HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-30, Page 4.uia{4 m aw' • 4 Tadvassar, Sept. 30, 1897. • • THE SIGNAL : GODERICNN ONTARI . CAR1N.I SALE OF... BICYCLES .,.AND SUNDRIES. We do not wish to carry over a staple BIOTCLS, therefore we offer at ridl:u- l•aetr low Prime all our very Wheeta, some or whtob are very slight - used. If You are Loa�Cing for Snap BICHl Vf3. ' W e love Wheels from k to M. CyeiMeetere at 'rite. and Ser. Venders at *Les worth *tee, bnlittirythieg at Bargoinende WWII . F. -EMERSON. Slit EVERY THURSDAY MORNING UT D. ■eGULYcldaaT Terms or a■bortptter I One month. in advance Three months. Six (lee year. eaten tate.. �,�al and other casual advertisements, 166 gen Iine for Stet Insertion, and I cents per line ter each subsequent insertion. Measured by • Business eoale. oardds of six lines and under. $5 per yaAdvertierm.ete of Lost. Found Strayed Situations V rant. Situations .s anted and Business Ct .eau Wanted not xoeeding 8 Maes nonfat. 1, 5 per month. Hooses on dais and Fauns on Pala, not to sassed illies'C:•lsr,deetmonttkiit',.tw' sub - e minent month. Larger edvts. In proportion Any special notice, the Mimi of which is to Protnote the benefit of any 1°,11. vi.i salsasrg company, ttooybe oone.ldered an ad.. verslesaYnt and ohalved aocordinaty. local notices in nonpareil type one illi iJr word. no notices less than Itio. Local notices In ordinary reeding type two t eats per word. No natio' for lees than 600. Mottos for churohee and other religions and benevolent Institutions half rate Subscriber who fill to receive Tar SteNAL rernlarly by mall, will minter • favor by er- g caution us of the fact at as early an date se p de Whoa a closure of address le Leeead. Dots the end and ter aerseml lona rhoell be yea Es4rtrars geSSee. J. 0. be Toned. of Goderich, has been ap painted Local Travelling Agent for the town ships of Ooderioh. Oolborne, Aahlleld and Wa wanoah. Loeal postmaster over the district are also empowered to red. ve subscriptions to THE 9 lattaL AU oommnnloatlons mt.at be addrrased D MoO1LLIOUDIIY, Tons PionAL. Telephone Cell10 Qoderleh On . lI m 66 1 00 OOD1*RICH. THUaeDAT, SEPT. 10, 1897. . s CHEAP r ADVERTISING. " The People's Column " doe. It Sew Nemaed Advertisements May he is MOW/ fa • we, to arias seselte at a Lew Cost I. the Advertiser —The Mode of Working. 1N a community such as is to be fotgad in and around Goderich, there articles on sale 4y for exchange, houses for rent or houses.,,,jantedl, or who want positions or help, . or something of a like nature. TEl SIGNAL has deco to ;sake a new departure in the matter of con- densed advertisements, and will pub lisp hereafter a People's Column, in which the advertisements will be in- serted at popular prices. The column will ea5braee : SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT, ROOMS TO (.ET - BOARD WANTED, LOST OR FOUND, HOUSES FOR RENT OR FOR SALE, BUSINESS CHANCES, SPECIFIED ARTICLES, ha, he., Ac. The _rates will be as fojitiws : 15 words and under, 15o. ; each addition- al work }c., prepaid. When inserted among reading matter, double rates will be, charged. "THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN " will appear on the first column of the Milt