HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-28, Page 1OS. 14444 S toe k 44011.Tapeo_ r 010thm in Width& ETE, it Makes. 1.00 STOCK. STOCK. DS_ HUM MIRO/1AM SOK Van TUX MAY VEEN HURON 1 iggy ARS ZATIIS MAJOUSAO- I NAD DOCKS* ICEN/41 EDY 1111 e Tmcs maiLdkinci 1STMWSPA.3P23.iit 'OF TITV-P.C.217 oo-crav"r-ir. •• • FIFTIETH YE AR . --2645 NEW Agate WaMed-Now Ideas Ca. 5 Onfl Papor-Pegteeo Booksbere 5 gel. Hags Wanted-Samatm Cipr Co 1TO Make the Town Attractive. ADVER GODERICH, OTA RIO CANADA: OCTOBER 28, 1897. Tisamapac-ocT. 28 HE A PLEA FOR TPARK I belisvin lb" "I" ha" t"rrt ti NEWS 0 F THE DISTRICT • oitizaaa try*, to do tomer& ag for the asolafied-Isorth Assorloan €'.I' Co. Wall Posser--Geo. Walden 8 sum. Mod for Sale -P. MoBwan 1 swieolie and Nearalgia-Jas. Wilsoa 5 pargaite-Uofbarea Bros . a. solo' soop-uovor &OS 8 ileac Ulatier-gt0Ni7 Bret . 4 Donor Days -R. B. Smith 4 To tho gditor of Tun Sumet. tast-Storrel. Pfficie 1 SIR, -A few days ago I received a y0,sI.-D. It. Straohan 1 oo et munioation from ilm viorpresidimat of ths - Imo 11•76 l' W.. -Wm. RharlD"' iv' 3 International Teaohers Home Ageordatioo, A Saigon/et Stivod-Fulford & Co 21attitusg that we must .ot proMptly in esour• Irsidurl Wulta-VVIIIL L0.. C.' (-34"1 ing for them ths forty agree they have yeu Wain MOO Beet-43trayay Bros a is a few Days -Geo. F. Elltersoto 4 Moots Wanted-Brodbry J.. -OS Co. 5 bettor, Hems aed Poultry -G. E. biost• 1 gemovab-Oes. lislev . 4 Remons Mir Effort Ilbostlit ESA* to pat a asirtten et Meaeseteas Fart la the Haab of tbo lfeaeliess* Nesse Aosertsties. town. Mr. Diok•on, of the G. T. R., to reply to the eohoitotions of • pertain party with IPPOM reformat to tho runomg of summer excur- sions to Godertoh, .aid:" How oea I brine nr town Theo, ia cothing ,. ;gr for - better sefoOrt- off and Sbort lieCluil' =. P11111411r. - 31..1 n Price. ENZIE 'ES! ANTHD-.A. COMFORTABLE. CON eT mationt hones Assay t1198 Mc MIAOW:0Yr Ilestmala Read. w LOat. LOST.- A WHITE PERSIAN LAMB btm aan Sae Little Lskee near Ilsemetastaart LowiesbOre. Planer will plains have it at the Stumm. °lyrics. Clod/wish. or Pim Oillos‘Aegithor, mad Maim reward. einoseino 1111111.11••=1.1 -Tender* Wanted. chosen as • park site in tdenenersueg Vault. The writer statist that Dumber% rif American teachers have applied for huilding iota at Godericb, and that tb• Asoecistion mutt have • olear title to the land at cam in or- der that they may be able to supply them demands, and also that they may get their park had out, that mono operations obey Ortninsoros as won as possible in ths towing. lf we do not mount this property for the Aseociatecos, they wili Imola Muskoka, where-tiwie haws already been offend valu- able plopirly es so iodsoommot for them to establish • summer home there P•oP Mom but what nature has placed their* ; on round Anywhere ItIee-dews of floo Mate, ao parks-oothinr. It you will ware the attractions, th• people won't DoosatillPortally *averted mod ma to tasks thmn .hers; 1 woulda't ha far Tile able to keep thorn &woe." I think his seteri tfeat boars • dirriot rols• our own Correspondent* leforuseilos Mere TWA Cannett foe fitOn to OM Gape in pqtrit, therefore 1 gieeets. A CITIZIN AD A blow= or TMU TBACHaRS' Boma Assoctavion. