HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-14, Page 4✓ tw.se=•el6rg.t.� 7
4 VNVI*D•r, Dot. 14. 1197, ---•
SALE oF...
• _,•
We do sot wi.th to carry over • cattle
BMevcls, therefore we otter at rldtcu-
lonelr low Prion .11 our vert
Wb.sls.some of whloh are vary alight -
If You are Looking for a Snap
BIC 81 Ufa.
Ws have Wheels from M to Mw
Crolometere at see. and nee.
V.eders at 01.61 worth 01 5a
bB.HlverythiDg at Bargain Day
00 torr comm
ay O. MeatLUIC1 PRT
Terms of ,u& •dots t
One month, In advance 11
Three months, 00
etz ,. 66
Use year. - 100
Using llatea
L.sg&1 and other oasnal advertisements. 10o
rr line for first insertion, and 3 Dente per line
for each
ubnequent Insertion. lie•sured by
a Bvineaim cae.
rdsl of slit lines and under, 06 per
Advertisements of Lost, Found Strayed
Situations Vacant. Situations N anted and
lteemese ( noes Wanted not rowdies 8
Wes ampcls. 1 per month.
Homes c n and Farms op Sale. not to
emend , lime, foot first month, 600. per cite
month larger advrs, in proportion
♦q special notloe, the object of whloh is to
promote the peounlarl 'eneet of any iudt.
vidoal or company. to be oonsldered an ad.
vertlenment and charted s000rdingly.
Local notices In nonpareil type one oent per
word. D011011001 leant as 060.
Local nohow In ordinary reading type two
tents per word. No notice tor less than 60o.
Nodose dor ohorehss and ether religiose aad
benevolent institutions half rate
Subscriber who fall to reostve Twa SrerAL
r.rnlarl7 by mail, will poster a favor by so-
gounting us of the toot at as early an date as
po wl ble
When a ohmage of sddress Is desired, both
Um old sad the new address should be vas
pwb1M .r'R loft••,
J. 0. Ito Tomei. of Goderioh, has been ap
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town-
ships of Godertoh. Colborne, Ashfield and W
I.00•1 postmasters over the district are alis
empowered to ren, ve subeoriptiow to Tan
•L oommunlo•tions must be addressed
D MO61LLit`l.'TDY,
Tax rwmat,
Telephone Ca1110 Uouerish On .
SUBSCRIBERS who desire to table
advantage of THE SIGNAL'S offer to
club with any of the following news-
papers for 1898 may have the balance
of 1897 free :
TiHSiGNAL and Globe $1 60
Tan SIGNAL and Mail and Em
Tux Sweat and Farm and Fire-
Tug SIGNAL and Weekly Sun..
THs SIGNAL and Family Herald
with chromo
-TAR Sumac. tad.-- louden
1 50
1 50
1 35
1 85
IT is late in the day and in vary bad
taste for our esteemed Tory friends vo take
exception W the actions.( Hon. J. IOJAW
TARTS in the years when he measure" care
'their bushel, and used th. Tory tapeline
is his public) transactions. Whits he was
with them and did the things which they
now claim be should not have done they
found no fault with him, and were willing
to be bonificieries at his hwtds, but now,
that he has cxperienood a change of heart
politically, they blame him (or doing, not
what he does today, but what he diel when
he was with them 'Twos ever thus. Just
do soon as s man sees the error of his way,
and changes for the bett ver, the chaps who
remain in the gall of bitterueee and in the
bone's of iniquity are the first to may that
he shouldn't be trusted because years ago
he was just aa bed as they are now.
it • .
-The way Llviin captured the good
old Tory city of ;Toronto was • caution.
Like CaaAlt he came, saw and conquered.
Every woman who saw and heard him is
with him. and nearly every man is williug
to street that his equal is not in Canada -if
on earth. The sunuy way has proved to be
the better way. not only on th3 Manitoba
questka but in regard *a eywy-gueetion
ism dealt -_-with; -and even
those who denouu 1 his action in asking
for no compensation froirliSrftlln• *hes the
preferential tariff was brought down, now
admit that 1 e way was the right way.
