HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-30, Page 2S T■a1Me►t. Egypt. 30, 1897. - SIGNAL : GODE iUi ONTARIO. --- WR OBJECT Is to .soon lose Trude by supplying you wltb the veer best ..eswear at the lowest poeuibl• prtow. Just pow w srei busy t•.cetving our stook of FALL, and WINT1tR GOODS inoltidlae Shoes for Mee. Wotneo sad Children, and al- p It a BBB H8 of r ti kinds and denortptteaa to suit every- body. PRICE, THE SHOEMAN sir her 'Repair Wert will be *are to Sall Yea NORTHWESTERN FAIR. peeteNN from Piety rage. P1;1Z$4.t8t _. HORSES. CLAN 1.-Tt0000 tel Baku. Stallion, 4 years old sod upwards, F. A Elliott. W. W. Fisher; brood mars, with foal by her side. Alfred Dodd, diploma ; foal ot 1897, Alfred Dodd. CL, S$ It.-ROADrosim Stallion, 4 veers old and oter, rot lees than 16 nor over 16 bends high, IaeaaSaw- ksld, Jr. ; sallies 2 years old. Andrews Bros.; stallion, yowlers, Thos. Gundry; sallion, any age, E. Van Every, diploma ; filly or gelding, 3 years old, 154 beads end under, Wm. Btnuvbes, J. C. Johnston. G. 0. Sturdy ; 611y or voiding, 2 years old, Robs. Thompson. D. Lovejoy ; filly or mild. lig, yearling. Dr. Whitely, Albert Even; brood mere, 151 heeds Will sod under, with bet foal by t •r side, A. M. Polley, Jho Kaax. Jno. 'e. Y.o ; foal of 1897, A. J. Oddtborpe, Joseph Whitely, Jia Mo Lasgblin ; pair of metoted horses. mama or aaidjegss m hmuumm, hb$i.Ids bei t state ao • E. Swartz. A. M. Polley, J. C Johanson ; single bore, mare or voiding, abown in harems, 151 hands high and nn der, Dr. Whitely, Jas. MoManui, O. Johnston ; female, any age, Robs. Thomp- son, diploma. Caress 1 raw lamb. este et sem, 2 share sed owes. poi of sheathes ewes, pair of owe lawbs, Jas Pother. CLAS 111--LE(arra*. Run, 2 theatre seducer. Jas 8.ell ; sheer hos rate, ram lamb. J.a Swat, lee sad 21.d: pe,ir et ewes. Salmon mad air. Jas. Sell, Vistas Elliott; p.tr of abesrhel be, Jae *sell, 1st and lied ; "sr of ewe Hoary. Jae. Baell ; pen of lwloesters. rte, say •g•, one, any tyle. Jas. Snell. '•LA0. X XII.-SOUTHDOWNS. Rem lamb, pair of ewes, 2 sheers :.41 over, pair of sbearleur ewes, pair Glee we hp its, ram, soy are, ewe, aey age. Bro.. CLAYS 011;1.-01rOa08141Ye DOWPR Rem, 2 sheers end Deer. ebearltog ram, ram Lamb, pair of Owe", 2 sheers sad over, par of .be•rltng ewe., pair ot ewe lambs, Jas. Tebb ; pea of Oxfordshire Downs, ram, soy tyle, ewe, soy ewe CLASS ‘XIV. -ANY 00100, 141001), NOT ON LIST. Ram, 2 *bears and over, ram lamb, pair of twee. 2 sheers and over, pair ot ewe l•wbe. A M. Polley. CI.A.' % %V.--YHROreMlal DOWNY. Ram, 2 shear" and over Ju. Cooper i Son ; sbe•rli g ram, Olen Bros , (1 W sturdy ; ram lamb, G. W. Sturdy, Oleo Bros.; pear of ewes, 2 ,beats sod over, Jae Cooper & Son, Glen Bro..: pair of sbearli.E ewes, G. W. ,Oltars1 a,jog�.CqOftrd +S?ei pair of ewe Willis, Jas. Cooper & San, 0 W. Sterdy ewe* et llkv.pshtn Dowse. eat... soy lige. Jae. Cooper & Son. CLAY. 1 X SH0IP. Bess Ins sheep, .11k wether. Pao* Stewart, Jas t.bb. CLASS Xxv11-ILrIM)v'ED DIBlaxtat Boar. over 1 year and under 2 years, boar, littered in 1897 sad boar, any ago, weirs taken Dy Jas. Chisholm ; sow, over Doe year sad odder two years. Percy Stewart. JP. Chisholm ; sow, littered in 1897 and sow, any site, were takes by Jac Chisholm. ,•LAS/ XXVIII--ceserria W01TI. Boer, 2 yeers old over, Wm. Baso ; boar, littered to 1897, Wet. Btoben, Wm. Bees boar, env see, Wm. Fiero ; .ow, 2 gears old and over, Wm Bean. Jao. W. Salkeld : .ow, over' 1 yaw end ceder 2 years, Wm. Parsons • .ow, littered to 1897, Wm. Been. Jos. W. Salkeld ; sow, soy age, % is. Beets. CLAIR 17L11-?OLAPP CHINA. The prizes in this olsw, ezo1pting 2nd for .ow, over 1 year sad soder 2 yeas, which was takes by K. -Drysdale and wbtoklo eludes}.