HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-21, Page 6e TauUD*Tr, O. 214 1887. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. • " OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS-" Pres a Ueatte.ltaeal rem* e1 view. There's • Okay called Radyard Kipling. Who ls e•W to be o• slripllayf Wb.. it ewers be writing parry or prime ; But at times he Mems to stumble Aud he made an awkward bangle When be dubbed ibis ooanky " Ldy of the S uo ws. " Now my dear Mr. Kip, it you'll kindly whoa trip Apnoea the pond and bring your summer clothes, Aad sive our epl.odtd weather And our country altogether lou would never oall it " Lady of the Scows." Bee our Dobler eons sod daughters, Our unrivalled inland water, Produes that so Forviga Market goes. Wiry. Radyerd, you will wonder What V the name of thunder Tempted you to oat ib " Lady of the - Snows." Apples. peaches, pear, and cherries, With five hundred kinds of berries, Pears, grapes and ail that in the oouutry grow, Swaying 1. the balmy breeze, Qaioo.y Cgs, out -bearing trees, All are- products of the " Lady of the Snows." As to quantity and tillage, When you Dome to Grimsby village, Ask Wolvereoa, Ter he'r tin waar who 'knows, He doesu't deal to mystics. But he'll give you some statistic's About this charming " Lady of the Snows." And if more you want, you'll est it Just enquire of A H Pettit, Who is posted on our record at the shows, Ot the big Uhioago Fair, And the laurels.tathered there BY this enterprising " Lady of the Snows." In your lead of boggy weather You have gardens in some meseurs Pears upon the wall, gooseberries 1 suppose; But the whole blooming batch Wouldn't hi • garden patoh P hen compared to our " Lady at the Snows." True, in winter we have snow, Aod the temperature is low, Arend rieLari Mows:_. Bet with winter sport and pleasure, W•.oj^y it altogether, Healthy, haply, with our " Lady of the Snows." And now dear Halyard I wee't-e•y yes',. bees tippling,--- ---- Nor to *rid yrs for your error I proper No doubt yea meant it But you did it rather httndly, When you oiled our oouutiy "lade 0E the Sae Ni " - --------- ----- Crsighurst. -(i. C. C.afrOlt. 8ANK- ROIIIERY CASE. Important Evidence Given at Napanee on Saturday. aeraatI•sal Lvmt.re• by w*etral WWIlismies es as t. t:.e 1.-binatlaa Mr who Team pitttam reatee $ simple axplar- att•r al mime Brialy** Figures -Mew the P7esecedea Will Try t. Five . Peer* Braes ep.n whs auk We - Neptune, Oct. 8.-(fipeeiai.)--The town M still In a furore. of excitement over the arrest of W. 11. Panton, teller in the Dominion Bank. The rumors are puny and of great variety, and the peo- talk of nothing else but the role 'lie trial will oome off: Friday motn- log, and only part of their evidence will be put in by the deteetivea. They think that they are on the way to the recov- ery of part of the stolen money. ppeannny� Mrs, E Ponton (ins Posterived r dany, In cern- d William Northrop ex-M.P., both'peominent law - case for the defendant Nnpnnee, Oct. 7. -Sixteen atzbpoeuas were issued b Magistrate Duly last sight In the Inion Bank robbery ease, and one of these 1e amid to be for a Hie. Greer, whose teteony will he to the effect that Panton did not deep An his room on the night of the robber -y. The surprise in the case to -day was ._ thereturn to Napenee of Messenger W. • • a. Garen, whore home le oo Oowen- avenne, I'arkdale, who, with Cashier Durand, was so hurriedly transferred to the awed office *et Friday. He care this afternoon and went to work at the bank, but whether his srappearance has anything to do with the trial to -morrow could not be ascertained. He said that Ir. Durand was in the hank at To- ronto. . Nipanee, Oct. 8. -William Small - ton Ponton was duly charged wilt hawing burglached the Dominion tnk vault end stealltherefrom 000 before Maglotrat sly to -day. onager E. •.H. Bal of the k was on the witneus stand nearly all day and the sensational lieveiop- a.nta that the Crown was expected to bring about did not materialize. The ease will le continued to -morrow. Napanee, Oct •.