HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-30, Page 8• w�. 6 ltiaispeiif," ' 8.0, 193x. THE SIGNAL :. (9DERU*R ONT6 ." ear - YOU WANT A NEW JACKET! The style this season is decide ly longer with the small sleeve. Our Range is Complete in all the latest Designs , in our best petttrnc we have only one oI a kind. See our Stock before yea Purchase. Prices bound to bo the Lowest. MILLINERY For Fall. FELT, SAILORS, WALKING HATS TRIMMED 1setip iZaTiiR ". CHILDRENS MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. Ol'K eTOCI I8 NOW CONILtTY IN EVERY Dit'ASTMENT. . GENERAL DRY GOODR—A.ND MILLINERY... . t •e"* �$ .A.1rt ONE PRICE ONLY_ SMLTH BROS. & CO. NEWS TOPICS (TARE hnportant Events ItiFew For Busy Readers. SW toy W•rld. ■appealaga Careful', e1•ea,llyd sad rut tat. Heady aad Attractive Shape ter the rte■der, .r Nr raper -A Solid ifear'. Eaponiseat Parearspaed faf•retMt•a• KLO$ DYKIAS. Major Walsh left Ottawa for the Yu- kon. He stayed at' Winnipeg aetil the arrival of Mr. Stites. wbo left on & uta day, accompanied by the rest Pt St . TDs itiDIOLOUS pOiULD. The corner -stone of the New St. Lake's Respite! at Ottawa was laid by Sir Wil- frid Laurier. fief bequest or23000 made by the T. W. Yeomans to the library apd res its rooms of Bridge Stfeet Church, BMktvW.. has , been paid over to the trustees. WORMING. The Hunt Club meet is In progress in Toronto. The , fourteenth annual chalaplonsb4p meeting of the Amateur Athletic Aesoci- atiou of Canada was held at lwaedale on Saturday, when B. J. Wefera of the N.Y.0:A. broke the world's record for she yard- •r,, , mneriag-the distance in 21 seconds. The Canadian records for the ranting broad jump, throwing the 10 -pound hammmer, and the 440 yards rum were broken. lion. Jebn Dryden opened the Penin- sular Fair at Chatham. Countess Herbert von Bismarck, wife of the eldest .on of Prince Bismarck; gave birth to a son on Saturday. Premier Hardy has promleed to at- tend the buaquet of the World's W.O. T.U. et the Pavilion,--TTir nto, on Oct. A Dublin despatch says it is reported on the highest authority that *Baron Ed- ward Gibson Ashbourne Lord Cltattcel- • gottatt! a ben peva San loan, John Appleton of Hamilton is charged with having in Ida store 37 packages of cigarettes' not tamped 4u aacurdance with the provisions of the Inland Reve- nue Act. q Deseratt to the Lieutenant -Governorship of On- tario will leivt a vacancy in the Sen- ate. It L announces from Ottawa that Sir Oliver Mowat will shortly succeed Sir George Kirkpatrick as Lieutenant-Goeer- nor of (?abrin sed that the rlortfolio of lustice has been led to lion. David Mills. CHIVE AN URINALS. At Cobours Assizes Mrs. Chiitrlotte Sanders of Cartwright, a widow, was acquitted on a charge of murdering her neva born infant on June 7 last. Ephraim Coyvay was sentenced at Woodstock to five years in the Kingston penitentiary for. killing George Frost. The prisoner made a pathetic plea for m . His wife had been - ' with since tJ3s:ranabli b:gan.-.aha.-it is feared the shock will ill her. Drunami. the King of Benin, who has been on trial at Benin City since ,Aug. 15 last, charged with being coucerned in the massacre of an unarmed expedi- tion under British Qoesnl Phillips. has been condensed to he transported to Calabar, a slave setttement of British West_Adrlcs. THE DEAD. Mr. Charles Gurney of IIamilton is dead. David McCracken, a young farmer, living aear`O)eac ,,--vas tenni dead on the wayside east of Newbury. Lieut. -Col. Denson dropped dead at his residence in Toronto Sunday evening. Heart disease was the cause of death. Gen. $uurbekL who was