HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-23, Page 3net-
a. f)i••Iseat
. etc.
ma Merlt
'WW1 a
seas of
at the
e •■d Ile
and Be
New -
Ir Coss
le Bag-
old- - ,
sortable -
aof ,k
,nn!. -.....s., - ..
Awls means '*want of
mood," a deficiency in the
sed-corpuscics of the blood.
Ian pause is found in want of
sufficient food, dyspepsia,
lack of exercise orbreathing
lt s
impure air.
natural repugnance to all fat
roods, Scott's. Emulsion is
an easy food to" get fat from
and the easiest way of taking
fat. It makes the blood rich
in just those elements neces-
sary to robust, hedth, by
supplying it with rad cor-
aur.•t• rt )o OM. id WW1.sa*WENa
POILLTIcn- asci ltC't ea 71.
Thi Caannstltve and Agrarian paper.
in Germany have renewed their ag tauo■
for a tariff war against the United
The Spanish Government la taking
steps to prevealt all newspaper comment
on the conduct ot affairs ie Cobs and
the Philippine Islands.
The President of the Argentine Re -
piddle has submitted to Congress a tariff
which is prohibitory ppgaiust all articles
of .lmerlean manufeeture in retaliation
$or .the Dingley Acct.
The French Go,Arnment is being petle
tossed to pans a law reducing taxation
In proportion to the number of chikireu
In the tuutily as a weans of [educing
the ahrtultage in the birth rate.
CILIMI: A\l. e'ittatiNALS.
The gate of the Uutario Tack Com-
pany at Hamilton war forced upeu and
ilnd•. stolen from it.
In a laud quarrel near Seeley's Buy
Be•ujamiu Kt'UI ey was eh' . by a ratan
nettled 1ii11 and very serion.iy wounded.
The British Government has inetruct-
eel Scotkaud Yard to tiotity the United
-Stated of the departure of Auarchidts
for that country. Tzar rnJ
Iftask-Biaao*ttle,-- osepd-.
John C. Shea, the three alleged
apirator* in the noted lac:oeae ease, we:e
enznmitted for trial he M�
IA NICHOLSON, 14).9.- ---- --
Dat[Tai sUDON.ON.
Rooms opposite the Pod Ries
Gold Filling, Crowns sod
Bridge Work a Spsiliy.
35 Years *xeert ace.
1J. TAL SUIttilION.-Ltest sad approved
methods tor ell dental oeseutioaa. Preserve
ion of the natural teeth a p olaity . Office
over James Robins n'e cry ode store, cor-
ner of Rest Bt. ane be Square. 67
Y- TURN ILL, D.D.B., f.D.S.-
tJ • Mental Musson. (Lately associated
with Dr. Dixon. of Montreal. Gel i and pores -
Isle. 0rtifiOWsoteeth
societal attention R nen tod or ma
m vises. Dec
1Lol eaav sew black the coral teeth. sse-tf in
W. A THO i ON, M. D., 0. IL-
oasa act ltsdds■os, Montreal S1eSL
�s�.■ann..y .c. omo.-> street. the rag-
oa➢i trot' fcMilds�e
it rataanc-
-T1re court -in -mufti *mal that passed the sen-
tence et death on Barrie, the Barcelona
--f. _teiesepting lu, k1) the
ebiefpf police. wCre not unanimous, and
the captaln-general refuses to carry out
the sentence.
a. "Tit iii) .1LT11ta.
The Duke anti Duchess of York melt
the last day of their visit to lretaud in
The Duchess of York having accepted
a rid fisher cloak from Father Do ley s
home in Galway, that article has become
very fashiunabie.
Among the gifts which President
Faure took with him to Russia were
three dolls for the Grand Duchess Gap,
wbieh can talk anti sin French.
The Queen is amid to be Laking great
Interest in the reports from the' Klon-
dike. and is anxious to know If there is
adequate protection for her .objects
these regions.
The Duke and Duchess of York at
Glasgow received the civic anthbrlties
and opened the new Prince's dock. The
city was profuarly 4,corated in honor
�t thg' HtitTithle2Zaa'ti
.="'i'liP"1�'�sa eiie
Lieutenant of Ireland. asking him to
convey to the Irish people her thanks
for the loyal and kind reception accord-
ed to her`grandchildreu, the Duke and
Duchess M York.
tat;KlNg;aa. .
