The Signal, 1897-10-14, Page 3• III■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ S • • • ■ • ■ ■ ■ • Si ■ • ■ II• ■. IS■ III • • • ■ • • • • • III■ • • ..laotoate i88EU Medidinee )Lulm.r >alfiAIL *aars�, • 01 Tea aunts?. , base sed •ea1tUb1 in I Oaaraateed to ours m Rhettmatu 11 Soleness Lumbago, I Ooat sad Neurslttia. A sore cure ..r Headsohe, Dizziness Constlp•tioL {adj. te.tloo, Bllloasasn, Bright, Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis, Co.vuls►oos, H..ri Demme, sto., eta. Mase a s.1s ole i.wlt ioh Oft by 7,Y. Dnalma MOM Or is lirOar panel *lama M with a r. Ctie -viblia it masa LII 'Moak' all the Ltes1 Il TATS ality and pries seam be stook are ni terous as the latest in e OOL%LRe, _ . 1Q, CUP'S ¥TECIEWEAA. )MITTS. L SIAM k Co. 4 1'%liebbia Itimp.r1.. oto other oil and'no,othr r. medicine hags -ewer been dig- covered :inbich can take 'the place of Cod-liver oil inall toaditiol o *+fl remedies : bye. ; t) it little day and, die, but Cad - liver Oil remains the rode on which all hope for. recovery oust rest hen it is scien- tifically prepared, as in Scott's Emulsion, it checks the pro- gress of the disease, the con- gestion and inflammation sub- side and the process of healing ins. There is the whole nth. Book about it free. st;QTr a NICHOLSON. LD.S. DMsAL aQaaages Ordes Rooms eappwle =ages; rJa1Oa' gslriidge Work a 8p.otalty. • Yews Expert nos. tI, M711$$, D. D.9, L,U.S.,-DgF OEN$RAL NEAL DOW. L. TAL 8U itu*ON.-L test sad approved ndoh*: Prothwes his bed. ilio mina was still Clear, swede for all dental ope ret the natural teeth .Osie• however, and only a row day, ago br .*..Jams Roble, a's cry o ds store, eor- called for a ;;ap,•r and read a portion and West 8t. sea he Squaw - Q _ a It. Great weakness madetal.ktug lY. TURN i JLL, D.D.8., L.D.B.- dif nult. but the little that he esuld iii) . Nand stemma moray assooiatee and the gesturer. with whit` made,hmade,sal Dr. Dixon. of Monte«I. troll and pores- Lis mean ng known plainer made it ya artificial teeth mounted•oi gold or alum- clear that he knew timer *.bout h!tn Yes lases, @pedal attention given to the and that he was aware that the cru! lagaranon of the aetural tooth. 011ioe•Ia w.a. approaching. Once he add that te a'e new block.'M was weary and was eager for the mo- s Intent of his esteem.. Lust night he sail to Lis"This is the god and it is all t: Gen. • achieved national Came as DR, HUNTER, PHYSICIAN, VTR- i the father of the Maine pmbtietk,n law. .sou. ko. Omos--bate str'ees. tib retie Binds 1840 be has been the leader of eriecimthe prohibitionists in this state. ,its rrashee nHr niece 7111 sen.- jyd-•atterttimes bees their ehampioti--fit other commonwealths. He was perhaps the most influential temperance advo- cate in the United States. Twice he s was called upon to go tpoEngland in if G. CA1[IRO WrXk fUSTER. SOI the merest% m all theteeraFarmsaaa canies e. DL otter. Oenre� der, &a, 01114-- spoke of Amass sleet. f de•rs oast se Deniers* (feat Britain, less.' dry teeth sere. - - -- .- 't-ly - lam baa. been...Mayor of Portland - Lt RNI:8T HEATON - BARR1 TSR, Kul dines, and sewed two retia in rI 2°Ikatea. rlia, rah"' .L basal the Cute Legislature. Sia braveryin met wait Mast pyo-iy list Civil omen won him the rant of �w�rsdier,siweral. T CAMPION,Q.G, BARRISTER, 80L- N .I Dow was born is Portland D. i.ts.e, Notory •oe ore' Mediae*" Msrch 20. 