HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-28, Page 7LS
ref -
"8he•s She Oett opt•tol •hot in this
.1 noise Howard rimed sharply aruttitd
from his dealt. Mager and amassment
ruff lsd7. Thi• hone looks as if he
coma take ase out 4 the country
Wetly qulek; rad buIore you got out
Mat dig up that little rack of twin the
old lgeeadsman gave you. and leave it
un LM seat"
Stella sat as it paralysed, While then
flashed through her mind the thought
at the difficulty with wh,oh, lu the very
_ bard Witte, ber father had raised the
in Butreme
ev pngae/piour ut the rising 4boueof tho ese his
people fortheir
mond, weal on, *only odrt. nits 1 money; sad then, the thought a Bal
accognimm loot to his wont' un tM Bub her tether's affection for him
window pane.
aside from his value, and -
1 tell you ghee a wonder! I set "Hurry air!" cladmed the man
dummy for her the other day,thud ••1'd to ttivw the tap u1 that petty
e Mot picked holes all over him, am- head hate hat I've hu timeto lase.
cording to order. She's the meet--" Stella turned slowly, and began . to
"Are you speaking of 7001 slater, raise the teat of the buggy. �Suddenly
an?" thundered his rather. She *torted alai th
a wild ought Basted
It was Fred's turn to be startjt .i. through hor mind.
Turning, he regarded his rather'. frown- Fred's fevobverl She had forgotten
nil fate for a moment, and tbeu maid, that! Ought she? Dared she? e
,•o,utiuutilr:An instant later she bad turned and
"Yee. air. bat ft there'. an blame-" fired full at her astonished caytyr.
His father stopped him with ape- The mads revolver dell to the
tore, motioned him to a chair, and swoodwsetio ,l hiandes ho, withldar athe cry of .palm, be
etrnok the bell <m his desk sharply. li.slant
"Seed my daughter to me," he coinStella duo, herself down the floor
'winded, when au elderly colored sem* 'of the buggy, and the r.e, now
vent appeared in answer to the aunt- tharuughly trfghtene', dashed off w-
A few minutes tater a graceful girl
4 sixteen appeared in the doorway, and -
`urn st tothe t acme appree the tree ion f from
"Shat the door," said ber father.
.(Stella obeyed.
"I have jam teemed," bgeau the
• judge. in his most caustic tone, "that
you have been amn.inr yourself cat late
by becoming au expert in the use of
the revolver. 1 +Mould have summed.
atter your careful training, that *
would be satt.,ces.ary- t. inform you
that such an occupation is unladylike
■ud uutemiuine to the Iaxt degree. 3
more than surprised that your
wank home. _ _-
Twenty minutes later, Judge Howard
was sluing at his desk. wheu Stella
anLetly "entet'c41--the library. Walking
steadily over to her father, she deposit-
ed the sae sir coin before hits, Stud
said, in a queer, matter-of-fact tone:
"I have just shot it man dowu by the
bridge. Yoe' would' better' got - and
without Barbing the twosome, she tot-
tered forward into her father's arms.
Liftitrg her out+) the lounge, her father
rang the bell furiously, turned her over
to Die hour.keeper• and [lathed out of
the house.
Fiudiu Bay Bob tied at the gate,
he called one of the men, and, spring-
ing into the Doggy with him,, drove
Alms1na. 1 eom•ttm« meed Monad of
iss►b.r for lbs beeis el boots •sdjthoos.
The prepar.tion of boors heir for the
owrkat gives •mploymaot to 7,000 Paris•
This meekeys of South Americo mem to
.. and
comprehend the totalling V
often grin with merrtmeo0 at • comic
Juan Fernandez. where Robinson Crusoe
b. ted b °h ot aboutlsixty surveyed,
who now
►sbited y
the bards of attle that graze there.
In an old coffer in Japan, shrouded with
decoy, aro
whits silkdrosses
world into They bebnr'd
oldest re,• in the
to • thlrto.oth-oeitaty *melees, and are
preserved in • temple neer Yokohama.
