HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-28, Page 2$ 2f'tQYD*Y, cot $8, 1$f)T • en+ P T : __SIGNAL : 66 QII. ONTARIt P. i91 For SHOES that ars tine and neat, For SHOES that will fit the feet, f ' For SHOES that make large feet look small. For SHOES that will give satisfaction to all, For bHOES that never rip, but always look nice, Get SHOES that are sold bar ST. GEO. PRICE. d All &tads of repair word attended to prompilf. PRICE, THE ``SHOEMAN tlssessiessss�ess.ssses 1 HE BOY OF THE HOUSE He was the boy of the Mass, you kanw, A ioI!y and rollicking lad, Hs was never tired, and Mak. And oothiog could make him gaL 11 be stetted to play at sourish: .. *.. . Not a rest would he take all was No J&LLo�_as so long from beginit if b sad. gn hl.l»dtims came to soon: Did tameons urge that he make less noise, Hs would say with • aaey grin : " Wby, ooe boy alone doesn't make much stir - 1'm sorry 1 isn't • twin " There's two of twine -O, it must be fen To go double at everything ; To holler by twos, and to run by twos. To whistle by two., and to slug.!" His laugh was something to make you glad, So brimful was it of icy. A oos.oaince be had, perhaps. in his breast, But it never troubled the boy. You met him out in the garden pstb, With the the terrier at his heels ; Yea know I.v the shout he hailed yes with, 'How b!t,,_yy the youngster feels. The maiden auntie wee hid disws*mS At kis Woks an the days** by, ' " The most mischievous oblid in the wu,W 9he said, with • shrug sod • sigh. His father owned that her words were tile, And hu mother declared mob day Wasttiag wrinkles Into her faros,A ons n;crest her brown hair grey. His gr,wa-up sister r lerrd to him As s trouble, • Mini. • grief ; " The way is tittered all rales," she raid, " Was smoothing beyond belief." Bat it .rover Mesbled ire bey d the hones, He reveled es *Wise NM rt', A$d had only me regret r fIM werM- That he hadn't berm born a twin. There's nobody *Mug sae* t.d.y, Tb.n's nobody stamping the Moor. There's an awful adores. ap•faire sad down, There's crape ort the ani& ball Joor. The terrier's whining out le the sun- " Where's my comrade 1" he seems to say; Tarn your plaintive eyes away, little dog. There's no frolto for you today. The freckle -Mood girl from the house next doer 1. sobbing her young hart out ; Don't ory, little rirl, you'll soon forget To des the laugh sod tee shout. The grown up sister is kissing his Moe, And calling him " darling," and "sweet," The maiden aunt le holdlog the shoes That he wore on his restless feet. Hew strangely quiet the little form. With the bands on the bosom are.s.ft- Nos • fold, not • flower out of plum, Not a short curl rumpled sad loosed( So solemn sod still the big house seems - No laughter, no racket, no din, No startling shriek, no voice piping out ; " I'm sorry I isn't • twin 1 " 'Faded `i radio and • 'wends, with grid,,- As the wearisome memento orsep ; O ! the loneliness t000hes everything - The boy of the bones is asleep. Titivate Globe. ZEPHYR'S DOLLAR. BY ANY RAADOLPI. " Mother." said Farmer Croft, where is Zephyr t" Mn. Croft looked sharply up ffom the butter she was working over in a wooden bowl. She was one of those querulous, complaining women whose very voioe is pitched in a minor key. " Where is Zephyr r she repeated, "why, where should she be t How do I know. Staring out of the garret window, I suppose, or picking yellow ,jonquils at the foot of the garden, or mooning sway her time at anything but good, solid work. I never did see each a shiftless oreetur' !" And Mrs. Croft gave the golden mass of butter a slap first in this direction and then in that as if she were boxing somebody's ears. " The pbtoe in strange to her yet apologized Mr. Croft_ " When she gets used to things she'll be different. You .es she hasn't got over fretting after her mother yet. " Humph !" said the woman. " 1 do like people to show a little common sense I She'd ought to irnow that no amonnt'of fretting can bring beet any one that's dead and hurried I She's got to go to work