HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-10-07, Page 1S • leaped Stock Iliderfe,Tepen- ly CIOtho it; ‘Tidthe. ITE, at Makes. $100 STOCK. 03.0 U gli,4), HUROXIANS Wm res rue ItfAY tyEEN HURONS BRANDS. I opt Ass rn•..., 4.....° IT sir......mcsADD001034111 KENNEDY FIFTIETH YEAR -2642 It CHEAP ADVERTISING._ " The P•OpWill CialUDIII ClOSS fio& 'periled Advertisewienta Ner I. ext..,,y la awSy te arias nemillfill A LOW Coat te the Advertiser -The Muer of Workbag- — ssi M‘1""i3E1 TAELAIDIW.Or wmiNcriap.A.,P3avt mrcritori. oomNrr-sr. GODERICH, ONTA RIO, CANADA: OCTOBER 7. 1h97. theorem)* agents, of ilithistee„ Mich., sr - W• were pleased to learn tbat be burette- The Cleelet teem the Lepel Mill BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. HAI:0'Mo — Harpers Maga- sinetor Outober. is full of irood things, aod so ournerous •re they to this number From our own Corraapondanto that ti• ul • dill:ionic thiug to particularize. ONE DOLLAR WILL PAY roll IIE SIGNAL Fon Oen YUJI. D. 3PG1LLICUDDY, EDITOR NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. rimble, of the firm of Pierson & Trimble, I OVER THE HURON TRACT. nestling well in Cool, Same domain. His rived here on Friday last on • visitieg tour to hie mother, other es and frieudir. numerous friends and former acquaintaipose bean Sea, utmost eatartalauic and shows that i a era plowed to elm bun look so well and Amerman' are becoming C. .,ply interested nee" Ile Ibege""le" """ Th" (""'" " cheerful . ..... Mrs. John Stewart end in nautuoal &Gin, and Autumn Leaves, by D. Vowed Anywhere itlee-liewsef the daughter, of Ltstowel, visited her Cotner T. Moodougott to • timely artiole,, that Deese, speetiatir lisillerted Wui. Fowler, and other relatives durtag gives full information of the orating of the Sae Tise taigstaL last week The Mimes Francis and leaf and the reason of Lb" fall. The Golfer'', I Agile Evans. of tSodiarich,aho hays been tor Couquerit of America, by A. It Frost will 1 — etiout a week visiting Mule Kate Sinclair the Home of Pale" t y Williaili Libbey gives, -and the Mimes Drivideon, left for home on Mooday evening. They seemed to enjoy please all lovers of the game, while Kilauea • (emitter am:tonal. of the most interestinit of their visit to their Duoganooti acquaint - the volcanos of the Hawaiian Islands. The anima very much Missal Hanneh and Century's Progrese•te Gliemistry, by H. S. Maggio Pomo, now of Chicago, arrived M 1) and "The Future of Rm.- here (.0 Friday last to visit. their mother rood Inve•tmente," by W. A. Crane, areax- , dispensed in Erskine church on a y. and also other trilativeo and friends...... collect UOI4G11011 OD the subjects uamed. . 0,,,a. 3rd. Quite a number of our mittens took in the In". 111e al" t"I" of edeeete", the ewe' ' biTIIICIPAN —The municipal council of exeibit at Lu know and report an exiaellent 'demon ot The Kentuokiess, several short West Wawanosh will meet in the usual show, the weather being all that could be stories, sad a number of poems. plaos on Tuesday, Oct. Ech, at 10 o'idosik desired .....Mr.. Wilbur. wife of Dr. Wil- VOScuts:ma a OcroBIA.—The Oitober A.M., sharp.. son. of the Forest City. lett here on Time- r:lumber of Srtlinere --Mnipseteme. is las usual sulrbigu.r._churjg,, mem,. the popui& day the 28th for home alter having 0 ebort, - Te tile d ebreeP tieejer, on wedeeedey List with her niece Mrs. B. J. Crawford and other relative,. • • . . . (Soo. Berry. of Lucknow, was in our village on Moodev . ..... Rionard Maltough, wife, daughter and son attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Frazer, of Killion', on Sunday last. Mrs. beallough is a daughter of the de. ceased. The venerable lady was well ad- vancod in years and was highly esteemed VI all who knew her. The bereave.1 hus• band and family have the sympathy of their exquaintanoes in the bereavement. .. Captain A T. Mehen's paper on the Carib- IN * ceMolunity such as is to be 4god in and around Goderich, there are many persons who have specific 'dicing on sale or for exchange, houses for rent or houses wanted, or who went vositions or help, or something