1804. jest across the Iveygall,ta 9are. oederish.e. MOO 7 -from the present handsome residence • n U. JOHNSTON, SARKIBTEB. W- Coogressstreet- His father was a well - M. limper. oamstt.....r. eta. maw b to-do tanner. After being educated :e • « t.ltoo and st Amboy. the A e•adem7 the son engaged in busi- ness with his father. taught tram Young Dow 104 *ways been e N. LEWIE, BABRTBTER. P100• to abhor liquor. Qn .very ecmution Ile Owens of " teed, his {Donnie,.a sk the tramp ae~wehaeA Cellars. hetet. hat h is saner that on by aceident he 0. RAy 8. B&B.BIbTEII, BULICIT• was ie4 to tete the field in an open fight N1ttk+t•, s.zt doe' for prohtbitiou. A woman whom Ise Mns.ut i o Mee pies. t/uda Is hood at keew asked that be use bis influence emit ratan el taterait. to keel, h •r husband [lean drinking, as be was .Mut to lose his position on isititl)w • PROUDIUO'r, BAR, that account. He was in the hllbit of ur.larges. Atierseykeethiams. Sa. GS& getting his liquor from a etvdiin place, d,t 3 T. Gene... Q.0.. W. Preedloow and she thought that ft the salo.rn- keeper could be persuaded not to .ell to $1t3N. HOLT "MIS. him he would reform. Dow made the strrtstem nominees b tlheaeeef- M regneut tot bet ...but be was rebuffed Q.0. • P. Belt This treatment BILIT1 OI ?MAL DOW. The awl ■«tela. ■ Ulm a lie hereon ser • Portland, lege., Oct. L -General Neal Now died at blot residence here at 3.30 delock this aftessmou. The end of the venerable reformer wt, a peaceful nue, • id he remained conscious until an hoar before be died, recognising ,his children who were gathered at his bedside. (ieu- enJ Dow's death was due to the infirmi- ties of old age. Hu vigorous body wee worn out and his strength had been gradually falling for over a year, but until recently he had bow able to take his accustomed drives. A Wer ago Saturday he was obliged to tale to l[edlo$i. THE HISTORY OFAL1 i hum somebody told It. nrT►en the room wouldn't hold It. 4. SU the busy tuugues roiled R. Tln they gut It outside; Then the crowd oauu, arrest Its And never once loot 1t, Net tossed 1t and towed It Till It grew loss aad wide. This lir brought forth other% Lark slaters and brother.. And fathers and mothers- • - ♦ terrible crew; Aad whlie beadiont the banish, Tru le they flurry And troubled and worried. A. nes always do. And so, evil taxied. Thio wouatruus Ile goaded, TII1 at last It exploded in smoke and to "haute; Whru frust mud and from dee The pieces Der Mabee And bit a sad Ilar, Ad killed his good name. HEAL Fr. BONN', - -LITERATURE. A WOOF WHOLESOME BOOKS FOR YOUTHFUL READERS r o -i e• Asked .ad ilk Part A.. .rod -1HY 1adw•CM (4-.. loft B..dln. Urea sem Ylad aad Os.dwet of Tooth -An Uuotyaotlomable Llet. What •bait our boy read? Quite us difffeult t problem Chia,am the question of literature fur girt*. Hy their woke shall ye know Uttm! Median tales, travel*. nooks ml adventure by land awl by r•:a aprtw ireesistsblp. to the email boy, aad as tbi' genus ere unmistakably intitutive, it bebuo't•t, authors to sae that she heroes whom be.: buy wi11 uucattaeiuusll emulate • `P N u.th) of that honor. The seed for good or evil is sown early -the Lrst tom,- rr. ,' leave the d, ',e,r itupmerion on