HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-30, Page 54 .e 'lig ..&WIN 4: GODBRICH ONTARIO. CENTRE. ION DRY GOODS i. T. ACHESON. ; 1 e =o4ACKETS in P S, NEN, LS, TWEEDS, &c. e;p A.L1TY. CES. _' IINSON. bade. Whes here both visit- ttereet to and about Dunlop and on Sunday Wt Mr. abed in St. George's ohurob, at 8 o'clock. Zeobariah at his restdenw oo Churoh ro weeks' dimes- For some deceased has not been very weeks ago he took sick with This developed into Bright's was the clause of his death wag b.xn ear Niagara 48 Marob he 'sound the pou- r ea the Imperial sad held it he became ill. He was in. rich. ALL FAIRis. isad 6. b, Blyth, Oot 5 and 6. Iaytleld, Sept 30 and Oot. 1. Baird, lobe of Glisten Model, d u teacher in No. 10, Grey toped W. E. Armstrong. who lino wheel afros New Years, v Sys )y Rain -Proofed ze Ulsters Olive Nix, Brown, Claret and Oxford ; 51 to 54 inches long, 6 -inch collar, 5 pock- tnd throat tab, with t - come - off " buttons ire bought retail in y Town and Village GHT - SOAP der Competition JOUST 1897. are the Winners In /bgrtrt rssttarn Ontario. of Stearns' Bicycles mambo, Mldlaad. arelMbs, 438 Cburch-•t, To - of Gold Watched rescan, 174 Wilton Ave., Ta O•saloa. MitehalL Nonabse, 300 DeWmtt.mt., Ts• (,tail. hes 734, Owes 8tned. apogee, 160 Gladstone An., inesepetliNS win be mas- a is !weak er IMT. R08.( Waited) Toronto mar .• 1 that was new for Fall la, and having purchased w and elegant Hillinetty, ay invite the inspection ty. The stook eosplises ran i1...wr--r too, 1p, a, from $1.76, np• ft 30 Center, up. ADM, .1 whish I bare ESTATE JAS. A. REID. We have decided tt cash the business of the late JAMES A. D, and have bought the LARGEST aid BEET STOCK of FALL and WIN- TER DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, MENS' FURNISHINGS, TWEEDS, CAR- ' PETS, OIL CLOTHS &c. se ever design and#at PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY.rried, and which wilP be found up-to-date, both in Quality an Economy, Comfort and Satisfaction goes with every purchase here, cr your money back if you want it. ESTATE JAS. A. REID peeS. J. R$ID (Administrator). GODKRICH, Sept. 13. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Bayfield FiU Fair today and teMrvew- Blyth Yoll show will be held salt. Tees - day and Wedoesday. New Presbyterian books of praise los sato at Thompson s meals store. 37.4 Jame@ Robinson is " At Homs" 1s fib new store every afternoon. Uu wet evenings one's time say be sta Med fn putting skates in order. Leave your orders for Movie onng at Woreen's and we will be there Rood pipes, o•reful tiuemithe lowest prime. 'phone 66. A adapte:ad word in our Dungsaoo• oor- the copy out re.b plitrtb for befog he copy °lowly written. t the Tat SIGNAL office hes been bs.ieg•d pest tea day,' by young men who wanted as- .t.tanoe to pureness uew loge. It U true the visitors used walking sticks or crotches. but the way they moved in and out of the leads one lfrei`del extremities believe agood deagon them' yet. BLAIR-in lleusade• M bar's of ti. F. Blair, Barrister, MARRIED. BARRI80Y-DAIt t • a.Asst-etheGdar on. on et Wednesd fearsots. 16d. apt. 17th. 1�7. by the Key. Joseph tee. of Northet. Metho- dist *won, Ja�ass Harrison. of London, vat . te Yew Emma Bell, voeusess daughter of Thomas sod Mary Dance,. DIED• YO(: VO -In Detroit. Minh.. on Monday, soo 1-tr h. 1197, Annie L. Young. third daugh of Jamieson Reid. Ooderiob. aged t4 years and 1 mooths. stir the aoadent, when death mine to its ___.