HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-23, Page 4nocturnal, Sept. 23, 1897. TIIE SIGNAL : (ODE/1I0/1 ONTA RIO. CLEARIN:a SALE OF • $IOYOLES . . . AND SUNDRIES. Ws de art wile Wow, seer * angle 8101101" Hesetrre we sear at ridicu- lously bus Priem all on veer Wkai,soms.1 whisk ars VW dight. NIL If You are Looking for a Snap frIcia ZTs. New have Wheels from N to itee. Clelometar at Meand tee. Venders at el.s worth e1. es. ea.Bverything at Bargain Day Prices. • - ,.a. A mos AttemeIMMe ea /M DIMS Bap. bat the eee..d Day was a dead �-+ ---• _. glahiaa .1alfStbIMts to ake e mxgn -. wide tseparteseet. is raer.laam lair, Luoduat, owes Ida prosperity to the late Wuldaw MuBIUDR, and the present TWOS- K Brww's, who have practjoally minageti the'showe, eufllort to lite board of diteofats of the respective institution$. No emitaepiee can be • enemas without one rddi11E hand, and to make the sowers of the Great Northwertern what it ought to be, it is absolutely ttooessary that a good manager should be selected who would be in e position to give a month or two each year to the special object of getting in touch with the managers and methods adopted to make Fall Fairs a sucuens, mid apply these Methods to the development of what should be the greatest agricultural show in the Huron tract. A broadening of the present policy will be conducive to increosai pros- perity, and everyone iu and trkeajgirich will will be elelwed to one the Northwestern Fair made more prosperous than it has been. NORTHWESTERN FAIR. The MIR Mew Seer the Mork 1 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING RT D. MentitUi1PDDT Terms or aabserbetler One month. in &drums Trues moathe. ftlx use year, Oa 11 10 to 1 00 Motes tate+. Legal and other casual adv@. "laments. 10o v•r line for Seat Insertion. and 1 oenu per line for each sn'uequeet Insertion. Measured by a. mane Aitl'cale Rnstnees Dards of six lines and nndsr,llli per year. Advert'"•r-"en15 of Lost. Found Strayed Situations ,,ant, Situations o acted and Rosiness noes Wanted not :Deeding t linea omit. •+11, $1 per month. Saks-Awl to exceed 8 11ne., 11 for first mouth, too. per tib se tient month, Larger ad rot. In proportion. Any special notice, the nbjoot of which 1a to pr'n.ote the pecuniary benefit of any mit. v'd•.al or oompany, to Pe ooneidered an ad- vo'tteeryen sod °tarred accordingly. 1.o'•aI nottres in nonpareil type one Dent per word, no notices lees then 2Sn. Local notions In ordinary readtos tap° tw t •nu IreTt nor We- nottew tor - teat eltnr h°trees for chnrrhee and other rSttgtous and benevolent inatrtutions half rate Sab•cri1er who fail to reeelve Tee StawaL regularly by mall. will o.ntnr. favor by to- • q L amting es of the toot at a. early an deters pa Weis When a ohmage of satires' is desired. b•rta tae old and the sow address aboold be vet. Piebll.her's getlee. J. C. Le Tolima. of OodeHch, has been 'p polnted i.onntTnvnlltng Agent for Me own - thins of ilodoncb. Colborne. Ashfield and WA wi iosh. Local no.rmaster over the distrtet an ata empowered to r•eo. vs subscriptions Io '17,2 All communications must be addrs l$ U MoOILLIC 'DT. r1411111,11., .lepboae Oall M TI tstrtirleek Ont. OODIKI1iKH. THURZDAT, PT. er. M. TOPICS OF THE WEEK. TlEit principal topic of the week has beeen the discussion by the esteemed Con- servative prem. of the propoeed retirement a Sir OLlrlra Mow*: from the position of Minister of Justice to accept the guber- natorial chair of Ontario. The anxiety of the esteemed Conservative press to retain Sir Oaten ib his present position is very loudly expressed, and the solicitude mani- fested by theta in Sir Oidvlai is only meoond to that which they exhibit toward the Mend party. It in dif a entirom the old cry that " Mowat must go," anti the Conserve - Ore chorus now is " MowAT must eta ." ow, if there is one man in the broad minion who doesn't