The Signal, 1897-10-14, Page 8'PJ<OIYDiT, Oct. 14, 1837. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ON TA RIO. BARGAINS DO YOU WANT Dry Goods, ery, Malntles, Clothing, or Gents Furnishings F'OR FAL Z. DO Y" OTT WANT THF+DrQ' GHEAP f? SEE OUR STOCK. COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Here are a few lines just to show the trend of prices with us. . STAPLES. The best all Wool Factory Flannels in checks, only 25c The best Two Ply Factory Yarns, black, white and lb._ only40c �ytot� per lb. only.. 45c A heavy Wool Blanket for $2.25 A large. range fancy Wrap- pepettes, Cottons, sheet- ings, Linens at the low- est Pries. - - SMALL WARES. HOSIERY -TV- eta sei�- . ,�..� t•P>tewm;'"*-- Wool, Black Hose, regu- lar, 25e for..... Heavy Wool Ribbed Hose, • regular 85e for A" Splendid -fine for Boys --Hoye Wdtsted Ribbed Hose. worth 40e .$1k.,.- Cashmere Gloves, worth 25c' for Fancy Ringwood Gloves, worth 25c for DRESS GOODS. A complete Stock of the latest Novelties, Broad Cloths, cored Boddie effects, and Covert Suit- ings. All the new shades in Silks and Vel- vets. A range of fancymixtures,fft -irwt tld- Ecs, YlsidL • Amazon Cloths, worth 95. and 40c for....... A pleasure to Show Gooda GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Have you seen our line of Fur Felt Hats in Mks. and Browns, worth $2 to $2.50 for $1.60 A complete range of un- derwear. our line at 50c a Suit has no equal. All Wool, Scotch knit Suit , for $1.00 Ties, Braces, Collars, Shirts. - LADIES IINDBSWR*B. 311001kilt Gowns, Wrappers. Under its, Dratlaoi , etc. A full dine. 17c CLOTHING. 25c �c Fre 18c A splendid line of Only and Btk Hair -Line -- Tweed Pant.-wertK-k for:. A line Double-Brea.ted,all- Wool Freize Suits, worth 810.00 for ...... $7.50 Just the thing for cold weather. Boys Suite, -Overcoats, etc. Suits to fit your person. Suits to fit your purse. MILLINERY and MANTLES. Our .bow room is now upstairs, 'where, with dote of light and room we i[�reif4 largest selection of Fall Novel- ties in Town. 'A new Stock. A new Milliner. 40 T O 0.41.111liZ Lma ONS PRIG ONLY - SMITH BROS. & CO. McLEAN'S BLOCK, STURDY BROS. FINE GROCERES! Vessel Supplies a Specialty. STURDY BROS. FAMILY GROCERS -THE SQUARE. Q three Gays. rave frees nave been lost in the flames, and the ♦eetitution and sufferings of the survivors are de- scribed as very severe. A train was caught between the fires and the en- gineer had to move up and down the track for home to escape the flame*, RAILROAD IiUSIBLINt. . Mr. Win. Mackenzie of Toronto, Mr. D. D. Mann and other capitalists have acquired the charter of the Vancouver, Victoria & Eastern Railway. It is reported that the Belleville Elec- tric Street Railwa • has beeu purchased lay as English s Who 'remorse to extend it to 'Tweed. The new Canadian Pacific Railway Mort line to Montreal has reached Pen- dleton, a village 30 mike distant from Ottawa. Thework of cottetraction is being pushed as rapidly as possible. The tine will likely be open fur freight this' winter. The gain in ! be Canadian Pacific Rail- way earnings for the last week in Sep- tember, as kmape red with the code- espdnlfine "iiMrtt*r cast year, of two" hun- derd and fifty-five thousand dollars, is regarded no strong proof of the improve- ment in business throughout the conu- b7. THE REI.1Ol4011 WORLD." Archtishop Prnr-best has sailed on the Labrador fur Itwue.- Hamilton Ceuu awry Church has called the Rev. (I. F. Sefton of St Thomas. M tbe Convention of Christian Endes- verers for Ontario, held at St. Thuinsa, jt er”_ veil W a w _Teva, next yr in HTam➢ lMn. .- ts .