-_ + �ieshtlL -� axYndtiA%flri�J� one, and, as was quite amoral, was idolized by its parents who are bart-broken by the o•1•mtty. There are occasions when the hart ot a oommuuity is deeply toadied. and it goes wtthout eoyiog that very grtat sympathy indeed is felt for the bereaved parents, who desire to r x`pre•s their aporeoia •tion of the many gots of kindness *howls them. ISE TALE. OF THE TOWN_ Donk FoalilT link -Dont forget the ed- itor when you have • news item. If your wife whips you let us know of it and we will set you right beton the public. If you have oompaoy tell is -if you ars not •shem•d of your visitors. If • you'gear arrives st your home and dem•nde food and raiment buy a quarter's worth of watermelon aid oome around. and 11 you are a oath sub- scriber we wtil turuish • name tor him or ?rota tde R090101iV Notebook.. her u oiroumeanoes warrant. It you have a social gathering of • few friends bung around • big oaks, six or ave pies and • barn, not necessarily to est, hat u • guar. lfTea'M • thele M •' Tor cos,. 1 role antes of rood faith. You needn't bother to '-- Ate a abaft Assist *•ie xtia 41 ee it may be too cool for our ward• �`Yfo..e. gait tlatlh refit robe We mention these little thieve be - Mss 4.' -resin. cause we want the news and we will have it -Brussels Post. FINNIGAN'S FoaTCNL--Fi•nt(• Oar& Far - tans at the Viotoria Ora House last Thursday evening drew nee of the brain midterms, the house hes held for sea tins. and there was 000siderable fan both ea and off the sage. The poem oannot be described •e • drams, as there was no plot As • ratter ot teat, it 1. • burlesque, with speo- ,1•lttos titrodumd ell over and everywhere. !The piayert ore rally good. aid than that Or.Tss -Fresh asters alwayse en rifted with ezedlest volae., end 00 6.od wt the oj% rateable Victoria 11.. aM: aetant, West 8R C. Blackstone, prop. BLACKBERRY VOMPOUND HARBOR AND RIVER. The brewery is now in running order. Shippiog business has been exceedingly dull the past week. !allows is still tarsit•E eiR!t "old prize �!!� se0511 oan1sit for F. J. Prielam. -lifer sir,-aaap- 1st tot sittings arrive LL IL.. Owl have decided te hay( s sats of seamed /Melo whioh phos, rah, and lot as knew ase nas6 i ewe you ter over -oat. whioh by the way le aloe swim& sad ate perfection. Y Mark tell. J. O. P e wear has been higher this season than tor many years peat. Ta. tai .,till molligilkibligla..volY on cite river, sad so far t �esTed it passing in and os< . Perch are attain feedin around the plern, and in • few days the Mabee will again bet filled with this (moodiest ash. The Harbor saw mill still k. being in humming. the out the par be- tween 25 and 30 thousand each day. Ws Totes AAD His Horn. -The Blyth Standard says tint eerioh nmeate o Amateur Co. will give a o jadaetry Holl is that village oo Ont. 6th. A70T11:11 BICTCLI ST0LK21.-00 Wedge. day of Met week a young than placed 11_ wheel m a garden ea Nelson -et., but will be ailed for it be found it bad Peso stank THt Sxwass Eztsrsioit.