HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-07, Page 3PllflEIOIll1E Medicinls PLY Aa'OLITILT MILLisLa rasraL Trois Ox Txi uartssr Mamma .•, ran sae Sea►Nral illeialp Guaranteed to cath Rheumatism unto'mato8°"-. Luauli•g. Gout and IWC Neuralgia. A sore ours .r Headsphe, Dimmer Constip•sos. lath. Reetiun, {{tltateees► Bright* theme. Diabetes, Par•Iyr Cony idioms, B...,, Disease, oto., eta feetesred Miser & sold en mem n Ooderioh only by FA. Da>shast inter is Near ! oe prepared to meet it with a Hat or Cap when it co-mae. ave put to stock all the latest al Fall "r"; HATS for r nality and prioe annot be ed. In stook are nnmerous u ants ot the latest in vas borax)* IRTS. HOSIERY, UITf3 BUFFY GAPS C. R. SHANE & Oo. lab isle sea lasaliVs )■setts■ 17..5. n0'Sncelnent. few Goods and Bees Values the TailorinL list• at the Id -established andiellable Test -at Emporium. Batidac- on guaranteed in Quality tyle and Prins H DUNLOP us WO&UI 3- Ola argsnaM/ d1 levitates sue .1• . 30ILR13; Stacks, Bait Yeas, 8hset baso Works, elf., eta, ler to -- ss, dant( hep Clactlags, As. Gro of Pipes and Pipe Ylttiege, %wets, Owen Globe Valets, IDsphstotrt; It eet«t and I•- :em•MSUy on Bead M Lawes tial Has of Steel Water and Eel for ase of farmers sad ethers. e a promptly •u.eded se. A. S. OtalTBT Z1. P. 9 Box n. 9odiarMs, age &nil Co. ire prepared to handle Bit rreight and Household - th Dispatch at reasonable Dealers in:all grades of D r COAL and Smalling Coal a and glpl3ittg w it customers and dtllr h promptness. Orders lee 11111 . Qailkp.este Tr, D. 0 Br■se•llt, aetearer. -. theerekilt, Scrofula is a w9cd- feu - don't quite understand, but if you talk with. your doctor, be will tell you that it is generally believed to be due to the same cause which gives rise to Consumption. It appears mostly in those who arc fat -starved and thin, usually in early life. A course of treatment of Scott's Emulsion with the Hypo- phosites wherever Scrofula manifests itself, will prevent the development of the dis- ease. Let us" ierid you a book. Free. .- score A sown, 5saee■e.Om. FARM AD GARDEN. THE SNAL:: GODERICH ONTARIO.. ale6 tofregowdy bibs fruit tugstsd la this way quits .quid to the parent. Tbe yards wilt be male isp'.e•d by Tee reload Utsm alma sat °uvulas wwith• light ammo( of fist• 01111111/0.01111111/0.Orem will start oa.sp•u.oQssdai• erher matt grow more vilper.,eely tar t �,.,..5 ..y ooetaw►ry vis}( to the O..tral sack tmm4 s. -sure to make • Lome ifileflmeatal Yarm. 1 was enrprlwd to find heap of amuck .obs to .ons esaveale•s Mame, r what the Hortioolturtst tails his "des' eu deeemuo•o tor es• a petting Pleats or astemeey ho luse booleantk•istuutsn•°amplTe.his,of Im wasprodtetgild Th„he {zutwib.eonodene •st;tdoyt .wmnhowwwai00 n0 es°.*re, aleosg.preh1tyK1- by tilt. Creta, was known M fruit growers thoroughly by opting. Ws oalttva* sever- al M gar impelled with this kind of by the name ot the CnodaU Onrrent, and was vary widely advertised • taw years ago, prodao. d read mat ursd. Among the fruit there are the old cease to be our oat of the berriesThe fall the .beet saw .nee to be levered• Otos to trim grapevines and pack •way the outwore, for rooting. Later all fruits will need wulublue. *ad the am.tarrl•1 mast M provided beforshwd. Tompkins and squashes will soon °all for the a,olest. dryest apartments for thea so- oommodauon :.helves or other rsooptecl.s must be prepared, where they sten stead apart sod u.dut0rbed. to beat promote their keeping. By all means • tight, dry house, conveni- ent to the poultry home but separate from It, should be provided to store the ben amours. It u tin.. now for it to be a op- erettas', for there ere nu more growing Drops to coed tbu fertiliser. Provide 1n u a bin to hold sand or Imam to .preside over gash deposit of manure. to prevent the swaps of ammonia. oust