HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-21, Page 5)DS N tire. Ls 0 -inch nplete doable e your nd we glint TT itoYbii. mbID ee- do• ek this ked about h others in he cookers asked ex - whey was eft .gram Full= was it s door, upper pa rt • t miror- Iftterviewto d p if few Tort, !befits is .M lsitaes. fit Comes fart my 11 be elect - id onthat 90058 'cn. dome fedi rubor at t ial if otos the Mb a ether -0f bays sever nip 050 Mee sem t NEW FALL 000D ESTATE JAS. A. REID. } + + + + -r Our Fa11 Stock is now complete. Over thirty cases of the latelit Novdkiee in STAPLE snd ?AmOY DRY GOODS, READY TO WEAR CLOTHING,. MEN'S FURNISHINGS &c. and we do not hesitate in saying we have the largest assortment and best value in town, but the test for buyers is coGoods Prices with others and ublic is to compare ourur we know we can Please and satisfy you. ESTATE JAS. A. REID S. J. REID, Manager. weather d Septemberearly sad tly Os.ober [teased to .fest. Tektite the . m- Whole «atm- bof death* it will no egos f the period inesti000d, 112 days, the deaths were seder tee per tbh.0sad per annum. slightly over me halt the anuli death r.1. in Ontario. It will thus be ems teat (iode- rioh is still ewe of the he•Ithistt [ossa V Coatis. Vsowraus LANOIIA01.-The lfaranels Pest give% the following is lie beet von - table Neiman -234. -W. H. MoCreekeo o°a tura up at any of the Faire end beet the beet of them. Lott-us hop tnlb.t i tppOsins be does o.bhaga henor o[t hies o ci- to popsits will neither pepper mantel him. Mao. Is no email potatoes of m whew the t sbusiness are open. rut the fond llows or list of prizee woo will testily Listowel .43 &retort's 40 29 Wlogb.m - 47 Brunel' 47 Gerrie Blyth . • ... • .++-+. 0 Atwood BIRTrt. I coursgsm•4t, and comsesdettes will long be remembered by all preset. At the dote • very hearty vow es [hash was tendered bar. Rev. Js. A. Audersoo aotod as chair- man daring the mean.. SAD Nies -A telegram oame to o th. hose e Waimea. Jae. Waea. Mootreal-et, din son (yesterday), announcing the death of bb see. William. (better known as " Winter ") Wetsoc, at Gras Ho.pttel,Tor• onto, from typhoid fever. The WIZARD --The toflowiag from the Wingham Time refers to the Jno. G. Green who le •dvertteed to appear In Vtotorio opera boas to -Ingot Saturday eight sad the first four sights set week. " John A. Green. et Galt, known all over the country as the Wirral," will give fres entartainet•atm 1• Fm- Tumpoance Hall for • few night& He fa advertising Vegetable Wonder Soap. •ad is well spoken of by tee press of surrounding towns. He ezbiWties• are well worth • visit, sad are free to MIL sod tarnish lots of toe and [asses mystery." iCg1111 • ems se Nts fir. d 11. 1. A. Korai ghee. DIED. t>• S1S7 Neil Campbell, age 17 oa years and 6 months. f HE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Repor'tor'e Notebook t Tonle • Mie to a' Ter este. 1 teas T • Met ft 1 • Altera Asses Te WOW Het°•. ae' SIt180'11 reset u.' -esti[. And win took the derlug Mees Rs little ♦ •e: the Wireroma•• owe Ot 0 er Deemed teems of Prhdh•0's ionised* oversew a sits eon mond ail weetbsn. for it will be well made. out os the leen mien ttao plea. sed aren't destroy k11 peas of i r tie Dom0. Ores= Steam -Froth oyws always Wheel M the IMA rehash Vestals 1estem rant, W rrd. C. AT Wetzinw°".