HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-23, Page 51 =;;;; IN 'ED of PREY CLOTHS ION Wen, with a sea- rinsob, and with small of my back. when I ooeuulted lid me some good, he doctor's mods. Amnions obeyed, had heard of th. k P U.. My wile d ane to try them or ultimo ons box Hood biking the CHIT oared. This of the same nom- . W Illian.' Pink 4 I had this •d - sed betted fa - end tedious stn ,d undergoes pre dd that both my. on have derived t of Dr. Winging' dilly rewomand fletis; similarly." i oar" by ow to They resew and d strengthen the ioss from the eys- by heisting that is seised in . trade &.ark, Dr. '.le People. ALE& ale bas pristed at ata at slaamottos tneanad lime baggies and earths roosa a ill tarnitats, Dar• tf dishes, several toe numerous to on Wednesday, the Park Hoene. i Harvard, late of 'Aline. has leased wills, for a numb - rd ha. engaged R. )aa Kennedy, s e catch of Rah Tel Or. F. 0. Sperling weak. The catch weighiag 14 M. was 19 MMohes and tff R : CT o r Trade by rite the very it the lowest Jwt 110111,1 LA our sleek of [TEE 000De • for Men. Mrs, arid al '&LIM daand SR serf - MAN .ON tfq ;4- ning .7r,r7g• JAS.. A. REIN. We have decided to contiripe the u M' sol the late hilts A. ata, and have bought for cash the . , , LAN:MST and BEST STOCK of FALL and WIN- TER DRY GOODS, READY -MADS CLOTHING, MENS' FIIR1QIBHINGS, TWEEDS, CAR- PETS, OIL CLOTHS &c. we ever carried. and which will be found up-to-date, both in Quality sod design and at PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY. Economy, Comfort and Satisfaction goes with or your money back if you want it. ESTATE JAS. Yet 8. J. UID ( rector). ' • 10119911111■ r ;tw,tl?t THE SIG)T4e-': GODL+'ItICB' ONTARIO. *�ia Weda�Y Dai taesedeeed it weer be.pfOsr tram that s lighber►ood. R, L Brodie, ot Mount Version, walled MW Sera this week. Harty Napa., of fades, veiled ye old sees' the pest week. Mies Oromt returned to her home oar Chatham oa Monday. J. A. Stewart. of Ester. vatted tbil misty tome last Tharsdmy. colts Barkbslder. Park -et., le reooverled Irmo her repeat severe illness. Obarles Crofts, of London, attended the Notch-Weetern Show this week. M MostA. Lamont t"termed from • trip Forest and Toronto oa Saturday. Miss Eva Acheson nturoed on Thursday rem • visit to friends in Se•forth. Mies ria tisane, of W Ingham, is •allied her east, Mrs. Joe. W. Venus:. Bert Williams, of Ssalorth. epees part of Zest week visiting friends in town. Mn- Greig, of t.sefurth, Is viltlnit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Acheson. Mr. aid Mrs. Those Graham returned to their home. Cleveland, on Monday. Hayden Williams, of the Bank of Com. mows, Seeforth, vent Sunday in town. The town clerk has moved d South-sta. the .1l lag on the ooraer of Elgin - Mr. and MeeGhee, Newton were visiting every purchase here' A. REM-_ GODISIcs, Sept. 13. Worwteb. Oat., ita the 1s1h fast. Annie H. Hepburn, beloved wife of John Mol:ee, acted 36 yews. ID1fO:f e'l'ON- le Gees'&, Towaaktp, on Thornier, .$. 16th, Jas. F. Zdmori7mon, d 32 ream HIE TALK OF THE TOWN. From thb Report.l+S Notebook. If Yen'te a Kele In a' ler Coate. I rade 1e tont Its a aigegs Among ie Takla' Estes. an' tattbiElafM rrssl a.'-.01,11•• T. J. Pridk•m ante to tit .