ri a like r ature. THE SIGNAL has chteided to make a " tiew departure in the matter of con- -lewd ativertisessente. and wit( pub- lish hereafter a People's Column, in which the advertisements *ill be in- serted at popular prices. The column will embrace : SITUATIONS WANTED, SITUATIONS VACANT. ROOMS TO LET. BOARD WANTED, _ LOST OR FOUar -BOUM" FOB OE FOILS A LE. Bra2iFSIDCRANCES, !Lc. b9 as follows 15 words and : each arlialtkrtj- ti-work prepaid. When inserted among reading matter, double rates will be charged. better assort - Wad Shia' uttesiese• -Aso... • fp paper. • Prios. ENZIE ES! DUNGANNON TillitaDAY, Sept. 28 Jour Fact'? —John Frost put in an a pearaeoc.bieeday night in no moll degree SPEctriz ARTICLES, p. • as The Seoreinent of the Lord's Supper w • Weekly Piave' et eisi•sy sew• firma nip S. suit Everybody - omit Voles clipped and 4 eadeiteed treat Seery nettle*. filled with readatric artroles Vi rock of Greece- by Mr Norumu, which rives • good deal of toe biotin y that lead to itself. 1. oc,' the ell and day ery use toed lash - passed throueb our •illiage with a number of exoellent lambs. en route tor t the deelerstim of war an marks; via Looknow. Walter A. Wvokoff's experiences as • day 1 ,.., %Jamul.. Viarr. —John E. Tom, P.S. leborer, a plan followed to make himself so- officially visited Dungannon public sob gestated with tbe social conditions that on Thursday last. /Vet having heard nurrotted Oils class, is vividly told and result of use visit, we presume us was w should be reed by all. The first article ever i pf000sa with ..ho t progress, good order pubushed on ths newspaper as • business 1 w000rof tdiokowov of the school. enterprine, will be found it. this Dumber, A PDRESS TO 104',40 MIN. —00 Sun OBITUARY. Dk: LA HOOKE—Toroato papers record the recent death there of Or De L. Hooke. aged 83 years. From about 1839 to 1843 ho preotiood in Goderich. In 1842 he was APPOO1 V the 1st Hatt. Burma Militia. In 1853 ho was trausferred tomilitia the idsewbent. Wes altogeth,r 40 Y so the service. Served during to. Fenian troubles. It is possible that • uolisiderable number of our reerleu • ill :1)01114611,01 1 aye known, 'or heard then,- parents opted' of the doctor. HUTSON. —On Saturday morning 11.1so W. QV •wanoith : Joseph Cliftstel has rest- Maude, f 'wit, daughter of the late Thome' ed lot 23. coo 5, for • shot of year.. Roma. died after a long and peintul ill - Exeter i Report Hessian has acwpted a toes.. On Monday the casket oontainies Si woman with Jackson Ihrosk, tailors, CUD- i her remains was peoed beside those of the too. — family who had gone belore, in the family Winthrop : S. S. No. aliave re-engaged plot in old Molt-Itin.l• The funeral tool/ their present teacher. bum Au-r.d; , lot place ttom 'Le i•mily ,:esidepoe. Weerst., the rector of St. (Morn. a.4ev. Mark Tore- . toll conduotiog service at the tiouse mud at ' \Vet and will DO of interim to those not engaged evening Rev, L. Hutton preached • in the profession. and Helen Wat,torson and mstraonss sermon to yo Moody's. second paper on "The Unquiet 7 . "De wamee,s etuhe in a light posoiletufou:sded on the words as omits. k 14 : 10, " Friend, go up Sex, satiric, vein that is immensely Ines Perreaseramebe the "Life of a College Professor- Pf‘Yllial r Yee We pages of eolf pictures, and Williams Walton &sac his Kiln Cceilla &Mal. Sad, rives some of her beet works. There wilt also be bunt in tis number the second pert of Miss Elso..t's novelette, an amusing Way of life te • Confederate prime camp by Hoary Sheldon, a billed on the mama - awl et the Leashing. of the Coestitetion add Odic latallaferell worthy • perusal. er," the theme being for young men to emsew ter reepteed endeaver to eapire by avoittlag boa -rsellispelly. eat seek brialltad 1WANTED—A COMFORTABLE. CON teelisist, Seem Ow*/ tot Mee Mc- OILLICIlwx . Brasses, Mad. 81tinkt101111 GENSRAL SERVANT Ate TED. litgbess wages. Apply se GAR - ROW. tf Clay aNloalvelog D— APPLY TO 1...) DT. 77 Weet-st —121113110 Natio& Tall Mina= CAlt•DLAN.