HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-28, Page 3• MINIfMtse, aTwrNeo repostee b7 a everh.sed betw.e. ,ti it aid Mx elan; ., site w dtferessa say wy, lr tad • tr►.yole t " Erate air : " Why. Raz. dsel 11 • tsar takes the tetra s Ukes is, to le a trams:; itrijko, ti le • L.cyole,: M 'How uoe, OS r Iigatnd tee 07: elsay worm ," •wowed Wer. " He ba. been de, lotus. At two oblock sr 1, ` Wb.s en old wossee o is 1' and he hasn't mMs Nate." ME WORLD tlsm Ban Ish- te Magic. • itatsment Re, m One Dose. crease. proprietor of the Itorrlatru, Ont le knows Crganadtaas, hence the tot. atom ler-Eperttlru sin at interest and pleasure, ✓ ed of rheumatism of tea a three days. One bottle IERICAN YHEL'11ATIQ this moat remarkable cure. flat dose of South Amer1- tre were truly wonderful. 1 ons bottle of the rvee ren't arse sign of 'brume. m. it 414 me peter rood forint 1 ever did to ma I. E. DAVI& c is Near ea to Masi it wait .� alts Leta* ere kTS ad price annot lc siss4 are aamerous r at WOW is COLLARS, HOSIERY, CUFFS NECKWEAR MITTS. SHANE & Co. and YVralsbtag kmpsries Y -SEVEN YEARS ANN'S KING WDER 151 1211110 )DILRIOH orout .11.1116.1116 ----•,_ FIE SIGNAL : GO t) ERI i,,.DNTAR.IO. One reason why Scott's Emulsion cures weak throats, wok lungs, makes rich blood, and strengthens puny and delicate children is be- cause all its parts are mixed in so scientific a manner that the feeblest digestion can 1 with it. This experi- ence has only come by doing fat thing for nearly 25 years. This means, purest i n- gredents, Wost evenly and delicately mixed, best adapted for those whose strength has filled . or whose digestion would repel an uneven pro- duct. For r Iibe a r ggtsu as d D.nttatrl IN THE 31OU14T OF ZION tt N H t,..gNar 01ten ersr.areae. ROOM 0P90elte thy Poet Oros ger' FgaM. Crewe sad Bridge Werk • Specialty, 16 years Expert sea. THE 8ITE8 OF CALVARY AND THE SEPULCHRE ARE UNKNOWN. Tire Magalao.ot 11.111es Over the Plane Where 11 Was supposed the Tomb of Chalet Was Ereet.d by CobulaaUaee bon of the Emyr."" Melons. The exact localities of Calvary, where the Christ was crucified, and the tomb In which He lay, have greatly lntereat- ed the hosts of pfgrime who have we- lted J.ruaalem for many crate/ice. The Empress Helena,, mother of Con- stantine, visited the Holy City In IAU. In, with the purpose of ldentlfYtnY there spots. and tradition tells us Out It was by means of a dream that her desires were fulfilled. Het son ereeteo a magnificent basilica aver the Place where the. tomb was suppo od to have been. and, although this original edt- Doe has long .Inde disappeared, the present Church of the Holy Sepulchre 1s located where the dram 04 the de vout Empress' led her to suppose were the tomb of the Lord and the Place et the crucifixion. In this church we are surrounded by eVeittlting that httlnYn" invention am Ire tat we tut, 31. MABEE. D.D.8 , t..11.8.,—DEN• 14. TAL SOP aZON.-Latest lead approved a.tbods for all dental operstloas. Pre.sres lost .et the natural teeth a p catty . Oglo. ow James Robles a's dry ode More�oor- K et Meat et. arc lta Ibilleats. _ _ t1 . Dental TURN ILL, D.D.S., leD.B.- ental Simeon. (Lately associated with D. (Mean. of MoutreeL Doll and romp- ing. gold or bases. special attention elven so th bam bases.e stem of the mature' teeth. Nook M Ogles In oLrea's sew ook L aledlloal. R. HUNTER, PHYBIOIAN, SCR boos Ittsl up( de b1 - aae,�[ � sw sails from residence. TelebbM. Loirstl- modern art could dev , b awe;y-siekesad- 4lawrieeite Week the such folly andsuperstition should b aasoctaied with the most sacred event of the world's history. Here we ar shown where the Empress sat and threw pieces of gold into the rubbish to en courage the workmen in their searc for the cross; there we are shown slab of limestone where, It is - said the Lold'a body was :anointed - wive taken from the cross, and scores other evidences of the baldest supe stolon are narked and labeled In t most artificial manner. It Is- surpas ingly strange that this place was s leeted, if the biblical reoord was con suited at all. It occupje, Bete. toettlo nut on a solid rock, but abo'fe t ground, In space. The chamber of th tomb 1. lined with marble, and h 'Nett- " eislitgersegmate out In the rock, and it 1. located t .ito.