TtIoa11P+T. Sept. 23, 1899, 3' -i
7M asessse► �- •
Nosy Irons sae Y.taas. 'TIS HE WHO STRIKES OUT His INI11-
Oster Polak, B. C.. Sept. 1 -0. --The � VIOUAL LINE OF ACTION.
Clsvaion i eias.se • Nsos.d i
strainer Olevelaud has armed trunc i
t. M: 1, bsiajiug with her from the
Y Weal gold bolds a story of Metres* .
and dlsaotrr. The miners she bar 0u tr11, I■d1 L ]test tM
board and offlcere.iu obarge of dithe stress tiara■s•se's•-Yortlaut ale• toe
b, lsMastb
h *et in at tD I tb U
art the saps of disaster an ' c e milky Walsh Winge
at mining
cit . The wh•ter as two ,
muting edty of the iroewu *.1•u s •e•1 Ilaaus•►at.1 br Tres. acral•
great stores of the place No mon L A rays Hay„ tarvw
their doors, for tbey have nothnti to selge tcyylorr Atlantic, who
Phos. why have beau seeeklrg gold, now,I \Yilruu hi tau l turn his liar after
m I trying to pa
agger•ate the actual couditiuu of affairs
he a gt tiautur
thus tn* be no gneatiun that raul:!t•• is by uo mean+ the m ea" twspo:iut-
thteatenr the adventurous men and Wu fur indlTt�U&b)"Id nrwa
mien who make their way to the Baton ad with the midst ex *lig granary:
ddike. Huadredr of unruly spirits ar tri,Jkubnr eccautricity,
Bucking to Dawaun. Threats of v:ol* ice ue.. s, a egia e ve to tae, aiwayr whole -
are being made on every ride. ecce, *,alto eat, &tad Luuul+r w112t
On the Oleveland there are *S pale.'n- euiLul.y. It "leedit. quality WNL g
gees, men, women and children, RLu guw benne sad aett-ttapect- it lig a sort
have fume from Dawson City. Thee: • ua roeu.e mutat sanity, Wised of ale-
are few miners in this nasty th it etc meats both moral and intellectual. It Ls
able to tell of pn,slwrity• Most 4 fhrm wund iu natures, tau rtruug to be mere
wish to exaggerate their possess'uns. End trimmers and cuntorwere. tee' well yaireJ
if one were to believe the rtor.cs rte- and thuosbttul to thug tell into lutKm-
tell. be would say the; treearuseehlu In Aerate protest and revolt. Laughter is
'eh thev come carries $5.000,0iri geuufue which batik • in it neither the
Miall. meter or the Clet�lu 11. 'shrill, hysterical note of mere
says o
that he bas $YOi).000 irk- his Safe.. -4 went nor the hand, nwtaiic
parser believes that he eau dl4+nnt the cynic's au.er-whish zings in the
'MOOR eve bated. ;-= _ •- -: tones# veto* or grades. gaud -humor.
There is gold everywhere( bet •Mil pea ' which \a innneeut ami unsatlr.cal. Speech
fee d -Dm.. -+rte toot atlas is gatmine wla ch is without s,
eeuas+tii., ar ;�exeAICA. built mat seek aur t)ud or starve. is kt,n0r y,d,,.„1,
While there may be a trndsnCl to ex' tin Mees of uthiar e'w�i
be remota.
du►t But iudi,ldYuaUty
cher. Cssys1naMer. tar. Ulffoa-De
g� street. 2 doors east of Colborne
$eo.. goods more.
J.4 Solicitor. Notary Public. Aremesses
Mode, Wort Street. Mw
%s ria Oadnea, D� over I�sAlcal
-111. Hotter. eommissioner,
pe :nor. Mimi' te
sad 8t. Aadre*e
'"`,Skttengentt.anli. 50i
N. Lawn, BARRISTER, > 1 -
tar easttajt Got bolMariam a iIw
lb. to OMva Nseta4a et
Meow, Private Taad� to bed
lowest ranee of tat rest.
rfsssea. Atbaeaeyyssi� Solicitors. ka. 0.4&
ri: J T. O.rrew. Q.0.. W. Proudfoot.
�.1i$ltalll, HOLT & HOLMES,
V Ministers. biliettem la eodeeteh. M. 0. O sma �OPy�
Dudley Hdarss.
ase sad r.