-A decided sensation occurred la eourt this afternoon, when tibe prosecution, by the evldepce of Mra. Minna,' Mctirv'ror, laid bare the manner ut welch they will try to prove that Willful N. Ponton broke open the safe of the Do- minion Bank branch berg and stole 032,000 WI August 7. They will try to sham that Ponton left his room through the beck window and went to the back of the hank. wkleb Is only a few steps. It is air evi- dent that they think there are two In the Job. The serration M tb. crowded mart renal was eaneed when Lawyer Madden ordered the witness to identity • small piece et vigor containing tiftrrw 74, 11,. 46, 4. That is one of the oembinatione a thn vault and It was picked up In Mra Scarpers dining -room, welch 1e neat door to the roots la the Orange building that was c - rnplM byPontos. Mira. cGrew. to many rester, said a paper was peeked up by Yrs. Bogart her atet.r. who was sweeping the diniing room of her (Mrs YcOreet s) apartmeote on the Monde nine dopa after the robbery. L that the paper?' eked Mr. if handing a docaeet only an fees ppoen m containing the figures of the eombination of the vault it la, i think. bat 7 weal be certain." reWled the wltnea. This paper ls suppo4e he have blown Is threagh the open winds*, wet* was level wl the root of the aueu at the rear of the Orange gulling. Penton's nodi was next to Mrs.McGnerl'A sad tee keybol.s In the door wee* bleekM ep. etatetua *weirs Pwmtsd. Nap... Oct. 10.-cepereaJ}-The pleren- Doe pyrite Isom. startllasaa wideness In tha beak robbery ear* afln.t W. Y. Pestes wham tt U reamed oa Tearker. STORYETTES. We lea asiew This t All w•oohie are compares. Plat the roar haat to the sea pad the.0.th is ex- actly bait way between she hour sad the figure XII. oe the dial For iust.nw. suppose that is 4 O'olook. Point she head indlo•ttag 8 to the sue sad 11. as the watch ie .1sot)! south. Sapper .gain that is 8 o'olook. Point the band 1.- diosting right to the eno .od the figure X. oo the dual a doe Muth. • vela of Nessus. In winding up the affairs of • gold mining oompeny the other day in Edinburgh, the direction °racked • few bottles of special dry sparkling, and the obairman, with Tapleyn humor, in moving the tout, " Rtquiescat to P•oe,' said : "Gentlemen, 'ti. true, 'tis pity ; and pity 'Cs, 'tis true, we are hen met for lack of gold, but para. dozioal as it may seem. we have au •bund. auoe ot gold lac ; therefore, charge you glasses. gentlemen, to the shareholders. for while we leave it to them to pay the piper, we shall be jest and pay the PiprHeidsieok. (Uprorious cheerer, laughter and applause) i%%bile we, as ., oemp•uy. have deoidediy von* upon the rook'. recollect that e reef would have been our salvation. And al- though we here pear a melesoboly libettoe in these sparkling pinta, we would rather have had the glittering quartz. (Chain.) We worked in veto, but it is not ore with Oh ; we have suffered .11 the miner ills of lite, the shaft hes sped, the oroepeota ere blue ; the only buoket left to us that will nose the winding up are those before yon. Drink. then. fellow stooevbrokes. to tb• &t+rnal-.ieeal.ers of Lee Busted" Up Gold Mining Company.,, Marias ria( thee Weedy been *street.and ttim$ the ao.taralsted *Wrest oe the arrant that be had so gaa.rou•ly riven to ON wbom be sagoMd so he • beggar was represented by the ern of ten thoesend trams, which was lytog as his disposal at the Rothschild cAler. !lest be Tidy. " 1 have not seen one woman, but many women, almost saorifio•d at fierce fires by their desire to appear tidy even in the tow of death," remarked one of the most expert - mooed firemen in the London Fin Brigade. " I shall never forget one fire in the north of London. though this is an extreme in- stance of whet I hive been speaking of. While I stood-ltames almost linking m.