•reMlre.an *hay ealatch Cnrlst'. time, while an admit that t true Calvary must have occupted Ida est these walls alas in the immediate viol ity of the kill answers ell the co.dltlons of the tomb in which the body of Christ lay 1 hoe. penned these words In a room out tato the rook. just below the Skull H111, when tress the old Chrfstlaa ms"n who watches over the crew -Lound tomb, who insists that be stays la the houwhom house occupied by the Bard the res she saw w>tpn Lord."—Jlur erusalem fir• the resurrected Lordd."-- respoodenoe, Baltimore Sun. hi. BARRISTER, 80 LI - oboe. IS /Mr. Ceo rgsaoer. &a Moe- 011 l adites street. 1 doors east of Colber•e is► statewide store. 37-ly ERNEST HEATON -- BAR seltetior,- Notary Pubiio. Sob• go's lett. West direst. • CAMPION.Q.C., BARRISTER, SOL- D. latter. xot•r7, be. Mee arse Medical able. %ears. Dodertob. U U. JOHNSTON, BARl1UBTER, SO- . lloAsr. e.mmleimer. etc, Moser to Hamlltea sod •t •adrieres ash, Oct ✓ LWy= IS, BARRISTER, PROO- ,lAZ ee Itarttrarts ot t start OelharD QTQAYB, BSItRIBTER, SOI.ICI'1'- Lb.ta. opo. N.rhea. min dose ban. a«' Velvets Fuads to teed at ltmsst tit.. 0f !arrest. L'IARROW A PROUDIt OT, BAR - U rimers. Attceaa Wlonors. td A Gorda tlik .1 T. arrow. Q0" Pia w wh stet int the puce ma qlt a ick 1n la fa the oe in e0 a W :.9 as w et n p a, k the Cora4 l CO outs • e are Indebted to Major Conder, e labored In connection with the Pat- ine. exploration fund, for ably polnt- ont ln_ that--fi► place where tbe cfuclfizton tools 1■ a rocky knoll outslde the Da- scus Gate, and knows as "Jere- ah'a Grotto." This k> .'presents striking resemblanoe to bum.ut ull, which oorresponds to the word■ the new version, "the place widen celled the skull." The following points of evidence In vor of this being the actual scene of crticlflslgn are striking: It war rtalnly outside the walls of the city the time of Christ; it was at the etusctlos of the two main roads. from uth to north and from west to east, nd consequently there would be many suers -by (Matt. xxvlt, M; Mark zv. ). Thle bfll 1s called by theca lied. ews o -day as it has always been be "Hill of Execution"; it 1s held es accursed spot- and Jews, even now, ben they peas It spit and throw ones In Its direction, uttering this in1- recatlon: "Cursed be He who de- troyed our naton by aspiring to be Ing thereof." For ten days I have been studying this and other localities, and I confcse am deeply Impressed by the place and is suroundtngs. On this skull -shaped mound outside of the gate M IDahis- AN IMMENSE LIBRARY. That setae British Museum Mae $.sxl7 Fort? Mlles of rih.lves. Sir E. Maunde Thompson gives some figures to show the extent of the library of printed books at the Brltlah Museum. and the rate of !nurses et which It Sas grown. More than half a century after the foundation 01 the museum the library had not 1ncceaae even threefold. In the year 1821 there' were less than 116,000 volumes. But twenty years had not eloV these had more than doubled In num- ber. In 1,538 there were computed to be 336,000 volumes In the department. TwentySYears later these again had more than doubled. In 1868 there were 660,000 volumes. Having once obtain- ed an impetus, the mass rapidly lir et>aased and, Ws nnoment the number of volumes U caleniated to amount' to the enormous total of 1,750,000, w not coui 11ng singte streets or Parts ot that are accumulating. The space which this masa of pleat- ed material occupies has to be reckon- ed In miles. The shelves of the read- ing room and iron galtprles construct ed around it, which are known as the new library, all told, extend_ to more than eight and twenty mllesy fllose in the rest of the department-to.,eleven miles. It may be noticed that this total of thirty-nine miles is nearly the same as that of the •ahelvtng of the French National Library, according to recent calculations. The prospect of increase of this mileage may be view- ed with comparative equanimity In connection with the storage of the ordlnary octavos of literature, but when once contempls.ed the rapid �wdiQapen th mita .Of the Lti space vc#f4i $`�...