HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-14, Page 6e TIttlikeDAY, • 00t. 14, 1891.
litervesse teem ego.
I °gore omens as your goon, le take
VINTIOne keep thee weigh demon the souks
and bodies elf my subjects -guess el blade,
The dorivisig of vag goes for the re
from the betas elifferiog and grinding
petiperige of the peoele tea terrible °thaw.
-Genoa Willierfortes
To sell rum ter *Benham' ie bad easugh,
but for • whole oreausnaity to share the re.
sponsibitity •ad guilt of snob • trellis
seam a worse bergoin than thee ot Eve or
J mdse. -Hanoi Grady.
lf the treffio in ardent spittle is immoral,
the& of neassity ars the laws which author-
ise the truth° Immoral. And if the leg
ere immoral, then we must be immoral if
we do not protest sentuist them. -Gantt
Asd if a lose of revenue should 000gro
the United States from • diminished oon-
etimption of ardent spirita she will be the
gainer of • thounindlold in the health,
wealth and happiness of the people. -J natio
Grew. U. 9 Supreme Court.
Is is true 1 oannot prevent the introdno-
ties of the flowing poison ; gen-seeking
sad oorrupt men will, for profit end sensu-
ality, defeat my wish..; but nothiog will_
badge me to derive • revenue from the,yin
*aid negge et soy • people.-Beipenr:
Gentletnen-, losonot pennit • question o
mere revenue to in oonsiderea alonpside a
question of morals ; but giv• me a sober
p000lgi to not wasting their goings on
Mr**, drink, and I will know where to get
usy revenue.-Gladetons, to the Brewers of
Luxery, my lords, is to be taxed bat vire
prolub,ted ; let the difficulty in the law be
what it will, would you lay • ter upon a
brow of the ten oomusendmente 7 Govern-
rnent enould not fur reveoue, mortgage the
morals and health of tee people -Lord
Should the wages of iniquity be put into
the treasury 7 They are the price of blood,
-fled in neer aggregate would be isadequote
1. buy fields enough to bury the multitudes
wbo are the victims of the dreadful traffic
far whose profits the sell the peoples ••120-
;aatitHL...4%•t• 1304101,91 .0tagit.40p1Palliafth4
vania, 1871. -
11 the refine ditnigehee from inoorege4
habits of temperenoe the amount of wealth
snob • change would bring the natio,o,would
utterly throw into the shale the amount of
revenue that is now derived from the spirit
dutv : end we would Dot only see with
satisfaotion • diminution of the revenue
freer inch a mass hat we ehonld find in
verioue wag that the exchequer would not
suffer from the losses whion it might sun-
tan in that direotion.-Sir Stafford North.
oote, Chanoellor ot the Exohequer.-Hansil-
teo Leaflet.
A tall, well-built man, in • light,
n em ant, was found acting peculiarly at
Washington and Sends -et, Brooklvo, at
about one o'olook yesterday morning by
Policeman Fannon. Fannon tried to got
the man to move on, hut mould not, end,
after being threatened with a sound climb-
ing, arrested the man hod took him to the
Finns strait station house. l'here the
pritieger said he was Louis C. Gains, 38
V-old, • rminner, of 231 Fulton street
,:7-inis looked up, there'd with being
- Amok.
Sergeant Swiagman, who was in oharee
of the station, had shoat forgotten the
one, when, an hour later, • young men hut-
' lied into the station.
"1. Lieut. Clark hers!" he &eked.
"Who ?" salted the sergeant.
" Lieut. Llark, the executive officer of
efee warship Detroit." stod the youog man.
" No," said the sergeant. " We havn't
any oared people to night."
• He must be here," insisted the young
1 left him at Washington and
streets • few minutes aro, and they
W'mrs he had been brought bete."
" Well, he isn't down here," said the
-Throe hours. leter...enothiernan
turd the station.
"1 am Dr. Viotor C. B. Meng," he said.
"1 am • enret1013 in the United States navy.
