HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-28, Page 8"hIVssrMT, Oct. 98, 187. THE SIGNAL • O.ODERII ONTARIO. WHERE YOU SEE the crowd going to shop you can depend on it that is where the best values are, that is where the best selections and moat seasonable goods can be found, they have found it out. Our Stock is all new this Season and comprises all the newest and latest stuffs in the following departments : Gents' Furnishings, Small Waren, Dress Goods, Clothing, Millinery, Staples, Mantles, Furs. Bought cheap by CASH to be sold cheap for CASH. ....COME AND SEE ODR-BARGAINS.... ANOTERLOP OF MEN'S EAT. EVST9?It O?I t P.1 I Important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers. ?M Naar Worde aLtaNatae. earetaW OssNlee .ad rims lake war sad /etraeet•e Sas s lee tM Eeae.n or Ow raper -A Sethi Moss's gayyeee•t earaurapaea salawalo ea. THY RELIGIOUS WORLD. 'Ibe A,rchbiahop of St. Boniface is re- cuieriug fart and is now in condition to walk about. THE LABOR WORLD. 'n -eldest Ritchie of the British Boatel of Trade suggests a compromise that may &srtle the strike of tele eitieueersl LAN r1NANCIAL tvoi<LD It is stated at Belleville that Mr. W. I. Poston will sue the Dominion Bank pr $60,000. Mr. A. Pepkr, agent of the Dominion Sauk et Guelph, will be transferred to Napaue•e r. Stanton of 'l'orunto reeding him. hMir. THE DEAD. Mr. Justice Winwr, LL.D. librarian ad (Harvard and president of the Amerman Library Assuciatiou, died at Oambrtdge, Mass. Dr. Newton Bateman, for seventeen years president of Kuox College, Gales- bnrg;'-IU.; 'tend'' eav educator of e►atlunel reeutatiou, died of heart disease. Theresis a proposition- before the Gos - erumeut from the Itatlibua tamper Com- pany for the manufacture of w alco- hal to a . Tat. _u ail aii t.:Ixetri' 1RmCIItp competition of the United Stater, and says that everything points to"that coun- try remaining the cheapest steel -produc- ing country in the world. t li •: 111:i: l: t•.cuttJ. The loss by the fire at the Howell Lit-1140.4MR Comp.'tnye eetabltibment at Hamilton will be $7000. Destructive structive bush tires on the Kings- . mer,• mountains, near ()Wiwi', are threatening the village of Ki swore. The fund for the relief of Lha Russell fire iiuferere- now - amuo "a amounts tlii,UUtt Agents have been sent to look atter the homeless inhabitants. el heel 1'tat'O, AL. Dr. Nnnsen arrl'red in Nit York on theLucania. Lord Rosebery. formerly Premier of Gime Britain. in compas r arith . Count Mare- tT6P. The couditiou of Archbishop Machray 'of itup•rt's Loud is not so serious .is at first reported. He is rapidly- recuper- ating. and hopes to rejuru to Canada next Jn - B1sck -and Brown Fur Felt Stiff Hats worth 5O. „od unad $I:brto ' $2.50 for • Make your selection at once as the choice will go SOOD,ei Gloves, Gloves For the cool evening one needs warm Gloves We have them at about half price. _ Fanc'. and 13ik Ringwood Gloves, worth 25c for.. 16c A splendid Cashmere Glove for.. 18c Cashmere Gloves, Black, worth 25c for 16c A lot of Children's Ringwood and Cashmere Gloves frflw.lDc to 16c, worth 20c to 2_ Clothing, Cfoing Tailor-made Suits at less than the. None to equal our Styles. None caf-i A special Reavy. Small -Check TvWL 1i Breasted Suit, worth 58.00 for • • Separate Vests, a good choice for.. ' Pants, fine quality. worth 52.00 for.-.--- ---.__- genre ot reeteu net on Q&asoa 1n 'A0, and k the Nurtbweet eapaditlea of 'T0. Details of a tory hot fight ars re- ported from the Semen' Hills, India Tbe enemy Li force oceuped a street position on the Dargai ridge, and were able to pour a murderous fire ou the advent -beg British troupe. Tbe Qurkbas and Dorsetrhin. regimQpts were rein- forced by the Gordo Highlanders, and after • ma nifieeot charge across the exposed plan the British fortes were able to dislodge the enemy, who fled Neil nslL Losses were heavy. 1'OL1Tlee.