and earn ber own living, and the sooner she does it the better ! That's tiny' way of lookin' as it I" And she glared firmly after her de parting hnshand, am he meekly with- drew in to the porch " Zephyr r he called, ratty, down in the garden path, " Zephyr There was no answer. The sun - shone wee steeping the ggsm in gold J1e the sheltering slop with el the shall, ono Might tread an • liras oarpet • ef violet.. Farmer Croft shaded itis ' ° epos with one Lead. " Sieh dews by the river bead." tnlW bet a linage bow she likes to sit there and stare at the water gout by." Yes, Zephyr Lovell was very dis contented, very ungrateful, of course. Ought not any girl to rejoice and be exceedingly glad of the privilege of a hard bed in Mrs. Croft's attic bed - ,room, and s .satat the table, where cold- pork was served a deal oftener than hot satijM s 1 As for sympathetic glances, vf'brds of gentle consolation, those unobsrusive' unstudied deeds of affection that are sweeter than any syllable(' sentences -what right had she to expect such '1 Even if Mrs Croft had known what such things sant, which she didn't, she was not libly b waste them on her hus- band's penniless niece. "Of all things, said Mrs. Croft, de- liver me from genteel paupers." " Zephyr !" the good farmer called once more, as he neared the tall reeds and rushes that fringed the river apgl at 1. aligbt,@g�IIc11t. > . an undine, star up. down, the shutters•1ring io$ae �agnd the ,- Ytw'nteis ss :ti �� ri t 31Ar erste lost t,ot 't1.a o4pe. rT•.v old "Zeyhyr,what are you doing here" " I don't know," the girl listlessly answered. " The ear's kind 'o chill, for all the sun shines soltigb," said -Ma -Croft, anxiously. " I dnnno as I'd stay here, if I was you, Zephy f dgo back to the house and keep your aunt company, or help Miranda Jane with her gniltin'." Zephyr wailed " My sunt and I don't seem to be Mitch company for each other, Uncle Croft, said she ; " and I did try to help Miranda Jane ; but she says my .titzhing and hers don't match at all.' " Zephyr, said the good man, with a troubled air, " I'm afraid yon ain't real happy here on the farm." " No, uncle, I am not, Zephyr frankly admitted ; " but it isn't your fault. It's the fault of circumstances, and of myself, I suppose. I am like a fish out of water or poor butterfly drowning sin the sea. Don't look so distresed, uncle (laying her }oft, flushed cheek against his hand); things will' right themselves after a while; they always do. But, in the meantime, with a soft. Appealing look. " oould you lend me a dollar t I am so poor, so very poor, I bavn't a penny of my own in all the world I" Mr. Croft's countenance grew more disturbed than ever. " Well, I swan to goodness if that ain't too bad !" said he. " I gave the last money I had to pay her years Ittt eretpttt)n- to -tile MTutteuery Trani -- pet, and I don't exactly like to ask her to give it back." " No, uncle, don't do that," said Zephyr." -. " But, I tell ye what, my girl, said the farmer, cheerily, " the very next sliver dollar that comes my way yon shall have." Zephyr stood ontip-toe to kiss her uncle, but she said nothing. Side by side the walked nprhe broad garden path where the tiget-lilies were grow- ing upside by side, past the hyacinths and narcissus clumps jostling each other in fragrant stall On the threshold they met an at mann with a prodigious cap -frill i`ipectacles like moons. " Here is the dollar we owe your folks for vinegar, neighbor Croft," said she. " I guess you thought it never was Doming. But we've just got pay for them vests me and Me- lindy have been workin' on No burry, Miss Jenkins,no burry, said Mr. Croft, good humoredly. And as she tottered off he turned to his niece: " See, Zephyr, there's your money !" said he. " Everything couses, if only we've Reipt►tience to wait for it" "11di11f. 1 hasn't 'to patienoe with and weeks patrol end ■ a did she MR. HEATON'S PLAN. Wrested and ladepesdest party. We would retails. Daniel slowly anchored 1s•w 1 serpssw set..-ewer.