Plr'difiir *Dodd encourage you in it res ly awn
Yon will oblige me by giving up this rung the bridge, a carom'
target- eyrcttce at ones. Do you wilder -
'Yes. sir, reQlhe 1 the giti, slowly.
ledge- Howard turned to bis desk
rad recommeoeed his writing.
d o�uirtl The next day Stella was lying on the
search r pvraled modeling. but sortie -
drape of blood on the gravel arid the
nearest fence, and Judge 1lowanl con-
etluded-- that the Man haul not been too
badly hurt to tie up his wound and get
Stella hesitated a moment, and thou away.
. lounge in the library in a semi -invalid
•1 w ou like to enquire uvho it :>'
that draws the line between what is .tate which was a mart of coneee*slon
fermatas and what isn't." to her overwrought nenew, when Frill
"The live 1. ,nmeiently well and die- suddenly entered the room with an ex -
drolly drawn, Vise Impertinence re- .Jr tr[ carefuluess and mys-
plied her father, "and you wilt
quir•ed in future to remain ou the right
gide or it," and the judge again tnrn-
w 1' t
off duotlancran
�pja �y�Q _
ed by her hrviftaheOmer 1pvrtt
tm.ke into pan sbwnrd Wnie
t "Prod!" ate exclaimed, "why have
you come home?" 'It's
L papldn't help it.' be replied. �7
" i is
Th. Ore department at Berlio has • Ora
e legise, the carriage of which is conetraotd
entirely out o•yotAs,.
f.r..lparts, thebodY.wheels,poleetc,
Ste finished in tba °est possible manner.
While the durability and powers of resist.
Y0e possessed by this material are (ally as
motet as those of wood, the weight is much
loss. 1'be lightness of the fire-eogtne is, of
•SSSS•, • great advantage.
4 tearing his hair and beating s
head awt this a Stella'shoulder. .
into williki weep g
"Stop. you gooses this exclaimed,
▪ p�� biw frout box _dateter len:
dueed�Wou to go and tell ppaaqpae - Y
might have known he weeildanq'tdnkke hered
is it passible. "that you have been
hrobpr*ther. l7 proceeding
ling in opposition to
your father'satprw-ser
your wishes' I am astonish-
ed. As faotr.r ame, I was innocence itself
1 �
in my soraace a his views std pre`
"Ton know you weren't any each
thteritt" areinfmmd hes winter. iadistnant-
ly. "Of tonne. it won't exactly right,
but papa does put so many restriction'so
on me that seto everybody
fashioned and aboard. and I do get so
tired of the piano rodembrokiery, sn
only such books as papa has
"I'm sore he lets you drive every
horse on the place. whir+ is more than
I'm allowed to do." said Fred, in an
intuited tone. langh-
"That'. true." replied Rte•AI,
iug. "1 wonder what induced papa
to make that exception to his system
rot' ladyiike training? Crane on: let's
get the horses and go for one more
long ride." "Wish 1
"All right." saki Fred. "Wish tt1
didn't have to go back avail)
morrow. Toe dd make a f'elknr
(-Ginty, old girl."
"Oh. ray dear, what shall i do with-
out your wailed his Aster,
dr the
hundredth time. "it papa
let t'. • with your
er declared Fred,in-
• shame,' of little
dignaetty, Jon d be reach a jolly
load. and you a re far better
to enter the nnivereityT than was a
year ago," and disrnseiof *Air
grievance, the pair disappeared
direction of the .tablet.
tiva erre bell Jud a Howard b
chit all s •o d-ut'h ortites, to a
:unl all his •°ltdis school ph^ei
large California trait rands. and there
ewmtstently and persistently retained
his wtately ante-•boflttm sty$ of living
hi, old colored (nulls servants and
enure 4 hes very eonsenative the thou he .00well harmonise
with progressive Western social izone•Phee' .
Frail little Mrs. Howard d had tit firti.
revived in the deli••htfirl enmst climate
4 (Jallfornta; but two ears later and
slhetly faded net or th gam. had
Since her death Judge the
telt • double responsibility as to
training 4 his mothe+ig+ daughter,
Ma Steal ram perhaps ezeusable
growing restive elder his many
deOn the n. .fol Other's sftrraooq Stella
�1t • tyror}te, 8rrht•ough-
•bgitii Bir > b. into the main, ingng
torn to take Fred to the
• Which he was to retain cotlr*t
they neared the station Fred suddenly
Mapped his hand on hes hip Pocket and
tten to leave my
"There! roe ftirii
revolver, and we're not allowed to have
them at aiebool. ,You'll have to take
it hath home for me. Omega papa
will not *eject to that, wtY bet' MOT -
ableAt the etatiod. Stella relerd he
able seat tr[ the bn1Ry and deposited
the revolver is Me ss_j�cr beneath.