need a great deal of ad- vice from anybody, much lees the Tory press, is is Sir OLIVIA MowAT. He is the man who has boon giving advice to Ontario for the past twenty-five year, and his ad- vice has always keen so good that whenever it was called in question an appeal to the Privy Council, across the water usually sir closed the fact that Ontario's " Grand Old Man " had a head on hisshouldorsandagood average of grey matter on the inside of it. For this mouton, it is quite possible that on the question of whether be shall withdraw from the p.rtf••lio of Justice or stay, he will not tw guided by the opinion. of other to any great extent, and in particular he will net take advice from those who are not of the political faith that he profbhsee. Ile may stick to that old political axiom which rayl " Firet, find out what your opponent dors not want you to do, end then do it." • • o- -The -The Northwelstern Fair this year hal Queen's weather all through, and if the directors have not been .able to pull them. wives putt of the bole into which had weather and other conditions had pot them for snare yarn hack, no blame pan now attach to the weather. The attebdanoe this year was somewhat larger than that of last year, but against 'that it is posolble that the expenditures will foot up moue than will ooanterbahnns the harems in gate money. Lord and Lady AlFttosile were the attractions last year, and they came at Weir own expense, while Brttnr.n BIIL and AltI$OS,A JACK had to be paid well for fevnr-ing us with their nontpany on the preoent occasion. The time has evils now tor some new rnethoda to be adopted for making the Aiorthwentern a tennis financially. The Show should he supported hy the people of the entire die- tr4et.--4utd we must modem • pretty hearty tarpeort . iso been given -trot to Ret that .epport the management moat get together and adopt some means more .potent thou that at the peed, to have the Pair made so attrrt4ive IMt it will prove to he a hatter enxnsy•niker than it Ma hewn. This ifinillne be dose by .himsm.psring, but ,-431ripmee ealfjpeolgr judieioss exp - ore 'y. dilbreli 01 the Isdteas*l MYie, Sae bust stray. essomatrd wlih a MIMI el IL i► Its.., and the Weddle THE Groat North-Weatern Exhibi- ttou was opened on Tuesday and the batter, fruit, vegetables and home manufactures shown were on the whole equal to former years in quantity and, in most cla•ae•,muper- for in quality. The attsad•nos on t he opeeingday was not what it should have hese considering the attraction' of the Wild Waat.....enbibltion said the town band. The Wild West men rave their show to the platform in frost of the grand stand, eooeequeetly the Agricultural hall was al. most empty in tea beginning ot the evening, inn -invite 012 8•-•144_ peiida.stesi :dei° building was fairly well filled. Upstairs, in the main hall, the fancy work, paintings and drawings shown our panted to design and workmanship those shown In past year, though the quantity. aid not seem up to the average. There e re- w wini tae e'ihiL1tG oa t w oe notably a show of wheels made by the Hee- denim liioyale Go., but th. detail moat watt for • tutors issue. Oe the ground floor the exhibit wee excel- lent throughout, the firms exhibiting having n eedy enraged stand■ and excellent dia- p:ays. Althourh forced to reserve extend- ed reference till our next issue, we cannot bit note tee very fine exhibit of the Ken- sington Furniture Company, the stand oc- cupied by the God.rich Organ faotory,sod the ohoios show of orgasm made by the Co.. and certainly nfon01 omit mention of the salt palace in wnioh may be meso the venial mans.* of the North Amerman Chemical Compeey Seated amid the produot that has won gold medals everywhere and become a household word on this oonrinent. Rice'. l'bre 8.1c. 