The Signal, 1897-10-14, Page 7AV& CU SCO OW KIDNEY PIIISJ.S as_ tnty years of most ex - r; pun caused bygra'el Lsed to inake it known lave been completely E this long-standing y Dodd's Kidney Pills. nese years I have spent of dollars without any it relief. Had I heard onderful remedy years 'ould have saved me f agony and hundreds . . NICHOLAS 8A111000i, Sharbot Lake, Ont. .idney Pflls w ays Cure Gravel .. /AIMEE (AL & Blolls ltll� tae t7VMm� OO$ End Lars to all Matti of LATH, SHINGLES saterlsl 0f 01017 dsatrtptoo. rnitare a Specialty. !TION s• . mask tock is now oomplete and of the largest and best d outside, the cities, D SHELLS ty quantity to suit the • her. Shells loaded with ,barge while you wait. ave a full Stock of SHOT, SHELLS, PRIMERS AND WADS. M ova erect 01 are sure Ere but only kill 'tad. SON & CO. ►TE HARDWIRE. MAKe�.. and rt Pipes been as. Is Few ',mofa. RIO SEWER PIPE CO ►or- . fA11rs am 10 TIIPOKIV TOBA .. . HOUR TH OAI it. .t • a:, .:uir' • of the Rem :Your of the .esti ,'111. w e whe tat : r i, ▪ kern 1• the best ,, ;e in produce, moue la for salsa. ►N"J'TIA�1'S • 111• IR �AB�$Y. s itsti `.. ,40 ft,t bop V1oor Moonlit not mWAda airy. ■ to Pamela re QUALMS/. Pita it rill= DOM that Mills ;ANTEL»N, .t ` •rite • we�'r s'!•Ai;�'t, x. RN0YATOR ITRENOTNIN• or end 1161.10" Ai* t e Via:.t }" ✓ as 11 HOW TO CHECK THE IXODUB. polealsatlea •1 rarseesos •Ms. The q•e•tios that peres the heads o1 w wows today Is ••whist shall we do sale ear buys " ! La this. as is every (Meg Age the Almige ty Dollar has • vele", and 11.I•• oyes sus et tae the omen of a lad L goaded by ohs one et s*sklog •'tart. It eaten, thee, fa Ike preleot coogested . el tide province, to rail against our pg./ people foe leav,sg the 1a,u* .d drift. Iii for work qp Ike. cities of tl» Caked gimes, beo•userr:w 'cheaper, vOth a free d ooauon, to ore oar boys into mechanics, wooers, clerk". lawless or dntor., at any r.te It they start is the Vatted States, where the professions oast lees than they do here both in time and to money. Theft stook te trade la carried in their head end ispaid for by the State, but • farmer. be Els .da• gallon ever oo good, menet farm an air ; he muss pay hard oasis out of his own pocket w purohw a farm had hie implements aad r out. That's all very Wo.. come sae will say, but ta Dos oonetr' at heat, e scales are Canadian, rezly bal.1lsd ; young ybo is willing to ferns sod M poor, m yet for the asking all the good land that be Meta in the &ortber° prig of the provisos. Bat the foot V that ear yoaag men will not M piooe.rs. and the reason is plain, it we jut stop to think. We have as einem fes aiding our Crown lads. Man is a social wrote. Bat U he want. to strike out to tia.•sded districts the 1. aow no gear sates that other" will rattle around bins. Hs may .pend ifs whole life is isolstioo and suet from the world. Besides, ever thoaah he may get the lad tor nothing, still the naobw. tae eneohaoio and the clerk h..* the start on biro, because he hes sot the money to and es pay fee insNliving. nme�h.caoharvest bis stock. is Is clear,thaa, that to colonise oar vac - tat lands, two tesla.' are neees.ary : Bret well mated oeloaies. ad secondly, some totem for leading me00y to settlers as a low retool laterees. It V The Idea is abet vI0y meanest. largely a quietists d detail to the een.tree- uoe of plaea,bet pdsoip.Uy of managetne•t aherwerds t end h:-ahak nod ale• hats of arm .� 4ye had wptalroa• e the work, forint yea.��� ;r•�o armchair ad work vett pleas et ooleates.p- m paper, bus it la gaits •nether matter to make • success when you copy them off ea t*• fees 011 the earth. We may aspect te 'beat sem* adverse mina when we ask the Government is help as to fled the i40My VIRT to moods!. >» give tie settlers . seam. dome people will sav that it meows Ila mesh ei patorsaltem 1re Maas gentlemen we a. poM out that u Gers..y, Holland and Beath As.trala, the Goverment ember .d. v.t.se meaty directly. or gtssr.stess the we fitness of leas node to baser ewe gib - um, to form &risottos& e.ttLme.I. ; sail. M ams nearer home, two Med messy oar - M.'s to Meaoenitea w genie apse our me- at anut nada W by is the world, we may eek. maid we be Isere liberal to foroigwws than 14) our own Othen again. with greater form, will obs• lent that the Government d Oatarlo mot afford to lose mosey in this was, and taY cannot cella* from dal.nit.ra. Every snit of the hnadted skoa..od dollars *1.1w.. .oacsd to the blen.onitwaae repaid to the Dominion Government with Isseresti thirteen years ; and, so fee be we ebb mean• WO, oo enemy has bees lost by the Given• mats of G.rssesy, Bollesd and Australia. Wby should we he &triad to risk public sooty in Oss•rio! W ought be have every prosprot of omens, for we de set propose to deal with city Whams, or with tangs - era, who have been •oou•bmed to different *editions in the country from MOO they els. At the ms time by settling our boys in mittens they are more likely be be seeowsfal and their lands will tersest is vales with the growth of oivilisetion around 110m Tore sae we admit. time seo.e in the ohjeeties thin the Qrvoralasat will fled ►i difficult to pet ea tb...r.we i1llb bee - rowers w default. Well 1 the 1.seleg wll- Mvs to be done by sesames else. I wall 13e Dominion Gotregn s.N be.k_di e� from the Mes.edtie is Oetotip aede-!10 Tees ea their ••ttj•dls the Norte West, god the Online baaigtfd.e sew to the work of .°.ensu. Thi. Elves sea clue to work upon. Ws suss Bad sone kind of cooperative seasinrNon whisk will We the place yid. 4. the Meth a1 She Men• sena headsmen. In mother letter I will Inbuilt the ..dies el a.ek.m5 whisk Mkt be adopted. Infanta, B&117orl, have bees made for the deliver) of 110,000 pomade per week, winch will be seat to all parte d the world W 1,14, et *leeks like tea. -Leaden 8na. THE BOY COLONEL. rata maw r*ail* Rlatri111r. Favorable 11eegWa bv me reeds -Dear-" aashl 11511417 P..51...e. Athens, Oct. 8. -The new Cabinet or- • lionised by M. 'Lalntb has met .with • A lfeati 1a age aid fgasr beg wiletilfalrs favorable reception from the press. The sae that Made Moo Rare " 1 would have dote aytbiag OW ally, mimed told me to de, ea well did 1 like him," gold Lleutaaant Patrick Dunn while *•/king about Lieutenant Colonel Arthur MacArthur of the regular army, "and I gee's *bat to about what aro of the boys would base dorm •• At one of the battles armed Kenoshaw Mountain, when Uaule Billy Sherman was shopping his way to Atlanta. the yoaeg uolonel seat myself and two or three other nes through • piens of forest oa • stout. W• pushed tato bushes .ad crossed ramose w all we time upon a large torn •dvanoing in three !toes of battle, and teen we moved *0 the rear ten times as tett as we had •d• vowed. When we wine into the open field mem whish our regiment was in line 1 wail astonished tow a new regiment. as Indi- ana oowm•nd, that bad just own* to the front. The oolouel and his edjut.ant were busy planar them n ho., and it looked to me more like petting ready for dress pared' than • Beres bottle. Instead of bun vine beck to WYO. boy oolosel what was team - tag I rented up to the mimed (Maul of e rgimeni, which. like himself, had not had ids baptism of fire. Giving Porn • quick salute, I bawled out : " For God's sake, oolood, have your men ley dews ; the Johnnies are oemiag ap In three lines of bMds mid will out your ten down like atom if you remain at•ndtog two minutes tenser.' "The mamma gave me • sneering look and asked: • Wbo are you ad what is your command y •• ' Peartok Dam, tib, sod I b•loog to the Twenty-fourth Wise -mete, over yood.r. The 0010051 sent • party of as through the woods m • moat The ooemy is moaning with a rush, ad straight away. tee. Better let the beys hag the eroand alive instead of mina( until they are dead, celo0.L' • ' You bed bestir get book to your owe oommad. 