- heod,.,whq.*irLtetig5Ais )out whom tbe orowd below wits roaring and shrieking in alarm, oalmly fastened the hied around her Powe end began to loop up her hair, though 001 lames had actually begun to bunt in at the windows on either side of the mirror WW1-sbolutaty- ton her stay, and in septi bflbe fact that she near- ly sacrificed my life and her own, I always h when I think that u the time 1 meanly groped her she had two hairpins in her mouth and •early wallowed them at ib. eoddenem of my eotion. " My superintendent often tells of a yonoy woman in Holborn who, after • dreadful ex- plosion of gas -and when surrounded by Acmes -fiat of all raked up all her trinket& into the pockets of an overall she had donned, and then gave her face several dobe with a powder puff. She and the superin- tendent were got ont with great difficulty." HIS FIRST CHANCE. tifeapee4M ■.absad Mored a ragas Were. " Is Leer. • era ia all the midterms," de- twd.d the tean•is speaker oo wooer's rights. fiercely, "thee hie ever done my- elitis( to lighten the burden resting 0u leu wde'a shoulderWhat do you know of w•wan's work ! Ie there • m.e here," she ooalinued, folding ler &rine end looking over her audience with superb worn, " that bee ever got op in the morning, leaviur hie tired, wore -out wife to enjoy her slumbers, gone quietly down the stairs, made the 8r., cooked hie own breakfast. sewn the miming buttons on the obildren's clothe.), darned (family stockings, scoured the pots 0d kettles, ole•oed end filled tbe lamps, swept the kitchen and done all thei if n.oese•ry, day after day uucompl.rotngly ! If there is such • man in this 6w -bootie let him stand op. I should like to see him." And for book in tt• keit a mild-ierkieq mho in •pentacles, in obedience to the +um - mons. timidly erose. He was the hu,bend ot the elegem* speaker. It wee the first ohsnce he bad ever had to assert himself. - Tit Bits. Thr.egb a corr. The oold weather end the mgt's now prevalent are reminders of the strange feet that • 000gh.illipehtiiet'hy responsible for the great amount cf bloodshed that a000mpanled the Coup d'Etas by which the 1•t& Emperor of the French, Napoleo. III., obtained his throne. The brilliant though unscrupulous •d• venturer, General de St. Arnaud, direoted the military operations, but be was reluct- ant to undertake the definite responsibility of onmm.nding the troops to fire upon the people, being somewhat in doubt u to the result of Napoleon's memorable *error*. When the time for resole:a mitre dr - rived, and the mob showed Signe of • desire to sweep aside the troops, the brigadier - /rends under St. Arnaud's oommend sent an officer to their ohief to ask him what they were to do. 8s. Arnaud was seised at that moment with • violets; hat of nongb- ing which luted some miners. When it the -general $net managed to Talp the words, " Ma ..ores too: !" (My carred onah) The officer having waited until 8t Arnaud had recovered 01. breath, repeated the quer- tioe. Again the general wee taken with • mete fit of rushing, which terminated, as before. wltb tb. malediction, " Ma ••oree tour 1" The officer was no dotard ; he ooald take • hint, and, 'elating, be left St. Arnsud's presence. On ramming to the expeoert brigadiers be wee eked what reply the gamevl bad made. "Tb. go.ersl's only words sod oomm.nds wen ' liauseres tons 1'" (•oaaewn every- bolbo4 os oramands were obeyed to the let. ter, and miry thousands of people were shot doves dad b•ponetted b oossegaenee. v'-PaMlek, yen aural kenw hettse