Atter telling Fred gond47. she woe
driving slowly up the street, n n
Marl a alae- calll.u4 ng her ham. awl
hnr Dar* a Isnot a house and ap-
pr' ail dl) out o S %
p "11 y ed the froggy• (soloed -
if, drug," he, began
have hero * wady containing a
tend d&Item ill gold. Willett your (Atter
to pnawil��ii / w evoking.
ay o h1. I*Mi It, doge of the
rieot season. 1 promised to tie
its nut • to hit. bis thee, but 1 hart JO+d
hod a telegram es are is Ann Prat-
eiato by We trans My mother is
dsngeroudy . 111.. Would you be afraid
to take the money out to your father
fo,r me? 1 think *here world be uo
yourself. ytw know.
Stella laughed. a little hysterically.
"That's just like a boy.' she exr
claimed. "Popping in on me like this.
and then tbllang me not W excite my-
self." 'prancing
mind," said Fred,
a morning paper. "I'm just dying to
know one thins). and then 1 won't talk
yop about It any more. Vetere
did you intend to bit that fellow?"
Stella shuddered and coveted her trace
with her bands.
'There nova' coaxed Fred. "Don't
worry about the brute. Tell me, dust's
a good child."
1 didn't want to kill him," tans'
.loslJ from behind Stella's flnget}i,
"So I aimed at the upper part o2 his
right arm.'
I knew Its exclaimed Fred, with
a wriggle 4 delight- "He must have
Feed that shot with his kft hand.
Jost book here.
Steil reluctantly took the paper,
and avoiding the glaring headlin
v: here her name appeared. coupled
with various complimentary
read the following paratenon:
Aboo- eight o clock last evening,
a man we. -' te-d himself at the count:
h�wiotit!. and asked the physician :n
charge to dress a gunshot wound in
his right arm. The doctor found that
thect� ball bad passed dear through tb
limit, .lativi.og the bonus 4 the tapper
atm The man explained that he rad
stint hiuiself by adklent. and produced
a revo'ver with oseichamber empty ip
proof of hi. assertion. But as . he re-
fused to give hl name. and would re-
temain only long enough to have big arm
dree,ed. it it, more than probable that
bis oand was the result of the excel -
len' aim of the plucky young led%'
Fred bad a long talk with his father
trefore be returned to school, and
Mum! himself far more at ease with
him than rover before. lodge AHoward
had been terribly moved by
danvuons experience; it seemed to
Sinn _ p( ut:rre-ie,- his..yisea
heart, and Fred's eloquent plea that
Sella abonid hive a voice in a
rongemont o►f her own future was
heard for the first time with p.tiente
and attention.
Before many months the Jndge',t
new view 4 his dauged
ter. nes and
la' and bear
trait. Calling her to biter in the
library one day. he drew
the circle d his arm, and said, ten-
deriLittle dao toter I have decided
that If your heart a really set an this
Malt tiler eo11Pse eioeati^n. I have no
right to 11 it.It
aIdeee nnubut
yetien s
yea shall decide the .natter for your-
onrself, and ikyoo really with it yon may
enter the _ddhnivemity at the beginning
of next term-" him tart-
Ittella could only kip,
b In reply, with a heart too full for
worthy. g r d inn
.cientlouely attended all t festivi-
Four years later Judge
flee M commencement week at the
university. exenetv*1y proud of his
talented daughter, whose claw' poem
had ,been pmnoirnc'ed to be 4 nn -
none' power and merit, and frankly
dcdared himitelf a thorough convert
to the higher education of women.
Returning to his hotel on the even-
ing of cormmettcemMt day. he was
handed a letter which had been
warded from home. it was addressed
In a good buttons band. and
marked Montreal. Its contests
as f"No. 1 k street. Montreal.
