HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-23, Page 8g Titvaieas. itir s, Utt37........ ` TILE SIGNA L : GODEMCILMITAILIn E AND SEE -PRIDHAM what CASH can do for you. All New Fall Goods Jost Received .+ -+ + + + We are bound to. keep up our repnutMioa as THE CHEAP STOR! ANOTHER SNAP $ATS.. ::. Men's Fine. Felt Hate, Blacks and Browns, worth *2.25 to 83.00 Fine Felt Hats, Biaek and likewn, worth` lT.lW to 8tAO;foriff5c. • MEMBER TRIM WON'T BE WITH US LONG. • aLOT$rrra ! CLOTHING THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR begs to announce to his very many customers and the public in general that his Model Tailoring Es- tablishment is now filled with his new FALL and WINTER STOCK, which, without doubt, is far ahead of anything yet shown - off' -will be shown -hi this vicinity this Season. These Goods are direct importations from Great Britain, the duty paid here in Goderich. tha(tr-- a.ving the Man's Have you seen onr Clothing? MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS, BOYS' SUITS, Etc. Complete Stock. Prices Lowest, 800 P..IRS HOSIERY 800 A JOB LOT. Now is your chance togetyour Fall and Winter Hose at prices. :gtbaVare bound to clear theta out ins fewweeks. I have decided to do a strictly OMB badness and everything will be sold .'once Iowes basis. I have just succeeded in securing the latest and greatest known NEW YORK SYSTEM OF GARMENT L`DTTIIMU" H1AVY A LL WOOL RIBBED HOSE FOR: LADMES OR BOYB''REGU- - ..-� : i- &.Aar.. F 4e.r•-�• -:, -- - HEAVY ALL WOOL WORSTED RIBBED HOW. REGULAR 6S -e.'114° Alio., FOR 42e. MEN'S BLACK WNL SOX ONLY 180. PAIR. DRESS GOODS. Fancy Shot_ Colors, Doable Widelaireo Dreier Goods, regular--_ 25c. for 19c: -' All Wool French Opera Flannels, Nice Fancy Pattern, regular 50c. for 25c. New Fancy Armoure Cloths, regular 50c. for 25c. Heavy Tweed Dress Goods, new designs, double width, worth 50c. for 35c. --�•r STAPLES. All Wool FACTORY FLANNELS 25o. Blankets, Comforters, Quilfis.` A Bargain lot of New Tweeds worth 40 to 50o. tor 25o. MILLINERY and MANTLES. A New and Complete Stook of the Latest Designs in JADKETS. See our range before yon pnrohaes. Oat Stook M Row Complete in all Lines. Bargains in Every Department. soon and get • ohoioe. CIAJEINE ALINTE0 ON,E ' IC .S ONLY_ SMITHBROS. & CO. McLEAN'S • BLOCK, NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Correspondents There U iaf.rmattoa Mere That Casa.( be P•.ad Aaywbers Dee -News or the Donut, Specially Reported ter The Menai. DUNGANNON Toselear, September 21. NOTICE -O. A. NEWTON. I:FNTIST, Luoknow, visite Dungannon on let anti 3rd RRIDAY of each month : hours from r to t Pianism extracting: spect•l Dare 1n fillinstand preserving natural teeth. Moe - MIXT MADD'B TAILOR *HOt'. (vorvALesotNT.-The numerous friends of Mrs. C. Wilson will be pleased to know that she is costive lining gradually. Next Sunday moraine Rev. Mr. Cain will pre•oh in the Methodist ohuroh, and in the evening Bev. H. L. Hutton will deliver • sermon to the young men. Every person invited. Goon TO Bi rOwiliA.-Bert Treleaven, for wetly assistant in R. J. Crawford's store, bevies, purchased a business in the grocery sad restaurant lines in Brussels, left here this morning to oommenes business. His many friends wish him the beet of 'nooses in his new location. AsH/t/d.D AND W. WAWAxOSH FILL 8aow.