1 didn't cons down here to take orders from • sergeant.' Vey well, air, bails weit.eLdsty le ware yea.' •• Ar I bele tit ; e1Lne-L go leak to my regiment I looked over to ta.., woods and saw the first lies ot the enemy just maim tato the field. •Within tea .so - cede they sent • volley into the Indianians, and teen another and ns.tber, killing and wounding more than hall of the large new oomnad. Weise the Briant began I dropped erase awed bhiada sapling that part el - 1 prea tested eta How goy heart bed for t� o w ems, and bow axed I was •t their green ..Irw1. who wasn't taking orders from • swgeo•► Sees cue went back and told Coloosl M.eArehar that 1 had been killed or badly wo. idorl The boy colonel alwap e.lm.d believe a Ilk'M foe me. He at Dose srdoN& • ssarceet and • til. of .hen es go oat there and bring is 8ergs•at Dans. `111 bre weeeded, w that he M given in charge .1 the surgeon rigbt .way. if ha Is dead we will mend his body has. W hem the T told me wW the hole colonel said, I gases it didn't leasee my respect for him. •• Bet for • beadle ot letters and dote. mems I guess the little Mosel would hero g ives some sae else os to command 'M. Twenty-tswrth. A bullet streak him right over the heart. lo the boodle of let - ore and papers ws his 00mm,asioe .. lieu - Pasant nj.ael, received a few days Mtore. Tb. eommi.siee was marked by the bullet that was .teems( for the boy's heart. Though it did net drew blood it midi • basob on his breast half u largese my head, and it hart, for a time. worse than • bed flesh wound would have dome." •• What makes you speak of him ea the 'bey fedora' .ad the oolonel' !' • Beoaow that was what h. wse, • boy and little. Why, when the governor mad* him our adjutant h. '.as only 17, and swill for his age. His veim had not fulls changed. It .oa.ded like the "rowing of • young rooster In its Brit efforta. We "rade all sorts d fun of him at first. ad we felt that we had been imposed upon by the govern.,. We wasted • mer. not • .tripling of • boy, for adjutant, an officer almost as important ii idiot of 0010051. -natal/1m l/1t to h•vsbear& the boy on &me parade. His chicken voice eoalda't be heard half way down the liee wart be piped w1 : • To the rear, open or- der, mare\ " .ad when be *aced done to the meter of the regiment, moved out in frost s.1 maid : 'First sergeants to the hem sad metre. n•toh '.' then was a broad ,a em the fame of • eb.n.•nd mea • .cowl os the eoloo.l's. The first oolonel had seer some metric, and realized bow importer& it vies deal hitsew t en for adjutant. Thahave • t o pit ith- 1 er the SI rade, the oolong said: air the Bret dee.. 1p• '2 #•ilierite the governor •sd ask him to may me A wooden mus tor •djotast. the mimes oessatwl...d he couldefe.that the mea were amine him. I* all tat him to the risk. " • I11 .how them that I oats feat, my - my. Thee, maybe, ahoy will come to like Os better. and the bey, se he brushed away .met.ki.g damp os his soft cheek. • H. was riebt. There was .ot • brayer' Diss or more reiswt *Moor ah•Pwyvile oe Stem Raver. the Brat hard battles we Ott tato. Thee weir no more laughing as the hey sdlttent. The colonel bad nethieg me to ..y Mass gelds; the governor to send him • "reedits man for adjutant. If the oelese1 had made Ranh • remark offer those bottles mese heythad br000und me r m • prim hooted bio. Tbb. favorite. . After we had boa is the servfes • year •ed • hall -stew es had `des tbroege Ailty, The Aleropotis, The Ephemeris and The Scrip all nedu5uce M. Deb yannia. The Scrip hopes that the "Greek &Beier" will cease to disturb the coun- try he culled, addf?ig that "his 'return to power would be • national disgrace." The new Ministers took the oath of once bei re King George this moruigg, Captain Badjl Kyriako having accepted the portfolio of Minister of Marino. A large crowd assembled in the vicinity of the palace and gave them a sympa- thetic greeting. The cheering was c* wilily enthusiastic for General Bina length!, Minister of War. M. Karapanes. M. Ralli and the Tri - couplets have decided to support M. Laimis. ANT AMOUNT O/ GOLD. This Tear's Preda.n.a .f the resew natal Will be Away Abed of 1.a.l Tear. Washington, Oct. 3. -The forthcoming annual report of the Director of the Mint on the production of precious met- als fur the oaaendae year 1897 will show that the world'■ production ut gold this year has bet's. ut least $Y•lu,ilUO,OW. This is an increase fa the annual pro- duction of over $35,000,0u0 over last year. Of this mar's production probably two-thirds will be used for commercial purposes. The other third tent be used by the arts. 