I wish to furnish bell for Lieut. Clerk, of
the warship Detroit, who Is looked up
"H. isn't here," said SWirlfrnsit.
" Let me am your prison.*," maid Dr.
Mmes. The Sergeant said be would and
Gains was line first man brought out.
" How do you do, Lieutenant ?" asked
Dr. MAIMS. He shook hands with tbe
prisoner and bold Swingman thee he was
the man he wanted to bail out. The Ser-
geant started to make out the bogie While
he was willow on it, " thins " swung biro.
oelf on the desk sod began to talk to the
Sergeant. He talked about the polies and
hie arrest in such • way that Swingmeu
turned on him.
" You had better be • little careful," he
said. "You can't command bare. You
are net on your ship. You are • prisoner,
edited up for drunkenness'/ad 10.1 1. in you
ors You would do better to behave your-
The mariner subsided. He lett the
station with Or. Means, who deposited $100
for his appearing in the Adams street
polka tours to day.
Dr. Means refused to give Lieut. Clork's
initials lest evening or to tell whether the
n ine was spelled with sang "e.' Al the
savy yard it Wei eald that Otero Imo •
Lieut. Clark on Ike Pstroili. Ho mold not
be mom be by redorters hist night.
Ws find in the San Tramietio Rally Smal-
ls« this
"Jim Kelly, a well -knows prospector,
.and to Grand Luke atter an Memo* lit
Ohs meantalos of sir weeks.
Os ambit,. in Lowe be staked one his
bores and Imam himself " The Comm
Rotel " and promoded to minas all kind'
a liquor, preinoging hie spree mat Banda)
All day ?May, daring Fraay slight &ad
late Saturday atterame the horse welled,
Whinnying when &eyes* approaohsd, hut
refining any asteenge to feed hien. About
*asset Saturday, kis master not returains.
the here streamed ist hie p110 55 rope till ha
Inaily ensosettod la polling me picket pin,
end aches/ Ma reps behind him le• tweeted
up10 "The Cesesel." k.p�lsl ap a pro -
leased whinny, Ha walked up the stripe
to the+ porch asid peered aetienely teregigh
this window le 'earn of bie master. For
*we the pore Sad
Itegg ee twou.iiiiagetterbaley ea .al
the m he deliberately
'1 ittehen erten sheet Iliseti deep,
dew. estb10stilo sad Imalf0 kin hoed
Viler like lam.
1.004/4 telleselcdtby 118Pliata Mist
bit of ethers who were attracted by the
bonne whkenyieet sad graege genera We
followed him down the week. Theo is so
doubt he deliberately uominieted' grinds
.then Kelly °sena off his spree es Suredity
and logged of the horse's death he moored
essisteues sad buried the felithhal ashen."
si 011)
• FEMALE JILT PUM111111110.
letagieyx Pair annals lieseled few Orme&
of Presallse.
Lewicon, Me., Lat. 6 -Mrs Hadley ga
lost bar oase. Twelve good ego and true,
after Colo hours wrangling in the jay
room, at 11 o'olook last night announced
that the hur young aousin of the famous
author of the Dingley Bill, who surprised
her native State, as well as Coldornte, a few
menthe ago by gunny wedding wently
hotel proprietor Hadley, of San Diego,
when all Ohs world supooeed the was goo
to gowns hire. blotches the set% of •
down -ease merchant, bad oommitted breach
ot prom's..
In spire of the latepess of the 'hear the
court room was orowded, and soon the whole
city knew of the result a the oetebraied
oast,. The result was a surprise,,and al-
though the verdict awarded is • small ose,
far below the claims of the alleged broken-
hearted men, the outcome of the case Is •
severe blow to the .pride of the Maley
family, who have egg befog _WOOWS anon
Imminence defog-
• Yeatordey morning's seinoireeened with-
al. 'rioting argument ot the counsel. John
A Morrill for the defence. and Charles le
Libby for the plaintiff. They took 90
ranges gob and concluded at 1:30. At 2
o'clock Judge Emery delivered his charge,
an Impartial review of the ow covering all
the potnts. The jury retired at 3, but it
was 11 a'olook lot night when they report-
ed • verdict of $1,789 for tbe plaintiff.' '
The jury stood 11 to 1 for the phantift on
the first ballot, sod that ono juror stuck out
for Mrs. Hadley for eight loop hours before
he would give an.