the receptive mind of The Great 'dodoes Problem From a 11."1- obgdlsood, and by a Choice' (4 literati/re latah u Ina • Ire dote. • sere Standpoint. Let us s �,n, what books are good The great problemnowadays, in select. for buy.! Herr is a list which makes ing a business or pmteasion, is how no claim to be representative, but which to ubtaiu a staudpoiut whetter one .wily it is boatel will prove useful anal mug - to some dgrve gauge his or her best tel- gsstive. It is not prestunld that It gives mit. the remuueratite puestbilities of dill- the best po.ub:e books for boys, nor 'Diet ferret poetises ot-.•/in..alwlern.- airkIDi • better eat might not be wade by awe- held. wee field, and-ia point pot se much ouaider- fully sirups geuerwl literature. Care ltad ed as at should te-the probability ut hors takes to include .t,4' iutb works the progressive acgniremeut and retell- as are entire uu jeetiui bre from a tion of that kind dr:ntental Ind'phyeteal Moral standpoint. health which is the only base upon which "11.elns a Buy.'• Charles Lttdlry Warner. Whutevey- may seem the truth u! tit• '"rbe tluyr a rt, &earl, "Thr ikr s' ldrbinug Fun," ti. U. Lanier. matter to the casual observer, the above- '•Iryr of Aucleut Ruwe," Macaulay. mentioned points are always u monad. "i•latartb's thee. for Boy. and Wee." it is possible Whelk! human happiness t r; 1) i artier oasis inmate,* of importance to eveQ J• • Wulf'. seeker after au individual workUlg-p&IOS t_ ll. et..-Chtmh' Ira• or • seen to II held. The alajerity' walk blind �la,utbr. tit 'V '(dflt paths that she'll t6 of.' the "Toles of a (3ratteSIM et,'MSake. "' smoothest travel, but a Targe number of -lb.. 'i'allamaa,_Scott. earnest ones follow a vain quest atter "Thr Scottish relate' Jane Porter. some occupation which shall afford them "Thaddesr of Warsaw." Jnne Porter, not only their daily bread and a bome ••Y'•ssaut rod 1i est," Harslet uanima.• "lino i r dehool Boy "li 1'+aalrr U,u --e . • • oods and Best Values Tailoring line at the ,blished and reliable , Emporium. S•tiafae- iatanteed in Quality nd Prig. UNLOP BOILER WORKS. )HRYSTAL, ✓ Okrpfal & Moab. all kiwis of IILFFRS, 1, salt Pani, Sheet Ire. *Ph �,etc. !il`7.•sy O suns., he. aad Pip. Fltthigs, Aft (}•ygss, Globe V awes, aspirators, j.oters and Is. icy on Head at Lowes • of Steel Water sad gee of fames* arse ethers aptly attended te. w. Il. OaaU A P. 0 Box lir. oodadeb. & Fuel Co.' spared to handle Bag - it and Household lispatch at reseonable es inml1 grades of cr 1 "ie �ry��k M. 0. Cameros. by the saloonkeeper. 1dL.r 13olmes. led him to begin a war on the traffic T O. WAND, OONVEYAN08R which resulted in driving every liquor 11.10., and aims'sslt1'T Lis• tablet ease re dealer [nun the state. slat reao.'nlasaeea d kslb asidavhs rta to twit he gave up his business and ,��i, depodtiees M d•sl ne started on a campa'gning tour throngti the i• m oot>avnl curs or pro• the state.