ebbe a pisw y+.r pig sty tieoleo* to . beam'. Aa' phwkey should I net, ser rt " Ii'• warum*g u.beahhy." "Da0Utby r it t Oat • ray grid yews t•.merlss1 Owe taw 6 abet W + loo's. t15. re • 111 QUEENS SMOKE. fox Fair Balers *•dberd w use et Cigar- ette.. Tob•000 is admittedly • gift of the gods, but few people, says our Berlin oorreepon. dent, believe that Queens Indulge to it. The tam, how•v r,isset.bluhed beyond !foal*, horror, that at leaserix ladies of this exalted rank are inveterate smoker. The "empress of Auattt+, in her dry renows,d as the mom beautify 1 women in Europe. acoouut. fur from 30 to 40 cigarettes a day : the Dowa- ger Tearitw, too, smokes a good deal -but only in her private apartments ; Carmen viva, the gifted queen poetess of Rou- mania, the queen regent of Spain, Queen Amalie of Portugal sod Queen Margbertta of Italy are all devotees of tob.000.' It must be remembered, of course, that Aus- trian and Russian laches in general are food of c ver tmokingIo France the 1 m -t11fk /6'01 B.trieNl4 Smarr* ohne Dishier tree occasion with Baron James de Rothschild, Bogen" Delaiorolx, the famous French palmier, kept hale oyes tars - .d amen his beet la so wrked • eraser that, whom Ow o0etlsej r.oe b lenge the dimly room, Baron James owed not bele ask*. bio earl what It was that retreat- ed his ottoetl.n. rya sae Pbiled.lphts Frees Th. painter ordered that for toms tints he had vasty reales heed to verve as • model for that of • beggar he Intended to bold • premiums* parties W • pantlna es which be was elm engaged. sod that, as he w ised at his bait's teatimes. the ides sudden- ly streak hien thea the very bead he deikired was Wore him. WIM this explswtioe he veneered te.sk the lunoe wheeher he would do bis the heir to eh for els as the beg- �ItntbsohIld, Wag s great admirer of art W ell Its ferias. sad awed to be maredee. eg re a its Bela parer, readily eoaowU- ed be eseume • shareable sever before un- dertaken by • rlllieralre. Tbe next day foetid him at the pale ser• ee.di.. Deters* daeed a twee round hie shoulders, pat • Waal staff is his hand, and m.ds bias pose se if bo were rooting . sM semi Mae slosiss$ Reath larlly. la We atatmde he w dkw.,ered by sue ate artist's favorite papa, wbe .lin. bad tree seems be the .ladle et all *wee. NatseaJly ••adndlos these abs medal bad emly jai hen bralpbt In frees err cranio pewit sod serer dramiaa the ebaraetee o0 e ei.4 by bis was hr Irma the Yee este he seised an epeorterit/ wise fi meters eye were term* to glial • pies a esewr.y tutee the beggars bast Bora. Rottbakild Waked 15. w1N a i..& awl kept floe ......y. TAO petal wen Z:IZtilLys waaf 1 4s i r. . J. wear 111geiar pdatali tM ben yew sem lowland Week but seeness NA be hail, to test, to Mrs bis _ �faertly after, ate young fellow resolved as GIVE ME THE CHILDRbN. "Give roe the.hiloree," the wastes Freobel • The hi▪ de rale all, tkkatiaa, asd hoagertol to be fed i Like the towers that har wakened when eprioq-eine kissed tb. nod, And they shall Mora and blussom 4• the garden of or God. I will barb tom of the father sad his beaut- ies, re by oast And love shall be the shower, sod love shall be has wen. And Saab sod g..* ps►ieooe the fresbes- tng deer shall be, Aod • symphony of bs•uty .hall blaom ben for re. Give me the little ebildren and the seams 1 will make; Tb. world shall be all beauty and sweeties, for his sake They shall scatter all their frsgrnnoe in the weary world of mea t Suffer the little children to Dome to Him • gai%.!e A BOY'S SUFFERINGS. ATTACKED WITH INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM AT AN EARLY AGE. MOIL IIKOOMNIKTII TRA.) BROCORT /ROSH AT- TACKS WIT* I3101IA.IN0 SlyalilTY UN- TIL Hi WS ATXTQCAL WRECK. Tram the dna, Belleville. Mr. and Mn. W. R. Kelly are people who are deeply grateful for