•a dos At. and garmsats from his setsbltshmot are obap, Gni wearing and at to date. -Sallow. special Recd pr se Soo.and-hl. views thee carried oil the diplomas at the Lon-. doe Meath/ of Ontario ohotogeopbers, were admired by tbons$nds during the Fair week. .gbt.r A to -Thu morning • large els n drs. oa the Storm. betiding, .cd re- mind there for some time. AT Tall •t3EOW.-Wend! had •Bios ex- bibis oT .Fires slid turu•oer-E1 thewisow; P. MaEws's ample, of salt, is beem bar - roe, sod jars, was mush admired. THa Oso*' Co. -The pest week was • buy one at the Organ Fectory. The ship- ments, iaolnded 8 organs to Manitoba, 6 to tis lower provisos earl large bale of bath toreitlrs earl piano steel. M all parte of the Domingo•. BLACKBERRY COMPOUND FOB CRAMPS COLIC' SUMMER COMPLAINTS ETC. W. C Hever ,tad d.0 r s tram the &stilt. the don e toioo and the punishment of ala Three g ospel duett.e were sung with annawl ten- derness and effectiveness. The events shiest. was " The Fowler's snare or the way Satan large mankind to ruin." The e v•ogeliets presented the Not that the fowler always este hie owe wares and ed•pto them to the Datum of the enemies he visits to aid'. Satan does the same. They presented the danger of being Ignor- ant of bis davies.,such se flattery, slander. the fear of men, riches and drnnkeones... O.ly than who go Intl cue mares are aught. Some thrilling examples were given of young men Slog caught by bad oompsny• Bat we may be set tree by the Lord Jesse Christ, who le • specialist to the work ot saivetioo. Many were day im- pressed and some turned to God. The moschus oontinae all next week. AN INnotsrcING EvrN•r.-Om Wednes- day, See 16th, the residence of Charles A. Humber, Victoria at., w.. the same of an interesting event, that of joining in wed• iebk'.spode the gentl.man'e only daughter, Mese[is Cistena ttederkM°tb►'° Cassels, passenger and ticket agent. of the G. T. T. station, Stratford. Aa in usual at September weddings, flowers were In prolamine, Golden Rod, the chief of Asthma blooms, being seen nearly every where, while ferns end sit seasonable blos- so.. s granula arr•aged over the dr.w- isg room and bell when Golden Rea did not glimmer in Autumnal splendor. TS pastor of North et Methodist church, was the ofotating clergyman. and et the ap- pototed tame the bride and bridegroom took their places under en Immense floral bell, formed of the purest white ohrysmther mama and China erten, when the words were said that mads the twain Doe for life. __ gad Se. Thomas the oast week. Man W hs. returned h Seer • plexi HAS $ ie friends ota City. i. ZCreek vinkat h Saunders, pears to of Highland W Wimps. Miss Hattie Dos•Rb bee returned trio • visit to New Orleans, Chicago and other American lila. Miss C. T. Oakes, et Clinton. wet visit- ing in town this week, the mast 1). Stoddart, er. Mn. Jim. W. Yawata' was ti es Norwich this week attending ths funeral ot Mrs. John MoKes. Mrs. J.D. Hiles, et Dustpans, passed through Oodmire oa bee return from Tor- onto the peat week. Y. tMpt' 9•!' r I 897. ET 411 O POISON Fid EsAM THls BUR AU had* oak'in B fly r e10e1•P• for 60. wHISH8 from So. age. t be dltsty. Buy Special attention paid to AMERICAN TGWU ARTLCIAEB and pERFUMBRY. . G O O D E CHEMO BEDFORD BLOCK. Om !irNnsi N.x'r.