HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-21, Page 1ROS. Dheapeet Stock lainttere,Tapebw -ply A11-woole,- Oi1 Clothe ja • 3-4 widths LETE. rest Mak e8 Pe $1.00 1 STOCK. H•. nos 3 Qo better assort. Long and Short ee. Drager. 11.11"1111111111111i11U- ' gUp.ONIANS ••�UEEN MAY Q.sfD 1 JIiiR' N$ fogy Air ruin owes a,Anttr*C- TOaR1 MADDOCK8IKINNBDY i H10i1. .16,;66 ti:UIN •w•-Mytr�If�+-. tonal. Tx -no IsELE DING T ITB WSPAPER, OP HURON OOTTNT�- FIFTIETH YEAR. ---2644 GODERICH, ON TA RIO, CANADA : OCTOBER 21, 1n97. jjjj NEWS OF TUE DISTRICT also well end f..°r.b►y known. He • OYER THE HU rooted dislike to the extenaioi of the pend- � termer l theand vicinityreel ot Elkton, a is • • 'lar privilege and • toll ounvwtio• that when their permanent resident,* will he in Thebide was honored with ONE DOLLAR , PAY 1141B THF SIGNAL' toe Oas Tads. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -OCT. 21IOUR OTTAWA :LETTER yyt be cleared otfnt-H„ Daolop.... .. 5 Bpm ••d he••• -G••' Pries. g I What is GFoInE on wtths Capittll A Boy's Sufferings --Fulford k lit, sedum Matoh-N• O. Beggs 5 Try a. 30 aloe Blend --C. A. Nairn8 New Fall Goods -Est. J. A. Rend 5 ,Great Ru dwp-G. M. Elliott 8 )hte4etor Catarrh Otue-,Joo. E. Davie 6 Dytingaubed-Rte•'s Pure `Salt 4 Det that Nasty Bough -F. M. DOnbarn. 5 OW( for `rale -Wm Bedlam F _Mee• Attdf 5 juisa IOW lad any n in Prioe. CENZIE [ES! Wanted. ANTED -A CullFORTABLZ, CON - miens ossa. Apply to $J Mo- 1„[DDY. t3rttaania Read, BituatiOns VISOa1t. sGULL' Wgit ggenn.era . wANT-- sit w Nig Aad.'MUN DELL& GF•NERAL SERVANT WA••"'1'• . OAR - BOW. Highest wages. Apply to M lt& O A it - For Sale. DOR MALE -A THOIi(J$RED CHEST. 1' err white bpi, ready for service. Apply 1 �plia*i tab PhOlot 1S eta. 1, t3ide3 i U , MMoh. The finance Minister as • lllSrretwor-A to per Beat. Lean A aae/a's Credit I1 the Ilseseial World -ILIb- erste are l• to may. OTTAWA, Oct. 1S. -it is an old and very true saying, and one of whioh al- most every business man has some tisp�rl- gee,i'or knowledge, that nothing seeesde like mosses. Liberal sitcoms hoes os Oven - ll and aainterrnpted ly ; and, in proportion to as triumphs, so sinks the hope of Conserva- tive leaders. and the more silent becomes the pen of Tory attribute. There seems to be no opening, in reepeos Oo tie we 2anadian loan just floated o the English market. for the Opposition to get in their work of dark prophesying of the terrible thanes whioh woald•result from this new borrow- ing. At the lust emits of Parliament power was given to the Government t o raise, upon the credit of the Dominion. • loin of $15,000.000. The FinemeliWiea u oe°�i proceeded to ksei•ad sad placed bonds London fiwasnMl market. Canadian running for • period of fifty years to this amount of $10,0000. bearing she remarkably few. enee.et-3a ucr 51,x( Sly" Oast. per an- unm. The sable ist000s tai 'lkoa111Ee ibis wee neo oiaibed for theca INNS suer, sad the minimum rate of purchase was $91 on the $100 W. kcow how eagerly the loan was "ought after, and the rete of interest is nn- orec•dented in the history of ooloui•i bore Ct1B(J(,1tCiillil+. MLTCH-THERE WILL he • bis shooting tournament at Itmltbe gut. t'erbwl, oe Novemberhb-, .cmm.sol•g p 111 .. M. Turkeys. gees*, and duets are now Yawning Apart the proghe ram. N.. 0.. 8000iwis &s will that will Bake that will Hest, that are Stoves i'toveS d ALL PRIDES furs lrm L' S' side god Baggy tee or ing LIST: " 75c $1.50 76o 75e 50c J fu 42u 160 So tend -l60 Ttataohelr WgNited t Ac f3161itt a>o ANT411 .L -_ AYPLICA- tloSe will be re}slved by the undersign - id on tW Oet. titlt, for Principal. and sale - teat teachers �•Uates betook team. No. 1. wen Wswliness for the veer 18is. Aspl , Miss salary sea ex *see ma, to h. MOIL WAIN. true' P.0.,Na Lost. LOST -O!i OIL ABOUT 1ST AUGUST. from let 1 sea. it Aibeetd. 7 ewes. and 3 OM. *bs. Them 1. am Mee owe •Sd ma Meek bat, mese drgtam.ib�or.