HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-07, Page 4Tivea4=r 0.1. �, 1897. CLRINa SALE as .. • • CYCLES ...AND F SUNDRIES. Ws do not whb to oarry over • single Wei us, therefore we otter at ridtcu- ler v- low Prices all oar very Wheels, semi. of which are vary rlytba used. If You are Looking for a Snap BIC$1 >� W • have Wheels teem M to Sou. Oyelometen et vee. and ase. veeder's at el.ee worth eV elk ia_ Everything at Bargain Day Pricer. G...F. EMERSON litt Aqui, 41140 so mamma EVERY Tf/IIRSDAY MORNING ■T D. MerILLKT T Terme ef Ntwerl/Mefa t . .. One month, In advance it 'Three months, a Six 1000000 Use year, MONO Maims Na*.es (,•�•1 end other amnia advertisement*. loo Ifie for first Insertion. and)) Dents per lire for each snbeegnent insertion. Measured by • mu II scale. Ru.lnees Dards ot sox Iones and under, le per yew. advertivemeeM of Lost. Found Strayed Mations Vsoaot. Situations It anted and nenpei t, X.eB� Hous of ▪ Bale and Forms on Seta not to exceed 1 lines, i!1 for first month, &k,. per enb- apaent month. Leger advte. la proportion Any •peol•f notlooee,, the otdeot of whloh is to promom the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or company, to be considered an ad- verttsomentAnd charged a000rdtnitty. Local notices to nonpareil type one Dent per word, no notices lees than 160. Local notices In ordinary reading type two tests per word,. No settee for lees thea Me. bottom for churches and other religiooa and benevolent Institutions halt rate Subscriber who fall to receive Ten 8wNAL regularly by mall. will ouster • favor hy sc- q vanities es of the tact at a. early •a dittoes p Whie hen $ obese* at address 1e desired. both we eld and the new adapter eboeld be w ► ebtleber's - Notice, J. C. Le Towel. of Goderioh, has been sp pointed L,00al Travelling Agent for the town- ships of Ooddrloh. ()onions.. Ashfeld and Ws wanoeh. Lood postmasters over the district are also empowered to ren. vs subserfplioe. to Tea 9tnNAL aII communications most be adAresed D MoG1LLIOULf1Y, Tees Boreal telephone Calle) Rotlerteh Or . -,H!K AND THERE. TRATFO1;D W. C. T. U. wants the very of silk on Sgpdsy stopped, and afraid that if such want"' violation of the Sabbath he not stopped something ter- rible will happen. The wonder -is t1laa-the ladies is question du not interdict the cows from making milk on Sunday, or have the milkersarzslguod for Sabbath breaking. Th. W. C. T. U. in Stratfoni and else- where evidently mean well, but they should not allow their zeal to run away with their good sense. We are told that the Ltaird made manna, so that on the day before the Sabbath a two -days' portion might be gathered, but neither its the Scriptures nor anywhere elan have we been able to disoover that • Saturday's milking of a tow will suffice until Monday muruing ; and when the milking is done why should the milk not be put where it will do the most good ! The good women of Stratford might as well raise their gentle voiee•e against the running of the electric light and water works plants on Sunday as to kick against the milk de- livery. Besides, milk is not a very intoxi- cating beverage, and why should it be put on a par with whisky on the Sabbath day , Talking shout temperance work, did it ever strike you that the liquor business is not anything like what it was ten, fifteen m• twenty years ago. Why, there is not one glass of w _n a ,rv� er a jiotel bar for every five that were gathered its during the Seventies ; and what is taken, is not drunk by the same edam who indulged in ardent spirits in the earlier days. Then, whisky WOO almost a common brverage,now, it is looked upon as a luxury ; then, the beet business men and professional men,the com- mercial men, the clerks, the mechanics - veu-the ponticiana-got good and "wet" on every possible oocaaion, and the jar oc- cupied the position which has now been us- urped by the " jag." Various ramie -as. haus been advanoed for. the nth,, in practical mpenit ne—lays 4 �' work of the Iseel tereperesee moieties and the persuasive powers of the itinerant lecturers and their able assistants who par- alyzed the tum power in solo, trio and quar- tette, to the tune of "0, where is my boy, tonight!" Another m•ys it is because the .:$-Move cawed the politician to tremble on his throne to such an extent that temperance text books aro Dow used in the schools, and the riving generation are 'mule aware that alcohol will knock their interi, r economy into a cocked hat quicker than an attack with a snicker -epee on the. solar plexus. Yet another attributes the falling of in intemperaaee to the individual efforts of W.. W.