HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-07, Page 840. $ Tucasn*T, Oat. T, 183T. 'THE� .,ice., . •w , THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. BAUAINS DO YOU WANT Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, or Gents P1lrnishing8 FOR FA?.4• a I7C' -Y'OU WANT THEM CHEAP'? BEE OUR STOCK. COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Here are a few lines just to, show the trend of prices with : uA . •�eu. STAPLES. The best all Wool Factory - Flannels in checks, only 25c The best rano Ply Faetory Yarns, black, white and greys, per lb. only.... 40c High Colors, per lb. only.. 45c A heavy Wool Blanket for 32.25 • A large range fogey Wrap.- pepettes, Cottons, sheet= Ings, Linens .at the low- -eft Prices. SMALL WARES., HOSIERY ---The greatest- [ • ,L___ �Il - Wool, Black Hose, regu- lar, 25c for Heavy Wool Ribbed Hose, regular d$c for A splendid line for Boys Boys Worsted Ribbed Bose w� rth Blk. Cashmere Gloves, worth 25c .for 17c Fancy Ringwood Gloves, worth 25c for GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Have you seen our line of . Fur Felt Hats in Blks. _ and Browns, worth $2 to $2.50 for 31.00 A complete range of un- derwear. our line at 50c a Suit has no equal. All Wool, Scuteb-3tnit Snit for Ties, &aces,Coll►rs, Shirts. . LADIES UNDERWEAR. Night Gowns, Wrappers. Under Yest4, Drawers. etc. A full ? 17c CLOTHING. 25c A splendid line of Grsy and • Blk<, Hair -Line -_ Tweed Pang„ worth $2 for 31.25 A line Double-Breagted,a1I- Wool Freize Suits, worth 310.00 for .: .. $7.50 Ilk Just the thing for cold weather. Boys Snits, Overcoats, etc. Suits to fit your person. Shits to fit your purse. DESS GOODS. A complete Stock of the latest Novelties, Broad Clothe, colored Boucle effects, and Covert Snit- ings. All the new shades in Silks and Vel - vete A range of fancy mixtures, Tweed Effects, Plaids, Atnazon Clothe, worth _4 MILLINERY and • MANTLES. Our show room is now upstairs, where, with lots of light and room . we are showjpR the largest selection of Fall Novel- tige- in Town.' _ A nett' Stock.AMilliner. ffe A pleaauro to show Goods CASH lND (DNB) PRIG. O1TL?. SMITH BROS. & CO. McLEAN'S BLOCK. JVAEKK.. Important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers- 1t- Busy World's elapeealseat carefaltr Nmptled amid rut Isle Maser awe Attractive pare res are oteaden of ear raperilk Solid Deal's Leleywsewa to rarasra.bed llarer.•ttew. TEs AOEICVLTUEAL WOULD. The Paris Eclair advocates the forma- tion of a French-Bussiau-Americau agri- cultural alliance. Wheat prices declined two to five cents throughout Manitoba. Deliveries one day last week were 210,000 bushels, Till,: LABOR WORLD. It is said that the rank and fit. of Tammauy Hall will support Mr, henry (George mei-Mayor of Greater New York. The official (typographers of the civil courts in Montreal have gone ont on strike. They refused to take twelve cents n hundred word., and demanded twenty cents. . 1l1e: rticesti.oriaiwonen. The new Wentworth Baptist Church, Ha1f111G,5, of which Rev. C. H. Idler son is pastor, has been dedicated. The Conference of the London District at the Reorganised Church of Jesus °lariat, Latter I)ay Saints was held in Toronto en Saturday and Sunday. r'OLITIC!e+•e'A!1 Alt N. Mr. Charles R. Devlin, appointed some time ago by the Dominion Government =nation Agent to Ireland, has sent rb resignation to Ottawa. • Hon. R. W. Scott is invitingCanne{ddlan artists to submit designs to te Got'ero- .taant for a statue of the Queen and me et Alexander Mackensie, to be erected ea Parliament Hill. 11 LTH HOYA1.111- . ' The Russian °Karina will That the incognito. about the midair 0t present month. t Is expeeted that the Duke and Duck - York will be sponsors for the baby E bsl Is announeed between M^a Federici or Saxe- Meiningen and fie Henry of Rena. Y0r.lTW-1 M ritatlAL. Th. Bogilek Liberal leader, have broken their longs silence, Mid are say - hg that Lord aalirbary'a fe►r.iin Solley h cowardly. It is not repeated that Sir l[Irhael Hiektn.0 b, the Ohaneelk. of the Bri- tish 'h n �ar.tke Age kann return hlieQoes- .UIerults eY. 1smt�DryI. • et Banat .eassMi e �ttfl�lrL` Werett-rer-Film z, tempted suicide by cutting bis