—Tbe °weber Canadian Magee us. besides being well ill- ustrated, mutates several important boater - mai sad maws fib 'irate's& Dr. Bourtnot writes of the Royal 'imitate of Canada, W. L Collo. of the Premiere of Prince Edward Weed, Miss A. Reid ef the Universattai of Nova Scotia, and R. G. Haliberton, Q. C.. F. P.O IS. of "The Days of Rest of Prehis- tom Minx" The anther of the letter ar- ticle Is woo of the famous Canadian liters - tear anti humorist, Jedge Haliburtos or Sem tiliet," and is hiussalt a whaler well knows sammit the learned 'mistier of En - rope. Mame the lighter article are "The Meese of a Dollar Bill," by A. C. Camp- bell ; a story by BILS Atitineon (Maly* Iiiiirtoo); the third instalment of Fergus lidrime's novel, and a splendid story of rural Canadian life by R F. Dixon, alreedy a writer of some owe. John Charlton. MI' dentriliotes a short but spicy article on "40iiiimin Trade Relations," pointing out Carilae- 1s -rapidly beermins indepee • drat of, the United States market. The hook reviews are very bright, and the de- partment of " National Sport" most credit- able. Altogether the Dumber is decidedly -swam, sad *widowers the growth of cutters sad literary taste amen Osaadlaas. WANEED—I CAN PAY TEN DOL- - fl fillarDett and tacit to bor lath in a good tarli weekly:0 of asefare age. re mum. T. H. LIN . Teireeda. Oat. 'PRIVATE SALE—HOUSE PLANTS 1 end a few artless of furniture. MKS. A. 2. OAMERON. ere, =Ow Me Wildisdol as. • le4 - OtaillINO- in iitteinens. ---RdtVIND OUGHT THE STOCK OF The Fair from isys. Wag. utt added greatly to It. we have pews mesislets line of materials for art needle w lb. Stamping deco to order. ithe range of mittersikto Se leot from. Headquarters for Artists mateele's, triunes, inuldines. miever plates he. A- he Ireton framing and nehelei•dati • epecialty. UaLlat611 SNUITH. snit Art DSP to it IrritaClarin Salvia's—Miss Clara gastine, dangbter of Benjamin Augns toreaship ot Ashfield, having been thee for about two years in • public' school, t ship al Pelham, Welland county, has r ly re-engaged in the same school for 1 esinatderabie increases of salary. Her friends and acquaintances will be planed hear of her snores'. FOP SAW OP To Rant. Au - line Stag own- moat - Neat many to ItritlAttiairricAL —Sunday last was dorm's manual day in Me Presbyterial' o &re, when the pastor, Rev. R. Fair delivered as seoellent admosotory, as straotiv• sermon especially for the oh of the Sabbath school. Quite • large Mr of Sabbath school scholars attend listesed attentively to the rev. gentle address to them. At the does of the toe a pleasing feature in the exactness the preeenrmg of two prizes, which two beautiful ()opts' of the Bible, heel new version of hymns recently introd Into the Presbyterian Church, to Illallongh, daughter of James Mathias Jesepbine daught Willlam McAllister. for proficiency shorter catechism, they being e‘itial swore to questions. Tbe pastor bei blamed with them, gave to each of Prise as above • preeeut from The children present did well in ens queatiohe put to them by the pastor Sabbath .ohool le in a progreesiv which will be pleasing to the parent ohil- harsh bairn. d in - Mom sum - .d and MID'S e ery- was were mg the eeed Lillis. h, and er ,of In the in an - u g Will them a itriself wilting . The • stale, s. LELBURN. itionnstr, Oct. 4. Atter • pleasant stay of femoral months here, master Alex. Clutton left last Monday fpr poise, en Foote Maniac re yes near the 7144111114"74"0 - The resent fall shows held at the p tag inland town of DUOVIIIID0111. quiet Bay- field. and pushing Seatorth, sew many of our residents there, some of whom showed farm stock and product,. ASH.FIELD. 