- d1tzQANAx, Brother Sprees, the Rev. 11:1L-Bxarta and others who have fought and talked and made an honest living by inculcating sound temper- ance principles into the able electors here, there and everywhere throughout the Pro- vince. And there are others ; but the real, unadulterated,-dosra.right fact appears to be that the ht}if1e tukd rustle incident to making thing go e1!e more imperative now than they were twee y yearn ago, and there is no room in baldness, the professions, the ranks of labor or even in politico for the whisky -head, as, the mean who drinks can- not keep up with the proeesaicn. F.vea men who are not teetotalers have be- come seized of that fact, and there are thousands in Canada who, without taking any obligation or becoming affiliated with any association for the suppression of the traffic in strong drink, could not he tempted to indulge in intoxicants, as ROA their wont in bygone years. GODILRIOB. 'WUABDAY, UOT. 7, MI. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT, _ _-- Arty Yee it Rees Nember far LOOK at the label or' this paper. If it isn't paid up, settle at ones. THERE are two jug -handled ways of doing business : One is buy- ' ing for cash and selling on credit ; and the other is buying on credit and selling for cash. tar Ir your newspaper is not worth One Dollar in advance don' take it one day longer ; if it is worth the money. pay your dollar in ad- vance, and hold your head up when you meet the publisher. Fr A NUMBRR of acoonnts—ag- gregating hundreds of dollars—have been sent out from our counting -room in the past few weeks. The persons to whom they are addressed owe the amounts specified, and are requested to pay up at once. " Business is business." f1r A MAN carne into TH. StonAL office the other day and said, " I have got three duns from yon in- side of three months, and all about a miserable little amount of $3. It makes me sick, this eternal dunning." We told him that if that was all that he suffered from we could effect a oars for *3. He paid the bill and has now recovered his accustomed health. " Go thou and do likewise." Use Pesple's Glasse. gar Tn. " People's Column " is the first column on the first page, next to pare reading matter, and is intend- ed to give prominence to every want that the people have. Itir Fifteen cents for fifteen words and one-half oent for each additional word is the price of admission to " The People's Oelame " Mr. esd Mrs. Chiles were ao-tsws Met Ther.dey after a few weeks' oondsesssmk le the Asses throng % indisposition. Mho Mary 1. Belida, who had hem viae. ine M mere for a Nw weeks. loft ter her haws, WMdaw, ea Wednesday. Wm. ieath sad Mss Adams left Mat week is Heft Oswalt, mei to a11Md tae sena vwios, or Mathes. sf the Mshedlet Weer'. MMelserry e.dayi, A 111.100 M kr' Ta/rme Ins beat geld he wholly In her' Am,1r 'imseatl- "famte telsseeed 1 wmelemes -mew- mole•-dor•-lice-.Ieiwltirm day's are those who have little or nothing to do. The gentlemen of leisure and the tramps. are the drinkers ; —the gentleman of leisure lieu/illy drinks beeapse ht has nothing to 40, and the tramp usually ham nothing to do because he drinks. As a re• suit, the hotel ban are not patronized to M great an extent as they were in the olden time, and the trade, as it is called, is not the gold -making inatitution that it once was. The quantity ltnaumed in private families has diminished even to • greater extent. The '.' three -bottle von " is now en unknowt. per onage, and the men who use liquor regularly n' table are becoming as scarce as tin proverbial hen's teeth. Perhaps a strong tontrihntor ter the rooter sentiment which now prevails has been the judicious temperanoe legislation which has been gradually brought down in Ontario, and which ham moved along fully as fast es pub- lic ublic sentiment, if not more rapidly. It may not have method on an rapidly as aggressive