'Phis means that the world's supply of gold available for coin will be tut -reared by this year's produc- tion by the immense sum ot 31tiu,000,- 000. The Director thinks that the re- cord or the year's productiuu of silver will show no increase. ib 1•r. pentane as Advance. Liege, Belgium, Oct. 3. -The National Congress of Milers, which has been in session here, decided yesterday to mike a demand for an advance of 15 per cent. in wuges. If this demand is not grunted 1-y the middle of Nvvem r.tbe Executive Cum - 1 7r1h1 till a tienerd?'gtylke. - . WAITERS' TIPS." Mew sae l emp5elaed to pee lM.. emisvaan. Asa rale the .orwaate u Europese koesh Welve se wage They are fer.i.bed emir es4 sad often their lodgings. but depend Maly upon outsides trom the rnests nor elptnwtioa. The Welter.' miss is P.1 remedy .$tempted to secure the sb- flitbo of fees, hot tor the boned♦ of ts•svel- len, however, bat for their own •avast' ge, besiege they want to impel their employ - Its te pay tem Axed wag.. ; bat their pion will not second, sad the paves' of hotels sed reaaurans *Ili be required Im the PIN. to pi, Me wages of the sirveats who van upon them, •Ithsedb •'.eteatisaoo d 11 '..ally charged to the bIi{. tens• ales oalonist the les as delis tattiest epos • loess, MI It le • 1ygtom Mtn a. Animism saes sewer ewers. Be We his hand is hie peek0 ad taker ens the first ooin he Sad., without reg edge the 11 a Romper* .peed. a week h 1 M Myst the porter 5 fr.$ea--$I. Il be At seeks he usually stye s the Is0.5b In sure nut. s My he pee 1esw1 need waiter ren.ives tM slipw viler wile beings up se/w sat ee1M ie t unites la emitted to 3 frame • week. the iab0rmaid 2 (macs end like Swim srhe dun t1e nests 1 fteae, with few mistime "tee. L o.a5 yes ham heavy p,pt• beadle. None et these fees 10 �1 b... Um' haw *Mem you .r Ills: se 1••M.e, wham yo• ere =peeled to tett unmet el alsaey wary met gybes yea lay 7c,, hill M the d5* -OWN, Rseud. mall bag. Mgett.*.'. Morrisburs that., Oct. 1. -Tor setae time past the early mo mail from the west has been thrown off at this sta- tion on account of the train not mop- ping here. This morning the bags were put off in the usual manner. but io mew way they came fa 000tect with the -rwr wheels and were badly tors. Letter's, parcels and papers in a mutilat- ed condition were distributes! sloes the trick for about 300 yards from the de- pot It'c'i Fri ring ptota�le • 1d bt of unused letters were cut open, stents exposed and 1t M r bare been est. A was also strew■ t 1* Is impossible to will be. /styles he i paying 1 SIY A1rMd Alems& Silk may be bombe by the Wilkie New ■w, lint IM •5.1 .11 was bYi et a.... Ib wW b. Fiala ails, Y ►•te.ded tee re M ilia es ewgs^a 'ter hieg&►ald illi (111114 eta ilk t "gee vr111 it beA h..% i1 i . w tabes sew radii, imbed dee arab, "•mia ebb4P'year 117 be Thane Salty r.ta at5aes Robbed. Mikon. On1., Oct. 1-Yeeterdaq after- noon three stades traveling from Angels Comp to this place were held op by two masked highwaymen and rubbed. Pas- sengers were relieved of moderate slums. blot no one was hurt by the robbers. From the dwnription furnished the rub- bers are supposed to be the pair who recently held up the Ukiah stege and killed Mr. Barret._��__ Mara. ratty Sobbed. Bombay, fame[. 29.-.1 plague .'arch party his been mobbed .'t Igatpa-i. Fear members or the party. including a surgeon, were severely wounded. lase•, orders arrest .r arses.. Simla. Oct. 1. -The Ameer of Afghan- lattu has ordered the arrest of any Ahidi Jirgabs .ppeartnw at O.but. ineirateap anaide d bilwlae•rl Rldge.wheno hod /iiia she owlets anled eb born• uStes it came to s• almost haed-to- hed drsggl•, *be bo a• looked se se a l here by dm whole omwi ole divines. A few weeks bit there wee •weary is Waage et water. I1 is wren to &desioe the sealer Mt 1My s'oePed L ..I .ft *Teo s the bs s .hnlders, tare ►11 • t►bsa 1P do, hit, •t vtieeslisl7r, bet sb. r.rrw+t serer ftoaeR�►t+ better ghee 1t did trees Chmhisa.ee• tants•-+sem better time 11 did suds the bo1et Vrei:All tali Sibs be wee • ,..yf&ealf .,-.. . A KITCHEN FREE FOR AU. The tock and the esrkeoeew was ors.ksd Ths remark goads the fiettrou sad Th. stead hullo at mos loot Its temper, Aad oiled h.holder a .The tablespoon steed .