•.ltriel% p yIIIAA sed aver. boar, he and to Wire boll. of any age. sow, 2 *hero sod over, .0W, ktter.d in 1897, end sow, soy age, were all taken by W. W. Fisher. Black Spanish, a hits freed, U. W. Irwin ; Levborua, any other variety, Wm. Carter, Wm. Hartry ; Leghorn., brown, steels r rose oomb, Wo.. W:lktos; wdwWte Carter, J. C. Lyon ; Polish. white cre black, Wm. Carter ; PuliIb, any other , Wm. Garter, W. O. Lew.pbr.y ; Plymouth Rooks, J. C. Lyon, E C. Wet. .on ; elymonth Rooks, nth A• k Kea. seedy. las end 2nd ;Wyandotte.. jr., J. C. Lyon ; Wyandotte', white. J. H. isher, Thos Beatty : Lswtsbah.. 3. C. Lyon ; black or white Java., G. W. Irwin Aodaluiisss, Jo•eph Whitely ; llituroos, Wm. Aneuy, let and 2nd ; Gams, brown - breasted red, (2. A Wells; Game. blsck- brested red, C. A. w elle. Jas. Peetletb- wadt ; Game, Bantams. bleak -breasted red, le W. Irwin. R. IlloLeae ; Game, Became, pile, R. Mohan, let and 2.d ; Game, Ban- tams, duokwtne.E Belcher, jr., lira. Camp bell ; Bantam...esbrigbt, golden or sliver, J. C. Lyon ; Bantams, any other variety of fancy, Mrs Campbell. Geo. MoK.y ; Pekin Bantams, R. R. Mellows, 8. Belober, jr. ; Red Caps. J. Lyon. Wm. Wallace turkeys. broom. A. Drysdale. Joo, W. ealk.ld : geese, Embd.o, Jos. Whitely, G. W. Irwin ; gesso. Toulouse,. W, G. Lam- prey ; geese, China, Joe. Mutely ; geese, soy other variety, Jno. Salkeld ; ducks, Room, Win. Wallop ; duck., Pekin, G. W. Irwigy lei eat* 294 etaleistes towia, Wm. Carter. CLA'. XIXIV-tareise CHICIIN. Brahma., light, R. MoLeen, J. H. Fisher ; Brahma, dark, G. W. Irwin ; Coobin., bag, G. W. Lamphrev, J. C. Lyon ; Der' kiss. any variety, J. H. Fisher. let and 2d : Hambures, spangled, voldeo and silver. R. McLesr, Wm Carter; Hambures, pencil- led, foldes sod silver, Wm. Carter : Ham- burg., Mack and whoa. Wm. Carter ; Log - bores, black, Wm. Wallace ; Lsglorns, whit*, Wm. Carter, J. C. Lyoe ; Leghorn', brown, singl. or tee come, 0. C. Watacs, Jas. PsetJaltweite ; Eoodana, Wm. Career, J. C. Lyoo : Petah, wbite.areeted, black, Wm. Carter : Polree, any other variety, Ww. Carter : Plymouth Rooks, W. F. Hick, J C. Lyon ; Plymouth Rocks, white, Leek Kennedy, Wee liar try : Wyandotte., 0. W. Irwin, 3. C. Lyon ; W yandotte, idth w, J. H. batter. look Kennedy ; An- dalusia.", G. C. Watson, Wm. Wallaoe ; Miaimea, Wei. Anetay. 1st and 2nd ; Mlne aroos, white, Lick Kennedy, Wm. harlot ; Gem., bleek.b eseted red, C. W. Wells, In and 2nd ; Game, browh-breuted red, C. W. Wolfe ; Game. pile, J. C. Lyon ; Gams, bantam.. black breasted rod, E. Belcher, jr. 1st and 2od ; Game, bantams. dookwing, R McLean, Mrs. Campbell ; Banteloi, .oa• beigbt. golden or silver. Mrs. Campbell, Jus Posttethwala; Bantams. any other easterly of fancy, J. C. Lyon. Geo. McKay ; Poker bantam., R. R Sallow', Wm. Her try ; Red Ceps, Wm. Walluu ; turkeys, bronze, Jno. W. Salkeld ; geese, Embden, Jos. Whitely : geese, Toulon's, W. G. Lemphrev ; geese, any other variety, Jno. tialk.ld ; dacha, Aylesbury, Wm. Carter ; ducks, Pekin, G. W. Irwin, J. C. Lyon : Guinea fowls, Wm. Carter; oolleotloo rah • bite. Mrs. Campbell, Jas.'Diok.on • ooliw- tloo pigeon', Geo. McKay. Jas. E. Mown ; incubator m operation, W. A. Re's CLASS ill.-0ADD1.0. Saddle horse. mare et seldisioolgeo Mes, Laughlin, Joo. Porter ; pony in saddle, under 14 bands high, ridden by boy, Robt. MoL.an. F. A. Elliott ; beet boy rider ender 14 yeses, Bebe. lLoL.s.a. Frank Wright. CLAN 1V.- LADt Mewls A IStIVIns. Lady rider, lk Weight ; lady driver, A. Green. Mn. T. Hamilton. Jao. A. Wallin. CLAS' V.-CARILIA0I. Sallies, 4 years old and upward.. 16 hands .r over. J. P. Fisher: filly or gold• ina, 3 yeses old. over 164 bends high. J. W. Maras, Alf. Dodd ; 811y) or gabbier. 2 years old, J. E. Whitely. Thos. Beatty, brood man, over lief hands bigh, with her feel by her side, Geo. Weston, I). Prow.; foal of 1897, D. Lovejoy, Jno. Margate ; pair matched carriage hoes, mares or geldings, over 151 hands high, W. C. Potter, 2od ; slnele carriage horse, mare or gelding, over 15f hands kith, Thos. Goodry, J. C. Job.• sten, Mrs. T. Hamilton ; female, any ago, Thos. Gundry. CLAY VI.