HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-28, Page 44 Ti1AT, Oct. 28, 1897. • THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA RIO. IN A FEW DAYS we will cues oat. la the bo1141ng formerly known es JOHNSTON'S RESTAURANT a select Stook of Mock sad Musi• oal instruments. Having had o0ssldeneble previous .xpertesoe In this • we bel oon- fldent of our ability o cater to the tastes of the musk buying people of t)oderlcb and vicialty. THE LATSBTp u loins Musk and the very beet value, to Inst raments wtU ever be our atm. We Invite you to call and Inspect Stock. EMERSON'S Bicycle and end Cleveland Music House. — 'Cycle Livery West Street ra Oodw/ch. aha �gnaX, 15 POmdIHID EVERY T13II_R8DAY MORNING N se •. S im.mcr•eT Tatars of leuese letter One month. in advance.. 11 Three month*. One year. ....:... O Osten Sates. 14(01 and other casual advertisements. 108 vlir line for first tneertion. and 3 cents tun Hee ter each wbeequent insertion. Measured be a e�cuQarel1 Scale.. Beldame oards of &1x lines and under. $6 per rear. vertlsemeau of Lost, lonnd Strayed fitnatioae vacant. Situations w anted and Business CI seals Wanted not zoeeding 1 ll ypp e 1 1 per month. Bdtfiat t"IllletterVegme m aaleronrt. moped1 u„�•{,{I for t month, lArewc 1144.•t•.. 000. per see • Any Special- notice, the ohyeot nTirhloh Is fie promote the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or company, to be considered an ad- vertleemeet and chanted eooirdin`ly. Local mottoes in nonpareil type one osat per wp'4. no notices lethan 160 Leal a notices In ordinary reidlag typo tents per word. No notice for clan Notices for ohurob sod other beeovotent In*ttta If Subscriber who who tell to receive Tel &swag reeslerly by mail will confer a favor by s0 goeaating es of the feet at as early an dates/ po .1 ble When a change of address 1s desired. bdta the Old sad the new address should be von r.bltahova Nelies J. C. Le Towel. of Ooderiobt, has been ap spenned ips aGooddela ,vCooltng boorw� ldfor �an town- ships smooth, Local postmasters over the district aro also empowered to res. ve subscription to Ter SmnaL All communications mist be addressed D MoOILLICT'nDY, Tee , Telephone 0&11 r0 O oderi k Os . OODSRICR. THURSDAY, OCT. te, Itllf. H@Ne AND THERE. WANT DOWN TO D1TD TUE event of the week has been the great World's gathering of the W C. T. U. in Toronto. The maguitude "f the work of that body, asst at present relate, Waimea by varied representation at the gathering,for v moot every oouutry and clime is represented from the Icelander in the far North, to the Australian in the Southern woe, and from' the representatives of the Orient and Japan in the East, to their listen in the Western oivilizatiou of Canada and the United States. The aggregatiou has been • great one,ai.d the fixity of purpose and the deter- mination to make progress in the work ap- pear to Lee the chief factors in the move- ment. . CLUB8gh.RATES. SUBSCRIBERS who desire to take advantage of THR SIatAL'e offer to club with any of the following news- papers for 1898 may have the balance of 1897 free : Tse SioxAL and Globe $1 60 Tim Shaul. and Mail and Em• pire 1 50 Tae SIGNAL and Farm and Fire- side .. t 1 50 TAR SIGNAL ant. Weekly Sun1 35 Tae SIOJAL and Family herald with chromo 1 85 R ;IGNU. a.. .,.on News 2 10 The Signal until Jarf. Ist,1899, $I —There was • time when the ” shrieking sisterhood " received but meant encourage- went dttl,nvrd them uaiturtuuate. M went from the public, and the Sentiment of Lite. The yew Yurk Ceutntl trauo bel the hour was strongly against them and Buffalo last night, and had programed the few Masculine temperance worker. who for uearly 'thine -tenths of the distance towards iia destiaat}un. The Summa r favored their plan of action ; and when it and his fireman had art noted