'ens flowers ire •lual in bloom to any- thing ever shown, the 0.000.15. both band au4 table, being choice, while the floral d• sign • white noes oo • prettily termed stand, looked lovely. The directors did not expect a heavy ex- hibit in tide department; but 000tr.ry to e xpectations th• show of fruit woe a most creditable one. Oar apple Drop this year was almost • failure. although the prospect do-ing the period of bloom was most promds- ncq. For some reason or other, whioh the wisest of our fruit man o.,tnot explain, the apples did not set, sod kenos the apprehen- sion teat our staple fruit would maks bet a neer showing at the Fair. Of course there WWI a great falling off from last year's ex• Mbit in the oolleetione ot apple•, and it may be said, in passing, that thio in the exhibit that usually is oompeted tor the keenest by orchardists in Got -twins township. Only urne4 i ion. of 10 pietas and five eell.o- tiome orb pintas ..dE were Warn, plates ot the different varieties oa the cata- logue. None, however, were up to the armoire ie ad, or Dolor, with the exception of some really fin* Dachas, which were mach admired. The pear were without doubt the finest ever shown ms the tables, and the oollsotioo. numbered 24 In single plates there erste 356 The Bartl.15 mine in fleet both in number and beauty. and the Flemish Seautles were not (•r behind. Some mon- ster Beam Clamming alto attracted the aye of the visitors by their rich oolor, and alt told there were but very few of the dif. forest varieties an the catalogue that were not on exhibit. elan' were indeed • surprise, and filled '70 plates. The handsome Pond's Smalling -'.6e hest of all our plume -filled ten platen. and nom• of the samples were simply ser - mos. In reference to that well known variety, we cannot refrain from *Wing the remark pawed by one of the jades. :- " liederieb mems to be the home of that plain." Some of the light oolored fruit wore very fine, notably the Yslkiw Egg and Glee Hand, and all told, no timer plume were ever shown at the North- Western. Peaches filled 16 plates, and b•entitol they were, the Orawforde. both late and may varieties, wily uk,nat the, lead. Suoh handsome fruit 1• indeed tepptlag, and many • lomat., dostrs on th• part of the visitor had to h satisfied with the poor n•.solatiee that a " last feed look " was all they would get at theta. Grapes oornprbsd tern ooll•otios of 12, two onllsetions of 8, and two oelleotie.• of 4. besides 120 mime' Osten. Theo exhibitors le the oollootiew richly deserve the red ticket• for the skill shown in bringing this fine fruit to each peN•otbo. Fight •plazas of indoor grapes ware Mown, and demoted that great art and skill had bees takes by the gardener of the hot -beams they name from. Some Immeeee dtrene the iame% we have ever seas --were there, sad five sthtb• (tors oomp•ted for the red titans with some dandy mask mdlnea. Altogether the 'bow of fro11 ot '97 is . good es*, and H thumb • Ia111r es is apples, M ie male u hy IM semh•r sed stn gstae of the *thee bete. What may be Balled the home eestrtbte Ilea wee eider up to expereaties, the iweed ssadksakes beingV pla.tifel prelusion, and IM alas sal preserves, ete-, of apeaready t Bever sea eimeme 11 all MUM* s.d is 11110y .hads• ell melee. bet these ale •ao.ld e mytt stimthee email, WM -tip ee the Ossa. vaiNsklee 414 net *sem as dead - hi es est WON WWOW I.t.. ee•we the wleak Stale Mertes mil sop ea eke sesat4eed N asr,ny ase epNrier. Mg alma wee the etr1 w led be est cawed the srise Mei i "Y w.growth .. a. ..d ea�:'roote are PA•1111.7 SIGND the world V that flee M Ckloyt.. @bows se *oa•1, aad there ore some choice The GSpco ,Tuiltfeh War Is Officially at at End exhibits se regards aim aad est.adeesa 1 he Makes taoabatoe Mea due loor,aad, ea might In a:peeled. IS Si great .Lusatia* Hound about The 8.10 el Om Earth the light wee admirable. bet ie the math seces- sion stertion the fruit could hardly b. mesa. on 1Vednesday, bright and early, horse, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry began to pour through the gale, and when the time for judgiag name the stable@ aad pew were full, and the exhil t.a a whole was not on- ly up to ezpecmtiom,but up to the standard of 1896 to both the number of entries sad the quality of the annals @bows. The weather was all that could be de- sired, ooau.gneatly there woe • large at- thndaoce o.