page, and will be a special feature hereafter. If you have anything that you want the public to know of. advertise it in " The People's Column." visited the pavilion. On the outside es noticed the geutal menages. a the North Al,eriesn Chemical US., making his pree moue felt in the distribution of handsome lithos, wtioh sung the praises of Rice's Pure Salt. Taken all in all, the directors of the Dcnsa0nun Flit have good oaole for orlgratullttuo. Following is THE PRIZE LIST. HORSES. ,tart 1—HRAVY DIA VONT. Brood mare with foal by her side, 'rhos. Anderson; '2 year old filly, Barber Bros ; 2 year old gelding, Jas Forster ; 1 year old filly, Jae Hu watt 1 year old gelding, Thus Anderson ; foal of 1197, Jae. Forster ; team in harness, Jas Furter. CLAM l) LORICULTCRAL Brood man with foal by bar side. Woods Bros, John Chisholm ; 2 year old filly, J Kilpatrick ; 2 year old gelding, Win. Bailie ; 1 veer old filly, John Sal- keld, Johu Durnin ; 1 year old gelding. Jas Bsilfe; foal of 1897, John Chis• holm, Woods Bros ; team in harness, Jan Forster, Jas Chisholm. torso til--UENEkAL PCoroes. Brood mare with , foal by ler side. Barber Bros, Salkeld Bros ; 2 year o.d tor, Chao T•yloe,-Patil.liaad ; 1 year Elly, Clem Taytnr. 13 Bernie rlTas old gelding, Barber Bros ; foal of 11497, Barber Bros, 1st and 2nd; team in har- ness not to exceed 1,200 lbs each, Thos Elliott, A A J Teybe ; best groomed farm team in *nese, A A J Taylor, Thos Elliott. CLAMS IT—ROAD A1110 CARRIAIL DUNaMsoON FAIR. The Prise LIM ea 1st Rte AtMedaere M are beemd fay. The Dangaenos Fair was held in Mos - day and Tuesday hest. The weather on both days was good, Toeeday being • glorieos Fall day. As a result there was a large atieodas'ee en the last day, and the directors were well pleased that snob Alm weather had some their way. As at ether fair this year, the fruit crop was short or the overuse, and the exhibits he • whole were not ap to that et lass year. There was a hear eospetltlon la Nis ladies' department. A good show of u1 lgtdihwita wag .trade by A. A W. 2nd ; Hesdmet,'.' -t?"o% the i eosf awrr. MsZean, of Sehlord. weal Baeshirge, bleak sad whim, R M.Lean ; ea head with his milt exhillk, wish Hambargs. preened. rtaids& and saver, preyed to be so atseetios to all who. R Manta, 1st sad tad ; Wrath** f Brood marelwith foal by her side, R Famish, J. Armstrong ; 2 year old filly, Woods Bros ; 2 year old gelding, Thoe Beaty ; 1 year old filly, Jan Bailie ; 1 year old gelding, Reuben Titin ; single horse in harness, Dr. Whitely, Jae Mo- Mantts ; pair matched horses in harness, Hugh Girvin, J Armstrong. CLAMS V.—SPEEDING IN THE RING, No 1—Fafineri trot or pace, man or gelding, proper of exhibitor.Paul Reed, Jae Mc1YLnos, David Promo. No 3—Open to all ; trot or pare ; best three in five, mile heat., A Y Polley, Pat Firr,J Cameron. LADY orphan AMP DIZYIIL . Lady driver, single, Miss Green. Mrs J Bailey saddle horse. mare or gelding, Sturdy. M — — o Lyons, R McLean ; game, pile, 7 0 Lyons, 1st and god ; Bantams, J 0 Lyons, K Mclean ; barayard fowl, J 0 Lyons, H McLean ; geese, Jas Lane, J Kilpatrick ; ducks, -I 0 Lyons, 1st and 2nd ; turkeys, A Draney. FARM PRODbCT13. cue; X11.—OIUIN. 