Some of Ho letters in the case have a
dash abrAtt thaM. Inimetttately steer 10.1.
ober'. wife died ortme this:
My Dear Arthur, -It was with gin and
grist that I learned this morning ot the
4hhaft4Acc9!' heed/Amy. Tiosissiersr.4re01g_
of mine can brirr,comfort to your sorely
tried hese!, ereez L asnot refrag 1.T.DOL act-
ing to you to excreta my deep and heartfelt
sympathy in your %dilation. Kn3wany
Mary so well, 1 our understand what • blow
her death is to you. She was • woman
whose place will not be rosily filled in the
world. How impassible to fill in her home
Yoe gig ibis to caroler% yon- you hare the
hope of meeting her one day in a better
union than hound irmii here on earth. S.be
waits for you, and reunited there you will
know no motto parting. I pray God to tem-
per your •Tiotiou. and give you the peace
the- will gibe you to wait with petienoe
until He .hall call you to meet your Dear
Father in Mayon. Sinoerely yours,
Louise M. Dingley.
May 23rd, 1896.
• ....w"inteee•-• Irvin. •
rapidny. le • hide while the bates mem-
heir *wells trionendously mod oleseges eider,
Then the tongue swells ep. You len se if
you were made of pitoh. sompeaislly is tads
true with reward to the kraus whicie not
oaly swells bat prootheelly refuses to spook
with disetsotoses, though my impression is
c10 matter may be sonmerhat due to the
ten bhat I drink so marsh whisky whee I am
"Owe, acting oo the &deign • grosies
I soaked my middle finger, whioh 104 10..
gags In ammonia. lt took the skis off
amid partially rotted the flesh ; the finger has
been • pretty baelookiag member .ver
Moos The eyesight a iesersilt affected
more or lees and 11 1. whoa the •isios be-
gins to oleer • little that the firlit with the
venom may be imid to be turning is favor of
the victim. Toe symptom that remains
longest is soreness os the musing, espooially
those of the bitten member. My right arm
is murder now from the last bite, though at
000urred some weeks go."-Pitdeburg Dis-
Don'e find fault.
Dott,t oontrodlot people, even it you are
sure you are right.
Omit be inquisitive about the affairs of
even your most iatimate friend.
Don't underrate &python, because you
dote& possess it.
Donit believe that everybody, else in the
world is happier titan you.
Des% emoted* that yve weer lied any
opportualthe In your Uf-
Don't believe all the evil you hear.
Don't repeat goseip, even *1 11 does toter-
eet a crowd.
Don't go untidy on the plea that every-
body knows you.
Don't be rude to your inferiors in social
Don't over Or under dress.
Don't jeer al anybody's religious belief.
elaceesarei notes.
Four year old Nell was vlsitiog her aunt
and her big arum dreamed for the morning
waik, stopped for stew minutes to asterisks
the tette visitor:
Her stforto seemed is vele, 1110155M, sue•
till nicking up s mandolin she played •
simple melody. Nell listened in seeming
ettetriereerrant. ini.weisa the .4ase, ago Reel
boom stendks the little one pleaded for •
repitivies Se, -..te.--to"g• coeds. DOG....
oomplimented, did so.
--f• Pie/ it again" begged Neil when the
piece was onoe more finished.
AM& "Play 11 actin" she coaxed weep
the melody bed been worn quite threadbare
trom oonatent repetition'.
"Th. little ems shoo* ger heed. "No"
'he said, 'but," and she laughed nleeftilly,
"I love to watch you play -your plumes ao
bob up and down so funny."