-A sad J. C•idwell, l The bride, who was given sway by her the Sootob Twin Evangelises, will conduct rather Iwked lovely, won • charming ooe- 'artoee in the Vinton• -et. la le church, next Sunday morning and •,ening, and attend the Sunday oobool M the after- noon. All .re welooms. BCY A QCARTaa's WORTH. -Bey • quer. tees worth of ivory Sap and goes. the weight of the mammoth twin bet 1. the - window, which will be Ohs away to.:be one ginning nearest the weight. GsoWo$ HALEY. The Hamilton street Grouse. P1 tams of white organdie, trimmed prettily with satin to tn•toh. and serried • bouquet chit matched her attire d the deme, or which we stood. Mi. E Craig. of oLos- don, • oouin of the groom, who he bride, Was nicely gowned in pink and whits sad her bouquet was of sweet peas metre. Hoary Euei her,of Buffaler of the •bride, wag blit man. As the oere- mooy oeseleded the orth-et eohodua church organist. Mies wadding march in her snootiest style. There were • large samba .f greets, bat •11 present were either relations or very in- timate friends of the oestraating parties,and they tame from Leeds. Toronto, Stratford and other oleos'. Amooq them was Mrs Amey. of Port Howe. the brides grand- • mother. Mr. and Mn. Cassels left on the heneytnooa trip by the 2.30 tris, sed as usual with •11 newly wedded, received beery showers of flowers, but perhaps the meet striking tokso of the day wee the con- oert given by the engines, for sever before did we hear snob load and harmonious tooting. The hooeymoo0 trip will be an extensive se and will include the l'bo.s•nd Islands and • tarso number of pities en both odes of the St. 1, maims The bride was the recipient of many Costly gifts, including a y tandems rgig, from the groom. Aa AtriosxT.-On Wednesday •fterne•S .t the Fair •, horse bolted sad kttooked down • little boy, the es of Allen McDon- ald. At the time of'voident it wt. thought the boy we. killed, brit it tars out that the bt2Je fellow received • very bad eh•kl,g upA SHOOTING, CAM -Late nu Wedned•y evening • saber af men were having a quarrel sear the Colborn hotel bars. sad on. of tissue 1). Carney, tbmktng the putty sod about to attack him fired • revolver to the sir. Carney wee afterwerde arrested for the offence. • AN ASSAULT CASs. -On Teesday mra- Ina Alex. Mclean, jr., wee charmed before the P.M. with severely assaulting Alex Mo- L.od, sad with creating • dmtarbenee •0 Bl.okuteoe's. Oa the best ob•rpe Se P.M. eswes&,te. &Li k�w._ittb.out the option of • Ess, and the iss-e ns- peaded amasses. Hz Wee AT Tel Fuer. --0.8. Cox. of lot 21, Oce. 6, Ooderio► township, was in tows Wednesday attendee the Northwestern. " I wee," said be. **et the first show ever held in the duty. It was hold at the ow- ner of Went nod Waterloo ■,rests, about sixty years see. Is wasn't moot of • skew, but it was lobo starter." . DEMoarar MEDAL CoxrIRT AND Colic T. -A contest to elesth0 will be Sid to Victoria Hall on Thuds,. Sept. ,lot, when • silver medal will he gas tn, the use whom competent judges have deeldd has reined ben. these oars is betel given to the musical part of the program, and the 1451 talent will be enured. For turther partieclar, see pagan rad the mot geese ef the loos! papst64 Ttt■ MAsrucbftb. -Tb • m•tmuocps wee shown at the Viotoris taper• Rona on Tss day 10 i Very poor audience. The show itself weeks every way a saooss, the Obi - 1st parade being Rood tbronghoat, but among si,e pt•oy good suss soma were bet ter. ad wan* these we would plsos Camel. Crowing les Desert, Baby'' Break. feat, Royal Family. Playing Cards and iu Regales, Bathers. •ed The daft" Sae. OUR BAKING POWDER psrfsetiy pare, containing eaN PURE CREAM