-Tb. annual Fall Show of the Ash- field and Wawanosh Agrieultnrsl Satiety will be held in the usual plans on Monday std Tuesday next. Ths prize list in a good oaf, sad to oon'eiuenos at splendid sttr•e- Mena, a large attendance, weather permit- ting, is anticipated. Prize lists eon be ob- teined from the secretary, Wm. MoArtbnL R. L --A epeeist meeting of the Rpworth League was held Monday night, devoted to the cause of tempera•oe. Splendid ad- dresses were delivered by R. Dandies. Rev. Mr. Carrie, the pastor, Ray. Mr. Het - ton. The modo, recitations, readings --in toot, the whole programme, was fer above the average. Anyone who miens the .pec. 1Y meetings of the league 'Mews • tool boost. The subject for next Mo.d•y'a maeMeg is •' Systematic Giving," sad the monthly business meeting of the Leave. IGxtt.ssiAerinot. On Sab pth 4•et. as previatiely isthmoid, Ret. J. T. lits(*=., f.. ou.beet of tits Sonoma enrols et Mit- obeli, and formerly of D.egas.c., ,sachet ed divine service I. abs SoMoepal Chnrob Tie sreseh.d es ezoelleab seem.. from the Herds ea gMd.ed 1* the I l ab ewer -of tile 84th Psalm. Mash wag . a* Tit .Ws harmed to with ees�tti ism' istet. The�(� Mftt�U dews,( d Ech me to,giva perfect $ 11gg,Garmellts ail1G ;' an noesaway with the annoyance and bother of returning Garments to be altered. Everyone knows in most cases they are made worse than they were before. I am also carrying this season a large range of ready-to-wear OVER COATS, having secured the Agency from SHOREY & CO., Montreal, of their celebrated RIGBY, RAIN -PROOFED FRIEZE ULSTER, ',with Wont Come -Off Buttons, in Olive Brown, Fawn, Claret and Oxford Grey, also a beau- . tiful line of BEAVERS, in Blue -Black and Brown, equal to lots of ordered Garments, which will be sold on the lowest possible margin for Cash. COLB�RNE 1380 Carpets The Largest, Beat and rnizapeat S e e in town in Brae ele,AzlniRetcra,Tr tries, 3. -ply All -wools, t -ply All -w0 Uniotaa and Hemp& Twine and Japanese Matting&. Oil Ci oth1 three qualities direct from the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths. The balance of our stock at Rock -Bottom Prices. FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE- New Fall) Mantle Cloths in all the Newest Ma All MANTLE and JACKET CLOTHS above $1 00 in Price, Cut Free of Charge. FALL IATbES..ojj STOC COL.=O17riNT=.. 3308. OUR MOTTO WILL BE: Goods will be sold only for Cash and no Goods allowed to go out that are not perfect in every respect: • All outstanding accounts must be settled by 15th OCT., 1897, as the books will then be placed in hand for collection. PRIDHAM, THE TAILOR. sod orettreetY, suitable tor the ooa•eien. make -ea, early start He found in the Too Maes prstes`Y3not i given to imorn g• me ow • in earlier members of the ohuroh for the dsooratiose. start than he and goes off with the whole that be•utifl•d the building. outfit. Mr. Weston thinks the person who took them was a •' peach." Charles Whitely sod O. Ginn and wile returned en 8Mtwrdsy last fres' the Leedom Fair. A large camber of wr residents ett.sded the opening of the Presbyterian oburoh o. Sunday last. P. Campbell, teacher S.S. No. 2, wheeled to Ktnoardine Friday evening lest sad re- mained over Snudsy. Hall Rutledge, of lot 21, Con. 4, had • number ot fine Cabbages which he woe ls• tending to show at the Gr.l•t Northwesters. The other evsntng a visitor was in and Mrs. Rutledge told her of the flee exhibit of oab- h•ges they were going to hays, sod asked the visitor to view them as they were grow. Ing. To the surprise of both ladies it wall fbund that only one head wee visible, alt the others having been token by souls party un- known. When Mr. Retleege was Wormed of the lose of his oahbsg•, be mildly re- marked that be hoped the penes who took them would divide up the prize moony 1t they were exhibited ab the Show. CALLND 1N THa PRIM' or Lvi.