�•• The kettle exblbited bile ; The stove grew hot at the disc eeloo. But the to• remained 000l all the while. The way that lbs cabbage and titian' Keep their heads was something sublime ; The Preen dared the soup to mix with diem And the ismer, while tt hadn't m.oh thyme, Got so mad it MUM over -the fire Felt put out esti started to ory ; The oven teen roasted the turkey, And the 000k rave the "ream spot the lye. The Plate said the cloak le the osro•r Transacted its business on tick, And the plat•, wbioh for years had been battered, The olook said was full of old nick. Ths salt said the stream should be whipped. The oinnamoa lashed -In a rage, The croon said the salt woe too fresh, And its friend wasn't thought to be sage. N.z . the pepper, whose humor is spicy, •' I dare any fellow," did ory, " To meter reflections upon me !" ib. mirror took up the deft Then tees axe, with a wit sharp and setting, Watered tea► the raga had the floor ; While the key odd the know should be wee- 'Cause oe- •Cause it was the right Wag to alter. A 11ti tr 'NM MERCHANT. 1 TELLS OF HIS RELEASE, FROM PAINS OF RHEUMATISM. THE IT HAS AlYLICTED HIM roe UIWA11De Or TIN !SAW AHD MINT a2M5D11.I Wass ?WILD lir Vain -D1. WILLIAMS' FINK PILLS sn11PPID Bit HILLIS& Irons the freeman. Kingston. Oat. FU teen vein ago Mr. Alexander O'Brien, the popular Prt.oese street tailor, was one of the meet athletto young men in Kinoetoo, both as • toot raver and otherwise. Eleven years ego he oommeuted business and short- ly afterwards was atr►cken with rheumatism, which mused him much pain, loss ot rest, and neglect of business. He states that he tried many doctors and many medicines, all to no avail. Over • year ago a friend ad- vised him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and though he had but little confidence in them, or •dvertled medioine of any de- soriptloc, •t the urgent request of his friend he deoided to rive the pills • trial, and so - cording to Mr. O'Brien it was a lucky ven- ture. Atter the first b,x had been taken, customs noticed the obang., and when three boxes had been fleishod the result was marvellous. Hie strength had returned, im- poverished blood renewed, muscles devel- oped. rheumatism almost disappeared. bar) data • slight stiffness n the knee joints. Tb• bell, ringing ia, said the reek bask Must be bashful. else wherefores, read! The stave brash, a thing of some polish. Looked down on the saucer and said It thought that the same was to shallow, But admitted the cup was quite:deep the ooffee tried to olta.b ea Elbe tea leaves. But dtsnvsred the semm were too steep. You'd not think a thing that's so holey As the sieve would h..s mixed in the (ass, Bot it did, for it said that lbs batter Was • slippery sort of • ones. No one knows how the row would have ended. Had net the reek, Maggie O'Dowd. (Her work boleti doss) closed the kischea, And thus! sot up the whole crowd. -Coaxing J. Corms in the New Orleaom Times Domoorst. Wondstoek,Ont.. Sept. TL -The trial of Ephraim Coevay fcr the murder of George Frost was continued this moru- ing. Great number. -or people are in attendance and the town and vicix%ty have gown intense interest in the case. Mr. Wallace Nesbitt made an eloquent �pP1lea too,Pt,be primper and Mr. I.oent re- plied 1Tssrsdlt3 "s ttr"ae� "`if"ikT tar the Crown atter Imo - case eras glees to the jur7, who return- ed into chart in lens than an hour with a verdict d masslaughter' Bentteice O.a.57 Gehl live Tears. Woodstock, Sept. 23.