- He traveled In a centime in aMlsa Is the B Caaet loom the summer and a .7eigh in whiter. vidt- Most�•paa� for se la ass Owes, y every section of the state. deUver- DIMS.s-�'.oto't. sreasmeleas tadY11A ing speeches and leaving a wide tail .tI ;remedy -ihre wewa„t. tt�.ldosee Ua of tengwrsnee tracts behind. Wh.m he tds,a._Dsaeasoos 0•R �{! bad saturated the state with prohibition etadmen% he prepared a hill for the ds•■O• $Rd I11/nr■tO S. legislature. which prohibited the manu- facture and tale of liquor In Maine. It was passed in 11111 and every saloon MAY ,o ,Li1r&t_4• was driven ont of the 'tate. Mr. Dow s'.;vat lhmds is, ked sty was o.rving hie second term as Ma er Stay. M. 0. CAMIZRON > 'e Bleat, of Portland when the law was paved• nyt b ke a 0t be raised a Meet-assMeh- PRIVATE FUNDS -PERSONS DR - alms of obtaining m.oer es dnt-alas. can de so es N per coat. by se. Ho & J. A , l'pes NADH. Ream 1w `ire nos - Ho Batldlgee, 1rore.te. IMAGER, CONNEYANCING AND v. vl amaesWe..ppmlwxM P..BaW. MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE u a pse est 1fsles C' e'>�aER owes e11po•lb M•.tbb Hots:. aweel ri J. T. NAITI�Iaay.J.IBE, LICE AND a'.hyo■.�'-ar.■']f.rfiw..�.a'�s>'�irat. • MOIST ST TO LUD.-A L A $ O I s.eeat d Petvalo leer to a1e"s. . v�rw �n�etr.w. aa0s il y DOL � rn 13 *An 111 ag.a, OW OW the WNW �jt�atls �tN 41wra�st~Mi e! ~a S hie be wK t gene es �•�s. sirs he.r •aboes. Wena %Y lie „r Gown I,B t ' norm AND �1J- e est. et Meet rimaeaed sad ices.. 1 n Ofestree ern tI��OU'r_ �:000 toile. vot,'i o , p 'f Nay, Weakly 1 err lid• dM. iiii.�)iip}is,..�, patlq brim et ' M tam 1 T. ' R. DOLBORNIL > aA1 X•_ Fels feel.AU0S1011001F, ago •• y dpi Ili' 41122211•11, 014410 WP Qat fn 311% (Nis J6 •�.460 1'1oxs Ot1NDltt, Abcrrroir k>l ter t!K Ag.wtA'Qr le▪ nts, er thedeastt), ` war m of the 13th Maine Volunteers. He rose to the rank of brigadier -gen - oral. During a whole winter he was confined in Libby Prison and In 1A$4 was exchanged for Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. He was twice wounded in battle. Eng- land18116 he spent • land workingt or the abolition of the liquor traffic. Of !Ate years he has been much at home attending to hie bu'iness affairs. read og intuit end writing ppsome. In Hain e Pntlonel Proas hibition te for licket,� fsi- [lent lathe 10,3011 verse!.. . but some food for a hungry Intellect. re- creation for n weary heart and consdons progress for a wistful seed. In the present condition of the human mental atmosphere, there louginge seers to the average person most difficult of attainment, as well as a preeumptuous aspiration on the part of earth -beings who err bore eider • yoke, .for .a - pose. and who mast needs be gods to be able to shake it off and ter free. Not so! It is these longings sad ations that indicate the breath of77d as alive in ua, roving freedom and bap • lit,Jeo which.aY_aa. e.' titled. hut whit we -110r Mang the pethe of differing individual expert en4e. And a meatless, striving mus musing. iblekinr humanity is to -day de- sinnding its rights as never before. The working from morning to night, in the fevered .wilt and irdtry of an attempt to ottain as quickly ns possible a com- patenca.txhich wilLallnet of a tett „rms. of comfort and pleaenre-and wich 'mushy defeats its own ends -b' a *ad comment nit our ignorance of the powers Latent within us which are amply able to piece as In pnsitinu where we may all work reasonably, and with reason r r "'low Rrowa at B " Thomas Hutlr.a. "Tom Brown ag 'oxford," Thomas Sosiis••..•"Arabian Nights." Nights." "Unci.