--(SIPIRAL r17a1'0w1L Blood mare, with her foal by her side, Joo. W. Selkeli, J. B. Edwards; filly or voiding, 2 years old, C. W. Taylor, Andrew Oren ;ratline, 811* or gelding. C. W. Teeter, Jao. W. Salkeld ; foal of 1897, Joo. W. Salkeld ; matched roam, geldings or mare", to harr:.es. Wm. Elliott, A. J. Toy - ler, C. 4. S. NafteL CLAY Vit7-ACa1CQLTCaAL. Brood mare. with foal by her side, Joseph 8. Salkeld, Joo. W. 8slk.ld : filly or geld - ins. years old, Chris. Dale. Percy Stewart; y.•r . 811y or "siding, hap & Horton, 0. Deist Coal of 1897, Jos. 8. Salkeld, Joo. W. Seibold ; matobed . team,- Odin,' or CLAt1Q 1X.-EUAVT DIADOWT. 1XPOR1' D. SallIoo, 3 eers old and upward., loop & Horton, Taos Gundry ; stallion, year- li.g, I.aee & Horton, Ioses h Horton ; stal lion, any age, Innen & Horton. diploma ; filly, 2 ears old, Ji.. Snell ; filly, yearling, Looe. Homos ; female, any age, J'. - (241'008. Spell, diploma. Brood mare with her foal by her side, G Ha11, *oars old Jae. Betetl ; Hsu. 1 year Dale, Mrs. P. J. Fisher ; filly or gelding, 2 ld,. 88.,t1; mell ;1. aK1 (bIt. R 1 year, years old, G. Dale, Jae. Forster ; gelding or sne1l ; .Ifor, 2 yanvw old. JA Baetl ; Heil• filly, yawl's', G. Dale, Ione" sod Horton ; sr, 1 year old, JM• Swell ; Helfer 0.11. tool of 1897. G. Dale, Mrs. P. J. Fisher ; coder one year. Jan. Bso11. open heavy dr'arht borne", name or geld- toee, to *ague Chris. Dale, Jas. Former ; eI.Ase x1V.--ri.aerORD (i' 05000n0it0D). Female. any age, G. Dale, Diploma. Ball. 2 year* old. W. Billet%; B.B. 1 The following were the speedier s!s00 year old, Vagew ■*1(505; Bull Calf, seder 1 end the wloners : year, W. Elibtt. V. Elliot% t Cow, is Calf No. 1-Opso trot or p.o.-our entries- or (Prime milk. V. Bike*. W. 815.00; Quo 0..bel's Moe Delmarob, l.t: J. Hetet, 2 Veers old. W. R1les%; Helfer 1 t.eary's Padey R . 2od. and his Maple yoke cid. 7, Elikat. Heifer Celt, elder 1 Lest third. C. R. Peihkewuky'a took AA year, W. 8111eM, V. Elliees;• ;AIM Herd, is the emend bag and eau withdrawn. eoMbatlg et 1 8.11, and 4 fakaisi, V. i1• Ne. 2 -Farm/,' tree sr papa -fear en• unit, W. Elliott • 114410-Jsme" Mo ane: Sg ler, l.1 t3. set -roman Peal's, 2.d and R Frust'. Grey R. 3rd. ernownnoltttase). No. 3 -Farmers' run -four setrise-Wm. Bell Oelt, .cedar 1 yea►. Best Bail. ss 8 1M :Joke Porter, 2nd 1 J. C. sp. Cow. is self or gfviag.mak, 11 L No. ' yw�e+ old, 0.4ter, 1 *oar .id, 0.4.r Cell' No. 4 -Open Running -J. E. Sw.re loss aaf6er I you, Beet Female, of an Vi1�ea,, Beat end Jobs Porter Zee. H .o.eiltne of 1 Boll and lleeee1.., No.b-palmers' Stems toot or peen -ds • were ell takes by John Varese. entries -R. Frost, 1st : John Walter, 9wd e�e� AT THE PLAY. Dora seated at tar till Weep to see for 3Wo perM1- Hae of a 1Fre+Jrle day. Fit fur cblue nymphs to chotW u that horn's 1.eert would M Half no mutt end war% tot nal Wb, -u the 1*11 is ere out His brrole daMS are w •v tk,ur 111$ splendid t sad •cob. r;.'o.- his rewires of s lover. Wbnr nay hl.bdre% bort you'd and ?rue, though out of sight and mind. _ Ddwsnd N:. Goma. CHLOROFORM AND BURGLARY. medial Llessgt/es ea tee Yseslbl ill et eareeUalag eleeplag Yereo.e. i. 1n the lee A curSIc tiled ,reported rtant press which iniulvar an itael7u me iicudrg/a question. Scone burbil.trs are stated to have entered adwee tee hoarse :it t1nytuu-le-Moots, Accreefe. tend to cMoruformtd the inhabitants as a preliminary measure to successfully looting,: hutate. 