*s was, bbm, in also suggest that, epos the tummies of • his faith to the theory ( which wase ushirettee lepseets.rat-The Outset oompp..0oY,pronuneot ma is tam me•try pad insane In Great Britain, who ere totereemid in true ore) that the money had been To mho editor of Ts. *mow.. I directing insinig min., wttbls 'the R t.pirw, spent to take Zephyr away from the yds -it is cl•imd that she dale of proper- should be asked to loud their mimes M patrons. The oompssy is addition to farm lands *mild sell both town property and mtuersl laud. as welt, which while adding to the sources of income would not entail any great addition to the oust of advertising cad swears mebt. Properties would be received for sale from private individuals upon pay. most of • fes to cover the 004t, of advertis- ing. h printed tint o, the properties for ale should he prepared periodically for dis- tribution. Branch offices should be opened le Mo chief County toss 'o the Provioce. Sub• sRenl• would be paid • proportion of the CommWtoae arssd by them Ie pursuance ni ire provincial character, the following additions to the op.rstloos of the Assootetioa will he • matter for future oonsiderstioo 1. The org•oisstioa of periodical oouven• tions to di.ouse immigration yuestione epos the lines of the convention held in Wtoni- Per last year which resulted In tbs format- ion of tbs Western Geode 1itwigrattoo Association. Such an Association formed is Ontario would focus and educate the wide interest wbioh is felt in onion s•tlon pleat - tons. and oould do much to woon tmmi•, antion to purchase farms in OntarioThe work ot a prrhianent.soretary would be la lima with the duties of the manager of oar ttpsoo•otloo. I1 would not be onerous, and the .sirs et the two offieva would add materially to his usefulness and the prestige of the sesootstloa. 2. tlsttiers could be fond for the Crown Wade is this provlaoe with %Immune machin- ery and without env additional space* or detriment to the trteecotios of the elle of Improved leads. For this wort' She Aaduot- •tion sbould be remunerated by the Govern - meat. Is tine osoneoU'et the loliewing im- portant potato must bon disc, sed : (a) The formation of oolosies in the R.iey Elver district to 'erre .e an nbjeeUve prise for *Meas te go be, sod se objective imses of the growth of oivibs.tion : (h) active mbsioesry week t Waterers at farmers io• .Iltona ko. to mooarage the settlestest of pang Canadians is these ostosis. M term a meeting for the atteaotins of taunt/rotten : (o) the tormabios of tome plan for loam. mosey to ,suffers in thew ootooiea t '110 iiitrttss •41•i:tst 4t' %S+o't i.asdmt1ar .r oewipsey .111 be (1) members fes .r .�^!t'Rim~L ..•LL .Ql .Ie_M"'b -fr- ees beloog•ng to the Asseeletiee (d) •s•setls•ioe on mdse of farms, (4) ememb- Mona on sales of tows property, (6) osmosis - W oos on ales of mineral lands, (6) gnats -from the Government farm. Flhe had not been nathe and she had left the plane ppy re, ties. solani vow eteenplee •gases deal of the '' And good riddance t bad rub_ M. and attention of different luau wimp... bieh !"Mrs. Croft h-od ... 1, with a o. r ass meld Ito more effoisutly sod eters soono- tain grim exultation w l• was [oily siosily handled Dy a wooiatiuo ail rho seoonded by her d• -or ..r. while the' Isar sompsntes o< • jo.,.t souk oourpany poor farmer sat wit!, a ("loco look up r.erollod by the loan oompaoies, woe b on his faoe, as if Z.- vr's going betel °,Muni ottias is roroow sou branches in ,uwehow lett a va U 1 ` 1118 heart. differ's' w'Usty reins is the Prow Mae, and Zephyr Lovell'. • it • w e- not ex- Ma!' • to'-ogaia id Provincial ae,00tauoo 01 oeptional. She wvi,t , N. w York, the lea" oompanien of this oh 'rooter would and eater sundry rtvr pini en - and much' more effrotive than •ny private drevors to obtalu r", ...r• .pont, got a illitenoY possibly could be. in dealing . of ou• place as at.tendent , ., pi,otograph ly wish Canadians but also, otoeuiell),with immigrants of the tenant termer cases in gallery. The wages wer., small but it was a home and the ;,r praetor and "PTeorelare d tficulties in conetruotiog the his wife were kinet to her_ _ And, one details of such so org•nisetion, but this, y are day day an invalid lady value in to be not insurmountable. 