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Is your StotLu. label up to date? Do you use •• Pura Salt Vs "Under the Dome " on Friday mooing. Th. Maitlaud Home was now roofed tho peat weak. Our trees are almost leads's, but our side- walks are not so. Robt. Winton shipped • oar ot cattle to Montreal oe Moodity. The fog horn kept goo4 time all Tuseday afternoon and evening. Rsentor mooting of Publio School board next Monday evening. Don't forget the shooting match at Car- low on Friday. Nov. 5th. Tits town Mad had the usual sleekly prootioe on Meaday evening. R. B. 141e18b will my 17o. for first alma P- butter till tbe end of this loath. • he ()I b- t - to aa TBNDER8 W ANTED- firaled leallers be resolved by me op green wood, had smoke cordwood eaturearillormber lith. seat, for 90 cords leorth. Mgt Mb* Mike -mal Yard la *semi*. code gar moth sant he dr Parties ogres Or *P. bored trim - wards -security rentdmd. TM lowest er any nadir net ne181111M7 sosopted. W. LA/fli Co. Clerk. Dated OoL LPL 98‘ PUblie /COMB -THIS 18 TO GIVE NOTICIC - that I will allow so meta Moot Or haat ativ part of my property. Aav owe dollop se will he arrestod and preseintord. Ilra H. L AITRILL. Ridgewood Park. • Now. as ler as We ars oemantod, the, facto are these : Tho prettiest owner of tin pro ootioJeas effaced tossimetke 44 oozes of Ian to the Aasocioting and to build • pier sof doient for the hmitlan el large boom f t towa will guarantee tb• sans of 21200 - that Burn over $600 ha• been already su scribed, and it remains for tbs public spirt ed and up-te-dote °Oman of this town me that ths monists/ $600 is secured at early date. Li was only by streams. 4erste sallts,pagi el ...i01 mu Misr tha doe officers tot the Assoctiaidos wore hid to make this point am of their eix sum homes for teaohers-in foot, ths only r ea yet Ideated in Consda, toad we, as cri seas, will prove dis, mirealves, town, and to those turbo Ye dais Uwe to none this oes of the ininsnast towns Ontario it we do not mom twined ia present Mamma and see that UN meossow elOoey 1. forthooming. The benefits notch the town, as • wh aad the besisess men in partioalar, w derive trom dye bundrod people sirsod six sr eight took, in oar vioinity, Galeria as Mae of suppabet, are too spear eat to require siannieragm, sad Mei thin ear town maid be advertised .51. before by the visitant from all potato in tlaitad States earl Canado. Them, tee, fact that • boantifnlie taid-out and w kept park is within way remit by torsi or by beat; will ba a grass drawialg ford the tows ltoelf. t3ocnetiting mast be d is regard bo this matter. sad it shopl dem promptly. for to allow thin oh ef making this town a popular wurnmer sort to int by without an effort would in Ines8 suicidal, so far as the beet intonate Gotterieh are macerned. Would it no woll for some of oar most eaterprisina man 'nen to mke hold ot this affair and duct it to • snowinfull Moe. This ma done if the elitism' ma oaly be hrom doeneastrate in • praetioarwsy, what an always ee toad of telling to • visitor, shot Godofeb is the " health Frowsiest sad me. sharable wet is Canada Ahmed die led festers then strikes sow 5510 1.10 Godedelo 10 180 Moms le of tbe atlases. mei the cheerfall Masser whisaamixtriffininisereowees miss doe praises hew MID ef 11 oemeo bent tato of the segl le only kneens Ian iew pod thaws ether moleglighettit hav km/oiled by &tomato, eatillerseees Signal. GODkIHICH TOWNSHIP. ToasPia. OM 26. 1 Mot Haricke has returned from her visit to Torooto. Tho %weather is unusually llne for ha:vent- ing rout mops, plowing, eto W. 7 Hick, wife ond son. visited Glen Bros. of Carlow. est lieedity last. Kew. E A. Show. cinfisylleld, changed pulpits with Bar. W. Godwin, of Vim obarah Sunday last. ONE DOLLAR WILL PAT FOR THE SIGNAL Fon Otis TM& D. '• APOILLIC UDDY, EDITOR. skill and present* of mind Goo. was obis to \ stop it wheaten having • serious moident. On Tuesday b. had a big day with • land OVER THE HURON. TRACT in , _ owoer froUm Molitor toWD, (.1.0. taking