1(10 Blank lone lfi, 1i1A4.
nr Sir. 't tyed! ithap-
prehension in
that Iforce
write this tetter.
"1 am a man who some fouonrrle
Teer. ago. atteew��t�to rob r wwma seri-
edteT npdn the fp a -mad. and
ously and most deservedly wonpded In
the et 't. iete, grid it his
it was 417 er
been ay
was rest 4 Work. busty!". dew
pante. It ie nod inch an t'afy thing
in do bot 1 will not try t6 *tense my
reit. 1 have moat deeply
reswntnted panted, anti Moet rigidly adhered to
an honest lift•. have a little
'1 am warri*d, mkt and am nem,
denghter two yearns
}m hooka at goad a NOM. n,WteT
"we e a happgin y, pRlrll
aty wife aatornT 7 astta'bt
ter ant the forgiven***the asenrwaea
ter and ymgrwel and
Mat yon dor not belfeee It to he fay
dtet tty toave
give myself nip to Metter•
have hoard M vin, ones all s
trwn ,q.tvtful ail Weil as lent and 1
b ISM he n lenient Y 1
Smperer William Llweir ze ate Mores
Th. reapproaehmeac 1 *tween Qstwn Vic-
toria and her grandson, Emperor William
of Ger.eDy, u proceeding apace sod it is
now highly probable th.t his maim ity win
pay • brief visit to Balmoral in November.
traysli.g on bis Yacht from Kiel to Aber-
In connection with the Emperor's
yacht, 11 is said, Queen Victoria a se enam-
ored of the internal arrangements of the
Hohenzollern that she has ordered the plans
of the latter to be adopt in building the
new Royal yaobt which has just bees tom -
Tlluamaas, Oct. 24, 1897. 7
12 3TEARN8
21-1 G°L�
To Thom Who a•nd nm' Largest
peelers Doral lams.
poreitorio-The crying ne.d of the mid•
night hour.
Undertaker -A mon who follows dm meds
Mal profession.
Liberty -The right to compel an outsider
to vote with the gang.
(wand -A bare-f•oed lie that bis grown
old- *MVO'id"inter wLitllgfri _ -
74,4.31/ fib 4014#4,00isind
by trunking at • man's ata
Kir.--A eimultaeeous oatrasdis er the
liras and eslargemeo► of the heart.
Egotist -A bioyole Drank who thinks his
rte air sigh; wr•dm wheel on the Dike.
Baia-Beetething that keeps a eisn'a
wife awake until be Dories home is the
Shark -A mon who is always *ax,oae to
bvor bis fellow moo -tet the rota of 10 per
drat a 'booth
Oreak?km man 0hbd%Isr+i•ists anew
m.swtadag others. bat grill net slow him-
self to be 000vtnomd.-Cbin.ge News.
new iark traitors.
Two distinctive styles in tailor gowns are
t• 4...e•a this season. the 'taborets and the
severely plan. Th. ly plain are
made of either smooth booed or vicuna
(sloth. 01 coarse then are any number of
Tear Or rap s Wo .card �•rtlh
LEVER BROS.(Lituited) Toro
the room sad hold tae matreu up in tb
forming • sort of •rchw.y. throuith w
the girls will dance, with tht>�,.Ite m t
heeds, The Poll tigure M.1l he danced very
muoh in the eame way The Crete wh
townie racquets and belle will he used 11
;whops ._k . the prettiest of all. The wile
are to bays the racquets Meg over tee
shoulder, much w one does a banjo and
doom once .bout the room with them. The
men will have the balls, and, at a give/
signal from the leader, will throw them to
girls, who will be standing at the other mod
of the room. Whiohever virl touohes the
ball with her noqu.t will be the parting ot
the man who throw it. Therm will be only
•bout twen ty•flve couples. and iteverytbiag
terse out as anticipated, the Spurting
Oerman will surely be a.uoo.e. -Harper's
Ba z•r.
Ths ~log ea C1 sS.
TMMrazrumt 11 Tat cUllru WON.