-CA?a AVIAN. Mr. James Reid, M.P.P.. b the Con- servative nuwinee in Addaugtoe. Centre Grey Liberals have nominated John Wined for the Legislature. Mr. J. L. Haycock, M.P.P., was again nominated by the Patrons of Fronten c. The bye -elections in '1'ewiseouata, Ri- woueki, and Drummond and Arthab eta are fixed for Nov. 13. ltiwourki Literate have rtolninated Dr. Ross of St. Flavie to succeed Dr. Fleet, M.P., appointed to the Senate. The Conservatives of North Renfrew have nominated Mr. Andrew '1'. White for the Ontario Legislative Atesembly. Mr. Tarte proposes next session to ask Parlwtwent for a large vote for extend- ing the Goveruwcbt te'egraph lines 1n the N.irthwewt and British Columbia.. Representatives of the towns and vil- lages in Kent and E•nex will go to Ot- tawa and urge the Government fo place a hoary export duty on natural gas. Louise Lavergne. 'brother of Mr. La- vergne, recently elevated to the bench, has been nominated to contest the bye- eleetiOn. 'int Arthabeskieetst : i)rainsimad- by the Liberals. CA•U ALT 15. Thomas Duley was killed at Camp Palmer while tiling trees. - - The ,tluLII er -Bale-Superior has gone 4 Imre/ewe at kuatyleiar.-scree mol hooey Three Rivers. Mr. Thome* Sullivan of Hamilton was killed by a shunting engine on the T.11. dir Fran 'Kearz, a Picton painter, fell over a cliff and broke kir nett. Hes deed body has beeu found. The t:uvernmeut tug St. James, with Hon. air. Tarte and party on board, col- lided with u sailing vessel near Cham- plain. Three miners were buried under a mas- sive ansive landslide at the Cleveland Lake mine, Mich. One of them woo killed. Recent despatches report a devastating cyclone in the Philippine Islands. which, in addition to the destruction •of emir property, kilted four hundred persons. The steamer City of Toronto was vacua: by lightning near Collingwood. The eapP ' -%.. C. Cameron, was found 14 a tlrl ree4efes% and is in Mr. Charles McGregor, employed at the Royal Military College, Kingston, went out in a Meow for the ' urpose of shooting wild ducks. His boat was femme. -hut eLeGregur is supposed ta. ulnad. A farmer named Alex. Sterritt. ag 45, living in East Ni•aonri township, was burned to death Jnrinit a fire la his hone,. He was suffering from pare17- eis. 41444 Waw naable t.i ercnpe. Wm. Klingbite, aged fourteen. out shelling• near Wfnh*or. met-Menet/1y shot by his young pan - lou. by the premature discharge of a gun.- Klingbite is nut expected to re- cover. Ul(CLA'SIP IED. :made prjata. e price.`) Double • A _.. 25 50 _ . .. 75. - 1-25 -- A Complete Clothing Store, Hosiery, Hosier A few left of those splendid Woo1,'R1ed-Hoge, just the thing for Boys, at 19c and 22c pair. Men's and Ladies' Underwear, Grey Flannels, Fancy Wrapperettes, Blankets, Lace Curtains, Fancy Blouse Silks, All colors in Silk Velvet and Velveteens C_L8H SND ONHi leRIC.EC ONLY.. SMITH BROS. & CO. McLEAN'S • BLOCK. Dairymen throughout Canada have be - gam to take advantage of the Dairy Act passed at the last session of the Domin- ion Parliament, which provides for the registration of cheese facto[%. and The Minis r of Agrku toe bas ap- pointed Mr. J. E. Starr, a Nova Scotin fruit•grower, to go to, England to invem- tignte and reloft on tbe extent 4tf the market offered there fur Canadibn fruit. UVC tr10YA1.. Hon. G. W. hoes addressed the meet- ing of the Quebec Protestant Teachers' Association at Montreal. After much controversy, tbe committee qj the Philadelphia Girls High School have admitted Victor Hngo's.i"Ler eraMet," it. a text -book. The one hundred end fifty-first anniver- sary of Princeton University was cele- brated last Werk. Among the speakers were ex -('resident Grover Cleveland and the Goveruor-General of Canada. alikto14 \!) OM Mr. Jell. Qird acral manager of the Bristol and Aviannouth doeks, addressed the Montreal Hoard of Trade, and pointed out the improvements