throat in a Kingston hotel while temporarily in- ane. Up to 4 o'clock Sunday sixteen gut cider a>yd sadden deaths had been chron- kled In New York city as having hap- pened since early In the moraing. CRillte A!» ('RI M I vAL5. The jury in the Tarte-Grenier libel ca& at Montreal. after being out only a few minutes, returned a verdict of guilty against the accused Orenier. It is asserted that the prosecution in the LiLiftmend'ueder ase at Chicago will p nee upon the witness stand three the women wbom witnesses have identified as Mrs. Loetgert. rent URN or WAR. It is reported that Turkey is negoti- ating with Germany for a special (beten- sive alliance. The French are encroaching on tlae British apbere of influence in West AtA- e , and trouble h expected to result. Orders have been Issued to Commo- dore H. L. Harrison of Boston navy yard to despatch the United States war cor- vette Yantic to'tbe great lakes with the last possible delay. RUAI Nage. According t. cosamereial reports from New York agencies there is a stendy advance all round in the volume of trade. There is an incressiag and for maea- faetnred goods, pricer re steadily rlWng and labor troubles are tot so disturbing a factor as has been the case recently. The commercial failures in the United States for the week Peat ended amounted to 194, as compared with 299 for the eesrreeponding wee last year. rt1RaLT /'RRaONAt.. Mrs announces that ske has retired from the stage. • Lieut, -Col. Horatio !)avid Davies, M.P., is the wow Lord Myer of Lon- don. A cable despatch says ex -Chief Justice Hagerty arwi C►IK Jestiee Tait of ¥eettreal have been gasetted u Knights. Mark Twain{ ,ah .uffering freed goat fa h In Flamm. gco•Id anti spiritsand proposes ed to his bed. m He prepto remelts for a year to writs on Visioned Itlhjeeb. TRr ?IRR RUMtL. A baab ere hu been in oeegnee la the lihabrn swamp tae some dears - The .emmer residence elf Mr, W. T. Murray, Bahny Beach, sear Tomato. 'wins totally deaf oyeed. bb ere. Prairie fires have sassed a Mas at •e • n lives seat Winnipeg, aed destroy, A ere at t�yNtproportitot- teoe.s arid ether buildings, An de= WWI hnrwl to death and er.tal est the ry 4eata seRereel ,eserene 1Rjtrlss t anm the firs. ?DU 011141b. Mr. Davy MeLeLranaa fir[ Bhatllwd. Naolk Oo nts. Y des of GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN TAILORING. Iwish to let the people know that 1 have just learned the latest and best NEW YORK SYSTEM OF GARMENT CUTTING, and can therefore guarantee a perfect fit in any case. I have made about a dozen Suite since I secured this new method of cutting, and have noticed that every garment was complete. Also I have just received from the beet Manufac- turers a complete Stock of READY-TO-WEAR CLarHINo- AND FURNISHINGS which, It, am sure, will be disposed of quickly ; for I still mean to keep the prima away wnTdWer than the lowest. L. CARD MERCHANT TAILOR, • C+ v T O STURDY BROS. FIN E --&RHOGER ES Vessel Supplieself SP,s, ecialty. STURDY FAMILY GROCERS -THE SQUARE. BROS. I ler. J. 0. Wisner, a prominent Iaaau- taeture►r of Brantford, is dead. The death is amounted of George H. Lewis, of Buffalo, the extensive and erell-knerwv coal dealer. Mr. Leblanc, one of the license eom- missioners ot Ottawa, (truieped dead while at a meeting of the Reform Club in that city on Thursday night. Gen. Neal Dow, the great temperance orator and the author of the Maine honor law, died on Saturday afternoon at Purtlaul, Me. He was niuetp•ddree years tet age. e tterrICA-YOKE!(.'. The: Spanish Ministry has resigned. INsedier Rails of -Greece tendered the resignatiims of his-]gtnistets to Wing GeoSenrgor Sae, �bo aaeepteiel em. psta, the thSpanish Liberal leader. hasbeeee+n entrusted by the einem Regent with the task of forming a new Cabinet. Phe new German naval bill will de- niers(' an expenditure of 410,tMN1,0•lt) marks. to be spread over sevens years, It is expected the bill wiJ be rejecire, !lad that - a crisis vitt be the reit: sit--- The collection of duties► on personal luggage at New York port under the Dingley tariff Isles increae e,t last Sea - mutter. as compared with the Septem- ber of last year, from 819.