'jumps'''. Oct. 5. The draught Wall continues and the ground is getting very dry. another year. Brussels Harry .1) 'wile* apprint iced hiliseif tierry 11•Ja. auk: ienti lathe ug the thismithing. W. Wevresioth : Citas.Thom has leased 300 aCrell OD the lbth out). Id will move thereto irs the near ,-) Grey : A silo DA• bit 6 on Martin's farm, 10th n.. and more will follow his example aext ear. Blyth Mrs. Ito. Drummond is at present in Cnatham, where she was tolled owing to the death of her granddaughter. Iwkeles : G. F. Ilion, Brussels organizer for the Canadian Order of Foresters, was in and around the village on Friday. To LET /MAME HOUSE. COM - fortaide sad vitae two minstes'ereik the Amore Pert Of lettrit, at. Andrew's rt. Yor terms apply to PHILIP HOLT, Barden*. Ooderiek, the ABLE FARM IN LAS/MIAS .10111 J ocartzt- —The October molter M The Canadian Home Journal mere thee real see the expectations of its readers. Who frees the phenomenal improve - sleet astkosable the few mouths It has beim ander lee pretest teasulgeteeet, have leaned Ile leek with genuine interest for web issue. The sanest number °estrum, mush eehert matter of interest, *moth- ReigieeD well nisstrated mamas as Old Toresto Mds time iMmial vs the Shaw family; • hill deneription, W T. Mower -Martin. R.. C. A., of the exhibition of art at the Tomato Fair lest mouth; as asureally poesy illustrated page fee the °inane: • short sketch and • °amber of beaatitat views of the Yukon ratios; the first °hove of the Competittoe Sway, the oemolnsioa et which will be moss interesting; a paper on Thmeephy, by Mr.. Agate &mat; • full pale of photographic Snap Shots of the Toronto Iodustrial fair: I he newest fall pekoes, (*shim notes, eta. ; Mrs Joy's page of fleapit), book reviews. Bible study, music and lastly work, and an article on the Flower Plasters, whir* time to mi.ey their firm idea of the work of this newly organised thelety. It is by far she beet and most prettily illitairsted number The Ceasefire Home Journal has yet gives us, and in every way holds de own mothl the patilloatioas of the day. The Canada* Home Journal, MoKienon Build iag, Tweet*. us acres of cart los LS in dm The Maitland Ott terms aid r PHILIP HOLT, tth it will Bake, it will Heat, it are filbowee Dyes ,14, • • LL PIONS w81 led leggy- leg . wise& he e town war the news the t !, late Manager /Wet Compete/. 'Mite at ligwk- leder ef Witmer where he war had never' three Is Masada° a orf despondent eon god thew is *Vie slate thates. Ural litigkaeas p. bells atiPolistied lowly *ad will el-elesit ansierr Wilickmaskat • lis WW1 two 11' leg a 19 bleb hre win ea of the Mar wasereireed. tt; POR SAW (Mk ITO RENT. w-IITORE A: sad deseleta ,,st Curlew. County et Herm, seven gime trees Clogerioh. Toe else, building geed milers . O. Wel undo am be dose, w. P Q Ili 00•1100001A ADO4 ur F. 11_110M cerium, Oat, sr to J. A. AOM. 111 Wellialgtos Sl - last. Toroth& tf. Voll Sadf.—ONS oit TRE BEST -1-' t.,,eiritassira Oster's, Lot Looses. el„„ae IL rit Colborne, memo constr. rzsarE.ttrcern. leptiog ewer. Has been OUR posture for li rears. tat colso=lrespelsaliakby. M. braise heath and .u. so the preemies& flue:11w grerArreads. ...Marebilidesee at lye per ems to F. W. Mc DON AIM 0 !jeetailgt.0..'.d. or so. A. Mc wrist/It to !ransom 81- 'mt. T"""' II VALUAPert PROPIERTY FOR SAL& r Toth. *tasted ell cefler Ord Mem blkostulhLi. 14-.Riail OR BALM TO RENT—IfOR SALE Oupseta It metals@ %1311:01111.14ses el 104. W. Battier, 12th con. Wrest Wawanorth, had an auction sale of hoross,esttie, and Implements loot week. -AMINO AND trolito.— luring Las Mr. Dunsatow. of Chicago, prof mimic visited Mrs. Susan Jane ha Dunireation Mesdames Roos, galloon, and Jardine, of Ashaeld, visited relatives in ie township of Bruce county, anti acquaintances township of Asheshi, and report ha W. Wawanosh : d.lbert Jones has the farm Wearing to the estate of the late Win. Wilson rented for the sowing year. Winthrop On Tuesday, September 21st, Mrs Robert Adams peeved away, after an illness of four weeks, from paralysis. The trees in the woods are beginning to put on their fall dress. The ampler are be• ginutog assume pretty_applarimos. t week eager of e ds. of of Dun- reoently Heron, In the rag had Mr. VC' awe - Albstor's mmond 1 pleased of the hems on pleasant George 'rebel.