• Hennas" Jori oa,Chandier Harris. "Rau* Brinker,•' Marr Mapes Dodge. "Mau Without a Country.' E. N. Hale. "Tale* at Chlrliry," Molle. "Lost In the Jungle," Du Cbaillu. _'Brise t'antlly Robinson " l R. Wyss. "ttubineon ('rnaoe." Desk! Defeat- '•Aeaop's Fables.'• 'elven. the Siting," Du ("bailie.. -"Boom and BaddTe," Hrs. t`uster-- ••Tales t old ehakerpeare:' Charles and "Lou Quixote," Cervantes.i aVNlver antM..".-- r ". _: . yam • David Copperweld„" DMkeUL 1 "Henry Bamond,7Lackeray. GREAT !MPROVEUENT IN TAILORING. Iwish to itt the people know that I have just learned the latest and best NEW YORK SYSTEM OF GARMENT ,CUTTING. and can therefore guarantee a perfect fit in any oast. I have Made about a dozen Suits since I secured this new method of cutting, and have noticed that every garment was complete. Also I hive just received from the beat Manufac- tdrers a otimplete Stock ofREADY-TO-WEAREADY-TO-WEARCI. ,TllI\e:- _ _ASD FURNISHINGS which, -�-ass sore; -will be (lisp.1wel •gniekly•; for, I still mean to keep the prices sway down lower thaw -the lowest. L. CARD MERCHANT -TAILOR. f' Change in Business. ._...NEW FIRM.. ----_M-isoM-L-W.-�4hsving bought It interest. in'oX IIs- dertaking and Furniture Business. the name of the New Firfn The l.eweomea " aekeray. -Westward, Ho," lb1„ ev. "Madam *tow and LadyWby," Kr:smo ey. "Last of the Mohicans," Cooper. "Tbe Spy.' Crx,pe.r. "'T'r Island." Esteemed. "Kidnapped. Stevenson. "Ceder the It e•cWeytttril"--" •" be Jungle Itook, KlplinR t `Thr Three Goa rasruea, D>rM�-- "Toilers of the sea.' H• . T "lose Miserable'. 'Hugo. --- , "John Distrust." J. H. gburthea•e. "The Last Days of Cblralry." Tont Hoon. thoroughly enjoy our work and tbereoy •"twenty Thousand League. Lader the ohtnin an invigorating recreation. Sea," t: erne. - The law of the business world today "baiiiver'e Travels," Swift. is the law of form which is often re- "(C"agaest of Peru-- Pr'smtt- f* rred to exenns singlr the instinct of .elf-nreserratinii. Whieh shows how far Yet is the human intellect from an un - aerate ndi -i. of . the higher law whew practice daces as above the necessity of the physically weak being trampled noon M the physically atroag•-Boston ideas. Tum Burke of Dom te„ -"Rorseabe.e Robinson." Kennedy. "Week Clarke." Doyle. "Baron Mauebansen. The Co•sertpt•" Erkmaaa-chattiaa - Works by each popular writers of boys' book. at Henry, Oliver -Optic. Oastlemon, Alps' and Ballantine are ponpnaely omitted rsa being too wan "Aaew*vime" • tootle.. lwoern to require special natation. It wiU The average person does not "'answer' be utraevttent that t1e•barks e.le ted air a letter -at a11. He simply waits until ' hvgcay those ting of h story ung of thee 'wri " tp adveetwee. antit the way e pill of the spirit moves and Lesoe; , b{cidea in the street .t the one to who a letter is tine. sag [fit rv, rt's chronicles. one of the most everything and telling every ug, pre .uiwitety;- except that which - tbs_ Ise- &pendent his naked about. The- "ill'* to be answered is probably mislaid is not near at hand. and so the questio therein am unheeded and when t friend or relative who naked for iufor• matron receives the long -looked -for let - inspiring books ever written, alit+ -first seed eta-lost_at bes ell; Ituite'i "Tabu of l'hivalry," Whitt'* amrilant fgt went of "Plutarch'. Lives, Ohureli's translation of the "Died." Scott's mi n." are au faseiraatingly told that tbe boy is dell indeed who does not. like Oliver Pwi.t. ask for mon•' Those ter, it is a means of disappointment 1 �sm•ca, •Trsn, Brown at IDaotby." and rather than .atidaction, and 1., in real- ' "Tom Brown at Oxford." amuse MINI de- ity. anything but an "answer." Behr , Set and at the same time point aa un - this fact in mind. when next you write . mistakable mond: ouch wribeo ae to any ors your cdrrespondente and write Citadel Kiag„ley, Scott. Dickeus and with their last letter at hand, read it Tbatkeray estunot be read too early. through carefully and reply to each nuts- . A boy's taste of literature i. forniel tion as yon go along and you will thug in ,hk �{y tev0 -if eshe indulges 1* prove yourself "one correspondent in a thefts) nasty Woks, intra wdh1e reh'g thousand." When yes slid to think of of imeeettt,ble heroes, stories of spies and MORNELL '_ O N. FtQRNITURE. ' an You ala buy first-elGoods at FACTORY PRICES -made bythe Esse ]eskers is (:Alda twl_No trouble to show Goods-es4 ell at ACTORY t.PRICP -- r ZTNDERTe tTI . Dtdnmu for Embalming in our Show Window. The IGstalsd Largest Stook of GAMUTS and OOP'PINB end Funeral Trimmings in the county -Low Prices. WINDOW 8EADES. • - 11XCLdt aAM'w LIts:. It, why does not a query o• paper re- a detectives, thrilling biographies of mr. se quire an answer quite me mach is misi,,in 1 boys, whoop careen, end abntytly pronounced verbally. and why slrruld we at the age of 21. leaving him bank pre- t�tec..tt feel that k is as tench of an impo- nt or h d of a reltwary oo poration-- Illinese 11LSRf tnw ltir `t'ft1aine-are" ro be tare, your friends cannot expect . taste, en the standard of morale and You always to answer a letter by te• excites a craving for unreal adventure. tura mat , nor the same der; rich • a I On'the other hand, maters of fiction correspondence would often prove a' '• insensibly instill a high ideal; what boy As B1 awadl s •. • ►-.1 let a [meas BnUahy. Sept. special despatch lawn Washington to The Evening News fir. Orth�t►e issued to Cwtimw)ore 11. *sputnik* of the Boston navy yard to despdttn die war cyrvette Yentic to the great es, with the least delay possible. orders were issued ty Assistant Secretary Roosevelt yesterday. Commodore garrison is directed to strep the Yaatic of all guns, in order that as she ye�ases through Canadiali porta on the et. LaWi' nee, no que•Itlon can be railed of a vloiatlon of the provisions of the 1815 treaty. The statement le made to -day os the hat authority that an order has been yea t0 the cnmmandant of the Wash- gton navy yard to ship overland to rtes P• • Modern rapid fire battery for the Tantic. This latter order js credited wholly to the ingenuity of As- sistant Secretary ltooeevNr, and 1t car- ried out it, is certain to bring atout early computations between the United Sole? and Great Britain. The Yeatie is t he turfed ever at Erie, Ps.. LAI the a savalMUltia. It wag seLilaa lr j1h, to a tit. ves•et_to 11• Chimp neral reserve. bet tbe t organization anl'e4*dPd 111 4rinydf0- a rester amount of pressure *oohed ea Navy Department. ,T"nil II�o* A' "FILL'' *U , n.t"'•se..r aad Lend Vaeedie r +Ravi ,• .Able lttntlnaaW- __ . • lu 1. oarr MMa re„ eltb t ass e„,1e1e,� tessbd q, dimy.