When ohms* enter the *egg -room they
•re but halt made. TM proper curing ot
.hoses u or important as the making. T.at•
pasture is the moat important fairer to the
oaring of w.1l•made ohne.- The beet tmi-
p•rature for oaring ohew is hem 60 to 70
degrees. Below 60 dogmas too sunk moist-
u re is retained near the outside, whtob
comas disooloration, uneven oaring and
poor flavor. .Above 70 degree., avaporatiou
takes piths so rapidly thee oaring is retard-
fr„ into 1bo room or egelma0 tM .Misr
n••r the Imrbere.
rhos. hakes* prices.. these fors.es' ems
No. 20 (*spoon" 12000 uuh u foot). .$36 00
No lit 1 17,000 mho; ins).. 42 00
No. 24 ( " 26.000 nitro test)... 62 00
MOW TO afar Tan OMaaat OUOL IMAM) 1102
W ITMta.
A supply of foe should be stored during
tis Eater for use nett surnmer. To pre -
.erre los, it is mot n.uewary to have ea SZ-
peceivs building, Auy sots ut beUdles
which will shed water .uJ allow the melted
405 to ft,w away from the body el uemelted
ice will auswer the purl.•.., it tt "ePr°Wrly
packed in sawdust. Straw is ut
ed rather than hastened, as moisture is neo- for paokiag la. it,. pool r of eswdues
emery for the ferments whtoh clause ripen- arouhi l and
this b: , . I ,1 i 01.b*11 o *.
lar. There is Mao toes by mooting of the Now is the time to prepare tor next uuat-
obew, loss to weight, and low of batter fat mar's hot weather, and thus prevent toile of
wises the temperature of the curing -room chew. Store plenty of loo (8 to 10 coeds
remains for any length of um* above 70 de• for an ordinary factory), sod use freely b
green F. A prominent ohew buyer re- hot weather.
marked recently, " that the low by *vapor. 'Chore are several ways in whish tbo ioe
may t,• and in the curio -room. In the
curing -room of the O.A.C. Dairy, we use for
holding the ice a large open pan made of
galvanized iron, which air on the upper
shelve. of • ohew rook. This pan t.about
6 fest long, 2i It wide and 3 inches deep.
In one oorner is ao lob bole, which is 000-
neetedowitb piping to soovey the melted ice
outside. This is • simple and egoistic*
method 1n a small ouring-ram.
For a larger ouring•rtlm with high ceil-
ings, the plan adopted at the Black Creek
factory u satisfactory'. loo boxes are sus-
pended from tha Dolling and supported by a
arose piers tram two of the uprights whloh
are used for .upportinr the orate shelves.
The bozos aro lined with galvanized' iron or
the @ides�sed bottom and Corm • trough to
the centre to oateb the drip, which ie ooe-
veyed humid*. In the boxes are rooks toe
bolding ohs blocks of Wm These else of may
be taken nut at any
rooks is 3 ft. wide and 10 ft. lone. Than
should be three or four of theme in an ordin-
ary curing -ram 30x40.
Asotbsr way suggested by Mr. Balton -
typo u to build . box. say 416x6. have
the box lined with galvanised iron. and op*
.t top and bottom. Plat* the rook and ioe
in this box, sod provide tor the outflow of
water. Or, in•this
t boxt in oiem Iters zed
iron cylinders,
all them with broken ice .ad •alt. In this
way the temperature oan bo very quickly
The proper during of ohe.se u so import -
/Wt., is,gt floe that we trust makers sad
battery beteA 4Yel hive it the attesaigei -„
different matssiale which are ta•hioi*ble as
well, but than are the very smartest. I, Johnston. grading B.R. 6 and 6, $9 60 • J.
Tb.rre aro IMOD}, different oolon, but black Johnston, grading B.A. 15 sod 16, 55.44.
ea the best. A fio.d•oloth oeseume ham the Next meeting of counof'l. Nov. 13,
new..b•ped skirt with the raffle soothed on W. Seamans, Clerk.