the grey war openly asserted by the great editor of a dawu breaking in the east and treak the light sthr� rYi'■ leading newt aper that the tlgitatican was a nn of red betokened when the great eggiue coutined.tn "a number of fagetil's onsprised u4tg •;be .depths of the r. of longhaired men and short, fired er omit tneer nor fireman will ever _-, a, tell the story of that terrible nt of SYtz , �..a .we ' 1. the feahioa`to do all honor to the represen- the engineer plunged. with his endue. tatives of • great organization Ur colleen- Le thetoss riatverhisiLuabbuupoll.ttm. and the fircatan too, B.blad them time tion assembled, which represents half &mil- the express car, the combination car lion women with heart and brain, tacked by and the slciepera, and these piled ou yy oa lent L tnot wtnhe htartacan ever-increasing public sentiment. To- uato delighted to honor the convention in was not visible, bat if there waw .AD, every way possible ; the Mayor of the city bbre,erInvthc li if feu nY leu hale IP~ s hearty weloome to the delegate& ; an hour before there had peered over it e _. - a heavy- train. laden with ha - the triter nal aocietiee ind'mihiktetial aero Tight. N orations, through their representatives, ex; wan loon rt. Neither i& there an he K P planation ready. All !. tbWet'tttrr. The tended the glad hand, and the Premier of section of road was . p or d to be the the great Prot inns of Ontario did not ho&i- very beet on the entiere re divi. Of eyyrwttneaat+a thwererioanose ex- ude to touch gleam' with the President of re the crew of a tugboat, passing the W. C. T. U. and drink to tkaatwcess of a tow. They saw the train with the cause in " harmless lemonade," as the tcisane ss aand tent clasawe the *boat It greater -pest President aptly styled it. it o into the river. Some of the ears. —'tet. � T Lni�ttpd,,. .416. the • xuv^o:.!41V.i ,IoiWtt. to., 3�3 U.V. M' J " ,f l o fFreet e��ct'r e. ham },eon. ficYuiid question, that itreit deo- ChM remtWe�1 tb the track and rap auto man Fturt rt. B. WILLARD. She it is, who, the yard of A as Carr's house, near hating borne the heat and burden of the which the accident occurred, and stood day of early struggle, is now crowned as a ocreamrt for help a°'1 m"amu, l he ween &moa women in the dayof success train ci in tee rbn $ all cur 0t se Carr q K + are drowned!' Ina few minutes Carr and -stn well_ desarm s the encomium.- had dressed himself, and, gttung a boat. which have been showered upon her. A t� - rn�a In the !rink they Plain -°°king, apparently frail little woman, came upon the express car and the cone with her light hair, of a percepti.le reddish lanataon car' floating about twenty feet tint, without kinks or curls or beau -catch- from shore, inking every minx e. Oce man wasbut 'ta.kea from the top of ere, she attracts attention only by the too- the car, and worts were made to resent manliness and die of her Haase inside was° might be atee. A tow placidity expression, were gotten coat but when site rises to speak the audience The dray coach and tenoker had gone Terrible Disaster on the New York Centred RS- * •R. A trate rlaages Rate the Sods.. Slyer - Twenty -mites ressa.s.rs M,ewaea fir Billed as the Awt& Wreak -ethos the stamens eeserred-Nltef te That eke Retaining Well Save was. litnrrisona, N.?Y., Oct. 24.