Success has been his portion gime the lord
of June. 1896, and is his portion today, and
that his head has' not been turned in the
slightest by the great and uninterrupted
success, speaks well for the, ballast which it
bears. He is the same affable, kindly,
agreeable gentleman as of yore, but a some-
what more busy man, than when lid was
entrenched within the' lipew of Torres
Vedraa, waiting for the sunny ways to thaw
out what at one time seemed to be • veri-
table feabetrEia,Csa.dien p Tftior"""‘"
- • • •
Sint g the -Philistines marched off with
the ark cif tbe-cvr-enaut in the days of ELI,
no greater outrage upon rigbteoaaness and
justice has been perpetrated than tbe
shattering- of the C.ansdian statutes at Daw-
son City by a est of burglars, who entered
the gold commissioner's off, ' and abstract-
ed between $3,000 and 14,000 worth of gold
deet and nuggets. If there was any place
that should have been sacred, so far as the
wicked burglar is concerned, it should have
been the cabin of the gold commissioner at
Dawson City. The gold commissioner is at
the time of writing tbe representative of the
Dominion in the mining region, and itis
bin is for the preseut the citadel of this
great country from which to defy the burg.
lar and Harm forth the fact that Canada
hoe thrown in its weight to preserve law
and order in the land of Klondike and along
the banks of the Yukon. Up to the time
of the gold commianioner and the mounted
police going to Dawson City, that rapid eL-
rdeyand galiaeral Chaser-
vator of the 1:.. •, .Tudge Lvecu, ruled the
roost, and there were no appeals from his
decision when a thief was caught. As a
result, dishonesty was a rare thing and
burglaries were unknow.[. No* that civil-
ization and trial by jury have -bead es-
t .blislted, that other harbinger of civiliza-
tion,the burglar, i. abroad in the Klondike,
and we may look for a number of other
avails to spring up. It is stran'e, but true,
that in a lawless community .Judge LYNCH
compels to honesty where woamoe Lw can-
not attempt to .t ly the rule of thumb.
Rarps's Seus4 Tabes liar Wishes 13 wW
osst•la • may lestesaidve sad isisrs.b ag
artiste by llerl BJan s..•'Wkat a Nelittoal
tarty Memo " 1 " Tae Teethes .f the
Tower," btt 0. W.Drysdale. heist a scary
the eeltbested Mesas Tower ea the
Shim ; "A B.lLd .t the Whaler,.' by
Rowas Itsysns; set *pew by i.11 OW-
bia, mammies se sagerimeat Isd-
tey.s•1 Government mode in •s Bagtlek
Public Seism/ le addlsi.s there willlll M
the inst•Imem s et tae two aerials-
Tee Durrant issue of Harper's Bazar me-
tals. • paper on " 'he Carlsbad Cure." by
Mrs. Poultamy Bigelow; Two Fontaine
Y.destsains." tardy. Halsted, sad •
review of the 100th perfectness)* of Parades"
at Beirestk by Laths Psrdy sad • *hamlet
essay on " Homs 8SSplag. " 07 Mallow's
Sutton Brboos. • sew testers, which
uommeooeo in this somber, will be throw/61y
appreoi•tsd : not only deer the paper present
the latest style in Fall sed Winter oostum.s
but ite subsoriben oan obtain cissas -popsy
est patterns of them as • isoclinal oast.
The o.rrssl neither of Harper's Weekly
ooataies a very interesting illustrated article
spun the" Moving of the Greet Grain Orbp.,,
fps orop this year is wwm•sed at 500.000,•
000 bushels and as over 200.000,000 bushels
are required by the old World. Cho *tamest
of this enormous balk is taxing the oapeotty
of the railroad, eanalbo•te, and mesa steam-
ers to the tallest extent. Henry Loomis
Nelson contributes • paper apo. "Tb.