She waist, or rather picket, • m*diam-leogth
besets* -Gear• which opens over • wai•touet
et moawoelored velvet embroidered in
geld. The frosts of the coat are faced
with white satin, end so mode these they
can be torsed beck or Mitt wed over, as de -
.teed ; rand the banana &re small gilt ones
Mat basten foto laps of black braid. The
satire mat is covered with braid of different
widths ; the sleeves re vary velvet have
at -
deep 1St.is p°
lined with braid and a; flaring off
of velvet. cost oar be rota over ft
elk or satin h mad is ss interlined with
flannel under the mouse -colored d wean lining
Met it is quite warm eeoag
*eldest weather. Another black costume
of ro' OU ,Tian dk+Cb t able la trimmed
•tion and loss of butter fat from obsess In
one year in au ordinary cheese factory
would pay the whole host a storing ioe, and
the ones of suitable ioe boxes or rooks ter
cooling the oaring -room during a hot spell.
The arrangements tor oaring ohew are vet y
ddtboient, and we have pr•otio•lly no means
for concreting the temperature of the curing -
rooms is but mother."
ROW TO tsar TOl . Kassa WARM DC*INO
ap1.L W MATHxa.
The usual plan is by the use of an ordin-
ary wood stove. This is not a eatiefaotory
teethed, as the (Aimee radiates from the
Move had makes the cheese sear by too
warm, while them farther away are too
cold. A Mows one foot from .o ordinary
stove receives 100 times more heat than a
ohew' 10 (est away from the same stove.
1 he point to be aimed at is to maintain an
even temperature in all parts of the ram
night and day. Chew should not be al-
lowed to nal off at night ; lithos wood 1s
not a suitable foal to Keep ohms, at as
even temperature.
Th. ourtsg-room should be properly oon--
struoted with paper and air *prose, to or
sist ie eoetrolling temperature. The meth-
od of beating may les by .teem, by hot
water, or by a warm air proo•ss that will
e•use o airo*Ltioo ot the air 1n the room.
At the Black Creek tootory near Stratford,
at the Serathallan faotory, and possibly at
others, they use • furnace known as the
••- anhe " -Ionia our i*eLW v
COMM' met, pursuant adjournment,
Saturday, Oot. god, mem re all present.
The following •.00uoto paid i R.
Tani lletyree'besi INT'Jt dlsxticat. 're•)r
Oeo. Ernie, plank.:spool.
511 75 ;'Thos.
1.%44,8; culvert iad ygspeotMOg, 54
1). Mcllwala. rep. culvert. 50o.; John ail-
patriok, gravelling S.R. 3 and 4 and coo.
3, and rep. culvert $35.64 ; D. A. Alton,
pip. .crow road, S. R. 6 and 7, rind gradiav,
:i;.wm• Smith, plank on L. R., 40e.; John
Kee1., plinhinrt caf=art, M, R: 3 and 4,
54.75 ; R. A. Derrick, balance on bridge,
525, said for extra umbar oo oto s oribb, $
N. Cunningham, inspecting, $4•
Tesle.v.., gravel, 52.56: John T. GritSn,
e to baggy at Kiatpll bridge, $10 ; R.
�i.i, iaep•otiag, $1 ; A. Rom, ter book
xabbl. 53 35 ; James Marshall, .arveyiog
road at lot 45, L.R., $6 ; Jacob Cousins,
gravelling on 8. R. 6 and 7, 56 70 ; David
Agrees, rap. ouivs•t Don 14. 52 25 ; E C.
Johsstoo, gravelling S.K. 3 mid 4 ooh. 12,
and for ;ravelling 4. R. 3 and 4, eon. 11,and
rep. eaivert. $42.36 ; A.Ritohie, inepeotine.
51.50 ; A. Hackmttt. plsakine bridge, ooa.
10, 50c.; Hoary Mania. pleat, $t2.16 ; Rod
Campbell, travel, $3.20 ; John McRae,
gravel, rep. oalvert and cleaning drain.
510.40 ; 1. Rooknos. inspecting. $3 : Ale..
llt.IIi uiswered.
let me • it all means. I do
/onyour, mother better,
•nrte. M " lttid tatter tke each, the
carefully po•ibed het. anal
neath the
.eat, an Mr: 'titer train.
hurried r of b. e•bhtthe tn'n
Neither d Own gsp� aft
who, a few g.n1taa
t behind so'rn elrr.t ry la rids •
wo kb t na a t blot to tli* Sabath*
el 1 b. Seth( 1.wn blotto
el wort
Iles ASkla.