1 Sono, ban coin- photographed,who tooii ea fatte'to the Pliny m•osgere Dev• raised the potot that tett younggirt withAST i1w oe bbs soeld not once 14speed money rather' pretty in the purobaes of et. kis • company Pries"' and the doye.like t'u:' oyes, ..8o the ppymeut of so OHLnal mea,t»rebip les Zephyr was promote,t-tn the rank of to ow association by way of a guarantee to oover er •Uses unless the an companion and when Mn. IngrahamP 7 were sure of tied she beesin. f1 wife of the equivalent in the sale .f the Ianr• of their wealthy widower, after i suitable time owmm notllowTng se•gptesthoniLtsetlOn 1 had elapsed. Here •.e our poor The enema membership fee could be Bled little chrysalis blossomed out into to cover expenses for the ourrsot year brj(litant butterfly -hood 6L rant Iba °roar' at the tedw of the veer he ded, first -among those memh•re for " I must go down to Drvssrt Point whom no business had been rrao'eoted dur e nd see my Uncle Croft, said Zephyr, lug the yeer,up to the amount of the mem- one day. And Mr. Ingraham who bersbip res paid by them ; secondly -Up to was the humblest of all slava to his the •moaat of membership fees paid, among the other oompauies in inverse proportion beautiful young wife, assented to her w the amoaot of business done in mon Dade; plans. " I ought to have gone -Woos," Mid salary over and above a miaimom sow, Well, I did could be made dependent upon the prateZephyr, reflectively. " earned ; the �ee atndst of tproate could not like to go until I could pay my 0. d't•td•d eoustly among altIm obs esembare dear old uncle the dollar that I owe or •pplt.d to a oosuagent tend. Few oom- him-the dollar upon which the rooms would relate to join the omelets, un- hinges of my destiny turned.', on thaw terms. sad it u evident that the win ter the number ot members, the .asaller Farmer Croft was sitting alone on win b• theusual fespayable by esti. the lera.deb,when the carriage drove Tien Ore agbtyfive loos oompule[`aad up to the door. The old house was besides there ere maty irursnos ooespuialos unpainted, the. fences had tumbled 1h• .Oematei tel role, doing plaid `w in dios fifty dollars • year, the a.s.oietios would hose es boned 4 seiiy at•rartl :.n t"" • you, Daniel Croft !" screeched a shrill votes, in the petulant, complaining ac- etate ei Mrs. Croft herself, who chanced to be 'weeping out the front entry at that moment and had wit- nessed the whole seen•. "Is dollars so plenty that your givin' 'em away to the right and to the left t If Zephyr Lovell wants money, whir don't sine work and earn It r Zephyr turned scarlet but she held the silver dollar tight in her hand, not offering to return it to the donor. Mr. Croft shrank before his wife's words as if they had been a keen nArth east gale. " Gently, mother ; gently,' said ha But airs. Croft's wrrhb was not so easily stemmed. When the avalanche of word' was over and when honest Daniel looked around for his niece she was goats. Gone for good and all. Wbea days man himself war -shabbily clothed and the locks, once so revert black, were now whiter than the sea foam, He listened intently to the sound of wheels and footsteps.__-- __ " If it's Squire Lefeeileliwi#isi 'St ain't no use. I can't pay 1p in- terest, and he'll -have to foreolmsl. My wife is just up from a sick -bed and we haven't got a dollar in the house. I've wrote to my darter Miranda Jame and her husband has wrote back that he hasn't no money to spare, nor he can't fool away his time coming to Drysart Point. So you can see for yourself that it ain't no use, Squire." But with one band behind his ear and dim anxious eyes upraised, " Why don't ye say something 1 I've been blind since last Summer's fever, and-" " Blind ! Oh ! Uncle Daniel !