xso1/ HAS REMOVED HIS STOOK OF DRY GOODS Three thimo tsse are sever prepared for -Triplets. Geassaii • howling uuooes-Tho tnesag- eris part of • threes. To the Store formerly occupied by Mr. J. T. AOHESON. x x X X x x Ladies' Jackets ! We are showing the largest range of UWES' JACKETS in the Town of Godetiob. Latest styles from 112.00 up. FUR COATS, FUR CAPES, MANTLECLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINEN, SHAWLS, TWEEDS, tit Satisfied " That is what everybody says who uses RIce's Pure Salt YOUR GROCER KE1P8 T. ASK HIY FOB IT. v3:7 Package guaranteed to give highest satisfaction has the greater part of the below water lis• A work d t:eh .1. .o that it seems a if this ki portion of the job was also isyoed danger. The fithinp tug Clnooe, t:aptaid Alex. Crabs,, arrived home from Tobermorey, on Tuesday evening. The Captais reports the seaeso's catch se "fair rime." The lime ' Sea Gull, Captain Dan oKsy, arrived n port or Tne•dd•y atm. - nom, from South Bay. Captain McKay, who had • fair • down, reports the opinion in against. it; and the parents who allow their children to run wild oo Hallow. e'en night, should have no sympathy if they are forced to pay smartly in the polios court for all damage done. Every year a gang of young rapscallions are let loose on this particular night, who should be kept at home by their parents and sent early to bed, and as a result, depredations of various kinds are indulged in that would be un - thought of at any other time. Should any of the young miscreants he cited Were a, magistrate the parents would think -AO they had been harshly treated, and yet tlitG' appears to be the only way to deal with the matter. We hope that some sufferer from the hallowe'en pranks will have the nerve to bring one or more of the offenders into court, in which event we further hope that the magistrate will deal firmly in the case and impose a rigifrons sentence, by way of deterrent to hoodlums in the future. If parents will not restrain their children the strong arm of the law shonld take hold of the matter. -A nest little brochure hes been re- ceived which prosents Pxrxn Rysii's lee - titre ten (l1.AIWITONx. A perusal of it proves onnctnaively that Mr. RYAN hs. made a capital presentation of the life of the Grand Old Mao, and has given thought and re- search to the preparation of the lecture. The language used is Choice at the politi- Fiat evolution of GLatxmi'sr is exceedingly well brought out, from bin advent to public iife to hie retirement with the prestige of Englend's greatest statesman. Aa a master of language Mr. Rya* has no euperbor on the platform in Canada, and he has o,inlensd a boon upon the public by put- ting his lecture in print. 8 1 0 -The mayoralty election in Greater New York Tueerlay resulted in the election of Judge VAN Were, the Tammany candidate, by a majority of 60,000. He polled over *10,000 votes, Filers Low coming next with 148,000. 