HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-21, Page 71 a. Js and Pith Mit DS. kill ). r • CO IR THE SIGNAL : _GODRRICH ONTARIO. HOME NOTES. Serial Beam Plek1s.-Take well grows nasfac beam. pet* Woe two weeks. Take este amid Y viae•+, season with pepper mad sols. Limes To. Mo Pickle -Take term. well - grows. anon tomatoes, Mice sed Dover with salt for iwo days, drain, put la • jar and pour over sailing 'visq•r ; let wt too days. pear all the vinepr. Heat fresh vinegar, add apices sod Pone over the pleitlet• Stated Oystem.-Deis tea dace• oysters and pas. tbe ligase ea to boil ; se soon Its it both skim bad pet la half • gaUs of milk. Rob three omega of butter In two large tablespoonful of lour, •ad add to the milk. Lm AoU. sad season with salt, pepper and • little esteem- Pub in the oysters and lib heat but see boli. Lobster Salad. -Boil ewe lobsters. When cooked take one the meat, out in small .games ani eland In • °old place until wasted. Make half • pine of m•ywnaLs demotes, wash sad dry the leaves from two beads of lotto's, put mewed the salad dish in two or three layers. Mia th.lmeyoa- n•b. together sad pat in the duh. Mash the oleo tine and sprinkle over the whole. 8•jms, with Mlayoaso/se Sauce. -Atter the ask is oloaseed thread • throwing needle with *wise, tie the sod of the string mound the head. fasten it tight ; .ben pee through the este pert of the body. drew the string eaglet and fasts •round the mil- Pru oaro- fully in • fish kettle sed boll %MMU dose. Take up and lay as • square mu -resits" of bread. Weal with, eep►o lolly and head boiled ells, pour over mayonnaise mum. Bimqu" lee Cream. -Potted • ball of • posse of ee•otar'ooss. • doasn kisses end • dose lewd iereaspies through a oelbrder, Pat • hall plies et stem en to boil, add a ponied of eager and Har mail It bats. Take treat the lire and poor la halt • g•ltoo of odd •ream. Turn It • tremor and froom. When team add the pounded c•kas. with • tablesposfal of 'mills and two of waned ; boob still smooth. timed •side M harden. Eso&lopd {){lakes -Boll 1srga, tender **ekes' .aW dense seroma seg skin sad gristle and alp the meat, Banat • large disk. pas • Isy.r of mestere la the bottom and -as pea NoK of mi.. mums with white pSpser, mak, OSMstlsmss peel and same(i add bite of sad • few chopped oyeten ; pee over Mie Isere of the amen, batter sad ors.. bed obs • layer of °Wioken. Cover the top with enboket. end bailee. Ijt a Jap bot avow Clashes tl•led.-Take two large boiled .tokens, remove the tat sad skis. out the .neat frets the bums end pat la a said bawl Tak• them hard hinted egp. Math this milts. add the raw yelhset owe asp. • e spaenM of salt as* • Wile curia.. peeper. Who well mixed add a arosmfal of einem, sad tact ; add oil sad mete vise - ger ualll et5ei.ot deeming 1 sada Bet r tee two hears. Twisty minutes before Ws, pb ea the chopped Wakes, owe who lLs of vtseg•r. and poet ever the dewlsg. Mix is three beads of duly chopped celery. PWekio Ius on... -Wank • quart of syisaahmid d pet Is a ketal of bolliag wader, 'ldi end dtaia, posed mill reamed to • pulp. lgmese the jets* eat through a dm Meet. Blewek end posed • pouted of shelled pi etaeklo sees. Pae hell a lianas of meat sad • peered of sellar eh te bell, stir mail the eager dissolves and *teed away to sod. What .odd add the seta. the layer' ir; sod hall • gallas more of doh areas. Mix Mee es ewer isles is t. eider, Ten ta- to M. trier end frees. Vilma hard h- ave is & hew foam the femme bath the orasm nogg ret aeid� to harden. Vol ea Taw ret sweet -Bawd*. -Make rich