-M. 0. hew. hi Moeda" for Wes sews alk thwAs Crfetlng He: Reemes'a- 0b Iota 071 Rev Mite, el-, EtosSedlta.. edisinted •t 8t u.ora.'e shovoe,. nark T IL wits the teeter. BitcreLe Ac ebHeadereen cycle Ote sa.tedmekk this week woe a be increased ea the seams Werferrther alb ♦iiieh 04 *Snot to have • swank. a 10 Total 234 Blyth and Atwood Fain 00010 PO the same day, s the exhibit had to he divided to at• teed the two plass. D. -e Rasiltoa Wigle, of ,M DIS Teamvering from a sen- reeve Tbempsoe. Theo. N. mos' pas Ste* five eft Muer frk . Alwtore hough I Tow a Clerk Mitebell being the patl•bearers. red ems five er tan weeks. The esker wee entirely covered with flower& and there wee o very large seen d- eeteaL the i.aseethin. Tea Fuss Ts/asap/in Dorset•. -Thi first Tbaekeeithof this 0matry two bemired mod esiellOY-ett roan sin, at Plymouth, M.asa.Ml.sett1 Che whole o twenty mea. mywas present-it numbered 7 the btokward lover of Priscilla, eat 0t the feast, white Priscilla served at the table. Tb• story will •pps•r is the November issue of The bodies' Home Journal. Here Iodises sod whites set down together by the table est to the we -dn, end enjoyed the roast turkey, beshant& ohm chowder. fish, salad, oaks& fruit and other delicacies en• sided. it was at this Mance, dieser that the Int oysten wen served. The illus- tration of the article strew portr•ite of the Pilgrim fathers Hcson MsDICk.L AaaoC1ATI071- -The quarterly meeting of the Huron Medical Society was held at the Hoops of Refuge, Cliotoo, on tt edoead•y last. A large cam- ber of member* were prompt, tool'ding Drs. Barrowe,HMoKsy, 1100ootsunter, sad oand Bethune. Se•torth : Wood and Smits. Mitchem : Me - Kenzie, Mcootoo; Stonbory and Woods, Bayfield ; Rose. Auburn: Agnew, tendert- bora ; Campbell, Zurich Llianctiady, Wing. ham : Amos. tester ; Nesbitt, Toronto ; Shaw, Gann sod Turnbull, Clinton. Dr. Gunn gave .0 inetruotivs address on ner- vous disease, showing mush thought sed study. Quite • large number of "misfits were present sod were pi.mated bydiffer- eat members and need to Utastedifferent upon forms of nervous disease, sitou touched will be by the leotnrer. will be held is January, when .n address gives by some member of the moiety from Oodetioa.-New Era. BEATEMALL STOVE -PIPE VARNISH. LEAST ODOR BRIGHTEST LUSTRE QUICKEST DRYING. is it now before tires ars started. Itively the best. Us° n0 other. W. C. GOODE CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCS. a Ynaa's novel. TAU -Don't mine . -daE me tog kinds. -Pim 1 reahie - 6ltiata talk is the Opera House on Friday swathe set He take hie bswrere es • NNE rotted tee world, visiting the different MO d the British empire, and 'bowleg wg one l meired beautiful iia light > eve the f Meed persons, planes, sad thioge folks • ohms to see it, sad be 'n- sbaoo°d as well se entertstaed. Mies Whit - thV will slag "True Till Death," midMir lhkosr A Flower Song," artog e ven fag. Piioee 25 sod 35 emote. Dens Arra Wstyt. -Lyle Friday Nni Ossphoii, Mess at Alarms of several years' dared°e, passed to t'se world barred, sod 47 years. It bad been known for some time that deceased said nob remover. bat so •eriy idealise was not satieipit td. The faserall.th piece on Sunda yy to Maitland Cemetery, Rev. Jas. A. Aad•rssa seedaelt- is.e melee at the boss, Ree. Dr. Ure ofbeisWug at the grave, avid F. F. L•werece, D. C. Strsoheo. ltd. Van Evers. Dopy -- Poe. SAMPSON'S RED - BLOOD PILLS. AN IRON COMPOUND PILL so eeanbfned ea to sake a remarkable remedy for Weakness, Lowness of Spirits, Poverty