�� Aar resew Sly leg bleen Yfe:heir �Svb7 ,lend be reward•dgsed that d..{i1JAIL, OLVICR. Pert Aibart. S* pubfe NOti'S. lee, and Tories Mons, au timoue- bor- row and properly spend the people's -and the more they borrowed and spent the better for the oummunity, es it oertein- ly bee been et, omen the better for them selves -seems to have teen the creed they confessed in the past and in the present still believe. The Premier said in Mon• tread. last week, that the Liberal party pro- posed to hold power for • time. And what seriousob,tiole is thereiu the of disloyalty, to pc. vent - Dead is the Dry y y. the song of inoapeoul y, and edit, the pen of the wands' flakes.. The Li beret party goes on to viotory It's dsy kis tom-, and the whole country already feels the stimulus im- parted even by the initiatory steps of Lib. ere] polloy and good Revevtm•et--IMtsts the welfare of t*e ouuotry whioh trimmest* w oome to stay. A. NOT10E-THIS 19 TO GIVE NOTICE that I will spew no one y. saaboottiry e del or host ss will part be ea a Indproprra.egnted. Mn. 11. ng L ATTRiLL. Ridgewood Part. n owise. The last Gua dia& loan, spade by Mr. Foster about three years ago, wee 000- * Mered • rem•rksbie summed:Ll one at the rats ot 3 per sent• interest As ommpOr•d with that, bow mast the preemie Fielding loan epioar at 24 per oeot., whioh rank. with Lobs trustee mo.ritsee sad the British rote With *sod Item fro the loss, rate of IsteruM bele rowed, say ui.oanteat Dan *Felly sod oieely telt what the oat et the IMe a to Canada, end bow it omnivores With previously on the 'nuke*. A Liberal Ad miiietr.tan u sow engineering the .1 the memory, but where are the etisets .11.11? In what sort of • position de they now lad themselves! Net is any sewer it is true. for their direful propbewise generally retooled apes themselves. A eat,► mad even general eleotiou, and at a1 times peat, they pr.dioted in the leen TM woos lawman*, end wooed with the mon impressive emphasis, that if the wicked ioospble Grits were ag•iu allowed I ad minister the affairs of tie Domisios, th reedit ot Canada weeld be destroyed : be behold, Cenedtan oredit, under Liberal rug u bead and shoulders •lava the statue wino any Tory Government hu ever given i and it has now Men pleeed on • better an more enduring basis than .ver before. Cosservst*ves were won't to enure all w beli.v.d them -not may, it is true -- the ooentry would have to pay dearly the event of a change in party eovernn.en but • Liberal Government, it seems, sow borrow more obe•ply than any of t Tory Fumes Ministers over dream Liberal 1oversmeat in C.sed• is the syn ym for Intelligente/1e hearty and mown in it, dedlnii with the puhlio trust. however, memorise the istsllrgesce morality by their own standard. pip to pert... [bit duty . f3everem»► made Kooken it oould aot keep, and its greatest est•rpriw as the p• tioal intriguers, wood. omeldmammThe arespect the eyes of the attempts to depredate the •bitting of .rel leaders -whom Dot 1051 mane I b Sir Choles Hibsrt dub " the iseapables for of Hilthe °enemy, have failed for the Rood f Il sod the old sari abutOpposhsaties Woolly. atter all, the about h.seety bels*. polioy, bsg outs* again been simplified. 11 way weeder that Sr C. Ribber, seeks retirement from active Rolitfeal by foliwwiegR more .xo►advsly his preterit a British O.10 baa, whither. report. sa he moos tatesda to remove. The aeo pensee by the British capitalists, .1 the new 1 en terms se advantageous to Canada have the effect of eebbltebiattri k.. rat 'Merest ea Muton �o•as at • -- bite deemed impossible. As • test el the of Canada's credit abroad, the bold .x meet of she Hetes* been most amendae ex Meas.