• f -. the PaintKt7Charley Baptist Until -eh; has accepted the Cell to the Beverley- etreet Baptist Church, Toronto. The third Dominion Convention of the King's Daughters and Sons was hekl la Ottawa. Very satisfactory reports of the - of thea aocieteL were made by the chief officers. The ninth a nnuet-t*mvrntinn of eke Ontariu Christlau Endeavor Uuion sera* held in St. Thomas. The addreeers of welcome were given and the secretary's report read, showing an increase is the membership to be 102.452. exult' AND CRIMIPA, a. John Glassford, who aesanited Miss Maude Blaine oa ber way to the Warda- vilk• lligh School on Monday, has been captured. D. McMillan, an East Nissouri fanner, while absent at a timers!, his house was entered by burglars, and over $4i10 in cash and antes taken. Inveetigrttion of the Bohannon car gang robberies by the grand jury, at Dal- ton, Ga., has disclosed the feet that tbe Kae had stolon over ;100.000. -- W. H. Ponton was before the Pollee Ma.gistr1 to at Nwpanee on the -Marge of ,tealin, $33,000 from the vault; of the Dominion Bank in that town. The •C.a. Manager Baines was pike , but no new facts were devekrp.i The New York Evening World says that Sheriff I►ohl has admitted that the toed of Martin Thorn and Mrs. Seek has been doctored. the perp+sin bring to induce nausea and lowness of' spirits. so that one or other of the alleged Murder- ers of Guldenauppe would confess. _ "t•NCLAxttfFJ F:11 The typhoid fever at Maidstone, Kent, is still spreading. There are now thir- teen hundred cases of the disease, and new ranee ere hoariy rwported. A foolish rumor started a ruu on the Montreal City and District Savings Bank. nue of the sonndeat financial in- stitutions on the eoetinent. Loudon Vanity Fair saga that the Queen. who has made a close study Te. Mees Appealed to by Jews. Loudon, 9. -In view of the Zion- ist movement, curious interest attaches to a petition addrereed to the Queen by a number of Jewish artisans in Jeru.u- lem. The signers of the petition declare: "We ars now suffering the utmost mis- ery." They "humbly beg ber." the Queen, to have pity on us, and to found for us an agricultural colony in Cyprus," and add: "We are hardy, temperate #4d subtnis.fve workmen, and should f*el 'happy if we only had there daily D»ad for our families.,' • The petitiouers implore the Queen to trant their itfpplleadon and Invoke the Almytbty to give her the good will to eumply with their request. • Turks ase Creeks P'Mtta.- Vienna, Oct. 10.-A despatch received here from Constantinople says that the 1'urlLish troops have repulsed a atarnbe- of Greek beads, killing several of their number who had crossed the Greer Turkish frontier at Diskant_ It 1■ be- liever that these inversions on the part of the (;reeks are tbe result of a re - nee al of the agitation against the Turks by the National Defence Society (Eth- nike Hetairia)., NEWS U bnportant Events In Few Words For Busy Riaders- 1 s away World's Ilapp.alwes carefully Cossetted ass rat late Rowdy and Attraealy akars ser rise Readers of ewe riper -• Solid ..ar'a £a3.lss•wt Is FaredraPMwd Iaforssattes. THE BEAUTIFUL -TOE F1RST. Snow fell In parts of Manitoba Fri - SUICIDES. Michael Madigan, a British army vet- eran of Kingston took a dose of parte green which resulted fatally. Mus Sarah Martha/, who lived with her brother-in-law at Tbomson's Mills, two miles from Newburgh, Out., com- mitted suicide by drowning betseW in the river. TIIE LABOR WORLD. The striking engineers in England re- ceived a telegram of sympathy and ad- miration from the Socialist Congress in moron at Hamburg. The Hamilton Trades and Leber Coun- ali commends the decision of the Post - w aster -General to insist on a fare scale e wages being paid to workmen in all contracts let by his department. The Montreal striking court -house stroogrepbere were notified that unless Obey at once reutrn to work their poen- Skim wilt he thrown open to general competition. ASUALTIES. A man named Hector McGregor was burned to death at Fleming, Asa*. The exploding of a limp in a barn occuejed by a wty of threshers caused. 4he re. Herbert Zir mserman of McKeagne ee Zimmerman, butchers of Thor9ld, was probably fatally Injured at lit. Cath- arines be aceilentally driving a knife into kis body. James It. Smyth was blown to Moms end Thomas }remelt will probably die as the swdt of an explosion of dynamite • In their boat on the Rideau River. 