2 bushels fall wheat, white, 8 Forte, H Careen, John Salkeld ; 2 bushels fall wheat, red, Jobe Salkeld, 8 Furse, H Corwen ; 9 bushels spring wheat, fife, John Salkeld, 8 Furs. ; 2 bushels Colo - redo, 8 Furse, Salkeld Bros ; 2 bushels other variety, 8 Furs*, John Salkeld ; 2 bushels six rowed barley, John Salkeld, 8 Purse ; 2 bushels two rowed barley, H Corwen, S Furse ; 2 bushels oats, blank, S Furse ; 2 bushels oats, white, H Cur - wen, Jas Curwen ; 2 bushels peas, small, 8 Purse. John'8allreld ; '2 bushels peas, large, John Salkeld, S Furse ; 1 bushel timothy seed, 8 Form, John Salkeld ; } bushel flax seed, John Salkeld S Fun+ ; beet and largest variety of groin in the straw, grown by exhibitor this year, S. Furse. CLA',.'t xx.—t)tlRY AND DOMEtTI.' MARC- _ PA('TCas. 10 lbs of butter in rolls or prints, Mrs A Green, Mrs T Hamilton ; 5 lbs table bolter, Mrs T Hamilton ; Mrs Thos An- s`lr tuiop ; 20' 1'hs pacteR-buttet, 'Mr. Hy Morris, Mrs Thus Anderson ; cheese, not less than 50 lbs, factory made, Robt. Mc - /twain ; 2 loates home made bread. Mrs A Green, Mrs T Anderson ; jar of honey, Paul Reid, Wm Bailty ; maple syrup, \V E Durnin. Ju Alton ; maple sugar, Sam Alton, is. Alton ; hest col- lection of hone made preserves, 1 jar of each variety, Miss E Nott. CATTLE. CLANS V1—CAT'r'LI—THOROCOH BB ED. -Minch pow, having raised or with calf in 1897, rhos •oderson, let and 2nd ; 2 year old heifer, Thoe. Anderson, 1st and 2nd ; 1 year old heifer, Thoe Anderson, J Kilpatrick ; heifer calf of 1897, Thos Aadeesoo, 1st mod 9nd ; bull e•lf of 1897, Them Anderson ; aged baits, 2 "van br over, Thos Anderson ; herd of 3 females and 1 male, Thos. Anderson. CLASS VII—GLADE CATTLE. Milch cow, having raised or with calf in 1897, Medd A Son, Wm Andrews ; 2 year old belief, Medd & Son, 1st and 2nd ; 1 year old heifer, W E Durnin, Wm Malloogh ; steer calf of 1897, A R Anderson, Win Mallough ; heifer calf of 1897. Thos Anderson, Medd A. Soo ; 2 year old heifer, raised calf in 1897, Medd A Sou, fatted ox or steer, R Mcllwain, H Girvin ' fatted crow or heifer, Medd A Son, H Girvin ; 2 year old steer, los A Mallough ; 1 year old steer, A R Ander- son, H Girrin. SHEEP. CLASH NIII—Lltl('ItRTER. Aged ram, Salkeld Bros ; pair aged Kites, raising lambs in 1897, lieu Harry, Salkeld Bros ; pair 'heading ewes, Geo Harry, Salkeld Bros ; pair ewe lambs, Geo Harry, Jae Bailie ; ram lamb, Sal- keld Bros, Geo Harry. CLAM ix—SHROPSBI RE DOWNS. Aged ram, Glenn Bros; shearling ram, Glees Bros ; pair aged ewes, raising lambs in 1897, Glenn Brno pair ewe , _O1814--RirOt 1.111x8"111111b; tilenn Urns, Lt and 2nd. CLANS I—oX F ORD veins. Aged Ism, Jag Bailie, Jag Tabb ; abseiling ram, is. Tabb ; pair aged ewe., raising lambs in 1897, Jae Tabb, lit and 2nd ; pair shearling ewes, Jae Tabb ; pair ewe lambs, Jag Tabb, Jas Bailie ; not lamb, Jag Tabb, 1st and 2nd. l'LARS Xi-ROOTHDOWNR. • Aged ram, it Tiffin ; pair aged ewes, raising lambs in 1897, Olson Bros, Jae Lane ; pair shearling ewes, Glenn Brtooss.,� James Lane ; pair ewe lambs, Glend' Bros, Jag Lane ; ram lamb, Glenn Bros. Jae. Lane ; heavy lamb, Joe A Mallough. PIGS. CLANS III.—ILRERBTI1..