▪ tal beyond be oily to the .pini the t stn the blind.,* sed most pfd pwrtisas,b that Mr. FI0dW's s t mei finatiMal rte.. a the aa a other Mut • grooms • they* • Asemee"-to timers and e Da ti t •sd • 1 e, h t, d rhe bo tial is 1, asn he ed. en. 1 Tarim, and fse.sd sbloh used li- in bl•' Lib• card on ammo TOWN COUNCIL Ninnies of last p,Nur 1111"411411. ,tr tart Mieeions and other work of the society.. sod7 RON TRACT. the utur• r t m•oy beautiful and valuable gifts. The Grist from the LOOILI Mill. From our own correspondents GODERICH TOWNSHIP. TosoDAY, Oot. 20. A weekly Wisest et enmity New. Served Churls Fuller lost a valuable horns Iasi up to Felt atyerytiwd7 -rise uu w byinflammation. niers. is Information Sere That Caused he Sewed Anywhere Ilse -News of the Ceanty Specially Reverted for The Sepal• LEEBURN• TCe0DAY, Oot. 19. Charlotte Carney is up from .atorth visi- ting relatives sad mends here. The Misses Stirling of the 4th Dor. Gods- ttob township visited their °quoins here this week. A DU0I&t -Mrs,. Fletcher addree..d a meeting in the church. Lamborn, en Friday afternoon last, on the eubleot of Foreign There was • good attendance of members of The town cowed held its regular semi•' the tioiety. extend our deepest eostbly wetting on Friday evening. Pre- We, with others bare, r• ort(bannon, presiding. , 1st sympathy to our former townsman, Edward 3 e e _ Foley, w. the recent death of his nen, who dapatp-reeve Mad Councillors Goode, Coll- died atter several days illness .t his borne well, Tw.dla, Wilson, Nairn, Menlo, near Kingsbridge on Sunday the lith 1oat, Nicholson. Pridh•w, C.ntelou, Cr•igte, Relative• end friend. tram hers were et the Natal. funeral te Kios,brid remain. church Ming inter- red morning, ldnoutse of lest regular meeting were red in the Demeter/ adjoining. PAD TIM DOL- 1�V ears weekly too NTED-I lad? of mature ego. e- Iesmsst tad tact. to bit Inas in • rood twee. T. N, L1 Toronto, Ont. vor MINI O� TO BMW. p0 LET - TIMAM' ROLL. 00 )1 1 fortable sod wattsaneo mhuWs'walk of 111 :tonere Part of lot no, Ii1t Andrew'* N• per tenni apptl to PHILIPHOLT, Barrister, Wdsre:h. Itis • DOR SALLt, t ALUABLE FARM IN 1' The Township of eioderiob. containing 111 scree :.*mused ee pert les U. is the Wtldand oo•0SMba• Fertergte sad toed Woos spiv to tie nod PHILIP BOLT, Iam.tcr, 0 ' OR 9ALS - g ' k 1' and dwine, at Oestod Coast!' fret of Heron, eves mikes bora G d rto os building and wad OMAN A aloe Lade one 1e done, Rest few. P O. is eossectim. Apply to i. W. McDONAOH. Oawlw, Ont., dr to J. A. Ma:OMAGH. to Wellaites8t• tut. Toronto. FuR SALY--OMB OF • THE BRAT hilus is Welters Oster . ta *lea b ....hiss[ Odberee. Senn wear. Has venue* Good osa. re 1 years. of Dego large ba pasture �rM..``�;...rem alar t trema kers M by om IAA kite .S. P• ew at S oelle,n% gt& fpv. r.� Peon Deet tnisratt. ACarlow P.O.iry Up 'tW or te J. IL 3AC D9ON AO H. • WW elltpgtoa 8t t.ism Termite. U. VALULIBLE PERTY FOR BALE. ifs O. Oodeelob Town. Dew a 1 siirok d land. Thera Y Mtssted o• lbs • rs•d l story brine lwelling, with Mad with bie Mar ander the w ' hi o nada tot classiness sad a EP 1o•L1P twma Ter pet amt HOLT, Psrpt. to Dated et► 1i It L�OR BALK .. TO BICNT-FOR SALE 1: Of 10 MR, t1w 40.11151 01 Ne1i0e41• at Preesot t F enteeS3 It retains mon', room*. I°•c noludo �e . oarior Mad timber of olaeete, fee There Is heat es mere ie�lf� d 11 Pleated ids eh wwll a r. susrrm. i ez"Ut AS leer, *HS _ FOR BALE --LOTH 6N AND 70 FOR survey in the Town d oh, gem whispekgl. ereered • aloe d well- _his.to to Olaf'." T 11014I>d V ALUAKLE TOE p*ZTY FOR iAL014 15 hetet teeMeowee' W elven an tib tenMrl� dare A. ss'""ws o.. « *tai. the MI Mrt1m lateen. ko.saee}N- .t.:tepst i . well riserteener use; e.A mi • se read, approved sed signed. Our esteemed [riend, your sarins at Dun. ont.Larlos't lTATIMINT. • Bannon, remarks with • wee bit of ire, that Gsynts's/C-T 'herewith submit t SISI- we should term his inland burg • prOep•r• ment of she oolleotor's roll for the year ow not • plodding village. Now brother llf�. alma, detailed atatemeet of mien see bare, the term plodding is right we placed against laud, tazei"'sfnMtered tumor- sseWe tasitaMi Dal soxes re oted•y. Coapt:l OO,tWo.., wOla prosperous means tea edl•Lsetoa'n ;mu, 1896. too much of ft, se her brew in Total amount of tales on roll, $25,034 03 often by U°•1• Ssm's ohildren sorosa the border. that Colleoad end paid $2ra�r61 PICK'S B BOY'S We suppose Placed against land.. - 11 66 Uncollected ... ..... Remitted by eeanotl.. 