TARTAR stfp BEST BI-CARaONATE OF SODA It makes Biscuits, Cakes and all Poetry. LIGHT. PALATABLE AND DIG STIBLF' Give it a trial. For Blab pulp by • MI. Tillie Graham left for New York en Monday to resume her duties at the Ooserai Hospital in that oity. Jno. Cox, of Cbio•go,ws among relatives and friends the set wee'. Chicago seem@ to agree with oar old townsman. "-Mho ILARMIllesteense malted -se J+.agene k Ont., Meaay Me& ss asset of ,+her door of her eotrda. Mss. John McKee. Mi. Ce..ady len tor Ottawa Monday afternoon to resume her duties so.periStooaot of the obildrsa's reform work in that sty. Mi.. Mabel Lames. wbo has been vMit- the Mime Wert-st., the past month, return 0 , tyetatlerd-Wer morning. _ Mr. sold Mb John Sloss. Morpetb, are Sound. and Reber vt.td•R at the saddens of S.mnel Sloane, H.edltonot. Baa. Allow, et Chiomeo, wag in town this week vbdisit his many friends. The geatM- s•a looked like Ben of old, and seemed to enjoy his visit very moob. -..� '•. Chemist Drag st A ; regsr td ter gearless. 1- - - BituaAIoar Varmint. It 1s always well to be prepard for amidst for we don't know when they will happen. Everyone should keep " Oalotopre" at bead, In Meese of burns, scalds, Dau. toothache or any pain. it gives instant relief, and Dares more quickly thee any other preparation on the market No BAD roe Otte 1)AT,-Or M.•day morning •Sat 9 o'olosh. Mesta Bart Hod - gam sad R. Hsu.. .Mrlsd eat for • trip on their whelp. People bare know bey B rained teat ssg5ieg sad the rods were. o onsegaendy, tot (s a .osilaon fer 1s 1 wheelt.g. A. a maker et! feet. Ise stump* wee made to de fast weskits. �weal first of ides ybeing oat for the &Y. They all to Brater, when they •�v 46 Minutes, ,boo M Mt. 1(Nry. of two hoer* tree ..45; then 15 Stratford when they reuse hold for over as hear; WA to Mitoh'l1, where ea haat sed • t411 tree soma with .1d frisees, sod arrived book at at Matron SI 10.30 } * a OylMst.tt regietnIer SO 1 stalk tsejlts Seel made without lite MOW* esoldMN, •ad neither rider lilting ray lirr Verse Mr Tea domicil Reapaiderte.--TM .anises wiln.d by she Swish Twt►Bek n eeeitete Booby VMMria-.t 1Khedbt.95. lam son se iced by abet Sel•rse► need Er:. The seersiy direeenee. rob h ae asy1,wea se " The Blegil the theme el the redeemed " end sra l Its M with eve* sereriro-isa Atha j�eM 1ri16 4 ►t .b leljtygfeir Cllatrlil owed �u1 MW Minnie J. Blakeley, of Boston, Mw., who hes been spending the pas t six weeks visiting her swim. the Misses Gardiner, Bsmgller, and Mr.. N. Dough- erty. Sheppardtoo, returned to her hots this week. 14ARBOR AICD RIVER. The brewery is almost ready for scups. ties. Th. Harbor lumber mill still coathm a rushing the loge through. The wind oo Tuesday prevented the breakwater employes working on the lake end of the job. Blyth : Meese. Malcolm MoLerty and Geo- Boyle have puroh•ssd • brickyard .t Cb.eley. Beamiller : Arthur Str.ngban misfortune to sprain his ankle • ago while drawing- fn grain. Clinton : Capt. Sheppard, of Portage la Prattle. is visitd0R'bte old friend. here. His resides* in the West esms to agree with him, as he shows very little obana;s. (�;ydserrt!ob Tp. : Corn Roos! web;Nea ieeedayitett wee .tlri�afly pulled promiscuously from • p•tob on the farm of Ben Churobill, and it mesured twelve toot eight Solis long Bengali : Jams Beverly of this village now wears a 7x14 smile and the hot is ,tat to be at all