-The 000tnc- ton for the sewers .xt.en•ioa have 6uisbed tie work on Wellimgtoo and Waterloo-sta., sod have ooeaeete,l the system with the Collocate Lomatute. Two MoRI Dwgtlasos -Sunbeam & Rhymes ars banding two dwellings for Wm. Wallace o0 ooroer of Waterloo and Light- house strata. Ow, • two-story one, is ready for vns.ariD,, and the foundation of the other is Met completed. THx Conupu loNan--Commissioner Se. - pr lett on Moody tor Beaasville,where he expecte to remain till Saturday bearing obaraes lo connection with the P. 0. of that burgh, bid on Moody he will br Mame a ert ohargt e oMame preterred .fat Ni.rara Falls. Dliwaatl*LY CONDUCT. -Os Saturday D. Carsvy. R.bt. Oates .nd F. Alien wen charred afore the P.M. with disorde�rly t '---teceset'•sttr Ne--leeasc f�ia.11l"..o�srl-' with firing of a plst j• At the eereli inks/ of the mm O.rsey was fined 16 and emu, and Oates and Adam $1 each .ad oats. Jnr AaAvur Cass. -Os S•tsrdey Wm. the band u composed of real players, some of their piens being Naito anything heard is the metropolis or on the sage anywhere. If the piece were divested of the ooera, `gear that orope up in • few planes It would b,M.rprevenet, for the beod, the sing- les gBi the ability of the players Mould fill • Mese anywhere. Blank ban are very soiree just now in the river of the breakwater, though up the Maitland rood oatohed' are often reported. Neve: in the boto'y ot the town has so much lumber been on its wharves as at the time.present inch of leased b N. Dyment uvoovered with taspine pins of The@aloo out. and around fibs Harbor Mill every available toot ot ground is occupied with the oatpat of that est•b quantity Dy. meot also has a veru tarts G.T.F. dook, and with Rowan's stock there is but little .paoe for more on the .oath side. It 1. worth a walk any dayto pas between the huge pile., and anyone alk - tog the whole of the trains and counting the pine. two and thew deep, will is tibia to understand the Ste...7.4eip die lumber introit- try nt oftry is to the hews of, erioh• COMING AND GOING. Mrs. Gen. Swepeas visited Nissan) Falls lamtiak. 11n Terser hum r+taesod flerbmr England. Wm. Bowden, of Exeter, was is Goderiole tat Friday. FOR CRAMPS, COLIC. ' SUMMER COMPLAINTS ETC. We i C TMRplfaDAT, Sept. 30, 1897. 5 7 BY OUR Ow$ PSK 'FLY PAPER THE BUREiKILL Ali n.0bt makes. fl plainnt le envelope for bo. WHISKS fres ib. op• Don't be dein. Bny:one. Special attention paid to AMERICAN TOILET ARTICLES and PERFU M L; RY. . G O O D E CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCK. OUR BAKING POWD1 R Ie@ perteet'y pare, containing os•.V PURE CREAM TARTAR AND BEST BI -CARBONATE OF SODA McCarthy was *Mond beton tea 9.11' with sss•altlee • G•pt•ln W m. B.bb. •d Wm. Babb, jr.. wait ob•rpea with assault - tag McCarthy. TM *HHdeooe showed that the last assault was the outhouse of the first, and •r it. omelsatoo McCarty was find 113 .ad odea, •Ail Babb 16 sad oats. Tor Now Galin' MILL -The new grist mill being erected neer the G.T. R. depot by N. Dstrioh is now eeaemtni • finished ap- peeranoe, and as it will be open for business in three reeks we stake • note of it. The erection ot the Willing pea plood in the hands of Baon" heir pert of the work & Rhyne*. who have made • rood jobo1 to h the S'be mill MITI m achinery is heirs, pand as the last Su•tioed Mill Eta dins Co., oar of it arrived on Saturday. the Company will soon be through. A. 3. Chrystal is the ofutthese are ow t sboiler i of being Placed in position, • and will be oomplete in • few days. Tb. main building is • two story one. 40.40, with an thein house 28x22, and ie aloft substantially built. The engine i. of 50 hone power, and will drive machinery to grind 60 barely of flour and chop or grind 400 bap of teed daily The mill will do grietiDg, an its name implies, end osier tor looal trade, sod when notemployedon these