-1•'row tee: sleep that wawa refresbutent and relit to the eternal sleep test knows no wak Inc plutlged, Ile the twiukling of au eye, this morning, 28 ruule—'lieu , wo- au,n stud children. int, the slimy bei of the Hudauu River s tr .1u, laden with .lumbering humanity, viewed. drag-- tag rag•g.ng thr..ugh the waters the heiplos. p$eeepgers. There was nothing to pre- sage the terr'ble accident which so esd- • —The flow way is better than no tont'. —The promise of one men has often kept another man poor. SNAP SHOTS. ---All isn't gold that glitters on the Yukon. Some of it is ice. —1 an can't arrest the course of time by stoppling the clock. • —You've got to keep moving, if yon esptot to make any progress. —A woman with a big foot is pre- ferable to a plan with a big head. --When it man knows it all ttyyg„ time for hint to leave this .nhlurtary ep —Even if a preacher aid a sinner teedo horses • moony is }r,un.i to be °beat- ett • RINLIGH9' - SOAP Wrapper Competition CHER, 1897. Tee followteR are the Masers In Marla es 1. Western Ontario. Winners of' Stearns' Bicycles Mr. T, QL' Duttw, 1496 Queen-sb, West, Tomato. Mr. Q. Wilson., 160 QaM•att, Iii.H, To- ronto. fa11s under the veil of her wonderful mag. netism. She is not by any means the best speaker at the convention—there are scores who are more eloquent than she—but • wonderful tact is possessed by her, and above all others she appears to have the faculty of saying the proper thing at the right time, and in such • way as to catch the ambience. A delegate from one of the Ministerial aesociations, in conveying greet- ings, paid a high tribute to Miss Wturin. It would have been embarrsesing to another, but she was equal to the 00000100 and put the blush upon the preacher, amid the loud laughter end applause of the large audi- ence, by raying, archly, " Nothing is so gratifying to • woman's heart as the praise of a good man." .—The golden rule is far better than the tyle of thutnh,hnt Nome men don't think lee. --The Legislative politicians are evidently Inking a run to jump the ditch. —In politics the key to the situ►- 'tice b' held by the free and Independent Sinter., —The tax-edllectbr and the under- taker. me sure to see us all et ease lime or —Elm* let:o df the rope to repot your heeds wheit�yiai are trying to climb out at a hale, .-,Don't estimate a plan's Christian icy by the beigth of hie fare or the breadth of his pester. —No man is .are of heaven who been't pawl .his .Itheeription to the hal paper us advance` ...Many who inverted in gold-min- '•tsg nett beat ywrrtirosrsetllftig1tt'hew for testy massy Iota Are, laqpaigillif7hai. --1')Iwth nasally pehalt a mar - rise', He the death •,t LAgprav will all prebiiil(trtia.tsn the wound mite' dogs of the Jersey Lily. —An early erasion of the Legislature has been ealietl, and on the 30th of Nod. we may look for the opening of a short and merry .ration which may tie the prelude to a short, eharp and decisive political cam- paign. If the Government have, as they pro ow , ve, or if, as the other fellows say, they " have cards up their sleeve," theft the elections will not he held hick any longer than the legal formalities oan be complied with. If, on the other hand, .matbpn do not work eatlefaotnrity, they stilt have the option of holding the elections off until June. Our own opinion is that uothing will be guised by waiting, and the bu.itae.e linen of the Pro - vines will feel r•eiieted if the elections are brought mist the earliest possible moment. W. will go farther and ray, that the date of general etectiono ehoukt be fixed by statute so that the b7feineas intestate of the Pro- vinoe ebocld iaot be jeopanlized ty the sneer• tainty that attdbe110 a Boating date,—sit it now the case. e . • Aleut* Prete, one of the brightest and moat independent men 011 the Provincial prem., hart leen chosen to tinniest Went - Werth county at the next Local election. Mr. l'Ialto M editor of .The Dundee Banner,, amd the reason why we believe he should lee elee•t•l is that he will add brains to the w Liberal contingent, as well as an indepeat• deuce cif thought and action which is not too oonapieuota in the Local Inoue! amongst the rank ami Ale. He l.a. l• en for youm engaged it the unthankful }seines of try- ing to make ntatemmei out of timber that waft more often unsuitable tp .let otherwise,, and aro are Adeaeal tri we Whet at lest he has beim 1utntosfi to act like Jolts Al.elttr when PRLvc,LLA 'said, " Why don't you ' ►at ei'otttellf, .loti:e r"_.. 