946.20 Dieoouels over-adthJtia 164.16 - 25.03k 03 Twenty -Six lots making up the $111 66,woto transferred to Doo -resident laud lust, The uncollected miss, $18.41, wan *made ne as follows: 5 dogs, Separst. whool. 116.61 and income 36.90. The remissions were : Oa isoome $36.40, on property 3909.80. The Statement was sent to hnaSOS *S• mates. An a,tocent of 115.50 from E. Sh.rruos ler windows at pumping Batton was. onaSMos ot Prtdham and Graigie, ordered to be mini. A oommunication from Messrs. Hember & Chewy, asking for the 5 per meat. of their °entreat retained by the town, was reed. Go motion of the reeve and Coanoillor Tweedie, the letter was referred to public works oommittee for enquiry and report A oommnaic•t1 ofrom G. N. tin Eros' of vie, ask. km the town to p Mestere en Colborne -.t., was. en motion of Councillor Pridh•m nod the deputy -reeve, referred to public works committee with power to sot. A oemennnio•ttoa from Wm. Baohaa•n, asking remission of taxes was sent to Court of Revision A number of accounts were referred to eek- to •mm• tont rola* clic sed end a•oedea.ed Charles Spence has been seriously is= *teems. posed Irani Every disposed, but is improving illi(- ..._.4 ..-. . Henry Young and wife of C.Accrae speak Sunday bar with -David Pronto. Mies. Maud MoGng',r ot Porter Hid la visiting at Wm. Whtt.-ly's 7 Don. . .., Mr- Tindale of Toronto has baso vtiitidg the various schools in the township rhe past weak. Last Thaiidiy VI* 'stv J , yowl daughter of Jenne Edmonstor, nu the 2nd Des., wbo had died the previous Tuesday, war borne to her last home, Mettlead Ceme• tory. The deceased lady had been ill f• r isbuut three weeks, but un'il the day before her death she appeared to be programing favorably, but ou that day brain fever de- veloped, and then it was that all hope find. There was a very large attendance at the funeral, and the casket was covered with lovely flowers, among them being a pretty wreath planed thereon by the Christian Eo• deavorers of Union church. The late Miss Edmenston was bore in the oounty of Rus- sell some 28 years ninon, and three years ago she moved to the farm where she died. Mr. Edmonton has the sympathy of the tows• ship in his great bereavement/I. for leas than a -month before his son, • promising youse called last men, the nR best L tow lite en 1•. eel Will • of «I 1a1 pori- . eo- peat- op�rIp Ld M toed wee to his home. UUNGANNON ......._ T'ttlarsqe•lett. 0e 7ridty�.might we wets favored with a auto Fall wbeatot r turnip ain tch will rop andobeneft- pastu e AD - also to moisten the soil for plowing. they 't forget that ballowsen evening of At, Hnieess -During last week John Bleiweiss : Luther Pepper and Miss Emma Boem•n were merrnud ou Wednesday even- ing. Howiok:. Wm• Cornyn, hoe rented hie Liam to Wm. Adair, of Ilowick, for • term Seaford, :-T-n. firm of BI'oadloot and B x shipped • Iargr oar Of - taraiture to Miaaedoee ou Moudey last Wiugham W. J. Fieuty, lite of the iAdvance staff, hoe accepted • pt,altion se foreman of the Blyth 9:and.rd. Grey : Some sneak thieves lately entered the miler of Tncs• Williamson, 14th sou , and relieved him of • quantity ot irork. Stomata : \far. Burton, et New York, 1s visiting his mother. Mrs. MM.ey• Mtil street. It is 14 years since Mr. Barton was here *y won org 1897 is near at hand and they are already Glen was presented with •n hetrew to the viewing gates sod pluming bow to move them quickly off their hinges and place them to some plowed field, and are deo preparing to ornament trees with whipple- trees, plows, oto. Last year. pranks ot bel- hnga Should