HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-21, Page 3'ted •s ds s pmM weal LM ase. w to um._ .eat lir;lay soioatae oe not Prov.d. the, toe Public is ▪ eiubie rant tie ✓ e in rya• err Rattus. • asnuta, oz r. more y are ours t hir'e .tors blindltd br ntrne 1. mimeo; i<r s nom of Ns large Qs worker la mil/ ;or pita -s. �I13. Near i► it with El the 5 oe =not be numerous u RS. tlIEfIIRY. WEAR it DX ✓ R bopKla• ,N YEARS R PDA. ZgJv ghost Ire. • was. at, tie Mese sad la. MI Lewes ding ad deliv *dew tor 0o. gNet• sbl7 THE SIGN A L : GODERICH ONTARIO. T•usapav, Oot. 21, 1897. 3 Quackery I9 slw>tps discov- ering remedies which will act upon the Seams of disease directly and kill them. But no discovery has ever yet been approved by doctors Which will cure consump- tion n that ways only be killed t y making the body strong enough to over- come them, and the early use of such a remedy as Scott's Emulsion is one of the helps. In the daily war- fare man keeps up, he wins best, who is provided with the needed strength, such as Scott's Emulsion supplies. - D.ntl.tr7 FAITH. Then Power that beyoud tris w1M -7 Beloit, W tow I am resigned. Fechild from me la snatched away;Fe . valtupew hed at the peof day. t f dletern with clearer brew • A high indulgence In the blow, ertal.lgbt In the storm that o'er me beoi, A apselal klnduees to W stroke, A gentleness behind the Law. A sweetues• followed on the "we, Mall 1 forget that noonday haur, When as upon some favorite flower A deep and Uug*ug bliss was shed, A thrilling pre trap overhead? 1 hjd not known It since my birth, 1 alkali not kuow It more ua earth. But now 1 may net ale 001 err. Nor fear of ever luring[ her. Though reelleg from thy thunder -blow, Though:blinded with shy ngneuneg low, 1 staggered back to dismal Ilfe, And judgmentxed $111$111 to mortal strife, I feel, 1 feel, that we shall meet.tatAl. -dtephen Phillips, In The pec M NIt.'HOLSON, L.D.B. DI•TLJ- SUSSMAN. Rooms opposite the Post Office (Mid [ruling. Crowns and Bridge Wort a ap.oalty. n5 Years Izmir' non M. MARES, D.D.`tL. TAL SUP lh ON. -Latest and approved methods for all dans o Done. Preserve ion of thetasak a p Malty. (ice sataver Jens Ws try ode store. 001- an of West 'be 'be Svaare. 67 TM.-'t8R11.a JLL,-- D.D.B., Ila D.8• - . Mental 0ar&. Jp. fLattly associated will rt ci teeth xmotrevi. Doti and ounted on gold or alurce- mi- nium lum- a. prim hosesa•ea, speclel attention Rlvea to the preservation of natural teeth. 61 In McLean* sewblock M.dioal. RR. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN, SCR l tress to. Oce -Brace street. the resi- dence 1v.(y eeaenpled byDr. Idahoan e N iRh- talL from residence. r -- THE SPANISH PEASANTS• W ALKING BACKWARD 1T8 DIFFICULTIES AND , UMORS IN THE PRESENCE OF ROYALTY. The Truth About an Ignorant and sate- uudereteyd People. In the Spanish lower classes, you will and poverty an appalling ignorance -a neglect of the intelligence which is purl- tively aniuul-yet, ueverthelees, uut 'm- alted with an ub'ytoas capacity of edit cation and iwpruvement, au actual .a adniltatle pluck and cheerfulness, a tem per. grateful, hospitable and affectionate and a marvelous sobriety of living. There b one creedal word particular) applicable to this genre baja. 1t is th Spanish. word outride, which we mus sender 1a a .1hg' a YAg1Db% word -by tieut; but It menus more than patio it means pitieut aud nnvludictive untie grievous Injury and wrong. saute th Such are the Spanish pea y - cream of the Spanish people '1'hdi only province in relation to theft Govern meat is to pay. They are a paasiv vehicle• for Ministerial extortion. Th coetribuciones are already heavier that they can bear, and grow more more less as each