`1�. bl' a lost within sight. ` • Thr Fersaer Slays Market. On benches so placed as to command a (odd view *here the buyers. coarse - looking Turks, 'whose calm. searching gaze seemd to take in every detail. The -.Merchant conductl_It% the sale stood before them. talking and -Qat lacing with great vehemence. He turn - re to one of the pens. which was tilled with young Circassian women. most of whom were very handsome. They were seated close together on the ground In aq attitude of listless de- spondency their white garments show- 1aR around them,and as they gazed up at use with their sad, dark eyes, 1 felt painfully how they must envy the free and happy stranger who came to look on them In their infancy and miser". The slave -trader, came forward, fol- lowed by a phlegmatic -looking Turk, and seizing one of the women by the arm, forced her to stand up before this Man, who. It appeared. wished tolbry her. He proceeded to Inspect her,. vet? much in the same manner as he might have examined a horse or a dog, and his decision was unfavorable; he turned sway with a contemptuous movement of the head, and the slave- mercharft, In a rage, thrust pack the unfortunate -girl, who sank down trem- bling, among her companion's In cap- tivity. This scene was as much as we could stand, and we left the place hur- riedly at once: It Is well indeed that such rites can be witnessed no more; at least 1n Europe.—Blackwoodee Maga- 'sine �g,RON, HOLT A HOLMBA, 0 Cam::: 40. •• P Hoy. l ra. WLBD, OONVSYANO)eR 11. ass asemdei 2 t tfegrall ell ball,•r r "Oras titse. std der las la est da s*Meel Mai Image. Omrt of Appeal fear sr ta ass Whim Court ,Att.,,t T P.U. sal promote exsor ddnss-I)eapaam out. Loam Ana 1MNareasoe. MONEY TO LO Preva Frans to lead •t M fort ••• sold, M. O. O m Htoa ge sa/te OOolbsrse NeM1 POWER OF LITTLE THINGS - The pr.acbrr spoke of nate tbUiSL Tbslr Influence sad ppoower, .4 hear all teella11* pitted "peek MHe told how greet b5.g eturdyoaks From little aeons grew, Aud bow the tiny little stone The burly grant slew. But the oyellat sat there mumpreoed By all the speaker's tire. Until piurwest La piercedldhie tirand e. ACME OF CRUELTY. the Horrible Torture Invented (otaaaehe tactless. Colonel R. 1. Dodge, who was station- ed fur years on the frontier, where he had abundant opportunity to study the Indian, has written • book about them. In 1t be tells of the fiendish cruelty of a party of Comanches who captured e Mexican during a raid. They started wtlh him to their camp acrostic What are .alle,l the "Stake Plains" At a water -hole on this tahlelend," continues Colonel Dodge, "the partY halted for several days. Telling the prisoner they wand 11 for some re- ligious ceremony, they set him to dig - Sing a hple in the ground. Working with a knife and hands, lee In a day or two completed a pit about three feet In- dtatneter and over five feet deep, , Ear1Y the Aest Riot=ung a rope was tied about the ankles of ale cep tive and wound spirally round bis legs apdbo-ey td the neck;btndteg his arms tlignd irn- hable. tbe man was then tty to his Ades. Rigid aplanted upright, like a post In the hole, the dirt tilled In and tightly rammed down around him. When all was completed nothing. DUI his bead was visible. Then they scalped his head, cut oto his 11t ds and eyelids, taunted and left him. "On their --arrival 1n camp the party deecrlbsib in detail their punishment of the Mexican. and In all the tribe it was regarded as an exquisite piece of pleasantry. The man would live they said, eight days, revived at night by the cold of the high platers, to be driven mad the next day by the hart sun beating on his scalped head and defenceless eyeballs.' 