HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-28, Page 5• CENTREt DRY GOODS 1. T. AOHESON. 1 t I e aclins P S, NEN, LS, TWEEDS, &C&o dUTP. [CSS. FOLLOW. ISO [P e•tr�iww%±+.� tat Founts, 10 -inch Ihimneya, Complete rs 'or leas than double you can have your a early call and we lir good judgment LLIOTT RY SALE 1 FANCY GOODS 10 11AT8' BITIEIRBB. 111 10 8'Cloct of Shoes Sample Oasts, end Misers', to Meek md. Brows Tweed int sever, very lets* ma, Bleeves,ohoiee this weak S3 ti FOR sod Colored Yid Gloves, Cashmere Glow, per er 20.20 for 16,15 for IOo eight, Vests. each loved Liam Spools. mob 3rsid, per yd Lasing for 15e 15. 2io le 36e made phenomenal pro - House that can do you - Sm/?i-t-4-1" a Oira llollse FRXDAY IARTesrei latent greetpial r Tic Domc it the mos ng Scenic Effects ever pvsseated on the N at Warhiegton. 1r11Y� Harbor to New Toir ertnl meoheat Mullein tthm°i repioduaises of die on Hurricane of the 18th Whir.Xelas *ellatdor $1 d id thle IMr'tviegl'111ibi (Wer .11041. bR xYJiTn to tet: + . ,. M ESO, 30 L 14 I) 850 a atglit Bookstore feels at EW FALL GOODS ESTATE JAS., A. REID. + + + + + + Our Fall Stock is now complete. Over thirty eases of the latest Novelties in RY GOODS, BTAPLE aI►dADYT CDO W$AR CLOTHING,A� MEN'S FURNISHINGS &c. and we do not hesitate in saying we have the largest wn, but the t for buyers is comparison, and all wand best value in easkof the public is to buyers is co(np compare our Goods and Prices with others and we know we can please and satisfy you. ESTATE JAS. A. REID S. J. REID, Manager. DIED. 011-1, ys W edaesd&y. O. W ntth 1 w 1U lam &teen. siesta ton aJas. Watson. Ohdsetos' FRE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook;. f 1 e*'ve • tele 1a i ger Cease. 1 redo 1d Nal lit • Cull'. Aswan IS Tesla• Seem. ea' Math Mem Treat It." -tiara*. The wise men will have we of ridhames perfect Maas soleefb tl*117 out aztfay frig ebtlll November• themesktele,ait•rta'■ PhetoRr&piarrs ay oldprier so . � .�- •,rats ..� �..13Al lsosaL "_For *holos oosfeotionery, fruit% Spars and oysters, carved in any style a snit the tote. Always open. Dine IUDSED.-William Jenkins charged with the Iorei*y of • sem of money from jsesser D. Milyen eves •egattted 4t Y. 114 Sieger on Moeday alteration. Gitelman Bettye -A M. Todd has sold the Baron News Reined to W. J. MltobsU, who eines from the twenty of Hews. The new preRtater sssamed seetrol last week. THE SIGN -AM : GODE}tICH ONTARIO. Ultima!! Gibbose. bed Jas. Martis. me., of Sootland, Mrs. M. Ii*toblses, and Mrs. Peter Adamson were *looted petrosesses A. F. MoLaree, M. P. P., and A. MoD. Allan were steeled r.prese•0wve members. Tb0 following legitimises) were &etiolated skips tor the seating year. W. T. Welsh, C. A. Humber, Dooley Holmes. T. N. Donoey, and D. C. dtr•ob$s. Oa motion of R. JV. LoSas and Wm. Lane, the club resolved to **abate its membership la the Ontario Assooi•tioa, and °beau 6 copies of its anneal proceedings. After the fee bed bees pleoed at $3-00, sod Messrs. Allan and H. L. W •tsoe appointed • oaovassin1 eons - mit es the meeting wee closed. Due ill TORONTO. -On Wednesday of last week, es istim•ted in our last issue, • meew0e was resolved trees Toronto stating that Wtlltsm, eldest soe of James Watson. Montreal-st, had died to Groot. Hospital, Toronto, from en attack of typhoid fever. Os Fndey morning hei remotes arrived in Goderiob, having bees brought the whole dnova the byroad. toAt 3:50ok place from the resthe