'Lbs alleged victims of th1it// R were a grown-up tun of the liatusebo r, two adult daughters. std two young children. The burglars first entered the rtroi. in which the Stela and cbildrru were ait•epittg,ehlorofterined atheir leant- rss, trall without hen went to theroomtetyouth, and desk with him in the some ivuy. 1e the murine the young lean awakened cult t ,lplllyd of feelin` �y 1147 l -while the -Meters dx7•tetae through recu l lea to raatheas •tis sevens -i+w"> at a'taeiing Seised they did not know anything about the burglars• le is not our bulinese to discuss the inherent improbability of the Per?. Whether ave possums coati o .r laced to euestbetic .leen by burglar' using chloroform in such a way as not W disturb their ntaei slumbers is the matter which intermits the prefeesion. o Dolbean tested - the possibility Of • d fond that, a deeliingte rested, as found that, even u rat he ouly preceded in ten cases cot eit twenty-nine; so even under the moat favorabbe conditions Dolbean ,ga•wded in chloroforming Without awakening the patient in about 83 per cent of the eeaw•.. Chimes sur•eeeded with two children, anti generally k 4 admitted that young persons are more easily chlorefereat'.l during sleep than %dolts Iu the well- known case of Richard Smith. who wee found Til bed murdered while bis wife slept Meade bitee the woman's deaf.SSe web that she had been drugged with spa dike-eft/yen. and was not a crintinie. Quimby'. evidence in gapport of thia,gl.a .was tbitt4w • Jtnd onesseried In three experiments in producing chloro- form ea r.vrste dar4nx natural sleep- One adult and two children. In the eerily days of the tree of eldordoem gyeat hears were entertained lest the drug should become an latportent item in the armat0enterium of emery criminal who aspired to dlstleetlon in his calling: bat as wee poh%t.d oat by &sow and others. ebkx•oform-giving breolvee trio much skill and expertness lot a estia4actor7're- s54t is to be obtained for its use to re possible for the parpooes of crime. In the ease before is it mem. Incredible that several penes In one room could be or -repay cble 'nfsessed withont Knee ,,f their own or their neighbors dtrmbere, wad, earthier. that the nar- cosis moll be oto profond that is the cane of the Idris It should persist ler boars i : setrentstreelon eic dotA.rmedical aid before It meld be rweverlme. lousy. la his .wit ante. given ifl 1871. before the apart et New Bloomfield. Perry County, Po., mid be had tried to (*Servitor's] sax persons dining their deep, sad all bad redacted. The hulk rt exoerlewee sora to @bow that, except is site cage of in- fants. it is most exceptional -to sueceed Ir chkwofotmin7 persons ithout awak- Medical ening them from lkp Jrmrost. FARM PRODUCT.. CLAYS XXXVII -FI*LD GRAtI'S. Oa. bash. Red Clawson «heat, 8 Fare". D Prones ; ono bosh. Daw.o&s Ooldes Chaff fall wbest, G. W Anderson, 8. Fares ; one bash. soy other variety fall wMse, slew, opted, Jos 8.15.ed. 8. Fano ; the bush any other variety till wheat: red sr amber, named. S. tares. Atte. 8.15.14 ; she one bush. .pane «beet Colorado. 8. Fans Joseph S. Seibold : one bash axiom wheat, any other variety, S. Faros, J.a 8elk.ld me bash. six -rowed Seeley, Jae. Salkeld, S. Furor ; an. bash. large pees. Jas hold, & Fares ; ergo bark swell pew, 8 Fares, Jae. Baikal& ; the b i5.. whit. oats, By. comma. 8. Form ; ode bash. bleak oats, Jaa Devises. 8. Form ; ems bosh Gam seed. Joo. 8.1kdd. Joseph 8. 8a1keld : toe bush. timothy seed, Jae. Salkeld, Jos. E. Whitely ; ewe bee& whims beans, 8. Fares; beet and lemma off peones of gists in tea ' traw, grows by exhibitor, Jae. 8.15.ld. CLASP 1XXVIlt-VIRLD SOOTS, Van=rLlL1n 811 bast, rod ma.tsfd waH'e* Joo, Wm. Warnock ; sox globe tans gold wetrttels, Jos 8.11t.1d, H. Curwen ; . ix intermodlste tle.seefd wartsele. Jao. delkel.d, W. W.ro.ok; n: 'wade turnips, J. Diabase, R. Cowmen : six field carrots, long red. F. Wright, J. .•lheld ; six Irk! e eiumera, W. Wrgeok. Glen lens : peek of odea', t:. A. Wells, D. Proems ; oleo est - sera. field, H. Curves, J. Sall/old; largest pumpkin. C. A. Welk ; largest squash. 8. Fare, Mrs. Howie ; six largest turnip., H. Cerium ; twelve largest and beet gooks Geld oars. I. 8nikeld, ir., J. W. 8sAkeld.1.' cuss xIIIZ.