-On Sat- urday evening last Albert S. Cook, son ot the late John Cook. departed this life. De- mand bad been troubled for some time with lung disease, tor which he tried the aid of the beet medical skill, but it wee of no avail, and be finally suoonmbed to the sad effects of the disease. His are was 27 years and 1 month. His remains will be interred in Dsngs•noa cemetery today. The bereaved dater, Mies Susie, and other relatives have the sympathy ot obs citizens of this vicinity. INTr.RMINT.-On Saturday last • large oortege of sorrowing relatives, friends and neighbors warted the remains of the late Alexander Darnin from his residence at 8t. Helens to Dui/gam/on cemetery. The age of the plaintiff was 77 years and 8 months. The obsequies were oonduoted by Rev. Mr Whaley, of "t. Helene. The be- reaved relatives have £be sincere sympathy of the 'community. The deceased was • p1• ooecr of West Wawanosh, and was moot esteemed as • good Citizen and neigh- bor, hsing of a quiet and retiring disponi. tion and kind to all. (ovum AND Gotten. -Our oitizsna who took In Toronto and London Ezhlbitioas have returned home. being pleased with the stehte T S. Durnin, • prominent citi- zen of our village, Donald MoNectns, jr., oommonly bnown as all Donald, of Ash• field, and John Smith, of West Wawanosh, left here on Monday for the Assize Court at Goderiob, being summoned to set as jury. men Mies Charlotte Wiggins a vest- ing her sister, Mrs. Martha ensgour at (iodertoh, and expecte to tike in the eights, as many of our oitizeus will, it the North• western EakibiMen at Gedertoh. to be held this week Dueler last weak William MoM•th sad wife were visited by their daughter, Mrs. Minnie Hamlin, N Godertob. Her frtwde sad former an uai.tenoes were pleased 1e gas her look so well Mrs. (Rev.) 11.dd,N01 %rola, and litre. lir 1 Law- rence, of Loedesbere, wan guested li .end Mrs. Hiles • f.' days Let week. OODERICH TOWNSHIP. McNair, Sept. 20. Mies Sissy Obassbars. et leaden, in ,fait- ing reLtives in the towaship. Wilmot Ha•ks leaves today (Thr 4ay) es the exesretso t. Niagara s . , The Great Hersh Wasters Is 1rlf.g bbs •(nation of ear farmers this we.k. (lay Bloke cod f•milp, et Hdweevibe, wage Sunday visit be woe* so ebb sof. JAM Warnes. w the Ess lot of pesebee M Ilia alb tire: a mlest osisk. sodiitear u i,iSw DUNLOP. /downer, Sept. 20. Dr. Can and family, of Dasgwoon, gave our burg a 1 r•sistent visit last week. Miss E. Allen and Mise Beeeie Gibson, ot Gederlob, enjoyed a pleasant trip to the Forest City for several days the pee( week. Mrs. Qailey, from near Sarnia, who his been visiting to Goderieb Mwnehip, gave our burg a transient vett Tuesday of last week. Quin • number from bare attended the re -opening of Knox ohuroh in Goderloh os Sunday aad were meoh Impreosed with the seances given by Rev. Mr. Johnnie', of London, and Rev. Mr, Anaheim. Ben. Allen, one of Chime** m.robast prison and former) as old Osderlob hey, with his nephew John Oen were the goons of ha brother A. Alt. Ian week Daring bio say In and about the Cirenler tows he net many eoesrades of his boyheed daya. He Lit ter Toronto ea Tender. Oor young iiwusmea M. J. Tobin, was le Leaden lost week easier the weeders of the Weston Ferri The Afrlealtetal depart, meet did .et oceans his observation, as be l.sp.eled the SAWA imprevemwbe to tam .reenery, end he Y over telling be os.. - .4.. of the ob•ag.