same - after - nova tbl, tan.r•1 desoe of the deceased's brother-ln- N•,Peter Meof•rls, Britannia Road, to 1**d Cemetery. Then was a large atteadenote 1at the house es rotative@ end aoq°sinteno and et the oem1tery, sad maob sympathy wed for the widow, parents and was expressed Service for the other relatives of deceased. deed was conducted •t the house byv. Dr. Uri end Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, and at the oemetery the lest -mimed rev. reotlemen olboieted. The make*, covered with the ohoioret of autumn blossoms that by sorrowing relative@ and friends. * et borne to the h.trse by R. C. Heys, C. W. Alarm's, M. Senesce, H.R. Sallow*, W.A. Rhyme end E. C. Be�nir.The Jeme@ WmaaCiw ms illness of Mr. anti wee the muse of the funeral taking place from Mr. Meoterleai s reeidenoe. the family phystoien baying refused to allow it from the parental dwelliar. liver •ddrseeee at the Monday meeting. There will be special music on bosh oees- Gieee. and • good program. will be presented et the week night oslebr•tfom. LAY WORKERS' Coil vFFT10 . -The an- nual meeting of Hsro° Aagliesen Lay Work- ers opened is iliehop Crooyn Hell, Leaden, yesterday, with a hires &melodeon* of deli - Fetes. The oo1,5011on to is session today and will oleos tomorrow, Friday. ldeny bishops sod prominent ley workers ere in •tte•dence, and as this is one of the most important meetings in ooanectioa with the Cnuroh of England, mach interest is taken u its proceedings. BAsgAxes -L. Card's ohmage of ed. was ti fiesciAL Sns•tov.-A w-osoiel mistier of the Alumni of Heron College was held in Leedom' on Tuesday and Wednesday of the week. A epsotabs*ssioo for the deepening of the spiritual life was hold Thomas/ of1.0-- noon when the Bishop presided.' Tim Deepening. of the Spirituel Life," by the ,"��Isbs� yh ...sserittesetafork r Rev. O. T. A. Wright. were fieblthp Too LATS -Exeter Advocate : John Wind, • farmer who resides oo the 9th con- cession of Stephen. while on his way to town and swestaw ea to win an embus oo Monday hat, lost • oh.gae for..vest550 1 Dore: to whloh she respoodsd witho�� dollars and tams odd oasta. Which he had I solo wbtoh was Ass g •, sweetly, vei from Ms. A. Q. Bobism sad wbloh 1 Brown sag ' enoori. o e . . . be was going to got estbd at O'N IIVIhank and reosivi(i a-wsttnner ted er that day. Oa discovering that the cheque she kindly responded- The entert•inmeat, pretended to the bank as a whole. wee one of the hest ever given was Rona y at o•ot t surprise in Gederieb, but untortan•tely for tenni 1 Nos pe M Was just fifteen at, n but to his grit minute@ late. the cheque whodgot�t op l darkloked eorowillideserieg wit 'lrie had boss melted by some nakaews person. songs. _ Davis, the teller of the beak. say* BEATERALL STOVE -PIPE VARNISH. LKAST ODOR BRIGHTEST LUSTRE QC !CHEST DRYING. now before ltivel1 the best. Use no fires started. other. Ystc.H'e TALK. -The Vittoria Opera House did not oontalo es large an audteeoe se Brit&i•'e Girdle of the (,lobe deserved, though it le said the Ootlegi•se Institute Literary Society oems out right side up. Comment was general se to the •boons of many gibs should have supported the so- etely's •****t entert*inmsot, but it seems the& those who most needed an lo.traottve lames in geography, oombioed *tib the .ptgdld pictures of Brlta1l's ohne reties end import towns, were unable to &Dosed, bosses* " Under the Dome xis owning. 