(trin to e:t,:.709. In Intreduc ng the treaty of peace in the Greek Bottle M. ltalli, the k'remier. mounted the tribune 'sad invited the Chamber to vote ou•folencc On the Goy - 'velment. ile 'li er..d a revolution - IO that etter•t. .\neiel great exeitetneglt the Chambe-. e'e•fell 'MI the resolution by a vote r! 9 l To 30. • Aeeeeretm-• t•. th. n .iohly statement, lssnei al R-n+n'ngj -n. + f the fsovern- QODERICH TOWNSHii'. Ada Ginn is altering from an attack of garn•y. Geo. Lamprey ie off on the excursion to Chicago. Mrs Wm. Haaske is visiting relations in Toronto. Miss Dickson of Goderiob u visiting Mn Wm. Whitely. Potato digging is the order of the day, sod considerable rot ie reported. Colwell Hro's. even/Wats conducted abs service in 'Zion church on Sunday &furnace last. Oar genial oouncilor J. Johnson and wife, lateen. spent Sunday with friends on Huron road. Argas MoLe.d has sold his handsome driver to a Seafortb man for the sum of 8130. Good horse' pay. • (tains Brame. --Fresh oysters aways en nand at the old reliable Victoria Res• rung West kits C. Bieskstwy prop. Morris : The trustees of 8. 9. Nike baso •ngsged Miss Slllen, of Grey, tot 1808 at • salary of $275. Mr. Jewitt, who has put to three years of good solid work, wilt go to Ottawa Normal School after Christmas to secure his protemio•al 2nd class certificate. Waluo : The August cheek was shipped from this factory last weak. The first 120 boxes were sold for 94 oasts per woad. sad the remainder, 148 boxes, at 9f coots. Wingham : While Master Robt. Aiken was engaged {at wok In T. Bed & Sea's fNaitura teelory on Monday last, be had tart mtefinenee to• 11tVs"h1LYt(fh1 Miff Nana in contain with some machinery sed bad the Lipa taken of all the fingers which will lay him up for a losg time. 3esfbrth : While bievoling in the ooantry the other day, Floreso• Johnson suet with an unpleasant, ezperiesoe. She was riding down • hill when the crews of her wheel broke and abs fell an the bard road, but fortunately she escaped with nothing mon serious then a few braises. 13sIlett : Mathias Glow has bought from T. Noble, his 40 sore farm on the 3rd adjoin - int the property ot Mr. blew, tor somewhere in the neighborhood of $1600 Mr. Glow is so industrious end reliable farmer, this be- ing the third place be has pareh•sed sties he segagtd with Messrs Ransford. Stanley • Jae Rom. Bayfield rood, Int a good bore last week. wkiob he bad weber ed bac a few day. Wore. It was Injured by oomleg in oontaot with a lime, with other hones. He also lost ose of hie cattle which was found dead on the roadside. These are beery Imam to Mr. Rose. Stanley : S. Reed mat with an molded while dnving sear the B•saookburn bridge on Sunday. the horse taking fright at • keyed*. He was throws oat sad his sellar bone broker', and Mr. Craig, who was with him, was badly shaken up. Mr. Reid was confined to his room, bat fan improving. Summerhill : The many Meads of ear popular teeober, Mr. G. M. Kitty, will be sorry to learn that bs leave• at the ekes of the present year, and wilt take up his resi- dence In Loudon, where he will study for the ministry. He will be greatly mooed from our midst, as he has always takes as metre part in oharsh and Sunday 'wheel work. het we hope oar less will be his tabs. w ent receipts and 'expenditmis' during September, 1897. the receipts have been $21,933,098, and the expenditure 325,- 368.815; an excess of ezpentlituree over receipts of435,717. For the three mouths of fiscal year the excess of expeaFitu ve been $29,00,954. UNCLA »Ik'1wi,. Oil has been struck at Florence. Several earthquakes have taken piste in Borneo, and a new Island bag been thrown up. Count 'Tolstoi is pubfisbj his diary in The London Chreaicle, under the title of "The Demands of Love." 