at Blood, oto. no. • PR=e0m 25C. 5 a'011 81.00 Or N b pay 60o. for Interior remedies. Use the amine BAMPSON'S. r STILL GOT THAT NASTY- COUGH YET ? - Why don't yon try a Cottle d - DUNH,AIVI'S COUGH FIXTURE ? A SURE CURS - . r_Up-Dt 2bo. BATTLES AND SOLD ONLY BY F. M. D U NH AMS CDruggist. week's' StosaL, were oompleted. Mr. Smooth did not carry any inwr•aoelWeilli Le bean the whole lees, and ea she assails• tory wee in first clans 000dttton it is a heavy one. His Fxrssixece -A well-known ratites, who took in the G.T.R. ezonnioo, had peculiar experience in Chicago. W t ale viewier the pest otos in that dty, h was s ousted by • heroines -looking ludiviidual, who asked him what the building be was looking at was used for. and on Ming told, he entered into 000versetuon by asking w here our townsman same from. On being told Canada, be remarked. " Why, Toronto is my birthplace." He then asked where the Canadian was going. On being told to 8r. Paul, he raid, "Wby I nm going there, bat seam gee sway jut now, ac it you would take some woolen 141.ve to delayer then 1 would be much obliged." Our resi- dent being told that bis new •cqu&intauoe ,epteated • loris firm ice the W st, agreed s sttitseke pausal 01F w a9 , n The man who was bore to Torontothn s:a the packers was on the lake front, and the two started to walk in that direction. The Torres born individual bis com- panion to tike the street oars, but bis sew - toned friend was oat for • walk ted was bound to have It. so the long journey WM. made on foot. Arriving se the Mks the mu who was beim in Toronto stared • aloes ted in • load veil asked the b•t- erter oflhad m mutt julepsleft saidfor no,bon. but ► jEi. Joan had been there and said be woad be but in o few minutes with the atroulon, ted that you were to wait tor them if you oalld. At thio stage the man whit was born in Toronto and the visitor from God/dials were ushered into the sit- ting coos, sad •lase[ as moo m they were sea Our ed e0 w th ha w of 0 a k H b t t CiauaoR ANaiiaasaaT.- the most eno- oeasful Anniversary aerates ever held in otneestiwith the Zion st Soren, Goderiebeatownsb D were held lust Sunday, and Meed.y. They were marked by large 0.diesse and great enthusiasm. Exslleot awest eryre obed by Rave. A. L Roe- s -11, M A., 0[ Ren4on. tf. Wf' .' •. A., of. Helmesvrlle. The napper served in„ the school house, both in ita ahuod0n0e sod quality, refsoted great credit upon the good Ladies of the obaroh and ooneregation. 1'be church could not oontaio the oauions what .a..mbld to hear the Preens and many were compelled to remain outside. Ad- dressee, able and humorous, were delivered ty Revs. J. ledge. E. (hvat. ted G. W. Asdeews, B. A ; Reeit•tione by t40sia M seises. met with hearty seises& s thee vsMd the asci. •. w* byMims RlHlw. Ifrhw., sea. Wet. mw The eb°ir sed Wm. 8toddrrt d dodmei•b• did themselves credit at oil the servtoe. An instrumental dust by Mrs. W. Whitely sad Mr. Campbell was warmly err vd !bias McC..I ted Stoke the duties of soeempO.bN ism .4Soiest manner and Dr. Whitely proved himself to bin• model °h•irtsa. The pmts. Godwin, ted the officials ere to be oeogre n- leted. Prosed. 962.40. e011e able to move armed the rev. geetlem•s will nos b . able to nesse bits dot,* e time. Al OLD TOWPs0AP.-MT. Saaader, et the Orgao Co. bad • letter from ea old tease:nit John Stevens, from M•nttoa, Macltobs. Mr. States speaks in glowing'' terms of the harvest, bad Ina kind words for the (iedorioh Orran Co. and the old town Uxctr Toll's CA.te.