11111".yowtv.rr earl dal 111.4 with Ye111"1 Talk &4. cud a im lams' til towing Miss CNhitney sang wooing Fos- SAMESON'S REI) BLOOD PILLS. AN IRON COMPOUND PILL so oombtned as to make • remarkable remedy for Weakness, Lowness of Spirits, Poverty of Blood, site. eta. PRICF 25C. 5 FOR •3...00 St N k7 par 100. for Interior remedies. Use the masks SAMPSON'S. W. C. GOODE CHEMIST BIENfORD BLOCK. STILL GOT THAT NASTY COUGH YET , - Why don't you try a Iota. of - l)UNHAM's (SOUGH _ MIXTURE? loath," sang ex�ession ted oR it with � - A BURR CURL • PUT UP IN 25o. BOTTLES AND BOLD ONLY ---BY F..Nie.DUNHAM, Chemist and Druggist: eider that gory dollar &pent in the town I talion •■ oakillm anend d *t do°Dtntive pw ion a goes direotlT�o maintain its r,uetosss and He h • young h wonid 1 He is futureobefore him. -Leeds h Few Prem. TSUBADAT, O. 28, 1897. 8 EXCELSIOR CATARRH CURE 13 A CURE YOU MAY DEPEND ON. TRY IT. -SOLD ONLY,AT- DAVIS' DRUG STORE help to support its population. t ere we tool sure, be 1s. purchasing abroad than now prevails. Business men, in turn, should feel under the same obltgattoo to retrain from eroding their work to outside please, end give it to local industries, thereby Riv- 1s1 employment to mwoeaoioa, whoa* wages are almost feverishly pent eat home h and form • large proportion it receipt, false of merchants end business min. economy to deny your own town's o&pebilt• ties, or starve tte industries---Seeforth Ex• poeitor. too lou ler this twos. We may men es iter. midd]ieged,[s&d the fe offering great bar/al*a in clothing. I men was of medium height,klieg of grey and l.� full wblsker with • /sprinkle)/ was apparently • formic.. Bervowr Hors lwer'ro'rioes.-We 'wive often urged our Invitee to support their send of own horns business bons Gonad their messy ewe), to cities in to the tar payment for goods they purchase from de- psrtmsat•1 stereo and other similereetabs imbuement Is the long run pane will he mosey in pocket by patronizing their own local business Ston. It is equally 10 the ad - wastage of farmers and others io the vioin- fly to patronize the business men oft t th eir it own town, as, by building up the their own district, they are enhancing every value of their own property, dollar they seed abroad tor purchases they scald get as well at home, is • dollar spout to depreoisti the value of their own proper- ty. In • town like Siatomtb, whose business houses houses ars filled with up-to-date go ds in every line, there is no reasonable 'mouse for its oitizens sltodtng the money earned in the town,•nd whtob °orb* to go to maintain its industries and bailsman, in purchases outside the town. 'rhe business houses of • tows are the visible svidenoes of the com- munity's statedtag. Fine stores, doing • flourishing business, indio•te a thrifty, prosperous an progressive people : and the finer and bustler they are, the treater im- pressio* they melte upon strangers, and the higher the estimate strangers ere likely to Plain upon tele •dventa1ei the town pee• souses ea • plass of residence orTo a 0 business •sed tndu•tti•1 Wiltre. , busiest. every every citi a stores sod industries. -b y 1oy11y re genera the The more vs*0001 their patronage, bettor the service they will get. There te as lskst we omit think of, in the way of w .I .5 par5Il•, that Gannet be bought in 811darth. of es good quality, and &t as res- uesebls • pries as in the Dies of end in the code, our matter of the higher grads of cwod All business homesequally they need te the