kind toter veatioo of Providence whereby the 1ife, health and happier' of their twelve year old son. Master Harry, bus been restored and preserved. Mr. Kell* is one of the beat known conductors on the Midland division of the G. T. R.. and is now residing in this city. A Sun reporter having heard of tile ours of the little fellow mrd the joy of hie parents, called at their home and wee met by Mn. Kelly. who on bring informed of the objeot of hie v sit, at ear told the story of the ours and bow the resulta were at - tined. We were living in Madoo when our hey wan •boat five years ot age and in i j, f.'al:at9Sif *tee ..a rgeo • replied to my call by @eying be *mild ON ria. 1 a0 taro VON le) him sod 1ovad•e Net be was unable to walk. Medical aid being ■ummoued we diaoovered this i flem- matury rheumai elm had our little boy in ite grasp. All that attention and 'doctors ooald -do was done '*450..ereb pissed off. bet the following spring while in Peterhoro he wee again seized with the dread • ia ale and •gain we were in carried° dread ot losing yea I I h•ye Vied ut vela to preheat • tlokN Ha..yan • scat rill Wad lee me bete r •' Yad•.1." said tie soot *a111 ' Nero M loss sae soot as ear dMwosai► sed ar that yes e wel.or. to, U yea *Oak M take 5s." " Ob„ yes ; and • Vhsasseid Menke t When - is is Y' was las reply. " At the Ware" .-Wady replied Raids. .Ira. Io poetry violets are always bine, mover purple. Bat as • matter of fool bet belt of the ►wood sed odd varieties in Canada ars blear The rest are purples, yellow, whits, Ulm mid rte arses. Who dap jhe beet Ike oiroa-.ls000e al - ow does nobly. Miele could do eo Caere. vr- It u muoh better to love seals people Mea (t 1i to agree wltk them. L&BY T`O ORDmR ALADA CEYLON TEA ST *14L S5Kea b-fM. sae. sea- She Iiisi be Cleared Oat! READY - MADE CLOTHING. -MY OWN MAKE All tint -Clam Clo de. and well made tip. will be sold at remarkably haw prices to clear It out scan. A tine sweetmeat of New (foods for Tall sad Winter wear, CALL AND Ria MIL motion of the " abuse of corer." and .11 aorta of ills are foretold for the reckless queens and empresses. They an said W be not only raining the'/ health, but to be run• ning the rink of lalling • viotim to fire. Certainty, the teen• a smoker doe_ ran omega. oaage s igen though she be • queen. Thus the perils incurred by lady smokers when they are clad io light tulle frocks u spparens enough ; and the tragic .tory of the unhappy Auetriaer.prinoess, whip* will out soon be forlroLUM, is hold up is • want- ing arming to them. Caught by her illustrious father while smoking • cigarette, she tried to oonwel it in the pooaet rf her drees, made of very light material. The dress ig- nited and abs wee in • moment surrounded by flames -London Telegraph. ALLISON IN JAIL. Jaime *mese Is as tiappy as oyer and says Nothing *beat she Murder .r ■1. Trial. The visitor to the jail does not !ail to hear the tread of sllppered feet in the cor- ridor of the wooed story, the moment the mantle* dose °lames b,twees him and the outside world. At most any hour during the day the noise len a be al L.kie a sse- t.net oo linty the tread• are firm and steady, asd sometimes mingled with them .re the broken notes of some popular air. The oor- ridor in the second story is Jim Allison'■ dsyligbt quarters and he put• is moat of the time in oontinally wine its length, for he has nothing ilii to do. Jim cannot read or write and he hu to do something to while away the hours of 000foement. The time for his trial is rapidly drawing nigh. but he apparently never MINN it • moment's oousideration. He evinces no signs of fear or barra•emeot, bot on the con- trary, is more happy, and looks healthier than on the day he was planed behind the bars for the murder of Mn. Anthony Orr. Hie eremite 'tiff retain steer