pd paste and reed as lee all nigk►. The seal tm.p.kalt roll out • third of an Het thlleit Qat wail as matey mhos 50 as me rsg.lyd will m Wreaker mil eliwbotet two {lobos is dfsmte-. Take a Shand meter so WA eeeallese plea tete the tepS of the Yaletlge t .il wl•N is mke& UR way tkewtwee, t hash the hap with beaten egg. Pat alt f.. and N4 owed sill 'wytf,w pat Y s hof sues bake .as. wall s ellgg� psb.Ye. Serape sot the ostve,'l1i wiM sMdy` eekd ewmfrbre•d.. MAN, eilp Mtn sod est away 4i/ready to serve s► Beelike. -Tyke two plods of iso best, Mop fisc sed pat le • seep katsio with ese easall miss, me .wl et ani4 telt .t eatery and a way paisley (,over oleos W {alae es the bath et the FWD two boat.. Thee passe ever a brisk Bia.ia tail sad suint: est weer • almste dee led simmer get* hi fear been. !)teal. •sad roan to the seep hotels, add Sat esti WPM. Beth Ib. while .f ewe egg, wash the shell end add Mt. mix Is .ae beikag bouillon, 1st bell esu .Metes. throw is • myth' of esti water said lee bell tea ado- pt* 1a.Rer. Take from the Bre, strain, and add .air sad pepper to isle Serve 1s bouillon oepr, Gramm Mite -Bab lost ..gat is the peel of two or•.g.. pad owe homes t ramose the jukes 10045 alt fir bones aawegee *sad ms's losses acid strwla bI. Tyke of the peel earehilj item lbws .reels labelat ably trimmers*pr eewklla sew the quarters breaking. Seek lhre►q.esn of • ail the isa � at u Mantles' bell as hews b ball • piss of w•Hr ; hS0 • pith of water •id a posed of wear esti Meek. Ws pet is the mthiese o1 erases said when Mg Imre belied M Wawa take them est ell pi olds. Best the trap ever the Oat*. odd the .Begg* led isms joie., beaten whites h "helto.aes the heat, le the hard whlob pikes amnia the aye taiholt th Yf i e the 4Mf� of orssar d the eeoald i then peat over Ike jiljr. rest os loo Mee hard tore oats es • glow dish Gareth with sspto Ally. Whoa uertlsg sties very tv TWO UNDO W caner. errs naLlOtiT/t7L. A groat easy people make the mistake .1 putties Meager lots their tohsate °steep. thinking that N losers the °•Hep° keep- ingt Is is me it ell seo.seary sad sly *polls the months, tomato lover. Catsup °tade by the foliates, reaps. pro- vided r -vided the dlreottoaa are followed sway. will keep perloodmad d fit osrtatsway.iy amid rot to tunne Scald, pool sod take the mesa from one peek -o( whittle ripe tomatoes Mash them up thoro•gbly ea if for stewing. theses with salt to your .site, .s. tab'.a.puostel of fleetly pounded black pepper. halls teaspoonful of Cayenr pepper, one tablespoonful of ormkd (sot pounded) moos, *Rap*" sad Moves. three Lyre sins° thinly Blood sad mined flee. Pat it in • porcelain land kettle and see it ea eh. Move to boil Whoa the tomatoes are thoroughly done remove the kettle trout the fie and rub the catnap through • sieve to get out the seeds and pieces of spice. Raters tt to the kettle when It is strain- ed sod let it boll used it is as thick as cream. Let it get perfectly oold mad pat 15 In alma, sweet bottles Pint bottles ars hese FW tits bottles to within half an inch of the oork, pour into each one • tea- spoon/at of salad oil, cork tight with new, sonod corks, pressing the oork in until it Mama to go ja farther With • sharp knife rue It oft level frith the bottle ud seal all over the oork and down for as iaott on the nook of the bottle with canning wax put on boiling hot. Lay the bottles sway on their sides in a loot dry, dark pleas. limes pepper csteep 11 vary charming to these who like hot {Mega. Fill • porcelain lied kettle of is pounds capeoity with green peppers -the