4. • ABIbU T EGOS. We read in a British contemporary that the Wverpeol ego meiohaot.e deoloro that 0 -ay *111 hoyoott Irish Ades utiles the pro- ducers pack then. in boxes that need not be retoroed. The Canedien method of delivery Nivea ea meth less trouble, says nue coet•m• poetry, that the owtehante /tee paeferenee to the Candle. egg.. This etperienee proves the benefit of • careful aorint•soenoe by Oen-Alan sh peon is whatever reales.. able stipulation* may he made by British imparters. Market the beet, and strive to iiltease oust6fbhr*, tea good melte. in 10 .lel eofer 1st Tspo� shrouded with wh,Le t11k and me'it 71Ak 1Ati .ten'y, aro the oldest droesw It the. world. They h.lnMod to a t1Uesetketeetri'ry mamma sad are preserved is a temple near li ekeb.ma. Winners of Gold -Watches Mr. A. O. Parker, 112 Geoevy.t, Si. Catbariecs. Mr. (Wilbert Livingetoos, 87 Aanee-st, To- ronto. lir. H. J. Cleary, 159 Palms/etoo Ave.,To- rooto. Mr. T. R Morn, 120 Arthur -at, Toronto. Mr. Edward emits. re, 380 Wilson Ave., Toronto. down In the deeper water, and realise was Impossible. In the latter coach the conditions must have been terrible. The oar turned completely over, and the paamenger read oat it was in the deep water, while the baggage end stood up towards the surfaces The men Mt that lower end mast (tare fought lake n.de for a brief period, for the bodge when t* en ad out were a ms Qt wounds. TLe closing .cease of the find day of this traged7 ie drawn around a common car that stands near the scene of the accident, ybern nearly a score of badly mutilated bodies. woe et them yet elan* ed by friends, are lying in a long row, gr0Osdme evidence of the worst dis- ease iveesuer that has ever occurred on this road. The aNve VesspeUtler will be con- tinued twee teoetb i Iasi. LEVER BROS1(Limited) Toronto her pea to its mmarteet •oivlty, 'sad the de- sortptiona of her eight-swbe tours, her tm• presaloas and experieaoeetairly tp•rkle with wit. Dr. Whitman'', service to the United States in 'owlet Orgee, Waabiegtoe and Idaho are acknowledged in an artiste which follows the fire' women across the continent and the first whites over the Rooky Mount. alas. Magician Kellar writes oe " How I Do My Tricks," showing bow simple N their solution wb.n It te knows. The *mood article ea '• Iodide of • Hoe. deed Homes " t. mom attractive sad risk in suggestions on farniebing and fitting up a hoes. than was the excellent imagers' one of the sties. It presents fifteen views. Ed- ward W. Bak advises young married people Yates Lavine in • hotel or boardinghouse. point* out the bsaat es of the small sonrtes- t's of Id., sad expresses hearty approval el tate renewed ister.H is eewine—w.mae'e WINO Mawss_tti.Mwt Alice Welbagtos ,essire6 erbliiid ohan.sar is Belies M the first .f der Philip - and Oars E. L,melia oostrlbutee '• Th. Revelation of ChrWgber," a story a Mean karma interest. Pietista will be deMRheed with the iusio- d femme, " Post's Dream Waltass..' by Reginald de Lewes. author of " Roby Seed," ass": seeped *1, who ari bogie-es.k- lag. with the Jearsel's special architect's plass for s =8200 me. for • small square lot. Hr.. Rorer 10115 stew to Seek erre ed to handle itse family wasp, sed other art- icles gip lists tor ekerob sociable@ and parties. Seggeettsws for Christmas presets Mist sea to made by the giver w timely, as are artistes .poo ds.., needlework, sad the variant d.vaztmontd covering nearly every Osseo et hems lake and of woman's work. The November Joar.al is inurestiat m- stratefve aid practical Ry The Grale Publishing °enemy, Philadelpki.. One dollar pee year ; ciente per oopy. SHIPMENT OF STOCK. • New regulations regard rgthe @hippies of live stook from Gard a bee. been issued. ,W. • iIDERICH-jjARCAIN - CENTRE, JAMS 33,OBIN13O1T HAS REMOVED HIS STOCK OF DRY GOODS To the Store formerly occupied by Mr. J. T. AOHESON Ladies' Jackets ! We are showing the Wrist range oat8u S' J1S the Town of Goderioh., Latestt styles from $2.0C&ET 0 up. FUR COATS, FUR CAPES, MANTLECLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINEN, SHAWLS, TWEEDS, • in COME AND BEE. OME AND COMPARE QUALITY. OME AND COMPARE PRICES. ,•fie. r• .