in command of the Impe-ri:el Guards at Metz during the Franco-Prussian war, is dead. The Rey. Theodore (3oeemau. P.D.. the oldest Lutheran. minister in Canada, died at Ciib uburg, N.B.,-aged 90. Bs had been sixty yearn in the ministry. An old lads, an inmate of the Hoose of industry at Kionstog, Ont.. known as Doi -trees Orr. died [het week. egad 17rears, haying been born oir May The Bight )lion. Robert \Barren, preai:- visioa et the b O onrt of Justice, Ire- land, la dead. Me was 80 years of age. 1'OLITICS-I,l)REIGN. There are rumour is Yokohama of the possibility of an alliance betes'eea Chips and Japaa. It 1s pap:geed that tbe Suiten, heckle' by Russia, bill sho ly brats on Great Britain to ensaesate It is stated that th7r&rerianent e>< Germany is ar•rfsetly ronaidenag whe- ther Europe abanld alien the United States to drive $pain net, at Orbe A l rilisdl Oonetilar report say, that owing !66 the espansitxt of tee tin plate in ustry ander the Dingley VW, the to Sout Am�rk*nh Wake. market is abahst velially lost The Hanrahan Onn wrens rented the treaty M ennexakian te the Waited States on September 10. There Was no opposition and the nthvote was mist in favor of ea Spain is very snakes tviionn an alli- ance wit Eneiaad to resist the erten- Rion of e Monroe dacha* by,'tlhe United air;, hat awe an &titmice is not believr3d fib 5e wilds he tango a diplomatic possibilities. RAILROAD Rte M$LI Nr)e. Efforts are betag made to build a r•ll- wry.from I4 toe b Nle atnemit of Mount Blasi. The opening of the sew Grund r itmk bridge over the Niagara River 20,000 people to the violate/ bowsides of the 'doe. Reports received in Otlaitsa the was elf 000pietins the Counties railway is and .that tip road wi state for Tarte and Mr. Bair have Yee manatees et both' r O re nn, wi •' en • t� Earl of A berdee en as' Governor-General of Canada. _ THF. Al.ILiCITLTl1RAL WORLD. The prier of wheat advanced 2 to 5 amts throughout Manitoba. Beverly Smith, an Ancestor farmer, war tined ai5 and costs for assaulting William Clarksen, his hired mun, be- cause the latter was conversing with the farmer's daughter. A London cable says: The Dominion Government's test shipment of MO cases of Canadian pears, peaches and tomatoes reached Covent Garden late on Friday. The dealer. say the flvit a excellent enough to meet a good sale if the pack- ing -were better. T115. FIRE RRCORn. As a result of recent fires the effici- ency of the Toronto fire brigade L to be investigated. Fire did $15,000 damage Friday eneg- ing to the Bijou Theatfe, the United Servlet Co.'. clothing store, H. J. Mat- thew. f picture galley and the Chargee Roger. & Sons' furniture store in To- ronto. During the fire the bermes at- tached to the Waterous *eam engine became ftightrnted and charged down victoria street, fatally miming Percy Hesketh, a seten-year-old newsboy, and Injured eight other people seriously, and many le* severely. ser•1Nass. Mr. L. J. Forget paid MOO for a seat on the Montreal Stock Exchange. Mr. Robert S. White, Collector et Customs for the port of Montreal, has crraapiled tome interesting stetistice re- letive to the increase to trade width Montreal b Sow experiencing. In the United States, prices eK iron and pesel have advanced, and ate es- ! to go still hither at an ,'arty The trade outlook is regarded as Mot eneoart�g. The commercial fail- ia the United States for the week ended amount to Ise, es compered 1121 In' the corresponding week of last Dear. WITH ROTALTisa. Tire statement is repeated in Lotdoa that the Prince of Wales anti' shortly visit the Italian Court. The Queen will privately visit