• a the methods d .ss - ter lbs Lborloos boll el farm work. Fooa Tiara --Z. Philip. epicenter r •ek- _ ,/YsMi I MA •5b as Oirtilh, later M Wetreitimik.a1d NOV resales ie tee (An.ier tows, bltr111pfssl1r tllf SOMA j bare (161 a asaeaser et eat termer blesksmyh take las bey. . Ue}a Ins, rear so 115,. DOI. }}Am p� Dame to the Eurou tr•ob to. 1g. be. fellow 1 V11i np be eTrem Breeivi le M IIndthe Laird of Iwsdeedewae,both meetiag unawares the other day and having an la- tererting °bat of their journey up. • OLUEVALE. Trimmer, Septal ' Fl x• .spte•dfag is nearly over. Tick, sok, le now the order of the night. John Farrow is i11 with l.flamm•Iion of the lungs. Mim Can' Meuse ben-tt-(hood howl Hamilton Mass Anon ' Corbett bee fliitl toter home to Fergus. Mrs. Rob*. Duncan (neem in extended visit to beg .t Oriod Valley •000mpaoied by that greod- daaghter, Muriel West., LEEBURN. MONDAY, Sept 20. Miss Foley L visiting her weber IIA O'Brien. in Loudon. Mr. sad We Alex. Cletb.a sad ((elegy visited in Rraoefleld the week. Petards, afternoon Wes • red-letter after- noon in the history of the Sabbath school, caused by • pleasant Fathering at Jobe Horton's whore a good time was spent In amtrsemeatafot d1 kinds, the **Asters befog treated to taffy by the 8. 8. staff who were nearly ail prwat Oar former *apertutoe- deet, A. O. MoDoe•ld• was also present, and gave the slokolan • treat 1s oaedy. Sunday bag Childress' Day • spin Dial service will be held .t 11 A.*. by the lend. Cnuojn Nurse. -Tho pastor resented duty last Sunday actor a pleases( fort- night's holiday Owls, to tie re -ops.• Ing of Knox °bnrob a Ooderiob the wain weekly 0. E. A. seeetlag was bald a. Idea - day evening... ''Oa Friday evanieg (lore will he a Inters. (iii !bo 8esbtieb Ch>iretr,'fy- terepoo,ed with magic lasers views, Mf' Rev. ,,ohs Yseng, Cot St.. Joke .belch, Hamilton. feature as commence as 740. Adsa.den 10e . ,After Sada, the lib, rary will be eland fee • lien le es to leve the present sae of evw swg t oN111ted books exohanged. Coneasee t Wm. Moll bag geld to Wm. Cook, d Coe.leta.s. the .girth half of lel 2, ass the 6th .nnosselon. Then ars Aflii sero. of Roel land in the lot, and Mis, twit 52000 for M , ok of the Naafi* A tRge1 . .place .t f ts ti ole Friday. PT"' ,:' ti t 1 r z PER J_ "DOLS » - fie °fest Caw( Warehouse ot the County PREPARINC FOR FALL AT MUNRO'S • Canadian and Imported Scotch and English Yarns. No better asso went tr value in town. Ladiei and Children's Summer -Weight Underclothing, Long and Sh Sleeves._ Our 50 cent Corset, said to be the best value at the pries.; hiatiaket Head watt Y =(sits Lines is $mall Titre!". • - 11 JUN .Y SOLICITED. i. IIIIIINRO, Draper. VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE THIS THURSDAY EVENING S=In T_ 23rd TU HUMOROUS CELTIC PLAY F!NN1GL'S FORTbNK Geo. Almost. and Company with Prot Lorraine's Fine Uniformed Brass Band and Orchestra. Make 1 o potat to See this. Rived Reale at Porter's RsskMere•. OYER THE HURON TRACT. The Grist from ts_ l *111. ♦ Wada/ Mees of Cwn4" News served p to Nit iverytsod7 - Pits and Pelt Whose and Ce.deased Irma livery NeeW.. W legh•m : Messrs. Brown and Powell, of tows, have porebwd the Fordwlea saw mill. Ssatertb t J. C. Laidlaw was oenal(ki hi his room for the past week try • ttM ankle. Special Jubilee Bargains Refrigerators Large Elie; 510, • seep Oil Stoves B[.Ui FLAME, all oleos. Gasoline Stoves 1. 