1 ' I i e. 1H RYSTALi . t7aewsal • Mask ill MAI IR 14 Yale!, absst Iron in, etc., eta., tklaw7 Canna's, Rc. Pipe and Pip. Fietialll, • sr Osv.s Globs Valves, IP d▪ eoea, �f.otese and Is. ly a• Haid a1 Lowes of Steel Water sa4 Rog tt nasals .ad Whir.. reg as red tee �. e. aairrAL. P. 0 Sea W..derlm- Pel Co. ))red to handle Bag - and Household F,f- !ptliteh et reasonable it in all grades of :OAL mititleg Deal AlriniCing ulomere ani dtliv iptneri. Ordev et" as Ia T. CIO. D. 0 ®rlta0IAa4 -117141 grow of obligating�messy es gestelses Tres - 85 swurlty oaa de so at fes lar mat. &o- slyfaa to J. rA. s, Tweeze. z Boom ie1d BuUdt.gs ei IMAGER, CONNEYANOINO AND i�r•aoeemee. eveesno Maetta'SHotel. dalar MONEY TO LAND ON MORTGAGE tate►t da per .ass. 1Kb.r 1R, cane .pplte Mertta'a tisk F J. T. NATT'EL, Fins, Li7I1 AIS �t pwtm .1, a`4jor:aee,.ied- MONIIY TO LEND.—A LARGE Mrs emotes et POMO' for bavestiore lowest •ARRO mess iL. RADCLIFFE, III _ attresa6., a 1.01.0."4 ages, Oib Lees es oaasl lemonrale etat war le me tbe hNaaNd�fl . dine ttrsm Mear's oitle.ek la 10.41 /101101111111111 IJ..nnes' WV= V= Or 9 W. Lis Ras. kedeelSk. Oat. , .� _eaha llaer LestE s. cue the whole transaction cu been seen by the vast multitudes that thronged the public thoroughfares oroug fa shat that season, and the priests ve witnessed the terrible tragedy from the well of the city or from the tower of Antonia. If this Ilttle h111 is estab- .__t rt,0olg.,My„--Of- ew. New Its Testament, It necessarily follows that the sepulchre in which our Lord wee laid moat have been situated some- where In the tmmediaN�lcln the piece In John we read: where .He was cruciliedenhe Pow was a garden and in the gs ulchre. wherein was never man yet held. There laid they Jesus, therefore, because of the Jews' preparation day,for the sepulchre was nigh at band." The garden containing the tomb was, there- fore, quite close to the spot the cross stood. A tomb that seem; to correspond �mslat IVY with excavated. cal a000i*t..bas d While ea yet there has been little by • Tevssaim Op=. 28, 1897. 3 "A STANDING OFFER" But do not miss it. "LUDELLA" A Splendid Ceylon Blend Tea at 26, 40, 150. and 8Oc., Its natural flavor retained in sealed Lead Packages. For Bale here, there and everywhere. �. One of the Chinese modest Dnn waned from ly whena cri iefftAconfession a " if "PI is him where a drop of water will fall upon one certain spot in his shaven crown for aquas, or days, if necessary. by The toredre 'tilts inflicts is peso an experience that Bandow, the atrocg -man, rad. • When he was In Vienna a few yeats ago a school teacher bet him that he would not be able to let a half litre water drop upon his hand until the measure was exhausted._ A' half lire is only a little more their$att- dow laughed et the very Ides of his not being able to do this. Si a half litre measure was Procured and a bole drilled In the bottom lost sufficient �to let the water escape drop b. drop Then the experiment bares rndow laughed and chatted gayly at first. The schoolmaster kept cunt upon the num- ber of drop.. At about the two hur- dredth Sandow Crew a little more seri- ous. Soon an expreesIon of pain creme ed hie face, With the entrance Into the third hundredth red hand dThaKt then .. n swell and grow burst. The pain grew mora and more excruciating. Finally at the four hun- dred an teventieth drop. &.endow bad to give up and acknowle'1Re himself vanquished.—Pittsburg Despatch. GREAT IMPRQVEl�NT IN TRIEORING. Iwish to let the people°know that I have just learned - the latest and' best -NEW YORK SYSTEM OF " - GARMENT' • perfect fit in any ease. I have made about, a dozen Suits since I secured this, new method of cutting, and have noticed that every garment was complete. Also I have just received fr6m' the best Manufac- turers a complete StOek of Rx1nY-TAI-WBAR CLO'l&i1Ntr AND Fuhx1sHINOs which, Y am sure, will be disposed of quickly ,, for I still mean to keep the prices away down lower than the lowest. MERCHANT TAILOR. t Th. Food of abates. The food ot we.oh l has long been known to consist 0, minute sea crow Laces. Mr. Gray was familiar not only with the whale's food. but observed manner of feeding, and the way In which 1% (OW T171 Day "atter meats"- "No doubt," be wrote, "whales are very particular In the busltty of their food. for they are paler to' ile found feeding where