Lbis kind of 000ndnct rious trouble and t Mll ere- peated, the legal lights may make a rather serious hole in your pocket finsaoi•lly, for Biting • gate off for tun. Arris Niles Y sans. -Rev. D. McGinty. raythe reoeotly returned Mi.aiod•ry from Hosao, Chloe, preached to a lugs congre- gation here last Sunday. All. that in the Boys gone by who went to hear him tell the " (;oepel,Tidingi," were not present, de.tb a.d removal having made many changes. The vision that appeared to Paul to tell him to go to Macedonia was the subject of his discourse. During the sermon the Rev. gentleman gave the ideas ot the Chinese, as to the Missionary's objects in going to the flowery land, their deep aversion to eign- the er. geser.11y and the 000l reeep y get at the kande of the celestials. Of oon- verte we will m,,ntioo two, one • young man oomtng to the Missionary, aud ranking known the objsot of his visit it, a pecut;;rly shy way : and the other • learned follower of Coofuoius, who offered to teach him (the preacher) and his fellow wo,ker. the Chines* language. A dream, like • vistoo had been to him the turning point and he had hoisted his colon for Christ, and what was best of .1l he had seen the finamid t of his tenors. We o•nnot find apace to give report of the Rev. gentleman. able delieer- •nos, but .31 throngk the address was deep- ly interests*[ to pl� hearer.. Before and after the service many of those present Dame forward with • word of remembrance and • beauty --feed .holm •-To-Toeorib4•ML.. Mo0111ivr•y mentioned oEa• rob .gs that had taken plat,. pulpit the feet et having sent your oorrespoddent • paper printed in Chine.e neoly sine years neo. He dm spoke of his lit. as • Gospel Mo.senger whioh oommmuo.d here in 1810, when be pee•ohsd as a student, sed obow in 1888 he said good by., previous ttou for his Mission work in the Celestial Empire. finance committee. Moved by the reeve, seconded by Conn oillor Neftel, that we Beeline to pay Heater Bros. the balance . 1 their amount in the hands of the oorpor•tioo as the tows is act- ually oat tis• amount now in hand. Movedin amendment by Councillors Pridhmm and Tweedie, that the clerk in. stcitnt /LAW t Bros- to draw on the sews for the balance of their •000aet. 59-9(J: _ - The amendment was last on a vote of 8 to 5 sod tiss motion carried on b e (bas. Moved by the reeve, 1 oilier Goode, that the sharpies waives N,Ibt• waabm•s MoLted be referred tor Isveeti• gotten to a committee of three to be named by the mayor. Carried. The chargee w oo attSDdaene to duty, and the committee will be the reeve. de- puty -reeve and mayor. Moved by Councillor Goode. i.oesded by oeae.il)er Tweedie, that the Are oommittes have power to purchase •s expander, wad to take the oeosee•ry step to have hose re- mind. Carried. Couaoiller Ni.hoiso* voting nay. The omen then &dionro•d. Ina 8t, , lases las� r the caQJtbAa Mi to alit Blared to J saes d all pieties free- ly dm▪ res 11.3ClimI ♦ Geverimedt has D7 admit Shoe w''1 credit of Gewda to a m poetises it has _ sewer whin sang cgs ltA shows by the s $ ° purposes. Hitherto Cons ed for rya's° to i with pride aria ().ir.gvaMw end it I 1804 as • rearm to the Torsi ler .ow ub.AL master fleend pi•se of err leeward mid speeded. re tee to roily err adorned dm D edmiga brew el omenta. Ad she mate risme they brim said about Liberal8�gs al - Wharf to Liberal Iioseiiil renders the tome, nod the r7 dosadlel w bre wee [r t » royal - arida 14 .vorbp � boodle. have meted 1t, them Idoii Wades rooms Them waIsast zoh .mum verb whisk ere that if y itseed will t•11 leek, 1 s sed e y tMo M it has bees . ter deal w eshey sea &dela te-some perks a pater et •, -1- s itataliaa. No tamps w legmeleem lee N veraV , s • 1*y li lit sod More e stigen map•Oesewediime rtuy b ot me eve of the vow ot ushosirsopieled el peer. riled pelt as yehe le se emboMetislos= mete ths the hese ere bootie Nab Mee. 1lM la ! !, bees es - b �U- r doh 