+ Tuesday and Wednesday. The jewtpte each day slightly .zoeod.d those of the oorreepoDdtng day. in '96, and tabs attendance on the last named day must have exceeded six thousand. ftIt >rMN Or WAS. The eity of Quesaltenago, in nGuate- mala, has bees captured by the rebel*. Captain -General Weyler assures the Spenisb Government that he will be able to pacify Cuba in four months. Ten batteries of horse and field ar- tillery rtitlery have been ordered to embark for India from England during the months of September and October. The Welland battery is aataea*fig-wtn- ner of the 'Clowerno.-C3enerd's Cup, To- ronto taking second place and Guela1 and Ottawa tying for third.. It is feared the repulse that the hah troops accred under General Jef- fries from Momunda wd11 have the effect of aroaulag the entire border tribes to aria* The Cuban imrnrrents are now so con- fident in their mliitary .teength that they have nssumed the offensive, and say they can achieve their end withoot the inter- veJttlon of the United States. The British gunboats while reconnoi- tering up the Rives Nile sighted a force of 1500 Dervish infantry end cavalry on the left bank. near _Dam*. The enemy retired when Bred on. The order for tee batteries of horse and field artillery to embark for India from England ranee the suspicion that the insurrection in India is more serious than Y haat ,hitherto been considered. iHICLA•2SI7ILD. A Mama wee seen in Arctic Hume% on Sept. 14, width L atppond to Lave &d nated to Prot. Andrea A recent official ial repast gives statistics slaw thetilie 4mmaity aatinileafeherse near are increasing in London. The Paris Municipal Council is &eat - hie a scheme to furnish cheap baths In small buildingt erected on the sidewalks. Loodm has a ethane to produce hot water at a haltpee oy per gallon from tee mete beat of the ntxeet pa. Lampe. Octegstreef $enocU has 011- d en to .baienice ka fr! ea the taonting oft newaboas is conoern- The United Koalas Deep Waterway. C.tmmie ion to edam a route for a whip canal between the Great Lakes and the Qtlartrac has selected permanent bead - in Detroit. The Marquis d. Lowtllt• has reachnj Paris with the object o[ a the getntctore of glans Henri de Or- leana'in long ea the Prince Met doable till wield a etwrwel is' hie own defense. Jackson, cam detely demon- lized and at n •tandsdill on account of y tat► fever. The people continue to Hoar out of the oily mete Mesh Psaan the alohau mad the Atop' caul... Mal a Three Mears' CeiatalmaW mal A**ael These ateaatwrse ea aattti` W The *alien evIdealiv $aosete ✓ evere Is Reas't 14,Crete, hoodoo, Sept. 19. -At last an o�elal end bus leen put to the Greco -Turkish ser, which really tertui;oated some 15 weeks ago, by the Sultan yesterday at ternouu attethiwt his signature to the terms of peace. It took alas =basin - dors of the powers more than twice as long to *menace them as the WWII hos- tibbee lanced. At preeerit the result of the sttnggta L a military victor for the Saban over Greece, and undu.lttedly. the Sultan hots and intends to gala a reward for ytstend*y atteruoon's act oe complais- ance in the shape of concessions in the matter etiftlte• 'Dine tie pi•iuly show- ed -hi an itt�r.Awv with Signor Pura. the Italian Ambassador at Coustanti- *opts, when .he maid that in return for Ttukei01- _t ie the natter of he esp.cted fiat the pollees wiilltd iso leniency .coaterning Greta. Tt 81g*r Pause's imprint remmk that the autonomy a Crete, to