him to Shopparciton. where In as ths former The Orillt trent the L001111 KM arbitrator gore a decision m a water oeurye from • neighbor's tarni which tie wants to us• for • drat*. Georgo and his guest ad- journed to the formsr's residenoe •tor to- • Queon's ef- Wed swot resort ti - our bort ia tit* WANTBD-I CAN PAY TIM DOL- - tars weakly se ot mature arm re - gammas and tad. to her time la • good LIMO T. Tomato. Oust, WIC ARE HANDLLNG ANY (WAN - VT It= Baiter, Ritsitisids Dried Antes. ne.40. ?Or SW. FOR. -- BAER -A THOROBIZED GRBST- se vilinew lot 12. vow 1, Goderich sr eggesapreatig an wean. mato te.. er . b. 1 pol SALB. - TWO CRBBLMAN .L' Knitting madams ta geed order There b yiraty of fee Ilhee• lialtterw. oat the 'emir ocelloted. ie amble to tinetS is ilt geed abeam for coy goo it 62 start • low whom Por paytioodrs to D. K. •TKAIDRAN. Q.LOVKWOOD TORIIALL7,-.WE HAVE 1.J o ousetty el Ramie& Mem eat to III Wire sad la Wimp leam Alas a gessatr er Cedar Blabs til Immo I sp. Ths wood le dry sad fit for premmt mu Will ilsfireete all parte of tbe in vas' dal es moseres ler - mem etc.. at Ii. J. trios*, oorwr 1 street rote ...ft• -.4 7 set will tek mit will Hest, let are Stoves :oyes &LL PRICES . . . 1111111 mos sissy for Ing LIST. 750 $1.50 750 7541 500 15o • 420 1641 10 sod 90 S'1111 101 our 'watt mg,* on - For MAO or To Root. J. C. 3O1insiii-Ils oota hoolioosty Meek town to Jno. (Jostles, of Kincardine. Wilmer Smith is putting • stone found• atiog audio his store on East street. Reoptiar noratiag of Goderioh Conseil No. 157, C.O.0 F this (Thursday) evening. Ernest Heaton on page 2 shows how he %Maks, fano loans 'Maid bet wosaged_ Oe th• 25th ol Oot. boating woe aa en- joyahls go on any day in June or July. tree. Bnierem is fixing up um store nowt Brepky's on Woo street for • music dspet. Ilineilay will be Halloween. Will tin" opgaild odifored on Saturday or Memday. Ninetegs full Oen of salt were shipped last wok th• North American Chemical Co. The aloes maitoulor Lake trout ed Whit* firth commesoes on Monday and laote dairty days. The Soots of SootIond mortared on °yams, cm Friday torgaisg, at Chas. Blackstom's Woes Sweet i. freshmente and dr n ing health but not the Premluris ot Domio ion and Ontario. Next miming both were present at Major Graham's social gathering In which a large circle of friends were pre - mot and had • gotta. tuns. The wind -lip of threshing tor 1897 here woo made last week, Burrows and Stewart don the took. Tuesday weather was nice, etineeday the atiornoon a double soaker ot rain checked progress and brought glad- ness YO all to see it fall on the wheat fields. Among now Noes at the threshing, were thom of Joseph hicalityin and Wm. Cook, who Oohed the sheaves from the mows. io torpetual motion with the grain boxes wee W. E. Taylor, tato of Stookton. Man., Bed of former faces John Oke and RAO.; Bean. who talked over their younger days in Eng- land while tramping and workniet the strow. On the moohine staff there was • feeder tp Josoph Smith, ot Mount Forest. At all plsom whom threshings were held there W.5 Iota of °bon for the inner man and everyono seemed to enioy the day'e work better than • trip to roe • Foil show under s peltiog shower of rain. Ho? 8Crralt.-The Orangemen of LALL.,' No. 14.5. 