'The assessment of St. Catharines show.' a gain of $275:000 in property and 250 In population over last year. ' The Olive Mine, near /dine Centre, has been Rohl by Winnipeg parties to an English syndicate for $200 ,(100. All the recent reports from Dawson City show that prociaimns are nearly exhausted and that famine is inevitable. Church dignitaries in Rome are afraid the Pope will not fully from the extreme feebleness and exhaustion be m.w be- trays., A number of Dominion Line eteam- shlp officials paid a vle►It to St John, N.B., and inspected the harbor. They refused to state the object ref their visit. The new Collegiate. and Normal &•boot buildings at Hamilton were for- mally openers kat week. Hon. George W. Ross was present and made a speech. It is reported in ab4pping circle,' that there will be a naw 'steamship line to Liverpool next seamen, and it is said that B.1der, Dempster & Co. will run exile .f their vessels there ea weed as to Bristol. CAIU .a I.T I FA. A boy named Allen was caught in -.he machinery of Gihnnar'a mill at Tren- tbn pool killed. Mr. John $tech, of Toronto Jnnetlon, a boilermaker employees by the 0.T.1t, Was killed by a trek' at Galt Daniel Parris, a Pullman ear colQted porter, was killed by a Torero) trolley at the Queen street west subway. Four gates of kick No. 1 of the old Weiland Canal were carried away sa Saturday night by the Mesmer WV. ride. While r*- rdde- While driving to kis hoed. near the Village of Kensbte, Mr. Hugh Fletcher fell out at lila ween and broke his neck. 'floe body of Leo M. Rohr, drowned et Flat Rapids. on• the Severn River, hurt Fri kky�d.ssy. has been recovered by diver Torpedo boat destroyersLynxLynx and nes- oatah.. Thruster tat reasetoanikad 9 will he host, hot the totsws are otaf Restarts trove seen received In 8t. Jelin s, ~fid., thitt 4tbrut riekmoners have bass bet iii La4e,Qot coast. sad ;dr five Ra r faits t eS train b wirein°Qt[.trl. 1e. ars Robeves.e sad and M W maw COLBORNE BROS. Carpetse • iThe Largest, Bert and Cheapest Stock n to.yn In Bruesela,Asatinsters,Tapee- tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply All -wools, Unions and Hempe. Twine and Japanese Mattings. Oil Cloths in three qualities direct from the mill in 4-4. 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths. The balance of our stock at Rock -Bottom Prices. FAIL STOCK NOW COMPLETE. New Fall Mantle Cloths in all the Newest Makes, All MANTLE and JACKET CLOTHS above 31 00 in Price, Out Free of Charge. N FALL IATLES HON 111 STOCK DIRECT FROM "THE MANUN'ACTUEER, COZ33012ZN= :EIROt. P314. 5. H- OOI:.330R1NTlt 3. The Great Carpet Warehouse ot the County PREPAIIINC FOR FALL • • AT MUNRO'S Canadian and Imported Scotch and English Yarns. No better assort went or value in town. Ladies' and Children's Summer -Weight Underclothing, Long and Short Sleeves. Oar 50 cent Corset, said to be the best valve at the price. Large Stock of all kinds of Braids and Velvet Ribbons. - F � Limar:ia-Solan WAltR&.. ,.-.,.. ..+.►,•e,,....... INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITEL. A. MUNRO. Draper. e . i Yictor!B Oper8 ilotiso WEDNESDAY OCT_ 13t1ae.. DU Urs SOMVtl LiNCLE TOM'S CABIN 8r.e.e oX *Stst+merb M the Mew pseldeetlsa elf this tslw.Yfd 11ss1 a Wes. Wi ilia! Use farad* of Oa • Mb lir hills et I+m isrumlk 10 and 90 WIMP. IN __L'LASS. R. W. MCKENZIE h" placed Is stook♦the largest r A v_i»a-a,. ,.,... f W• sir 0 rt- (ys88 yet received al gains width sanso be touobed any where. To get loin iasis• b iessesse your custom. He keeps the ELEPHANT BRAND WHITE Lao - Acknowledged do besa, Jar -All Hardware- Bu '' pl fie away down in Ptioe- R. W. McKENZIE SEM See• 8l0' New AK Tele Ger Cool Bur. Girl Loci 8w a�ef t/ne 101 Tec Cru Ba' Pre Ho Fa: V 01 1 1 E OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. Special ubilee--Bargai las ! Refrigerators Large Mae, $10, • snap Oil Stoves BLUE FLAME. all visa Gasoline Stoves 1, t 3, 1 Burners. Tamdem Stoves Lawn Mowers Daisy Churns Na 3, 3.4 HARPER -& LEE. HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF OOAL mat �ilaia► ALWAYS ON HAND orwY TER nUr Icralltou Bard Coal fie Tel MARKET at $6.76 per ton, Cash. Aa U.al weft Le tM Wsskot arialo•, heirs yes set # 1aa IK a tea. MIL LEX areae.• late N STOVE8-!-- STOVES that will Bake STOVES STOVES that are Be- �, � Stoves that will Heat, ALL KINDS and ALL PRIDES woitiLL's, Tb. tf.af sa.'vMos. P. 8. Pony. Harts and Baggy fel sale I Silver Plating PRICE LIST. Spoons per dos Knives Parks Table Cruet, mall Pickle " batter Knife rt- 750 - $1.50 76c 750 50c 150 Candle, !hicks " 420 8.d Irani 15o fir, pew pair 10 anti 15o We can Plate anything in Brae.. Imp, t per. or Ikea mos vamp' • of our work.