b,.zaw moat be stocked and • Rood supply of gravel sod Woe stored up to beep the hens in good laying order. The buts sod shelve. of the Dollar will need more or ler r.djustinr or rearreogiaa to rsosive the tiptoed stores of field. oroblid sod *aeries ; tools and m•.chruery must be housed ; winter s0oommo 1 one ,enured for the stook, sod nameroas other items out of the ordinary rouod of daily toil will demand •ttent Imo, tsxiog !he time, p•tten0e and in- g.uuity ot the hurried farmer. '1•o seams'. lolly meet all thew requirements be meet draw heavily 'poo his reserve stuck of fore- sight, and executive ability -M. A. Hoyt in Detroit Minims r.ur $OTxa. A fly•killer that dues ria work well is made of one teaspoonful ot Walk pepper, two teaspoonfuls of moist Guitar and two table.poo0ful• of cream ; piste • little bit .(else. swear_ -osteine Gree a1•++ID9fx•.:tis ren M. NICHOLSON. LD.e. maim sua55o'. Roams oppeslte the Poet Office Gold visile,/, Crowe, and Work • Specialty. ■ Yeses ■siert ata LIM. MADRE, D.D . TAL BU 1'(.SON.-Latest sad approved methods for all dental eperatioos Preserve toe of the mature) moth a p chit, . Otasts ever of West tltoeu he &mor'e. d5 etore�oor- jM. TURN - ILL, D.D.A., LD.B,- .-D.tM ■551..05. (L•teli associated with Dr. Mama. of Moeime 1. d arid peree- iale. artificial teeth mounted o5 told or alum - 150m trees, •Wotsl attention given to the R.eervatto* el lbs Datura teeth. °Me in cLeen'• new Moon. t_ hI•dloa1. discs= °coapted b> tDoie1toa1 Nisb- et/1s from reeideos. Oft- hadkelkla :Co -OPERATION PAYS beams Reasons Wbe Pratt Growers nbould Work Together. zgar • read tlod tb•e a lateen. Its (•rslLey One of the difficulties in modern Ca 1r1 Uf Inde Il - roti pe remittal) y tor the amount of veaetmt►ea s.diau retains Ir tYat writ �op� se a vlo•ble oddities to ear list of curt•nts. 1 was stem tnformd that there was mach to be said for and .hist.( the• variety. As aeon mo the boxes. they presented • tempt- ing •ppearsooe. Some ot the •p.ouneas were so large that they sispt eerily pea tor small damson plume. beteg. io foot, t of an inch in diameter. purplsb-bl•cl•in Dolor, with • smooth, shining skis- Thu current,' was told, was a sport -not in the ordinary sense of the term -bet • bort .cultur.l sport, moaning • striking variation of the yellow floweriest "Ribes Auteum" or Missouri ~mat of the galls. The trouble with this variety, as found oo plait/stoma of the present tiara is that it vane. wonderfully in sine and tarso of ripening. It u probable that this variation is due to the fact that original stock was tot carefully selected in thtt °stress haste of. the marinate; to to-. Mosinee and exploit bts new vane y Auoth.r weak point which it posseas15 Ira in the feet that it is they Io 14 habit of ripening tete trn b. The blou..m lig period extends over two or three weeks and the fruit et the first biose.,.s is mature hent that length of time ahead of these bine- some produced two or three weeks later is the ammo. It ripens 1M mate erop abash throe weeks atter L. a prohfio. Uofortuo- eoly the later berries ars usually much smaller then the earlier ones and it we wield wait to thew to be thoroughly mo- tors, ws ran the risk of losing the more valuable portion of the orop Suoo.e.tve pickings are therefore oeoeas•ry to harvest tae fruit eatid•otorily. Toe quality of the frust ;s very oharaolalatio in Its brink bat not eopieusot aridity. There is none of tire meskinees eomser. Js. -tae ordinary black cerr•nt present i• the Crandall me- mos It is believed and efforts are now be- ing made is that direction. that • variety Awsrmaimedot..ioi this onrreat with ai oldies -1 va*�f• "S d� irult-growers Amid be vary is p.rekwing this and d shooed satiny Ltheeepalves that ahoy are obleining a type worthy oaltivatioi Thi kandell warrant say be o.ssidered, at