O.dnlsm. Movement in Frame, ,, sep.olaly
with reference to the enjoym.st by wens*
of • share. a1 loath, in her own property,
and the lnoreaeed iad.pendeooe she would
thereby gain, and the different light is
which she would be retarded. Other
topics of moral tares§ are a fully iluetr•t
ed paper by D. P. Stephens on "Small
Yachts sad Y•ohl.rsoisg in 1897, " and •
desoription of that unique and wonderfully
u sefullasltution, the "t.ommervial Museum
et Pbtl*delphis. " The nuoleus of this
collection was obSaiaed by the purchase of
some of the entire exhibits of forego
ooastries at the World's Fair. These have
been added so, and • termer edabibkd for
the oolleetien end arrungemest of every kind
of leform•tloa respecting these A meroheat
or tradesman one sow examninethemp.oimes.,
e alsot what appears t' meet his requirements
and tied sot .sly reliable information as to
where and how It Dae be obtained. bus a peso -
deal resume of all points which tell for sad
against He .attabtll$y for kis purpose. As
ac) of a befogs, lbilad•lphis lien.....J $t•
eel! t6. nursery of • new idea.
2 10
The Signal until Jan. Iat,1899, *I
- Politics is a game, and a great
game at that.
-The Sunny way has deen deme&
ideated to he the trete road to prosperity in
-Principles are greater than den.
Men sometimes win, but in the long run
principles weever fail.
-This question of stumpage does
has no reference to what'rill happen to some
of the politicians when they next take the
stump and get their deserts.
-A young woman in Paris recent-
ly kissed a pet dog, and died from the ef-
fects of the kissing. We hay. known other
girls to die after allowing two -legged pup.
pies to kiss them.
- One of the ablest editors in Can-
ada recently remarked to the writer,"There
isn't a public man in the country who would
not (lie politically if the newspapers loot
sight of him for • limited period." That's
50, tee..
-The Ottawa Free Press says " a
popular employee of the C. P. R. in Wit
city is to be ahuetly wedded." Why is he
to be shortly wedded t K outd it not be
better were he wedded fors. long a time as
poeeihle •
-The Scotch evangelist• Rev.
Jou RosssisoN, recently gave out • gond
Wing. when, in exhorting his hearers, to be
hearty, sound, stalwart Chrimtiane, he said
Pad did not mean when he wrote " Pot off
t.hs cid man," that we shouk1 pet on the old
. ♦ yoertget.r the other day salted
his father '• Whet does earn man, one vote
per r sad when the Jokingly
then in every
eatillMall..ae4.�Iasi it',
ether nod give
hoe the
tag 418,* Ms youngster said be thought
4'Neli rlllllff rig d that kisd.
i + x
-In Politics we hear only of the good
men in our party aid tlje bad fellows on the
other side.
-The newspaper man who hasn't learned
that there are two sides to every questioa
hasn't thoroughly learned hi. trade.
-Tbaopportunities of the rob r and in.
duirtrioaa young man in Canada a e t .r•td-
ed.enly by the extent and C.u, ttallks iia
Dominion. ' r
-Every' a.ustituency in Canada is in the
hands of the free and independent elector,
but the eleetnr must be free and he must be
-If the average Christian put as much
piety intodoe religon MI he does of partisan.
ship, nen: s.olitiea the devil world have to
buy a return ticket tolls Own foams.
W Odea Gal vu114 he musty suit t a
J. O. Witten, of Wilithielse. was to Nola
es eaterday.
Move Fl.seh r, 'll♦ame• road, is the pest
et Mies Policy
M. J. Vegan, of New Yeti, was la Gode-
rLob, tlaturdey.
Warms Tkomeee, of S.•fortb, was la
Sews this week.
Lionel Parham returned from late Oblo.yo
Out las Friday.
Mrs. W. D. Museum'. ices returned from
her Detroit visit.
J. A. Chambers,
Ouderiob lath week.
D. Meteor. ir.. notarised ma Baluster
trove a trip to Detrelt.
R. B. Smith is is the gneiss City pur-
chasing Fall novelties.
Robt. McLean retarsed from his Mud-
tobs trip ea Saturday.
J. 0. Watt, e! 8ayeeld,
county town this week.
A. dd. Todd, of the H eros Newt Rimmed,
Iso in town oa Sand v.
of Owes Sound, was in
was 5, the
3 N e
To the Store for nsi4y occupied by Mr. J. T. AOHESON.
'm x x x x x
Ladies' Jackels!
We are showing the Largest range al L*WE ' (*ETS in
the Town of Goderich. Latest styles tram >;a .. up.