'They colonial forces. POLITICS -CANADIAN. The Dominion Interior Department has got no information as to the reported resignation of Mr. C. IL Devlin as im- p�gratihn agent in Ireland. The Dominion Postmaster -General has decided that all Canadian mail bags sup- plied to the Government must be of the mannfactnle of the parties who ten- der. Mr. Fielding, tbe Canadian Minister et Finance, who has arrived In Loudon to negotiate a loan for two million pounds, in the equr.e of an interview, mid thha�t if the United States govern- ment arjiproacbed the Canadian Govern- ment ou the subject of improved trade relations between the two countries It would be received in a proper spirit. POLITICS-FORICIO N. It he reported tha.� the King of Corea baa proclaimed hinArett Emperor. The Swiss National Council proposes to nationalise the railways of the coan• eo a cwt of two hundred million of d The mint in San Francisco will at once commence the coinage of silver dol. lar., In accordance with instructions re- ceived tem Washington. A. special despatch from Washington regarding Great Britain's refined to join the proposed jug -handle conference at Washington, says that England mast be brought to ber senna by rrttaliattug on Canada, and suggests that access to the Klondike 'country he refused to Canada through United States territory. THE DEAD. James Fitzgerald of Ottawa died from injjuries tecetred on the railway track. Lleet,-Cot. Campbell Registrar of Hal- ton, died very suddenly la Iowa, where he was visiting a brother. W. M. Croft, as athletic and appar- ently robust young man In perfect health, was found dead in bed at Chatham. Prof. Francis Newman, the author and phflo•opher, is dead, at the age of 92 sea He was 4 younger brother of the late Cardinal Newman. The Rev. Fatter Jean Baptiste Louie Order, Sootier, Sundae last. of the t Ordeat rr, d In P the age of 71 years. Sister (}oaaasa, the oldest Suter or rid at South Mountain, near Morris- go Obesity M n1 year. Ntted , and for 0 or or $t JJos.p h'e orphanbttrz Asylum MnPb laddpkla. it dead M that F'Mt MRN Or WAIL. It 1a understood that firs Prussian (cabinet have folly agreed to the naval programme of the Secretary of the Navy for the a nstructioa of battleships and A French expedition is on its way tc that Erimierrad of Lane, is West Attica The Colonial Government is taking stege this 1IWos fres. aaamaching .e 't'hq, Yah�yr]BAIL width t21s 1r - std Ns.► ev assist la 1 .s Y t. AWFUL visa RECORD. A W. Shepherd. farmer, ot Aago astfstt,, wear Breohv �1 has lost . bus.. sad contents by firs. Tonawanda Swamp, on the south bor. rot of Orleans Oonsq, N.Y., is on firo and greet dams.. I. looted for. A repent from Believille •syr, Bosh ems are r•oalag d Sia earthmen to 'en- thylkoed deem sed -Gases sae ermines teat Or i!'il,i:t rutt /o�t� and Maw fa sy emen er bm Mvi bake dentree4 b bosh fres will sin•• nem mama O trS menet, ear tern •--ave mei .ass easeasesss.sa A flake at.easer r•eneer.d. Port Huron. Mich.. Oct. 9. - steamer E. 'B- Hale- t..dered in Iiuron yestenlay afternoon. Her , e hn were an picked tap by the at 't ' Nebraska, landed here this morning. The Hale was bound fnan Lorain, Ohio, tu-Mttwaskas-.arith steal. iil�is erelh : Hale' -was awned by Y. A. imrsale7d e v.laad. oboe .xeJefiree les at MAO, and was tndnaured. A Cbrlsttaa .adeavor CoevestUss at Thomas, Oct 7.-Tbe Provincial C.1. convention opened auspiciously this morn• beg. Sunrise prayer meetings were held In Knox and Grace Methodist (Larches. held respecttvety Uy Rev. A. Graham. 'Lan- caster, and Mr. O. H. Netaaa, Paisley. Tn. aonveritlba- assembled-! Knox CIInr ti sr 8 o'clock. itev. L. T. Meeker, Hamilton. In the chair. Report* were received from nu- merous o-merous eonunittee diatsted and local unions showing ea the whole a•bstanttai program. COLBORNE- BRAS. The Largest, Beet and Cheapest Stock Carpets. ;a town in Bitnesels,Azmin•ters,TapeA.,� • tries, 9 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply All -wools; Unions and Hempe. Twine and Japanese Mattings. ' Oil Cloths in three qualities direct from the mill in 4-4. 