30 w OeAge1ah. Manor and in oensrgaeaoe he is wearing • smiling countenance. We congratulate the happy parent* and wish them many -yen joy with the hearses and that she may be looq spared to them. AUCTION SAls -On Saturday the auotioo sale of • portion of the eeaa of the late Wm. Wiles* woe beld.John Knox, the pop- ular and energetlo auotboneer, wielding the hemmer in his usual Rood style. Wm. Proudfoot, solicitor for the adminis- tratrix, was present to take charge of the proceedings of the sale. We are informed that all the property put up for sale was sold with the ex.optioe of two portions of the estate. Rs-.NOAGID FOR 18f8 -Messrs Boyd, end Allan, prinoipals. Dun- gannon Public Schools. re.peotively (we have been informed) are r. -engaged to take charge or their present Schools, for 1898, Mr. Allan's salary being raised twenty dollars more than the present year's. Both teachers, are proaouno•d to be exoellent and suttee/dui in their work. Mr. B. bolds a first clam certificate, tor whioh he deserves spec n;entioo, having .enured it tiro,igb pert emne and close study under many die- advaaagee. The Koard of Trustees in both schools, have therefore made good appoint- ments. COMING AND O,otN,c -T. Pentland left here recently for Algoma on businen and to ylstt relatives. He will probably remain there until next Spring- We wish him • good time during his stay lire. M. Davidson, who h+d veep visiting relatives in Dakota for some time returned nom. on Thursday of last week well pleased with the trip and is loud in her praises of the Prairie Country Me. Morrow, wite of our genial podpoe dealer and grocer, arrived home on Setardlay 1•ii-in r EOie` two months ou • visiting tar to relatives and aogw•ioance• at Ninga and other points in Manitoba. Site reports having had • stay pleasant and enjoyable time Riobalond Sands, recently home after having been for • length of time in the Northwest T E. Dentin left here on Saturday lest via. Leokoow for Manitoba where he has business to tr•w- sant- W• wish him safe return. Clinton Dr. I. Gib.on. of Sault Ste-- Merie. was married on the 28th. to Jennie MwTt., -' aoghter of the late Geo. Marks, of Bruoe Mine* Clutos : 11. Cooper (son of Wm. Cooper, ot Wien) haw won the banker's scholar- ship at Toronto University, which u quite an honor for our young friend. Zrriob, jrj.*s4bt Moir, of this village, this week received a very lie d useful present tom Im rnhratbar, G. R. Moir of Quebec, in the form of a bicycle. Clinton : Geo. W. Rogers has bought the house and sore lot on Reglan street, owned by T. C. Edmunds. end will occupy the same. The oo.alder•cten is about $600. Brussels : In the ►beano of T. Fletoher in Ivew Bmnms�rend.2iovs Serie, his son Regianid nem eppoLe d his deputy in the issuing of marrisre lioeoesa by the Ontario Goverment. Aiedwir Atlantis: Or•7•Meed• Berlin Oot. 11. -The New Hamburg Americas' Lim steamship Spastoria. • sister .hip to the P•ad.ylvani•, was successfully lsawebed today, Tb• P.sueylvasla arrived at New York se hgr maiden trip mt F•b. 9 Wt for the service between New York sod Hamburg. Her dimensions are 13,600 tene register, with • heathof 586 trot, sum 96. and depth 41 N8et. be is the larger freight sate sr le the world. The Feminists' A. A. Ciemeiier will be hid.. le Readies or Oet. 27, 118, 110. R. ms,wue the d hones obese" leitemeut saes . L Trims Odessa, soda. i Arr. it . Imre el the gawMaties. 4.: nags re: SIP V Ma s i j,et1illes.. ► ked tllg0 • , 6fgAs, woe hordthed on ter •i rg.� my tt Of "le ley 11111 1 tleanfri betar 1, 'isows O. E L. U. The pseeMr � foyer yams people's el Leets Par eg the weekNeeth Friday �ie warm •t 8 o cloak. L Os OM. Wed, " Thep f that keep es from God," Prov-. Chap. 16 IS 19. sed 8: 13 IS 17. Mrs Terser. Loos rah Y.P.110.11.. wee every Mem& The male forday0.1 events" �, _ _ 51 Owlet 14, . tot Got. 96. oho'• 14 i 36 43 1 tl.ea :-,.ray Mad hew.' Rom. 10: 8.11. (Mestess M. The Stewart AU are _osdesa, oldismediallyme bald ie she beeemeste of the di/anet eimwebes. Masbate from Miser t.elettee w Wetted to be pretest. Brunet : Dr. Loons W ynn MoCalloogb, of Detroit, was visiting in Brussels last week, oomine here more partiouloly to at- tend the funeral ot her father-in-law, Ino. MoCallottgh. 