Postinseter eau rata r arrow, of Brussdi,
ware* Gedsr;ok Ind week.
Jas. lioDosald, of Brumfield, ,peat
Thursday in 161 Co. tows.
We rlerst to have to record Montan,
illness of Mr.. Wm. $anter.
Ex-ooeaoillor Searle, of Chanes, CJI
the Oe. town the pest week.
T. B. Trimble, idealideo. Mich., twee*•
it'og triesds to town tact week. •
R. 8. Williams, manager, Baa_F�Ueve•
roam, Is taking • rest la WJbto•ge. .
Mrs. Tema Married be tows ea Yrld•y
.iter an enjoyable visit to Detroit.'
Mrs K. H. Kilmer* .t Toledo, Ohio,
arrived is titodetloh the past weak.
P. M0eols.oa, b.rrldar, M ',Laoknow,
spent Sunday M *11. family residem ,
Rev. Mr. Wallwiu, of Lnoksow, smote
few days of the past week i. Ooderiek.
Mr.. C. A. Heather is vtaitisg bell
daughter. Mrs. R. M. Cassel%, Stretford.
Mre. D. Cauteloo, who hes beeo vides/
la Cleveland, will arrive home tbtepeesk.
Mia B. K Barr has gam. to Math •1
Slates Training echo:A. Knoxville. Twems-
Mia hmtly Bight.M len-Bert.
Neid, N..Dakata, seatiSiasaisiiil_}tit
Mrs. Hogarth, loft ea Nordsi flit Halsey''
Myon ,
bo visit a rotative whole seriu.el7
Mr. sod Mee. Waite Banles, who were
•isiting fiisede Is Detroit, retorted hems
est week. _
Inspector of Public Oehools, Jise.
Tom, is tab weak, visiting semis
Sweeties towasbip.
Dr. Fre.b r*. of Milton, wise is about
moving North, was in town this week bid-
dis/� friends goad bye
H. Demise, West -es. returned' Iles week
from • very leterediy trip to Idle& Is
t,hicego end Milwaukee.
Frank White, formerly bar /tell! M lis
Albion, and Bnlieb hotels, ,in Ile' thews+.
Frank. and Hi Martie have bees ss t6Nand
fields at Miobipoodso, where they love
Oore•r. Lasses' Bznss.boyaa•ar_M1..
side of • Hundred Hemet," the first of •
succession of amides pictorial interiors of
the most artiatie•Uytarnished houses to
Americo, is one of the most soeable features
of the October Ladies' Home JoersaL An -
ether -.f mead lessees& lmtredao.• -"Th.
how TasasM a the White Home" lhroegb
pbotoggsphs Stade expressly for the maga-
nee Wien Bell's *bat of icer prep.rttiors
and departure for Bumps ie also as biter -
eating feature. It le the prelude w • aeries
of baler. Mise Bell will writs d bar iw-
ars.sose of tbe old world. Ip the muse
tune Mire. Lynam Abbot beans • sad** of
"P.aostsl Valley" papers, in which she will
portray the life of an ideal rural oo*nwtraity.
lidward W. Bok point* sat to yens( lyses
where the best themes of emcees *wait
them, sad counsels young woven who ob-
ject M the word "obey" in the marriage
-The necessity of the enfurtonatea in the,
burnt district should be the opp,rtanity of
the people of Ottawa and els,wh le who
are in a position to alleviate the distr.ae.
-A partisan fs one who shouts far what
another man ham thought out.. 'A patriot
deer his Den teething, wad then becomes
.n hu.iaatir over the remelt of his thinking.
-Then are no angels in polities, but just
a few good men and a raft of bad ones If
your chose le of the good ones hold feet to
it. 10 yob bank on the others, you meet
get ennverted too semi.
-When Lemnos said the cry It
for the Canadians' should be supereef.4by
that of " Tb, world for Canadians," bs
struck the right keynote Quads bus paths
ed the kindergarten stair. • H_ al;
--The man who thinks he e the only
tarts. b the tank, the only petits on the
bsseh, the poly tin can on the dnmp, *lair
only pig in the piggery, or the only and
solely anything, anywhere and at any time.
asually dimon'rer..neer rrr later generals'
grinner- that he a not the whole money,bia
hely the small slateet.