-a"'' �1- "' e Y i�la' IMAM. O"TH'Ii HMA FOLLOW. -, , JAMES ROBINSO TWO DOORS WEST OF HAMILTON -S1. Scarasan's ,oft Novensan—Thaw is unusual variety el .�sso.o.ppUeaally7 tateeestieg materiel in tare Me ',ember Seri use's. The opedrR Maw, theenveatl on the " Cosdaot of Watt lin.' '.." is by Witham Allem Whits ambleof the famous artlole o0 W 's thea.'ses with hawse t" W.R. Leigh. the artist* has made • ..mbar of graphic and spirited plotures.1 the lively memo of harveatieg time. tate wide extent of territory covered, and the great number of m.d tinea, sea and homes employed. The 0siallmeat of MA Weaken' " Worker," which has proved such • notable esntriba- tion to the Itt.satare destine with the •otoal ` Satisfied „ That is what everybody say who uses &s_Pure:SaI t YOUR OMR ,RSPB ]Ts ASK III FOR IT, Every Package guaranteed to give highest satisfaction The tester, owner or meat of 'every ship intending to take on board live stook for transportation from Canada shall, if snob ably requires to be inspected, apply for inspection is writing to the Lospeotor of the port at which the Iles stook is tai be shipped i whereupon the In peetor will take the stens neoeesary to inspect the vessel and determine whether she is a safe, seaworthy sod suitable ship. If the Inspector approves of the vessel he spould notify the owner, muter or meat thin he may proes8d to At ap the ship as required by th.se regulations hot if the vowel hs. been previously fitted for the transportation of lie. stork in a manner not consistent with these regaletine. the Inspector shall require somplianee with these regune a ents In all respects before issuing his o.rtidoate. Fat cattle carried 'ma the upper or spar deck, or say other (leek, mnst he given a mace of tern feet eight inches clear in width br eight feet clear in length e.oh. and not 1e.. than sit feet three inches in height, and in no case shali more thea Mer herd of mettle he allowed in each, pea exempt at -the end of the row, where Ave may he 'Mowed together,pmelded however, that Eve ssttle, each rine thousand ponorft weight fir under, eommonly known as ".rockers," may be nettled id • pen insh•1 of tone tit awls. ('ewe in calf are to tee given the same spies es fat oxom. PARA for sheep ',hall not he lee thaw sevea feat in height, divided into firnego',1 compartment,* and sot more than eight or ten 'been will be dressed equal to nno fat ex, •ooneting to lio-dlsl*le. of the Inspector. Suitt fat harem shall not he le., then two feet sit Iepo8r. 4140 io the .dear fee here. weirhieij 1,200 the. nr lea. For home neer 1,200110 in weight the s'all spall set be lyse their' tern feet sight inches in the okay. Ie every new the *tall mast he eight fest deep. CANCELLED. The 1)omkklee Department of the Interior hoe rasolied to cancel ..les of lead is Masi- tewha made to bosmet.n In 1881. en witted' only nee payment has Mea made. Thio will throw Saes oteeaidsrshle new territory to .ettl.meet. It is drams that this enures was not takes many years ago. Swim. methods seem to have heat thrown to one .04. by the hies Adminiatntles. BOOK. AND PER100IOALS. Ngyeaua L.AMM' Howe JoratbaL.