** on of our of it . its" a good ha Serum - bleat the °sadism the returned ited .... eon, M.D.. terday to ',ford, and to enjoy , ()et. 5. re are suf Its prompt Du print. e=lib3= This lea malls sold on reasesehle away to PHILIP MO t dwelling am Welsonet. st lits=ssnareilsn, dining et to Os retretnat room, camber There M with sb lawn. A mime. an enjoyable and pleasant time Wm. McAllister and wife, of West nosh, moistly visited Mrs. Me brother, Rev. James Wilson, of Dm Mlle, Niagara distriot.aod were wel MUFTI, township of Elms, left hers for Saturday last after baring bad a visit of some days with his cousin Smyth, of this village. and other in the vicinity. He likes this semi provinee and is loud is his praises Mies Charlotte Vilegias, after hay time with her sister, Mrs. Mart 'emir, of Goderich, taking the all Northwestern Exhibition and se opening of Knox °harsh, meetly home highly pleased sed board Wilson, wife of J. H. WI l. Leath., arrived here ea Ba visit her mime, Mrs. B. J. Cra other relatives, where she seems her visit. TUESDAY The Fall wheat orop and pietn tering for want of rain. DUNLOP' Oat. 4. Daniel Finlayson • former resident amongst us tor a time. 6hYrix44. -4swszas was successful in winning let prilimet London for Honitoe low hand made. Seaforth Pd. Steer left on Monday for Detroit, where be intends taking • ()ours* of study in the Detroit &threat of Medicine. Clinton: John Crooks, formerly with the Palace, and eon ot W. Crooks, Godeeioh township, has taken a partition with Mara I Co., London. Sraforth : William Kyle, of Roxboro, has returned home after an extesdia visit to Semis where he was attending the marriage of his danhtiter, Mies Asses. Clinton Enos Hull. of I:oder-wk. Michi- gan, was shaking hazes with old friends here this week; he reports times as improv- ing and had splendid °reps this year. Lily OtlUar,O1 y. J mn klarltoo. D. (tr-tat, C. R. Snane,'Jcio E. Da% and Chss Lee ...re the poll-boarers. A large nutoltdr ..t frnoide and acquaint- ances were present ar, the totem:mat. and much sympathy was expreseed for the hnttete mid .16 Vet I BO 'Lovely hatisaved• Friends in town, Stratiord, and other places sent lovely tributes that covered the makes with a wealth of autumn blossoms. Mrs, Chas. Spence returned to lioderion mishap after three weeke' visit to bac dasehter, Mrs. Arthur Williams. A new culvert has boon pat is at the bead of Nightinoele street ee-eral townebilltjobe have been done near Win. Jewel's and Jas. ming'''. For a great journey to a distaat lend tor the winter months our popular young friend Finlayson is preparing, and in a few days will be in Deblois to bid his large circle of friends goodbye, including ot oourse the fair set. All will wish him good spent on his trip out to the new land where be may nettle. • li . • n& ea evesbest tirt we 1111 te 624 D •na..... ea the pew HISCOX—A very sad death 000ttred on Tuesday evening, at the reiudenoe of Dr. Shaw, Clinton, the deposited bowl, Mrs. Risme, wife of T. Hisoox. a well known resident of Londoa. Mrs. Hisao: went there on Saturday morning to see bee mother, Mrs. W. Rettanbary, and was the picture of health and good spirits. While speeding the OTIODDIS at the home of Dr. Shaw, laughing and chatting, she received an apopletio stroke. The doctor at once administered restoratives, and she seemed II seriolisAk1W4445parst abietibordediti000ndvaerwtalon wreisskiseetill so for Mr, }limo:, and he drove up, arriv• ing early Sunday morning.. She rallied somewhat, but not enough to hold out hoped for her recovery, and she lingered until Tuesday evening._ when site vetoed away. She was • natinreafOlhaten, being the young- est dammter am isea W. Rattenbury. YOUNi —A telegram was received from Detroit on Monday of loot week stating that Annie, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson Reid, had died at the resident)* of her hus- band, Dr. Young, In that city, and on Tum - day her rentease arrived in Coder ich and were taken to the home of her childhood. On Wednesday the interment took plata in hioutland Cemetery in presence of • lame number of sorrowing relatives and friends. Rev. Joeeph Edge, pastor of North street Methodist church, officiated at the howls and at the grave, and the caskee, loaded with the ohomest of autumn's flowers, was capicia in the beans ey B. D. Grant, W. T. Mersey, W. W. MoVioar, K. C. Pieleber, W. C. Goode and C. R. Shoos. The death of Mrs. Yoang wise entirely unexpected by her relatives in Goderiols, though it AO known she was ill, and her mother was pre- paring to leave for her bedstde when the . sad news of her death came. The deceased lady. who hod titan married nearly five years, loaves one child, • boy three yews old, and the motherless one, busliand. Per - eat* raid the deep sympathy of a large circle ot rtiondlAnd-orgoetets &nom in their great •Ithotioo. Martionen MA:4*mm AND Review KM Oaths= —4).