4th con; Gotierich township, In. tend oslebratiog the Fifth of Nov•mtor by hissing • hot supper and entertainment in the everting. NiLL. MONDAY Oot. 25th. Many, Do doubt, have heard of the sudden Meath of David Boyd, woo of Thomas Boyd, now of Wings. Manitoba, bat for many years • residua of this vieinity. and were shocked at the painful charaotor of the Pro- vidential disponsatioo. It occerrod on his father's farm, quite • distanos from ths bons' where he hed gone alone to attend to some wort and where he was afterward found, lit• baying ilell:'-eVivaelseittlotosel and higbly respected here, Hs was • yomg man of quiet demeanor, free from any via. ious habits. and amiable in .dispositioe, be was lowed by all who tam hint wall. He was • mmober of the Methodist ohprola at Mk. anti in • quiet way nhibioed the pi the Chrisuan obanictor. He was but a young, man,' oulg tweety-nine yeare and wiz months old, whoa Ma message came and be was summonod away. In offset- ionate romambronce the following limo aro tmoribed : We miss thee from our home dem, r We miss thee from thy plaos ; A shadow o'er our life is mat. Wo mire the sunshine of tity (am. We miss thy kind and willing hand. Thy fond and earnest os.r• : Oar hours are dark without thee We ogee Moe evorywhere. -Con. Have your Thanksgiving turkey Wady by this day four woke. as you will chilli have holidey to onjoy It. Morris's planing mill on Cambria Road is lisiog extended by tin additiou of an engine house at the north sad. There will be an mon malaise ot the Utti. bridal* sad Model Sobool Literary &misty tomorrow, Friday evening. TM knitting Notary employees are wow workisg overtime, vot th• tomestovro haw* -had to refuse orders for their hese. If you wt your perk and beef to kmp 8111 MIMIner SAO retain It. natural flavor, ass "Ross Pure Solt," tor be salting. Oman Swots. -Fresh oysters always es Mimi thefold r liable Viototia Baotou - mat, Weerat. C. Biseksbese, prep. Th• eleotrie reoestly placed os St. Patrick sums has not lightened tha dark - sem ad Me neighborhood Tory maeb. Doesee Review, for Moe peel week. shows salystilures in Goads. eempared with sixty- fo-r-ae eitiraitelenew welt of-leine Dualism's 'gongs owe was • orate Menet. ice tho past week. for any ow weld see by hie faim, that the man mat apearte. The tAtaroemousea's Auxiliary met la the wheel mew oa Modular &hawse. end sow - ad too the North West Indian A hydras$ hes beim plow& at dm at sad of Noises sweet. Ass davartiottar oho eiresit la that part ot the town for Ire pur- poses. The Organ (,conpeny shipped 4 organs sod over a busdrod piaao weds on Moaday, sod ado Woe Alumina daily duties week. To LET -78(4.141 BOUM COM tortabie and maids two ostopelvon of Ilo *Juare.apor oi be OPAL Vast. for tyros vil r :UMW NUE• , Berlillar. Oodisi-h. 114 POR BALI,- • ALIYABLX FARM IN 1: The Towe atrdered.A conaateg s; owlle!:IL ia=isaemPa00108 tee PBU.LF rgetteettraparieramLitter u4 FOR SAUK OR TO /Mgt. -STORE and dw2: at %rpm. Conti oe tilr, ewe. how eetwried. Trip ease .. Ng agd wood mites • Mee brad* can •6 40041. 8.08 *U' P0. la conasellog. w Apply to 1. WARR. Carlow. Out.. Ts:. T70.vosA.liis. AIM. a Wellialr"" • 81. VOR SALR.-01111 OT TER BRIT - tion la= IX:30MbeksOnlir glisetalN Mr:a- - Itionstodrabilair "CLIS1144Prilleter Illirristill% Mala lint haw horn tv• per emgeat aW .O'tMelelrteebdoe sw ad Coi. deremd10 i. im iyodiegt o. 4me.1PW. $( aixaOff,row .0. et,: t.3 DON AGM 11 wres.s aoam. e.. If. VLuAt" ra------"T partig 4=00 t, Town. eon situated oa dw•Illng. TuAer term& ane elms itea HOLT. Poryfolg Dato4 *KA It 'LlOR KALB ). 1: or to CsX.Lie. N00. moder somber Tim" is is w80 i10s10tisilk wn. oAaply tw stem , ------- ?IR BALI -LOTH de AND 70 0 omidossob fairverseeters Tows gt (4"4'ciol. nee IrMeh to • Woo airep- blt MUSA ADO/ to smagiw 1101411111. ustad fah flow oh V Al.l.) ANL* TOW Ili MITT VOR T sofa -II the brow "so Oat. 10. A. lihs No ar die woo Pieties Inlay/6 t The t .8h0Oting Nistels. HOOTINli MATOH-TRNRII bo • Ms •Itesting teureasont at IU R, Wades%rkel*. oa Nonsherith., mama as A.X. Tegeese. aad twits lattoodoe r the sbeeL Pigeon Woodmen be part elame pogrom N. 0. 