--Coeivay was sentenced by .Mr• Justice Meredith this alteroorm to fire years in Kingston Penitentiary for the manida.igbter of young Frost. IT 70sIHzra POLLAID• ., Oh !I have had • happy day !" BxoLlreed an otiose maiden. W hose shooks we like the bloom of May, Whose eyes with mirth were laden. o• But them it .torsed," I add to her ; " And gloomy wag wember. " B&W she : " Twee all the owner For us to be together 1' "What did ee do to make it gay !" •• I asked. '• Were many present'" 'i•id.ehe : '• I really *moot say ; Rat still 'turns very pleasant. " ' Tu away' so. lo every plan 8be finds some satisfaotioo Aad somehow makes ber owo sweet tan The centre ot attraction_ And she who treat contentment draws From wand'riage hither -thither - Is sure of happiness. bemuse She take. her sunshine with her. .,ref F•11111111 Foss. Owen Sound. Ont., Sept 27.-(Specul.t- Th15 afternoon at the now" levator here, William Kant of Oshawa tad John Webb of 'tomato, employes of the Pedlar hoofing Outman) of Oshawa, were working epee • erttlold covering the oatalde of the build - Ing with plates of galvanised Iron, when a staple, w0leb held the scaffold into the boliding, pulled out ked allowed the scaf- fold to arming tint and throw them to the ground. W feet b.Iow. Both sofered greatly from their tall. One of Bant's leis oke broke.) In two places above the ankle. His barb was Wined and he was other- . tee badly kart. while Webb received au Injured back and a very severe shaking up all over. Both men were ■ttended to at once and err 'tow doing sleety. No blame le attached to anyone for the ac- cident. taa1M• cawe .resew. Rome. Sept. 25.-A Neapolitrn nurse maid has disappeared with the Infant son of it young Englishman named Ifastinga. Letters have been received demanding a memos of $:00,000. It M thought that the nurse maid was 1n league with some of the brigands In the vicinity of Naples. " jlyuattNa wan .we et Oho ,/epMt ,.dreg - gad Salem ea,� � 1.4 anseasi se We hart! er. of Weaeste few se wee! se fesekniL Oise goats was pea' bale almost eau We= e. cul HIS OWN SWEET WILL w. o Cosmic. Re st.d, a 'Seager at my doer : I pee him all ; 1 -meld no more y° He holds my hand t He le.da a WAW 1 I ohms" but this. His own sweet wilL Hie hands were pierced ; I knew his name Hs bore for me the cross, the shame, He is my Guide, He leds me still ; I only 'eked. I. this Hu will : I km* He Mads who 'tie best : • How could I fear. with Hon my Onset! Ia jcys or Brief, He lead. me Still ; I know 'tis best ; itis His will ; I have no burdens hard to bear ; 'Ti. joy with him my all:to .hue ; My Friend, my Guide. I cruse His Still : I "hoose hot tbht. His own sweet will. 15,4hg.abe se M.t1e. 101leworth lie.,'Sept. '211. -An Iare shock was ttbgask tett here at 1.01 this afternoon. with rumbling from the southward. Houses shoot, windows seed dishes rattled, the vlbrellow Mating for hen .'rondo. The why vise deer mid the thermometer was 12 she.. sere. The short was also noticed +e other town* In the meant', aid is Mos - bo. and Wahiegt". Orestles. QaaNees Mex' W«rre1. London, Slept_ M --A Debits deeper:AA gays 111 is reported on itis highest au- thority that Baron Edward. Gibbon Asl.bpnityee, lord Chenee4lor of Ireland, will soon mewed the NW r1 et Aberdeen M (ioteraor-General of Canada. terms, shoat aunt. tirwib se • tett to patten *way et 30„..4:414,44.51j t; a •1 to aM+r1 ?. a`�irAit'_c M• 111, f.astr& yl n wee robbery Merittelli,q w.a swanked at the Shoe. Fdr the p.m ,eeutb Door -ogee/ Dougherty •ud 1t',Ib.., of 'tot i' ,,korto• Deteuuv„ Agency, 1..v.ewa.yet• . 1) 'votive Greer and 10.peotur Il,gart, of T •routs. bavo hems winkle., un the OM.. DWI ,ht- OTO. D IM./ about 8 o'clock Wiliam' A•isudi, teller io the Domluion Ilauk. was &treated and bri u4ht b.f.,. Polido Maresanle Ualy, who rem.uded ham to jail unto Fr1Aay• heee. ✓ eet caused great .urpr'.e to taco, be 11r. Polite') is a prime favorite. awl eIr..ar ' 1epe is exprr-add that he will be al 1e to bet,. b ieh sir„uoocbues. Mr. Pooten is • n•uv. of Bell• slits sod is well ooumeo'.ed. 'rite uettt[s of tl,e evaderse that will he..iekwwl ydriase bin is yet unknown. The y unit. roan S. 01. e. reel( Inuooeot of rt.v u.,n•wetly la the (. 