temperance folk vetekf have desired, but, on the other hand, it he. murneedei in greatly decreasing the consumption of liquor, and has done it in a way that caused no perceptible shock to these who etoori on the principle of vested rights and clammed that theme rightm ebonld be protected. Whether prohibition be the ultimo thole or not, one thing is certain, end that is, that twenty years more of the prac- tical temperance movement which ww have had in the past will to minimize the liquor - selling indsstry in Ontario that the hotel. ke phr will have to depend upon the kitchen and the dining -room for profit. instead Of las bar -room, which wrye the gn•t'ma -getter in furor years. 7 • THE SICNA L; GOpE1tYCji ONTARIO. politics will be regretted by many why goof report and in evil report, always had the atgrogest nentldenoe that the " Little Premier " would be suuoessful in bis every effort. —By the way, Brother W. W. Butmaratt now explains that his resignation from the editorship of The Templar was due to " dis- appointment et the moral laziness prevalent among temperance people." And Brother Boon«' AN in right. The average temper- artc+ moo will holler fur temperance in the abstract uutil the cows corm home, but if he is asked to do a little work for temper- ance in the concrete his music soon ceases, and he becomes ss inert and tem-euthusi- astle •a a paralyzed deaf mute. The thing has been tested scores of times, and it has always been the same. The loudest shout- er at the convention has been the poorest worker when the call for work wan made. Why the tetuperanoe man should, as a rule, fall soltthort on moral fibro, is one of those things which are peat finding out, but the fact remains, even as Brotber Bucx&ta= has put it, that " moral laziness is prevalent among temperance people." —Tke v'it scope was in town last week with its portrayal of the great fight at Car- son City, and did not draw the house that it was expected to dor Thim seems strange when it is remembered that it was adver- tised to a greater aztent than any similar attraction had ever been. It was extensive- ly billed and the advertising it got in press and pulpit had set the people talking about it to such aD extent that it was confidently believed the Opera House world be packed from stem to gudgeon. But it waan't. And after all, it is difficult to conceive how it could be expected to draw to any greater extent than the cinematograph or the other veeiscopic exhibitions that had visited the town. - The representation wee not more vividly placed oo the screen than were those of neve exhibitions that ptl_,p od 'd'dsa-prc urea 0* lie ght heel! gave more eviiet,eeof agility and dodging than ing. The etceteras which awake the ex- citement in the on -looker, and which make a glove -fight bring out the animalism in men, were wanting. The betting and swear- ing at the ring -side and the encouraging re. marks of the brutes outside to the brutes inside were not there. The heavy breath- ing' of the contestants and the dull thud of the blow were lacking. It was a play with the knife and fork at empty plates—a hole low mockery. The only excitement was when the gong sounded to open and clear the rounds. It wasn't a demoralizing chow, but merely an attempt by science to render It it -tike a representation in -which thea* was movement, but no life. That was all It was as harmless and evoked as little en- thusisem ae would be a military sham -fight to tJ.., t7I'm• . • sad Mites Healing in public administration seeped to no man in Canada. He etoud for all that was right in 'Tory politico until he found that the old ship had fallen tote till hands of a piratical crew who had trebled the black flag of bribery and corruption at the masthead, and, whew every effort faded to bring them to A realiztng sense of the fact that owing to their polities! debauchery the eraft was drifting on to the rocks, he boldly jumped overheard and swam to the other ship. He did what any honest man would have done, similarly situated. That -ds the story, briefly told, and it is s satisfaction to know that an iuveatigstiosxlkept 1fr. TART« et the wither box for greater part of four days, resulted in his pawing through the unload unemirched by the uherget that bad been