Ad kind. Crete up • tablespoonful of teak .1 the following "Mose -.male, aleph* •oa einem-sad stew batsg the peppers, aha ekes up four bergs chime sod site with them. Now till the kettle with good vinegar and set it on the stove to boil midi the peppers will trash up readily. left the kettle off, mese is no sod sat it sway for the osmate to ret 000L Whoa cool, d'r, op peppers and vinegar with • teacup, poor is tato • sie.e, (I ties an ordin• D ry sifter for the purpose) and rub them through with • spoon nate nothing is loft in the salve bat skim sad seeds. Throw those stride sod repeat until all of the peppers have bean robbed tbrsagb. The y `Pria2 7 so t4V: Ms11a it, HOT CORN. W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. as le Werth.* v , The visit of the Chti tiaa Endeavor de/e- pees to the ooeet has meet nee lest then 66.0(0,000 at the vty louse Mettmelm Poo- .kbly many who .pent Ire. 1100 le $00 os the trip would pay a five dollar sappriptles so • oharoh or ousel . toad wktihsdsatan•v, but eves to people d 1ht. met cha Orly sorsa the ouuNust will have • meet bred.•tug else.. Thom wbe breveted through western Kane•. and Nebraska std the barren Dakotas and other Rad Leads muco have found it nerd to believe that (,'hrisksu moo •sed women were living to some of the moat . siavlung places •a sersoly as do 1,e. God - Warted/ whose hoes are dime more pleasantly - Many of the warmth cestied in etatee m4 territories are mini Oelde now, sad the ms and women who teal& sad preach there are supported by the subsortpe one of the church boards sad ehurob people. 'Not one of the preshts is paid more than $20 or 30 • mouth. Reoeotly one of thtu olee visited the state meeblsr-of Knew Co.gregatloo•1- iots Hs was quirt and modest. bat earnest, Hs didn't ask for a mot, bat e.a simple story of Ms privations toothed the boorta and pooket•books of all, sad dollen were Premed upon him. Wordly folk have an idea that •11 work u dose for gain. They c.moot nederstend the spirit which prompts men and women of talent to toll for others, often sodergot•g privations and suferi.s-wset-really lack- ing food sad clothing. Thee are heroes in the Short Orme counties who go about mil• Ltering to the needy clad in the oast -off garments sent them by eastern people. Men have been seen plowing in full -drew suite sad 000•sionally • hamoroas coal has worn oath about his enkles and beamed kindly epos Nb friends from the deep remedies et • memo ie the „timer to carry us thre.-lsob oolier. Disoo0rs:em.•te do Dot through the winter or it we ovula str- dl.heartea wasters people of this sort. The osM who are the wont off oompiaio the leas►. Thee to mere oa1•mity Lark from the riot farmsn in favored motions of this great o.astry of ours than len ben beard from the sere population of the Ked Lead,. The sosisw•ge telt with the mss) leader, and those who remain loud to fight the good tight, sem as darkness deepen.. and night comes on some. Their hopes will oatlas. !allure -their courage i. immortal. No me eteoi i►•e. ;than lea sessettf74a114 ug41 return to the Wad of plenty with • feeling of ooatsntmeat ed • resolve sever to oom- plain again. As the Eadsaverss moved w.itward they 100-16111 -11161 every *uSernsr beads his al - M his Warms sues sad .tests saw Tiow&Y, Oct 21, INAL 7 taNLY ONE WORLD. • Oar Earth taw Only 1.44lo to the Uwlvee.e'e *...4T Poynter Astronomy and The Hartford Oottraut have nese to ctatcluaios, says The They there is {rely Dna earth, and such case,it i• a very da�iralale pleasA 4iaa i.e,s. l 1n ttheatsmsm mind