'arty It has ben 'kiloton for the past few w.eks that Mr. I'w'u u was under ousp:olon On Friday steeetug last week Mr, Dur.iad, the oa.bier n the bank. was Ire eferred to Toronto, and on Saturday Mr. Creon, the ironer, was also traneferred. A •tory whish Domes from • reliable source has been floating around town for the past week to the effect that • warning reecho& both the manager of the Dominion and the manager of the Merchants' Banks here, through • Belleville lawyer, some months previous to the burglary. that an attempt would ',s made to rob one of the banks. He deojlared that he had become pommel of the information personally. As • result of tole information an extr•night watohmaa was pmt oo at the Merohaota' Bank, but the authorities of the Dominion Bank; although oou.mndo•tod with, did not think it of suf. tloleot lspettann to warrant them In taking any extra precautions. whiob iodeoe••�51p > "e.,,e,otl fit the . months he has done more work in his tailor- ing establishm.ol than he had a000mplubd in the previous four years. A Freeman re- presentative notietnir the oh•nge in Mr. O'Brien's 000ditioo, 'eked him to what he attributed his apparent good health after snob • long Siege of ulnae. Without heel- t•tieaaae replied. .. Well, I have taken no seedioirm in the put year other than Dr Williams Ptak Pills, therefore I attribute my present 000ditioo solely to their tom. Tney had such • good effect in driving the rheumatism out of my system and building op my Shattered 000stitatien, that my wife, whose health was net any too good, also tried the pills. A few lexe remedied her illness and she, too, is *s loud in her praise of them as 1 are. Many of my customers and friends who witnemed the effect of the pills on my oenetltution o.mmenoed to Ilse them, and they relate the same story as I have told yea. I amu well now as ever I was in my life. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills onre by going to the root of two disease. They resew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the sys- tem. Avoid imitations by imitating that every box you purohw is enclosed in a errepppi•g bw•risg the full trade math, 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills fair Pale hoopla. TELLER PONTON ARRESTED. •ateeme of the M>•talea Bask Robb/WY at Naas.. Napanee, Oot. 5 -On the 30th of August the Napaon breach of the Dominion Bank was entered and robbed of 332,000. The °lever manner in whish the combination of the vault was charged and all traose ot the Week Wall. 103114.1. It is over work and not hard work theft kills. Every men, whatwnver his busiest* or profession, ie justified in working hard. Work keeps the body in health as well as the wolf trom the door. But no man is justified in over-working and under -rusting himself. Overworking and ander-resting are to• day common experiences. And the concom- itant is broken down, debilitated and prem•- tunly old men M•n, like an of maohinery, oan be over-worked, and, like a piece of machinery, be must pay the penalty thereof. 11 is oaten not until a piece of machinery Jas collapsed Mas the tour" done- by oy wort. h.. been realized. It i. the - crtth she e...-. ark•C wen. .. +� He is • deluded man who imeninel he oe!-- w, ' over-etnla his brain and his muscle tat fifty weeks la a year and then recuperate to We two remalntng weeks. 11 is an exoellent thing for a man to taker-- • few week.' respite every year from bud - nee' or professional tares I but i1 M better still for him te daily take th•tr rest whish sitars demands he should. He la • foolish engineer who is so sparing in the ase of oil upon his engine that its bearings are pot properly lobe's/med. And ha t' a unwise man who robs .his body of that recreation and res* whiob are neces- sary to keep it from rusting and breliklsg down. Work well, bat ret well. assesses' Fosses* ea dusters. 8.11eda• and •ooelte plaster' would not b. used .t all if their dangerous qualities were mon amorally known. Them drags may hs absorbed by the 'yeti= and cause serious trouble. "Quiokoare" has been rso- ommended as being entirely free from any- thing which could possibly injure oven • child. and no plaster removes pain so quick- ly. The 50o. and 31 size pot' of " uiok• oars " hold 3 end 9 times the quantity of trim miss, only a tittle te required. Morris : The trustees of 5. 