successive administrntio j ksnps ahte cuuutry sleeper and dc. tufo debt. Iu return for this continuo disbursement they receive nothing. Th., tapas are without a road, their childre without a school. their navy is furuish with ships contracted for at double th price of ours, whose only quality is go to tyle bottom without the shadow a cause; tlitdr army is unpaid, nnotllcer and undrillerl, and absolutely incom tent to engage' with any European pe er. The last Spanish census shows tit of a total population of 18,000.t1Hu, "v S,nC ),000 can neither read nor writ •#uif ha occnpatlon: Thte stn so damning that it appears hardly n eery to inquire farther. It atm server to show that for the present Spal is a mantry of Europe, but not of E ropeana! that the Moor, and the ve worst and most savage part of him, still predominant in the despots who. the .pewr_tg reiee.ot terror, aided by compliaae'ent aid 1 W ino.inre'hy. army, an arei d pollee, a suborned cher and a subonied press. atnse the hone attribute* of truer and government a estminst'er Review. .and • 1 c t 1 r e r e e 11 n per all it n ed e to of ed Pe- w - at er e, .•d e- pty n u- n le by a sir gy st nd A Cram Art That le somewhat Dtartalt W Aogelso-Aa lueldsot to the Carisor of the Dake of Ars/II-Dae to the Late Primes Consort. Among the many peculiarities oft eti- quette at the wouarehkal courts df Eu- rope there is bone that is more strange tiro the walking backward. It is an .tc coamiiahweUt-nay, one might alms: dt'.crklie It a au art -that is by uu means easy to acquire, aud yet which is lndisyeusable to those who are called upon to beak'in what is kuorwu as the euushiue of royalty. Nowhere 1s k car- ried to greater perfection tate auto it•e- quntly praotkvd than at tete court of Queen Victoria. It is scarcely necessary to state that the •token walking prufuuud raespect. rd iIt a an attitutes e of homage that men ud the old regime iu Europe still accord to every gr:ut lady Vd their acyualntauuce wheu they beck out of her preaance at the ouelusion ine of a ca11, and is based upon the that it is discourteous to ever turn the back toward any ups that is enr.tled to deference. The turning the Imes upon a person is to 'web an extent a armee etrdtion of dinregafQ and come:net that it has even come to be used lar a fgoie at speech fun the expresekei of ave `feu, and hence it is not .nneterulky feel+id• dell "by `the etiquette- of must. of . tlx: courts of Europe iu the presence of royalty. At Berlin. at Rome. and at the court. of some of the rne.re modes.r fed minor dynasties the ruse is not so du+t- 1y ubeereadesend in the Premien caeetal. as well as at the Quiriuirl, 1 have gftr_u watched the great dignitaries of the '.m- etrial and royal boureholds marchinie wand of office iu lauixl, at the bead of the ion, turning their gold-vm- brui er•d backs full ep,.0 the gum. awl of the Lord, who tulle wed 'u their woke. Bat at Buckingbaln palac , at Windsor, or at St. James' the Lord mberlam. the Lord Steward and the other curers of state invariably preceyde either the want keephrst their faces toward k0. CAMERON, BARRISTER, 80LI- SOLI- =or, Ga♦eyanoer. t., Otsoe-O0 Bros.' � goods w doors east of on. Sl Shorne Li &NEST i1EATON -- BARRLSTER, LI �gdtor�, Netawr, tubtaa . �t bieok, West Bisect L� cAidPY?N,Q.C.. BARRISTER, SOL. J1. Sauer. Notary. de. Office over mamma .i ts,.. loderaoh. -i-U. JOHNSTON. BARAISTER, . nettor. eomml.aoa.w. stec�,, SO - 04. Udoel• : nor. H*mlltoa .este fit. w9 steeds. Get eraeh. snit OM L,. N. IswISr BARRIBTHR. PROO- yJ cos la Mambo* Oosrta ed lnc.-Ssatb Gelberse besot. D HU IT - 016, se. BMus Nortthet.. east doer • Neese OAoe. Private reads to ti at term rates et interest. IOW 1ARROW • PROUD1'UOT oo�d l� Haws.arrow. y.. W. Prondtoot. etch .1 T. barrow. Q.0.. CAl RION, HOLT A HOLIQB. monetary is Su 4 $ M_ (1. Oaaostea. 