methane apt♦ear- snee and his appetite le equal to any we- aned 1a the jail. For aperson shamed with murder he is certainly a sissies. H. speaks of hl. situation or of • desire to see his parents or friends. The same curious expression eO comepion- ous daring the trial is still aotieeabie, and if eyed closely the corners of hie mouth twitch and his tongue is protruded. He i• as stolid as ever. He oe peaks about his trial or the murder, demonstrating that be relies entirely on hi• lawyers. He sings occasionally arid • few days ago had to be threatened with brag platted in 0.11 daring the day if be did not stoy. He is • quiet and obedient prisoner and seems to be well liked by the other inmates. Bea- lia Telegraph. A BURGLAR SHAMED. As Old L.4y Asked sem *brat /la Roller. At the retires of Mesas Verse.. N. Y., lira Yrs. Pardee Hssleboa, an elderly woman. She nee an income GotBoa.at for ler wants arid lira aloe. ave Ter • women who works to the bona dnring the day. Her seigbboru know bar ouly M • white haired, p t -had' old lady, who never speaks of her antredeata. From her wO- e rwiloe however, It W isolate. Quit eke bee rowelled mash The bora 1e modest sod set the wort of a place 00 eebb eb. eye .f • bailee. Yrs. Hasletoe has is her pr -.ares o."aka valuable papers* as important estate. and she beti.ves that the wptsr..t flew dowments was the .bjso.4 • stranger whew etre foam§ Is Ms rums seer thee after seldaltfak She wee badly trlghtesed, of eaves, .Mt rased berme hi bed sad asked what the ales wanted. H. sad he wanted sear sod threatened to sheet her If eh, ids ss es10fy. "• You wonlds't Meet ate, " mid Yrs. Haste** "Why I'm old seen* M be year mother. I. Yew mother aims?" . " Ne" eai,k the bugler. wordy. •' Welt I'll be hoses with yes. ' eostisoed Yrs. 15uI.tom. • Then's only myselt • helpless old lady, h the bass. dandy yse'n too mash of • we ter sake alvwtiso of • women -aa std vetoes." TM burglar Oared hat ben, .empbtdy us- serv.d. He was s peed leak's. yaw fol- low, Yr.. Haslet's ayes, with lurk mss• 05.x50s and largo eye'. H• hug kis bead W •.hessamed gray when she 1.5004 .t slut squarely In the ayes. H. walked belt way down N. Haft sold Napped. " You'd WO* woos down after m* gal dos Os pulepMi!toThat'. tb. way 1 et M;' M OsBtebasb. Yrs. Hoalet•e ie1N.M est area w �:es►hemammaIlwhd "Asad cid theburetr. •' I Vogl w cube yes say tots ole holy." *MIL Hssktse Shedd tib widow sod INN w bend. the child. When the warm weather ease again he rallied. but was very weak and only a shadow of his former self. Despite all we could do he IMO again attacked in the next spring. Yoe can imagine the fear and dread with which we watched these re - earring attacks, each one more severe than the last,, and each otto leaving our bey in • wore condition than those that went beton. His last attack retired him to hod tor three months, and his heart was dangerous- ly effected. His suffering' were terrible, and it was pitiful to see him trying to carry food to bus mouth His nervous system wee se shattered that s form of 8t. Vitus' dance had affected him, and bis hand and arm trembled so that he oould not teed or aid himself. Some !rimed• advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink _Pills and repine mewled them so hfghiy ik.t my linsbsud and myself decided to try them. We gave them to Harry for seven! months and whoa the spring name wstohed anxiously, famine a return of the trouble, but were thankful and delighted to see no .ymptoms of it, nor hu be hem troubled for the put three years. " What is the oonditiou of his health at preemie!' asked tin reporter. " t!e is o sturdy and as healthy a boy es parents weld wish for. I attribute his re- covery and pre••me health te nothing but Pidk Pi11e, end I cheerfully recommend them to