Banta will grind tor export. The manger ,sill be W. Echlin, a well-known Huroaitee wbo was luoiiRtlt" tl'F' wttle4n "+IRb► of-tbs Court House, and who's father sow lives es the homestead between Nile and Dun- r•a000. and as he is me of our mos tenial •itizens, he will doubtless attract • full shore of trade• It makes Biscuita, Cakes and all Pastry. LIGHT, PALATABLE AND DIGESTIBLE• Give it a trial. For Sale only by KIM. DUNHAM, OW IS THE TIME To Think of a SPRIN G x TONIC. There ars maul good ones. but D414111 quite en good as our IRON TONIC BITTERS. The Beason for Colds Is not over yr.,. We expect to el', !wire GT33C PLJLMONI0. wring ]1ANcH and Ars1L ban to all the rost of fibs trisoda ands rebtione in different ports of Oor 1s 000rurs.p . pt, J G. Ward. of DuoMra, visited 'ear Baeotam on Satur- day. Cbarfes Harrow left the past week for Toronto to attend the law school to that on y. Mrs Thomas Wilson of Cairo's, be visiting at the residenos of Jno. W. Vanatter this week. d, lifter • Imo visit to Mrs. R. W. an, rotarnd to her home Iltentrea, ao Thursday. C•paln Sheppard, of Portage, Man., was visiting robot) ves and friends at Nile and Oodertob Inst week. Mr. and Mn W. Flinty, of the Wing - ham Advanoe,were the roosts of Mimi Edith Vanetas• test week. Mrs. Will Swanson and infant, atter • plemoot visit to relatives .}".ental.. t or home, Hamilton, oo Monday. J. B. Moore, of Bothwell, our ooe-time resident. Was visiting relatives and friesds is awn and vioinity this week. A. V•netooe, of Cbtosgo, wbo was the pat week visiting w towo and vicinity 'ran the guest of his ceu.io Miss Edith Van. atone. Mrs. Samuel Cox, St. Patriot -ds., was called by telegraph Saturday last to the bedside ot her son, Albert, Sault Ste. Marie, Minh., who bas ceotraoted typhoid ever. Miss Fox, of Lode, returned to that alty ea Friday. Miss Fitzsimmons, ot Clinton, visited in toga last week. PA. Munro, our genial barber, spent Sun- day in Clinton. P. Matmmson, barrister, of Luckaow, was in town this week. J. M. Roberta, of I)uugannon, was in tows oa Saturday. Geo. Wife/mart, of Cii"ton, was in Goderioh on Friday. Melvin Howell visited Brantford lags week. Mr. and Mn. G. Hobert, of Cliaton, spent Sunday in town. Miss Hutchison returned this wM0t from • vat to Niagara Falls. Jno. Harland, of Cllntoa, visited the county town on Friday. The Mayor of Clinton wheeled into the moiety town so Friday. Mies Kennedy was the past week visiting Miss Coventry is Seifert. J. L. Katona. of S.aforth, county awn on Saturday. Mn. C. W. Ellis. of Laden, is visiting her mother, Mrs. fit B. smith. A Cavan. Iospeotor of Inland R(yenne, Stratford, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Ju. Willis is visiting bar sister la (Warhol' this week. -Exeter Tunes. ImruorZS astute or Dams -Oa Mon- day A. Brews Marged (no. Hattie sod J. T Karns, bock tit Versa, ebb vtslatini the pharmacy sea by kends/ laad•sam, iodine and ~belie ••1d is 04411 Moms. One of the detsodsats stating that he kept the poison for hie berme *sly, ••d the other 16.111 was kept to the shoo a keep It away from the children, both owns were dis- missed. A YouTHrvL Bmwt•s.-Om Sells! �y aiming• child twined Jan. Curren. La - dm. who he visiting is taws, broke into the G. T. offi's at the station by breaking s window sad Wareing fib band .ad MBAs' the ateb. Ho was seer for Mr. Parke is On nam, and was brought before the P.Y. on Monday os eba ammo. Aker oonaaltlac with the PreMlnst .f the Ckildree's Aid Balmy mad lbs boy's an* • remand was lade wham M wilt be re- leased a a Mases. Or tartnll lersnavon-Tlie oalsris manual •nsvo•' Isar M is 8t. notices. 