pretreat, u bang in the t.rawtuon state wick the °banes of becoming • valuable f rata, in the talar°, lsrd•ly on its side- It F. ,retie it•d fpm- mistime in tM MOM way that block and red currants are ostially m5l- sighed. If not altogether nodal as • fruit in every Watauga. it is undoubtedly worthy se a pisco ea the laws owing to ler valor as a t ormaorst01 shrub. A DLtrlDVL TLOWV LltW !Hers. I was parIi•.larly .Sraok is walking through tae farm ground', by 109 twenty anti gram of • flowering shrub whtoh here and there appeared amid °lamps of V. in open 'mese on the velvet lawns or formed a 0. CANRRON. BARRISTER, SOLI - ata t.a street. 1� sa..r .t Oellesum1 ' limadry goods store 1,t REMIT HEATOl1 - BARRISTER. 1:1 Sekoi -test xotary Pubes Aoltionsts MOW Wiseatr•st ECAMPION,Q.C., BARRISTER 801, . foster. Mown. i.e. Ora.• ever 1&. dleal kala, %Mew O.dertbh. �( O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, W- AIL. hotter. eama. sstear, •c, NNW 1.0 . M tae 0050: ear. .slltes *Mat. A.6rew'a Street& Gede.tob.Oat. me �. N. Il 10011 5' theme eft Oeteri 0. HATS, ) ARIDITLR, SOLICIT- , fie. Q�es N.rtbet., .eat door S h aeb O!{Omse` Yrs vests Puede 5. lead *t lcwset ream of tatermR y f RROW aiA .1 Tea. A ewk".. let 'M srIIa�w''"Pi..df oi.O�d• 8150 J T.'.nsw. 9.e. `1ALlsltON, HOLT L ki0Lillifi, pitwBarristers.t.-,h the O. .onsets aa°b•i °r.r'Reiit e Iigls}�', O. WARD, OOMYETAIfOEB m• e r re • 111a55Sum sad gyr some ems- nor Yah. estias oto a or Iwo- e�sdisteg Millositims or seisms &edema b *5e Onset at Jollies, the OssrtvlApssIlse1 .i4s. et is say OsgL►i�r sad tgaslittfOeleeaseatrtlW tds.eeDi, iesseasthens .n5 w OM. 3116 -If Loam mai lanol - -nc M ONZY TO LOAM. - $b0,000 00 Dl Privet Fonds M seed at M per sent am es•�sN. a 0AJSRB0/d....est• 1fs0■rs'Une Beset • t71MR ruvATE TUN IB - PRIVION8 drama o18eataM* meow en mase of Mak fwd white when pleated in hods-er eoitesed dews the foreground of • too-WomiMst Vette ui vlaierous growi•e shade treas. 1a omit.** M gratify my cnrireit with reined to tide singularly be..ti} i plant I @squired of the fiertioul. hoist wbo gladly rt.* me tine foaowi.1 Isfoem•ties : "Fob " mid Mr Crsie, " I agree with you that the Meet *blob has at- trwted year attemtice k without doubt, the mast estimable of ear attas0 flowering Mesta end It b only joist to may time we are isd.btud to that enteil•ha•gmime 4. tee Rost (Jayne) fns *hie ob•reieg ora•srd5. 11 • nem botanically. 1t M oall- ed � Pasisd•b Orasdleor•,whioh beteg trasdated, mass the 1•rge•e.weled =Modem It has bees kaisers 1. • g1.* .dem• et Europe IMtsl>1ra for • away year' ; t• . , os to laws and for general emse.sat•T vireos*, being of .ompar•ttively resent date. 1► seem rather Dations that we should mash from trepleal Jepsa a ' berbaosous pleat which withstands .a@esssfally oar severest Wi.ter.te most of our fruit trees sad shrubs brosebt from that regime baw..04 enved hardy is Dor1Y@rn latitudes. The phot -flillarer s wi, -. umia,+h5ses• @5 4.-,�•a fag from the touted os 15 7 e hafted sand.rdt.la Tbe femme Is moot *be sere preferable sys- tem. It M of very rapid gv.wtb and a young plant sot out in the Swine ot one year. If it dew at all well. should produce a ((amber of he large emulates r bloom n August of the following year. TM Hy- drangea le • beer of moisture tan eoow i.g saris b ebb amess•ry The .eared einstere are beam aprodse•d; speread to • failure of bloom whish we Mee mer had was one year whoa the whole moat& of Aaiun, wee .ztroo.1, dry, Is am emsrgesey ear this kf.d It always pan w mater the �� very liberally, .ot m the niggardly teals watch merely moistest' memo .f the greeed, bat thoroughly dr.sebI5g the sell, sallow(.