all." Rheumatism, eidetic*, bonnlgi., partial paralysis, l000motor ataxia, nervous bead. •ohm, nervous pro.trstioo, and diseases de- posdta, .poo humors in ehe blood, sack as serefula, chronic erysipelas, .to., all dis- appear barn • fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Piok Pills. They give • heathy glow to pal• and sallow osrplexIeso. geld by .11 dealer asd poet paid at 60o. a box, or six beer for g2 S0, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Oa, Brookville, Ont. Do not be persuaded to take some .ahrtdtnte. Yrs. Plates -dohs, 1 want yoe t. take Fido for • walk en tie parade. Jelin -if you piers, ram, Fide wen's fdlew me. Mrs. Plata. -Well. Mea, you moo fol- low Fido. O.. clay les/ before sae of kis rsolt*l. Rubinstein ens aerated by an rid lady out- side the oeseert-r.oes .ad thea addreard- ' Ob. Yr. Rubie•ts*, I as so glad to see H. DUNLOP Wast -et Tailor. teat Beak Montreal. ✓ gluts TAeveawtie vi Liam Poor year see Jamb Deet�, df i(y Inland, was ti tvse elf t0. gd eaatk � to dtlwry� to r ROW DT J. Ill U&VIA. a'�, � � r.,diiirrlr,r.'ratrdrii -EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA DELIOAOY OF FLAVOR SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY a9JTa!?L Lad 001Q'0ETIMti to the 711131V017i DTSPZPTIO. NUTRITIVE Q(jAL@sgs UNRIVALLICD. pt�p�r.d0o1T0 s Homosou thio I ' Ibur and. • Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise Noryollsness DODD'S PILLS True ' - - Competition. Thos 'Oser*ntz>r P VAT Oo - Ttil.aatupa has bees to e5.. ors �L tl bur end per It is msasaaaett bssias erlachdr sad in the Latarget .it las parer. . *drams tib cf every *nom who Pet QOM use this believes* eorp•e . - with all lines ua e.bie. diusedawires��ppa.d Bpapr(eepe. lsfyw�wsa Oothe e-lerath SW w bla atadPo tetDee by Ora 73 Manager (•lower manorms I have beta troubled with Ner- vousness far some time ; could get no relief: Ons day I' was reading of the wonderful cures Dodd's Kidney Pills had done, and concluded to try theta. I have used two boxes and I am completely cured. I can highly recommend them. I remain, yours, etc., D. J. KENNY, Pro. Queen's Hotel, Mt. Forest, Ont. Dodd's Kidney Pills Always tura Nervous Diseases. PLANING MILL. EITASLISNED Id1K. llucIlallalls & Rhylls BABE. DOOR and BLIND DOWNS In all kinds et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad buUdas's materiel of rvsry dsetrlptnca School Furniture a Specialty. AMtINI'f'tON:- Our Stock is now oon4lots sod is one of the largest sad beet is ilitHis cities, LOADED sects In any quantity to suit the Purchaser. Shells loaded with any charge while you wait. We have a full Stook of POWDER, SHOT, SHELLS, PRIMERS AND WADS. -1...o.mow O. - They are sure fire but only kill at one mud. DAVISON & CO. TSB UP-TO•DAT1 HARDWARL • - The K UUa Limited, have made arraaaemeat. with WE MAKE!_ J. BROPHEY & SON, Sewer and o[ Wtrs et. to carry a full Ifee of their gemde. ThCule peals or get vtlitrips Furniture at Factory Prices �1�•� tr him. and by doing •o keep their money 1n town, and have • need chases of mettle, some of it back by suppertleg Henri Haan rant,.. AL tloods by the ID rnpaay's .make are My the CLTTLE BROS. Plumbers Sty -Fitters . .Tinsmiths HA /ELI ON -ST C+ocioxich• AM Oboe Aar d ere eta Lia. afee WRITS FOR Pa IO1*. THE ONTARIO SEWER PiPE CO moi AD -LAID. •T. til.. tl.wraer., t•tai0n T�ROIJ TO MANITOBA .:. FLOUR uoe TN 01 t t. the M y►iy*teziut FWr The Mor eian tawedadg e•. 17et 11 sew offered ter NUN D. CALO'S BAKERY. tblrpos t• Ofty,il0ar ahsald met adit Speed 1 vetoa 8 >lref's Bering a�ieti���tliaE gaels�rr> D. CANTELON. WMT s?S><f7t Is ter! SYST[PI RENOVATOR PUMP= nod OTRISISOTIMISID TAt SUM ivpiet♦ee W MOW of the YMie ilii ■i ies% Ind iris be Amid ladielpelaille le eases ef Kilner inrrieilrs W Mom Illessees. as ulna 1 _,J r 00tRtsr If 1 a