'camisoles at dssedy oft . OOtO The fiek simple tag ever Tiereday std P• Itti;(�H eanahee wtIl be aAtlrs..s by om, Essisalt Prof, masa Wen. eg01 assaniset, gthe Mitersof The Oeldes Relit Rett, O. C. N. Wiliam Terns; Rev. Dr. 0a1m• . W. W. Beslwe- an Releasee. A real pvMlea; * Nara. re•Red N tks Prey. espy. jr . Haaitlma. Ilse weals. r WiMbeedae, Oct. 6, will he teue: se te e aesimati e el raltise.. There will &abates be a pa sttsadttae. at 1►b galhme1M, as 80 11msaee is a splm/id eseveaM.e els W.15 ism Rrnesals .111 sr,mids setae YNhsdM golly FATAL Arslasere. -- As esissilarly 0se,seel at go Water monis& maiden Is ihe dd w f 6l. 1.:,eaf bob/ Wt- elm.. Hlemmpiiltaa (MN Orala Mwas warteed jduties. tad 4( est gsand letslka �the leer, m axle balls" Ir Mr two ve..Mas* pique aliened Ikk r+ee% walked bask wants We tea waw boot eplldl ! is la hip *Polo.. Eta wan et sneers that le rea.+rl 111 .dila .1 or Said Moe WW1 Mkt Ailitrw �biz DOW 1N Noswteit.-The death of a lady wall koros and set.med in Stratford took plebe on September 18 in Nerwbk, the 4.....ed lady Mise Annie Hepburn, the wit* of Jobs filo/Coe, and moos of Ald. Hep- burn of this city. Before marriage sit* wised 1s the Paha.) eobools of Stratford, l/nude Isetitste she frees indig ted, and l stt.rrw•rds taught few years in Norwtob where themes Mr. McKee, whom she married Mrs. MaK.s a death was Asa ee- tat earth. Betide@ her husband she to heart hula*. old. Mn law's • young ear three seer liege•• was barn in New 'York city, where mem brothers and deters still retie. The immoral, which seek plain obi the 21st was wooded by Ald. Hepburn and Mn Shelties of Stratford. ad Rebeoow' Hepburn, of Tor- onto, all relatives of the deceased, and .lee by two old Triads. Mrs. Vanatter and Mag- gie 88.ltea. of GoderiOb • cousin of t eand de- an nd. The Presbyterian. Methodist misisare et Norwich. all attend - .d this fee•,sl and undated 1a the religious viewlNN,Ifyvilag M to e ware 'Mem sada Mrs. MoRee's blab oharaoler and qualities bad woe from the people of Nor- wieb. -Stratford H.�Ana buss were �n The ona visit teMira. Vaster. Goderloh, ease his home sear was in the Mrs. B .Caaa 8168excursion f tear a M the Nieg•r. Falls t Mr. and Mrs }lanigards's Dewy) left by the early trails Wednesday, for London, Ont. F McKenzie left on Saturday Si take another term at the Lw Bohool atTeroate. Miss Avis was present .t the opsin, of the new wire bridge on the Nurses Penis- gala. EStewart wherd e badlast brom eenAberdeen, Seabed, .pending the past tour mouths, visiting, AFTER MAN Y YEARS former home. Such ars the unvarnished foots ot a remarkable cue. The malady was persistent, teuaoloas and hard to fight. But the onestant use of Dr. Wilt Pink Pills wrought • marvellous °hedge. whioh Mose Fisher's friend shad might be pro• tlably known to many °there. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ours by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the D ery's, thus drit ing &orae from the system. Avoid imitations by Insisting that every lux you parchaee is enolo••d in a wrapper bear ,s the full trail• mark. Dr. Wilii•ms Ptak Pills for Pale People. A SUFFERER 18 RESTOIRHD TO HEALTH ARID STRENGTH. (Aimee : W. Doherty. Ir.. got hie leg jammed the other day while they were put- ting • sew machine in the factory. TO ADVERTIBERB. Notioe of changes must be Loft st this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left net later than Mon day noon. Costal Advertisements aooepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. surr*IZD MOM WISE H*A*T AND (x)ULD • NOT LANKLY WALK AIT DIlTA2tc1- HOW TIM rULm1 Or Lire was ADJUeEKD• /sere ago . IssBOLn 1t1 COYKTtt. We may mot tear. liar earn/ Mee see .e Lord, the bear, Ties . mast shell ba (load. with power Arid awful! majesty ter M e8. Fslhae's bosom kept, From the Cornwall Freeholder. The romanoll nt unwritten taxa of rand. far exceeds the risk elaborations ot (lotion. A peep behind the somas would furnish us with adequate proof that then is more of care, trial and severe anxiety in human life than fiesta on the surface. We find many whoa experience bee almost inoe'santly fluotaated between health and nickname; li:tte of say of this it. obtruded upon the notice of the world, or breathed into human ear. You may "ware the mnfidem of some of these sufferers who will rehearse to you dark malogues of pains and anhe@ that are often ill understood by the friends end inadequately treated by the physician. Thanks be to the mighty genius that die - .. NEW .. PRESBYTERIAN HYMN EUI ..gj. oo. Through wpm hat* Woo. all dna 'Npt. Th. 4.7 mk.swn is Heaves. The Gel who HM per w'f h 8b ret. That word et pe•'mbe. a foveae. Eel wall. 1/1. eevorellP win. Than. *NO Lis* fib f reslfN, Yrs lints* gale OMB melte I Malt bong the bd-bask/ Obis56, My 'pm $a aq blimhl festa 1 Est Ikla we Ina. es&- •d pray, 1117 kwvllaa's i drab uloid. AAA we Mod Wet 0 raltasies has ay l Irby R W;1 IMO& it, relit. ,rs{w0f. said hank See ilisar-ess# Posses* 04.,24 Allar -We an the Publishing Agnate - 0 Different Hinds and a$ in Stock. Trairollrllg Galas. J. E. DAVISB. Medical HalL ORANhi TRUNK. NALL WAY. smarm Nixed .sew..... 10.59a. m and xprsss l.fb E 7.4O p.m. Mail and Express 10.60 p.m. Mall and RKglnr 7.1 '.m Moil and '•*r'• • 1.10 o m Mixed .00vrad the DOR fate .,..., ler the 411. to whioh bamasity is oabjeoted when stlRit- Ing from Impoverished blood or • shattered Derv. eyespot. Thousands have, and thonemeds are still using to the greatest •dress•[•, Dr. Williams Pink' P111..' They pissed the ordeal of experiment again and arab with ever loons/dog honor. Taie bWwing statement is from nae who was resod from s•ouslar permanent eatable - mill ad distressing heart wales. Mary Taker, of L ooseter township. tilnsprry •meal►. Is • maiden lady. About eight years aro Mies Fisher was seised with weak - rasa wad • distressing .eaatias t. the region of she heart It wan attributed to several C sess. all possibly mon anew true any were overwork, exposers etc. 86 was osrlai•ly weak sod the an neem deafer of th hart wabnormally rapid. be .atendaros presousesd the almost ser van palptt•tion of the boat and she n Delved heatmest w000rdingly for two years At this sage she took to her bed she was low. For twelve roman she lay rmodvin erly dome@W attestlos. 