-1)1010 Pe00000 CLARA XXXV-RPIIDIR0 P1X.. Brahms.. light or dark, J. H. Faber, R. McLean ; Cochin., any oolor. J. C. Lyon ; Leghorn., Stu v?riet,y Jere iMtl. ea.it 't3eo: M'oiKay ; Wyandoltes, any vssrrbWo&y• J C. Lyon ; Gomm, soy variety. C. A. Wells. let end 2od ; Hambergs, say v.rime. R. Moana, Wm. Carter. 6LA'w xIxT1-r7M'aLLa13001t. Singing oseery, W. J. Das&l, W. G. L•operey ; 001150 ion birds. W. J. Denied. s , sr ate xtt -inhume rolos000tteasD . CLAM; X-HOAVY DRAUGHT, 000ADIA:, THE 8083 OF TAMMANY. a mesons temereesson:eg sueatrd ember. e flow Sara. A weep. wbo este. our with Cooker. on We recent journey 4elen Europe sad tithe raw monk of rote, antes her ing reethere es follows : 1 Newswire of Mr. Dreher, whew 1 heard that be was cm the ship, es a mart M Lag political bleak beat. I remembered his fees with some destinotas.s, bot my memory had been tempted by oartoon., and I wee really surprised to .ss the nal own. The cooly herd those shoat his face is the droop which is ever at seek Darner of b4 mouth. to ibe middle his lips are abeolule• ly. strslaht. bJ u emote threat they drop suddenly dews, so that I can imagine that they might make • mac fear Richard Crok. sr, and they make me think that/Me leader• skip may be based on eomethteg other than the love of his followers Mien he first sat down in the 'teenier Pair out to mine on the New York 1 ovoid not tmyttns what to say to him. 1 had been told that he never read. that he know nothing about any 'objects .mospt polities end hor es (ot bob of which I am oompiete- ly ipotesi), .ad that ka din sot like women Re saved my sutberressmeot, bow• seer, by b.elo01.g to talk "bout oblldreo. PI Doane 1 love children. Wham ha told ms about kis family of me 1 telt at ease at otos His moa Hers was on board. and the Wagered Tammllef Sall wombed him s. he pawed n with a smile and a look of loview pride teat would have done credit to the simplest father is the steerage. It wee, 1.8.01, Mr. Grokees eimpltetty bat ieprwwd me most. I Pp never known • mea tore et things so directly end o predated se Utile as be does is his wove:. satiate with women 1 asked him about the story that lie was a woman -ear. Well," be geld slowly, " It tent fur to lay these I ass • wotoao-batsr. I don't as • rale Irke to be with women or to talk to woman, for, bow is a owe who speeds his eta with Bean work1.g bard at Ibises 4» «Wok wows take se manes to knew what be my to a Inoue' There are N many Awe"tses sea who are tea buy M Cure o05 what American women west to talk 'oboist ghat t believe we ere sheet the most ke.Ual nos on earth. .I am so awfully man with ROOM. although I am w idest oantaoed m the Fuentes of a wan. I asked him -while the rats was dripping cm the de•koet the planets, ship sad meet tbfi pasnengere were Wasiak -what lee tbosobt was the very bees Quality that e man et woman could potpies. He aneweeed eshwtwtieigl♦ : • Loyalty. There is Nothing Goer in tide world then loyalty to use'' Moods. I ben heard people way that then N so 'sob thing es true friendship is this world. I keen, better. Wy teemeds have laser' stn 1 have thews demise of Musamess of the enema Mad of frbssdehlp amass wge. I d'o't h.. Uwe Meet wanes wake as pod triesd& as mew W bee yea do mak e krissd1Y ammo abs makes Y' very kart kind of a bb'ad. The tri aRg cans x minim no; aa�aln P n es 1140 ORILY .esoLDtat.x Oausist$'It1r1iLA, T1000 014 ?fiat KAMP?. Ten peva& table barter, melted for use, rolls or prints. W. F. Hlok, tare. T. Ram- IlMte.-JL 3. Geldtheeysl tan_loaed. *mete batter. waited for ewe, roils er In print*, A. J. Goldthorpe. Mrs T. Hamiltan, R. A. Sprang ; tub or creek of salt batter, sot lea then 40 poaada, W. F. Yoasg, R. A. 8 Ken. T. Haailtes ; ten pounds .e11 better. Mrs T. Homtltes. A. J. Gold• theme. A. Groes ; abuse, not iege than 60 penada factory made, Jao. Cad1/y, W. B. Thompson; oilmen, not lest thaw 12 pooad., hem made, L. 8yinladsoa and Aedreen Bros, 3rd. CLASS XVil-Jgsw1T, (T000004110a10). P108. Ball, 3 years old sad upwards. A. Dry.- 4614; rys4.