4Ohaaoees it O.: P. belt Dealer IJ0. WARD. QoxVSYANOXR . f: e.. aal .� mandsa10•• for t.king sad r• fairca ies d bail. amdavoI tte Yore is oranyOmitat at son orJoann. NO - the wlaRart of IS IM tarls.Ile le gar Oosnty OsDtofes C. 1. �waIsas eantil,1' tad premeds asesnerei. neeldeaca sae P.O. Lome Dad In•uranw• power. A Plea for R.vwrrerw. The old notion of holy places is gen We cannot recover It. In truth there very little [ouudation for it. Men to Palestine; they stand at one and other holy place, though the ecboars ns that there is hardly one singip in Palestine connected with the life our Lord which can be definitely ide tied. The old notion or noly places, which men may make pilgrimages and which they may find God, is gone ne to return. For it we are mere to .0bsti epi this larger, grander, conception -that every place is h place, erery ground is holy ground, G 1. In all nature. We Stesotm go hack to Sinai the impression that God was only t where the thunders rolled and the li nings. Browned the moentaine with t (hushing illumination; we are not to hack to the 'Jfouut of Beatitudes the impression that only there Ch sat and only on that hilltop did teach His disciples; we are not to back to the burning bash and take shoes frorp off 0nr feet and say, " is holy ground." In every radiant tree in Antmmn every singing bird on evert billetae every crashing thunder. and in e lightning Aaiih. we ere to hear and the token of an omnipresent God - divine imminence, an it is called Pi esetdce of a God wh In all netours-.fie.WWltdtitf b a holy day. that every manifest P is a divine manifestation, that God as truly in America an He ever in Palestine, as tray in the White M tains or the Rocks Mountains a #ie was in the Sinaltk Ms unt*IDEspeakinthe is everywhere, phenomena. This mast come into hearts to take the place of the olde o narrower conception of holy masse. ~ Lyman Ahdntt. in The Outlook. e. is go an - spot of nti- ta in ver tete ring and with here ght- heir go with riot He the Here in In very see -the -the o is ati.,n is wan oUn- ever t He n all 0111 r and THE BOY AO 1 LIKE HIM- Do You Soo Yeat l.oag-lorgettoa silt In Tads rioters. We hear a sort of half-grown rap oft the dour and open it W awe vie a bright. sages face of a feu-yeii wauts our boy, and iu the uutr of um a a waxiness. en the pot* the girls that he is 111 hearth of help to drown out a wwldchuek. 1u return she tells him that our buy Sas Wen keeping two bwz 1l.bee uesta until such a time as they could join skill and bats in the strugglesud share. the risks, fun and hoary uelike d. ueiue 1 do like a toy. 1 like hint ge gust u little bit la the rough, with a hearty scorn of clothes, and just enuU,lll of the "aid Adam" to keep hsa from be- ing too good for earth; two, ith s saUed-up suspender, a pa sleet a tag hanging here and there, a po cuutaiuiug wore 'Roues, nails, leath, r stride, empty cartridges and a curtain ring. 1 like him to have lit the bureau drawer gssigned him a lot of =oh ar- ticles as these, with a dve-dollar bank,' u broken toy engine, u valeutille,. sy tooth and lock of the mane once belonging toto au old family horse, end,.awry dow'U one comer, a rumpled Ip blouse an shirt or two. 1 prefer him freckled, tanned and atilt - ward, with light or reel hair, w•h' 'h breaks Tato curb that he detests and Ms misters envy. Of course 1 want hint to live on a Wale for in no other place cau he grow so freely or come so near to animated na- sovereign or her c •Wren, walking bac-k- royalty end their backs to the remakn_ler of the workl. Let any one try to walk