2. 3. t Burners. Tamdem Stoves Lawn Mowers Daisy Ohuruo Nos. 1. 3. t --H-A- P E--R--fit LE E., Cranbrook : F. Redden had the rabtottu.e to fell 1n frost of his loaded wagon whew two of the wheels passed over his body and broke one of his Nim. Ssafortb : Messrs Brosdfoob & Box, of the 8eaforth Furniture F•otory, are just new enraged in vetting up • large) order of 'furaltors'for the old oo.atry Grey : Nelly Turnbull, who spent two month. in M•aftop•, is herd at work la bee sobeol, 8. 8. No. 10 Hunan. She bee best re-etg.sed at a milary of 5300 for 1898. Morris : David Walker bed one of be ribs broker by an upset of pees lent week. Jas. liazwell bad his arm broken at the same time. Will Rands took • tumble, too, bye escaped injury. Winghsm : Mr. Wm. Mclndoo, of Freese, Cali., is in town this week visits, g his two - there, Meseta. R. sad M. H. M. ,adeo, said other Veto/gnaw o friends. Ili Molode, was In the ardware business Mechem e nure 14 or 15 yearsego, and ha. net visited the town eines that time. Brussels : About , 'b'eieek last Ifr$sy member the spirit of Mrs. John Robb took Its flight. The std wee sot asezpesed se eke bad been .inkUtg for esveral days Mfove thelrelease Came std at the We wets be eleq to wake up to berme. Deceased. wkow maiden name was Eliza ta.dehogesek, was horn at i.auristoe, 0.U.wey-t 1lesblssd, sod cisme with boo *wools to Oilseeds when 3 years of ars. They settled lo Tasker mtb township, where the svb el ibis unties resided serol .Iely llth. 119, whoa Abe jok- ey has/ std bents with her sow bereft port• are. TOVES STOVES (STOVES STOVES IRON, }Stoves ALL Km* 4111 Plums WORBELL'S, Uri Ober. illorodiolt. solo that will Bab, that will Hemp that are Stevie s •.t ''.Tall SNORT 4118 fAT ? 't f' tar . . • 41, . t ARE YOU TAU. AMO pits t ILA SURD Ifvw AY w, HsemAss raj' DOORS A FTIET. NEW ADVERTISI y,rsyod or Stoles -1 Osd.rioh Bargain (Iw Y.s 11'ast a;11:_wivilgi t Co *souse SalGaruw ooAter Mu y--N,,,sry5 oo(}escort•.at%.,rF.iuWNewFall Me jjltuMnN :Cogit138. llRttly BSf n's Troper, M La and to Clear ,eu ",veythtng : Fa uRessy ST t11,es baa e es and leveret am On rss.m 1 , Trafalgar te Maoris uT LANE, 1:8 1' , Licenses. G Pub VA N I'ED-1 late weekly 'Dement mid 00. ase. T. H, WM RIVATE 8.1 and o few •i �AIdlHOW ss. Far awl OR e&LS-, cwallieg, we John Reid. al ia hoed. now uddy. ter perk the Crombos• POR SALE 0 r aad dwellls oro•. seven mib building and Rood dose. heel A. to J. MoDI Last. Toronto. FOR SALE. - hums 1s We eon 8. township o Warne. Oood cl been oont'nuoad7 class large trams rid kitchen. We tzoellent (travel ve ser coot let DO\AOH, Carlon DONAOH. v We VALUABLE 1 Part of Lot Iola. contemns =tasted oe the p dwelling, with 1 cellar under the first clues prose kenos w Ss. Dated 'tit It 1t FUR SALK . or to rest. I present occupied 15 rooms. tnda room• parlor and number of close Then le hot/ aa with shrubs and lawn. Apply to mites. L OR SALE- sof mike off 11.tp ootwa4on, Ord 75 sores. ftt bevels of W�I farm, the lead b isaNo. 1frame with .tope otab watered In ever /brohase model llow Penna.. O.. Pj OR BALI Amebfnsee Loo4;dshouse. iob, spa. Datst Iib Ass Cl71517 OA ertok FA Twe ►sad posed for lroto Ty b1, wwith trasss i drive hones, to ,wary bultdler �t•blse and oth both tots. Rae ply W R 1 tiodertcb P. 0. FFF bl fo wte er re bslng let 11, eo .boat Il D'ib (sacs r Y7 fPn�e Dt O vALU &aL theaaw Oto A ¥a.Th 0555 M (boss' p!sl� fs hl -w+ ets.we 8., wsiI �l r,'a�� owelli tlwwtlrr a t My to a gi 11tt