8he improved .osswb•s, however, wad was able to takes to . friend of hers sear Lsaisastor vi nee. Mrs. J. Handy. where she was and medtal attesdaeos and took medlofao t about three year. At the and of this 11 Abe said set safely vesture M walk o eves • short distaste. All this time . eemplelasd of her heart Altent two •ear age ebo began taking Dr. Williams' Pia Pills ; hes this date she belly whet pro a stady re@aea3os of aerrese •sere, During sea seeus.r of 1896 the ienseevenies was reerasd. See was stile by the mid of *As mama to de an own work cording weans. mod Attune. FOR yOUNG WOMEA Ai.t.A Cou..O , St. Thoma Ont. A restdentlat shoot lo, young women. Delkhtfulhr tit tested in a acre perk. Has the greet attendance of to Rev. R.11. Warnees erre clncipaLL in Ontario. MU, for otalatue ALMA COLLEGE. /v. TWOMAS. ONT. New Buntline dhODS. �-i NEW AGHINE HOPS -ALL KINDS eir Repair Work done at Ks•gottalrle Prices. FarmiDO Implements for sale. Maoh- tnrry. new and •.pond band bought and sold. Koalnee and Boilers for sale. Staudt-at8aatee Mmes. J. BAXTER RIer TNCIMANa aod.r a►a Tonsorial Artist. 0 tYFRITZELY, TON40'ItIAG-i i ' . Hot and cold baths on peewees. sew toaming.shempooing and even other ,effuse meet carefully attended to..nd nose petsot hands employed, McLean • new block. next door tBritish Ex- change Hotel 9041 LESSONS ON PIANO AND VIOLIN will be resumed on September first. For particulars apply tee Sr. Joseph's Convent. 374 8ISTZR P. OF fir. 30819)1. ter Lethal Bales. A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLh L1 PROP1KTY, Pursuant to the power of sale contained In wo several mortgages. there will be offered for sale by John Knox, auctioneer. .t Black's Hotel, in the Village of Dungannon, on SATURDAY, THE 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, tee • 8. 8. Editins 80 People's K/llbw. Lisp (loN100 Boast Bindles. (01 Kilos >aoe Menest .rid ether leather Bled - tap. Mf/. 40o. We, 75e. $1.15 ad aplesok. Bold Typo Habeas .. • •k • 01 GUI Kean 1Ar S Pr(M Malmo Maty 11HMns..letb •' 'k Gatlin Beek Agent/ Wanted• AGENt'8 -" THE BEST POPULAR Lite of Her Mat'sty I hale ever ease.- wrltee Lord Lorne, about "Qnoeu Vinton'." Salm aopreoedented. Easy to make are dol- lar daily. Big oommledon. Outfit tree to 050100 eclTHA BK ,1'Hrobto. AD aY-OARR6T8oI'i 00.. AGENTS SELL "KLONDIKE GOLD Fields" alto s� richestharvestharvest or taws esoad yes selw raping doing wonders. Nardi Uvea' everybody ribett One young fellow oe f rm at 11 lady tytLAmwriter t 81.00 a eekiis 01st og 511.00. pe earned at 54) a day 1g A mechanic 51. who had clearing ite6.1 a div. We wont more Matta. Canvassing outfit !Jots., worth 111.00. THS BRADLEY-OA1tRltT3.N CO.. Limited. Tor- onto. Ont. to handle eftahuf ed trade: WE WAKT tbls moray. i� AGENT A. D. 1607, •t 1 o'clock to the afterndon. the following valuable property : Parcel number one --This property «Instate of the southeast oorner of lot 11. coo. 6, E. D., of the township of Aibfield. The buildings omelet of • story and a bait frame hotel with berme. shed. 1v . sad fe known se " Bl.ok'. Hotel" in the Village of Dungaannppm. This hotel Is obi of Ahs best knows dabllo houses to the Northarm part of the County of Huron ; It has always lose a good business and Is a desirable Ahead. tom- y iasres/ as eke` 41s - ''a hp/pervs61E '.. posed of ler K se@ t a server to thei Village «R ±ts ea0D sea. '1'h. buildings epeeist of a awelds, ass and • half statesh with kltohen and frame sable. It ft well situated tea desirable rpe•tdeos. atm s of lone eighth of see. � of llaand liedne a porde of lot thirteen In the fifth eonoesstnm in the townshippIal W.wanrsh. ft is st pre b ildiniu s pied are a. story and • halt William d�Ths house with kitchen attached. It ls fn ant- els's oondltlon and le ooe of the moot d'sir- •ble realdenose In the Village aml� Doagsnnon. There will also be offered for see at the ame time and plans the following properties. being part of:the estate of the said late William Wtl- 500. Parosl number four-Tbls property assists • of the Norte -bast quarter of lot 11 and the • ?torth-Wset qyuarter et lot le, 1. the third oott- e sssslon of the teweohtp of Wa' mnosh, non- %sln(mg t•sgataes 1pp sores. 