Attila dirt
+'+omowll sr
wtth bleak belied, pet ow la five rows down
tee trent and teen tamed off at either side
at the foot of the Skirt. extending resod the
satire width. Tk. oust tor this is one o1
the Rssstas blouses. with *s inside vest, on
which w Hass of braid, mad this hangs
over is blew Mahlon. Thep is no br•id-
bag as lbs coat. bat the sleeves, whish are
'mall cies sleeves, have pointed offs of
braid. The trout' of the )aoket are lined
with Needs green velvet.-Harper's Bazar.
b 5
n.•wrett •
Ansae et a
stead, taspe te
to /#e 1►+++�t bided. raid bsgllsi bktaee,
ter tart hand. dir'a
- 04111%. pal '
wont SUM ars Deus.
Thera it talk smog the girl of •
�1 nese*. Three sisters who love
le gases. hal who wish is sad up the
aminer mom wig' es estertaisment of
some kisd at their country place seer tows,
Milos of ti Uto Out.1 which Yes en•
i nil, aS n is .Sands.
- . w"..,�w,+,w_ whlohlM 1Lott•riir
tie+-ss/atb6ti.M. Thi text ett[i.t'hl pale' dirau-tiso winter
Several et the Aostrelian oolontes. where
the railways, telegraphs and other public
eentosi .*•seder U.verement 000trol, have
adopted • polloy of seeding officials to other
ooentrtes to study the oondict there otlly 1.
feln is their special l way mom,
rather experles.s
egr•ph aoginears. oity .4atsla. wad mop
.soh poen• heldia1 sxeative pedla s%
1...lately been went to Europe to study op
Men epeolalty.
for M. abeam buyere of Western Onterla,
rwim*Ssam tate system as the best he hos
mesa is w. The main features seem to be
• heater surrounded by • galvanised iron
momma, tined on the inside with asbestos and
oorrug*ted tin; It is so shade that it al-
lows • free otroulatioo of sir -cold air goes
in as the bottom sod warm air goes oat at
the top. The mime nt the furnace should
attend as high ee the bottom of the highest
obsess in the room (about 1i or 7 feet from
the /Jowl. so that the warm air may be eon
domed above the choose. The casing druid
he so made that no heat is radiated th.re-
-: Egg's Romantic W
There is a petty dairy maid i biandr.
Lake, Ind., who is seeking
and who has advertised her want 1n
rather a unique manner. The New York
Herald tell that A. Wegenroth, a coats
me reheat of West Hoboken N.J.,
bought a lot of eggs the other day, •
on one of them found the following in-
scription written in purple ink: "I am •
pretty dairy maid. d Indiana, and would
like to get a young handsome husband.
Will exchange photographs. Min Mary
Satchel, Elliott Lake, Ind."
Mr. Wegenorth still has the egg, but u
be is a maried man, has no tee for it,
ostrich, oto ordina,Q 11>k ',U_.j 4 will
willingly turn it over to t e n sw'L1Si
anxious to correspond with the Indiana
do pleased to invite • loo .f *sir friends
•ad give a german In the trig .anlage-hos••
er bees. Gar which all the levees will he
M SS'b. gee.. 11 the idea is
ser• ried est ea they proms they oil doubt
will v. • Mame t* *4 saddler have both
ban pressed bete earwigs red the Melo are end
es bas es ben, roehing
terweeds, gluier n*dees and dinette, tbe
melting of Obs favor.
Tor hstasos. they are hosier small
iasis-rsequets 'bode with bells for the
amide Egan; the racquets will .Doll have
a Imrge satin how tied to the beadle. and
the Utile are te be also red serer with
Samoa ribbons. Tho they Britt have •
Rolf figure, which will its were pretty. The
oesp.ster is makes* small golf -belle -.sob
k.sll.t than the [sepal due of •ares -sed
we girls theorising ars bard at work
waktag wall golf -bags Another *111 •
aroq..S Ague. I this they •4
the toy atop att4 ptltbt a lot et mbsia4sp
amass rota. ris+s� win tisiessta with
boot briny of
While latirloy Oro the ositap tat
Woo. tot owe* 7prs. �� .�
'aarert.d the m Oen et balalaika. to .h.etduseet. 'Iyer q
e�N dry ti i> � by4a,.fhey feet ems. sad are d well the
with s4smmere et res rtbbes rsa
Os. at WI side riff the .. 9l1.0. wig'
sad she boo thowirad mom of
*tsar garter?.