alleged against him - SNAP SHOTS - man in Ottawa dropped dead last week while endeavoring to prove that public oft* was not s public trust. • question of (anada't sew logs Ina, :w become a log -rolling industry in m far, p'tbe politicians are oncer'ne. —Now that Canada has become a nation us't it about time we named our own (lovaenor-General and formulated our own treaties. When pyg.tioking time coiner ariaXewould it not be possible to remove the solitary plank in Mr. ST. Jont'e pig. gry platform'. —There are some who think that the rough-and-tumble of the football period will he succeeded by the able manoeuvering of the political " eying wedge." —Let's ase ; isn't thole a plane called Roseland somewhere in British OoI- asbis t Or has it been wiped off tkaalllp ainoe the Klondike craze set in t . ----Fa teed arms • 'si --oar Coaervatire contemporaries one would imagine that J. IsR,tta. Tsars was the eon victed prisoner, and that Mr. GauNii& was the vindicated politician. - TOWN COUNCIL. mamma et Lam sesame ref) nt time near. .: . The regular omens, of the town mused was held last Friday evening. Preseat— Mayer Shassen, in the obaar, reeve, 1s1 deputy nerve, oouaoillera Goods. Colwell, Nairn, Martin, Ugclop, Nioboleon, Na1te1 lied &slaie- Murree ef leas lar meeting read, ap- proved sad oy�ed.a The esuaameer'a apart was raid as knew. ,and sstirrtell sInimes amileslItet_T_:--- nreMrTt Balance free A'gwt ..$1152 21 Matt land Cemetery 39 60 Justice's does .. 1 00 T$E BUTTER.; AND CHEESE that took first prize at the 4oderich Fair was Salted with Rice's Pure Salt THE SALT OF THE EARTH • -- :�. The North American Chemical Company, Limited, 801-4211 MAS Ji RB - without sounds of musketry and artillery, El/atria light rates and without the tramp of armed men, the " " inetellatioa Nehresideat lands clashing arms, and the loud huzrae. Bills payable Wates -sates.. —The alpeptanae of j,)'le tegept-v- •rrtsr*hip d Ontario winbe a'ee$ real«• Ing off to a political life by , ry Cir i% Mower. That he occupies a first phos ilsti She Warta of the pdoplt of Ontario cannot 6. deeded, tad that taws., altar forty year* d pnhlte servlt+e, he 1., comparatively speaking, a poor man, itpe&ka well for hie integrity in afire. lie lye well earned every dollar that he ever revolved in salary, and when he party hetes, Ontario will lose her greatest eonceia'd the *lest tqd brat .tatb, - . marl she ever hrl. in Ontario for a gnerter fhp pb .t i carte a dooms the alga, d., d a eentnry hi* HOMO was MM to molten ke int Tema IMtb with, and his departure hem the field of r .,tnrvervvas -. —Hon. WILLIAM Mnt.ocx recently did a good torn in the interest of Canadian labor. In inviting tenders for the supply of nail bags he made a buii'seye on the seating system by obligating that the hags be made v at the onntracter's own factory, prohib- iting rohi -iting all subletting, specifying that the wags paid shall be those generally accept- ed as current for competent workmen in each trade, and providing that the con- tractor shall file a statutory declaration as to the wages paid ; and that the factory shall be open at all time to the officer' of the department This is certainly along the right line, and it is to he hoped that the system will not be confined to the post -office department, but will soon permeate the other branches of Government. Ii it dos. it will knock out the shark -tenderer who in the past has endeavored to milk the .iov'ernri.tont -end and skin the work- man at the other. • . >►. ' —The criminal libel 'ai ,hsr.erght by Hon. J. TAMAla. TARTE ',gainer M. (Mennen to .ref La Libre Parole, was concluded Saturday evening and a verdict has been given against the accused. This disposes of a case that was counted upon hy those opposed to Mr. TARTS to do much injury to the Minis- ter, and is, beyond doubt, ahoomerangtohie assailant.. It will be remembered that the ray. lbe. th. aoumeaicatlos of Wright ease was postponed at a previous court Marsh 8. referred te the pehlle works °m- owing to the fact that the Minister was en- mittslt fereesdcWilltlee and ri er& (hryWd. gaged on public+ baaineaa, and at that time there were some who made the postpone- ment an exouee for saying that kir. TAIt?s was anxious to shirk the disclosure. that woad he brought out in the course of the Later on, whenit wee Veneered that Mr. Tame would go to Hurope in October oat public bushier, the old ory 'el skirting the tri•1 was rained, and was kept eine until the day of the trial, hat received a knonkout hlow whon the Minis. ter fantod the Dean leaf week. The result will he hailed with satisfaction, not only by the many personal friends of Mr. TAumg, but by every men whn Aeane to see fair play seerwdevl the puhlie men of Oneida. Mr. TART* hue heen shown to rr a mac who, with ample oypet%ntty to looms. r do politica, hat, rmia1 pgeg 1.1. .