-Ueseto Tom's Cabin woe presented last wedsed•y events/ in Vitoria Open Hosie to to et the largest use time.mason we have t la well hall tor s Md pine. The drams were pleased at the played, bred all premia[ perfectness. Tett WtesttD 10 b)OD0HICH.-E. Coultas, of • lewdest .t the G. C. 1. i..e tyre. ses.spsoted by Mins Heeds-- son eader• son sad T Reedsrs°o, et Wbiteobseeb, tthseTetd to U,J d l► -win r k. 6 Ma.4o7. .Renee. last. seed retuned borne Tseerhy Owasso. While in town tier were the emote .t Mn. J oo. LL . Vomiter. V 1ce:MA STRUT AiPIYY T. The Anuivere•ry serviette of Methodist w►snh will be bud on Sosdsy the 31st lase. •.d the tellow40 Moodily @Teethe A tomer »aster, Rev. H. Irene,. will preach, bad as Fm- platform ensetieg addresses will be delivered by Hem Jos. Eiger, R. I.. Metres. mad H. Wren. TH.T WRIIILIo AwAT.-Rhys D. Mo- Oillivr.7, M.A., fi D., of Hosea. Celia s+ supplying palette la diIsress parte en ado. He left early Mends mitala moon him wheel for Toronto, gobs by letter wn- panted by J. Uv. Stewart. The return is • few days, NO the rev. New mon will be attests tell Cbrinesee Years. Burnt Hseen enol. -Jobe Kelly, Ely th, pard our town • visit ou Saturday. looktsg at Sc. Peter's oheireh,fnterior. The ens- greg•tisa d Myth are altering their obereb, sad Mr.. Kelly wee !shine up some Isolat- ors in' i.t nor work He interviewed Ma'i•- par Steeds* ee(0,ding • cep altar. and be 1.111 maks so untake is givens Cha mean Co. the ce.tnot. Horst or Remo[. -The Homs of Refuse as•v.. emee .the, Ups s. en Clistoa o. Friday, the members being all Pratte. Considerable discussion arose over the pig- gery oestrtet, sod than it was resolved to preen* .1 est meeting ofof more - easyplass and intimated set omy ret :minae to the main buddies. Some minor improvemtestm sad si- tuations we -e •Treed to, to be e•rcied est each the direatist of Inspsetor Coat.. The committee ezomi.ed the building and ground' olosly, and it wee tad mat ionise that the 76 fruit [roes piss were ell live leg. etsd et the 137 sproa.. but 4 had hided away. Am the whole of the trees wen per - nosed .t the Beastlier nursery. itshows thee home grows tress beat all ethers. TIEII11SsA1, 00d.21, 1897. • potent will In hosed shortly, sedate of a bras plate, meaeled, basial tdts.aamb.r of the factory and the motion, and from this the brand is undo in the obsess melt in the sours of manufacturing. It snot be erased, wither o•n it bo pat os after the these i. s°sat•otund. THE MEEKLY MARIetT REPORT. 0 erimucr, October 10, tta7. SwatTH's MILL BrosoD.-Sb0rtly atter 2:30 on Thursday morning Smooth • planing mill wee discovered to be on fire. The MOM erallarWig. On safari Cho hos wagon leen heaved she building was envelopr.d in .ad wino the brigade reachedd tbe he mesh so par the banditti:, saved, •ed It looked as though thte firee en would have 0 LoThe time keeping reatroag from spreading. wing wind blowing and the burping shingle and piece of wood were carrieby h en sen of dis- tant refs, and in many the properties that resived the fiery .how• to the firs down.dUnfortawtall they elvlah onearestho rant did not work well at first, and eon after Outing to pump, • pert of the hose fired water out •t the wrong part, bees there wen fears that other buildings would go, hut our brigde with ite until cleverness soon bad things rirbt, end preserved