the wafer Is dirty, but almost Invariably in clean, clear, dark - blue or light olive-green water. The usual way in which a whale feeds is to choose a spot where the food is plenti- ful. and swim backward and forward for two or three hundred yards, with Ute nose lust under water. They in- variably swim from one side of the boat back again to where they start- ed from wltb their mouths open. ThmY Then close their laws Ord anntlrsat the food caught. "They will go on in this way feed- ing for an hour or more: after that tn.7' will disappear under the It Ica- and sleep thee. until the7' 11am out for exercise or for another MN1. t'nitke other warm-blooded animals. .hey do not require tee breathe tl through their nostrils while leen, and en not do so. Whales can sleep as well under water as they do upon the uurface, a■ 1 have. oftefi'seen them disappear under solid ice and remain there for many hours at a time. Some times they fall asleep with their heads down and only their tails standing out of the water."—London Spectator tree of Nepoleoe's Grand Array. We were in -error, It seems, when we spoke a short time ■Ince of Joseph Rose M the sole survivor of the "grand armee." Out of the 44,050 [rivaled war- riors who claimed In 1/N the St. Help t:• medal as having served under "1•r Petit Caporal," there .1111 reatains en, to ankwer to the muster call. Vlc:o: 1Beiliod oo Pe:sty. In the Yonne, is a year senior to ria dew oinedgthherann bks in a 121 ColmerApril 9. , at,d formed part of the 10Stb Foot under Davowt, with whom he went t A°w t siege of Hamburg. GODIRION 11010EANI011' =UM 1,eu. Mama ma Diat Sgasse M Ore. from 1 M a rs slid t� r� Maim ADOIIT VUie r fir MA Leann", Deily, Weekly .ed DisiO'� iIR1o51116111' Vaimi !Patti.' has M uuMWir111t,a, Mt'e , • R. 00LaOMMS, oedema an publilMi">osout ft, a oomllan7 of Eng - list Cs as hese bought the spot and the garden near b7. and doubtless We shall hear atuch of it in the near summit rots the future. nos It 1s located 220 feet t of tbe kll supposed to be a suotha; it is hewn out of the soli' n oich d evidently. was the tomb of Joseph of Artmathea. It is located 1n a garden and the whole structure of the tomb shovesn and looked ti the diesoipts w uld tn- b•ve stooped oat enterlag. out in the It consists of a e> � In height rook, seven feet alas tong and eleven feet ten trot six l bha71117 a low par test twiv141o Probes tomb tato two parts. 1st dividing the 1a thea. two pasta are thaw reoSVtb oles put only one of theseora�rs to a Men aotuan7 completed, and portions of the "scale" whI01t was loose at the bottom of the tempts/51e that wee evidently used. was taken Ito the BdrIUS18 L0 estoM where the autho5RN body hes ever deoomposed in the tomb. If this le ata the bottom of 1t." There ate strong evldoaCea that the the Crtfeaders knew o1 this tomb est end two crosser are Inserted on the Well 1n rod paint. wttb Use letmeters dAl- pha and Omega at the corn ine4 that an arched lyes^ eaytsd 1n front of the teeth.ng oases to bare been erecter mat L ueMdith century. an an lou the taint telt nes which. 1 looked root the It. rime this written certain ltr't+we w aattrty I:ar d 1r 11. nu . 'II Los 11e0itAs WA 0 a sag JOHN Ischeses arts nem'e R Kee P. teems, Mot el Iia .. 4 te 1y T�Iking to Them. There is a fish -dealer In New York who has a large number of rich cus- tcmers. Once or twice a week his store can be fttund full of ladles who are doing their own marketing. The dealer is all smiles to his elastomers on such dans, and very anxious to keep their goodwill and trade. Foe some time an Irishman had ,been corer- Int orer Ing In the place, and atter going from stand to stand. awl peering long and closely at the fish, he usually wound u by purchasing some cheap speci- men o1 the finny trice. 1114--ev ossa This was annoying to the dealer when his, place wadi full of euetomers, lard so one morning when the Irishman enter ed and began going from one Magid to another as usual he called Out : "Look. trete, my good man, what are you slimy" athelltng my fish for T' The question was heard by every cne. and they listened for the answer. "Faith, olm not ameltle' thtm; Lt's Lancia' to thlm ot ata." 