'rums wit( 100.000, and the other candidates nowhere. Roes (''ruga now ewes Greater Now YDrk. - tas- 1---Zv..M.ii r ,i'.:..... iw 't4 (•• »_ might pot flee U.H. warship Yantio on alp of lir potato patahea, when it end suede M? arreee. :' .'i,�_ seasons °Morns no Var."' The steam barge Sequin, from Port Ar- thur, with 43,000 bushels of wheat for mil. len along the G.T.R., reached the Grand Trunk elevator on Sunday morning. Short- ly afar midnight Jas. Days with hie gang of me.. oommenoed nnloediag ber and got through the job expeditiously. COMING AND GOING. Warden Cox was la town on Monday. E. Farr left this week for the Quern City. Joseph Steell, of Leoknow, spent Sunday M town. Coughlin, Castrolia, woe in tows yeatorday. R. Carrie, of WIngMm, 'peat Thursday is Oodartoh- Jue. R. Ar.oldi, ot Ottawa, wee in tows on Saturday. R ` R Collis, barrister, was In (Jeth rook on Thursday. W. D. Fair, of Clinton, wart in Oederibh lest Saturday. W. W. Harriette, of Exeter, was is Owl. rich on Friday. 8. B. Mei.tyre, of Flint, Mich., tow* this week. Rose Raman loft yesterday on days' barmen trip. H. F Barns, of West Virginia, Ooderloh last week. O . D. MaT•ggart, of Clinton. (,code .e Friday. E. H. Thompson, of Heaforth. Gd•rloh on Sat*rday. J. L. Elliman, of S.aforih. woe woe 1. • three wee in Halted visited In the WIDOW'S STRUGGLE. H ORK BROUGHT ON A SEVERE ILLNESS. NgavOvs PaernionON, DIZZH( S *1(D =- raw teas i n s -Da. WILLIAMS' P188 PILLS OAYIt TO Elm 1t11CC11 sorsa HOS- PITAL rssa'rnsrrr 1AILILD. From the Fort William Journal in the town of Fort William lives a brava widow, who for years hes by dint of oon- w tant labor kept the welt from the door and her little family together. From morning bill night she toiled to provide comforts for bar loved ones until nature at last pro- tested against scab a eoaetant drain o* her s4enath, and or she began to low health. gees tae slender frame beans, aaabie to bear its dolly load of toil. ad the poor mother woe at last breed to give ap the an e qual oes.M..n4 Worse • burden wbers she had ones been thew Aid tlegosert Nerves. p .lrMNoa.behrt dosses. es....tp• Wen and erase sum.11 were gives to her malady by Weal porodere. bas monde paused, does/ whisk see suffered untold agony without fading any relief 4e. b. ..ffstyp. PalpieaWs of the hien, discl- o ses, Bethune ogle ia the abed, leen et a� petite sad servomotor' were sea of tae symptoms el the disease, gathering cher lowed eseeneiabing pain formed as the k.se *ate end other parrs of the body, and at last .he berme perfectly helpless sled ma able to walk or eves alt up At this stogy she was advised to ester the hospital. that she _bot have the bane8t of .killed sumo as well se beet medical treatment ; bet sitar sp*.dine some time there without ob- tatatag aa r.Wt the poor woman gave up . 11 hop •f� reoover, and asked to be taken home. 8e emaciated and week had she 'w- orse that hag brigade were .hooked .t bar .ppearanee, and se alt.ly hoodoos was her eondiNbo that is woe like mockery to 'meek r onnty tore Thursday. hopfully of bee ultimate recovery. What Mester Georgie $..chosen wheeled N Mee was the •.toatukalst of all who had Danganrtoe ea Sunday. knews her dreadful oenditicn to hear that O. M. Berry. of Lsoknow, woe 'WIWI she bad at leaf trued • remedy whose magi - the old hem* os Tuesday. cal power ee s.d demo..ttated the hes H. J. D. Cooke. barrister. of H*neall, woe tb.t wb*rs.►bev* l 111. Men 1. bop*. The in ti* e1d Iowa Sas•rday. name of this remedy list worked 'nob • 3* T* Dab's' of Heafer.a roe 1. she wonderful ohmage h earth wee h • .bort tune w Ile w 11111-' Ptak PtLs, sad iter tattle meaty ton o Thursday. 