backward along the hull length of a big lytll, bow- ing every few steps, never looking back- ward, and yet keeping in the proper direction -all the more important to pre- serve, since the official* tune welkin • he,liniewill see how toaf� ?T either end's kgutty or one's bearings And very often the walking backward has to be done not merely oo the Weil, bol also up and down steps and stairs, which is even still more arduous, and ri qquaiies an imrneltse amount of practice. Deiced, those not accustomed theretu .onwtlams come to grief in the same manner IU"$he fluke or -Atwell. Ow mo- ot the rain occasion on which 'Once Aictoria presided at the opening M Par- liament ar liament in state ahe wit attended by the lord high who, a of 11aty1e ere lm, carrieammo d the crown on a velvet Multiuse At the conclusion of the ceremony, e during which he had occupied a plc dais of the throne u the. Howse g[ Lords, he proceeded to move backward troin the preAmce of Her Majesty. He forgot, however, the steps a the data, and" when he reached the edge of the hit- ter .ha fall backward all huddled tip 'n his long and heavy ermine -barred ml peer's robes frwp the folds of which le was extricated with difil silty. The crown shared in the mishap. for it rolled from its cushion to. tine ground. and a =miner o[ the stones dropped oat. The Queen, whose face showed more concern than amusement, although the gravity of those about her was sorely 'taxed by the spectacle, presented by to "C rk of the North" (as his graced 1s styled in Peotland in consequence of his solne- wbat strutting gait , spoke a few kindly words. expressing 'tier Were that he was not hurt. Sometimes this walking backward gives rise to rather pretty and even pethetictdevics on the part of those who desire to theal avoid ids accidents Argyl.ucusal eau rerechappencaalltothe case oX a relative. who, in turn for active serviee..was summon- ed with several brother officers to Bock Ingham in e e der to receive ftvn the hen a o[ the .ove'retgn herself the Order of the Bath. Ile had lost bit right leg in action so near to the btp int that there was no means of wear an artificial limb. lord he was con- W en,he entered the royal Tice it was noticed that he held fasted a4 parenthy to the hand rest ori each crutch a couple of lovely At a third od the distance rip long room he stopped, made the rc*ulatlon bow ss best he ecoid and dropped one of tete bunches of flowers on the door. Thene he made his way to the Queen, tend her the othi!r bouquet, which she graci- ously accepted, tece.ved its Order of the Bath, which she herself fastened to his uniform with tnany a kindly word (feet he and bud then he fprocetded to ‘withdavorite Of her rew from her presence- ie ever there was a ease in which tbe walking backward m tt hat, been excused, It was there, a the faces of the Queen and ogee around her betrayed signoss ofrnann cern and anxiety lest some overtake the Colonel. He, wev,•r, banked away, displaying himself some hesitation and anxiety until be reached that part of the room where he bad pur- posely lett the first bouquet on the ground. That gave him his bearings. He knew where he was then, and leav- ing the flowersreached the door in safety, tta. Queen kindly nodding and waving her hand to hien in appreeht• tion at his somewhat arduous act or homage. That Her Majesty was mov- .1 thereby was shown by tthbee tact that a few da.ys later he received from the Quern a rather utwtsbal preempt, name- ly. a handsome carriage and a pair of ho together with an expression e . the wish that the tmve once might In come measure tend to alleviate the des• comfort canoed by the absence of rho limb which he had Viet In her service on the field