Early in •Juns, Mr. Milt:thorn wife then
having been dead about three weeks, Miss
Dingley wse writing as follows :
Auburn, Me. Sanday, June 12. -My
Dear Arthur-ilia:sweet and loving letter
of Wednesday sees Lanced to ins Thursday
morning. I am glad to know that my let-
ters have been of oomlort to you. I know
no one more been -broken than you oould
have lived through the last two weeks. I
should my I n ey ee expect to fill Mary's
pigs No one oould, my dear. All I will
say is 1 oouldn't love you any more than
she did. But I believe 1 gala love you as
much, and wouldn't wonder if I now did.
There. dry your ,eyse ! Could I say more!
l'hat I love yon, and that dearly, you must
have long Lae rinoovered.
In August and September Miss Dingley
was wri•log in this vein :
South Harpewell. Aug. 19, 1896. -Dear
Arthur • • It sets me half Gravy
thinking of you at home and me not able to
corn, and love you. Both of us seed it so
much and ae oao stand such • hyt ot 11, 1,00,
without feeling it. Well, my sweet SON
Will close this up.
--Meth egg te.g elmiskantleme-enA imme
belittle me your mese loving,
Dodd's Kidoey Pills, as Caul, Worked a
Stratford. Oct. 11-Thote ore kw poorig
is this city who do not know Mrs R.
Roberts, Downie Street.. She has been an
invalid for some years and her case awaken-
ed the sympathy of her netgbbors, who
were oonfident tbere wiss no cure for her.
Judge of their surprise and delighs on bear-
ing what Mrs Roberts tens thus: "1 lave
been afiloted daring three years. with kidney
disease. Have used dootor's medicines but
oould not get oured I have mod five boxes
ot Dodd's Kidney Pills sad am Dow cured.
You may publish this it you choose." This
ie a short etatementbst telle a grate deal
slovenlier Taylor's Wlegineut Address en
Irish 0111` at me sashruie Rabobetlen.
Irish day at the Nashville, Tennessee, ex-
hibition, was as event which will be written
ID American history as one of the great
events of the Union in the year 1897, Gover-
nor Taylor's eloquent tribute to Ireland be-
fog one of the most interesting features of
the State Centennial Exposition. After the
cheers had subsided Mr. Taylor oomemenood
as :
*II I Dere a sculptor. I would chisel from
marble wry tdetrot a hero. - 1 Would
make it the figure of an Irishmen, goriflo-
ing his hopes and hie lite on the altar of his
oonntry, and I would 0111r111 on its peosital
Auburn, Me., Sept 13. -My Dear Arthur
-I am going be try to anew your faithful
and most loving letter rsoeived Mondsy
morning just when I was thinking of you
and was victoria some Of our happy time.
and trying to live them over again. •
I love you better than soything glee in the
world. Oh I Arthur deer, if you only knew
how moth I love you. I am so dissatisfied
and restlem when itersy from you. I thigh
it is wicked for both of me to live apart this
way, don't you
Rattlesnake Irelmin Really Ilentrelleed.
Peter Gruber, otherwise known as " Rat.
thanks Pete." who him gat recovered from
his tenth spoke bite. donates that in his
judgement so ese seed ger die of the yea -
ens of tho ratio.
"1 west to my," he sabil, "that the hab-
its.' whisky drinker stands • pretty poor
show sees be is bitten. Wet ea he dog
whoa attached by pneumonia. I
&gait a1.8 • betweve bites' so to speak.
"�S the minute I am When I bs�. to
pour dew. the whisky. I dash
druak, to be frank about it. Of emirs,
I dou't stop with the whisky. I dou't eves
wait gall 115.1 whisky's effeot before I be-
g in on the propos acoompenying remedy,
permanganate el potaah.
" A solution should be legged late the
elroolatIon Without any delay whatever.
The sort ot syringe used in administerieg
morphine Is *Neatly the histretneet to nee
In mails, the injeetion, whieh stiould
be loaned clam to the bitten spot. Al the
same Mese immersed the wound in kero-
sene. I have r tried this lest hut ones ;
ft was just after my tenth and latest bite.