• .gIteegad merle n m
ssl,lag re00�laa••M of ten. ,1d d
s depositions •�1 we 0*1 ■ deelaes-
lisse la or pm-
m�.•,d�ise la the gl tat air
Mart of ee OasurM`�-..� ,a,��
Dl,teem corers All � s j �
sad prsaam unser O
sadz-Desisasaa■ Oat. tr
Lewis and iaiuPaaaa .
then are not enough Eructates_ to se' is genuine which carats bu t by nature
comutodate the erew& and setorey of tether than by convemtiuu, which is stuff
Pecade are Reins In testa.
Of indc•peuekuce and 'dt-P1d courage.
a+► Nctyl,t,,a, ei,•eia_ i'aatatril _. oSU'uut
sent ep arca of true wedlock of the nand; nothing.
what It
e too into the charge among the �ot things re
Olive Adella [sterna uunual, or air
Cayuga Out.. Sept. 10. -Public inter- adulterated awl �ttatug to 'be
et 1s evidently reviving'io the magic- i. nut: nothing can ever get place
aerial Investigation
n i s uuiue,
against Mrs. manstock ani unmietakubl•e
•of murdering her Husband. George H. kneage• It is a prerogative of every
8ternamun, in August of last fear, by truly human being to come out from the
the administering of arsenic potion, and law estate of those who are merely ere-
-when the proceedings n opened this garious and a the fid. and show his
morning the pextiuU of the Court House innate powers cultivated and yet un-
even over to the 8ccolnniodation of the spoiled- it*nd. ttnniixed, free from *mil
general public was fairly well tilled, talion; *bowing that individualisation
though by no means crowded. without extravagance, which is genaiue-
The presiding seaglazsateh new
as on the -
taTlosu occasion, was Mv. Adam Davis,
a.P., and Crown Attorney C. W. Colter
conducted the examination of the '•"tt-
--The- returns- of eb• flab-esuaireinelle81.r
to September 2. ad eoniparesl with last
Denson up to the same date, *bow a
marked detrea.e.
Great ext. -item' at has beet' caused in
the financial world by the: announcement
that the Bank of England intends hold-
ing one-fifth of its reserve in surer.
At a meeting of the creditors of R.
H. Greene & Co. an offer of 511 cents
on the dollar was accepted. the direct
liabilities amounting to 964.721.thea ever
The largest gale of pole
made in Canada was made at 31ontreal
b -Shaw, Cas t1s -lr:GC-to Jame,' Mc-
Cready & Co. This transaction involved
the transfer of 25,000 sides fora eon
.deration of about =75.000:
Daring the pest sen b there t
an increase of 12 per cent.
of pig iron. end many furnaces $re pre-
paring to resume work.- Cettnn is wea
in price. but the trade ,ituatloo ail roun
is marked by encouraging signs. and th
tone among wholesale men everywher
is a cheerful one.
Tb daughter of Mr. George R. Holme
of Bt. Catharines was so badly burns
by her clothing catching fire that cleat
took place in a few hours.
The fear and excitement among th
fartnent of St. Athan. Quebec,
recent landslide have abated. and th
people air returoine to their homes_
Tbore was an ezpbnion of 4ynami
near Johanneebtum in South Africa. b
which five white men and twenty -ti
Kama were killed.
A paining steamer reports that th
}Cirlvaaen out seven bemired miles f dth
Irises coast Tngw hare gone to her
res -
res -
we ask but a minute
to call your attention to
whioh has been giving sapb4zo.Uent ,iatiefaction for some time
past. We are sure this tea Will please you, and earneetly advise
giving it • trial Prom Grooaril here, there and everywhere. Lead
]leases. Detective In -Peet" Murrill and A rewash* *Isiah sad saw due >W'
�...«.pinatas dssL
IIndoobtedl�� the __ most eztrae dinsrl
towns& in I is that of Skekluw,
MONEY TO LOAN. - 0fi0,000 00
,as toads to IendN at per atrtmesB.
1-sisa■s et ebtaial•sea feet-onestineassents ma de so at ler oo■L 0p -
sir J. ♦. to M Boom
• I i s idles. *geMM
lig• agEH, eegp.Ma aesta's
Rotel. eels
.teh. t _
it J. Titaa aesYawarm,
ia � L1.12
� wd-
JONi1 TO -oar LLOD.-A I. A� B G It
t1,•1s�� A ylsl
=lad Oral.»'IC
ise maw fa
de le Stearn. ter...'em .