• of the most interestiog *Minim ever published Is this thiamine is that estitlth Across Siberia, by the Rev. Dr. Wawa, • Wilshire medicos] mission cry who had sato remarkable adventures. rescinds, from China ever the illbselia post - road, Hs aelieribee with the aid of graphic illsotraMoes the Siberiae miles old other Maar. of We es the Stamm. Village Life La Sertberiered, by Kim gess Martlibursba, la a wear* seermat, with tea sagievings, umiak Is the day reading. Ithe Isaias Togas* and ladles Miesiesee beemele really the weelledel logrevemeM la the esees- tine of wawa three* DWI** Fdelilema Under the Mde Realms is Bleb Plana, the Miter rhea a oberreesurebeesb el Sir Ar- thur Mask weal, bead el Her Majesty's Pod odes is Oast flottais. Ilthety Sleek - weed. se he was salts& atter a folklore career ia the Crimea thel facidonishle hie is cAma.a. Issminte as settee Uhrletievi worker mad srirraisiscr, be sewer bob his est Nadi feathiess for atiamies. His His le an a .xtr...ai...ey totemot. Two WON ehathear rowdies, with emirates. are Dellard 'Tesler, Peet and Trevellar; sad liCleverters. the Meek patties el Other 'woe el labereat see Mr. aMaee the Xebec by Rev, Mb Trial Seemea, by llev. Dodd ashen ; Mad Obefebee Selma t Oseop_W. Wes. U.D. err dem se weaM ,Ordloep. sad 01161141M1 Seel, C. D. %Awls, are aim dm. log limeell Salim DIeleverbe by Seek led ..nyser ; for Ma !Pada M Orb. ote. Terdele Wm t:411.41 • 61 le raw ".-"6"."-16 reartifileo ere ariebmg elder Ise that 011110;1"1114" Burrows and Stewart thrashing machine left Monday at 4 P.m for Shopper/1ton, and the Ashlield boundary after • week's iray nen. So far as yet, their recent ohalleoge has met no reply. This week the poouisr Joseph Thompson is on the staff. By the bye, Joseph takes an important message to the jovial Comma:tomtit glad tiding to Port Albert. Mee. A. K. McLeod had One ofliartieewallinspoii OD Moadiay, of lab's that member has given her consider- able trouble. owing to a diseased bone. Clinton : 11. F. hilissp. %leaner Clint -oath and father -OT Mi. "Share, rf tire "Moleetr's Ralik. was stewed Mayer of St. Marys. on Tuesday; the lase Mayor died • few Weeks ego. Hallett; Miss Nellie Tomball, who spent two months Manitoba, DI hard at waik in her school, S S. No. 10, Hallett, where she has been re-engaged at a salary of 8300 for 1898. W Ingham 4 Auellostapat of Wingham passed peamfully sway on Ifhurelay after noon of last week, in the person of Mrs- Elizabith Verney. at the age ot 62 years and 3 months. MOLIIIM ARM Sal.J1 OR TO RENT " elZeorsall=r01- u Twp ewe KARI:T.—Tin STOICAL 141111 111 in ribtishing the result of the Show, it Woe &et to have is in Veer ILL.—We regret to Wm. Ilalloagh, son of the I Malloarh, is vet), ilL His hope he may goon recover. kwIt ers then beth Tusetar, ITel.3. Joha Macintosh is ill with typhoid fever. Mise Maggie Robertson is rthoverinsirRui a severe attack of quinsy. Mrs. W. Homer Is visiting her mother, Mrs. MacAllister who is Rev. W. J. West preached at Ebenezer ohuroh last Sunday ovadisir. Miss Mary Scott and Miss Bale Bargees visited in Brussels last week. Mies Annie Rutherford has rammed from Toronto. on account of ill health. A. McEwen won wooed :nosey for his home Topsy, at Brussels ea fair day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred MocCrecken of Brus- sels, spent Sunday at. John Gardin'er's. Math Hot ate Jthefsh many frienc's MoKtllop :Arch. Forbes of L.ietowel, has been engaged to teach S S. N 9 MoRillop, for 1898 at • salary of $2130. lir. Rae, who is teaching there thts year will probably attend the University. Brussels : A number ot Smoothes &Weed- ed the wedding of Man McCune and Mr. lectilavin. at