&; 'Ball, 2 years old J L. Atkins ; Ball CLASS 30--Daaoc insasT. Colt, seder 1 year. A. Drysdale, Jae. Melt* Hoar. 2 yews old oyez. W st. Pa1eeaa 1 seethe , Beet 13111. of thy ego. Jaw ]taw - boar, over 1 ye.r and ender tenscors, W. Flatter ; boar littered le 18V7, W. Fisher. W W. Fisher ; boar, any cgs - fisher t .ow, 2 years old seg out, W. Fisher. W. Pommes ; sow. over 1'ad seder 2 yea s, W. Fisher, W. W. Maher 1 err, littered ba 11107. W. nabs', W. W. rimose ; ems. soy age. W. Fisher. c1.A'w d8-ilAYla, MTV Shen. Beer. 2 yews aid sad env, bene. Mand M 1 d. l Beerge Nay % sawed. . lief ttr+ed, laves t Wtssi�. 1 how .ad 3 wow, el a.y age, P.&ad Chios, were she takes ley W. W. fisher. POULTRY. moss Xxlm. 0 W Irwla, Geo. Ms Ka • jl�ow• Asa. 0. W. Insist. lot se4 fad t Oesedo. trio" J. (` Lwow s MASS rem -OAT OAt'PRL rteassp•t. rotes wad ■eaate rel PflBZ80L1111 Rheumatic Sputa PHBB80Lit.; Pills Utak Minas In beakers It W *AMU Weep that meant. The lose of a email �seau en a bill W in it- self a little shier, bat the genie total of these little losses ruck large's's The /fele; el • frs'/w overweight is • email lose o keen, bee the daily N.assotlo.a al the .4.vs are samersq sod the little evr- w�i�t sees mashie a hog less. wig, of s sine& esseewr. i.. pnhapss viewed as s lee". eaimpe"taet. be% the M. Blew el she lose .smsa.er ezueWWd egoism eh* Were will .ares the leen el ether omet- edera The Wham to &new ea order at the time wooded 4 . 11et!e %hint, bet she etwaoersk'o plies may have tows .o'.S by the delay, and • seed .f d4wWeelitw sews that molt ansltM is the kw .f a ..stems The hikes to 441 ea ore eerft•elly wr the .1414.• et • Maple erde1•' they he a limbo aka. bet the oases* smile may have Wee Molt seeded sad as .•¢y esehmage the moll. (Matas : Oa Thsreday molar, last Rove $sr•s, of Daybed& drew. ever bete with a M�sd to weed a poll foal to . Nevtsg beau m s heed Sable. D atg kir aeg.ahes pow, los oil lc 1pvteg wllk, J. N.w. some este tiapeted the *Mire gnat ei use baggy with red =Its. red b was Res sow* J. L Atkins, J. L. ARlss ; Helfer, i osovered 11 ■r. Bsrss sad bweotepan• 2 years .'d, .T. L. Attlee, J. L. Aiken., tem had apoilid twit, .1ot5a S'.s . trsak Heiler 1 year eld. J. Nisamhe,J. L At. W ow low our ls tea joke. h le helper Osorsoteed to 0015 Rheuma4em $show►. Lumbago Oeat and Neurallti•• A sure vire .t Headache, Dizziness Coestlpatioa. 1n44. misttoo, Billowiest", Bright. Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis, Coo vuepos, Redoes Demme, eta, ek. haaenseeared New A Sold es Newt 80111 in Goderich only by F.Y. Dnaha>s a/wgular gigue. Of unwittingly ludicrous' ti r homorone Ei�x�iitsr,Ethere are .hoe nith near Exeter, 13'sjle ha. a Nigra which reser; "Quart roeuures of all shaper and arses solid Imre." At a market town in Bare Iandshire the following placard was & Mood to lie shutters of a evetchmaker who tad decamped, leaving hie creditors mournmain- springiLevee." Equally appoint.ng: "Wound up and the one in Thttaston, Ge. On one of the prim - areal streets the ame room was acme - pied by a phy0cian and a shoemaker -- the disciple of Galen in front, weiie h. of 8t. Crispin's triode worked in the rear. Over the door boa the nigh: We re- pair' both mels sad body." On the win- .amies et a- Leaden •esRrm"r sem - the notice: 'This coffee -room ru• mored ,P+titire till repaired." The pro- prietor ot the eines wee not ea Irish- men. though the framer ot the notice over a P renis borying ground, "0547 the dead who live in this parish are buried here," meat have bees. One may ter is the wt•dows of a co* ! i1) Fomr'th avenge New York, ppe� All Night." A ohms and reads: "Rome -Mede Dinky R- Dome. Fatelly Oysters," while a W Brand. way restaurateur Neils ' Hem .Mads Pias, Pastry. and Oy.tees," and atdB 'pother caterer, on Meat B r . ttabi!lsy ,hash Balt Oysters and Haar." 