wade uikey had cuoaeated,•had already bean agreed upon, the Sultan replied with a gesture expressing "We shall see." GuuatauidnuIi , Sept 19. -The meeting of the ampharmdone yeaterclay occupied three hours. They Ter ik PA.12a. Minister of Foreign Affairs, the treaty of peace, immediatele after which Tewek Pig took the treaty to the Yikti.s Kiosk tor the .ignatllae at the Salton. __ . Signor Panda, abt Italian . Awbaasr dor, lets the city_ to -eight and M. Oath - ban, _the French Andaiumadoe, will leave on The Porttte's final promptitude in the treaty h ascribed to the W- ity or further tsaitltaining the increase of sickness among the troops. Athens,, Sept. 1J. -The conditions eft the peace signed yesterday l.etween the ambassadors of the powers on behalf of Greece sad Pewn Pemba, the Tart Mkt Foreign Min sites, at the ToMtan•k Palace, are unieetselly pronounced by ith lisG P ° isor ept*onerous. snit with mournful rt. iitnia ow /OWL! 'Ass Hear. Folies taenias• ed gam Th.nd.rs Mirza-•• sates Bombay, Sept 19. -The advices from tete front show ghat the various columns are advancing against the MahmoUkis from Panjkors: aha Shakadar. As yet they ham bleat with no serious opposi- tion, but discalties of transporta- tion ih a tiroos and almost path - DOLLARS to PEANUTS you'll be tickled into new life if yon nee Rice's Pu....re-Salt THE SALT OF THE EARTH FOR TABLE, BUTTER, OHEESE, FARM and GENERAL -8W Thi North American Chemical Company, billies, 801,81 'J.41 W .K 8 • two-thlra• M the popt32lon have gnu'. LLI, 8Il1 PLIAS. W. Parte-.u,t, of the Hamilton Yukon party has been drowned in the Athu- Sirr Adolphe Corea left England on tor -Oa cad r -homiest.-. a Lig Klondike deal in Paris and Lou- don • .The e000wooe reent Ie treacle that Mr. A. J. Magurn. a $nurnalls2 0t' Ottawa. will be appointed gets+ifnt" to )4A$jir Walsh, Adminiatraia• *Tithe Yukon Dis- trict. Mr. John Shield. of Toronto is fD Ot- tawa, at the mount 0tf eertain parties in Radtinh Columbia. to interview Mr. Sifter, with a view of re -opening pert of els cid treil ��1tt:oegh C)aandian terri- tory into the KIotdlke The Goosed of the li}armiltoh Board of Trude Doneides it desirable tint a route should be evened as sone as pee- elde,throughCanadian territory, the Yukontrade of the gantry is now large - in &ream halm in comeagperene p,f inadeQeaa v of oominadeation through orf own (het . Lew of the Kingston 1 sed Military College. who burr for souse time past been InvestigeOng the rneeiand route to the R k2*dlbe, stheels a moat gloomy desaripdom of the White Pitmen:l nem that death tram odd. etarvattien end msicitle will he the bee of thief wetter. Mb" find et gold 4 exatteee ted, sad be ways a whiled -' * Coate tetaarsperf�ndoy ensommien a istn between Abe PAPAtheW mond *0 lune tboonteda to 'their n for the sake et their fame sod adviet fire !DS DfslDDss r!1 ilKLAND Apemen N M Otammataed by wine Pgte'f Lyes ♦ ow la London, tient. IS. -The extent of 'he ttl'trvas three seethes Ireland seet0 depend largely you which paru'e eyes view it. The (launch of the Rational Federation has decided that the COUP - try la on the 1rr101 of r t rethunity. and nem :Ilton MamaDttumi and Hagewa eft eonwoke a aaraftfag ret the irWt members of Parii.ntent ter tea 'avow of requisitionist' Mfr. A. Balfour, The Government ) sr III 3 Omatnooes sad P'.r.t Lord 0t1lee 1Yltl* airy. to malt 'o autumn maim elf Vat- Iletment to devise relief msserw .mid to peke a hill redwing nate in trained in properties tp the pe incensed by the tenants, ewtag M do whaled* de - =ruction or the mops. On the other ha sod Dahlia Empress says the of fa le only a anntipo■tloa of the party war ery �which 1@ .sdyE re 7..:s t (M IIapmus. StnOdds is Duet, oa •'Judsfrtm Atha e peat we may beget that 6r pee et th•I dsooertl b N▪ e emceed, and c the g•wti the*f Anil Veil will he meek Wager thole w1.l sera comtry