Leadbuty, and Miss Morrison and lir. Moon, at tee altos, on W ednesday afternoon and evanne- Exti --Since our Septets had been exceptionally fine. h exit and °crabber has been lee Ile to the present mire dry Vargas' Lore. —Court et yours' list for West Weyer:ash is the court room here oe Bata last. All oetioorsed will gamer atherdia g v. Dosruessn. —The Satesasen Lard's flapper was deposed retook here last Sabbath. werviees were andaeted by Re bathe, ef Animus and Carlo the previa., friday afterthes. her, which so terse its :whored in, he- ated warto. Revision of wt11 be hold rday the 9th n themselves ctalcs4e.dpb•mb., the hone of Adam roam moo -Mtir thaw of • moot interesting and pleasant event. The 000risios was the rosrilage of his :daughter Lizzie to John Wolfe. Brussels: Alpheus° Waterer, of London England, was visiting his amain, Geo. Rogers, in Bromide. He is • brother to Claude Waterer, formerly of this place, now a ottisea of Paris, Frames. Brussels Bobt. Farrow, of the Customs I iepartment, Ottawa, was visiting his fattier, Postmaster Yarrow, for a few days. He oame up from the Cap.tal to attend the funeral of Jac. regrew, his uncle, at Blue - vale. Morris: On Friday last Musa Mary Vol. look, of Morris, burst • blood vessel in her stomaoh. Hemorrhage of the stoma.* set in and she has been very ill ever since. We are pleased to say that at present she is improving nioelv. 'lithe. Coulter has improved the appear - Knee of his house by • trash coat ot pants. A. lifthEwmt has moved Into the house timely *monied by Wm Kohl. Patterson. t of the In Erskine :17 1Ftes- - tory w litatiONS Oil SIMLLIIIIIIT.—Taa farmers mewed Is sesertee the awe tag report to be easeileat se is alga MHO petale mop. report a lees is the potato the ret, sod eyries to littlish potatoes will be bl her tams t Mr. and Mrs. Nee Germ of Brissette vis- ited Mrs. Gerry'a slaw, Mrs. Putland, last week. blame Mary. Ruby and Alio* Duff spent • few days visiting friends in `Ningbo.% last Weak. Miss Sambre of Kahan, and Miss Mc- Kee of Moleswerth, are Alibi./ Mrs. Oth. Miss Minis Oliver left for Toronto last week atter an extended visit to friends in this viebetty. 'Mrs. lihroCree and eon Hoary sosompar led by bias Jones of Brussels, vistaed Miss A. Writers, Sunday. • large assther from Bluevide attended the Beagatuth ammo is Wiselema !WWII hall, last Weduenday evening. FARROW—John Farrow's death cm Sat- urday morning Sept. 18th, at Bluevele, was • great shock to the community, se hardly any person knew that be was ill He was horn in the parish of Mumby. Lincolnshire. England, in 1831, and came with his parents to Canada in 1849, and settled in the township of Clerk. Durham Co. He was married to Miss Frances Jones in 1860, and farmed in Clark township till 1864, when be moved to illnevole and purchased the farm on which the village of Blawrale now stands I rom Jboeb Contolon. On this farm he lived ere still badly crop which oath abundant, A peat 'pew Mop *left to the price of Of 110Ge• years. Comae Lee 001566 —Uterine Ofrwle. took In the Northwesters exhibit at Gear nah, thee preeeseed eleafortb where be Meek la VW esksbtt sad Visited elatime so gesiammees. The • weasraide goatioesea, lobo a *knee% if sal es • etheamerbs. is Idle hale and hearty. Re wee mash piereed with hie ewer. We hope be will be Vsway yews to espy himself Seth alets/ that he soda • Mott to the sena of tip baibleiter Seise% M. P., wed mother of Wm. Rie• Ilse., set aopilat seas. liolozber es4 etas pleeesil Meth thewa' 4c vaer- sr years mai min wertor..A.Actodlt• are and retired oomparatively gloating into private remaining in the same village. Five years ago he and C. Herbert purchased the Blnevale grist mill in partnership, and did a good bustoess. Mr. Farrow's wife died 8 years ago. He nevi'. married again tint lived with his deughtes Addle. (his only child,) Mrs. Robert Moegrove until his death. Deceased was a member of the Wirigh1401 MIL•0400 60dgill and ot the Canadian Order of For-. Pr, T— N. oral took plea- on Moniimy 20, onii ass largely attended by the Foresters. Pathos and the w ithbors far and