'Talking, did you say I' "ria; sure olm aektn' thlm from the sea." "Well," said the dealer. impatientY. "what did they sal ?" "Sure, they didne know. 7er honor: they telt me they hadn't been there ter over a mouth."—Har?er's Round Table. Drop us a.pott card, and get free our booklet on"INDURATED FIBREWARE." It costs nothing, tells all about indurated Fibre Pails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butter Tubs, and will pint money in your pockets. TIE E. IL EDDY. COMPANY, Limited e FOUR DAYS A WE= ;n oar shoes, then why not have ease during that peri 'nCTF.+ SF. 7.17.-+ the news An gfMU.e Iter 01. The car was lust about full. although very there were no vacant seats, ales have a very fat woman, who wMghed In the neighborhood ot three hundred pounds, might have squeezed her surplus avoirdupois together had she been so Inclined. At Chestnut street a man boarded the oar, and be was very thin. In 1404, he mt� Int a pinch. have secured kaleposit Se look - museum. as a il+tng [ora ek- ed hard at the fat woman ew mteetes, and when the oorduetor earn, In to collect Ws fare he pointed- ly r.nRarted : 'Toa evidently don't charge for wetgbt oo this line.' Defoe* the conductor hid dale to reply. the fat woman, wan had noticed the hard looks rash 1n ver direction : "No. they don't charge for weight. If they did they would never have stopped for yon."—Phllade1Pbls Sword. Whits %hots se the Rills. The little white spots appearing eat the finger nails aro due to some carne I ost of the blond. upon which all the OOTS ?IAT d8s BOlI � fSi- CIES a the am without doubt a Waterloo hero, and t:eepees. .istews, muscles and organs in has good reason to remember tie: 'tem haft ore dependant for nutrition. .venttnl day, for he ten under the' They tlel,etlmee duloott ar of their own charge of the British cavalry• got a accord, bet there la no know cure. In Other cut across tea skull, which would ranllty they signify no derangement of probably have Cor short kis career but the systems e shako, and was carried t-, VI IS 'PEST 6B� AND THEY FIT AND WEAR WELL. • Our long experience enables ,.s to select a good Boot when we see it ; we cannot be imposed upon by Cheap Jasks. Our Prices ---Like our Boots—FIT A.: a ;, for Ills hug nes ot gar. M wl t ortlitles o5 t�,ay off to Iinglaad lie a 9*� ;a., . 'f t ever . e. t fed alar . RIs nems found, a. place among the wko nellttlfiM lest of amid, brit • liar later he re- -,...L '�*,�. ..pelnhre regarded turned to the bosom $ of kis tomato, and y.. m hat Mr Delta ori • medic* hoard gars blas kis dt.eharge Inferences may ely Sepulchre zero d Slist,be M the last thet the ��, airs ajag./ that date owned porsilfgay be Ilbs•lees .! crew. mi 1t On ornaaie, ti mets sal heves b IoM e.ntlen s. sum - t P. tt1 Vicat tee anneal ant; bane 1' w eon 4=r Md• d& W Om. w�-" owls sat.a lis Blot drowses ss�• normae C'�itlt�le t. amass aneea3Nst owe. amino esirm 'rap a tr, cal, tree. 1,5. frdetllr■ata71• . cls.. -aria. >tae>IMa..nlltw I+i Whit[. SHARMNt, Jr. COB. EAT -ST. AND SQU ItRB. Moreno se test Malone. BieFelea are ew-ttnt.s goof deal of low law In (Inst "idol*. In M.glaled thee lave been decarod to be vehicles; M /smtiand. In a mese to rollover in - for death due to a btttvets slv- dent they bevy Men declared to to not vekidea, the judge deolarilte that 1187 could be se mere oceatMred wtok ties *atm NEW FAIL MILLINERY. Having thoroughly inspected all that h�vw w orinpurchased and Winter wear in the best markets, 6 largely, I now have It stock of new and elegant Millinery, Trimmings, rte., to which I cordially invite the stook inspectooloPriion of the ladies of Ooderich and vieinitty. The sa Ail the New Shades in Grey and Bin. Trimaning. Fur Mounts for Millinery Trimming. Welkin Hats, in an the ne'V shapes, ed Hatt . f�oour $1.00, up, Trimmed )>3onnete, A`om $1.75, up. Sailors. from 30 Dents, up. A specialty this Hermon is FRENOH VEILING, of which I have well-seiorted Una in stock. All &bods sold at very reseenabls prices. eo Hemiltelesl., 0oaerfeb. .