need- ed in the harbor to enable it to afford proper accommodation to inn-eni vess:•►a. According to our commercial, advises from New York, the business situation is fairly satisfactory. though not as good as was expected in ninny lines. Collec- tions oitertions are repir'-ed as "weak" in several directions. There is an advance in bides, window glass and lard. Pro- spects are generally eneomengi:ig. hill leo- l ont:lee. The Spanish Cabinet is said to be 41- vided as to the attitude it shouid naevus The -international sealing eonferenee, in which Great Britain declined to take part, ceiene.I at Washington. The Czar visited Emoeror William at Wiesbaden. and was very cnrdully re- cetved. After luncheon the Czar return- ees to Darmstadt - It is armstadt.It-is understood that the Spanish Gov- ernment will .protest against filibustering expeditions from the United Stateq, and will hold that Government responsible for a breach of international lave. The Madrid Impartial, protesting -against elihasterins parties for Calm from the ihrited Statex, ways it Is im- pnasible for Spain to submit to such nfi tion. The GovernmmeqnotL must act with energy towards Washiagton. In buying GROCERIES you want the Best and the Freshest, particularly when you can get than at STURDY BROS. at the same pries that poorer Obode cost you elsewhere. We sell quickly, hence our Goods fire always fresh - they don't stay with us long enough to get stale. If you want to buy a useful present, see the nice things we have in CHINA and GLASS. STURD Y BROS.1 PREPARINC FOR FALL AT MUNRO'S Canadian and Imported Scotch and English Yarns. No better assort- ment or value in town. Ladies' and Children's Summer -Weight Underclothing, Long and Short Sleeves. Our 50 cent Corset, said to be the best value at the price. Lirge Stoek of all kinds of Braids and Velvet Ribbons. Full Lines in Small Wares. INSPNOTION KINDLY SOLICITED. A. MUNRO. Draper. AUCTION • • 1 hotel be is greeting la St. Joseph, as the em- bryo oily Is called. There b an sir of mystery about this place that has •soae►d msoh ourioeity. it is said that all work. mos employed we sworn to .00reey sed notices wartier ool-Nders sgalnt• broil paving oa the property keep envious people talking. Already there is a small ,tors mid a three story factory where notions are msaafaetareo. and the beadier of a pier is gelmq on at the some slate, besides tea hotel 250 fees by 150 feet. It was rumored that the maeatastete at alsmhsm wee to be the ehlotindtutry of the mew atty, bits eo one seems to know for • sertaiaty. At all events Mr. Cantina seems to hive messy and to be speeding It with•a free keel. Be was bon h We weenie" of St. Joseph sad is only 27 years elf. All parties astitag tbetr sale ballss printed at thithis ~�� these the new 0f of galeia. la Attrition sale of farm stook and 'melte meats on Wednesday, Nor. 3rd, on Obs Wm of Thomas Smi .y, 2sd see. of Aah- 11•14. Sato will oommmere at 1 L. r. Jobe Esse, auctioneer. Amities seta of valeanfet.Mfib 'el‘batt+ Is Desgaesoo, tomorrow, Friday. at 2 e'eleek e. r. J. is- aroma, peeferlNee ; Jeno. Knox, aaetiesesr. (•stl•e's Olay. Nerelms M. (Statist, the yews Fresob- m•s who le belated thee mqle site as the sake share •beat tea genii smith of tis vfll- ageal i see ole, weal op le tee &seamen s� �dsssl• last week is bey half a mails& i lets. the TJ1IS •t gs•etity dad tel•rd . )se web Nel+tty kemght Ms hasbal peseslala bathe far Ism Inastelellb W iu ban 1 Harm ihskr has heel 0. T. 5. ss.rsbw al TbMi.d. IASI F.Wy be wee mayhem Meer M the alteNs. abet W Kehl west curt, and the 5•••i•• tel.tbe seddsaly amnshed Ws (I..1 1' AN., (It t al I ..t l •e. An X-ray photograph was nferwi es evidence In the Haynes murder trial at Watertown, N.T. A entries for the arrest M (hvrrste 8'. Steel of Michigan hex bevel issued, th.