wuedered at whoa it m known that although he and Mr.. Beverly has been married for anibet 24 fbszl 7tft W baby *mooed their home until Monday last when • bouncing baby girl appeared os the wane. Sop of oar ostia ne wise have been hoping against hops for years have been among the first to offer oongratolations. bad the few days The 'chooser Ceri ode arrived on Mon- day fres Tbbesealea with • serge of lumber for N. Dymea•. The schooner Clara You'll wiled yester- day for the Georgian Bay after barter un- dergone enddry rep•1.. On Monday morning F. Belanger and Meioolm MoDoa.ld left the Iver in a yawl to see if to. storm bad made out.the bar Willis the 00 high for the Delay w cad and puttee, sounding the depth. twin¢ the oc- cupies upset the boot, ooi. The Wind caused the fo but nod d yawl to drift into water b or 6 feet deep, r --"well-hod got.. iat-Llit, use reseed It and on to It, •0d a terms r irlig artb pier seine Eve or tea ?miaow*, Jae. McLeod and Assns Matheson swam Ont towsrde the men, pushing • plank Store ties, end when it come within reach of Belanger he aught on •ad was was oe shore. Just as ..•pond start being made the Clara Yosall's Wet rounded the north pier, .ad waking straight for MoDse- ald esti had him out of danger. Belanger and MoDeleaid were up town in tbs .her - 0000. nese the wens ler the s expsotsd 41p. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. - The egninati•l gales are over. The organ faotory still knew humming. Sturdy Bros. had • buy time yesterday. The Fair elms. today. Have you visited it! pupils had • halt The pablio school pup holiday yesterday. The [Beset blest ons master • pretty good base hall toner[.:.- WIl1 soh of es esrrespailsee please send in • letter weakly. New Presbyterian mole y book of pg ! oak at Tbompeoa Huron Enompmeat will meet la remit ..glen on Monday semis. A oaie lead of meditate* f.a the sew plat sill arrived from Stretford oa Thursday. ns town authorities my that •sperrews don't fly blah enough to get Into the stead pips. As Rev. Father West Dreeohed in Glints on Snndsy there was ne servtos i0 St. Peter's. Don't forget that the I)a.g•ssea Show oommesose next Monday and clews the hi. lowing day. Loot week - several item, from es oseTq- • dotes were orowded out. Thy will be l ted en peg* 7. The teen hand turned out on Friday eve. W ag sod played an ozeodtngly els pro- grams szeeediegly we1L Fee ea exeellent dish of oysters.. V. age this. M ee the " Balmoral." ee a eped•ity, Always epee fie bk . Go M G. N. Devi,' mud get • targets le • fere.o. or any kind .l aw.vs. Before re- moval my steak mese he missed If 1 have to worlds, sad I whb these idsbt.d to we. M Hip esw pewett•" "i ".1 7ieli IM *�p7 sag es,atasa5- •N5b .,4171:1=. °"bMt nib nee re. m reYaaw/ tree.► GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANT. d, Appy 1) Hrs. Lagan. Oolborss-st. GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. Highest wages. Apply to MRS. AAR- RO W. tf THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. SERVANT WAN MED -APPLY TO YRS. YcBILLICUDDY, 77 Weet-st. Muabo. LESSONS ON PIANO AND VIOLIN will be reposed e0 September first. tor particulars apply as St. Joseph's Convent. $74 SISTERS- til ST. JOSEPH. For Sale or To Rent. , Di OW 18 THE TIME To Think of • SPRING ,x TONIC 1'.6f• .ftElle ••�A - OCCUR- GWA V .A to the tthrowa.re os Newgafs+t- Apply le MISS McLENNAN on the premise., or te MRS. DR. McLEOD, Bruo►sE- (icstantoa. fl6ghabr 22, 121117. Eat Wheat .