that hat our world is Duly sue of coantlees dmiiar bodies; that space L filled with solar epitome sot unlike our awn, and that 1t i, pvas4* other &bee are Lilubited and Quits as habitable, it not more .w thea tee gtte la which we dwell. Popular ut>tvasatit u "Atugh oar solar syebeee is .Done arm,oti thousands of .pelmas now known to exist in every part of the heavens, alums all demo other systema there le not yet disclosed a sine our which closely rl*smbeao our This is not a positive sesertiou Hutt oare is the osky world is • wttiah hu- man being. live and move and hare tLttir being, bot it *ads ftp bo the belief, sod this is sustained by mutt argument dealing with astgtonom sol technicalities, which mss be omitted here. It mewl to be 000viociug to The Clotumot, for that paper takes ftp the diaouseinn. an 1, atter considering some other points, sum. up the cane aa fellows: "Not only le our earth unique iu its favorable position iu our mote*.but ear system, as far as is Isamu, is unique ra in the uakvee of syvtmos. We rarely think on how narrow a margin wv live. A little tsar heat or a nude more cold, and we die. Our existence depend,, op keeping ohmage& of temperature witthiu et range of about 1 per cene at what we know as poaai4ie extreme{► It the moon wore very nuch largt'r the tidal wave wogid gong the entire ocean twice • day over the surface of the earth. If the earth were moth smaller we woul,l lose our atmosphere; if it were much larger we could not stand upright more than Ave minutes nor w oukd we be able to mount a Mil t•zetpt by painful crawl- ing. If the lung were twice as sg as it L k is �ttul if we could raise food Whoa saes tilled Is, • Madam glove ie sever reopened easy ,.serest. To rweeevs the faintest obsess .l It being shoo 61114 m 'Apnea orae te planted sitar kateriNat, ea thee Ma o.smmwies r.neebte isplilis mese this see hise elm Th. Bibb teaches that the way We teeth the pose be • best of me lityalty to Christ. The only safe foundation upon whtob b hail for .only is faith to Sod. Od Dever mks syhedy to bear more Maas ons ki•d of tremble ata ria. Georges --I jest saw yea ..ming from the esee.rvesry with Mime Gelato. Rater bsadaeme girl, bat too r.a.rved for see. Thomas -Yes, I've i.M ressred her for life. Modern patriots believe in the adage, Heed work and so py ak.. J•ok • dull bey." No, tires. said Mr. Weary Welker. I e. dobelieve is strikes. If .cmahedy ds's week how is the rest of us gots' to tea Why ore parti•m.Nary roosts Galled "BlsaBooks"!-B*eanse they are savor re(a)d. A little boy, the sea .f a reporter, wee asked what hb father's oeoap•tlot was. and, �,,',',�rµ*sd with all simplldty, " He w • dresd- tal./eethese-maker for the 'nevermore. -- Teacher-What 1s the moaning of tile word 'y..ttemeer 'iee.1Ai10g'.l . Give T.soharU.swig ► example ala w5ew owtedat.g the word. Papal. lifter • pnl.skfsd meats' .{waggle -The' Babas In the Wood' is s very o.a- tlgoes {stagy. �* 1Bastees d.r,' odd Jessk-mt• whet il thesis the day was I bore!' " At two o'slsoiibe them.thiMue" •r -And what flee wee ! bare! sated • Ask. ' Not sett with .'