of battle. There was a bee amount of walking bacbwa at the Raglish court previous to the secession 60 the throne o,{ Queen Victoria, bet nothing like as much as there hi at newest. Indeed, royaltynoUadatat in •d, at any rate, estimated by a vat aegeee more of etiquette and hotness than In days of yore. This la fe tilely the doing a the late Prince Consort. When he mar- ried lir was not slow ,.to observe that not only was there a groat amount of corrttpt� extravagance, and malad- ministration at the cook of Ida roy l bride, but lihswbe that there was, par- ticularly on the part of the great nobles and prune pal lignite *e*, an absence of deferencet onel respect h teat d ti ngly upon tk* ideas ort a pians prince who Dred, Y lot his MUtecal pre les at lie views with regard to man - fur mate and'Iwewiln to Austria's �e.eat Prism Mmttarnteb, A Ltbt el I 'Attie. and that. too. of the need d %i*8de•ea`aa k emit a *Nis medieval .Itt revived et to w one was reeda t elR a MO$ZY TO LOAN. •- 0ao,00o 00at 6l per omit, lari ay. TQ Sa n s k. Geder4074 R1VATs 11'IJND8 - PERSONSdrop d ablatalae mine? on firstb-ydam ptltrm onetoJ A ICDDUty sea de NAOat 1Lper oast. Room t&itulldlago. Toronto. vigma CONNEYANCING AND C. SaWmaaraa'odea Moodie Martiannote1MONS? TO LSED Olt MORTNow tGAGI egesre1 Jper ,, u wie > n'ssRotel. maV J.T. mArnaL,,sF1 E,, ; 1'ND.,rOAee-OdellorM est o•d r pod- rk 4- monlY TO LSD. -At„ Ikets1iA.wlt.•samilea.gt vee Apply OARRdw a ui titres tla M Sad euaapatition-end.-It'nnitis iorwhip in its species. must don't ver b' sum to be tired that cruel; the sight of a chipmunk on the fence fails to rouse the',.pirlt ad contest and^dart au impromptu race. Away they go. Nip and tuck, boy and bt'astie, ill and out the bias sections of the rail fence, PIMP - ins across corners, dodging stump d stones, mindless of thistles or brush. I like to have him a little bit sorry w'heu the chipmunk pope safely into his hone, but a good -deal ifie►ee he kills it. - and alt. *down to' look the tiuy creature over, and think of the fr happy life be had rubbed it of. For II want him, above all. to have thoughtful spells, to to a bit bashful, very fond of pie, green fruit. sour sorrel, his mother and otter good things. enough _to go to I want him healthy except bed with no thought -of his body when there may be a stone bruise, stubbed toe, or a few bee stings troub- ling it, and so fall asleep as noon as he straightew out, knew nothing until �_� W. dderaable exercise In ronstng I like him this way .up to the 1 -yea data. After that he may begin pa- tronise and protect tbe girls; hitching up and driving the horse for them; killing the snakes they scream over, andug tibnker- ing up their sled and they can like dullsso well and w•hy they eaiaaot do many_iipngs he does. Even at this period he does not 11 the61 lir' storiels, except as they stir by fighting. Brit he must still care more for •putt thea clothes, be fearless of patch or dirt and he able to run for fun much farther than be could possibly walk for business, with a dislike of the bath, but taking to a ,pond. lake or creek, when the water is so cold that be and his companions come out andwarm anddry.t I nwl of bank to get him to still scorn the pant crease tad and remain ignorant of the prestige given by a shirt from the village laundry. Isle mother can wash well enough for him. and he only asks that she may be tea crowded in other lines of this kind of work to pay any attention to his neck and ears. He lives mostly in the pre- sent: thinks very little of either the past or future except now and then when tie is seised t'y a terrible tear that be may die before and approacbtng Fourth or Christmas. I like a boy so well at this season that I hate to think of every meal, every' night's sleep. leap or somersault taking him so mach further toward the time when the embryo nature shall begin to waken, and he shall be a bov no more. - A. H. J., in Detroit Free Press. 