•� A'"I x•it p p, .a.a t' sM.a R tot l' miii4'Aaejteiti+t , 4, . • • den to them u well as yourself- , who ever read fiat e•• i mins story they certainly have the right to espeet l "Henry Esmond" hag not telt within a'reasonablprompt reply to their Lim • ed,strr to emulate that moat pot- ties tles and an "answer" lathe mean n toot a[ gentlemen? A>ad what buy, bow - of the weed. There are (orresp ,ndcnts, l everthovilthtirr.. can lar down Mac- nt coarse, whn deserve to he h,;tte rod. i aai.y'e inimitable "less "at Atseie tt The person who writes for Iuftrm etinn, Rome." Scutt'. " Maxinion, or E. E. or to ask a favor fir hie awn e•r•rtn' : [sips "Men Without • Ootmtry" with- utodation, failing to cnekese a .temp for out feeling that ".wort and glorious it reply, is more impolte M ao daing than la to • Si for �,'s �atry " in •rill to report It u __ . 01.deteae ori rise+ Novelists. Mr. Gladstone has said recently that the oentary has produced Daly two great novelIr Walter Scott and George Eliot. We accept the decision of t grand old man as nearly correct. We wntrld hays .edaad la Thoclteray. bet It doewdt .'atter, SIO Walter Bean and George Mot are b clearly tdteemeet that we can have no �t spate with the ex If barbed named more titin two, "I'hacka.iy weald have corns in fr r honotsl�M mention and so would Dick- ers and Citatiotte lirapt,e, but reewtrictl'tg �nsMf to only two we do n are how Jae could have omitted either tR or 'Dior Dietaries treated Bide es • Orr4M, a trestle eankatarls0. but a carica- turist severtbalue. He was a geese sal entertaining welter, bat u a &enlist 4, was not equal to either of the two awn- .rj bll Mr. Gbat10t 'lo 'fhweteray ereattd life Mose a dt•ereot standee t st. He was Y,oro ae'ete on me foihtea 01 ra•nklnd, bet he .Iso essiwarartad h uman Bharat tet . • Mr. GIsdds.e's judgment is wee- derfnlly geed aad we shall ani be ane` /eiaad to mks it become tete ja�4Eoent of ij• tsa7•-lorteh Bt4te itesllttw. MNrise the Wools. ' tt jlas been a riddle to the ent.o- ist to d out hew meths. especial- ly hese of the larger vatleties, escape from the tough cocoon which Inclose" them daring the Etnb etiVe. Professor Ueweld i.eatter, a member of the L twednn totdnkagMal flockt, has hem: study - you would be u.t riot the vain* of the ftamp nor the trot, l isle of replying that 1 ttti 7 a flee ou in so acting. ft Is the lack of courtesy on the part of one person that precludes the possibility of discourtesy on the part of the other. For tbete is courtesy end lack of courtesy in letter writing, In- deed there aad that the mown; of ustareis tgsbilltye01 a lack ot It- Why t Why Galled T.a.blors. Every day we drink ont of a tumbler. 1 %Ns' is the large, glass that holds our milk and water somall0? Years ago ,Prof. Mai Muller was giving a hineheith at Ali Sonia College, Orford, to e P.incess Alice, the wife of the (Irene ' eke of Hesse-Darmstadt and the •'0' end dlughter of Queen Victoria. There s�l►uers not a dozen guests bee des the Primed and bee kelbatrd, and a very agreeable teneheon we had, with talk en as ki.de of interim/deg *abject$. But what excited the curioeltg o[ ail strangers prevent was ,a set of tittle round bowls of 'Uve about the Mee of a large orange. They were hoots t round fined to the boat with the tarttotla ale