46 acro are clear ed. fill tweed .ad is a toad stats of oultiva-, tion. Wares are well timbered. sod the aratsder Im to an n.olesred Bate. The buil lar et • atom' ��pQ a holt frame house 1006 sad Dank barn eOxr1, well finished with ataoiist isadernath. There 1a else u small orchard. This property 1s situated about 14 mins from Dungannon. and it mita from O Psros number eve -This property to known an l6 s 10 and li Mallosah'e survey fa the v1l- dsot Du.osanon. It owes the resl- s et the Ise William Wilson. The em eelet of a frame dwelling house 10x10, .teeba high with kitob attaehed !1x11 sol frame Madge 111x11 This la atdealr- able and Ns •Mises tsddesee. thsPeron atm haLoot N illttn's survey, fn lot 41111 tenant sad wall Mtnatd. ls s v�mt fsRMe OV dA1.E-Ten per amt. m fire day of sats. the halmps abs psld wtthln 111 dart t weeder Der farther wW*be i*w Ga is. stook S • guaranteed to live. Perm•s- ant position, whole or part time. eomaksbten dolls • week or better with a. for •very week you work. No ezparienm nolo-wary. OOILPlarT. DRAW'S 1111.0721-11.1111 TORONTO. ONT t7onttnemtal1-- • • N R b• 1- e r' or sue bit be a k wed 80. 80e die sd ¥M1.Q to any AWN,' HI I801t rt a Pito. F. SMEETII'B PLANING "MILL - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 1 lake this to th amts a Inform:n� that I am still In the business notwi all rumor, to the oontrary. and am P •vrttndowoMme to erectk ing••,ni•gtor7 with ionma��nd roof. Zetlna1M t.dM8M 700 t�ural ompednishii a of betiding material. shingles and lamoer • .p•olaltl. F. 8 M EETH,'e wallas. as most y tee slblagltty and •pp•rosdr pressen la tin own that Miss Fisher Arm freso is her THE WEEKLY MARKtT REPORT. fast' pa PORTER'S snow BOO * Ante. BOOKS ?MMkmno lie.1011 Ooswa,oa towbar 11. 1117. re.": = 5 10 74 roasts 111 6 76 ...• owl toll ,.,.:::: $'pati :N7�-:::;111: HATS AND BONNETS M .r..... ...... 1N1.Oi -..OS .... ,Moto- 5 11 le 0 ait ... A..wtal ..ea..se@i » NM.., _..........ve R dovish. July 4th 1107 Ir I8 NOT WHAT YOU EARN B WHAT YOU BADE, MAIMS YOU MTh WOW 91112 HINUVIOTMENT AND Ot. MP LOT eot.imTosk-Came Holt and Holmes Dta.--Interest Pound *war MI mouth.ib. atat tour per oak ver wwt11, n5 from one &War upward'. De asit m it to their advantage to Dome and am us. Loam -spy be mowed at any time without daisy es the oscnrlty of ap rovd desirable "roarer. Expenses moderate. Application' eeostved by the Manager or solicitors - The Oanpu . o®oore loo.td on North Neat and . em rt Remo BQuute-appal» Haan r Rimini. Office. or solleltors and oondltime of ale os the lay co sale and an k.1 area J. M. jtoberta. J. swntre, Dung.n- ee offered for sale rib- ANN - %illi•! WU0ey� E�s se@. OARROW a PROUD FOO'r Sellottere tar Admla.tratrlx. HORACE HORTON. J. H. OOLHORNIkan IRON PILLS. Try • box of Wilson's iron P111e sad see 11 they don't give you an appetite add strengthen your system during tea bot weather. 25 Dente only at WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. Mosey beak if Ooods ars sot atlotaotorl. New Fall Milliner THIS LATEST STYLHB IN t and all the Newest Sluder in VELVETS; FLOWERS and FANCY FEATHERS. Arnts for PARKER'S DYE WORKS.