A. gnat, the wooed waa on my right gad,
and at first it seetioni s p55107 stubborn
else. Somebody renommended ehe kerosene
MM. sad I soaked the obameatill hood for
honre in • tie s.ilk pari fall .4 10. CI. It
worked like • Maim. &siert time the
pain prow lees, groat Mena of hitwiel name
Irttl• the wow', mid the monisg ham to
go down. it was • week or tan ri•ye eaters
I felt it right 15 157 I was oared.' bue that
is • abeam time Mem areal,
now rr reale so es arg111..
" How doee it fret to be bitten ' Welt,
the first two or throe Swot it feels like
tleatb. The Ara mew 11.11 tbe togs et dot
rettlessake I worn nearly mead usb ef toy
senora_ Be* taiga from the fright 41 4. wee
gry painful. Th. ais Mem to mew
pretty moo attar. however Is streshite 1111
the WIN it ler --most 'Mee are resented
Ohs milremities, 01 estame-with amiss WAIL
the IMMO of Emmet.
" It I were a painter, I would make the
canvas eloquent with the dead of the
bravest peopie who ger lived, whose proud
spirit no power can ever cooquer, and whose
loyalty and devotion to the hope of free
government no tyrant can ever crush. And
1 would write under the picture, ' Ireland.
"11 I were • poet, I would melt the world
to tears with the pathos in my nog. I
would toroth the heart of humanity with the
mournful threnody of Inland's wrens and
krin's woes. I would waive the shamrock
and the gee into garlands ot story ior the
Stnerald Isle, the land of martyrs mod mem-
ories, the grails of heroes, the nursery et
" Tortega istikageme sad murdered on
acaffoide, robbed 01 1*. fruits 0110.4. sweat
and toil, sotatieed by famine and pleederied
by the &aerie* of beggars power, driven
like, the leaves of Autumn before the loan
vigor winds, this @turd, rag el Erin's
e ons and daughters have Mee nattered over
the tam of the earth, homeless ooly la the
Wolof their nativity, but rings sod *Ps
ID every other lend where merit ta tho aide -
sure a thirteen.
" Wirer, II the battlefield that leg sot
boon glorified by trim mores. wed baptised
with Irish blood? And where le the free
arintry whom monde have net hem
strengthened by Irish braise, and whom
wealth has am bees loorearted by Irish
brown? •
"Wherever the Bag of ever ilaglige, the
ear% of Irish chivalry is thoredallabg ter
the battle and «ger for tee ehargri. Wheth-
er It be Wellington Isaias tim ailed armies
at Waterloo, or Noy billowlag the males ot
Fr.....; whether it ba Saai Haueliess area-
ing the &reties of Santa Ana. at Sea J•elo.
to, or Davy Oreekett oaring dee* at the
Alamo whether it het Andrew Juibarea at
New (Meuse, or Stoma!! Jacks.* M
Chanmllorevilla ; whether It be Phil Shari-
ta the addle tidies like • rod a war la
tb• thickest of the Beim, it Pat Clebarae
Wadley the tenter, hope and dyiag 10 oho
canemes remota on the brmetwellto .4 10.
foe, It is the mme intrepid, eseeesumeelde
g irt of 'oblige carom) whieh Agee Vim •
stream of Meedratine from the imer• ot sid
Ireland to flre the ogle et the werld's great-
est loaders, and to hero former out the al•
ten of liberty
" Wheram. the hamar ot mem lo need.
gig oar las gencresei•• nations of the ear*.
this Mesa irrailesihie Gatti* geed hes ear
hoes pressett, shaping the destinies elm.
"ilmitreZbitibsiWit 'Aiwa
wheal koala IND • ...10I*. hs Lola math IWO
tar itralla Ilse
Oherldmi, wheels dreams will horse In Sag.
heit 'literature forever, the the traiaass of
roses thee ore faded rued goo,. Il bibtail
01) the brain of Oliver Goldsmith, who broke
out in gag sweeter than the IOW &I the
nightingale. It kiredied nes seal of Tom
Moore into thews sod like an antel ot Itibl
from the mhos of dreams, tie .wept the
burning striae of ioria's harp, osdl the
whole world thrilled with melody. The
body of Tom Moore wee dust lose ago, but
his spirit lives in hie eggs and breathes
more bops is every Irish heart ond harp!.
sees le every hob awe.