brewed in the en These, we are told. were tumblers, and we were Mteedily .bora beer they Damm by their haloes -•s fitting lessee for the gaeetw of a bhiloktgtet. ' Wen' ane of these little Irewle was empty It was -plaeod upon the table death doweemed. bedew*. so perfect was the ieisaes. It Sew hack to lta proper ttOii�ioh as B asking to be filh•d again• o settee how It w4s treated --trundled along the Innn bah aneed carefully es its aide, it deals upon the soft, thtek ea roU.d again and fettled Itself wttb a gentle shakiest del .wettings holm its Mks ole of those ladle: Abase. taw della babies datigbt In -u' %'4 1111, e., wad the deigio' nt wawWolif- tumbler, at arid mad* of allvvt4 sr Mk all $$ Smite' tnmhl.r$. - wtaew M m11 ergnl.01. the '1.a1ya gisse•i• staid oe a del 1aao "tried t nimina? bnlaseal .pherea, and Mn. th*ir tease.. Se, *isfnlly that yon has*_ jo•_�,.M A6l slosh' b tem* the real taftll•rm+.1'lltlfif►F Tr� itis Veer- �- e IOSSW-St. b qua vn.tae. The Webte et 1R1 , prdbNdts the Unit- si laahe from baring war vowels on Unit- /Oahe sending al the Tantic le ecce to be tinned over to th* Navel t Militia swears to be an attempt, the treat, by ketptag Mie .•teenel. 1111 !L• island wades Nevin Of the °overawed at Washing et bee et vnleIIlex eyaaiasMtnm of a :lshti$rlvatis diameter, width are ��ssgg �fl control of the beats Cloven[- - - , h la pule the Yan m' .....e a ease behtrw getting through Se Oaeadien ranee. lisetellVtep se ••••1" ssevle'a tiller atop. rar,artwlall • Nmo C. $,n*r 1'a cannel _p edwefnw�st oda m. thing s. total teMena seed their 11ve. woreve ea Aso udlr.wNaMat.d1-be W. anet(y ot WINDOW ItBu nES oa bd. alma yea aro - for Bergamo. Dorf FORGET THE NEW FIRM, CORNELL & SON. 13 2 STORES. AMILTON•ST. and SQUARE. Next Bedford Hotel, n. Oivss • a. Farmers, Dairymen And their Wives, Drop us a boat card, and get free our. tATED-F " It costs nothing. tells all about Indurated Fibre Pails, MilkPans, Dishes and Butter Tubs, and will put money in your pockets., THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited HULL, OANADA. - • • • ■ • le• • 15 II- • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • • tl,e cocoon met od of the moths. 111 waking his studies opened up the spas hf the insects, mad put the tato artl8e1 l silk__ p wife an sig at the end. When the time veil for the Image •rt, amp his enl- to. „the liquid escaped tato _ the - es,ea. in.tesd. G__ -• 0441e Of this, and It Vias oVuB fo a per'e beetle* Of en tRtle pdtA•b. Tb db_Mlry ts a mew min 16 et11(rtlelnp• 11 iWd5 Oefltl.b well Westray the Manan Ii k r at Mast peasiag sarins. .iAMi be distilled is as Insect's • Ndlita ;pthat 'Ir tt IN ilifetele of the lilts IN wee ori+ l idtt ON a IMMO, tajj tM■M Isar ejpa*t ui.•+e..rfw. meem .owl, ,nk w. _. 2Fit000wc&q lier BOOTS AND SHOE Including the SLATER and all other A I Goods j,. err' : c..J n alL• � s iii HARMAI'4'ST r" ti' ,,- Ona Goods are the be* ibe4 can be obtained, -and are sold tiA Bo is Bottom Prices. •' Hundreds of pictured•isasii int store week:y. They are the tient on earth, as nothing can emitpufirith a handsome woman in ett)y, neatly -made, fashionable pair df shoes, and we only sell such She sweetest of pictures. • deo p • P, rifle ' i,,tje am 11 '1 tr•'"1 off et Twnt.' ^^t" '^ * known I •