• 0 A0 to fB Flour, family. per Owl.......:1 1 50 to 110 90 to fl0 Flour. p•teat, per sort. -..y.«31 00 tog i9 �aLt e...........«........w 11 IN col On ......11.• ' 11 to a Peen. • bosh.,, -_..•.....••"..•_•. t1 es t4 New Rey. 0 Ns...,..••••.•.*OA .... 0 10 10 CO Potatoes, Wheal.. .................. Batter, 4.... 13 te 11 EOM Egh� uas•elna1 SU. . 13 t0 13 Wood . ......... ..... .....••dna. « 00 10 p 10 to id cc Pelt. r. _ 40 to 50 Lamb -Skins +t.. 40 to 50 Live Hoge mama 00 M Is Races. ..... .•.•••e•r•••••12 to L5 Ham. par ib,, ..10 to 14 MO Cheese. Mlb.. .�....... IC to it - Dreeeel Hogs, per owl 00 0 00 �Detod Orb Ji 1 t . ttw'1. 10-tf Dressed Beet tore quarter Dressed B.S. Mad 00 to 00 TOR SALE TO RENT -FOR RALE TPlaine omato.rb0&t 60 to 76 .1: or to vest. me dwelling en Nelson -O. at oma*oaa. do p to resent 000upld t T Bene sh. It ostatalne Rye do to Barley do ......-- A to :8 rooms. inalndinw dnwtmg loom. dining room, parlor and kitchenand bas • library. a number of closets, pantries •end • Rood cellar There U halt an acre ot land tastefully pleated with shrubs and fruit trees, and an excellent lim io. Apply to 1. 8MKZ`E TH, on the Anest - FOR SALE -A 1; STORY BRAME ed by John 11Reid. ing on • tt}me colestliMcCall- 011S47. onOBilPluton street. new t - tangs asR - ptripply le JOHN REID Daddy.. 1 rot D wtlwpeemlgw.---- e64-- ._. _. �,p5�i .iatts (ydirs� l[B Ot (Fiw11t1�wtee VYY frau .ate;,••e;,' _..'1 t 0041il1N0 A O 0O7N i • lbs. Wall, of Clietee, wae In tows yeo- tate,. Wi11 Lawless,. ft: jl4pbaew, wee h Mire gem Ry jg, el Mats. wee is town ram yews day. 5,..�.�r.4Coarotg. of r : y Gail ANetdey. 5 e g,, gid Ws. G4 spree its gee i,�a�a et Win It CtleiOnliet Beadey soli jile baver, milt.Oeirbrigld ansa. M .iglu Iwrillibe terneet !MIMI bog ,aura d best w There ars many good ones, but none quite so Rood as our IRAN TONIC BITTERS. The season far Colds L not over lot. We expect to ell mote r t .7 'v L.MONIO. " tlttnga Maw s5d AS5IL hes 1a all the rest el the.'-- - Winter. • J.E.DAVISSedi cidHAL _ VOR SALE OR TO RENT. -STORE A: and dwelling, at Carlow, County of Huron. seven miles from Dodertoh. Fret oL. bene.Rest building dtlow. meats A aloe trade P O. !n connection, Apply to T. W. MoDONAOH, Darlow, Ont., or to 7. A. KcDUNAOH. Y WellingtonBt. Let. T.roato. FOR YOUNG WOMEt "ALMA." ALMA COLLEGE. St. Thomas Ont. A residential school foe yw� women. Delightfully s1F - oared In 6 acre perk. ,las the prose attendance of any ladles college In Ontario. Yrite for catalogue to Rev. R. 1. Warner, principal. ALMA OOLLBOS. BT. THOMAS. ONT. FOR SALE. -ONE OF THE BEST farms to western Ontario not loon oss- don 5. township of Colborne. Llnson County, 100 acres. Good clay.olL Sprint water. Has been coatln000l7 in paoture foe 13 years. 1st elms large afrome barn -{Y by /9. Pram. bosomy and kitoheStore aexoellmn o t gravel rds. $1,800 o.ah.a bp lata •t Ave per Deet Interest. Apply to F. W. Mc. DONAOH, Carlow P.O., 0... or to J. A. Mc- DONAOH. a We111ngtom St. Let. Toronto. 