* the water to pwaraM deeply when it ten be made nes 01 the feeding rootlets. This 1t' a t v�Yhieh are'were of ebb 'throb *MOM - bor. 0111 palmy of water when tb..blab manes hate Sower. A 0000li•rlty of Ate gewere b that they Now calor with Uoolsg out pare MOM .t erns feude*t-f Mk. ea • .0dt and et sU thiss bright teed: feature adds to their 'alas let 1•Ial5.4oatt*? of lie elm saws '1flss•• en 1.e+ of ktio ....whims.. r ., r,/sFK d5yMf1 ■pen dowering stock lese,>d- �i-lalbnf away tt. Um pa*IS ot nest A... VII •t9de .ad ■ars ed 0t1M gel There tiro oo m+7 gales •4aM MI Way tall 5Wt ere flee M .sloy the ohies of tele mess •eiald0- sent senses. If, however, we let maths eat ge head ha Med with labor 10• mud will ase logkjueglrmtl@.- 8o (.epode.( ant say of ilesrss•{d Iadm that t. =ohm* tams ter would be be rib the ns'lag year ast 1.w mwimps, IM 'Mtwara' ome tad prelim list se arts most, pmM en tar NMtie M n maer dowel fits garden Mg tie lam arose lanes ala the rats el Owes. get Mw1WM• rsadoe. M whore ho mite to Om 1541 Lemma raked all Ism door rod ire valuate. se the t/J4 . IMO k is par18, as w,U M OMS. el be m kgrsd .55.«l td &wise � skteat ' Part of dos harem emote alto •.m- rot olomild M; mpg 110 Sit Wm fir•i►atrd easily . s t btld'tt's l 5' ebw40 'ik-e end mad • MYmM d sad trme.r+p1k...k,,e. ter mate. Waist trove ~prim tilt atilt bel Aslant a !sea for brood tor asiontlealeelall diks budded tress. Tom a5 Ohs glawlmoil Ivo ran mt• 11.• Molted MOO tWY IaWM•s Must menti deuce which is so largely dev to all classes of our c.Uscur. rullimUu of all among farmers, whore policy too often reminds us of tae cele- brated oz team, iu which each auiwal wanted to be on the -off side." This is erten seen to furulere' urgauisations, er- pecially where farmers are remote from each other, and ouly come together in- frequeutly, Uudoubtedly the co-opera- tive and other features of the 'range have done much to dispel this feeling. But it still exists to far too great au extent. Each farmer diblikes partner- &tiips, and prefers to work what land be can buy or rent without aid from others except as he eau hire and pay for it. 1 -et in all other vocation' the greatest successes are made by combinations of capital. Why should there not be, w a limited extent at least, such co-operat{ou among farmers. There was when the ruuutry was new, .and the scarcity if .mpital made it possible for oue man to pro up the house* and barns that each (arm required. 1 Co-operation in such work :,cowed to be a necessity. Yet, just so 500(8 as each farmer could, he .tat himself to work to become inde- pendent uf. all kis neighbors. 1t is in fruit gr'ow'ing that this ue,•d for eo-ope: see tion is greatest lnireefi' and fort outs dikelt.i• ofTratt' Ind -leaves n-qulrc,uti- bined effort to be successful. It t. ,rf u0 use for one man iu any locality to destroy these on his own farm. while the w-liolc.,.ueighburhrxul is aft for the enemy to increase hi until it cannot be supprc s- ed. It Ibis been by voluntary co-operation that the fruit growers of the Niagar district have for many years kept thetf orchards free (roto the pests that prove to be troublesome elsewhere. The black knot in the plum and the cureuli° and 1 r ie ilea.( if your soil is a loose loam do trot be afraid to burn off and get rid of the trash ha .ons. manner before plowing, if it inter- fere. with the proper performwoe of that work. The ..he. are worth es mach as the trash wottl4a when rotten. As soon M to �'e51 u past is time to sake arrw5/•oeeOd f+tgtbs met year. The &Did should be mapped out for the next year awl the somber ed acre. of snob orop era ranged tor. Bapeot•lly as this se of winter wheat No time to spare now. American Dore is the best inti. world. Asario•a wheat 0000Dies • leading position a the world's markets. American nettle are •aksowledge by unprejudiced lodge. to be equal to •.y that the world produces. In feta of all these foots, however, our p.o ae anima My they want their Tea and want it galea. ' (sho'al.