1 s • a`` Sheriff Re colds was . tete days OW eie bele. she teas will• t walk •Deas ..d past week is W Qttama mitt'- vomit her f readmit Yes et in of s ...t e ,Tames Millar, e4 Rioter, woe is the from curvy •.d (o • few ese.M' tram •r go. ay wean using the ...dktne oonnty town, a few days miser oho woo able to memo kw weal!. The.eb- L H. Dias'.. b*rrlstsr. of Ztet., woe fees pi flit' arttels. Ws. Jane M•remills, to Iasi week to the rowdy tows Mall haws .ed hmeower youtthfe*�lle anal MaltbyJsas. AaNburbler,tburbler,of (Moles. was et sspa•"•s en will same aim" She esu 5*t , the ooaty seas leer 1'horsday. blur rg•aesstis. to be' basil gob* te the J. M. Sr* b irrlster, Mlamer=. visited views le he tease le Dr. Williams' Pick lbw suety ens +ods/ leas uwa. W. li. 1!.14....4 U tr.s.kip. ems .ireia..tllslee. r Sawa week. *.d r Alias I. 'MA am =ow ./r..r the a leo balms. diy. Min L. Tweiikail ed MOW Wen $easy is torn. llbt. em■iM aloe • lee. AIM taker COME AND SEE. - OMB AND COMFARE-QIIATdTY. OMR AND COMPARE PRICEf3. W» L. .D OTSJQIi.B M. .T 7POLLOW. JAMES ROBINSON TWO DOORS WEST OF HAMILTON -Sl. A GREAT BIG SNAP -IN - ►.M P S. 0.tiititid painted Tabb3 Lamps h metal 7vtr 10 -mak' Shades, Holders and Chimneys, Complete like cut for a _ _ Yon never heard of one as nice for less thea double the price before, but while they last you oars have your pick. We only ask that you give ;.s an early call and we tan satisfied to leave the rest to your good jadgment and taste. G. M. ELLIOTT THE HAMILTON -ST. GROCER. .r the Mr* etemsghrts the Mem, eel Is Thii7nrsai ram* ensileirs sad gawps' MI way pus se ski NNM d 4wfts► Metol • fa the .apt m lad. - remedied, lath. Every box of the resume Dr. Williams' Pink Ptds has the trail mark on the wrap- per around the box, ..a the purchaser oan protect honest! from imposition by refusing, all of hers. Sold by all /dialers at 60 urate • box or two hoses for $2.30. C. E L. U. North -et Methodist eherob E L. of C. E , Friday eveslsg as 8 o'oleok. Oe Nev. 6th, Cs.eoratlen, President, question drawer (gessr•1►. Has obtroh Y.P.S.C.E. meets on Tnseday eve/slag. The tope for Nov. 9th, " Isfi ens : why to pt It, how to Cat it, hew te tan Is." Dont. 20:1 9 ; Matt. 6 : 1.3 16. Queries 100. Ml.is.ary-" Zea- saa Mawlems." Mary Stev.aeea. Ail ars essdlally mvlds4 so speed t re medium, with ars held (• the basem4.t• of the diifereet aerobes. Members from smeisel..re invited to It t. 11 TIIESDAY Nov_ eZt.h. 5 GUYBNOSiINSTREIS The matchless Cyst part Dome .. Ti_ ■sum• .ea " sr rrsela eon the ah..s. All hew mote. The beet Daimlers. CI Airobass est Ca. Blew m the Imnaso. Soothe big stress parade at soon. dDIESSION, 25, 35 ai 50c. ais.t t�.etrrs IIeoCtMs �+M ode y�� also Cad •gee testees. other prem EVERYTHING READY AT R. B. SMITH'S FOR THE GREAT BUSINESS MONTH OF -- -- NOVEMBER=- -• 4: -.tanker persissas et Ladies' Cans, obein fee hja.96 splendid voles le lassos' imparted Ossksaere Hos*, 901. a gale. A vary Idyl welted of Sleek sad Colored Silk. and D.sbkrllood tl•tie Ribb1ed'. fres 66. te 16.. ism she molar pride per yard. We91 make • eyes. sweep of Mask mrd Calated Drs. Gads. B1... BSkh Tit1 lanes sad Later. this .sista. A spM.dld [songs of Leith W.lklsg .ad 'hammed Sara Ung draft let 46r as. The .onte.s of three Imp moo el Staple red Tesey Do fled•. b..# objet to • largo dbesuet, to he old at piedo that will dear ter* • hoard• 1tIHB.stT IIaade.is ail made el Dna °•d, Velvets, YWlk.% Plueisl, Raabe•% sad Geode. se about half rsgeler pries.. TI=M II S0? A- DOUBT AWOU? TALUS B. S Mtl c e. •