the neighboring property from darns& The or• 101a- of the fire is not known, bat it is known that some tbittt-lli the e the alarm sae of oar °duos passed et fin, and .t that time there wee no sigh It to midst that there was no asoalderisg ffre thirty ets before ebe outbreak. end this fact leaves M ease to Other •ooideutt or wiltnloes'. Of ooarste. it le possible, m ll amid acidmay Uy v ees sdthe sleeping in It is ssdsee probable, hese it te leser°Ily sap that Visit Itenor t waa Nthat teed, to th° latter osielesioa le that at 2 A. t1. there were no sines d ars. while at 2:30 weedy every part of the building was burning. and Ws Weed of lee is • olosod bnUdlsa it b natural to suppose was the stoats hoes *afire sllt shower of east oil. Tbssw fiat and the owner omam in the milt ulI 6 r. k. gathering up tools, eta. to be moved t0 Ole office for storing until -the extensions that had been oomeneno.d, es noted be IML MAnrutim CglrtstHaT.-A •1edt to God's Aon es tie M.lthod the past wools afford- ed ase d the protease view.1 C•d•di•° scenery le ie sensible to eb ear % Oaterlo. for them is se hint that we kisser whets the trees are so varied and the Pall foliage a oharmiest. Is oneea) parte of the ems° drew be the junior eh•meteoobio tory the Dion q.4 ba ad tee 101tad whenvans ('barmiest. wee played lastTbarsda7. Jim. as three ol uy lsow sed tee Beene when • o ..oil easier the trophies. 'rhe pair of bawls were sivan for the tsunamis b7 A. MoD. Allam whoa ke woe the malar ohompionehi0 sous six weeks e mht••w 1f set an the t.Mrven R flet th- tet shielded. The followieg took part : 1st buswr. Crams ran Dort -The Oilier° Cheer- ed. d 14M Sept bas the follows( w1N re- ference to " Under the cos" The meobealeal•rrlevernese of the sorts whlob sake the ipeottor behave he is on boor! ferry -beet erasion N.:tb River (New Yor t,Ity) looking at the NOS of the great otty grow, sod take shape r the eye of halts bathinge. le really remarkable, and ase of the meet thrilling shipwrecks we have ever .tea epee eco •taos is that of the U n the rooks f Min In steamer Treetop apo th. Weer seem the blirdisg flashes of (fabt- a.y. the roar of the esti the crashing of umber, the agar of the death-dealieg pls. were an simulated with ms Ueloos s taeel- ems" This great May and latest Meows will he et Vlorost0 Opera Home es Friday, the 29th Oot, TRS Junto. CHA*I'tON•Hir -The gist tad the mae of circulars celled for drinks. dozen, however, could only be permed - to try lemonade, of which. bowaver, he ly drank sp.rtoglr, se by Qs time be es gatting snap:otoas of his new acga•int- bes. Betere the drinks ware out of eight o protesded) Kentsokten entered remarking at be had )out Deme off • train when be d been robbed of see baodred dollars, hioh amount bad been ea•tobed from him gniokly that he did not see them go. h,l° spskiQ( he had pulled out • big roll bills and threw them en the table, where- as the mu from the Queen City told him to careful with es, money, ea he did not sow who the mea he was talking to were. e quickly grabbed his pile ted put it in an need• pocker,and almost immediately .f ter• and palled out what appeared • o.rd, ut turned out to be three, and soon he was tying to introduce the three card moots rick to our citizen. The mu who was born in Toronto et ono. invented and lost wo five quickly, and the Hsrooite now be- st sure that the moo were gaget b .Isre, rem o •roost o go, bet bran hfellow walked Into the room, • s biggee brawny room, noised him and •a°e Mm of play - inti e•rd°ament.