** ..mow slay. !'ie aerra7l .d 314 02 7 50 87 97 6600 00 444-44 Total $82,39 94 exrinini mail Relief Sewers Water works Electric, light ooa.iruotim. _....... 41 34 Maitland Cemetery • , 287 89 $ 636 62 00 615 63 Pompiog station Public works Printing and advertising C. C. and 0 Speetal grants Debenture lateness Back '• Watering streets Fire dspartmsot Agricultural Park Patin .obeole Bill. payable Salaries Balsam to Oetabar: 288 31 986 63 86 19 8 25 15 00 125 00 83 72 48 00 2 38 1 26 446 67 6000 00 IN 71 606 71 - Totl. 1051591)K A oommnsieattee Iran (Ass. WNddr r• warding taxes os a lot was mat to dosses einem toe. A eo.ataaiWOMes frees arr. Holmes re- garding the keepi.g et meths in the pens at de market wee read. Moved by the reeve, emended by oorroil- lor Ckal'1• that the o.mmnnioarfon of Dr. Holmes, seediest health *Mom, be referred b the market committee for oondderation sad report. tarried. A oommusIeatien from Wright Martis, ask Inv the extension of the sewer* along William -era was read. Memel by the Imes, saeceded by the de - A ameba/. of .osemar were read and ens b► thanes esetrittes be report. tote memo bum A. 8. Carr**, 4141, wag read. and m melees et the reeve sea sesteoilles Nrb.leea, entered N be paid. Report of dee see,mitb.s Isar committal make the (ellewbg rro- emmmttettoe. : 1. The parolees of 300 feet of hew, 2. That all the hese requiring repairs be meshed. 3. That ane Issgth et the het hese per - abased beleg d.f.oitv., It be mat beak t• the mammy It was pardoned fres te b. erehaagd, ae per agre.meee. 4. TitM half 4 dew bees Wilms b. per- ehard. 6. Thai the fire thole by.btw be a.oedd is chat e.bb.Uiiagp i• *Jae fin hada .1 Mired be be vosantii nay b. stwIJ with Num no ma* 11th gri+Md els matfett of ..euoNlsr Omar sited the depety-reeve, heart ►hown to he aUlm ebO *11 alway* �.. theaght more c"411, !hate ai is fled. who !'►e dm awn w sews tsar 'Ry has meds sacrifices fog baled aeatsareat eke pogo. mew RIO» = BARCA Jed rB 11,03312010 1:7 • HAS REMOVED HIS STOOK OF,DRY GOODS To the Story .term... ,RecA sol -by ttir:.,>I T. AONEBON. • M st 'x x e x• Ladies' Jackets !� We are showing the largest range of LIOIES' JACKEYS it the Town of Cloderich. Latest styles rola 00 up, FUR COATS, FUR CAPES, MANTLECLOTHS, '• DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINEN, SHAWLS, TWEEDS, &c. &c WR COME AND BEE. OME AND COMPARE QIIALITY, OME AND COMPARE PRICES. — L��D_ OTgHRB Ili roLZAW_ JAMES ROBINSON TWO D00114 Waal OF HA]4U,TON-81. THRILLIrIG RESCUE. YQUNO LIFE 8AVSU 1111 A • MARKABLE MANItER, purchased a box of the pills and hope to glee them to Florence. Thio was in Octo- ber, 1896. After untie the pills • abort sine we ootid see an improvemest. Het �- streegth Wren to return and she world de up in bed. Her atapeuts wee restored sad rLOIaJca UTORDIVANT, Olt o$ZNDIITONR iaLAND, 'AWED FROM art VNTI$SLY ar►TR—MR PA$Rtrlls Law Mee DANOO- One PallyDICAMr�r�,.?, BC? "MIA URLPLRM Athaln • Amos' the Thousand Iaands is oro called Orirdstooe. It is geese males long sad three wide. The inbabitaets of this Wend are a well-informed clam of peopie who de- vote their energise to farming sod gamey - Mg for • livelihood. In , he bus* et one of these talaad n resides Ffonccr J. Sterdt vans, the four-year•old daughter of key and Mm. William 11 Sterdiv.s. InF.hruery, 1896. she was taken with scarlet fever, and atter the 'seal run ot the Mier aka was sett with a weak back sed gradeany bewas to lose etrenttb, until teeny despite the boat .forts ot physicians bee 10• pang la she Miasma 1t was at this oriels. whoa all goosed darkest. that as angst el heap► •p- pear.dce on the Dome sett rvlsased little Flossafront pan