— " L,liae 8.11'. Fiat Dim in leaden" see " Whoa 1)r. Whimsies Added Three Sete. to Oar flag w Romig W- ynn of the November tat SIMS hotrteal. Mw (tell dads mush an Leaden teh.ptr. A GREAT BIG SNAP oonditiaas of laher led cot with theorise. te11s of his ex porticoes as • '*Farm -Hand " in Peaneylvenia. An illustrated artiole ours to peove tntereetiar to • verg wide circle of readers is that of William R. Bie.low, the well-known arohiteot, " Oo the Couatry Church it Amerada," Another aeries of A. B. Frost's inimitable outdoor piotorm, e With Det and fide," illn.trate the ase of the gun is • the orifi. The illuatlratione ae. tiontomaying a finely realistic story of Ger. mum city life among the poor, " No Continu- ing -City," by Blame* Willie Howard, are by Rene Reinieke, who thus appears for the Bret time is an American marseine. Sainte Beave, perhaps the ereateat of all literary critics. with wholly methods M. Bruwtl.re, so lately with na, ilid not altogether agree, in the 'abjure of • sympathetic and disorim- inating paper by Professor Neonn. Maclean Harper. of Predicates University. ' The Cnnfessinns of a College Professor," two paper on The Minimal Uses of Photo. graphy," and Mum Sarah Rsrnwell Elliott's story, " The Durket Sp.rrett," make so am - usually good readable number. Marked Down Qhesper than WHITE WASH- Yonwillrlowelltogoto GEO. W.4iTSOWS FOR-_.... wail Paper ncpII4rea et, - • Nulls — • LAMPS. with metal Founts, 10 -inch Shades, Holders and Chimneys, Complete like cat for $1. Ybn never heard of one u nice for less than double the price before, but while they last you can have your pick. We only ask that you give us an early call and we are satisfied to leave the rest to your good judgment and taste. G. M. ELLIOTT TIIE HAMILTON -ST. GROCER. THE CLOSING DAYS OF THE GREAT ANNIVERSARY SALE Of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS LT A SUITABLE WINDING UP TO A SPLENDID 10 NAYS' BUM11018. Tlusday, Friday, Saisrday sad Saturday till 10 Elect. , SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK. Another thee yd. wide Whit. Cotton per yd Aaotb r Drive to 14 *ass Silks, sot;.al value from 700 to 41 00, choice per yd. for Ogee Me eee of kh•.• Bampla Goals. ie' Las' •ed illis.n', in Mack NigW er-beed,Dsww. Tweed et Black Beaver, vary West out, 45o Medium Rl.evc..eboies WO week 43 96 COME THIS WEEK FOR 10 yds Ceaadan Flaaootts for 350 Ladies elk. and Colored Kid (Boma 3 yda. Pure Silk Rabbos for 5o fw lair A11 Wool Imeorted Cashmere Hoes, ladies' Rik. Cashews Ohms, per 25 yhir der Dar► •mel Light Prints, Ins 1 oeiir ,30 for 20,20 for 15,15 for 100 1 Letitia' tall weight Vests. each Comforters, fee ......... .... 4l 00 Bib. and colored Lfges (knob, *soh 100 yds. Shot Silk Velvet, regular 60 Meek Dress Braid, per yd mad 80e yd., Moto* tor..., 36o 6 yda, Drew Lakin for Cotne to the Dry Goods House that has 'rade phenomenal pro- gress in the last thref• years. Trade with the House that can do you the most good. 450 150 15s 2frr to 350 REMOVAL... Daring next my Stock of week I will move GRocEIES to the Store formerly.ocenpirod by W. T. PELLOW next door to Cox'n Meat Shop, where I will 1>tt plossed to tweet all my patrons and the public generally. A fell aline of CHOICE GRO- CERIES afways on Hand, sad every effort made to give satis- faction. GEO. HALEY • A * kRf t0h7 T. leen F.sasnd a, where Reheats Creme was msess.l et all he ea ed. Meow is Imbibed by sheat slaty *he stewed tits MIAS et *as Met gyp, Yictoa 011ora he FRIDAY OUT. 2 th. LINCOLN CAiRTER'S latest treat play Uuder Tie Dome i1mbelllehed by the mos Startling Scenic Effects ever pswesated on the ewe. The Qiseitol at Washington.Tho Harte et Jersey OVA Ay York le nmeelmstast tllnrfesl end a turista ,sptoduoless of the kelt Wwin Hurricane of the 115th ThaffeNote * anal sed oibet el' Mots owed id this 1Mv rsene ha*, mew BEATS ft31isr P NIXONUM f50v tall 411..2rri QISG1 Plea et wan at 's Deestere D°ac