.leak.' " Ah,' 04.4 Janet. " a.i birtkdty'a imager than yeast" " mid Jim*, " what'. the me of Wag bora before it's time es gel as l" CRISP AND CASUAL. The tomato is • satire of Booth Am.rioa It fire mode it. appeeses is Emdaed' .heat Mb. The Mk used is prltdag the seem .f the Bask et Eadamd is made from the thawed stye of the Menil vin., width is believed to redeem the reboot bleak .f env iwk is the world. W idols golden marry .gala Is Clio., sad widowhood is setemeed se • ...agnea of the highest 6.e rIsrealebaity. Whoa a widow attains her a year. the ganremest ppliw her with ►thiel eh "VA her wit, tees are em This 1. dloptayed ever the doer .f her been. • Garnets are famed is reaay ooeserle., bet sees mappers in mbar sed briltiseey with Mega of Bohemia. .The celebrated baths of Mae Maoism five so doebb bas Metre sesta' Is °realist ter ssp.re Wad. Ie thee. stones ; earl at pr ss.t the Mt*N ht�rlty dm em nes* te Meet three wesed J •ed .easy .ss hsdgrd Measp a�pleyed is deet eve hatl4ea 2.11. i� b A. �aglks� lad intao �iw .,Marg .t , ltitett 14 it: masa. Ib b.o bash dloeiheidfll i6 l; e•e le kept pK'festly tram is a frame eamdlWs for mare s bi frau by luau el ea . • k2.g asaiddem and deepening tad, mil, es merger to 4 Its .41. les. esetas.e was um ins• the truer pill' lits amply le aMet it wises N's reeaind Mf ,atm esaietri p'tiptei� ee end% pestles e• mit Mt�tea�town mad the trn �tlla lief 0410* ard. M 1.1p askpen walla ata .atwalai ter desalter. The rite . 410 lel et meals el ell um awl reemel with seep *tw�4fe the anal ev▪ il "Moon d their 5 . uelublte..1 Tevby.-•seed1•5gtdo assn* Tore'the . Hese W 10 jedd. est bed draw yu p>�. lab*seehsy. Mho Me potted et lees bee .bopped, ago •el al {rated maw sed Now wed MMus spa d MOW bra 1s i► taress4 WM} Adam es* ►M skimo.i 1M w tgrod w ftp sllow d sh satbe mewl Thos Okla ea ". W e Miebtly la leg fill the b mem ant aa.ps .1 el dein end hi mem tees ball ea *IOW Await see lfess /awn. salt wap INK r i S'?held of his adopted oomooswoaltb tedeeee• the e•iers*r, the sselesrnn fi"iharthorsm es the tallest sjeymete thhitems. The pad feeling sod haute llliisremisr trfeso..{reel.. ergot. We 'traspr, MU s,•.ktad greeted as beotb- ts-ao south, se sorts, so east no west, no polar list drew. -bas lot failed to impress f4. F.adeaver delegates Talk of dividing oar m usery on mottoes' ham bea•ses of politl.al differsses is mel* asrwsoable so Lag as °harebes .ted sad Christian oitli- sess ars undismayed. As the eroprsiosiem .treed 'the pains' in July they limed all boat them widowed of the eremitism .t oar republic. As the Fourth approached patriotism and love of country was every- where ewifeet. In Nevada, where the broiling nn bets down os the treeless mimeos district,, tb. ei11mem emit " aero.. lots " is wog ss for fifty adieus mors to celebrate Tee cowboys sad Iodine emitted 1a shouting for old glory sad fee measteis- sere wooed sr flag from Wm wad made the mesas ring with emtaeles. The Beeea.or erste. were bailsdethem er possible end the delegates took part is the testivftio of the western palliate with de - debt ?hey soled that mimeo were are oleett1fel them .herob s ; they saw the oow- noye ride sad shot .m4 eaw sway ems very demak. Wiles it acme their tars re de sees. hfso they meg feed played. At int esc'atslis their meg was. Tke dytsp thief rcjsiead to ase That legislate is this dam. Ad there may I, lbeesh vile se he, Womb all my Mee sway, Laselos/wfhalFina.Isaaden• the reek IWbwsumoonfwd to lb !aileron for it was pueeA► smog by • teals load of peaple• Th. bards.Vhisg the devil .vwf 451.4. to do was seet•t* • good men to deed Pahl* ms sits • rood deal seam Mama be whet they do tee erdtt fee what they deal -- TM steno wbo is eb..td is muoh betese ff than the man who obese. wp slgbty dirty baby that • oandldate egft The Y•ahea national air 1e eka.A•d woad to Yssee Boodle. Tie Mohawk Iodises will net allow es meth DI a bide of grass to grow epos their Armee -- Mineral* is said to have mors Aerobes in properties to hopsLtics