0004111: Witte Wanted. IkA ALE HELP WANTBD.-AN .111 setts gamma oe reprompot los esrrorlet vaTraerecgts2e0g, WILL amnia' /deg WOKSOW Will UR- ala="11 e 1. 'WANTED. - AN WIPER'S meiroosiojr, sad V esayeassr tanaurreovel and symbol 11 The BRADLEY -GA 11111rtm Terresom • WANTICl D.-INDUSTRIOUS oo.ser. TO. LIHROOTT PaarT. worraD.-Tintas LIODIN8 12 *oasis • bessoseM work. reruns eompeost pewee. J. VIZ waif.. Terliete. le a redly VIT ANT - MAN AND• W eatzermh1; who oaa worldreVolittog Nialit Mors , der a toe miseaut th ma dallearretik TO RIINT-TOR BALI Wolen•vt. at 07 fl osetaiss dialog • thd 148. 001ID "Fed. 101 00111 - TO IN. trAtg OMAN awl own week. sod ty. 44. 008. a Deem Bay W.pooklym, seller elittvollCorib.doolayl! oo rot., clopped and tosierestre Irene iverv *erste,. lptussELs: The rate of taxation for brussels is 20imilis Clinton: Joins Churchill and family were ticketed to Killarney, Man., but Thursday. Clinton : J. Rends, on indmitrious young Sala of town. and Klee Rutioig•_ wire, married on Wednesday. Clinton : Miss White sod Mrs Millyard 1st t 1pr Toroato yesterday to attired the meeting of the W. U. T.17. Wingham hes 20 grocety stores, six flour and feed storm, en butcher shops. live bakeries and tour barber shops. Winghain : Brown -nd Powell have their aew mill running in Forwich, P. Brown has Inwood his tamily over tbere. Kippen Jonies Canning, merchant mad• ahiproent, during the week, .4 11 barrels of oranbioriss, to. Toronto denier. Bastin. This is the 8fth sen that has DUNGANNON been born to Mr. sivi Mrs. Hurdon and TelADAY, Oa. 26. strange to my all were torn on Friday. October thus far is giving us delightful Wavranosb: Charles Wilson haa purchased weothor. she farm in Senates% containing 100 loses ON MN ANNUAL TOCR.-C011ectOr J. 11. from the Wm. Wilma setuto, for the sum Taylor, of West Wawanoith, has oommenood. of 01515. his annual visit for oolleotion of taxes for Exeter: Rm. James Spell. son ot James 1137.--.111ms- Car, .3se Li kering. AgrwIlliat Stoll ot thia trilby., was gaited in marriage wmthor and is Ming fairly respoUes to to le rAvramitvdiedirlboite.-0.. wibbk. oollsotior. of Toronto. Canino Vora:. -moot. William Port Albert Walter 11. Hawkins has Crawfoed se Batardity Wit toot • spin to boon re-engaged to teach for the ooming the Sepoy Vtilmeitio visit relativea and so- year in school motion No. 17, Ashfield, at qnsicitanage. ' We presume Willy will have an inoreassid Notary. • good doe woos his gooey Moods Wielowoed biimt:Como-blesitos. Whwiese‘lifeel Boudoir Inos David Robr err. of Dosomemee. -7 AUBURN. TUINDAY, Oot. 28. Wm. Tinker and S. Carter age mending. Mrs. S. Hankins ia viellitag in Londieboro at premat. Mine boat Jacob !Coats moves to SalHord to • wink or two. J. Nicholaon has added another hand to his staff of workmen. Mrs R. M. Cummins's was visiting Wing - ham friends rooently. Many ot the village ohildren are suffering from whooping 0Ongh. Mrs. S. Nichol and two ohildren vioiting friends in PAW. Mrs. C. Collis Woods shortly to go to London on • healthy visit. B.. G. Roired ratormod from Diskota ahoy • *toy of two monohs. He likes the country welL Edward Cummings, of Chicogo, who is visiting friends hoc is lookise hale .54hearty. C. Collis has old hie 'hare of 'Importable will go to Sault SW. Marie, Larosb.