- blind ! Don't start back, dear ; it is I, your own Zephyr, come to pay you back what I owe yon." And is a second her arms were about his neck, her sunny tresses mingling with his snow-white hair. Mrs. Croft had hobbled out by this time, leaning on • cane and staring in amazement. That evening. when Zephyr and her husband had gone, old Daniel cried triumphantly to his wits : " Let's hope for better times,mother. Miranda Jane, the darter that we sac- rificed everything to, has gone back on us, and so has the man she mar- ried ; -bee-Zephyr - has come between us and the poorhouse --little quiet Zephyr, that you never had no pat- ience with ; and the dollar I gave her has been paid back with golden in- terest, eb, mother r And Mrs. Croft answered, meekly : " I dunno but what you're right, Daniel." Adevs !toil Wonted. To mod this sdveritsrment sod Men give Putnam's Painless Clea Ertgaotor a trial. It never tails to oars. Ants ft' twenty -tour hears and mesas neither pain nor disown - fort Putosm's Coro Extractor s=treets Deer. U is the Moir WOMAN Prelssles ;aggatut men" Sxem1ee to Vast hes.ppear/.s. The prsjodtos against eyeing IS, tortts- Mssly, being eliminated. Woman is rapidly taking her plans in the •thletie lite of her brother, stud the remarkable ohmage for the bsetsr in dally seen la the fair sex. Modesty in too ..metal ea ceribate el wee.es'. •hareems, to M 6..Msy.d. Crates o.ty serer' be hrisg ober** to theme** and makes women p.adwtt of b.rstresgei. physically and morally. Then le leo Wei* roosts te all was *reed, healthy exeroh.l a fed. Approved by .00iety, preeeribsd by the boil pbyshekaso and rseegslsed as mai- .sbly proper by quality everywhere, she may positively affirm that the bteyole kis Neter ler the set•anip•tksa of weans sod dsserv.• the support, etoour.gemeat sed prim** a the woman everywhere. -Pitt - bare Dispatch. THE WL0AK MADE STRONG. What Dedd's Hides, Pills did for a Break. vile Battler -He meld sot Lift .411 - eat *est Agsey-Now he out Lift with any Mae. Brookville, Oot. 9S - W. A. Bragg. s well - *we butcher, of this atty. was the ,fosse be s dhl., *meet • few days age- Whitt in AM etsti s.s.t ewe of ustwsl s4sI$- raar m the het that ter years Ma Song Mobutu • ssSir.r from kidney drip" N • vary seen type, wed meld net lift soy eisight without w%rfag the gresMw Ti. was aeMd by bs4d's PBL. si'• h+drer Mit"N " have Wg M elle MOM ei pg� I sett emir Ile wii firsts 'rllli►1• saeeMwwtt� semsowsow thM4"Nit iRalOHO is MM�1p- tare Wit elNie Illafalkinikki t. mese es rb+ne N RI IHRialtelll ter lista es Whir. thousand dollars. Again it has been sold that *Ms b a jealousy between the ooapsniss•4ss osier pony would not care M have ssobR oar• posy knew whet bade It hod hr ail. Tisa is a master obi eat arr1y M -- s -111"-- ��ia The dssbehl masses of ether e.enisais and privis wad,. working MMP lines might be seal as at srg.mmr8 the project. - littess yarn set the Workers O mule hand estipasy wen fi imie_.td 1y Mems ■ea 4. W. Allan, ('asunder Campbell, Rayner. edemas' and l.eskb•r% Gordon, with a capital mask of $220.000 ter the ale of farm lands. Private *melee have .leo boos established Moos that ohne by Moser*. Costes, el Hamilton. Tereus, of Tomato, sad ethers. The Western Canada Lead eg•.ey her ter nosey yons des. ssth- fag. - The Mesas st this, I es informed, ere (a) there was • d&dimity in ooileoting oommisstons trout farmers where the sales were not eotaally mads is the offioe of the company. (b) the osmpasy did not make as eeisob profit s they might have don., bn- oaose they did sot deal in soything but term propettty. (o) The company lost is popularity by farm pupil operations. AI- thoorh nne primeval* say full knowledge of the bust...s of the private ageaote ws have motioned, we leers that they haus had to mowed with the some diflioslty is the est - nation of oommfesioss from tanners sae* MISS induosd by them. The dieloaity of oommiseiees is not likely to arise in dealing with loan onmpeoied•esooestd in • en -ogees - tire organisation. sad, in any weer, • the member of ales Indirectly brought sheet by so satire egressive •g.ttoy, .sok se is here