ase; immense. Ancelter for midable obits* A the way of rapid mimosa= p the lack of water. It is now known • that the enemy's loss dating the tight on Thursday last be- tween the Aduhmmds and the second ieaQ t1esterar Sir ;ta-Eusi- -asp. in the Donk of Aneyat, was very 1>wtttre. -Lora. V{iatam was thrice wounded while gidlaboy leading a handful of Buts, with sward a large body of the enemy that *fie trying to storm the .vllbgslh which 0*feral Jeffreys, with had taken up a po itidtl after T1urCdty math body in the gloom It appears Hast the en in lost 180 tits! Wane they captured the garaged Lehee post, '1'►ey burned alive two NMI on412J, wheat they captured while oat baa** floe fireweed. *1teety werlsrcal 1t14th 1 i* �epL 1g.-Jtntdy MAIM= �t 1 .e.. .tyled the ' .stere e omeli•+Meer, w u warm)igrate a- rrant MO wit. sayNew Klingland tedeg; . an eatee' international 0s talteltsa• itl e! ver Part, and was i. fhetad CTd1.g time the world *5.pwtlt;ri ad sow*4illtry�ayy D hnotifs oa Iy lab• liar�po� petltosl,Laclea Lea* it Isms' Meds ee of tl.m illness persons were mtlR s#gbndy mold t toaa'etch Leans. OM la ty-t*4zdm mile Mihe ca- menthe oat �ermmute,nd •►c45ieoththeekpo-o- tmtlt.lte tempt over the Innloek r l. a inner. eeeerdt etLlr a r b tike molt me something vAto has MI the ,this w frownLeona Veke of th nod whirl. were pee weillchaei In him 20- Leona st Springfield. wands record from is noir .aedlted g le en • ..._ JAMES ROBINSON HAS MOVED Loco 1be Blocs teosrlly ooemded by where he hap room to show the largest Stock of NEW FALL JACKETS, DRESS GOODS, BLANKETS, LADIEB' VESTS, MINS, - SHIRTS, and DRAWERS, Gnat FLANNELS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS ever shown in Ooderich. As the Goods are all of ul the -West Style and Fashion and marked at the lowest possible figures, he invites all Visitors to the Exhibillda-Weed end examine the quality old i esseds : We ere wear ile beee4111111 Jim MoB•In, taller • w idaea •ei highly setesssaA rase emetlS*.a a f'ld,•, pee mese reaeviy to Sorieeer, Mien. , when he hes e.ssred a r.memerniv pmit3m as mum V • teems' * tYlithar► 1Muabess*5 1. *sgtael. lasida - 4ept 18. -The Ipspeetor of gesbeistwae m a MMpese just maned. cmr 1 aeaober ty habitoal fit aafGe b greatly * Minting, though, stlptt$on shims the Irein eteta! s MID more prevalent strews weer t It _li. thnt awes= ric T•a 0.U.r• m west Mfrs Mlghl It de.. nee see= pesdhle ihM the MYa few sighs peepie este be provided Ger fat dollars it weak. Rut MMes. RerO. 02. thele femme emelt M £.8do, says M abbe dNh ell.e hes tined 15 sal Mem. M 4640 tee ghee 1. The Leafed Wee Janina in flvsaher. Ow da•• -t s tetae8 9..rbti•71 ri1�I1"1ahW1. M. Nervi 4atamiees by Wish asp nem* MS MSC* ee •etae.aiv.Wink an MM* M..il1t *s• piesis. MMM well ISM of tut e•IMa11a. ,• WE sae price JANES--8I11TSON TWO DOORS WEBS 011 HAMILTON -81. KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED A WELL KNOWN H0T L.XEEPER RELATES HIS EXt'Eft1KNCg. Mr u11rs11iD Oww•TLT' mom aID1t2T T20D11LI asp 1NDI021T1Olr-111 D00 - !Oath 102 a LO fro TINT WITHOUT GIVE. TWIG ANT SZLIIIN. ' .i7R r -.r•.:- �cr --.-- .,..,,,r,w,y►ra,,,tw, s. - helm the Standard. Cornwall The mirth of the world's program is lorded, pretreated and continuous, the com- petition for supremacy is kegs. The man of business mast keep rank if be would se - ears my covetable measure of memos. The watelifnlaess. vf/Raubr-sat t i3* It volved in modern superintends/boy produces a mean strain ea t.