= Sas.) A few years ago a good Tea was nddoubt a luxury. bet today `` LUDELLA" a delicious tea can be had from leading Grocers, in neat, lead packages., at 26, 40, 50, and 60c., Black or Mixed. doom assn* be sold open their merits to forst. countries. The word " Americas" kis been •booed by scheming moo mill it hu owed to be • reoomrnoOdati•1n ae it ought to be The cease of this is vary avis deet. It is maid W11S wise -linens me badly •.,robed the .pots may be removed by Stealing in the following manner . Kxtreot the him from two peeled onions and pat it into .a &gate a granite veseel Add to it half as °east. of white oa.ttle soap out into ,all poo55 sad two moose of I.Iler's earth. Mix them rogation and then stir in one Dnp of vtaerm. Mimi the menet over We fire and ret its mutants thoroughly boil. When the mixture has heoome 000t spread i it ever the aoorobed linen and 1,1 it dry up oo the cloth. Vt ben well dried, wash oat the linen. CempM_Std i. • habit sod will fix itself spa • mom with • grasp eoa01 le wWkey er tsbe000. ())mplai•ine never dose any rood i it breeds 111 temper and bad man- ners : it Maths' • s -o u rags and make. bim • poor 0.mp•5100 al bonne er abroad. Complaints,/ b est chine. like the small pox, onn'Pq,iently is dangerous among the obll- dr,w. Items the boose, amid °owe foal • 'a •tate of mind and behave a000,4 05 Iv. Complaining is foolish sod wicked God oars ,..ah'y look otter the weather as4 early everything else without our help. Progressive, slooe„tal, essilmas5tad fano• els neva complain or (iii Seth with them who de, Yres- farm tataetty 05* de .oat lj per Met. '5 51feg to J. A. that)NAAr•. ■vas d Beadsmen. toast+. ER, 0ONIf;YAJCING AND C IMAGER, 5e•.itis, Mpru Yartfa7 Hetet. ONSY1TO L8D ON ILORTOAG) R l_Par mat. notes dissemuited. 9Bode• a sterns KaeMati goal, tied. 01•1F J. T. MOTEL, FIRS, LEVI AND Wish, 0•se-ser ifx. a t4 MOM' TO LAND, L A R O I MOOS be aM �s twee* ply •ARSOlowest rp w FIDOL171111, t31EM1BAL 1 .inTaehs5�i Nom•. • 1100 5. lisnialleiV laminate. tui, T Wits >lrlrsl. * Meld •nd */ DAN V.. etre on SU. usonat ion 411.1a raw Ai,tteeltys• . mem s .•'51150 M arra,,'., fast,.,m • R• 001.50•1 011. oo•.bh.1'tb H. RAIllLttrw05ff•, ANIi•Irtladrl. Maim 01:INDRY, Aeorlomoes haw . `need r codling moth among tweets were -rhos fought against. It has proven far easter to keep these euemier out than to sup -,.pre*. them after they had guiued a foul"+' hold. they wish to do oo or not. Altogeth -r their united production emits* 5 market, and attracts buyers who would not come were a single fruit grower to offer his products for their inspection. Re fax from being an injury to his business, the rivals that most fruit growers hive are a help to him- Neither are fruit growers **aped tel•-tharliasem(netl*n--n1 the knowledgemedalto-secure greater perfection of fruit. It all fruit were bmugbt to the highest degree of perfec- tNnt, much more would be eaten and 'l•* {rice of all fruit would be higher. there is fair too much poor fruit offered for sale. It is this A-hich most keeps down the price of good fruit. The general spread of lately'((.( •e As to the mean. for gmwiag the befit 'fruit is therefore the i*terest of all fruit growers. -�---t M--115-..ARE ---' W u '_ a a`n) The Bicyc:iAs' e � Lament. He's a wise whtclr- an whose tool bag coifta!ns-' Ke''' �•:'g beds.( medicine fur a_ datu*gcd machine. He is just asti;.b1c to pt-ttl:tetre his own skin as to puncture his tire- cs a .4 more la I c. td bruise hjlrself, than A rnwtri oeiy had.lktl:poe of to break his whce1 '- �► , Quickness leas ti,el-tar. 66 ® 1�-�• �'. t is the emergency cure for unexpected injuries. ,Litt kr' applying cons with every pot of Quickcare. Make your own_sic: t it rest-clttrckly; IlOtt At all druggists 25C., 50C. and $1.0o. THE altitC$CUR1 COMPANY, Lao. OUC•Et, Carr. 311P---30- OU$CKCURE Change in Business. .»