"lf 1 ware &eked why orer Southern peo-
ple are so impulsive, I would answer re is
not a. MUOtt the effect of Choate &.i5 in the
Predominance of Irish blood in our veins
It was this that fired else Irish heart of Pet-
rick Henry to preach seciegoo from English
wrath and the power of English arms."
IS ls bald se nave Les{ 111011111All
Perhaps no anoodote ever told of Mr. Lin -
oohs illustrates more toraibly his " long -
headedness" to lsyIag pigs than the in -
°admit when he asked the "Jedge" • quali-
ties lo hi. debate with Mr. -Douglas, whiolt
may bs told as follows:
Oro afeernoon duriog tleg joint debate
Mr. Lipooln was sitting with friends, oblon-
g, the pr 'gram, when he was obeerved to
go off in a kind of ie, and tor someeime
appeared totally oblivious to everything
around him. Then slowly bringing his
right hand up, holding It a momeot in the
air, and %tang it 1a11 with • quick slap
upon his thigh, h• said:
"Ther., I am going to ask the 'Jedge'(be
always canal him 'the ledge') a question
tonight, and I Me1 gas thei *boat of •
oontinentel which way he answers it. If
10 answers it 0.10 Way it will loose him the
g loater -ship. If he "newer' it hi the other
way it will loose Wm the preeideney."
No one asked him what the question Wile„
hut that evening it was the turn for Mr.
Douglas to speak first and right in th• midst
of his address,•il at ono*, M r. Linooln roused
up, as if a new thought hod euddenly
struck him, and said:
"Jades will you allow me to ask you
Me question?'
said Mr. Dairies •
"Suppose Jedge, there was a new teems.
or colony pat started in some western ter--
ritory, and euppoee there was prooleely 100
begetholdere-ea':.-.tronelven -god suppeest.
Jags that Mt did not want slivery &Ott NW
did. .6r demo eterantir r
Judge Muria, beat about the bosh, bet
tarlad to give • direct answer.
"No, no ledge, that wool' do. Tell no
plainly what will be done about it."
Again Douglas tried to evade, buil Lincoln
hosted that • direct answer should be
risen_ At last Illeglas admitted that the
majority wonld Imre their way. by some
means or other.
Mr. Lincoln said no meg. He had se-
cured what he wanted. Douglas bad tie -
severed 10. queseion as Illinois people would
lustre answered it, and be got the senator -
SIP p. But that answer was not eittingtory
to the people of the south. In 1050 the
Charleston oreivestios cilit in two fa:alone.
and 10 "10.9 bias the preardoncy," sad it
ince Atiriettal" J.irmies messiest. -rho la-
Weeder* abler et Pollee Selves Problem
WM • It ktp.
I hired la • town en* west seine year* age
where tbe tromp problem was solved by
the aged of polite in • way that gold
scormay be deiended es the ground of reg-
ularity, but it was hirhly effeetive, and
whither be adeptod.nov. in some oommenetties
that are Ogren with "Weary Willies"
This town I speak of wee handed ono win-
ter by gorse of the wanderer fruternity.
They were eel (topically bed, and oommited
n o outrages beyood hfbsng ohiokena from
the hen roosts of the suburbia receipts
Yet they Were • thorn to the chief, who
Wes • man of los reeolutioc. sod oho de-
termined to drub them out ot the piece.
A000rdingly, our day he went to their
rendezvous oe the outskirts of the oily god
delivered • lecture to about a doses a tko
loafers. He warned than that if they
didn't meek trash pastures inside of 24 hours
they'd live to regret sot taking his orgies
I has he rode away, the tramps preserve's
▪ respeottal sil000e. but evidently talo
hie spmasusu.sibleff.. Alexi day the o
went back, goesapenied hy five of his foree
young offices,, brewse and ready to execute
my order,. They rounded up the NM*
gang shas the thief had lectured the' pre-
vious day. 004 of the officers then went late
a neighboring oat of woods and oats* haat
with • bunch ot stout, rouser liathe lopped
off th• tooeheet trees he amid find.