--Wm. tirirrienn hat lamed hie oxoellsot farm, lot 27. son. 5. W.Wawa- nosh, tor term of five years to Wm. Bern- hard. It has herostated in some of the locals that Mr. Harrison 11.4._oeld his frurin, but this is not ~or& %WellfifillO0PC- Bareford the beat ot saunas, and ois is a good industrious farmer he will b• good tenant. SOOCINFITL ACTION SALK. -The auotion sale of stook ited farming imPlemsom be- longing to Benjamin Holtby, 6th eon. of West Waleso's n, whieh came off Gs Wed- nesday of last week. oonduntol by tin PoPG- lar anotionoer, J. Purvis, Of 11.01yrOtod, ono. fluanoially grand moons, so horms, oattle, shop, bogs, eto., were sold at high prime, wetting a good @mourn to this proprietor. SVDDZI4 CALL.. -Daring Solidity night th• home of Wm. Piero., of the township of Ashfield, was severely amitton by the mid• den death of hie Astiohrer, Mies Ads, after two or three daysillness inducted by tho ef- foots of insossise. Her nil was 61,101 twee ty years. Her rsmai-is were interred in the oemetery at Port. AIY.rt on Tuesday. The bereaved pareate and other relatives have the sincere symathy oi the entire neighbor- hood in the sudden sad sad bereavsynont. Erinoadville: Jamos Hudeon, who has Men living in the' village during the past two yeah', !nova to Janus Cat! ft farm on Monday last. Wingbsm: liket Friday, 0..o.ober 12, Fronds Mildooklataot daughter of Frank Davidson, died at the early ono of eleven months and ten Morris : Three members ot Wm. Byran's 4411 line, are laid up with typhoid Nem. It is a mild type, and we hope they will soon be fully reoovered. Morris • The Trust's's of S. S. No 6 have reengaged the services of J. T. Curtis as teacher for 1898, at an increase 01 885 00. Mr. Curtis is • good towbar. : The Rey. Joseph MoCoy, • former Oster of our °burgh, who was called to Chatham, New Bromwich. in 1889 805,..d his Marge in that tatty. Clioton : Th. other day Mrs. Copp. sr.. was coming oot of her house when sato slimed wad foil, hurting htinielf severely. but fortunatoly Meeting no bones. Bruseels : Wm. Burton he. purchased the house ond lot on Mill street, Brussels, belonging to Walter Smith. jr., and will remove from the Statos and tali* up his residenos here. Morrie : Mrs. Jisenea Boyd, of Loring, Parry Sound. was visiting friends in Morris this limb. It i• tone years since Mrs. Boyd went to Loring iond everything is goody changed sinos then. Clinton : The News.Reoord ohonind hands thin week. W. J. Mitohell, lobs of the Durham Chronicle, warn the purchaser. Mr. Todd intends to remain in town until spring, but hoe no nettled pleas tor the tutor". Clinks* : A happy snot that has been _sonsetimo took place at tho home of Mr. V 0atioa,-2513 Notb •-• Liegar Toronto at 330 p. m. on Wednesday, when ber sister, Limit, EL Gorrol becroMo the wife of 11. L. Cowan, of Mount Froest Clitttoe : R. Jaok•on of Hooey. Man., formerly of Robot, has boon sprouting n tow days with his b-othors 158 80511- Re is ono of tbe leading Methodists in the West and beim, a member of the Goners! biopsies Roam, ben bees *deeding a mooting of that, toody in Halifax N. S. Bloom& : After a long, wasting illness, Walter Rutitorford passed quietly away, early on Thursday morning of hot week. On Monday morning he talked with ble wife sad other members of the family mod that was th• lass tune be @look", for he non after hooamo totoonsotous, and retools - ed so until tho end. Tuotersmith : James MoDowdl, who has had ono of William !Fowler's terms on the Huron road nand few eons yaws, has Nand tbe fawn ea the 204 ooacomies of- Tokersmith. at wont oompied by Wm. Coleman, for • term et five years, m munal realm! ef WO. Mr. Coleman has somehow& a farm hi Hay and intends re- moving os to 18 10 the spoil*. W optirrni BELLS. -OD th• evening of Tuesday. the 191.8*, • pleasan, evening