....NEW FIRM. ► 4,iiI Ne1fl6 #u - -The %sant IMlrvman ng dairyman. not a stingy one, will make more money than two extrava- gant ones. First, a dairyman should be saving of his cows, as a cow well cared for will be a useful and profitable animal for several yens longer than oue ill fed, ill boasted and i11 treated. Even in summer ,�,w, rhonld not be lett exposed to violent ruineturms, at shnnkt be rhelteral where there is s danger of their being ',truck by lightni,•g, as when huddled together under tr!es, or helot( chilled by a prolonged drench- ing. 'I be latter, especially, in damaging to the still -yield, for it -may -bo aott""t. that cows always shrink in milk niter • storm. Wise economy calls for mea. sures that will obviate this, namely, a dry.warm shelter. Be saving also of your feed: For in- stance. In giving mileh stock corn fod- der, when they trample it under their hoofs and waate as much as they eat, it is the dairyman who is wasteful, not the animals. The most economical way of feeding corn fodder Is to spread It before the cattle when in stanchions, and only give them what they will eat up clean. To be saving of the feed in the pas- tures don't put more stock into tbt• field than It will support. On a farm our tables, t4eT-•wrre-talo;., •-.•beast the cow pasture, horse pasture, sheep pasture, and calf lot Tbs owner was on the right track, as it implied that he kept his stock rated. Milch cows never do so well when compelled to pasture in common with other cattle. Then, .gain, do not waste the milk. Even a drop of milk which may repre- sent the growth of one grass root, can- not afford to be wasted. in the first place •eeare all of the milk from the cow's odder by patient stripping. The richest comes last and you cannot af- ford to Wee even a drop. It is not a stingy conies to see that the milk pails, pans, cans, etc., ars well cleaned; and that your hired hands are so kind to the cows that the animals do not fregneitly kick over the milk pails and spill the fluid. Perhaps the most efficient way to save milk la to preserve its quality so well that none is wasted by scouring or tainting. Be saving of the butter you make. In figuring on • good yield of butter from the crsam, r?o not make the mistake of mixing some of the c vein of milk in with the butter fat. Thio is done by skimming Inppered milk, under the sup- position that It is economy, when It really is the grossest extravagance, for that minnevermake first-class butter A Lattice pater stied the following meth- od of staffing tomatoes : Remove the pulp and seeds from six largo tomatoes, slaking MI the sees end for takingper . ttastiti o pint et (*rowboat by t•9 g .1 bawd crumbs and finely mimed oold veal mad odd has ; add two table•peemfule of melted butts!, tosep000fal of mixed Naos Med, the grated yolk. of two herd boiled .este, • s.itepeests1 of finely mined oaten sad • aa5rter .1 that amount of pepper. Nix ell ,cRMbs. adding pongee( the tomato, Reap A e it • Wile moot. Stag she to - 'mamas vary tall mod high. slam is • b•ktad Jit&, d.st lightly with matt mad pepper. xrer .ver melted batter. dredge with Is. wombs .ad bake 18011 as boar. fest se the.s545. jos' im oa,., ."3".,......."r-"ch ir»tl RSllw . Aima tpb to4reofft • a �thoseas't, gas sp U0"3104‘ hay 1,0016 011117 sit e_ itis rtlettetw5s t - ..ilty'o� faLicg •�tiglat jit ,iAl» A4. dertaking and Furniture Business, the name of t 1e New Firth 'wI 1 VIOTORY FOR EAST 81MOOS. 05 sty this. Mr. W. H. Beneath, the glatem, Is Staudard Sire -He Bearer 10 East from Catarrhal Trouble aad Found Speedy and Flied Relies la Dr. Ainew's Ca- 5arrhal Powder. Ile ►M s•siss by-.leoties M will me be mottled until the votes ar 0055ted, whether Me. W. H. IdewasIt, who Yu repMsst•d tb5 est st40atey with ability ter years wig e ... s•rfnl .5dtda5, l41OM ▪ IM th '. , Nr. nosseN:i perleelyly ..rtafm of. whammy *vu the eleetlse maw team WO.. • t eadiq te Yl. 1.14. 