11 seems that a lawyer is something of • carpenter. He uan file a bill. split • hair, ohop logia, dovetail an argument, make an entry, get up • owe, trams an tndictmeot, empanel a jury pat them in • box, bore • court, ohusel • client, and snob things. Clinton : E. Young has been suffering from a poisoned finger, contracted in his work at the organ feotory ; the finger became neo swollen that it aotuslly bursts right open. and was exceedingly painful, tt is getting better however, very much to his relief. --- --- Goo. Wdale , of Toronto, Inrma art thin silty, and editor of the Cao 1►n Farmers' Sun, will shortly start tae publication of a new paper ander the owns of " The Citizen and country." It is to be entirely an Independent sheet- The hrm name will be "The Wrigley Company, Limited. Toronto." DUNLOP. MONDAY, Oct. 18. Freak Allen M away ea • trip to Sudbury and the Soo. tor a fortnight. Emma Culvert who has beset residing here for some time has returned to Gode- rlob. Mr. and Me. A. 0. Maodosald were at 81. Arturo* last week mere est former tow•sfolk, Mr. wed Mrs. Philips, wbo left bore a month ego Mr. Philip is leaking • fair beginning with his smithy there. Leer ova Beni. -After • residers of seyenl moats is onr midst, Norman Mo- wed retuned to hie hems sear Amberly. Though tor • short period with u his genial deportment as a true .on of bonnie Soothed made him • general favorlM with all, not Nrgettler the fair sex who are [.00e.ol- able at hob &openers seas *sited oemsdire mem Leothes, Ooh. 1L -Cars el trait method " Ceosdism Gevgea.Mb Proleee " ere es • paled he Yale by • retied Mem- .Mem-hamperwho ear ye he purebred1 sheds.. wrests ,opp011so of tholt. Abiemeste �� ib • mi Mime rwalems. ,blppmg 1•,11.4'. M pay Motel streams te sthe eise s1*180 1m1i1• laeBay M ammo gena WIT NOT. -*s our berg is ever en the admire for progress, eheela.'1 we bee. two mails • day. L this mates the Look - now stage raid Mike It i• the moraine to Ged.eieh. 1. this rioter our raise selgb- boer, whir of late has added • limber rep M its ether Iadas1rie...Yould mooed re idea, wed work op the ease with w talon prides by the residents of beth villages. Zurich : 'Mary Turner, nee Zimmerman. daughter of Christian and Elisareth Zimmerman, of Zurich, and wits of Wm. Turner. died October 4tb, in Barbs, Ontario aged 2'7 years and 3 months. On Tuesday. the 5th inst., her remelo. were brought to Zurich to her permit's home, to fulfil her dying request. BLUEVALE• 1 WIDN115DAT Oot. 20. Mr. rid Mrs, Frank Soot* were:visiting ie Seeforth • Mtge Aggl• Herbert was vatting in Brn.u1I lase week. lire.M•oGee la 1yine Ill at her daughter'*, Mrs, J.Gardiaer. Mrs. Fred M•oCraoken of Brussels is visittng her mother Mrs...too. Gardiner. Will MaoCD11y of !Lisburn was renewing old soquatrttaeoes In the '(11•gs this week. Reports hem Dohs, wed Calemisee. IDMoOm*e ee th d` - .Trf 1m remit yenta *Be?. J. Carleton td•oCisoken Mrs. M•ocrsekee, *ted their little daughter lllldrew of Cbselety visited Juo. Man. Cruises IMM week. It is with deep regret that we record the death of Walter Rutherford, whioh std event eoearred last Thursday morning. The daresd had been dune for ease time Med at last • oemplio•Mon of dieters set In from whioh he never recovered. Mr. Ruther- ford was berm at Beaskeoa• Boase, Roz. hnrgb C . Sootl•wd on Nov. 96 1814, his oeeapatios wee • shepherd. In 1844 los married Ana Clarke end b7 bee he 84d ds ohildres. Charles a wine serob� in Edtebergh. Jabs of Glasgow,b H.11•ad, Mae., Mei of Frankfort. N. Y. aid Jas% sod Mrs. Haggn wbo are dead L 1861 aloe the death of his Stat