then any other 5..5117. getting livery ".raj' Coxes Tamai.ec. Why ay we drink t of a is the large alas holdsb lalaour ma Ii anted water aa-etelefdnlg Years ago l lbs -len' Cowee llege, too ht re wee tof the Grand Dssr�kq oar {Baer Victoria. theThere* wu►�•ataa a hneb besides the Yrissess and husband, and a very ea agreashitkitda al Is .meg wbleewe had, wti calk bet What melba for W ewiio.of alt preemie wu s set of little io1►b of Silver about the sloe of were beoaght w led �b brim with the famous tie la the eo11Ke. Thew., we achewe were l..►e hie W {slob are l4lhst YssesiNNoBlit the meets 11'iwt5 of these BMW sea wee . wee pieced ups. want. Instantly, eb . 1r1w wee the batsmen It dew but to _ f> se M *Wm to ,salla bow it was Miami the doors, be dropped end- -up with a �pw �t�d s�fs�Lega tato rebbt et er word ere rive the accumulated Bold_ In .wore way our earth lies joie at the tneetiug print of ewe kinds of death which "en this bank d!d shoal of time" we must fight with either hand. It makes .no difference whether" we have fitted one selves to the earth through a loin aeries of evoldtlou or whether it was fitted to u.. as far es we know it is The oniy in- habitable wet in the universe. and the chancre are almost lufirrtte thnt no ether is w favorably located. Let ea make the most we htC /-t .'.:.9 ban a it " "..:. CL..R`µYti.Z "-.i YactLt•a-w, Toe., Claw,. Finger,. P44 elephant, a slaw -moving animal In the *Vinery coarse, hes as already otr- artweiTh five tar*. e rhinoceros, a much ' tater headman benten have often seare- d to their eoofiesieo, has bat three. N isewile. is rgee• We had {..aditus mat- ter ie.•;Itdttw Lotae, paeei in the tree {- tar o[ pelt the number fal to a vinyl, dlglt. The axil of the higher mamtsal may have given pule to a henry- hoof: no *tatter. the Agger remakes, fie ',tw- at any rata, of compsrIrou, a rept all - the dams Be-- it added that many induct booted creatures ane en- dowed with the full five digits, and net a few existing deer thaw distinct traces of two obeobee shorter "fingers." From this 1 gather --though the the:By may,.ao Qptte nit eau asbly, he diamiaeed as far- -thee these weaker grans -eaters have gradually dropped their digits as the s*rusete grew is severity and then ww�� fir.swittneaa o1 limb increased. Net, I' am fres. to confess, did the ap- parent troth of this appeal to me to farce until I came to the fiat of the swift ostrich ne tt of the stately .tori{. It wee as I /lwpeted e fleet bird of the desdT dessert Lei owed neo of the four regent Opespted to most bind&. baring .bat two. The almost eqt= ly .wilt ethtt iid'aieawary need dropped oom, betas pottisi ul of three apiece. Vs*, then, teems to toe a tater rale; the fewer the, digits the sw*ftcr the beast Aad the rule bears the stamp of the exception neeemery to prove it,e inasmuch es the einggish hlypoptotsmtls hag one les than the hare! Perhaps. then, this notion of thine will appy only to the hooted beasts- n beybes the ele- phant ls phant slight in time have dropped one cc two a hie digits, and at the same Cone Mated hima.K. to ..quire greater pace. ban open garstlon, and one which w ince the arrival on the scene of man and Ms Mile. ie llkily to go unanswered. These last nave been power/al factors fa Tenting a term to the devek:pment of manyod interesting zootogim01] prIrua. TLe Wal number et paupers in t tc.ipt o[ {.lief on Jed 1,18127,1° the 619 anion. perlithes ander operate, Boards or�G tardu d in Beg1►nd all Wales. aged the ten contributory (oat relief) was 860,826. The population of ad and Wales, a41 estimated by the General, wed 30 717,33E ite the of the year 1808. TTaking this the beats of the oalculatiou. the paoper� relieved oa Jan 1. 