asd lescrp'd her se etrtsgth wed health Tbhl r.ietkable se- minaries r'burrma. is boot 1.14, in the .ids If her fatter. •:ra FWRxttcx 1 YTrtntvAXT. Mr. 8tardivaes said t - "-Jiera ss was taken sink with sesrlet favor, amid we tNo- medtetely celled • physiOian Be pr•sortb.d ler iter and w fel/ewer hit 4trtestieni eiwa ly, giving ear little patient the bras e1 ears. After two weeks the fever seb.id.d. but Flor.ace wee left esti a very weak bulk. Severe pains were ooastently in the each sed stomach. Ws did .41 that poasibIy weld be noes to relieve err hood' sr' bat to no avail. The difficulty see baffle the efforts of the pbytioias. " Finally ar the end of four mouths elf treatm.et, we toned our patioot onmplstety preettat•d. At the time we celled another phy.ioias, who agreed with the diagnosis of ottr own Astor, and Laid that the tr,nbls moulted frees the scarlet fever. He pre- sented a coarse of trstn.ent and we ten - lowed it faithfully for tires taeasho, but in- stead of improving. Ftsr.see failed. " Mrs. Beardles's sod myself were item pletely disoouragsd. A Mediae of my vette, who was visiting t1, advksd se to ase Dr. Williams' Pink Polis for Pale )?sept., and 1 she aN hardly. H • also .etiosd a trader') brightness is her *yew •• W. eagerly parobae.d • farther ,apply of pills bad watched with del,ght the ch.np ter the better that was being wrought daily. Yr.. sitting ep is bed •1 times duzine the day end at times steadiest an bar lest, Flor.ace Anally bsoame ,erose enough to watt a '}ticks Sb. gained 1. deet act str.egtb rapidly, sad the pates gradually left bar. la a «Heol'. tame Was had r. - covered her health sad •taeagth, " We cease. orates aim highly the vales of Dr. Williams' Piak Pills. I am positive that without& their sae ear •hid would have today been h the came sed eendt%ea of her early sicka•ss—e aa.Drsed Imvsli11—if he. deed she had had ter ereagtk he wi/bh.d e s keg the tiff of her atdleeiis.w - (Signd) WZL JAII R. Ervaitvixy. ,ieheenb.d sod *weer M before me this sixth day of AprH 18/77 H. W. Mom, Notary Petrie. HARBOR ANq RIVER. bad sere bnenage seller it brewery mai already be is (alt o Peron are satbertas sewed the begins, ooses questly tome bur strings were ms the p.st weak. The water and light employees ars pet- ting ep the addtNsea! stress heist, ea 8t Patrick street: A.eording to r•porae, bleak bees asd mal- lets of considerable due ar. balm caught in the different breaches of the Maitland. The oohooaar Clare Youth reached her dock on Saturday umesi.g with a carve of Isltttber from Theatrics for h. Dement. Jehoonar Cerfmmd• arrived in port free Uee,gian Bay on Saturday morning witlia astgo of lumber, lath and tslegrspe eatlei er N. Dvmeat OJae'eldmg Eleotrieten Frame. wee in taws the pan week, looking ever the B. L. pleat, the result bailie the purchase of fear new treaeform re. and the shiftteg of many e1 the old emit The alterstie.e se tar man to have hem bme6daL and when de sew oetn are all platted. it it said the Bain will be equal to the beet i• °soada. It Nosy be mentioned. that the mart IMtrmeut wee ceased by the trameferren bang overwork- e d. bat the mishap will not be o daree to the tax pavers, as the oompany that sup- ple/id ties tow eget nuairtersewenw-- ted paid the .epos* esasheAd with the 'xebec's. EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH $RE.4KFO1 ST COCOA Pesesssss the following 4I.ei .Moi t�!Su DELICACY OF FLAVOR SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY (124211/17L and 00 0!r !>RQ to the 'U' '0� or NUTRITIvit t►i1ALITI$19 UNRIVALL*D. Ill Quarter-Peand Ties. way. by JA][$8 RPPY. p Do.. Led. menopathio Chemists. header. Bnrland. ,ea eav,..t:tar' 414. ARE YOU TALL _. %:•;`. ASO TNIN ? .;7•;.4- Ate .t-Ate the only Resfy-1424. Clogingr a caw get to fit you patlbotfy f!e . . • I4 t\ *t fIMIA- tees now wt for Pallti . best rrirMh, Jrtd having ppu�rohased A sto*:�' oo and elegant Mihim*ry, step• 6. whish -T t'* hilt I;cite. the inilpt+ction 'it -Mll► l , kirid Oederieh and whisk. The stook comprises All the New 1111.6es to Grey' and Blue Trti mtng. nit M • Iipil llntfllt� i S►toe, mor�Imal th• ' 'too. no,os• Bonnets, from *1.76, uZS Belj.r'e, ted `tom ousts. 1p. ed *101_• a wet. s Y, . • .• Ay. ' *-wt, •lac Y. *,, t�. �' � t'w .