0 REST IMPRUVEMENT IN TAILORING. Iwish to let the people know that I have just learned the lateat and beat NEW YORK SYSTEM OF GARMENT CUTTING. and can therefore guarantee a perfect fit in any case.- I bblave made about a assn Suite since I secured this new method of cutting, and have noticed that every garment was complete. Mao I have just received from the beat Manufac- turers a complete Stock of READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING - AND FURNISHINGS which, I am sure, will be disposed of quickly ; for I still mean to keep the prices away down lower than the lowest. AL t2; tt. �sk��aaa 1 LOW wayeaOa►Mmsans, at die 1wMt rale d tame**.1desr trem Near+ wet to suit the w MS Institut.. 14°DIMIOa UOEAJIOB' MTV ISA MMAD NG ear. el Meal Mees eased Sgs•r'e tag %ern treat t gP zt. sad r te le Pat, &BOUT sflan VOf1S 1LIBBART. L..5*6��,�sp�y essi likuar'dd 11,14;mut at usage` � � sKMot A yr as is " uente sissies/ (.Denies. tars is • 8.oo111. 8. HAlfs. 1111. A�IIIgw!'mR• 1 0MAa GUXDIIT, A _sad sea beta areal etatlews't such a mistit;:e of That wss lled it phianthropesu.to bo sips he�{ one halt of the world don`ts kn�ahow the other half lives, it fault ofethe women. The Lord tpveth a cheerful giver, bat not so wella the tramp• if m?n never gets used to a woman's honest insincerity. Take the poet's eyes and ears-4iut the nose of the scientist.e" said the I do.. hate sa lib al11pe7 f the money man u he gave liha wife earned. Some fon& are length *ad breadt, bat nowt thickness..stiA tied in thine band Is worth two that have learned to fly,The Cbap Book. As Asinine, laakee. There was a United States gentleman who genially told Pi► Norio that he had bad,the honor of being presented to his Holiness' father, the late Pope. M7 houssekeeper Is a Roman Catholic, and I was Wicked enongh to tell her this story. 1t she had been able she would have annihilated the ghle conntry not a1America on the spottogether satisfied with me, tat I believe she met against It the relief 1 bad former1j7y ggi1ven by telling her that the Holy Father was not (as she had firmly be- lieved) confined to two rooms in the Vatican by armed sentries of Sing Hum- bert. -Notes and Queries•lyarrttese eta lemksNr. A _- era he a martyr tt there are :��� leoot •riPtr"YoK rioReoee-who thioles Aealraera trier had a sick headache dog nogg gso bad for bar to get up � �i new never look as proud mud y as he wants to when he has es at feels writed. Te di let ai tterete betWewa 1 learnallat sud aaper man is ghat tie Sratprints a lot more thalot mo,�ct br toe the second Mows Jnl'OZ, qAL ATM-ew • beam eel Ste *rooteicb• tla. Atseaesoot le E' . t,ITJvL'EIAroma AllnsdATle• art! 1al•e.•. amp, see. La. sea••••■sur• �e--(w. Heresy limes MERCHANT TAILOR. CAR0— Change in BS►siness. EW FIMy son A. W. CORNELL having bought half interest in my Un- dertaking and Furniture Business. the name of the Neer Firm will be what pia Bruin tenset"Ib1e-Ta. &PIM (ft As the {�tt� 311 miters, abao-- emalberea lea ewe It a WO rst►k.