Lase 1Gigfsilit ih.-Of
sea= b12144
wood C1.vepi1A. yea 061
.0 tally pbusysy 11m alb M
mos AND Rim,
Orr$H/Re MgY >f'pg W_
Td6.w Jaib Bovya
NEM OdMasa I. Osis 10. -Te newer
situation here grew so hotter to -day.
(17lrtTalz caw awes sad Am [Cloths
wan moose&
• -- - ?we splice se ■oar•.
Man" Ala. Get 10.- der ea ser
moos of yellow fever, two deaths L the
city and one at Matasine Point three
miles ditteat make too seemed for this
city tor the past 14 boars.
eaeeeeMr ilia• 1L \ -
Sham. Oct. 10. -Dv. OW -
Maw the ew/mnisal yellow foyer s-
�$srrt,,l aaao need to the Local Board et
et jSBDw' fteyythat there are se Mae Out a. ii►e�sgC.' ,Ip%
b. Lout physkians
peenliee oware f ler d•ass.y tae
• peso >tewvere�. _
1. i-, Cwt 11.-A 4sss ateh PtvL
.' tSw6iBeeoveeed Mie "YeOoW
booties, aanosaoee the dlotorery
d • •patty serosa &sottaer despatch
says that the breasts have eesesMred to
flit Sorel sad west et Dnge,ly.
that took first prise at the Goderich Fair was Salted with
RIc�'s Pur�RaIt
The North American Chemical Company, Limited,
BOLSI M.& m s
alt mony. William Georg Jordan tell. of
the "Wenders of the World's Waste,' -the
setenishing and profitable uses to whit* re-
fuse of maenfsotares,ete.,1, pas. Is a lighter
vela are Charles Dans Gib..'. Dick..'
drawls" Oath Plummer and bis
lance r j 1r. >,kseeh
New Eegliab apple -paring bee; the moots -
Dion of " The Splrie et Sweetwater."
Hamlin O•rlaad's serial. sad • dslioloasly•
reminisces/ poem, " Leisurely Lem," Mrs.
8. T. Rorer solves the problem of fedtng •
• family of eight at a oo.t of tan
dollars ' • week. Sae fully details
her plan, and primate daily bolls-of•f•re.
There is a timely artiste on Halloween games
and pastimes, sod others touching every
of woman's work and home Ilia
be Curti. Publishing Company, Phll•del-
phi•. One dollar per year ; ten oast. per
C E L. U.
The following are the topics for the dif-
ferent young people's societies which meet
during the week :
Nortb-et Methodise oharoh &L. of C.E.,
Fr.day evening at 8 o'olook. On Oot.
15W, Review of Bible Reidy sad gmeeties
drawn (rev. chaps. 7 to 141,Ree. Joe, F.dge.
Knox Chards Y.P.B.C.E., meas every
Te sedgy evening In the ehuroh. The topic,
foe Oct. 19, ' Whatever bo would like to
have st. do,". Ex. 19 : 1 d Qu..%Ion 97.
Iwo by Willie Stoddart
All •nfeordlally invited b attend them
mee0ags, wide' are held in else bas.meaq
et t1e different o'arohes. Members from
other sooietiee are Invited to be premed.
Ad 11. 0s re.00 61 Sr eels Wile printed at
Into one. win sale a time isatin• tnsimt.N
In this Beano M 1h• Ilme
Auction mate e! vslslable property at the
audio. room of Io saderd/1ud. se friday,
Oct Mod. Jona Naos, A.sMssesr.
Aaelhm sale of farm Moak sed lapis.
meals mm the farm of Bi*hsed Weetbresk,
let 8. sea. 5, meters division of • de
y. °Mabee 2141, 1807. Jobe
demise sale of tkesoumbbred Daee.-JeF
say, reload Chios Dad Tamw.rtb eggs and
general fares stook oo Msaday, os►.ea oss. I. Colborne 18th,
0610 i Thee. Gentry, eget W . W. fisher,
Dr i'piow Cowry -Mitten Catch was
hel4 bele Itatardey beSsee H1, Jwdes
Hoyle Tb arm fesiess
eanti r wall► r I. anklet
ronnalp warm assIseauseed. fees eon
vg far beni,s l wad-hoe4 east, all day I
jeder,M nee vesMwi Mmol.tdtra emu
rye lassie eiengtheat ea mese 1r SILO
/alnrlptlsa WHO M be In The MM.