was spent at tbo residenoe ot Matthew Young. township of West wawanosh, the ocioesicia being the marriag• of his daughter, Mis• Clawa, to Charles Young, of HIbbert town- ship, Porta oounty. The pastor, Rev. L. Armstrong, tisid On iodinaoluble knoL Os Wolissoday, the 71:Itb, Irederick, wooed fesison uf Cowles &Moon Ashfield l towna-10,bitils ` Win Fifflarlartile s mat trimosy to Miss Ada. clng athe isto Motor blonde, "(Wool teachiaplso ot the towmohip et Asbaeld. We extend we. wabolatiess to ad lowly wedded ooapiee and wish them happy and prosperous anima. CLOIDO CALL. -On Tuesday evening of I% wok, as Rlohard Treleaven was in the act ot asimeding the laddor into the hay loft to sot hay for his hone. he hy some means foil upon th• floor. aad whom 11000, which wen shortly alto tha &oddest, was still on - conscious from the effects of the fall, sod studoiged some wounds in the head. Medi- oid aid was at ono groomed. The Tenor - Ode and highly estesmod gentleman's num. mom Moods will be pleased to hear that al- though ho is badly shaken. hie injuries thin far" are sot serious, and nothing pre - vendee be will moon be restored to his wasted stole of health. Fin mote it be. His some. noose, of Luoknow, photograph- er, sad Aloncsader, of Langsside, merchant, visited him or Sunday last, awl on Midday blisedowes (Rev.) W. Treleavou and Thomas Treleaven visited him. ide is hairbig the *8.58 .4 ottostlanos, end In immolation OM speedy net/very is astielpated. A orwrs.-" Tars A sgsr PO n easy t ea weals idm Oahe are 00.. Wilted. A GENTS BELL " KLONDIKE GOLD LI. floods " tete art= PULAR. Mar- no.010. Deal tail lie so the greatest sows of the presort time, "Under the Dome" os Pride! *veal* hes advertimealat ea rows 4 boons' of Lem& Mew. James Tim. wiwg. el Town* Mead the movera aeon ha the Goers House 0*10 dote, se min ANN isot wook J. P. Brows hos pat so hem pipe Node wooed he pretty dwelling mi Sebes Gawk time giving smother keno is etsisi ton. erevewout. Ths Isaias hiwpare were to tows the pool week, sod estoiladatl their Oedorieb Wor too Meeday MI *VIM fee the 720414 1104WW2 bop et the agar& L a Or*" et the Dashiki' omeriges botory has piolohmeed nos bieshomalliog de. oartiotet8. esemesdes with the estahlah. meek end wow the while beiliMilu 11700 mall& to ow a reestheble preges- Moo de woo 10 weie to tows twoor. mew (lfraloy) diet •• Under leo Ds.." a warvehows oley with sootsery deed, ewer below gouda& Meth.. • a Jae. Teems M modes* work, har80 mWr- ty finished T. Iforett's M. Lockhart's .04Theo. Ratcliffe* sow noldosees. LE EB U RN. TOISIDAY, OM. 96. Archie and 141I1. Foguson, of Carlow, visited bare this week. Jae. Correll, of Goderioh, "pent Saturday sod Sunday lot at Rirobwood Felin. the reoldemes of Hoary Zoeilow. Kim Lionise Moods', of Boossiller. 1. Wiliam Birehwood Tana this weok, the mesa of woo Marie &fellow. Sem. AT Tiosolots Mrus -Malay bore will ronseaber Roy. A. II. Neilla vibes ameswes us for .880. In 1891 es • goodomo. Writ*/ t.i frieed ()ameba meetly, he hod assay Med liquids, for Leeburn friends. The Roy. Dr. Hastings. of Methorwell, Perth westy. preluded bore LA Sunday. The rev. gentleman Iwo two one im the on.Wiewy, one, who Is doom cm trom Maaltoba, proaohing for *180 .8 llkilloorrorell. While hers ho woo the owed et hie wit Jews ha Osiderioh. lis Wit ea biertdoy to hoar Moldy speak M Ihratlerd. roe sewer 0111111.81116111 are sew mortise ea obi meth ad el sag the Hares Rood, aodi their somersoll 1010 .5.e he eon They wow delayed the oeid fow Amyl wales" for pew H. P. 080sesor. Q. 0., Waliteritok hos bow Maimed loy_the Wormwood to son Or presomilibe wawa le the trial of the boy Massa wim 10 ettArod with am mordor of ldre OM wet Gat. The caw will le Mei s6 Berns. The howeast 'be gross tor,M• sios^^ Is ever sad as leo Old isalebt For the Gold hat* hoes I w000keed. L S. burial* will W. the plosemeo of beldam the 14e14to80w1 imp seal womb oseste. I. S. Have gots Viseigwom ese.