oost.mp)atd, would make It wash while for ley ooutp•ay howbeit land• for eabe to join the essoelamen. As proof of this. we might point to M.tlsege somber of sales whieb resulted he late year* in obs New Motes whoa khalioa snut.si l k is head the disposal .t form hinds ahcaden- d by the owner*, who migrstsd to Ns wheat aid oorn fields of the West, It might be erred that as • betimes pro position it would she pay to beer Ole ex' pons.s which is a.oem•ry to artier** in Great Britain end te brbe lmutfgnets ewe to this ooantry tied /a.e the work properly belongs to the Cloternmeot. A seSpmy of • prnrioeta ohmmeter, reprs.sstieo a large somber of interests. smelt ea we propose, would bees .racial odemelosmi, to as more as tt would be suti5.4 b ea for the e. - operation of the Proviso's' Government and tis besets o1 the D..tt.4ss O-svrnment is Great Britain. U tide was .moored. with skillful ureagemeat active operations 000ld be prosecuted 1. Greet Britain with • minimum of expense. At present, it le Ire, the efforts ef the Demioion Govern meet h• Groat Bei:a*s em denoted almost s.Wnly to the RwrthwaA Ontario 1. se. gleetel The Orel step, tb.s, Is he bek•n,ls W ergs the Previn.t 4 G.veew..t to press their Maim. upset* Derbies i nuilgr.tbe Department, mid. se the isle Sims, to preen the claimn et the seeopeien for oft'. dal moistness., Tub does. the •eosiatioe meld at lge * hetsrvale oe.fsmise pere.o•1• ly s.sdustsd sz orsimie of imwigrbeb lee Outwits. sod 1etwe.s thea exeseeisss sa- tire o-tire miesiosery work o .W be 'inducted by Me Government pads sod she by privets individual volunteers with st.reesoopioaid.. mop' led from the High Commwismer's nice, • pros*, which to the last year or tern has become vary papular. Spee*l srreege.tente osold be made with the stsamehlp asap*. he as to ir•neportalloe. In this eneaee1en toe, !ons might well eeneider a pian whish lies berg sdomett*itb great spews 1• the esleni scion a (Whores* Mede with people (tam the Bbt.re Seabee. Pres er- seralese are advertised. Parties .plying bre required to make • deposit ee *moot o f perai*s meny, *Moe is reloaded to them if • *gryphons 1t' made of the bade be. Mogi* to the aoesey. To .eeeesd Io ostreeYcg seethes hoot Great Rr1We it is •bntatsly a.eses ry tit *stab' Oh • tesW.g oI..oddsom in the poop sad • reeetstitie fee hosert deetiog. This Suess I dissented the easter with asset Areal is Reeked •.d hest that • geese des) et bmeil imil bow dleas le the page by mewls iii this sseatry.wt'Ng ad - "albite of she lemmas of war travels. el M rbeware If iteihtMthee tag ewe. arises hew ate •II�l lIr ie the intsreae M tiff %wig, Yate o.sl8oirnea eif the etatehtieO,, h .1 T TIN Ibudish Oeste itevalellMlnille,1 '1. W at meat tide riffiliedef ft has hs.. pepdt SO es asl/msb.a rang Wee M roe.' 'siktesewg•ai a geed tube sad lehre1 Ny tribes d fee. • v±' estenbsores weft b• 81e* *stew air 111 1Mabwt wheats mei rarest al Os howdoet sett oes0 ha a used y the Peetrillelal Owrise sass .e sib mil. Essen. Hume. A SCIENTIST --SAVED. 710 t.uewg t.egsyee•Nisa 'Pepostet b t tsar ..l six years : " Wtasy, whet le the diferenoe, anyway, 4 •west a bloyel cad • Wilds t '• E , (with patrettaisr cis : "Why, dray, 444'1 you know 11411 11 • assn tekm thew._ home to see new 1e Muss 11, to is a trbl•N ; bus If be buys it e.tright, it is • L.cyola' gds Lass ostsstble Speaob-" Bow t. aa, i�thb moruing !" ntqutred 1b. phya- oic*. ' Ob, bels muob were• !" asl.ae ,d tbs .sok eau . brother. ' Ho bas beta de litlow for several bone. At tau u'ulook v, tbsre•boals hs ard, ' W bat an old wosaa that doctor of mu.o is !' and he haent tn,d, a rational remark Msec." CURES THE WORLD Rheumatism Banish- ed Like Magic. A 88arw.11oye Statement - R lief fb'oen On• Doi.. Yr. i11 W. Berman, proprietor of tb. $bemoan House, Morrlabuug, Out la known by thousands of Canadians, hen.