encouragement art purohas- ore and ties goods and the prime to suit will follow. There is • tendency to co or send to the larger pities for n hist dames goods, under the Impression Y not be precured ot as good quality and style or es reasonable in price inour own tows ; and • greet deal of money that ought to be 01)5.1 et house in bu td ing op the ngd to lei town goss•*breed is this way e im- portaOO* of lager phess. This is • mistake. le roost oases the moods and pries are equ- ally as favorable at borne, and In •peoisl in - *taws,» they can be obtained through your toast sided omit. if wouldealer hink without o over ttthesee mistime sodcon• 0*l s/ the items being •n exosllent n one for $3 60. EYCRANOID Pawners -Rev. Dr. Hansen, of Stratford, p ssLYse meesk*R end evening last Sender la lbetbsaillece. ohorob. Rev. tMslsaged pulpits with paC1Bvria Ag Your° PEOPLs. -The Christian Endeavor 8oetsty of /Coax ohnrohw held • very ■mooful "at hoal. " on Thur.- •ss1 lest. Taw Ass large basethltment !Wo oat ai v. DS• • of the ehoroh was filled with young people who appeared to be alloying themselves T*l O.T.R.rsOar shipped andthepestourtess v. Mr. Anderson presided tally loaded oars were shipped wt the past thoroughly. Rd ( whied ooata[•ad sae thous -in an intorm•1 way. and from time i time r. ead ■ of wheat, lost the thine *em- ber s f Fess ea the previoaa week. Got A 161111111144111161111111144111 -Oa '1'aeiday mereisr Wan. Lee got • woman from his grandson in distant 3•vhd•, sod ea the young gentle man Daly M'tvsd is Virginia City the day as store, ee wa greet though pleasurable serene* to grandpat>s. announced toptoa for Alses oneni, from the by those present. afterwards giving foot some of the opinions which b lied pick- edupunder coo ng about among the young pe by catgr people..., A program of mttio and elocution was gheo, and the serving of refreshment& was saotber esioyhle feature of the eves ins. Colrvieree or Tarq,A4$.-On Monday. Jas. !Math wee brougbt before P. M. Seeger oherxed with tempering os Tbs tbe promisee of the Victoria Opaos booms. &deadest was found guilty of the *bergo, and Amid elle dollar and owls. T z ee 06ert Dtasc.'t'out.-The directotrs of the N bwest■re bad • meeting tea H on Saturday seeming Pr pvly to disown mattes is ooessoties with protests made by exhibitors s ast persona said to _.--havessatis tbibit■ sot their own. Lyoung• or MOS rom tows k- in Nest tee - meeting people Wilkinsoe'■ Corners), Met lie ae Bethel ( baying had Iasi Moodsy 5vesieg and seaport an amusing time. *•used chiefly by ' Mo• (:mty's FU/tatted with the ElIph••t." Serrrn's MILL. -F. 2msetb ie pallia¢ down the brtokwerk around Ube old boiler and will build s new brink boiler and engine hones enler•Mly from the proposed new building. The proprietor is not oert&in of the dey *bee the 5)111 will bestartsd• bat it will be in the sear future. A LIvrti R* ford.olver left at nd rearmed noon Tuesday for 8.r After yof 10 into - met he turned homeward, end wee ward ewi Em arson's oyole livery at 6:5F. The journey ot ninety miler was takes for exeleae, and to show *lest • oyls M capable of doing - Iv 011*ATIOrt.