1867, am IJ one out of every 38 persons, or 2:7 per cent. of thepnlation. It is shown that in .ovum ?aa division. therm mea. a {nail se In the number er pauper,' reboved on Jan. 1. 1897, as ems - Mired wit4i the niwuer reV.eved on tie ramp any in lh96, while to four these was a mann int-easo, and that flee& was a set dermas` In the total pauper - Om in England and Wales of 0.4 per mut. in 14!17. It M. interesting to note that, whereas. (hem were 111.844 paup- ers in L,m,,on In Joeuary, 1800. (of whom II1).2ZS were !doore there were rule 121.912 ief wheat 88,302 were M- onett, 1n January. 1497„ a decease rel 1932.-Londto Telegraph. A say.*mwpMItaa *eats A Canneritn traveling Mn Palestine de- scribe. sit (*emoting d mew he axe rt erntly ret a hir.e4 in J.rio40. "We -set mem the meet of the hotel at Jertobo," ae wrote 'after dinner, at whkfi we were screed with hotter from tenth. /teen from Oxford County. Ontar'.n, &arm t lade from Leaden. wine fr, mei Jeruealee. dilated with the wtiter teem the r I d, Endue raisins from Itamnth Waage. Front Jertr ho -le no reap et u trice to those Rami Jeffs . r toe lee , t revs, F%eride-and almonds from til, east er the Jordae emotive( Tnrk'.h tq Immo, which. like the Tnrte.sh empire. I. inferior to its repute doe. awl a rte;) ear case those -the corner gr. eery of Jbrriaeo. o-mas5tdlise • {enrols. Netwithemedisg kis aurid probs.tatioss .l ge eresity as* lordly bdiflsr•sss t. mousy, *4s Crista' he. • kites eye te the gm* Mame. A vWer to Dalear i ewe ea eeasMn .g description of • hoe .. A Ise disputa took piece between she **ladles parulNwr mid Me swum, •e the tenser attempted to best dews the prtm by a tow piastre The .weer, however, seemed very sere of mails` • favorable tats, *vera U the pelmet oestomer should Withdraw. 8o be t.msd•ed silent. with an ssasiosel isoos..gaest remark. .nob ea . "It matter. sot." ., Wallah, who am 1 te argue with thee!" "Wallah, my horse ts.s dost. Take it without mosey.": Al! these expressions are equivalent to sold moistures and might &amorally have ex• •.peraad the other man who had been weather o0e1as5 of rhetoric is persuasion. Finally, he 1s tars .xolaimed, with • heart- warming *bow of generosity and philan- thropy : " W•1!•6, ere we not brother' Mistake* all this 00150? Is it for t4o..y! All.h forbid ! You want one thousand six hundred piastres ! {ten is the money. Take AI" Then he pressed the bag of treeaur.'-1- to the other . hand sod turned away. "Never mind about Tour bone. I oars sot for A. 8bal1 we part enemies b,cause of money Y" At thio point the other, who now had his mono; esoers, r•• sites his uuatemar, fell on hta sock, and, kissing him on both obeeks, assured him that the hones would benoetorlh be worthless to him, that, .ince baa brother wished it be mast take to • preemie. Aod so the bargain was mewled dirt A. GmNste. The " average man" is, for the sect part. a very eetoniihtug person whom ■o one has over mess. Hs is like the average wether, whish u m•thematicali f oomputed, or aimed at, the end of • month, and whloh is nob like any actual weather that previlid at anytime during the month. the average man. it should ND noted, is lazier than one would suppose.' A statistician has reckoned up his labors, sod Ands that at 60 yeses of ar, be h•s:toied 6,600 days of 24 hours each. He peeped 4,000 days and bees ill 600. He has travail- ed 12,000 miles. mks 36,000 moats, oats 15,000 pound. of moat 4,000 pounds of the, eon and vegetable., tad drunk 11, geness of bgvida. A000rdlsg M the, the overags &pl lore to be • *reedy pore mond yes have uaduubtsdie boom s0snt.e....b.s has Koen hungry. Cora --Fred says that Iwo. m.de to Nelly -A demoted way, any floor, of foreleg to your turn.d•up use. A wpm•u womb • f*•n,1y of cnkhrsn ala got muoh tune to be t ielea,-b,u1 rttbtt. 