1s 0s8ses Mee teee dem egg bowie takes dews w eh catarrhal .tabes ill the bead. H. time Dr. Maw Cah5IAM Pewesr sad ever lith ewe Mir mow* says Me5 le wsrked bk. $ eh.rs, sad Oddity .55150d the (osseus sad mad. ►Im fitted for his perd•sMlege *Mies. Sold by J. E. Davin CORNELL & SO yea t1.5 ba� e.msd• dft( egg Goods at FACTORY PRIQES--•msdo iy tY. 1313°4s yeasts la t,sllly. No trouble to show Goiiee**md all at FACTORY PRICER. 'UNDERTAKING. Diploma for Embalming in oar Mem Window. The Best iesitlArg.st Stook of pASSITS and 0OFFmid W tumoral Trimming• in tiedlooty-4w I'rioes. - WINDOW SHADES. Ve-filw • Longo*Variety of WINDOW SHADES oo hand. Give or • w masa you are looking for Bargains. • DONT FORGET THE NEW FIRM, CORNELL & SON. Y STORES. HAMILTON -ST. and SQUARE. Neat Bedford Rotel. Mew tie Amass the Miasr. Oss way b to Ms a lee. string to As betlr as toy tbe baby le Maybes with sad wink liaise at tset&er sets awing sr working &M•• the string end to the err of her shah vibes tasbliag about the goer the baby its sefghs R. • pall of ye (grime NM t.' 18.55 the 18.11ri omit U..►iM w.tll1 aplesStL . AnM sm Anther way is ear kik Bakes -Nb bonds stlusndr teaa sit ifs. d raidommt whew* Ida 5 *.et* May with. mP$.klse 0 team . iM lean and Witt no Daher w01 seise sties•. leaser tlsm w0l s ,54015isi w ►' 15r;'s to sera Retest of ?rook Farrnt.g. The Agricultural Department says that le track farming, as dtst1nct from market gardening at the time of the last census, there were 584.4.40 Rotes of land and more than 240,000 persons ma - Orval. The p*nd0ets had a value of Pf 4,617,166 atter paying freight and commissions,- ■nd more than 1100,000,- 0011 were Invpeted_ Sites that time the hardness has grown rapidly, sad It now psrraabdy yields more money to the South- ern States than any other single in- T rn,.etl.a for berries. Corrants, gnnsehorriea and other bor- ne, urrte, can sully he kept free from weeds driving the Tate summer and fall, when the rash of Perm work calla for all the help la the fields, by covering tbe ground snood the plants with a thick coat 01 straw. This will settle down b7 winter • ad protest the plants and furnish plane toed for 'nest 'Posen. Currant worms very rarely do much damage to bushar tb•t have been milt/rated. They have ten chance to hide in the grass. The Cost of Prednet.ntl. Rome enw• produce better at a fair merges of profit, others ptndeto a gond large profit and others produce better at a Inv. In 0: haat words. the stet of keeping. 1 -Mint. mtlkla, end ilend gem it mons them the shorn ler milk s51 heifer frim at 'Ir errant. 'It ts n teelf•evi- 4�rrnt tort n- 'c whivb will 4147ifMa•lt' '171 "!R' ''tttlfk!a'ttn:F ofya+i dr, la,t • la ' ' t, (vv.. a 'lily the re- t t1 --e i-t,n n 1 ' ^f ,.. et n1 ng the Ia- t iridelel coor your herd. ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Farmers; Dairymen And their Wives, • • • • ■ Drop us a post card, and get free our booklet on "INDURATED FIBREWARE." It cots nothing, tells all about Indurated =- fibre Pails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butter Tubs, and will put money in your pockets. THE E. Be EDDY 0011IPANY, Limited Huu., CANADA. III5•55555 ■ ■ ■ ■ r 5 n el5 • M • w • ■ s • ■ 5 ■ ■ ■ • ■ BOOTS AND SHOES .,a 4:/Vit '. Including the SLATER and all other A .1 'Goods T SHARMAN'S (Air Goods are the best tha4esn be obtained, *ad are sold at Rock Bottom Prices. Hundreds of pictures leave our store weekly. They are the prettiest on earth, se Nothing can umpire with a handsome woman is a pretty, neatly -made, fashionable pair of shoes, and we only sell such as becomes the sweetest of pictures• e i -is 3yi. rs°�,I, Tr, Tr, p1cl.EAN'8 mos, a