•, the fob towing at.trmumt from Sr. Bberniaii will be reed with greet Interest and William. "1 have been eared of rheumatism of tea yea' standing to thee• days. Dotty of rsiiOCTH ANEBICAN NHOneEUMATIO CURE performed this most remarkable care, The effects of the first dose of Mouth Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure were truly wcnd,rfol. I have only taken one bottle of for rvm- edy, and now haven't say sign of rbeuina- tlem la mY aratem. it 414 iter truer food thea ala the doctoring I eve, did to my Mb "ale. SOLD BY J. E. DAVIS. Winter is Near no of, os prepared to inset ('«Al aiilf'iYF •" ,!w>detII We have put m stork all the Ictal Styles of Fall AN INTERVIEW WITH A COLLEGE PRESIDENT. t la 55.17 Nit= rafts= KIS 'Nauru TO I5.ag * J -DL WIBIUl/ n!I rune einem ant To AOINI et. From the Republican. fielultlss, lad. The Hartsville Cohere, situated at Haste= villa, [adieus, wee tosadsd years sae is the (oter.st of tbs Uaitd Brethren Church. when the erste wee meetly a wilderness sad ool ogre were coerce. The antlers is wen knows throughout tbs ooenrry. former eta dents boring gone h'" all porta of the world. 1 ret.ortsr seosatly celled at this famous ..a of larding sad woe shown into the mon of the peen dent, Prof. Alvin P. Bar - * by. When last seen by the reporter Pr, f. Bsrnehv was b deic..e health. #iltTS mbitaideri naafi and price annot bt egnalled. In dee are numerous w .ortsnents 01 the Wed m GLOVES 0OLLARS. SHIRTS. HOSIERY. &SUITS, CUFFS CAM immitHOIEWEAR. o4. IL 11110111 & co. The reliable Hat tie/ Ilbtlaa kmperista PROP. AMOR P. 'Anstalt. day *won poorest/7 is the boat et health. 10 hspw to se @agar, lila jltew.or said "Oki !ntt• 1 em nsob better rima Ise ..ms lima Ism now in perfees ea sty noway car %fought sheet is i p•wller trey." Tell nes *beat it." mid thus reporter: •' Wel, to begin .t the beg4siag a std the professor, •• i studied tee base whiff at wheel, endeavoring to d.5Ma Ulyssll foe the profeesise. After eeopletiug the . omston coarse I rams here, Aad graduated from the theologiosl warm I entered the mistotry sad meepted the charge of • Celled Brethren ehurob at • small plans 1n Hoot County. Mleb. Befog of an ambition. ..tare. I applied myself dlltguetIy to ley work sad studies. In p.. I noticed that my hearth wad falling. My Mumble was M. dtreetlo•, and this with other troubles broukht eo nervousness My pbyeinies present for me tar some tune, anti advt.ede ne present tera gissgs of climate. I did as be requatteile mit wit seed improved. Sona after. I seas hew as professor to pby.ice andt eM later wssfbuelal agent of tie 'II* sheer" agreed with me, and for a e health wee better, hot my dupla. were bury.Lsod again 1 fees• my trouble retort- ing. 71b jinni it wee more seven sod is ►M wham I haat" saepletsly prd"teM54, i 10401 varies" indloines ked diBl.es Mamas. Fleetly I was Ode b ratsfle 1te team is the spring .118061 wee ahead president of the college Agsia I s.i• sidsn►lowork, sod the ti= htlg est betat oibtd»ty oared, heels to stress she, . ad iat 455 I esll•psid. t hid iii1AfMt dooms, het se* 114 me toy gee& Prase. set Bowmen. who i prsfeeeer of arthral agleam*, NM see of 11. experts** whelk Dr. W IIIMata' !Mb P1111 lee Pol. Pispls .ed g reed mete ghe them • 1"fil,'b"aassptyte Md beirseemri Non to • .1miler eerier yj 1 M try Oet. t• '!' '•1101 but bdped we. amidst epee r upset rsWL alai Isar vtp•e4a.18' iwa tis lee•tetes test` -- *her tame' Its isle• , ee etiolletee tee rektirely 010001%. Pm"Ttb iiia .44Pat . t flied W heat('. 1 iurw*5 Willis*' Ptak tib to Mo Mir 1 Z e` e eveeweeksd pespla For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS UNN'S AKING, POWDER TNuM1�0101CS6E3 icFItlElD GODERJOH H?EYM BOILER WOREB. A. S. O H RY8TAL,1 nasefrettu*r fe W kinds edit $OIY.C1IBe Smote Stack*, Sea Yens, Sheet Iror Works, Ste., eta., And Dealer d.-• Engine% ' Uag &Ialry QMs•p. fro. AU .1... of Pipe, eat Pips Furl* L Stems sad Wen Gans.., Globe valves. Cheek YgirM, brakeless, Ejectors and ls- jm.t.ee Ososientty em Hood at Lowe • Ifo. of Steel Water and Hol tier see els farmers and others. 1Aspahre pesttptll art dad tea A. L CIDITIITAL. 1', 9 Icor e1. ao4srteb. bio and can IA the da CDC Mt al for dal µC du is M }