wife 1. earned Men Soot* Searle who .gives him with her family a seven oblldrss. Mrs. Bbk1e, of Detroit, Walter, of Ret Pomp. James. Adam, William, .ad Mrs. Pernik. .f Helloed, Mea. Ie 18111 Mr. Rutherford end bis featly .migrated to Goode, mid .styled in Tandrsy. In 1191 be retired end till lived ie Bhagat. M11 the Mao of hie death. Mr. Retherferd wain a man of swift qualities, spear as& bonen is .11 IM dM pp, • faithful eapporter of the Pr olighe me eburob, • good Mislead •seal Maw' 11MbsR Hie death i.std blow »pda MO ealk iW1v, sad the Peep sym- pathy of the it1meelty 1r with them Is she Wee se thole bwe••e most. } b ry r JohnT-MaNarusra. torm*eV of Leathery, MoKillop, is at present in Shia vicinity visiting triende. Mr. McNamara has been for five years ander Sheriff of Houghton minty, Miobigan and then is • good preapeot that .t the next aletion he will he sheriff. He ie another of Huron% eons wbo is doing credit to native country abroad. Wingharb : Dr. O. H. Horsey, Mrs Homey, their two children. governess and Japanese servant, have lett Owen Scand for Japan. whore the doctor is agent tor the Sun Life insurance Co. He will be followed ie • few weeks by F- N. i.Pan, of Owen Sound. wbo is one of six general agents whom Dr. Horsey bas engaged to mist him. Rgitowdvill.: He was hauling own with • horse end wwgmin. when by eons m••eO be overbalanced himself and fell 111Mylie te to the ground, striking on hie *s.k mall, 'bouillon, fortunately fortunately breking M rti�t but rendering himself Insensible 45r err time. H. has been oon6ned to ked Mese. but we are plashed to say that he is dctaf as well as could be expected. •- Laid bury : About three weeks age, Rlobard Robinson, of sear Leadbary. met with • iodide' moldiest while driving from Ae•forth. He wasitting on ose • loboard whish slipped to ode Nde with the }olds, of the wain*., and rioting over bwMneeis Mr. Robinson was thrown out out his head"' br•wkiog bis right collar bone. De. Armstrong of Walton, dressed the Inj and Mr. Rehires is sow able to be • bat .till bee to carry his arm is • sling. I is particularly nsfor•tunate for b1m ea he is tumble to do myths'''. &DA It KI *x111 hard on m syn of Mr. Reble.on's tempera reef. This to the fie.t Mate ba l 10. he baa had • boss broken mad be naps he has so denim to go through It again. OOLBORNC. MO DA1. OM. 18. Prdateg Ken& -A very happy .sd pleader event took Ors en Weireeday of last week at the home Whir. mad 11dt.1111.1, when they mem way their dominos Lydia M Lewis Baker from SLktee, Misr. The omomemy wee performed ey Rev. J. C. Mentor. et t1v Lkrtewe wMegmed by •r .e�a. ane o~g8o1�yrt.e dedertelt, S Cartes awl stria 50 ba •iia The b.itnsmid the owes Sew sod Jobe Mir mitred BMh the tether del b.ldwmdd wen meet be -..(0 Iy Leah sod se Mr. A. eten.et pbl7et the weather mane the ..em wee seely em Yapetdre w. After the emamomy lie mem eat dew's I • easeteloW dlosell7 alta es 1 with Gwen b* dem 'Stewartteta YamUm. HZ1e . iodeol'r t.r' yl'`ii et est 1M the est hr • isms >rrr 171* room Mee. *mew, Perleee. Arae whet yes seed M yea are sembled mem. thstaame's Ponies, Oars Eiteelese Ma Is tete waay,m. h melon so eortlei% tmaMeeit mood ft. "lM4 worti'el emm Coe Loco Mr. the may new nee ears steare The baplaln. Lambs Oot. ti. -The board of trade !wintry into the wreck of the British st e..m.r 4alMsor. City (Ompt. Matthews). whlob rse ashore en Nat Isiand, Stripy of 13e1. IFN, es July 301 ass, has mei t a is fi.dbeit time the ewpt•ia mea entirely to blame. sad h1i serti$eata 'bas hem suspended for six meat e. Th. A•ltimore City was hosed fres Mesttwl far Rorer w111 a g.eat•1 serge wham she ran ashore. Bora, Maas., Oet. 16 -The Pestis, whish has bees fired out at the Chsrlss- tbw sew, Teed tee the M'i.g'b 1�a �' seed not for Detroit ynbslday She ebrolOt rem hem hue to the 191. Iowrrmgr, there she will he Meted amt se Me mea N the s8 ewill hiebt -bw. l �;bambra lira rl�+..