B�1S isiestomer r ji ire....tto trrl,
y awC p ritrtliae
.04 d whwn.--iew
staked out two loc.ttoss, and the boys ex -
mot to strike lo rich !e the speta0,:
Os Teeedsy Mrs. Wm. Lee left os a reit
to her daughter, lits. Shaw. in V irgiaia
City, No vada. Mr. Lee a000mpanled he
wife as far a. Chicago.
Mara. Cbaloraft. o1. ntsim i'Fda-isle le
town on Monday, etteeddtog the annual
meettaq of the Henderson Bioyole Oo. Lamt-
ted, of which Ise is • shareholder.
0.piels Trethewsy and son William, are
at the family residence, Elgtn ave. hewing
✓ eoentiy returned from a two years mil-
dews in 8itieh Honduraa ter a long stay
at hum..
D. S. Henderson, who Dal returned from
the Adirondack', tasting moth better. tn-
eads shortly b leave ler Mexioo for the
winter. We hope to see Mr. Henderson re-
turn filly restored to health.
Bd. Sayles, of Brantford, is is tows this
week se..dtnr the annual my log of the
Heodarsom Bieyel. Oa Limbed, of which
he is a shareholder. While ds town he 1s
the guest of D. S. gendarmsm.
Oa Tsoeday as Fred Plast wee driving
along Rascal. to the Square the ground a1
• point wheel • drain had bees rue bellied
R. MoLsan's meat market, gave way, and
his rig mak a oonslderabis dietem e. Fred
bad to unload Ins sags M Fee the wboslo
led lrld•y algid a party of young
people attended a WI at Se p.rdeos. and
about 11 o'olosk the are/oorutio teethe, of
Owe soaps• got the better of them and they
screed the homeward trio en foot, bolding
that waxing was geed and plenty of It. The
real of to piety •Myst and .toyed a most
pleurae time, To maples se they waded
their way homeward was Mumtsd by tae
proverb,old "That tthewa
Oral s Ism sad
the fort dries
• erIMWMarelor.
dfMsrand boa
to= e wwfMmita�
man put, &sad 10, erne Ira ssea.ec of shont-
IDS Assard Dermas •rmasasa pedlar, whose
body was fund ear • Musts" road12 miles
trop ag
Trim two weeks o. Icio Io u..
mor the mime W yet bees es.abibbed.
• ewes sss.d 8011• .. Seenweled.
p�g� Sound, Get 8. -The domande
e1 the .trikiag O.P.B. truck and freight
beadle's, wbo quit work tut night to
the aumkisr Of abet 2010. for 15 coats
per bar, have kers ■ nc oded to, sad the
tom sOMesmd so work at 1 p.m. to -day
¥s- Jahn 11lw does of Osseaos m we.
/ revel e.
orItieel was Nom wales > L t a
elas.o Omar
The body et �k
~m�_a .mit la.eltaefd. ,l"hr
lavaserererN .film
R � w:. 1 •
%dab Mer,
was aged 91'x" .
site nernaraanna.
warranties. n.C.. oar; T.-Ylb.'8tate De-
partment W it rielvad fall Wormed= es
to tae paddies et the Mash ioveroment
thethe proposed lishrls Bea °Deference.
B ritish thew me Mid Wore the elate
sDcei�`irn oIIt6.s 4atSBD oar orWUM v clic nF
agreed se:mepbirtaa f
to • oasteenk et tic
tic. expert of Ores. 14tain. Canada and
the 17nited Mate
Whoa lesdes aspens Seth
Gespkic and
other rrWe jmordng JuTbe stify Lord 0111-
tabary s weosal to partfrapste la • confer -
encs ee to pelagic sealing, waled Includes
the representatives at Russia and Japan
The $taadare says: "1t row with Sec-
tary Sheruiau to dad Inas way oat of a sett -
creased diSloalt7 without a sacrifice of Mi-
The Daly News .toy.; "'fie ei
of the United Mire sad their d re to w
dude countries not directly lntmented, sae
unpleasant features .f the eomtiovesy."