8. No. 9 have engaged Miss Sills, of Grey, tor 1898 .t a salary of 3275. Mr. Jewitt, who has pal in three years of good solid work, will go to Ottawa Normal School alter Ubri.tmas to secure hi' protesiooal 2od oleo oertlfloate. Walton : The August Dhow was shipped trom this factory let week. The first 120 boxes were *old for 971 Dents per pound, and the remainder, 148 boxes, at 9;i ousts. Major McNeely, a civil engineer tor the Ctiseinaati Crated railroad oomtraotors, credits the Mllowiag to the brain of an ig- norant Tomatoes •• oorn orsoker.'> The reader was engaged to tannelinr • mounIaia debt on the bask of the Camber • Lad river, said river now being spanned at that peint by a fine bridge, though then there was no sign of the .truotnre. One rooming • weaker rowed sores the river end open appro•ohing the following ooUeq.y .wad : Mewdt, „ "Good meaning." " Yea seam to be scattering dirt and gravel around bare pretty port" •• Weil, yes, we are getting through the hill q.lti lively." .- • Who's phyla' for all this tie.. r •' Tb• otty of. Ciaoinn•tL'' •' Wall, it meet Dost • heap .s messy. What's It fee, a w t" TI. major thought 1* would ealigb*sn the native se be told him that be was mason io buttdlne • tunnel, sed he farther ex- plained that It was cheaper to tore a tele throsdll 11e mountain for the oars be ten throe. 1h•a to level it or make • • este' down the redo, The native took it all Is ad then queried : "8e 11. stens kyan is going to eoa right through this teasel away north r e' Yee, fief's just it," reepoaded the Meer. • " WeB, Major. that'. *skin' tem maob toe •re as to b.Meve," respneded the "raker. • • I des's meallew i1 so how yen east fix It that stray lime OM 'ars ins hen of years lamp agree the river he's gain' to strike WORMS, bele right memo and fair. 15., sb'Fbe j Whew toy tvr dlda't M tusks him 4sds Setsmer weather flavored the 70. s �l'mf Cleb for the opening openinging ie- �M�e+MI RrttnrAay ett.ruon tba r►e- Mrte • ClnrtMbd:m rtes 15 WooAhIN to;fie•" wsa ttlr, Mtweea ,s1e Wore Fdah5N5 v. rem 1 Td *6 .Ii ecete, Ttte tmm M 1 'u$ atI•ekstd ,.,arA j'atttlr •> al g,h., elh• , r w d *VP t R I e • � let stay setae .,... rrs"vile, Posh t e,ertz IIit�Mt wows a tre str' sibi ser a look amp oy Not ' e.r,,a PERFECTLY SATISFIED This tells the Story Wherever "LUDELLA" CEYLON TEA has been introduced. From:'Grocers. 2b, 4q 50, and 60c., Black or Mixed. THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE $IST THE BEST Tees BEST THE BEST T HB BEST THE BUT THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THS BEST THE BEST THE MUT THE BEST THE Be3T THE BEST THHST E EE Mamma-New. noddle you mast be } la coed bey.: Mean we're roi'yieon • tris •tl 111 E alrht. 7011 .liEg'l' FredCa-rhea I ww't lime to getwit`s T 13E ed. `'1'F1's ., l iglu., r' M ' beers. a itf fila• T HIi T . - 111b10 1r1Wli Nato %Ade1111�' 8, , ism 4 s e•g ohhsluugg TpH4 VERT .. ye t0itaall risk L .*4. ta,f a M. 7HS WI tsar r idNllsaMr .410E M K'.tIs a 1Eliidr b1r jj1b14 t0r.e sad.fba't t4wjt41 w'" .....ababyntod• T hi Illeb- rr irw.i, Itl�l ale wen. T1. 7 book do tM TH • THS 0k Owl 410W tpllidlatK er1"Mri.'iml ill owlet thdi.Ilwd1.: 1 "'.Asa'..•,i,q.-r 1►..L e>e111r1r D► THE MN 18 I8 18 IS I8 I8 THE THE THE THE THE THE CBEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST AND AND AND AND AND AND THE THE THE THE THE THE SIGNAL I8 SIGNAL IS SIGNAL I8 SIGNAL I8 SIGNAL IS SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE 'BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST ULU THE BEST 1 a;, w�r�" THE BEST THE BEST ii THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEST �hTHE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TBE BEST THE BEST vas BEST • THE BS T HE TRHIM 111E � TIM▪ $ R'tAreirr AND Tel ITO8ALTM OA A e* Ate' , �� LI_ OH R ti MST AND MEAL Val REST is 731 a13sAPE8T AND 7' EILINCL THE Biwa al TSE MAMI1 AD =0* AO4if 10 TE3 To law your het Eli lee gamy dry • t , A ' 3mit-- IN ADVANCE ! t.