the Mar - ids Mnslrionsas of Salisbury at Howie about the middle of No- r. atitetdeat that the Doke of York was to gn on a year's cruise as costae - doge epi ei squadron of three cruise,. is sileialls *Wad. It swam that the (tsar has rep- assed ar daaed Satan /and near Nice, and _ �,, nd there a asagai- ittn•ar sed t arig:. - - tot Ida POLtT*(1a..CL5 AVIAN. Ma l'ea'fs, lnllnlstsr of ''sass► WI tea y a for Baikal to Se - very moirir ' tad "'tot. tan Pacific and Grand k yet 1. ant greatly pleased with the ds Wi,n of lnite+6 States At erney-GemeraJ Mc. Kenna, ngtthut lane sweetly -two rK tube Dingier het Ilona not tatert•rs with the eraneaastporeat of "nods through Canadian ta.rrltory er enneralar waai. The Allan a ninien etasotshlp an heeled Trunk ?imps Railway in their *testa to Grated -ail at Halifax =lees the Dominion Gov- ernment iron n the sttleidiei. The Grarud Trunk ors to, encourage teat* tit I'ortl*nd, to width antra It &me- tisY* • aaeenpely d the esary�g Ind* new. FOR a1s1t OE WAIL 'Prayed Inver is ea amigos among the T'wit's' troop �iy, A t hen ■ n tare preamble •a nn t instal eras�a of the braes 1nlaR� w11rs At a peelhl4 1Weiiatt A espy of sleety arimadWft.A'kaagar Ithehineig said tbe ether is day that cleat� rdtoaesd • /saw to meet seam eke vete PRIDHAM THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE. COLBORNE Bios. Carpets* The Largest, Bent and Cheapest Stock in town In Brusaels,Armineters,Tapes. . tries, 3 -ply All -wools, t -ply All -wool,,, Unions and Hemp& Twine and Japanese Mattings. Oil Cloths in three qualities direct from the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths. Tele balance of our stock at Rook -Bottom Prices. begs to announce to his very many customers and the public in general that his Model Tailoring Es- tablishment is now filled with his new FALL and WINTER STOCK, which, without doubt, is far ahead of anything yet shown or will be shown in this vicinity this Season. These Goods are direct importations from Great Britain, the duty being paid here in Goderich, thuis saving the Middle Man's profit. I have decided to do a strictly CASH business and everything will be sold on the lowest Cash basis. - . I have just succeeded in securing- the latest and greatest known NEW YORK SYSTE OF- _ ARMENT CUTIN which enables me to giv3 perfect fitting Garvients in all Cases, and does away with the annoyance and bother of returning Garments to be altered. Everyone knows in most cases they are made worse than they were before. I am also carrying this season a large range of ready-to-wear OVER COATS, having secured the Agency from SHOREY & CO., Montreal, of their celebrated RIGBY, RAIN -PROOFED FRIEZE ULSTER, ;with Wont Come -Off Buttons, in Olive Brown, Fawn, Claret and Oxford Grey, also a beau- tiful line of BEAVERS, in Blue -Black and Brow equal to lots of ordered Garments, whic .- sold on the lowest possible margin for Cash. New Fall Mantle Cloths in all the Newest Makes. All MANTLE and JACKET CLOTHS above $100 in Prioe, Out Free of Charge. NES FAIL IANPLES NOW IN STOCK DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. COS..3=10111NT= =MOS.. PER J. I3- OOLBORNE- The Greet Jci pet Warehouse of the Courtly "T OUR MOTTO WILL BE : Goods will be sold only for Cash and no Goods allowed to go out that are not perfect in every respect. All outstanding accounts must be settled by loth OCT., 1897, as the books will then be placed in hand for collection. PRIDHAM • THE TAILOR. --s Bawl- spat• ascan ter large member of soldiers meggiwA as laborers into Hawaii to resist, toiribiy it net.esary, the annexation qt