•- Aged boar, .Ise Chisholm, Jag Alton ; sow, having raised pigs ib 1897, Jae Al- ton, 1st and god ; bear, littered in 1897, Jae Alton, H Edwards ; Sow, littered in 1897, H Edwards, Jae Altea CLAM XIII. --ro•p$HIRR. Sow, having raised pigs in 1297, R Finnigan, W W Fisher ; sew, littered in 1897, W $dilie. . CLASS XIV.—(HseTY WHIRR. Bow, hmvihn raised pip in 1897, Jae Alton ;'boar, littered in 1897, Jae AItop, let and 2,id ; sow, littered in 1897, Jia Alton, (El Edwards. CLASS Iv.—POtAWD CEINA. Aged boar, W W Fisher : sow, having raised pigs to 1897, hoer, littered in 1897, end sow, litte*ed in 1897, R' W Fisher, l at and 2nd. CLAM IVI.-+-TAYwO*TR. Aged boar, std few, littered In 1897, W W Fieber. cum sem —seTROC-JwRaay. Aged boar, W Fisher, H Edwards sow, having raised pigs in Utin, W i; Risser, W Fisher ; boar, littered in 1897, Wm Fisher, W W Fisher : sow, littered in 1896, W Fisher, W' W Fisher. FOWL CLASS XVIII. Brahma, 11 ht R Matsui, J C Lyons ; Brahma, dark, R MaLsan, J C Lynn. ; Ooehin, white, J C Lyon. ; O'tobin, bat J O Lyons, 1st and ted ; Leghorn, whit, J C Lyme ; Leghorn brown, J 0 Lyons, Id McLean ; Plysloolli Rook, J 0 Lyme, lit and 2nd ; Dorking's, J 0 Lyme, R shun ; lilnotess, black, .1 C Lyons, R McLeee ; red eaps, J C Urea. 1st sad i'LAra SII.—V$A,ETA BLEB AND ROOTS. Peck early rose potatoes, A Draney, T Hamilton ; peck white elephant potatoes. A Vraoey, John Salkeld ; peck any other variety, Gen Smyth, Jag Bailie ; 4 heads cabbage, John Salkeld, W E Durnin ; 6 blood beet.. Geo Smyth, T Hamilton ; 6 sugar beets. Tho. Woods. John Salkeld; 6 ur.ngold wuNaele, John Salkeld. R Mo - Dwain ; 6 golden tankard wurtzels, John Salkeld ; swede turnips, John Salkeld, Geo Smyth ; greystone turnips, Wm long _Oe.erete, Thos. Hamilton. John Sack white Belgian carrots, R Schwann, W E Dania ; early` horn carrots, Thos Hamilton, Jas Corwen ; peck onions, John Salkeld, Tho. Diaher ; peck tomato.., Jae Curwen, Geo Smyth ; 6 ears corn, John Salkeld, Jae Curwen ; pumpkin, Hy Morns, Thos Anderson ; summer squash, for table, Jag Alton ; 4 water melons, Thoe Disher ; 6 heads celery, Jae Curwen ; 4 citron., Mrs Thos Anderson, Jas. Alto° : collec- tion garden vegetables, Jas Cameo ; special, best b named varieties potatoes, peck each, A Deaoey. FRUIT. C1ASs 'zit—WINTIR APPLztt, 5 or RACH. Spies, Jo. A Malloogh, Win Malloogh; Baldwin., Jae Bailie, Jag Careen ; King of Tompkins county, Jag Alton, Jae. Cur - won ; Ribeton Pippin. Jag Corwen, Jae Hamilton ; pair woollen mite,hawd made, Miss L Buchanan, Miss Sysingtoa ; pair woollen stockings, hand made, Miss L Buchanan, Mies E Null ; pair woollen socks, hand made, Miss E Nott, Mrs T Hamilton ; sofa cushion, Miss L Buchan. so, Miss E Nutt ; pillow shams, Miss S miogton : point lace, Mrs C Campbell. Miss E Nutt ; macrame work, Miss Symington Mrs C Campbell ; fancy flannel shirt, Miss L Buchanan, Mrs Thos •Hamiltco ; oresy patch work, Mrs Thos Hamilton. Miss L Buchanan ; ar- risens work, Miss E. Knott, Mrs C Campbell ; suit lady's underwear, Miss Symington. Miss E Nott ; darned net, Miss L Buchaban, Mrs C Campbell ; demo on sock or stocking, Miss E Nott, Mrs Thus Hamilton ; kuitted guilt, Miss Symington , crochet quilt, Mies 8ymiug' ton; 5 yards rag carpet, Mies L Buchanan; rag mat, Mrs Thu. Dialler, 1st and 2nd ; woollen yarn, Mn T Hamilt.r'n, Miss