--iQa-Attaclte at Olwu 17,77 -bet Traveler. JafJatfisa do a W1re•-�M -n.,w 1 ,,esTraveler* in Sibera tell of the wonderful flower that grow, there, and which blooms only in January, when the win- ter is at its height. The blossom has something of the characteristic of a day. "Te�8�awh� ��os,gigday.star-shaped. Ira petals of the same Inch in width. On the third day the extremities of the anthers, which atefive in number, show minute, glistening specks, veritable vegetable diamonds, about the siae of a pin's heaAt e Nsethe seed of the lower.nobleman named Anthoskol took a num- bet of to se' dl toofPnow add 1roaeeyn were p acedearth. On the coldest day of the fol- lowing January the miraruloua� wer derburst through eta icyplayed its beauties t the wondering Fel- elitists. The plantfhas been very ap- propriately named "the scow flower." CORNELL & SON. ' You sac buy dot-olass Goods at FACTORY PRICES -made bT the BestMakers in Cas.d& only. No trouble to show bode -and all at FACTORY PRICES. $ E�►T8ffi3R0. Diplomas for Embalming in ear Show Wiodev. Best and Largest Stook of ( _Tand Q077 1 and Funeral Trimmings in the Comte -Low Prions. WINEOW SEAEB. We keep a large:Variety of WINDOW SHADF. oo band. Give ala ea when you are looking for Bergamo. DANT FORGET THE NEW FIRM, CORNELL do SON.,2 STOR1ElS, HAMILTON -ST. and SQIIARE. Next Bedford Hotel. ■ ■ ■ ■ • • • • • • ■ ■ • ■ • • • • • • ■ Farmers, Dairymen And their Wives, A Curious CollwMlan. A cartons =be to s musebeen uminSignor Mantegasn Flor- ence, which he calls "The Museum of Haman Passions." Since it le the ma- terial objects which are onexhibits n,It mast be the most cramp col- lections. Rome one describing it says "the museum includes an ethilition of instruments of violent death, and a long line of keys from their primitive shape to the elaborate patterns which now re- present artistic burglary and the modern passion a[ money -loving combined. Am- ong lighter specimens to mosram con- tains an array of farthingales, panniers, corsets and even crinolines, which have slimed male admiration in the past, and which even now make up a symphony of laded wines and dead perfumes." Sines is delight in eating le a human weakness, all the pots and pans of the world would find a place in the Florence Mneeam.-New York Timers. w itewrarkaliae llresn►v. An Italian school teacher nerved Edoe, who lives at Sondrio, is gifted with au almost fabulous memory. He had made a bet that he would be able to recite by heist the whop est Dante's immortal "Divine Commedia." Betiore a numer- s•a audience he began at 6 o'clock in the aftiessoa. He spoke trough the whole aidL finishing his reeitatioa without a klteb at 2 o'clock on the atterndtm of dm following day. There was not, how- eryer la the whole audience a single per- son eeon who coned stand listening to him through the whole of to 20 hours' re- rkal. About midnight his &adifnee di- vided Into two parties, alternately sleep- ing and listening; the latter only man- aged to keep awake by drinking large nq antltiea of black coffee. -Philadelphia Drop us a post card, and get free our bookleton"INDURATED FIBREWARE." It costs nothing, tells all about Indurated Fibre Pails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butter Tuba and will put money in your pockets. THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited NULL, CIANAD& III • • • • • • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ i ■ ■ • • ■ • • • • MMMM • ■ a OOOOOO BOOTS AND SHOES A Peewllarlr *film CesSss. The Rev. W. Bingley, In his "(Inatome of the Welsh." states that formerly It wee toast In some parts of North _!ale%. whenever der nate of the devil oee•tM. to spasm Mu loot. aa e des■. et J.d * we eeee•- J wramie tiVow Dally Ntws. i,, ; • including the SLATER and all other A I Goods AT SHARMAN'S Oto Goode are the beet that can betobtained,"andsre."old at Rook Bottom Prices. Hundreds Ed.'.fictures leave our store weekly. They are the prettiest ou sly* ta nothing can "otnpare with a handsome woman in a prstiy, nestlytnade, fashionable pair of shoes, and we only sell such •s becomes the sweetest of pictures. • EMahriel,aA =. Ts. ➢[CLIANB BLOCK UODERICTI