11. New MarthiAe vinous. N E ,a, of Repair WoSHOPS--ALLkdtReR��ostal�l• Prloes. Farming Implements for sale. Maote leery. mew and .eoosd bead bought and gold. Enos nee and Boilers for sale Sued -Rates wagon Victoria f ee'e. J. shoo, oorner UNCMAN Tonsorial lkrtist i VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Part of Lot a Cossets O, Ooderleh Town. oeutalnlat i 1-O sores d land. There is situated on the property • good 1+ story Woe dwelling. with .ketobeo attached and with allot under the whole house. This 1. a really ant Mame plea and will be *old o0 reasonable terms. For puticnlar* apply to PHILIP JgRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST, . H01 and cold bathe on premisss. See- foaming.shampootng gad every other require- ment direfully attended to, sod none but oom- reea�t hand• employed, Williams' old .tend. Lssn13M Moots Wait next door British Ex - . NEW. PRESBYTERIAN HYMNBOOKS, --We are the Publishers' hitlinfe* Late*. sits am Iletedferd gel ewr SO yews, yea fle 20 Different Hinds and all in Stock. R. 6. Miami People'. Ed7li.e., Limp CMH.... SOW Blslm', Otlt Edge ■eras•e ere other leather Blvd - Wt. 80, 40o, 00e. 750, $1.96 Aad apweedit ileirype lidlttfone TO £D'VBRTISERB. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes " Rust be left not later than Mon fay noon. Canal Advertiaementu assepaed an -to noon Wednesdayof each week. Traveling Coude. 1 SRA11Y TRUNK &AMWAY. Ma' iso M car 90 930 900 1. Extra Largs Print EdlMer M A Edit8. eletb • .adispue...im r se. Mall cid Iterss. 7.1 s en M.Ii .ma WW1= 4••••••• .. ".:. !U p.m lEtred gat wen 10.69 a.m. 1.16 p,.. 7.10 p.m. 10.66 p.m. 110e 90e Oo. Lost rj 0UND.-ON MONDAY, NEAR THE .L Senn sod of lista,, • pair et aped. NAL r oast love gams on ah applying at a 8I0- •' " Lesilher Seek - SLED * lm .. • '.,'lilt '1 a. WWI rtrOgTA! K T11g11. �e .. sasestames Waned& + wt+ WLANE. INUER OF MARRIAGi • lbfs.ses. Wd.rtob. Ont. man t pointi itta TIM MOM lone aced ••' slim m ISM 610061.1.16 agents Wanted. AGENTPI.-" THE BEST POPULAR Lfe.ef Her MaIe•ty I hays over fees." Sas. Load Lorne,n les daily. Big gars dally, B oommlesion. Outfit fns to anvdeare. Tits BRADLEY-9ARRETBON CO.. Limited, Toronto. Oat. AGENTS SELL " KLONDIKE uOLD Fluids- like a whirlwind Experienced eean•: w Miners doing the richest �o datest of Nearly livovary body enbsortbee. Ome veneer fellow oo a term at Ill 00 a month ie mating 7S,00. A typo -writer at $5.00 • was Ie o�ott Il amen". • d.'. Werwanimere amen u.11. Caartsi: 4 SRAULEY-OARRISTdoN CO.. Waled, Tw- eets Oat. AOR SALE --A_ VALVAnat BRUIT i' and grata farm ea • good road witkl0 da mtla. of Clinton. The lot is No. 87, Maitland a000.eston, Ooderlch township. and contains 75 acres. It yields annually from 00 to 103 barrel. of Winter apples, and Is • good grain farm the land being a No. 1 Olay loam. Then TS 'li �T nines armee oreteristrsNM-herO- with stoats stables n.derneeth, and It 1e wail watered le every tleld. A large poring of the pnrolt*ee mosey may remain remain a mortgage. For terms, eto..WyW. W. to RR.&N. OR ClintonS, Car. low P. O..orto VOR SALE -LOTS 69 AND 70 C Hutchison's Server in the Town of Aoderioh, epos which V erected • nice dwell - fib September, 1t9e. to OAM1RO1. 0014 s HOLMDEL Pabife Notlee. NlytICIl.-ALL ACCOUNTS DUE DR T11 mast he pad by Monday, Seg. et W they wilt be placed ter seuestion. WARTED -I CAN PAY TEN DOL Ian weekly to • id et mater age. le- Ssesent and t•ot� to speed her time In • geed ew es. T. H, T, Toronto. Ont. - PRIVATE , SALE -HOUSE PLANTS wad • few whiles et ,maltnr, MRS. A. CAMERON. es. Ada sod Wellesley 7ereeOe 19•. OIL Seeds. STEW TIMOTHY SEED -S. BLOAN, Hamftes street, has lust received a suet of this yeses eros of Timothy et be will nil also pay the bewail pees edbw tIM•atlow Mdw allaat.th rroo a R.htiI.OAN. HOs tea etas& if -1 IRON PILLS. Shp a Iter lit S glias, Pill, teed ' twit it Sib lieu be 5175*+ osem sk /4100.