the .dada to the United Staten. The Birmingham Pest says the Gov- ernment of Canada, ratty newt year, will aske large paroheses eX henry field bat- teries and a umber of defence guns, the latter being for g scheme for the defence 01 Monte the river blow. The igt rim Oaf Mawagal was so Mat and f'ur ons that in the attack on the British quare by tate /ahem of tbe liaddah Mullah some or[ tltewip'ibes- mem were forced within a few yards of the muzzles of the mountain guns. It in learned that no further advance wilt be made at present by the Anylo- karyptian *eyelid lon op the Nils. As attack. os Khantolam would require a strong backing_pt British temps1 and ening to the Milian trouble* the War Once cannot setld finch a toren• to Egypt. VNCLA%41FIRE). The London medical press warns the public against a prebablr recurrence M influenza. (In Oct. 1 the price of gas is Winni- peg will he reduced from $8 per 1000 feet i�2 50, with 10 per tent' oft. The Undertakers' Aseeorc•iatioe of On- telio, at its annual meeting. elected °Seer', and derided upon Toronto ss Its next place of meeting. 1 pS�'fhe bsbotle pnerne b active in 'Mise, and owing to theshakes of the atary doctors with the troop In active ermine, it is likes to ammo serious prrtions. The labiate a Paris had Arran seized Hy the ponce for pnbenshing to arts, le advomitlz the asytasination et President FAWN. ng Humbert aad the Queen Rheyt2elt. a Spain. 1h". 4leerlinga, a Gover•genent omcwA of Java, tied fouins iy professor of cheada- tvy At the Vale arslty of Ametegdsen. has activated • simple method of convert- ing potato starch into outer. Tlae new stainer bellag btdk it Deadi1tnn line at the Kansas er t a, will he delivered neat April. sle will be vaned the New England. and sot the Dominion, as was at Shit intended. There is ea alarming outbreak of ty- phoid fever..A Mslde.tote. Kent, dee to the drainage &tet• a bop•pielerTs' �y ca--wax. letln he sires, Tbreaie tare (1f90 swthe conal authorities hens teMra9tad fsr'additiotal doctors rad unman. tnPll afveeaitteBan Frlie leDavidet Janke the Stan- preparing to attend tbe coathesee of the lateraatioael caul Fiaheby Ocemalealon. says that rather Watt aero! tbe'Sed herds Slaughtered. es proposed nae of the Vend Rte ate, he would pee' fur to utas litgland own theca all. Mark Veda was raid deg le a seallH t�WWasiabak. Hr had Ialtea eat A (iainaa townie heat eassiwt •a�' 4sea� et -ar- at the ere* were drowsed, W. W. Griseotn of deiphia wart killed by the aecidentai este�� hie rifle white hunting on the ( ee Ba About forty persona have been killed, and as many more have been ' as earthquake slip at the sulphur R near Girgeoti, Italy Miw .Ante Logan, the. prams *Pry who wits run down by a r'anaway fs4a Ott College street, Tomato, w sidle/ her wheel; is not expected to hr hours. William Bent, of Oshawa and Webb of Tewwdnto, tell trite a scaffold at Owen Sbaod While on the O.P.R. elevatorABota wase oasts Injured. At i enteud three eCblldree of t><s Pari were playing in a beNW when it tan down an Incline Moo a creek and turned over. One of tee dtlldlrs, a five -year -o/d girl, teal 4r'tsie- ed. Owing to the floods haven. awry a railway bvthge near India, an engine and five as with peaseere, wore precipitated itt'to the river'. There hes been great foie d The entwnee'P janrrsy'*1 Barrie a'tT1 td a verdict of ee'tdantal death it f�e case of idr. Henry Lake formed/ 'h'is's whose body was rrie found tOcesaariyi Mea Liiawkastrnte. The fare believed fssel t evidenw that tape uiortunate ewe sane stunned by fulling ons the dlft. The shatter I,ka, with a crew m t1�t and eu k in Atte, i n oa Tt 4aI 1t►sa was soak in a sowtotf od Ta Itis ss abs was enterli* the pmt 4 Thane, sipd most a her passeemele wars! drowned In toll sight at tboessedi of people on the ankh. If MVLLI a'►atlllfND. Oestpte ee vlssery wet ile sae Bits!. �}a hetes.. br i aerwl Eli* with the rl da.