-11 111071_01 Illinois. Bet old to - be >Olsyad loll Wheat Moue fpaomily per owl 130 to Bras, t+ toot..- per cwt 11 06 1 90 tot lbrem. ton _.. 19 00 tot Gate, •baa► ..............._.._.. 0 11 10 Pea., a bash .. 1415 00 to New Hay. • toe w••»•-• -..^ 0 00 to Posts. seethe.:. _-,.- . 1 It to Batter. , 14 to 1resk impactedtr 08F .» i io to 10000 to Lien 040to Live B/rs 600 to -O'_'4ll-w--^9t e .. 4}'=•Og T6 H Perin. tter cwt .r..»... i t two d It Dremod Bet torr. gunns - 3 00 to el 00 Dressed Reef. hind 600 to 600 Rye do 0lato040 Harley do 09 3 to 0 94 76 30 90 00 00 10 is It 60 00 50 50 11 li EXCELSIOR CELSIOR CATARRH • CURE 13 A CURE YOU MAY DEPEND ON. TRY IT_ - 8OLD ONLY AT DAVIS' DRUG STORE TO ADVERTISERS. Ns*, ei changes mast be left et this Nice not lase than liatnrdaj noon. . 9+ ffE ebesgte mast be kit not lath -dial- w day noes. Oa.nal AdelerEta aooepted so to noon Wedns*" a each week. • FOR YOUNG WOMEN sia "ALMA." Ant. A residential oared 8 park. Travollnt GUM.. the sea was.ln41t lIS tits west Who nm917 magotflse.t. 1,`r Wcla=tie's CORWIN fish•-Oote bee 27, "M and S4 ora the lease fined ter the Hares Melia* Lay Wel,.ts.osovest• ton Newman Z411siido TM 6/"tb^.'tw111 celebrate the mpptteahl eel the Rune Workers. *4*..ste wilt be datvef I` by the 5 .410 /id Telerate bed Wlsyar.• Bish- op Bullies bbd Date Orrodebeel.n aim exposed. Rev. A. H. %Mldwna, Toren. Mw Ci heels01 tine h 01 . the Desoovi Heaeet 'rebel1 S. R.' Rieke id hi re. (bites k Dodoes will read popes Yttltntr HAND LwwaHTAniralrr.-The Omen res. of Ens teen* was errsded te tea deem. Siad newel•* roes woe at • . Jrm, O'Ceesl beat T. Robbie.. "e 10400 tots tee 1° 0000,0 1 UO1t T)EAtI Rets. -The ether day bow- premises tars y 111 i *MOWN fried that Mr Plettbltph+M rind m tbt death rate h•ri sea .oe.a.nv kWh Hila My lfiabsa '!Meet. A amber 54 the menthe, oto entad.. Rest- McLean beat Jade* Masses. Jas. O'Coosell " w.i. P.+aSM°t. jots. Doyle wee by detested Cold. well " H, Deal°p. T. Robinson 2nd plow. _ T. Robinow Wee R Molise. Jae O'tmetell " Jades Doyle. neat.. Mixed ORAlI5 TRUNK RAILWAY, Astra. Idolised EiirM Mixed ALMA COLL.Ol. St. 1 homes school fo _veep( women. Delightfully Inah- acre Has the wrest attendance d any ladies college In Ontario- ,'rite for cataiogue to Rev. R. I. Warner, principal. ALMA COLLEGE. IT. Tar:aws. ONT. 10110.01. Mall end Ezprse Midi mod Express Mall and Express MI1:ed DOWAaw. 1. set 10.1 p.e. 7.1 •.m 130 pan Lie am IMalMaare Licenses. LANE, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE Y . Lioeassn.0oderl0h.Ont. WA11-1b Tonsorlai Artist. FRLTZELY, TONSORIAL mARTIST. pp--, t nam' dg tq inane fi 'iw Se +Weir endises. *Mr oenteta aha iZ attended asst sirsidly attended to, and [tone but com- petent heads employed, Williams' old stud. McLean'• new block, next door British Ex- change Hotel New Machine eitioUs. • Afrentm Wanted. AGENTS -" THE REST POPULAR wrtIsI Ord Lome, about I' Queen 'notaries." Sales 4041 g de m D,to make t04 Live d el- larscanvassers. Tux RRADLiYfiAli 00.. IAtnited. Terrootw Ost. A0001) POSITION OPEN.-ASeE88- ment System.-Mntuol Principle. -W0 want an active. energetic and reliable Baa who will devote his entire time sad stt..ttaa 1. the were of the Mutual Reserve Fend Lies Asool•tion In Qodericb and Mdeity. OUT Plano ted methods ere nosh as M egebte a good .gent to do more Dueness eat make more money he represented w l '7 for say a ilii. oomoa_syv to W. J. MoliUUR'['RN. mems[. Fr Loss Mid Torres. 