E Nott ; honiten lace, Miss Symington, Mrs C Oawpbell ; table soert, Miss E Null, Mies Symington ; set table mats, Mrs C Campbell, Miro L Buchanan ; tea oozy, Mrs C Oampboii. Mies E Nott ; rib - hon work, MrsC Campbell. MissSyming- ton ; outline embroidery, Miss E Nott, Mrs Gro Smith ; lig cabin quilt, Miss E' Nott ; crazy quilt, Miss Symington, Miss L Buchanan ; embroidery, Miss B Nott, �lptl ±jy.RlltSfdeO . bil11901t9.11R_i� 1iss _dH- (ereet materials, bfrs Thus H•miitot,, Miss L Buchanan ; embroidery with rope in silk, Miss E Nott Miss Symington ; drawn work, Miss Syroiegtoo, Mrs C Campbell ; woollen shawl, crochet or ,set, Mus Symington, Mrs C Campbell ; psinting on silk or satin, oil, amateur, Mie. Symington, Miss E Nott ; fancy tidy, Mrs T Woods, Miss E Nott ; crochet lace, cotton, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs Geo Smyth ; chenille embroidery on f-lt or plush, `, iss E Nutt. Mrs Camp- bell ; mantle drape, Mies E Nott, Miss S]mineton ; fancy tidy, drawn work, ?bias Symington. Mrs C Campbell ; beet aoJ greatest oollection of ladies' work. useful sod ornamental, the work of one person, Miss Symington, Mrs C Camp- bell. CODER CH -BARCAIN - CENTRE. JI ES ROBINSON HAS REMOVED HIS STOCK OF DRY GOODS To the Store formerly occupied by Mr. J. T. ACHESON. CLAMS IzVI.—PINI AItTS. Best collection nil paintings, Miss Jennie McKenzie, Mrs C Campbell ; beat ooAlectws water colors, ides '0 Campbell, Miss Jennie McKenzie ; specimen pen- manship by boy or girl under 15 yeas, T. Hamilton. G. Smyth, A_.Ore.; gep- -� al drawing. Miss Jennie l.nm�isA ffs C Campbell ; crayon drains', Kiss Jan- nis McKenzie, Mrs C Campbell ; paint- ing on glass, Miss Symington, Ere C Campbell ; painting on slate, Miss Sym- ington SPECIAL PRIAES. Special by Fred Yongblut, Lood.s- borough, fon lb. best -colt of 1897, heavy draught oragaonitural, $5.—John Ohio holm. Special by John Medd, V 8., Dungan- non, of $10 for the best 5 agricultural colts, aged 4. 3, S, 1 and foal of 1897, open to any . horseman to compete, pro- viding be pay the same amount, and that the Society supplement the same with $5 DOLLARS to PEANUTS you'll be tickled into new life if you use Rice's Pure sSalt THE SALT OF THE EARTH FOR TABLE, BUTTER, OHEESE, FARM and GENERAL US... The North American hemieal Company, Limited, BOLA M 11...3C.E0148 Bailie ; Canada Red, Jae Elton, 81 Alton ; Russett, J B Edward, Jag Cur- wen ; Rhode Island Greening, Jae Alton, ,las Carweo ; beet eight named vrieti Tas Alcon, X TSnney ; Iasi four nils varieties, Wm Balliel Jos A Mallough. TALL APPLIS, 5 01 RACE. 20 -ax Pippins, Win. Mallough, Jos A Mellough ; Cayuga Red Streak. Paul Reed, Salkeld B Blenheim Pippin, Kiss Symington, (Wm. Bailie ; bests 4 named varieties, 4 of each, Miss E Nott, As Emilie. PRAIA, A .C. 3 named varieties, 5 of sack, S Forts, H Curwen ; collection grapes, Miss Sym- ington, H Curwen ; plate peaches, Thos Disher, Misss Symington ; plate crab apples, Mies Symington, Thos Woods ; piste guineas, R Mellwain, Thos Disher ; collection house plants, Jae Curwen ; collection garden flowers, out, Thos Auderson, las Corwen. CLASS XXIII—MANUFA(TURaa. 