• remit of the tailt a ot Rteeee father. in moot/lion wit'.h the Trent tire et Windsor, N.S.. a third man. Charles Cozen, was arrestd, charged with in- eendin risen. John Hamilton, Adam I.nndon and James Ilattrnanne were committed fur trial at Sh,•nhrooke on a charge of perjury. Thomas Gallagher was dis- ch►rgcd. J. Glateforl a prisoner in the Ison- don jail oar a charge of assaulting MIs. Bovine, a •eltool girt, neat Newbury, eareptd from the prison by climbing over the well The jury in the case or Lnetgert, the Chicago sanxag,' mavnfactnrer, whn area !barged with the murder ne hi. wife, lout dieogr.ed, standing nine far •ecquit- tsi and three for conviction. voii RLS of wen. Oen. Claetllkr,' a Cuban lloader, is re- ported to have been Med. The anniversary rya the bstt1' of Trafalgar was celebrated throughout the British E'tn dye. The Abyssinians are devastating Borestlaad and etwassetting horrible at- rnc.tiee upon the prisoners. Six oftieers and 100 emu of the Rrit- isk fortes were killed or wounded in the storming nt the ridge. The Nelson mon In Montreal was decorated wttb tm hosor of the anniverserryy of 'I'ra leer. The naive•rsity authorities at Ann Arbor have oon•ested to allow Prof. Mortimer Cooley to help take tie Yaa- t5c to Detroit la connection with the Merges* of the streegth or the British army. ale toe noire will be asked to angetent their fames. Rath Jepae and Ronal& are sill4 is be fortifying positions In Theme If is thdbitest that a eeteieiet wet tray pane betimes the tiwo powers in the near fetal . ♦ lelagera wet ti ng A Lei ((j��vv'sItroetions a medal will =Mr all was aartietastatI* the eemeggetiairatilt BARGAI N5 in LADIES' COATS from $3.60 tp• Thee ►re this Seasons make, direct from the makers. The bast Geode in town at the prime MANTLE CLOTHS in all the olorNewings Makes and C hew this season. Yoe should see our orloes for thew Goods bolero you Ituy 10 pieces Ledlee' Cootie's at about age2 price Dress Goods • of the Newest.- makss and Colorings at surprisingly low prices. Sours 41-ioob-wide Goods tee lbs. A lot of Drew Tweeds at 25 osots, worth from 3Qo to 35o, Fail wefghta GOOD, Heavy Grey Flannel at 12ic and better goals at higher prices. Ladies' and Mena' Underclothing in great variety and cheaper than ever. Ladies' Wool Hose, heavy weights, 20c, 25c, 30. The best value we ever offered. Carpet S The Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock in town In Brusselit Azeuinsters,Tapcs- • • tries, 3 -ply All -wools, t•ply All-wou�i, Unions and Hempe. Twins and Japanese Mattings. Oil Cloths in three qualities direct from the mill in 4-4. 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths. The balance of our stock at Rock -Bottom Prices. COZRORNR MBROS_ PK J- la_ OOLBORN]T_ The Great Cat pet Warehouse of the Cbuttty Mail will be sent from S:sett:e. Weah., to Dyea. Alaska, twic.: a month now. Mr. A. 31. Todd bar •old The Clinton News Record to Mr. W. J. Mitchell of Durham. Rev. Canon It-icko. has authorized the priests of the Archdiocer; of Montreal to pray for rain. At Duluth. Minn., the custom+ in- structor sefased to allow 18 Italians from Canada to Land. It is reported that Mr. Pullman's two eons were disinherited by their father alertly before his death. The water in the Otta*a river em- tinnes low. anti the number of eases of typhoid fever is increasing. A family has reached Hudson. N.Y., haviug traveled from Port Angles. ■ distance of &,25 milieu, since March, 1804. A petition 1s being circulated at Na- panee for the retention of Mr. Raines as manager ot the Dominion Bank at that place. Elmore Chambers was captured ot Iapsr. Mich.. for leaving Canada with goods on which there wag a chattel mortgage. Mr. S. M. Sovereign of Sharpe had an adventure with a gold hrirk swind- ler but eontrar • to the usual order, w away. it is expected that work on the Qnt- aract Power Company's canal will be begun at Altenburg in a few days. The canal will be four