—The earache tdole es Comp di n wnhp,1, en Bedrooms l's aa, bel by the Ifntielah Malhb,wltr't bare. sista, of %itrnii de and Shiuwaria, ton., gisse yesterday. 'a, Gibeaaaat made a soon ' reetiatenee, grasp 1404114 t were tat Or story pv,g s • • a hold the natal dam' vd Bee The the enee,y, whose stormed in capital etre jetrb Intaatry, gra de' that the posed el Th. Dor tar. to Oradea. It Is *ta�atl0i- tlYs r Val alt,* Joe �l�{i1� s ats4tt of ti, fst v, %Sae beahhaellsIfi were link Pan ttesl1ldeam tial Puajas* Is palmy' esas- idl rasa dm and Imported Scotch and English Yarns I No better atsort- ment- or value in town. Ladies' and Children's Summer -Weight -nderclothing, Long and Short Sleeves. Our 50 cent Corset, said to be the best value at the price. Liggp..Slock of all kinds of Braida•J ttivfit Ribbons. Full Lines in Small Wares. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. A. MIINRO. Draper. WINDOW CLASS. _, R. W. McK.NZII bas slued la /'hoot the largest Importation r W :gnaw prtees whiob oanao be toughed say nail rot esoeivei at wb�..-.Ta gat hie prloe is to ',cure your cuetoal;r He keeps the ELEPHANT BRAND WHITE LEND. Ack.owlWged the best. 1r'All Hardware Building 8dppliet sway down in Prioe. . W. McKENZIE OF THE CHAP HARDWARE STORE. Special Jubilee Sarrai ns ! Refrigerators Lenge Site. $10. • snap Oil Stoves PILO! FLAY', all sines Gasoline Stoves 1, L I, l Hume* Tamdem Stoves Lawn Mowers Dairy Churns Nth 3,3.4 I' ARPER & I.EE. STOVES! STOVES STOVES STOVES ,irm � Stoves that will Bake, that will Heat, that are Stoves ALL KINDS and ALLL PB,IOEB woiiWs, ire el�sy Me�i�1: P. 8. Posy. Hareem aad Betsy 1st •ase. SNOT /it $y8 OWA Imre,. We. W. W. Gels= of rrtladetp}1a Aeee- denealDh tells.. 1a ■aatata. Potettngulateue, Ont., t Sept. 25. -- out trifle shooting on Ua eyloeS it14ad yesterday forenoon, Mr. W. W. •p�qg at Philadelphia, who has been llwv� the summer with Ids tamps at trt .i nier reaide,g., on Mini ** sI a sssb, 'laterad, about twelve milts ern Pent nlIsade, was bestnaW k}ied ter the aceWntal discharge of his rid'. Ric steam yacht, the $k htrk, at thee open to tows' to regort the death, and Oartiner 8pobt, aocgm- pastM1 by a death .cti�tigelo, returned oa On Atter Seines t body glad fatality. Seines taking Ike endow* a a -couple of Mr. Grie- et1a's. empisyn., the jarf impineled an ioniser ravened a veerdfet that b las death through At ids ride. 3 over to prtke Dellir istkenigt1Mriortaillkarabst, rod sett: W tithe a ,shad et ail likilie**_ 11111111011: awl =mile $11111111 �$11111'1 et *my, Sate: etrewae•di Bagri*, Sept 22.—Tie `town wits dunked this acral Sy thernews Chet tie body o Henry Lain, late manager :litho Ba Electric Int Com�p�tan$, red fat the !bate at Mirk - without ,...Ialday alt terse w ;talk telling a�iding, where he war ;t area aft sad wear 4ett nose., lea Vs sitoatian a �gpn1! /ten 1te bis been vary despondent. He soaves a widow, one astd tarty datgate a. The particulars iculars eifte glair Jhlenn sat known hese yeL T,..,,w,mit new fee e.s. sae tae La of"Tat Sk M' ''cal asathmdtste q( three iwaleark aad will `Ess satattd of the da tdam eAbsr 4the an s inet VOL last seertgl+�tgls '` a Susiessaft, Ina ' ; et a 171 et >� Wait ipao sr OW. ea tea Takewaa sed• Weed Oo X of Udell, i:.— sift' � wit^ beg N What at Qi th qtr. r 10 a n[