$ physical amid meatal powers of modern business man, sad at- poees them to the attacks of meta= dia. ewe. Cosidering that mach depends s boatel la this sem. It bskootes the.r wM would be vistortos to guard against the liras approach of dimwit Nealeot sf early .djuetme.t of digestive sad kidney dl.srd.n m offs fraught with dire r.anlue trifling with health a esp•r�s to this is the tall Mw - n et et worthless d.000tiou.. Wb invaluable to make the saqusintones • a msfe amid .ff etiv. remedy snob as Dr. 9111- U•ms' Piak Pill Jams Macpherao. Meal keeper is rie village of Lancaster. Gime perry meaty, has done busing fee a num- ber of years is L noeeter, and having sao- oassfelle catered for the patronage of the travelling pablio thereto,* is favorably known not only se home bat also abroad In ooaver@ation with • newspaper reporter be enumerated some of his ehlmsts and how he wee oared. " Abort two years age." h. said. " my whole digestive apparatus esemed to Moon. disordered. Some days I 000ld move around. themagain 1 would be obliged to go to had. I tried several thine* but with indifferent csooess. Occasionally I felt relieved, bot is a der or two the old rym:Soma would return with a more do - effect. This kind of thing west 02 55thlg 1 became troubled with my kid- n eys, whinh was a very *540715* addition to my suffering. I was restless, with a eea- sation •f sickness at the atomanb, and wilk iolrmittent pais in the email of my hack. I was mteenble enooah whoa I oonsulted the doctor whet probably did me some good, because 1 felt relieved. TM doctor's medi- cine was takes and hie directions obeyed, but I cite not improve. I had heard of the fame of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My wife believed w them and urged me to try thea 1 am glad I did so, for after taking one:box 1 felt bettor, end I ooneic0ed taking the pills 2atsl I wee completely eared. This simmer I had as shook of the mate nor• phials and I Lound Dr. Williams Pink wile me e4eotivs as Were. I had this ad- vantage, reyrlhicttrted*o ere betted is tee pile saved me from costly and tedious ex. perimestng .nob as I had undergone pre- viously. I may further add that both my. self sad Mrs. M.opbersoo have derived moon basalt from the nee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and I can cordially recommend team to those who are sffert g eimril.rly." Dr. W IIIierne"PhIE Pills oini be djrar, to the root of the disc.... They resew sad build up the blood. aad .inowthea the serves, thes driving disease from the sys- tem. Avoid imitations by *misting misting Chet every hex you purchase to esoloeed is a wrapper be.rieg the lilt teed* mask, Dr. Williams' Ptak Pill* for Pale People. AUCTION SALE.E. Alplillee getting their eats bills muted at Mies will have • free setae mssrlsd a list es to the Weed sales Mi !motion .ale of handsome hargiee sad other vehicles aft Kam'. meth's room. on Saturday at 2 r.le Aeons sale et household fantasize, car- pets, a large quantity of thanes, several stoves, and other Demotes too immoroos to me.tiee. Salo at 1 r. r. os Wednesday, 29th of 9.ptaber M the Perk Hopes. Tao. GcitD&T. Asst. Egmosdville. : Mr. P. V. Eart.rd, late= the Stretford Easiest= College, has leased the Oman Ron., Ellmo.dville. for • numb- er of year.. . Mr. Barnard has engaged R. Breslow ee clerk, sad Dar Kennedy. r !nether. Wt*gham.: TM largest seek of fish vel reported was made by Mr. F. G. ea Friday evening of last week. Tb. ealth oompri.ed 10 black bass. weld:deg 14 Ikar 1. The longest 0.e was 19 inches sail the shortest 11 nohes ' tv -OUR -- OBJECT OBJECT L to .souse your Trade by sslplyt*g you with the very hest hmcwa.r at the lowest poodble prone, rout now w Me Msy receiving our steak of FALL and WINTER. GOODS =abaft rheas for Men. Woman and Chlldrea, and t.1 .o RIiBl2RRp a[.11kisds and desodp0ioos to sett evert - bed y. PRICE, THR..BHOE$AN . Sr rte ••calk Wee% IMP M ( lea M 1.11,lisa. ..y 144 GRAND AUTUMN .EXHIBITION 1897 FALL IEND WINTER REASON 1687 • Grand 1- I 33. SKI= Fail -,, . •' , VI; ' •,43.• h. f , ...,.tli......,-. TRI1RZAT 23 and F k.' When we will Awe on Exhibition? C1,alleettiee of theillenouls Ridln't+neo Yon are invited to some end nese win el#Dibdt,t. THIIRBDAY, lei 118 and following limn- .4 _. a . AsipaaWs, r t . - - rK