and one-half miles lopeand from 30 to 4e) feet wide. The liberality of Canada's aubacrip- t:tnns tri the India famine fond was ot- Scialle arknow•i•dgeet, when Mr. Court- ney.Deputy Minister of Finance, re- ceived • letter from the Chief Justice of Bengal, who says that. with the exception of the united Kingdom, the largest contribution has come from Camda. Ferdinnml Corriere, the man who' we* (tinkle* for Sir WHfrkl Laurier in Ot- tawa with a revolver, was arraigned be- fore the Police Magistrate. He deektr- ed that he had no ention of shooting the Premier. He bad taken too many drinks. and had fired 'his revolver is create a little excitement He was re- aianded that an engiHry might be made into his meatal condition. teita a week towered LNM,arrt. Chicago, Oct. 22. -Formal appHcation for bail for Adolph L. Luetgert •was made to -day to Judge Tuthill byAt- torneys Vi went and Phalen. George Middleton, the dime museum Manager, was at the Criminal Court building when the application was made, pre- pared to go on the big sausage maker's bond in any sem, should Judge Tuthill act favorably upon the application. Should Luetgert he released pending another trial he will probably sign the contrast whit+b Middleton has already red, giving Luetgert a salary of a week for his appearanee la a museum for as Indefinite period. Lnet rt denied himself to visitors at the jail, with the exception of two of his old-time country nelghbcus, who drove into town ki see him. Aserssieraaa te.e einem imine nays. Cairo, Oct. 22. - News just received here from Somaliland t►bows that the Abyssinians are devastating that coun- They have already dispersed or w out font great 8nstali tribes, have oto en all heir live sleek, and have com- mitted horritle atraeitiea. All the prisoners taken by the Abyssinians were mutilated. The ante ',id waste extends from the Minks of she Usk' to the scores M the Juliet. w/slaw Moe rt.mM. Windsor, N.8, Get. 2A.--4 waimnt to seartb tike bear of Jolla McIntyre, In jail at Kewtvtl a on time oba'lto ee firing `de Mese. wee Waned tieumayr, °Mears L k �c ----'e of the hose• asd vide a tlivtr- srallil[ iter a .els tt* ti4 iy-� I ben' oouten Wirt select ',Rience was ttiltita4 establLeh that t • bees. wax set teete tstsn'-pally. Entry room nt►.tatrrisnre marks at alto'S uses, ,thick bad taartly-berssd ItaIlithesede. Melina bares. ata ;•.- TRY NAIRN'S TRS k BLEND_- BLACK TEA IT IS SURE TO PLEAS; R. W. McKSNBIE has placed in Stook the lamest importation f w i a D o W Gum yet received at prime which oaaao be mashed any where. To get ids Amos is to secure your custom. He keeps the ELEPHANT BRAND WHITE LEAD. Acknowledged the best. Jet All Hardware Building Supplies away down in Price. R. W. McKENZIE OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. SEF LEE a SHEPHARD Successors to HARPER & LE Tor the largest display of COOKING and HEATING STOVES! NE' gr. 00 N1t B,( 511 e 1• Fu ST' OVE •S this aide of Tomato, we also bare several .ssisibband Ones. �IRaP. STOVE FITTING ' b,'t- Plumbing, Heating and Gas Fitting carried on as extensively as ever HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TH1 AlItIiT Sorailioll Hard Coal iN Ttdllt MAIIIEwr at $5.75 per ton, Cash. Ail Coal wrotebibli en e ` t'1N vi rl.t/tae Were yes est moo lbs. eir • tee. LeMIL Orders left ea lilt= Is 2.1131, Mors pi fly alesistisi be 4 1114 STOVES STAVES STOVES ,,,a Stoves that will Bake that will Heat, that are Stoves ALL KINDS and ALL PRICES WORSELL'S, The Gesso ebvesm s. P. S. Posy, Harems ted Baily foe sale. Silver Plating PRICE LIST. Spoons per dos ... •........~ 750 Knives " • $1.50 750 75o 50o 160 420 Port • '' • .w rM • ..• •.M Table Onset, each ............ . Pickle " ' 1( nutter Knife " Candle atiak■ " Bad Irons " ...• ... . Solomon, per pair :... 150 10 and loo We t ann Plate oat in Bram. or Stoot. maples of our - 1311DBfl1401N BICYCLI o 0