.f WNW the figures alma'**
whit IMe.rlalaalbwea
It tanto be isaduslaal lobes We is te he
a arses 1derrasl area at doves. as N satns9y
ONO be whoa Over w a bets. The Arlo
.f ID . f o alkirmane* .Moms
of mane* fossa
Bali of yatare•tt*A. AbtArss Raw
Orrhwrda Kept In Grass.
It is partible by heavily or-
chards, where grass. iw -allowed to grow,
to keep the .R14ace moist and loom, so
that the gram does no injury. But
In such eases it will be toond that the
tree roots run near the surface, where
they naturally go to reach moisture and
light. This makes such orchards very
liable to injury by winter freezing. It is
better to cultivate the surface soft to the
depth of three or tour inches. es that
mattes the best moloh, Died also outs
abetter plan latree te tonear the surface. Bat
tr+ain the head so Wrr
that the hrencl es w111 come near the
ground. This will erose t> indelible
as it falls, making bertha'
Poultry traaagement.
One pound at eon converted Into .gigs
*111 gnndrnpte the value d the urn, and
pay for the labor rased in feeding it to
the fowls. The fowls on a farm open
the way to larger profits, because there
is always a certain proportion of waste
food that can be utilized by poultry
enblch will not be of much value u food
for large stock. The Winer who is a
bo.bnesa man le not content to sell his
crops off the farm at low prices to be
hoeverted into a better marketable pro-
duct. bat tree his hntclligenee with 'his
labor. There is room on aH farms for
poultry, but It is not smelly given, and
the bene are expected to be self -sup-
porting, beware they are willing to
Lt. do not •ppreeiate
the worth of John 0 -
game, who sang, "Dad
the man who
est Laves $ss l
The Attention of thel Business Community/,is
Respectfully Cal f
consisting of Bill Heads, (811 sizes) Statements and Dun-
ners. We carry the largest stock in the county. We pad
all work in quantities to suit customers. First-class stock,
good printing and very reasonable prices Call and see
n variety, quality of stock, neat printing. and good
ler V idAlilts ng; ..we-exeei:-- _ W . !pl
ruled or unsoiled, and carry full lines in Linens, Linen
Bond, Wove and Laid Papers. Prices and style of work
to suit all who favor us with their orders.
We believe we are safe in stating that we are the
largest handless of Envelopes in this section of Ontario, and
supply them in quantities to suit, at pricer that cannot fail
to secure your patronage. Quality and printing suitable
for all purposes. Country dealers supplied at a close mar-
gin. A call is respectfully solicited.
It is a well-known fact that when anything of a spec-
ially artistic nature is required in this line, the judicious
business man instinctively turns sk o HO SIGNAr L Offdceecord, bf r
it. We cannot afford to go
on the contrary, will endeavor to keep up the requirements
of the times. Good Type, Plain and Fancy Papers, Fine
Card and Bristol Boards, combined with good workman-
ship and fast presser, enab'e us to turn out orders expedi-
tiously and in a most satisfactory manner. Be sure to call.
THE SiGNAL Office is headquarters for these goods, and
samples of the latest productions can be seen at any time.
All orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Prices
as low as this class of work can consistently be done for.
not specially mentioned above, including Labels, Dodgers,
Posters, Prise Lista, Catalogues, Pampble� k furnished.
executed in satisfactory manner. BEstii
that 7041 as carr. *05.t woo e. t.aw4.e tows 1 1(s� I. bb..gIt, .n
Yl as *at Oat iwAitraimir ate lues. t�api 1, n W�` wily,
• .: r _sllar'b" Tori tar ...mom Maw otsP•sg'r •� fstai 551giie'Mo
�ap Jho ab•! sanded it toooTbitowlwt west is the gensRMt meow
Ts111i1sik 5ft1 pl•_ ties
Nttee to tet dasgl�� *als*Ir�a iter lam ta11YS 15D We shorted iM+ �
pal a ai�. fags so lo itis. la• int U Ms A LW ST I, Z DAP1><.
•••r2� SSCtN�aZ'
reco, NM