near, many combs from • distanoo. Ottawa, Toronto, Guelph and other phials. The Foresters of Bloom's, sook °harry, at the funeral, 66 being present. Grand Treasurer Neelands, of Wieghem ofBeisted. Rev. David Rogers, Methodist minister, of whose church deceased Wallas adherent, conducted the service at the house and at the °mastery. --Brengel' Poet. Goderich tp. : We are pleased to hear that W. A. Turnbull, Who formerly taught in Oodertch township, hair rives such made- famicio as teacher In ithissevain, Man., that the trustees have moored his services for sent year at a salary of $800. Rgareadville : Os Wednesday. hope. 15 at 3 p.m. there was a large pothering at the rands:roe of David Ferguson, RA- areadvilia, wises his daughter. Mary woe married to James Atreus, youngest eon of lieu Strome. of Tnakerienith Exeter : On Saturday last, A. Bowery re- verted the lose of $127 to the pollee, and steps were taken to work up a oath, whim Mrs. Bowery found the money In her line head's that betwoes the Moth and linitig. It had fallen throngh • hole is the potshot. Mrs. James Stuart and son Gordon, of 8teay bleaatabs. Mao., left ter their home len 'Tuesday nothing, after • three mouths viols to Mrs tlesart's metier, Mrs. Jeha Cellis. BEWAIL:LER. WIDSMIDAT. Oth 6. Tith-Magrom.—A harvest be sea - at Rothe& Methodist shank, Colborne, se Thursday, Osa 14th. AMMON* are attested Item the Revs. Edge. Owilarie, Mem, Omens wad Andreers. • geed musial wawa* bee bees ;provided. 'Pea served frets 6 te 7 r.s. Frespass that- wersses at 7:30 r.e. Lambdas. 2613., ohil- Seaforth : On Thursday morning about three e'elook fire broke out in the bar -room of the Qthea's hotel. The firemen were promptly on hand and sootheded is mitin• maids. the blare thus preventing the earths frees spreading to the other parts of the handle.. LAWSON—The death occurred yesterday. at his madame, 22 Waverley Plat" Aber. deep, of Walter Lavoie°, retired civil ea - ginger. Deceased, who was 87 years et ago, had been in failleg health of late, and hi. death was not altogether unexpected. Mr. Lewess served hie tine as civil member at Dead's, et whist% place he was a motive, and, seem after the oompletioe of hip ap- preatioeshitieledft this country for Othada. where he some important situations. He was mimed In ocianootion with the oe.- 'traction of many railways abroad, but the chief work on which he was omployed--as oth of the assistant regineers—ths the ;rand Trunk line in Canada. About 60 years ago Mr. Lawson made • brief visit home to Scotland, and on that recedes met the lady to whom be was married is Aber. dean On his return to Canada the dthethed gestlessaa othanned to successfully vary es his profemioo, being occasionally eOi pleyed by the Oovernsiest se thirtieth be- sesiast undertakings. About 90 years ago Mr. Laws= retired from bedews, aid an. to Aberdeen to neat the ruminateal hie days He has obese been living at Warerly ;deer Desmond woe ef a retirieg alspea- Melt and wee lowers intimately only to eemparatlyely small etrvale of friends,by whoa he was seueseesdi for his Idealism and geogreeity. Predeceased by his wife Mae years ego, Mr. Lothian leaves two athohteen. the of where has hem living with him fee wawa' yews, while the ether Is merated be Revs fleelle." The *Wee, bees the Aber- dare Daily Free Press. Si Sopa 17th, reface to an ensile of Othe. Alec Lawere. who Used Is Oeassiieb when the rulers) was dirmr, 15a ---------- Seelerth ROA* loweelehe Sept. IDOL am el the met preatmeat ste bal ms el ttweraeldp wee te biM hew, Is ressildi Mbar Otipe• *At, Ushers. Several borders held • oessul- melee to is. resides°. of Trederiell Taber, el Debase. ea Meaday. Mr. Fahey has hese vary fill the yeas amend weeks, his e thereal beire el a puellar nature, a growth ea the briar, frees which there is little helm of bb seerney. Betweele t R. liaOreekes is sods to the beat Is 11101001, all seen is the fail rear le areepseitisa la room awl vehtes. At Llmewelhe trek 41 whim t Ssat.rtb. 40 ; sal IllmobeaL OIL Ida shove form de bed Mika*" that les Is worlds( ea Ills elldiumais, bee *ewe the verbatim In WAD* • 5