-Tke new grist mill was in tall operatics on Tuesday. and the first man to take • oboe, (not s meat one,) was T. J. Vidaan, and Tom 1. eltse Stfiaerdiwith the work. From and wheat mill will be in opgretip0, will be brought to the mill for grinding turned into door whip one w•ita. UsDIR THE Ibrt-Li000ln J. Carter, who is known as the anther of several sec- Fas- owful melodramas, including " The Mall." " The Toreado," and "The Heart of Chicago " hos soared the biggest kind of • pit with his new play " Under the Dome, ' woeswhiowoesto the viotorie Opera BOWS of the next Friday the 29tb. Tie lotion play tams the oherecters over • broad ter- ritory, and gives opportunity for some stertlty ennui effects and some very beau- tiful sets. The two big sensations Jersey et the PUT, - flirt. 1br'terry . boat..t p .ft• oder i City to Now York, and the rsproy sr lbs •wfnl hurricane et Apia, w11io11 proved so destructive to the German and Ameri- can navies. In addition to these ere thaw very beauWal seta showing tamili•r Wash- ington emcee and one of the Capitol Ilium Pieced. The play is very strong' deemed•, rally. COMING AND GOING. Ed. Munro spent Sunday in Clients. Miss May Doyle is in the Queen City. Mrs. Rev. Janes Wes to town this week. Mies mreturned to ale, •fterher home spendingfa R' Ingham, SaturdayaturdSaturday month visiting in Qoderfoh. Messrs. R. Huller, of the News•Reoord, and V. W heetlsv, of the Doherty Organ Go., spent Sunday in town. Master Ed. Headers.*, of London, form- erly of Goderleh,.w►ooled to town *&Soler day, and returned next day, Miss McLennan, Newgate-st., who bee been visiting friends to Detroit and Mt. Climsas, returned last week. lire. Hyde, of Hamilton. was In town the peal book, •hooding the funeral of her brother, the late Wm. Watson. Thos. Jackson, of Clinton, is the Co , rasi town Thursday, Polhill •�;' 1>)�`91l1 term-Ohmwst� fer,..YJ° � lsedse.'� f#rdh H. &,.. _y ,_Jqo. Itrsltee of St. George, was Present et xlte ' isTrireia J�otwe w. ':~ s tor- rother the late William Woman S Martin, of Ctlstttm. Mr and Mrs. R. Parker and family, f�- Friday. , ---e .-: .-.: [ Iller E�t►es°ap°Oi Ti axes. toss (3edeetob o0 N. 1)ymsct, of Berrie, was in ttrws on Tassday. H. B. Pellook. of London, was tubera yesterday. Ws. John McIntosh, of Detroit, is visit - big ie town. nes. Elwood is the guest of Dr. Hamilton. et Cornwall. Txxy Ass RoLLlen Its. -Tater for 1.897 are roiling in &t • livelier gait than they did in 1896. Although higher then lest veer, ('nlleoter Reid inform• es tbst up 1 Mon day *being !w had coile*ted entibousand eight baedred dollars mora theiilnr the cor- responding period lea year. After Bator. day the 2 per oent di■hnaet stops. Sir Pox Cast isirtttsivt'.-The Toronto World intimates that a number of the hanks ere getting ready to make the regular rate of disonaot six per cent., sod anllen:at ae the event by printing •. o.w n*ode ofIt is : Multiply interest at six per say given number of dollars by the number of days of interest desired, separate the r1Rht•hend figures and divide by six. The result is the true intsre@t of snoh sum for snob number of days at six per emit. This rub 1s so simple and se true, .o0004ing to •li business tonere, that every beaker, broker, merohast end clerk .h0eld poet it up (e{ retsreeoe and tee. There being no such thing an hectic*. 1n itthere is scarce soy liability to mistake. By ho sritbmet'o- al prooese Gan so deotded information be (Jo tined with .o few figures. To find the in- terest st 7 per cent add oh'o t 8 per cent. one third. and et 9 per ren Gee- Acheson rsMrned to town on Mon- day evening. John Van&tter; d Stratford, was in town over Sunday. Mn. and Mies Mateo's:oon l51 for Toron to on Thursday. Joe. Rankin. of Se•torth, neer in the Co. town on Friday. Jas. E. Henderson. of Alias Craig. spent Sunday is town. 