--floolorlh limpositgo. Moto loireovsmorra -R. *Herd has IsIsty t apes ettemolve mow plimpory, tho woh48ee6 proploolog the plass awl sad Vaasa it. James Hor- t*. le brisk verseerbag kis WOW. Sad J16111.• (1045*1.1*45 Inflator. kaa-Se .119 feet to the south side of hie hors 08 10. home term, the Neer part ler • &Nag shed owl the Ismer p558 10 store hoe Aram 10,s54 Jaynes Liskadmr is smoothie a largo shed for seri- aultaral retroome. DUNLOP rho oven rmiliwoo.11.111 fitowort Natiorrao a ism, Amble* met4 Otwitadital Widow _ Ost. 25. Mks Dada, of dedorish, wog • was- simit visitor Therseisv of 8.18 tomb. Mr. sod Mre. D. Ommealap mere is ILimgebridre or • ‚*1018 8. rolativoe for ewer- s' dowe thi• week Yr. mei Mrs A. C. **Desoto were le Obese for wee& &ye as past Week the opedela ef Mr. Painesies, 0. T. R. swam moot*. Jaw Owdee desoliter. of ILiesor• dime. were the trameto of A. Ales se IWO/ wo te the fometta 0110. lobs W. Wahlee to tot ?May .1 80 Week. Dminatritlizteelmillus week wo pederdo with Itle emir alike he hod to urea 69.4 oiklot 456 dpilloosol elo the Nimes 07118111* a fisenrog dilaso bet.. HARBOR AND RIVER. 0. Sesday the river below Ptatt's was foirly blink with yowag fish, that had wise dews the river. limernions ne4n. of pooh were ..d. the past week. die lett Wog around the piers and ia the harbor lo lamesee wheels. Tbo harbor awl Mahar* along the lake, Donk stothaseth of this pert bag boos weed- ed with herring fry the tew Mor Weaka There are still a large somber " Cot- ton" Was" la A* sedan along the Greed Trish. alMertab may have hem abet tale mama The Gederielt Lowboy Oa. started anis last Mamie, mad are les rain et • greet rate. Altbelph the Ir m bee lama ebipptem largely all the rearreer. Is pretty bard to lied piling roes for the large gess- Sty of boob* aim. weimtateturod. Orealetatar Madam to Dew pails' the isreakorstor ph, sad Weis leek so 11 Ow sow ..ar wai be reeky ler booth Tall mot 1r10.8.. The sew end hes 7 ot 8 it... I..4. awl Ow whole of the Bret sande h el 4001.45el*hag rapidly, while flto sex' 400 hes 111 folowlastse *8080 wady oil is pealies. Steam are bebop 1�M 80.880 east sa4 stratii, mad mime *u1.elm le Madly fro Obi ewe treetamit vow vow risme. morelmotoble geomotzdthy saes 1.116 *Ng. Bo for as w41 ame Iwo OS material mei le **wow etesellara mega Ilea u80�. 21 .804*.804*/1=4 ST. GEORGE'S CHURC1-1. Sunday next. being tbe eve of All Saints. thong wtil bo s fad shoed Zymase' r.m. The following to the order of Gerdes, :- Owning Brom 360. "&U Saint." Preen swamped be Sarah, Nahum &team Chaste Gem la A N...D00181*. Asthma " What are Thew" Balser Illyela 362. " Awes" Croft . wroagedi or &Mims lItT TIM IMMO& • Hirt 11, " Pea Tama " Coldbeok aswoolail Aiwa Bloater As eaptar oftegbo e Rae ef blink bees sear the mouth el the river on Thursday last. Ma Mavens" boast of 'very great ad* tittles they have got. Thor* le a emitted Witiwass, Wander, blot ime *posed tho eyes el tomotemos mad other }sopa oil ever oho world. It le a great Meath eolverecer ado is a wool 01 esoollosee gad gettigg boner owe, bees. 1* *0 to id Mead ho tho babes of Me Memel at ear peep** la every Mere sad toverliip la Coesda. We roler.of seers% to the Family Hombi sod Wookty Mato. diketroal. wide this ye" has • grssi reeler* so a r80 80 51. .6•11 1.01 .0401.480.