- tering the 1.441114*1 lila OMIT de • 'ate+.:./ 41- 114g MIMINS114111Nissibms11Mpiarime7 WE WART to thls`noait7... (neediest AGENTS opera teed apt position, whole or n time. Liberal terms+ g- oR an make ten dolls s • week or better w1tb as for every week Ton week. No .=neazows 3901103.5 oompea r, Otiattnental Nannies, TORONTO, ONT F. SMEETH'S IL)1IN0 MILL 8480, nom AKDaIUNI) tacronT FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT - Two beedrd acres of steered land sin- = en of lots 7 and 5. tenth oolon es, Col- 0bs.e0uoo tewaahl divided la two firma lot7. with fame hose, god barn, shed. .tables. drive Bowe. Implement homes and other are - emery halld On lot trnmehoate, bare, sables and build Flwoeohata'oa %pglMOak �~ l. and it sell one or tooth ly two ots. Ap• iMagnN tr. ti TER on the premises or F�8it 1015 BALE OR RENT FOR MM ilertemt.se'iceboat 100 acre tauten being let ltd. West Wawanoab. n L about 11 from eoderioh, the same dor tied tiros Leeknow and 1 from Dunganmo. of•bs tarts 10 iwetuod condition, the bandlapa and Dos nets ay loam li there • heir mus- ed. f i day and aresm• tot 10 vv . >16c a rae.,•ve weir teA- I take this opportunity re Inform the T that I am still In the badmen notwitlle•-'� 11 rumors to the contrary. and •m --• do every olees of work la my line from • window frame to erecting • Astor7 b5 sow maes.d tont. 3atlaataa.19t#hh. ompdttion invited. Tbo tarnishing of balking materiel, snob as anemias and {inner a sp.daltl. F. SWEETS. VALES siSMAeT1 W li PROPERTY TOR • overf•okieg the Myer 50 -Q,. v*coupledaass Ch..°7e: y' tate Oa O� vsaab and desirable Mr ht sebM wrneperey frames aws>trna bows on Immediatey sdJotellttR the Brit - AwaL .at psustoccupied by Mr. A MOIL S. Tho haat M< ad tol0 gt.aeda near the G. .ms. ts, formerly M =p b ty he Ings Jpsw 7`of copsa.���st ttskle •t PLY too•. 1ARROW t PILOT► 79.01 eottetters. bedsrish. 0 darkish. July tt► 1897 BM L WHAT YOU RAVL MAKES EARN, BIOS. TSE All INV MST KEON D Os MPA WY S or.sorrome.-Camerm, Mott sad nohow Deroarr.-steres• Oo.poual eyA MS meaty et hoer par amt. Ow •unam Gel d� Nom o w roller upwards. D.aoattors w111pa0 It to their vantage to come anti see an tains-1y be seourd at any time wftY seearlty of approvd�p pdl moderate sof aen�s dolor s fol North on vege sol' Mitnaeer or sol ton. lee Cs adZ 0 a om Homes Sa ee are clow-obbeelte Suet Ow� Runny SIGNAL• t 00.40E 0015Wld, er. J. H OOI.BOR17 O. Prenisi Laundri• LAUNDRY-ddsyA�NY ONE REQUIRING ose at modems rates. apply 50 good MRB.RICE. bleakly -alma B.lehee. bikers. /SOWN W Ursdfloll11. NOTIOE�TO 'OREDITOBB. Maims the n.. is staeby emu' te oh. Nowelarries l. leo of thewe of 000.tt4n. earpe.eer, w diel on or about the Sth day of JWy Mr. N eared ea or eofere'tbe Mlaa**heirl4aay of Oetober, 1697. full 1perzet o for of e5Ml� aa.. to the aadulrnd Executor ot t1N The said Executor will. atter the proceed to distribute thearea, the persue eaitltl.d thereto. S wing regard to the eelaaat�mpaeof� which no tlee .e bees resePtHiidY BOLT.rssaaplfe. MILLINERY . T"URBIIAv OPENINCS 23 , 8EPT�6. 41- thI. 144itut aro vary welcome to 007114 clad He the ifoo, Via• i, s .. s-,cst r • e YATE8 ; _.. .4 ' 'TheBgni .tr+►�-,. ' y �.