'Boots Po1L I •aide, ' le a fieawent slice 1n New Took. and on Ale Week avenue, B,.oklyv, there 11 a " tasiowary Library:' and the latter is a circulating library, and the "et•,4lon•ry" adorns one wiedow 'library" trop .titer. Pt,ltd^lpb'a a sign reading, "Bo Made Plenr and a bbslber's shop be the .anis city L�srs this tname t4loi e+ Ms window,: "p. We1bsehing'tnn 8.nIth. teinsuiial abate 151 ,"-Dethe est'. Masaa1e. tiatezear T 0o no prepa•red to >mNT a will good fiat or Cep wheel it egoN, W. ho, is Mack a1) t1 s Latai Styles tied NB • - } kites. we Ca11. Mdit 1 y.ar, st. Mirk* otfjabd, sed the rereeer.esr V det.retag ea, 3. L. Atkins, J. L Siktas. of mores rianitk'rMh maw Xviu--*LDS Dale[. Cow. giyiew milk et la self, J. W. Bal. �1rMa,• Alt.. •• •wstpstsYtety ... tat= a.ks Wtless. E. t7ge'r t»Mgm kayos .s 5.141, P. Stewart, J. W. 8.15.11: 0.ifer, 2 „&tr Oar., M awe, en 8snday worm- like. .Id, H. Certain. J. W. 8.lbld, H. .s the ye. M 5 eyes". -AIIM.ib 1e barwsw ; H*if. 1 7ewr.id. P. alieur , J. abbe to 5. shwa esti) gaits r.oess4 , W. Belk11d. P. Reimer% a Maw 0sil dear N Wee seat that M was faille* se be i W ewe( mead mbaMw, angles me sittl'elw r 1oaMrbMs1. ie mar, J. Varee., J. 'lPSlS I 'Pal' j.r• el� Nt.er. /. W. tiwlkeld P. tiW.wWlr't ) Yearns, toast, J. W. 8•IIssAG. P. Stwo r ei w t• this eaaallry soft Sty ewer OLIO P. Stewart, P. fleeeft t I wed tet • tibaA �fiwleettl�i� Pose* any are. J. W. WWI. pawl Reed es Uawl���MMIIM�se riot a �yga e; M 4 Female" sand 1 Meer. J. W. hei% ser 54 tat P. Bo wee► C.shMa. b,sti 0. W. Irw1.. J. C. um; , rulOe r Mow J W lWk.b1 t no (.w *los.S . ~.slept.• W. sli.e" i ' .m HMNr, J. "alit P. 8,.wslt. *los. SW �Wasides.04 ether. 5.8811?. w.a U.rM.t i RtFstSrr, M>den es/ Slyer. peat Qllgr.v CLAIM i UwVogel M 1x.-atnta.rcu. IS. wed wkiM, 11. , j... W ; Balk 2 .bait sag, ova, Jas. Potter. A. •' /Mds�tp M a milk* hie ehw'wt is polities Potitkw shows a man pWsly sad gaiokly «he kis reel Mends an and who hie lab. Mede are, for the stars of the genie brings about a test every sees in a while. I never forst • tries& I vu .•t built that way." Do yen believe that the band or the hoe or any pert of a rata's outside appear• linos ma be ooseldered to be a gip .oder to his okareoter'' I asked. ' I don't believe is thea thl•p mach" he •.heed. , The taco toile stash, bat it W likely to fool yea 8o m•oy iso.. 4.11 too meoh or all pain Iles The old saying is that the eye is the index of H. soul, but it proves to be a mighty lad index esme time.. If I haat to m.km up ay woad u to whet sort of . fellow a sea really 4. I wast to talk to aim. Five minutes' oesversetlos with him will tell see more thea duo yeah' study of his tree." " De yen reed nosy hooks r I mired hew HATS which for t aality and price armor be equalled. In stock are numerous w oortmente of the Latest in Oa1 Illwrps NO oledls,.5 d View. Mess, Moiers IL led Riecrel "�� Ger �w 5I.l.uNr. 'rtltl isos.•fa sewIa410 abd ere= ebe MOM Guavas acua.s.as. laillalleoroiSeMERY YCAPt# NE KWEAR. MITTS. man-IDtet1nee Warr. M. Motehea Y 'del to have comets ste- ed a really pgactime seller machine for for perpos. 01 dittnila; rawest la vi glom; wheat • simpiy or drtskieg eilelgr he sheathed. Tee rel i. pestabie, Whig esreied as the beak ed •' zema without trouble. it. will distil gllfobl heil�y�ewe an boar. or two toot 7 se #loter m. h b India wad t e talw Is'' r.btld.ewd o:reach fltrgjt f by alk of &taking water, sad a centigramme est We sort Ie likely to be of the utmost 1N�lne, furola5dng the remittal Said la • Ihial$fel state, sed .nmbitag tot. soldkn *e+ soot their food repidby. Ie Ft�s countries it is out of the mustiest to got good driekke matey. amides, day- t>vl'C�=t.•ram---• r « N., I sever rod a book. I dll.'1 have time. I have t. reed the •ewep.p•n, arid when a mets reeds the American sews. meows be Hats • whole Mt of isteematian. Bat people tb.wa.ty« are the very hest sad meet istrestlag hied of books" " Yen are very feed of spares. Mr. Cease r 1 ..id. tegeigkety. situ I had hand him talking ab.a1 base ball in s way that woe iaMIreiy weistolligabe s. Ise. u6Fhesnr W thing he m 'see tom, brats kis work .wd is bag reasaM.s. 1 sir thole Not I ploy the bolt. lir there 1m sr week se *setaer se p.ltt10a1 went, sad these i. se *pert e. es. (tills, as Mao. rasion. Hers see . 