Rialit then and there ensued a wholesale
whipping. Every mother's eon of that bobo
bend got %linseed till be yelled for iortfu1-
The chief would not tall off hie mos until
the obsetteement was oemplete. Then he
made the hobos soother spesob. telling
there what would goer if they were *gain
ought he the aeighborbeed. This wee lf
years arg, asd ever nog them 11 • mpg have
even that tows a wide berth. Tb. gine
man is still ohief.-Wathisirtes Pool.
Iteensessnie teesien,
Two Americans who were erg** the At -
Latino, mot in t.he osbin ea Sunday night te
e gg hymns. As they sin tbe hist hymn,
"Jesup, lover of my seal,"•olle ot ahem
heart • rish and exosedimela hemititial yam
bats(' him. Hs looked aroma. and al-
though be did sot kaew the farse,he those_ht,
that lie iserar4.
ereiee, se whoa Is mesio
masa • Ilk sad mita the MINI if be
had net belga hi the Owe War. the Imo
replied that he had bees a Ooetederate soi•
dies. "Were you at gob • plate me snob
• aisht ?" asked the ant- ' he re-
plied. sad • °gigs thing happened thse
night, whioh thie bye= has regaled to my
seise I Was posted on matey duty sear
or. ma or • Mag. It woo• davit 44.04
and very ooli ma I Maplilili tgliblesed
Mosses the a�lbs tam mamma to be
..or. /Omit tho middle .1110 sight whom
every Mktg Mis stin sett *as Mali* hoarse
siok 5.4 itnisarado and wow,. / thomat
that I would omatort ioyob11 by prayisiega
d agrin"ItAllilhImyentre UM 0.101010
IPS • 11 I e
Allay boilp ea %bee I beat :
Carer sty datmeehtet head
With the shadow ef thy wing.* •
dews apse me sad threagh Ike itio41;1
after obeelati that • Steam Psos•
I felt it• more fear."
" New," said the other, " Bates Xit
story. I pas • Mum soldier Ma
the weed that sight with • party of
moms. 1 taw yea mandistr, althea* I
did Roe sss yeor hoe. My men 108 5104,
d em feceseed 50016 you, emitting the ward
Oebreir"atty trotecialigsaitieu itm.4.
go illy wise."
Puril rdlee wo will
ushiPil351;,•:thairosoilireIssts. sinis.VieutitHlati;
• `
Man's Pitet Dogmatic, Sir William Loses .. •
Drinkwater, lig gild kla °Moe ter fifty GYRED SY
Botta'. Library marks its fiftieth easiver- .DOD
wry by the 'gbh...goo of • new literal prose
traseheidee of Herge.
Dr. (Insley Papas a emir relenve of
the King a lio. oa the Gold Coen of Ahem%
hes written • memoir as malarial fever,
whioh the Britlek Weak' Othos has
printed. ,
Trans are now roaalog between (Amber-
owka en the Anna. sad Viadivooteck, the.
first loog eastern seettee of the TroosSiber.
ian Railroad being fialtffired.
Cardin•I Pole's essettoloon over his monu-
ments he Lanterbory Cothodral is to be re-
painted ae the exposes a • aambor of Rag -
11r11 Catholics, beaded by CerriPard
Vs align.
Goa. L'Admirault, 89 years of age, is the
senior tietooral on the Fritsch army list. He
was made a general of (hymen forty-four
years ago and has hem • Grand Cruse ot the
Lotion ot Honor for thirty-two years.
Father Luigi Testi, who for some time
was Libra:lap at the Vatioan. died ',candy,
aged 86 years, .5the Benedigine ttey of
Moats Cassino. He was one ot the louden
in the attempts to reoonalle the Vatioaa
with the tliurines.