1tiT EW ltAIJRINE SHOPS -ALL KIN DE r) of Repair Work dos at Reasonable Price. Tanning 1mples..ts forsale. Mooh- l e . Dew sed mooed band bought ted .old. Engine and Bonen fee sale. Stand -Bates id weeon shoo ooreer Victoria ted Trsf•lgsr Bteeet5. J. BASCTER RUNCIMAN. 6541 Strayed or Stolen. AGENTS SELL " KLONDIKE [.OLD Fields" reaping the [rlwind richest hary not h thew b•gfesie a doing wonders . Nearby everybody subscribes. One Tsang fellow on ep type -writer smooth d00 • week is $16.00.g 41 A mechanic who had earned 111 50 • is clearing ES. u) • day. We want more agent& Caavastag oatlt Soots., worth $1.0'). THS BR &CLIC Y -GA RRETHON CO.. Limited, Tor- onto, Out. WE**KT to handle established trade; w It this county. Canadian snook S guaranteedto live. Permea- sot psltloo, whole or pert time. Liberal terms You can make ten dollars o week or better with us tor every weer you work. No ae a n 00312ANT. Continental Nurseries, TORONTO, ONT FROM THE PREMISES, LOT 24, oon. 1. deemed* towashle. os the eigdt 8 1117. • black mare •lent IL s•rm lf iMN star owterebese .s L» - our resident was tee a rnr`A t0 wits. and finally getaway and rem bd kit wwberee frthe ost bye no heir >ibHad ° soshoes hotel irately . on. 10faeon don erados to her recovery will thankfully reoslved DAVID CLARK. HARBOR AND RIVER. • The small boy no longer takes his dist Is REPE TISSU E the Maitland. • ERTRA-1ZROVIN(IAL COMPANIES. Tb. .ohoener Craftsman gee . sew jib I PUBLIC NOTICE le hereby (yes that an p ll• i ►arbor Int week.der the provisions of m ellen of The On - put In ash h I tart Oerepsle' Art..1517 e00utem wen tea Jen. S. Nett bas .e.11y two bandied eT opt ognae wrs AOTaosrrr well . Laois or plerrAa*o; porde of stow et and near the old salt or ass ACT e r rte t toas whisk 0010 er prier to tb° amt d.7 of roma- We'chooser Clara Yea•11 arrived th port hers A. 1).1t6R. 0•rrise os .. _- t. Octans, this week with -• e0reo of timber for N. &aeii t{,egpe wL'sarop6e mi saotr omlcctktt r the Dymest. oor_er•ted alder itis Uri air.: I os of bs Tm- ateomer 90. Andrew 1•tt for Poet tan lbs first deems" e e1 N ser. 1. D. 1117. Arteat ea 8amd•y monis&. bavtt0g been do- make oat treed tlsemestt:t Ne PrwvtmW H.° Weed 011 night by the rough weather. rotary • ssatetsteit. trader smN, tlbwksi The monomer Ceritaede, with 300,000 it. Fal The asperse, hnp it a esivae7 ter N. meat, (til How and ander whet salol d glnersil Aot the 00015047 t•e.FPSrat.d. of lumber froth 'Pham»Isa wad ass rh.eid the G.T.R. deet its 8aaday morn- ; Aota •mending =wow or general eau Act ; The *shoos/ Craftiness .mire es Than. When the bed sane of tie esa.r•ns (• S altrtated ; Thurs- day for which Mises to tow atoll for 0Cleve-7(4) The !amount of the authorised capital )and, at whish pert she will Mks em 6Th steer ; [sea of osl for delivery 04 the Oederioh IM The wheust of stook sub.oribed or laced tI•tAt w0tks. and the .mount paid up thereon ; 0..dr.etor Medias hoe get in the I•ian- ,(f) The nature of each Clad of basinee dada IA the amiss of the breakwater teat which tee smpanr le empowered to oorry es, fad went kind or kinds b or are oar- ed jebemem- Gnsd Truk. sed portion of ryd toe Is O 1.011. AGENT F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL sem; D TfirB 11 t:eTea - 1 take this oppertnniyy te Worn the p0Dlts that 1 as WUl la the bemuses notwith.te.d! all wremdo een to YM 1sateer1. and sseoe_r irtfb I plasm d amanta eay ,saLteeNabed /rasa eM The t •a.t las I. such M shingles ad Wooer s epiialt7. F. SMBETH A fresh shipment of all the new and latest Rhodes, carefully and p r- tonally •elected at lOc per roll. Something entirely tie* in the Blendld slat) Shaded CREPE PAPER To one It is to fall m love with it, 15c per roll, Aosta only by oarutres. 