10154 • $epi «545. m.o .0p . 051.5.5 �pomM walk M e..1 •pps•1M kowsv v 71Fs b$oy.w It elks .t Media to risk the bgyU., het I .paid set sod Mat is «'.5.0.. 54.. .1.550,50! qil5" *slily. «Wk we wore Salm shows wanes, be made a .Mhweat whisk startled Me". D. you kNw. " be said. rrdeetiv.ty, '• I bays eowstiws Iimeabt that 1 weal! 1150 to be a weaea., A mem•' has as .•*y time. 1f . eel 4. pI•My and skew, Bend IOW.* ewe. seemed bee, sad es. of thew II sere M be .41W _, .saw.•. t. appr.sis s per. to pet far oil esti. her. sad to Witte skew of her. 1V be le beaky a.d able, that .Irl will emir knew say of the reel bog worries .f 111s. it Seem 1e ase that she W t� leek-iRsst*r leek Alms is is re- fer • Das le hew. !sen pry tee mesh pea be way 4.e... Nuke to • Wallin aro belts thea bens*. Mee whew gismos mall hes&1ms ars rarely worts their O. R. SHANZ k Co. TheNOW .•d 1ltriiYtl C tv et Mo. 1.HMe The elty of Munk% treated 11[uenehos bn!ieriest k wat'hI. hq it waaotmch*nu.," the dlmla.t;ve for lame the Demean word for aipomt," me that tile taste of the eery signitM "little uwek," The mime wee received 700 resrs.•es le the solidie of tie twelfth ereaary a lumber of monks *Om Aroma i;alegt.rs eetehlethed s ekes - tet hod t► tabut.p be the alto et the mid tows, sad travdoro Med to spook of Ate pl*a11 as "Bel dew Me sehes,' how oleo' ply Newark.. now ldteeteeleen. Whetbell the Atrogavles reeve. woe .wailer r!L• hl� 11w►arios ab.hfrwr.e or «bother it w'is stwply to +xprra5ow of at-etlns Mae net M44 see'"1 11N. For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THESOCOOICS BEST�ANADAFRIEND LALST WWI lei Crew* 1110.0,411.111.•••. - W5dagias f. Idw'ei la tie*Artfftal,t.a.iwt 14 ieePor t • Vtiwtbi the MR, core to M dieebags i11 It Qts they w- 189'7... . Announcement. fliesd0y. steer he had lateen wettable* the shadow; ploy ;dog tow be said. " It doom's take wase le sake a thrid wpbs The Alm we wow leo harder ft ls fir el taboos eay tea. Otw e•pgnly ler es, wywt 1..'. ee es ewe ego tsseere". W ben I woes bee the satire of I ohms 1. e afro= gave seals keeeoe* Sow k tete. like and bows M uses ma kmpp mild bMy to i o ase snbbd.R • detq Mr N watw. 11110=x• WORN prise**.. W labs st yr prise le all hist .wend hie ihaegles' Ii .wane high." Later MM seem day. otter we bed bast Mpose ma* **amid': T'e lie ISIS hag ear hoes wwwib .ts4 Tib IfforaMt s seas'' seed oriel. w'e► 1M� kosher W week *Meate ere ilk y to bat" - .1 have sown owe . wee wag was st4..1 a� Halle fly =�wwiwgelwe'o-.ai tmy rod.* flailliffialt et.sew ls Mre.1► i r %beam �ei.gd Ceob'r les -Ales YMk World. New Goods and Beet Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable West-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaaanteed in Quality Style and price. HUGH DUNLOP DODBBTOB $BOUM *ORM A. S. CH RYSTALL rusateomuir of all kind' at - BOILERS. Seseke Blacks, Balt Yana, Meet Iron Works, its, eta. And Dealer le - E.. Mas5lam7 C5.s p, ire. All dew ed Pips and Plus !it Stem sad Water Owes, hers,_ _Webs; Meek V I 1a stl, es Issd�jrt t Lows. istiHa• est lewd Wow gad Hog fat a. of Ljiaj* sad .Nara. Rep.Irtse er.stglis sit ltdei M. 11`1Y P. 0 8.e. W. itedalM• Cartage It Pug CO. Bag - are to handle Bag- pggee Frei h alllld Household Ef- fects withtebat reasonable reties. •Datiiga in:ell gid of HARD 1 Mewls : D•va Walker had ewe elJis 40a Inca 6,331 Eincht Melba by •e spot al pee We ria beekes'week. Jae. r•ra. "al 1111.01. Mo► bag Mit b0 mit e.1 SMN e two woo Oally citify 1. 1 7lfi.11JAV TO c771ta>tlsl CVO niw T1t'1►. elf 12A 11 t ,'54 45. sled with proesptuesa. Orders @o' Talephose• dr Ca de 00. J, tl_;Pra rr, D. a 1Mt2'a