O. M. Katy, timber at Summerhill,
loaves as the owes of the present year, sad
wall take op hie resideaoe in Landon. when
he will seedy for the 'Meetly.
Yictoa Opera souse
a OT_ ` 20.
LIiiOOI.N 0A TUM'• .latest peat pi.
Uudcr Tfle DoMe
likes ellebsd by the mos --
Startling Scenic Effects
Tb. Canitol at Washington.
The siabeentitoi A, Human
�� Harbor u
Jacestis City to Hew York.
wo.dertnl m.ohaeoesl Maoism)
mad a tadheal repiodtirum' of the
1 fel Venose Hnrrioans of the loth
Harsh, 1889.
The Z1ootris =maims •rad •t6. e1
foot. meed In tin lams wows have arm
boas equalled.
P RIO>DB 60. 36 -A111M 25C
Plan of moats atmm
r Bookstore Ga
*Sr r lir►.d a 15.11., .. bawl
Toronto, flet. `-The tieoorary degree of
Doctor of Laws was conferred upon 81r
W llfrid Lander ataW eoDvoeaUom of
Toronto University,,, aid LD the Hurtmor-
tural Pavilion y y arternoon. The
hoporary degree of of laws was
e,nf,• -red epos His Wilfrid Laurier. The
ceremonywagwltosesed by as man7 Minas
ss could pack themselves. sardine -Ute, Inas
the bis
ilteYes•ateel •1 Jaye woods.
Stratford. Oo . &-His Homer lodes
Woods by forwarded his reelgsata*s to
toe Minister d Justice together with an
application for • rearms allowanoo, and
the matter is now soder conslderaties of
1ho..depameseat.hoUswod -.that-.thea_
resignation will be accepted and the allow-
ance granted, and that the vacant Judge-
ship win be offered to a member at the
local bar. •
Taok.rumlth : The trustee. of the West
Zed roaool, Tuokwmlth, h.m enga,ed as
thole fesebes fey next year, Miss Annie,
iron MiteMil They pay her • salary
of NIL
ISAL lam.
Realer in six Morel What a mem
ease to the pais -racked, 1md slfi6afr der
pairing.abirer from rhoamatlpes's cold
grasp -and 111. Is a tact. brae out by
mamas of *Memos. Dor Oda sirasle.s of
peel ossmerces.
Rksassatlave ti osrubie-both Ameet
oea Rhea•.•Yme Case is as sbo0l*ta
spee0So. and radically oases fee most
stubborn memto�t.etro n se one 0e the4w'.
intensd hem
Trie�gsaeaayy essay
=I0. A dew d i
ees f!'.smati. Cure w op a0
:rrioyln., bottles
d r
Ont. ,
c orp-filen• .uelerasrwegn0
Paesesses the ell.wtng elernottvs ser5M i
to theIFENV01711 or DTa>hPTIO.
In Quarter -Pound Tins ally,
PreHmd obpy thJ•c][CA8omP.B b O0d.l•td.
Shorey s
Rigby Rain -Proofed •
Frieze (Jlsters
In Olive Mix, Brow n,
Fawn, Claret and Oxford
Grey ; 51 to 54 inches long,
wit 1 lar, a pock-
ets and thro tubi, with
" wont - come - off " button
can be bought r e t.a11 in
every I'own and Village
• tit
$7 *OD•
Having thoroughly lampeoted all that tray Dew for
and Winter wear in the best markets, and having purchased
largely, I now have a shook of flaw mod aieaaat Millinery.
Trimmings, eto, ala which I cordially invite the inspection
of the ladies of erieh and vicinity. '1'ha lase* aossprises
All the Now Shades in Grey sed Bine Trimming.
Fur Mounts ver Millbury Tri>vaminB,
Walking Eats, in all that new shapes. V
ed Hats, from *1.00, upf
Trftnmed Donna'. from SIM %11).
Sailor& from 30 oafs, up.
!?11 M is FRawcm 1111111LING, •t •k10 1 hi"
ia salt*.
.J'iY'i .-,-.4:-..tr$`Yti eew nmeanabdib poem.