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths, The balance of our stock at Rock -Bottom Prioea ■ardwror's Maar .1rNsi. �t orriaburg. Oct. 10. -Yrs. mother of Clark Bron, who was han at Cornwall in 1883 for the murder of his father and sister, committed suicide at her home in Winchester to -day. She was about 70 years of ate. {x ssimiolic views in regard to the nu- bility and future of the Republic. Mr. Jnles lielhronnee. editor-in-c'•ief cK La Pr'eese, has brought a criminal libel snit against Mr. Lents Joeenh Tarte, son • of the Miniriter of Public Works, of Ln Petrie, for n libel in the recent comments upon the Tarte-Grenier Knit At the final meeting w tbe Mansion Hose Indian Famine Relief fund. it was announced that the fund amounted to nearly sir hundred thnnsand pounds. nna that the coat of administering the fluid only wine to one halfpenny on the pound. et -Iry:^ Business failures in Canada last week numbered 29 against 46 a year. n�tn. Commercial Whom in the United States this whit numbered 212, against 296 a year ago The French Steamship Coarpany wif shortly constrnet a sew deet of fest steamers for service between Havre and New York. The Imperial Board of Trade stitte- rnent for liiepternber shows an increase In the imports of £2.1S .14$. and a de- crease in the export. of 11,518.850. The Elder Dempster Cumpany's fine new steamship Montrose has arrived at Montreal. The ship is the last but one of a number of new ships which are be- ing baht for this eompany on purptse for the St. Lawrence treat. Reports, from the mmmercid agencies of Dun and Bradstreet report baaineas generally as fairly eeising. though such adverse* CIPARMII as dry wea- ther. labor complicates/no, end (in some quarter) poor collection. have for a time dulled what it was fair to restard sa the nettttal rebound of trade. The business otrtlook 1. (all tbingm consider- ed) fairly good in the United States. PURELY PERSONAL. Edward Langtry the divorced husband of the J y, has become insane. Cecil Rhes, former Pressler of Ow Oolong Is reported at Oepetnwn to be, seriously 111 art Tale W. 8. Gilbert, the annowne•s to an Interviewer that be l write no move plays. IAeotenao5-(Iovernor Maatf*tosh of tike Northwest Territories panned through Ot- tawa the other day. It le• u.derstmod be Intends raadgaiag to go httto gold sin- y7Lr Flak Toys ced Pa Min- ister to the • IInibe throngb Mose:mai last Week oa his way to Jaappaano to consult with Ids government in cermet to the proposed annexation et Bewail b the Unitas taus. Sir W Inros4er was honored with this *ogee. of LLD. bydo Virivenity �toi hew the atetie .drain, - at sash as .odea as the 'V11104,1*R. rdellIont,cit/ rho sahaZi enee x.la s. Farmer Robbed In Sam Tilmseetril. London. Ont. Oct. 1L -A daring burglary ttwk place Thursdayafternoon on the farm Duncan of Dunn MacMilan. F M Missouri. The thief took from the home 4100 in cash, sates to the amount of STS and some valu- able jewelry. FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE. New Fall Mantle Clothe in all the Newest Makes, All MANTLE and JACKET CLOTHS above $1.00 in Prioe, Out Free of Chemie. ME! F411h IA!ITLES 80A A STUCK DIRECT FRUM THE MANUFACTURER. C07-23o1ZINTE MK: M- PmR J. ]IE. COLHORlTR. The Great ()dupe, Wareham of the County PREPARING FOR FALL AT MUNRO'S Canadian and Imported Scotch and English Yarns. No better assort- ment or value in town. Ladies' and Children's Summer -Weight Underclothing, Long and Short Sleeves. Our 50 cent Corset, said to t�or bpT�ethe ��best value at the price. Large Stock -1314W, is 41�CrJtiiii iW.•..1 ✓-!'Jut '-. •.a.., re,� ... ., �+• FALL Lines in Swell Wares. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITEil. A. Mt NRO, Draper. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Casuist. Qat. 20d. Colborne council met to the Tp hall, members all present, minutes of last meet- ing read and timed. An application from Wm. Young, let 4, 8 coo. was read asking to have his properly changed from school tee. 3 to school two. 1. The tisk was in- structed to uotafy the trustees in both sec- tions. The lollowIna sooeants were paid viz. Mr. loses. repairing aalvert, 51.25; John Treble, nearing oulvrt, $1.00: John MoNevin, rrpalrtrg culvert, boo. ; A. J. Goldthorpe, bendier/ culvert, $5.00 ; (leo. McPhee, oil for road maohios, 40o ; John Clark.gr•veilins. 529.90; Robert McMillian, latpeetint, $4.00 ; Jam. Yonas. inspecting. $1.00 ; Andrew Greet, inspecting, $1 50 ; ,lobe Clark, ..swelling, 510 00; John Clark, reveille .00 ; J h MoCaon, travel - le tL SI6 4 sam rhtiktrIck, tbididt- fa¢. 111.26; Sturm. printing, $2.70 ; Star printing, 51.20: Jessie Grummett, damage to buggy. 52.50: James Cbieholm. gruel. ling. 514 40 ; James Chisholm, cedar oel- vert, $8.00 ; Jaoob Ji osier, gravelline. 526. 30; Jamb, pasting road. $17.30; Ilo.spph Mammon. gravelling. 515.30 ; John Bark- er. pravellins. 529.55; R. MoMil1Lo, in- spootine, $2.50: John Barker. crayonist. $9.80 ; John Barker, one day with team em read machine, $4.00: John Barker, repav- ing culvert 53 86: John Barker. making cedar box, 56.45: John Barker. gravwluag. ra hos.*s*y. 53.00: John Clark. team on road ma•►is* 1 day, $2.50 ; Jaws Sands, 'am on road machine a clay $1.26 ; Jobe Barker. grsdinv boundary lies, $4.00: Jolla MoKsiaht, mean on grader 1 day. $260; A. A. Toner, ens sha•p killed by doss. 52 00. Tb• olsrk wee Instrooted to write sante of Colborne oemet•ry regarding the aegis, of graves. The o saoIl then adjourned to mese tis sirs November tad at 2 o'clock P. M. I•. W. McDotsa on, clerk. foa(sfdY t Moths Starr Drop., Seeforth, pnrsbUad tress Tom Brown, the trotter Rattler tee 5400. Mr. Fenster lured* tak- ing him to the tl.osbwood rause, to he held n ext week. W. Wawasosh : Joseph Clifton bas rent- ed let 23, ton. 8 W. W•wanoah, for a term of years. Albert Jesse ham • farm belonging to tbe estate of the late Wm. Wilson reared foe tbe semis' year. Charles Toom hap leased 300 mores on She 12th. eon sad will move times la Um weer ensure. A Dyspeptic? sflT1I51 �AN IiI:= is TN WINDOW ,GLASS, lemaelated--reap--gloomy. R* am tan sdegnstely desert*. the ablest tatwry K the refer* from D7/repea ant ladtge & ties. .esth ANtt5• U•rAs* Is the g Mtwt dta..&. aT lb 8041011 •edesee tee tie can of all *rife stsssae5 tamales. n ares beery tknsb 15s neves-tel seat ee an Ma5M. Tissue. . ade testify of erre. made, tem tress M drat dem. "1 was a greet teem .were sad 1M o a -slew .f Saes w• *•d wisdom4 pw nrsait ear Ort ♦ .. f Ari.Mvw1IMS .Aire tt�M1R.-'� tteaw.tel. eet•+e•lie••-*set• die erne w t seem*. at "OLD J J. Sr para. • en lee'I R. W: KaKMIZI6 h.. ttdt..dia �.th 4.hirmist - importatlon f R 1 XD 0 gLAA yet it .Mved as reviews which taw M rooked any s Wide.: tlr„ btlageisele ie /stars yon, elgls. .. . r;:.- . rat' M NEW get e'er A he soot T 8.w .Gra Dian, 9,1t Hat Now NV A Yrs 1 rat to is at' It tom ta He keeps the ELEPHANT BRO D' NNITE LEEO.- Aadswws•d the bast. pls-All Hardware Building Supplies away down in Prioe. IFW:IffeKENZI.6.1 OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. LEE &SHEPHARD eseoadasss W HARPER & LE: Tor the larger display of ClooSiNG and HIEATIIIG STOVES! pry --Drams Ears. rt, 111 velvs013.eeeeid'ig".."."" • ST O'VE S this dile et Toronto. We also have several ieeorsd-bawd etsv.s. Came. STOVE FITTING Plumbing, Heating an i Gas Fitting carried on as enter • ively as ever HELLO ! ' THE OLD' RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF • COAL ALWAYS ON HAND • --`r -. • �..' . STOVES that I'M Bake STOVES STOVES n'"Ni 1 Stoves STEL J ALL KINDS and ALL PRICES 'r `• thatwill Heat, that are Stoves ix 'rat issamer - at $.75 pit tool, Oetih. i1 . ia`�'`i•• f[N tire 'ado` oIa.w afb ar' s>r *Matt .i Vika Meir .Neinebe= Y. a row,, 1Rsabser Mt 1t155Ry fee MIS I SI Bilver Platlng PRiCE LIST. moa. pee dot $1 50 Knives , N Tebls,Oroet, *seri Piokts ee 11 DOW that/, u C-sees-Ibkki " Mid Troika ii ' 750 750 750 5(10 150 42e 15e goisegrs. Per pair .. ....1 d diad -15o We can is Brass, I`ce an ttogs ..on see -4t oar work. •� r •1 w . 0