'hp Nioholson end Charlie Ball were in Clinton this weak. Mrs. WiUiam Wstsoo returned to Tor- onto on Tawdry. Harry Ozone was among hie old friends is town this week. way of Goderioh, but recently ot , have moved to Lake Temboem1Dgue. A GENIAL 1S!tTttstA,rrt: -'}••lel week 0115 of the beet known cession/aof .Asbfl"ld'50• ter'sined • nnpiher of frieode, ineludiev serest from town, to Dee of the haat code• tug meals ever waved. Those won rich who were premise fey • Bishop of the olden' time never provided his gnats with • greater &bu*4aao5 of toothsome eetehle■. Tkzoliy ,]i.uns.--Xorosto paper* of Wedsssd•y imelrtdd the names of Miee Marlen 3 d mid Rev. C. A. Seeger in the lin t+t riaettli RtMAeAtc •t 'Malty CnlIu15. Mi.. riltep°•rd raeetvird • degree as Licentiate of Thelegy, A. A. end ptyro r Seeger ll. A. wee Rev. W. S. (`'it tared by for reeding. Tt decree.wen °oh 8ee•tar Allan. Orem), et Wnnd- Peas 91o*P. ase. O. stook has beers gtiview entertainments the Visitor,* Hall tits poet weed' 554 nonbS were fres the r.mt15m a had good et tan parts, welling t hots soma ta of ripper - lie oat •4 mar and Mneb ° a Chas. A. Nairn spent the past week in Windsor and Detroit. Mies Rose Yoangblat. of Manchester. visited town last week. Percy Maloomson, barrister of Luoknow was in town on Saturday.Mvisiting brother. tC• Goode. ter Jno. Snell, of`Goderich, wee is riwn Sat- urday. -NV Ingham Advenos. Harry Meroer, of Goderfit was Is Sown this week.-WIngh•m Advance. Dr. Chas. Hamilton. ot Cornwall• was visiting the old home the past week. Mrs. Bert lIr•yley, of Toronto, arrived in town Moodie, ea a month's visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W ilkiuson. Ed. Atirtll lett tows sa Monday for Los Angeles, where be will fiend (.11. waster. lire. and Miss Attrin wi*MfS taw wow oily next week, •_. Geo. Neibergall, ot Mediae, who was 1s town on Monday reports business se good up his way. The gentleman paid kis subscrip- tion till J •n. 99. THE WEEKLY MARKtt REPORT. Ooosauon, October 17. MIO. Fall Wnead, 0 77 to Flour, family. per cwt1 30 to Both.* .1.h'*, ttaa per sant..««,«.... I1 90to 0 101 ` ..e.r..�•e>•.. 11 00 tot 0•ts:1 trod ,��.. 0.n t0 Pees. • bush...-..-............. b 4400 te New Bey. s ton .,.--...••-- Potatoes. Chain........ 0 35 to Butter. .-- 0 14 to cod fresh unpacked, j dna.... 1 0o to Wood .. _.. _.........�..r .. , Rides, ......... ..._-._ 6 00 to Pats Lamb -liking Live Hors Boon. A:4 G/'l'l)ARR DAN1'E -•Oer Monde even- ing the Bedford wee Ilse room ret Il p .;►0011, sad tieing the fillet of was aswell Urge •t it was heartily enjoyed. Ther} tendons, end the prorrem Pleased' dl pres- ent The arrangements for rhe hop were of necessity hurriedly mace, ae the London beepers, who tnrnuhed thn moll'. wore shoot 1.avtor for ether parts. The commit- tee of management end tie weeders of oere monies' arc to he 000Rrat.o1•ted es the guesses they .obieved with the opening_ dance, and their sauce** no doubt will be only the prelude iso many •ooh pleasant on. einem dari•R the fronting winter. At these informs% hots it to net wood taste to mention t or describe the h•p.lenAet womlot'pv'e*"*y ss that the soot Wee. ° hler saa.the fair Y art w von• warty Wee.o1 peed-teokitt girl, ohsts8 aeMa nsay t slc ed Shortly atter mid- night •atop w5 *t� ! for �fR��A� tier inRCtitbt�sp- plielb&*t'etili toi- ahad.Duphesweemss mi- ld the last number nn the program bad boon dle:nied jute' sAeiaiiflef 101.1•11 A„ 1 , ,.'