14. r ale't no bill u, t a n p se t .•.', h !has 1.t hue and a, full lures Jac WOULD YOU LIKE A BICYCLE ... • 011 A GOLD WATCH ? 12 Stearn's gN n 27 Gold Bicycles Watches •aft Given � I Eve iw ay I 70n I Molt LI _Ask your Oroo.r for particulars or • drop a poetcari to LEVER BROS.(Limited) Toronto OC. into the quality of the Toa you drink. Is it •unadniter. t..�t :. =r l leaf also. _ ,.rte, ABOUTthe flavor can you say " I am well satis- fied." If not, try LUDELLA" CEV•LON TEA It never fai & Itdelicious. Your Grocer keeps it. 26, 40, 50, and 60c., I -'3d Packages. SPECIAL NOT10E 1 The &Wilton of the Business Community is Respectfully Called to the fotorng : COUNT PAPERS, consisting of Bill Heads, (ail sizes) Statements and Dun- ners. We carry the largest stock in the county. We pad all work In quantities to suit customers. First-class stock, good printing and very reasonable prices. Call and see samples. NOTE AND LETTER, PAPERS. In varier , quality of stock, neat printing, and goods 11d ore_ & yyB _Qjy l le SIIDn Linens,these inen ruled or nnruled, and carry- -� �nll�i-nea'Tin'Linen Bond, Wove and Laid Papers. Prices and styPe of work to suit all who favor us with their orders. Mae Dep ha. The deepest 11 fit tq q 111.11""ate In Briskest 'rodnjts ',ery. ,t frelytL8987 an shaft, (1111y, ben* .`f A9ti7 and a7tNt r. -`t. w•,. triet'd. le the' Arlslbert, Pr,f- teat. ri P7+e dsep.at, 11)=01111 V 4Q4 art Meety, ,lp 6J tae aaau.v II. Clame..h*' FM win fest. a in Prange tin =gee tairw le be feet, °roe o1 N1eN e0142 1441 Q4ttOl�at�tbf s.(4,, tram the Tabu" snlrea, firth /K 4Y00 •.d 4tse reit gW reltltasthdl teen: s eresditave .weft•. ftaeres► $40... -"Wises Weirdos, til sea /rot sdddrar• sew vrererred. ENVIES. We believe we are :safe in stating that we are the largest handlers of Envelopes in this -eectibn of Ontario, and supply them in quantities to mit, at prices that cannot fail to secure your patronage. Quality and printing suitable for all purposes. Country dealers supplied at a close mar- gin. A call is respectfully solicited. CIRCULARS, FOLDERS. CARDS, &a. It in a well-known fact that when anything of a spec- ially artistic nature is required in this line, theudicions ai bnness man instinctively turns to THE SIGNAL Office for it. We cannot afford to go back on our past record, but, on the contrary, will endeavor to keep up the requirements of the timet. Good Type, Plain and Fancy Papers, Fine Card and Bristol Boards, combined with good workman- ship and fast presses, enab'e no to tarn out orders expedi- tiona)trand In a most satteisctory manner. Be sure to call. WEDDING 8TATIQIARY, PROGRAMMES. i Vi'14&TibNg. CALLING DARDS, MEM- ORIAL CARDS._ ?Hz Stoat'. Office is headquarters llor these goods, and .ample. of the latest productions can be seen at any time. All Orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Prices as low as this class of work can eonaisteritly be done for. ALL mune or plarrill0 not specially mentioned shove, including Labels, Dodgers, Posters, Price Lists, Catalognes, Pamphlets, Book Work, &sc,. executed in a satisfactory manner. Retimates furnished. •` SIG1-NAI iP¢u pstrng E,aullt1! GEI