10 yards all wool cloth, Miss E Nott ; 10 yards all wool flannel, Jae Alton ; 10 yard. union flannel, Mias E Nott; pair wool blankets, i.e Alton, Sam Alton ; pair horse blankets, home made, Jae Al- ton, Mies E Nott ; beet collection of cmbintetware, A & W Sproul ; best col- lection of boot., T W Little ; best sede pair pante, A Drawly. CLAM XXiy—TMPLIMINTR. Single buggy with tgp, not known ; wodd axle farm waggon. is. Rose, let and 2nd : farm gate, Jas Rose, Jno Lee , 'egos reek, las Rose ; road cart, J M Ferguson ; beet collection farm imple- ments, Jae Rose ; superior lift pump, H Dodd ; retortion lift pomp, H Dodd. (:LAaa IIF—LADIER DEPARTMENT Tatting, Mrs C Cambell. Miss E Nett; eroehet work.Miss E Nott, Mrs T Dishier; embroidery in linen Mrs Thos Woods, Mies Syteinrtnu : embroidery in media, Mn Campbell, Mies L Buchanan ; em- ha'oldery in cotton, Miss E Nett, Ria Symington ; fancy braidis*, Miss L Buchanan, Mies Synisgton ; fawn peteh work, Kiss Sy.iagtcm.t• ,iatehed b quilt in wod1, Mn Thee a.dtos : patehd quilt in settee, Thom Hasid ten, Miss A Neu a abreid.vy in worsted of el Mrs C t�ppbsil, Miss E Yost ; Rasa , head made (unwashed). Miss L Reels moa, Mrs T Hsssiltnn ; embroi- d os belting cloth, Miss E Yott, Miss A et notion ; knitted slippen. Mies L )liEsaema. Mies I /UN ; feeoy kntttag in woof, MiesL Beebassa. Mrs 0 Clamp- tell aalbell ; tansy 'MOW kn eatton, Miss Ora - Webs. Miss IR Most ; erosissi table mats. coma pines 1 L CButhesue. M /matt; lies dill, nhskies .ode, ((es - elated) Vi. L 1■thtleen. >Ws gime- elated) • as • sweepstake prize for the best mare or gelding, sp to four years old, to be classed as Agncaltetel.—Woods Bros. and John Chisholm. Wciarby Th'o%. E: Dd9Eth, DnbitsM- non, of $3 for the beet mar or gelding the most suitable for a lady's driver. Soundness and style oonsidered. —Ed- ward Durnin. Special by James Bailie of $2 for the heaviest lamb on the ground. Speei.l by W W Fisher, Colborne, for pen of any breed of pigs, 1 boar, sows, — any age, 1st $2. 2nd $1.W. Fisher, W. Fisher. Special by W J Morrow, Dungannon, $6 for best 20 lbs. of packed butter, buttes to become his property.—Mrs. T. Hamilton. RIO010fZNDSD, Superior lift pump Henry Dodd ; common lift pomp, Henry Dodd. X X ,i X X X Ladies' Jackets ! We are showing the largest range of UUIES' JACKETS the Town of Goderich. Latest styles from 8- 0 up. FUR COATS, FUR CAPES, MANTLECLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, TABE, SHAWLSLELIN, NTWEEDS, &c. ea; its COME AND SEE. OME AND COMPARE QUALITY. OME AND COMPARE PRICER. t: • JAMES ROBINSON. TWO DOORS WEST OF HAMILTON -81 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. Prom our own Correspondents rears L Iatlbema/few Mere Tet Malta Is Mrd Aaywhasa 1Bse—Mews of tet Comma S.. -sus a.pevsed oke--sijkat LEEBURN. MONDAY,27. The l.. h by tRw .Jabs *sag. of Hamtltoo, os Scottish shaves history later - spread Py magic haters views s: the nab - note, drew • reed •tteedane& Rev. M. Mackay • former diaster sere ably filled the their. Childress' Day was observed bore by • special service sad senses be the B. 8. ebtldrea by the paster Rey. Jas. Homilies. The Marsh was prettily decorated by the ladies of the eosgregaaee with flower" ler tie oomesee HAYFIELD "BLOWS." TasDAv, Sept til. Goan .el Reynosa