Thelma Hughes% the'veNsee Teo
Brows," is to have • Ifeelles eseeseekaue-
by Soho* Bagroimp,iimpis.7,11•4,
86,000 for the perorate.
After twenty years of most ex-
cruciating pain caused bygravel
I am pleased to make it known
that I have been completely
cured Of this long-standing
trouble by Dodd's Kidney pins.
During these years I have spent
hundreds of dollars without any
permanent relief. Had I beard
of your wonderful remedy years
ago it would have saved me
months of army fad hundreds
of dollars. •
Shatbot lAich Ont.
Dodd's Kidney Nils
, Always Cure Ciravd
Bridget Shigeo of Kamm, meaty Deem
has jog died at the ape of 115 years Sh•
was • peddler, era waa eagaged in her bast -
nom till shortly beton her death- She wee
fond of tellies what Oita had ego ef the re-
bottles of '98.
Drury Lase Theatre reeently had to
abandou • pectortname and pay beak the
mosey at the door tor the first time is its
hietory. Tim hydruhe machinery mad to
reim the stags broke down tom before the
time for the gags to nee.
English gores codling to refuse to ree.
°inure de•th es an excuse. A Igor return -
04 es dead before & Load= momenta' wart
�d tao for nonetteendsnoe, thee beg/ the
toy way the Judge oould think of to re-
alms thri name from the tory list.
• llespirriat ot tool ploy is mowed is am.
the sudden deaths almost at the sante
d ihrettegy Yuma,.
Patriarch atilatnagose, sod Mirr. Cyril Bob -
sem Beam, the Syriac patriarch at Mardis,
both of whom were ardent supporters of
Fops leo's scheme for the reunion of the
Orgenal guroties, and wont te Some in
1896 be water width* ea Sipe gamma.
in lune ei-ossy, y, 55(1seas
Charles Williams has prows et_buisk et
whil• bloat:sorrier.
SASH, D001 and BLIND
Dealers la all Made ot
And Middles nuitortal a every doetableten
Soliodtamiture a Specialty.
Our Stock is now cemplete and
is one of the largest and beet
seleeket -outside tn. cities.,
Tau Oexamagr Paourio Ren.wror Go
Tazasa•ro 10. 10.. seikebilehed le give the
public a drelebtee with OW sad Kr
mamas tiontmaloa.
It is msnaidon beams resell*boa ih
the Were* st Ma mums.
believes hi
It deforms shoom=rt al every poses who
For imak dlosemeash Mee
Bum, ---1010 5* all lams :II=
5. 1.5.54 MaIlach tamed& and sere
Norshweenit = pe eie la ma sad meal Owen
Odloo-Asalli las Wamet.
ideasster Goomirlek
.The KEstnatim Fano
Limited, have made arrangements with
01 w5444.. to °eery • tall line of their gook.
The public out get
Furniture at Factory Prices
fr hire. aid by 401.5 55 10.p thslr numay
In town, and hove a mod abeam a getting
some ot it back by ...peruse Hoene Menu
all mode et the
by themCompanyie sidle ere fully
Steam -Fitters
In any quantity to suit the
'purchaser. Shells loaded with
eay charge while you waiL
We have • full Stook of
- Sin OUR &TOUR 0, -
They are sure Ere but only kill
at one mad.
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
AU Sloe from 4 Is. to ti Mire
UDS TH O it.
he-drvrt7,:t rlez 4410,
5 leipo peel the masa of MOD. M ,
Ferrillealtr salem
• lit At
People who bny nom. ehosid not miss r6.04
this opportunity 41v
Special Et. Daylara4e"..
Large Qaantitiee.
51 III181•111 10 made from Ude
ful Flour sod hop yoe4.1. and rt.
meat wholesome that Me be made. ,
; 104.
warr winnwt•
TIN BLOOD. Reerlabse the MOM III User mad 110146%:" atook
will h. fosomil ImoltapsiestMs ls e.et. et ogiarike . -Tf,"411011411
ibianosNia 41111p0O IOW* sr "al" and oi
111616‘1011106 La UM