.- e f the (i.eden0h Curling Ctnh was Feld i CI h room. Hertnn'S block on Friday fed neieiv r of lies( lint1m of nitroso oink pro. M�°y�r'rhtgnr - d wa:-PJ i. W T. � Mr. Randall daysd in brother-in-law, Goderoh last eek, wt Todd. spent where the Fortner has business inuresta.- Hey Cor. Exeter Times. 1) W. Kennedy, ot Maddock's sled Eon oedy, returned last week m lotour days tys trip, which the gen ek rep° most ssoo5safal 0115 he has yet made. Miss Miller, of Wroxeter, who has been visiting In Godettoh for the past two months was in Wising= last Friday, the guest her enols, Welter BGldsrs, MUM way home. - W inghem *defines. biter Chute, the notify appointed Organ• lst and choir leader of North -St. Met11odtt Church, will °endnot the rehearsal Thurs- day evening ; and also sing • solo Sunday morning and evening. Miss MoCell will preside et the organ. The pastor. Rev. J. Edge, will preach troth morning end *Yell- ing. 010 to 0 10 to 4 90 so 0 12 to Ib 0 M to 14 - - Ole to 11 �D.t�T=AAo rr.aweerd./. to b 50 - ^ Dressed Beecartw quarter S 00 to 36, '"�• .8 00 to 000 Rye c m mss.- usoau 7s 30 90 CO 31 40 00 40 15 14 30 00 50 50 15 Rei, Ir.,: Ilii te*-pr ed moreia+ evening is St. George's last Sunday. Horace Newton wheeled to the Forest (Sty on Moudey and book on Tuesday. Mrs. Christen was last week the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. Shielle, at Amberly. W • l t t;,lhtv.natA.+:�Pdi wrdyer ..'v VteMr,•-at. yM1teA tet •tin 11514 �13 114 'nit. 7s8tk1Mli will p lime yeif�Ni� P LL APER Barley do 022too13 • TO ADVERTISERS. Notice ofbe left a6 QS Office not Use limn Ba- noo4• Thi Oopy for change@ meet be UR not later then Matta- dagr mow aud Aciverebeemaile - 1.otion WeidnfI'W d Mai week. Mr. Dickson, of Godsrtoh. paid his brothel S. Dickson • visit this week.-•Ssatorth Sun. l frr, J. H. William* returned last week from • visit to her daughter in Ulm* State. Havey Davit, liveryman, was to Gode• rich Tuesday on 'minnow --News Rsoord. Traveling Guise. aaAlllit TRUNK RAILWAY. dewy&. Mixed Mall Mixed and laDrwe 1[611 and Mr -prem. • DeTAsv. A Weather eteae, A writer 'tells of • eartona stone that is fli+ be tound io Finland. It is a natural bag - *meter and actually toretells probable emcees to till, weather. It i called • eema- tpir, and its peculiarity is that t1 tarns A. Thompson, of Goderioh, visited friends in this vicinity this week. -W ingh•mTimet. Mrs. ()Maar, of Queen St., is visiting friends in (4oderioh township. -News Re- oord. lire. D. Ferguson has returned from her seat Autumn visit to her .bitdren 1n Del- troit. Mrs. W. J. kitty returned last week from • visit to Goderioh.-Wiagh•m Ad• Mini R. Dsy, is the Rneet of her friend, M um Hattie Thompsou,ot Goderiob. -Wing• ham Times. Mrs. H. Tilt and daughter, returned la1t week from • pleasant vl•it to N•panee and other IMF F. Geta ,as gone to Guelph where be hes secured • situation in the (dell organ and piano factory. 