wee held es the 21.5. bask, there were net any oases before It. The shank bell we expected, by mistake. bee. weinadarstnd,bess doweled to anthem legality. The Park Hill Owe the as Rem thee Jeba Esso.. • widest of Ibis place has jeia- d the (Jseeervattve ranks. We very mach doubt the fees. Jeka Whidden, evaporator, is is fall blast. Apples, pears, peaches, ,.d potatoes are tamed oat beastitilly, dried Lid to large qu•stioia The " Dan btew•rt " farm offered for sale by the estate of loran A Co. of Sea - forth wee sot sold. $4,300 wee bid, aamer- cup soedidoss were easiest le. The Reynold harbor was again W*Mted. surveyed, etc., by • Governesses official an the E8 rd. lash., he hada carriage, pair •ad a colored driver with him in dae,tyle. Some badly dispesd perste. igve Olaf mo Reeve a os of tar la Ciro .toe , _ mam- tng early •,wesk ono. The affair wee sem- promised, payment to the ton of twenty five dollar was mode fon the sot, Dr. Woods met with two -tgijacss London daring the fair. He NOUN w beth eesesjeee with the desists sorest ere, sad has esters back mimes one of his berme, bony sal bassets. bed for sae trip. sealed Titrla, sial 16 yeses mei with a FARM eooiders the ether day. He strolled tato Donaldson's still. brought his kit hand into costae with the ei eslar paw, and lost one finger. 'bomb bed tic rsmslaing damn wen badly lacer- ated"v Dr. Stasberry dreamed the wounded head. DUNGANNON TowDAv, September 98. NOTICE—G. A. NEWTOONN. tt:F.NTIST, ase I�to L�� jIIjDAgArF oefg ach moth : beers fDleopteses rom tfSx• lanl[1rDD'8 Tas_intA111.011 ea teeth. Osee- P. lswsaaasr.—.Oa Saturday lest • large oortege of sorrowing relatives, Meade and melgbbers eseersed the remains .f the las Alexander Dentist from his wideees at St. Helens to Demonisesne The e of the deaslDemoniseswd was 77 years sail 8 mouths. Tide ob.equles were eeedseW by 'Rev. Mr. w holey, of Si BeMrir The bereaved rel- atives have the sincere sympathy of the community. The doomed was • pioneer of West Wawaneeb, sed wag sash esteemed e s a good attires and selrhbor, betag of a (aims and retiring disposition and kind to all. C. L I U. The IeBswinw are the midge fey the dif. ferias yeses people's eodetiee width met darty the week t North -at Methodist ehrroh E. L. of C. E., fredey evseing at 8 .'sleet. On Oe.. let. Oenseerutlea. qualities drawer (eerier•;) by the President. Kama Cherub 11.P.8.0. T., meet with the general prsyerwreetiag. The topie. " New to make (1.rr. win ear win. dad the remit." Poll. 2: 118 Qeeetiee 96. Miss McOl—bey. All ere eerdlally belted to attend thew meet rage, whish are held is the besmear of the didereat ehsrekee. Members trees ether eniedee are noised to be pretest. Wingh•et t Wm. Uwoidses. at flasMa iesibma eeseey.-ssospealed by w dlattt�tsr, IimbM. is v bestow-la- liade obi s 8>rwa dl Mt They .' son vMon as Ali* et esdbary wefgbt. DUNLOP. Moiety, Soot. 20. Rebt Williams, took in the steamiest to Niagara fa1L lest week. The 'Wisdom Roomed of the 9th of Sept, sweeties" the death of the husband of M. A. Barker, slater of eras townsman Jetta H. Mrs. McIntyre, of Soeth•mptes. former- ly May Cammiag. after an 'bones of many year is hens ea • visit to her father, D. Cemsis/. aeoempe&ld by her daughter. Amen our transient visitors last week who sew the fair at Goderich were. Use. Meese, of Brassisid, ens of Haees's well knows horaemea,Th.a Meatgosee.y. wbese father was far seas time et R farm wee up from Geelph, seeing of triode sad "shout mates of his boyhood days at 8s1-- fegd eoliths of leaving. Thomas has bees married this pest five years. AnAIN WWII Us.