8A. .dl s Twos sOlstianill it eMld trier fiiai ke.1= i+aa'. [tarifa- l MlteMih a !ILLrmers. le ow meatal*5440010, N*M Neel ieta ►aet► TCi {s ani se 1 MOO tat 5, ttw meeerr4P a ' •410101.7 l!f isle . mben. tine were The etr11S_ a 5t' allebuEs_ brews*• gsee at ta sd Pomo e'°' f1 6. •.A ahs aa*. tea maws BQOKSTOrRE, . was tb tar Mrs wb1°b i. ohm yam yogis reel* elm st wtseiri 100 Aw sets. OQDERIOri. lbs kind for 100 per roll 2!k s 160 " rain T10sue for 10 ' a sheet Its fear tion hiss. Stone is being dasysd 11 nag eospart>• value defeat i. comply - bete this Pomba fres lee" in tee river. log with the p witless of the set ten tt este freer all libido of freshet. Mr. Medi- der sd barsesed the staff the pea week, ,,tom s amid hie mai, with thew a aeseed oa'the sl- leetie' wed delivery et same. sake. thine. Melt lively abort the barber sod *roe std is • few weeks the hest aerates will be emu Leser a tw fj dhtatM dal for ever p'blYasm A,sbo5 t.r PRES$YTEIMAI 800* OF PRAISE. tel ejae wee bee blrrimm M r PORTER'S this '° a slaw Woad tar _ tkadi kis Fidistadd tbh et CaOiti► *s .ublow i y W t [tensa Ilk W. Thbmeon has steely waned his lot as Fm- obreor of Brieisw tied Euros Roads mei pat • very twist wire tome •rwaed it Ht bee Moe sr►rlsd 441* A.1 est the founds- 1Se ler the dwelling be lathed. era5Mne aborems. Ti. Family If weld .ed Weekly Star, of Mtetrs•l seems le grog/ In value year by year. It has 1110 tba 5ervtee of the bet welters is •11 breathes. Sack • marvellous smites for Owed. t May of the neat hinges bt the foamy Herald and Weekly Ellie ban beet worth the whole rose's esb- pyla g11.wba *reeve w .e .e Tlagdsy hrk 'p..1. Reeksap twit t. -Ape .*1awb°rrime from the noes This la • Whet late slates of tb. 7sse tb be Males strawberries sad Mr. , Re.k.tmp says be would Ube w Mar of any we with --__-- in (Wariest wbat- company, da se trane0ots m.mb twenty par pollo ssabU.tt ste- elwith Lee above provisions. epos nto the an R.us.5t ev Tasosb. 0 aerials. July 611 1117 BUD Ir WHAT YOUNUT L oo YAK=TOtfRIOIL 414 THE HURON AND or'7ox LOAN INVESTMENT Ol [/PANT L10 T01m.-COmena, Holt and e oboes n1..--Isionmt Oompaa olh seethe at four per Dent. per annum. on sural fres es Dollar upward& Depositors will!niee it to thetr ad to come and we a& y ,00ares-LW bewared at any t1m in eeir.ar Abney as tbi mmsarfey d • Avtlteatlime O 'b anger sr slloiter . 7'i, sit is a rod oo aa Hone HV Huse ORA ap 0 J. H. OOLBOR sed HORAOI fiOlt}01f. Try • bolt of W11so.'s Inc. Pills and mea if they don't OVI 700 an appetlte and strengthen yes system daring the hot weather. 25 oents only at WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION Day° STORE. Mees; ease 1f eats ere art setbf0tor7. New Fall Milliner ^y.. • ter Ifs ham .i btawble ars liete•sei t te..rrlil~iMrwib 1w :alba rismill warm TelsileanNe. tea le THE LATEST STYLES IN RATS AND BONNETS and all the B@WWt Shades in VELVETS, FLOWERS and FANCY FEATHERS. \i Agents for PARKERS DYB WORKS. ' MISSE8 YAT e