0b. Porter avast the tett *1.1! ids. Qum City. baying flames and y Warm ;moue. t t - g the t tonere' of his brothwas er, the bite W1* Watson. Merles a to resume r meaimea oonted hie studto ies at onto on the he Col- Sattar'd v lege of Pharmacy. black before spores/ming res/ming num *gift weather 1t is mottled with ■pots ot white. Investigation bas shows the rock oos 10 be ed • sort of fossil, mixed with obey,turns alter. When the sdrr 1islst'the eats the felt shows blank : when the dry, in *hits spots on the surf.oe of the@toes. m tin Mall and lxpress Mall and Express Mixed A fresh shipment of Wall Paper just pass- ed into Stock. Wo ars going to sell Pretty Pattom' in Art Colors, mit,, able for any room, worth 8e, 10c and 12c per roll, for the * Mang/A1�T+ is Ibis r. events,. A tlt4.4 * hide ..eh ref• a �.rs tow rentdemsa, Bwa asmid kg" Pm*, ttoe. B. 1a. MON*, will artre. s wore eieele '- 0. Oren•m' �Ylin . P. Shorey's All these Papers are shown with Borders. or Friezes and Oeil- Jen. Gentles, of Kineardioe, was in town on Friday attending the funeral of the late, W di nm wrote Ruby Rob of 0oderinb, has to a positive a H. M. Molsdeo'e store. ip W tertian Mum Satinet Carter and wife, have retnrncd from (lodsrioh, where they rpent the Sam• mer. -Brunets Peet. Hayden Wiliam. Ilea returned from God• each, where he has been spending bis bolt. days.-gseforth Sun: 11111 Recant of Se. ()Gorge's. Re.. M. Rigby Rain -Proofed Frieze Ulsters' Pr)RTERB' B T3oUERIOtH. 3.0041 £0114 JIaVn MOM Ad *005. Telstlstete loo, tall T*raboll cond*ot5d ohurob *aryl... in i4.. felled Ib. peat Stod■y. ya tager'setsdas, of the Organ Co., left ve • d business.�$8141•to the N'•Rar• �- -e el Leet rleh. tine- Agtlnte for PARKER'S DYE WOR /� ��,, rtr,rriflt..4boo bwwg+'p 1utISSF�8 Y4 T iS 1lrisRt. d we Aft. 1)t. .. . . • 10.59 &.m. 1.26 Rm. i.40 p.m.. 10.5e p.m. 7.1 s.m 5.as *AlWO New Machine 'Mops. NEW MACHINESHOPB-ALL KIND§ of Repair Work don: for Itesoo le Pries Farming Im dpi°d bought and sold - 1 , new sad mooed tanginas esan�op Boilers for victoria and Trafalgar attests. J. BASCTYR RUNCIMAN. 12 Tr I8 NUT WHAT Y00 EARN, BUT WHAT YOU BA VZ. MAIMS YOU MOH. 'PH34 IT7VREaTANDIdZNT LOAN Ol MPAKY . �lele D Lsrgrew.-Intetwtt(omolt p0nnd d He er1 ■rn months et tour per Dent. per annum. on stens from one oolleeepwarda. Depositors wW!And fees theist �.estaQ and see ns. Lames -!flay be esonnrrsdd &&1t salt trifer Whirr* delay on the security of approved desire ble property. Ripeness moderate. Applications rsoostved by the Manager or solicitor.. The Compan s offices are looted on North Street and. ( HOOPS &quem-0PP05 a llptr Oahe/ t Oman. In Olive Mix, Brown, Fawn, Claret and Oxford Grey ; 51 to 34 inches long, with 6 inch collar, 5 pock- ets and throat a } with wont - come off " buttons can be bought r c t a i-1 in every Town and Village for HORAOZ HORTON,Mesinyr J.H. COLBOP Nd�t $7.00 HEADACHE AND...... NEURALGIA seer Tr/ oar He••'_aohe Powder for Headache and Nenralrts, 2 for 5o. But toe Browns Betas= Wild Cherry Coughs, Ms. Wilsons Iron P4)ls tS int box. Wilson's antlbtllons Pills, Poor moony book if hoods are not sere• leve ani ed at Itmsltronc. 230 e a box. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTIOI�I, DRUG STORE. Telephone ll• _ _ To- nnrorlal Artist T -7-111Z. ZELY. TONS )RIAL AST/15 r 1 . Hot and cold bathe on premises. See- toeminer ahempooing and every other require- ment 0arefol1? attendeed tn. end non oftmt com- petent hands employed, MoLeaga new block. next door titotBritieh•Rx. °banns Hotel • ---` FOR YOUNG. WOMEN WI "ALMA." ALMA G11.I area. St. Thelma Ont. A r^.$identiat school fat yours w.: m i n . (?.11101111117 le!' pp''gr• united In 9 acre park. Has the Yrile ter cataloguee et 10 Re. R. f1 Warinere ,tnelpaIn l'fe ALMA OOLLtoe. Sr. ?mown. Otey. New Fall Millinery, THE LATEST STYLES Ilr ' HATS AND BONNETS end all the Newest Shades in VELVETS, FLOWERS and FANCY FATHERS.