—Two years age the Rev. S. Haughton yisAed his permits Mr. sad Mrs. J. A. Haeght.n. as Orebard Cot- tage. ottags. Again he demes this time la beueeiee fordo havieg bee, married is Soreetse. Pima. were le sow etatie•ed. Beth be asd Mrs. Haughton e. joyd a se•th sojourn in Oesarie by a trip to the Tbcrasoad Weeds sad our prtedpel items. Sally ending hire swim his sbllse Mr.. Je e. I. Williams. et Syringed., We beteg is Baugh toe's lint visit to Canada. When here both visit- ed points of interest In sod •bout Dunlop and Goderiob, and on Sunday last Mr. Heugbtoo preached In St. George's church, Goderioh. Last night at 8 o'clock, Zechariah Lawrence died at his residence oo Church street, after two weeks' Ulnae& For some time past the deceased has not been very well and two weeks ago he took aiok with typhoid lever. This developed tato Bright's disease which was the oases of hie death Mr. Lawless was boa near Niagara 48 years ago. Is March he secured the poe- tics of eeriness. re the Imperial sad held it NU last before he became i1L He was in- terred at Sandwich. FALL FAIRS. - u ._ Blyth, Oot. 5 sad 6. Morris branch, Blyth, Oct, 5 sad 6. Stanley, at Baylleld. Sept 30 and Oot. 1. Grey : Mr. Baird, lath et Clinton Model, bee beam engaged se teacher in Na 10, Grey toe 1808, to succeed W. E. itrmsteeeg. wbe purposes attending sebeel after New Years, Shorey's Rigby 1 -?roofed Frieze Ulsters In Olive Mix, Brown, Fawn, Claret and Oxford Grey ; 51 to 54 inches long, with 6 -inch collar, 5 pock- ets and throat tab, with ' wont - come - di" buttons can be bought retail in every Town and Village for suN�iEaT - SAP rapper Competition AUGUST 1897. Tae failowleg are the WI...rs I. Bberlrt rte I. �slateea Ontario. Winner:: of Stearns' Bicycles Mr. A. Oourtesaaobe, Midland. Minter Reg Armitage, 438 Church -et, Te roan. Winners of Gold Watches Mr. Freak Bresaan, 174 Wiliam Ave., To Mr. Marry it Cantelon, MitekeiL Mr. Arthur Donahue, 300 Di1s-st., To - route. Mr. D. J. MeC eoty, hex 734, Owe Surd. Mr, Joss M. Spears, 160 O4detooe Ave., Termite. The above eleutpeiMMS wine be eee- lrmed data mercer M list. LEVER BR08.(IAesited) Toronto NEW FALL MILUNERYIP Having thoroughly iaspseted all that was new for Fall and Winter wear in the beat market', and having purchased largely, I now have a stook of new and elegant inAeyr Thimgofnga, eta, to which I cordially invite the inspedi ke of the ladies of Gtiderioh and vicinity. The stook ocatp'isss All the New Shades is Grey and Blue Fur Mounts ibr Yil1Inery Vets Hats. in all the shapes, Rats, trots a 5. up, jgagpagi, from $1.75, up madam atia 30 nits, up. A t4ssi.lfly this Zama is PROMOS vaanio, et wale` i bare a veil line in stook. ` • MICO i' seitl' at very y ee*hble paha - Ha iltce-st., GodetWL iQ88 0J112001t ii?'Ae..oWt+,M:9awe,.M,.:Ilmf�+] saki hE l I r)hp fro til1G� Of Pei en f if