JYaaeap1es' Itrlltliwtia.
lnapector Roberts 0. •-- - ban
Life Iusurance Co. were abo on +
Mr. William Cowan appeared in the in
terestrof the stemmed wOWan• to Cumberland. It contain* but one
31 r. Davis stated that the evidence.
as submitted, and the sr _ house, the occupier of which �� unable
at btheon next cos , prepare a voters' list and no church or
dietk,n, which will be on Nov. 18 cezt• p on
• other place of worship or aasembbY
iw..€ Flve Lives Lest. which to pnbliah one, says Pearson's
Denver, Col., Sept. 10.-A head ..std Weekly. village In England is
WEALa west at 1 o'clock this too that ofThe Farle _Patton. This truly
lo west of Name -wale, Col, I W' ,*,r,L 'tea and A ger t a bend a ! ei Etat f the e' Colorado from - '••"rail
train and a freight of wreck
Culorery i contrast thio maybe menOtiooed ...he
and. Details ot the wowk sire hamlet of Tetrad. shout ten sulks' atom
hard to obtain. Itd y known that o
Harsher, wife Lind two children of two iimportaut main roads, tworaaiwase
Harsher, GordonItare theapng t � F'i. I and two large -Fivers.
mere Goo[ clerk.
II Beckley, postal clerk. sad Ronert , A very unique feature
Howlett, ssenger fireman, are fatally ' claimed by Trimley, s
injured. rimer Ostretndtr anti fire- 'Suffolk. In the one churchyard of the
man Sutliffe of the freight are missing Darieh two churches are to be seen, oper-
and are believed to be buried in the 1 tier ix conducted three times a week
teredt -
Latsat Informatbpp trten the wmeek
it almost certsin that 2S p--le-ens
are dead and a dozen badly- injures,
felly half ot.wbor will die.
Newcastle, Cala, Sept. 10. -Alexander
Hartman of H.orabert Ill., has both legs
broken and cannot live. His wife •tad which leads of the lo the eo *hatch tower
two children d from
the Grit of the dead ��Bi knatop
per, Somersese•tattire, to a yew
to be removed from the wreckage.
tree, now SPP feet high, and ,tall gYow-
ing in a hardy fashion. It is generally
believed that the bee owm its origin
toms meed dropped by a bird.
Ferhatm be meat eplgndidly decorated
"7i'dtob lit the kinedm'e is thnt of Whit-
ley Court. Worcesteershire. It it entirely
ernatrneteetl .of wbite marble, the pews
are ehaxtely earvcd amt the pulpit ie •if
genuine Carrara marble. riehly paneled
with preeione stones'.
On the village green at Meriden, :n
Werwiokahtre. there G a large stone
troea, which is supposed to mark the
central point of 'itingiaod.
)lime conft
Mr. W. H. Ordway, manager of the
Exhibition, wan run over anti kilted by
a traist an near the foot of Bathurtreet
on turday afternoon. a farmer.
Mr. Samuel Pifer. aged 130
residing in Runnesdde Towneship, Ont..
while working in the barve•et field Thurs-
day, was e,eroonle by the hest, and died
before medical aid could he trrnenred.
There was a bead -on collision a mile
wort of Nc westetie, Oa. between Ina anti
ver & Rio Gnnde pa train
a freight of the Colorado r a ki. by
wire+ twenty-five persons wa
and many more severely injured.
GO�DS:RRIOBB i 10HAN'Tdd�'t I D��T1
■pouf, ear. at isM M/MI Iall Natwe 1
O�esa tray t I, a rat. glass teem 1 te fir temOUT 1000 VOL'S LI
♦d• DaA>a »•stiff► sad IAwIr+W
, Ft
• Rasa arras sessreaLI
redid igiMh IS
•, e
in each of three -e *prehes at the same
hone. -•
The deepest. well is England is found
at Hamilton, in Hampshire. It s*retehes
alio feet below the warfare of tate earth.
About half -way down this well shaft
i t a subway, three miler in length,
att..dtl•• Out Last.
Seaute, Wash.. Sept. LL -Tire steamship
Clev.land brought news of the first h101t-
di•e Stouter. 1'aaueugers on the l)taae-
1.00 declare that ane gide-wbeel dtwanste
Eliza AndetR i..w•ica started north from
here with sixty passengers and • came of
freight for at_ la,cnrui, kgs been least wits
all on board.
"1 believe Abe la loss" said A. P. Lind -
son of Beattie. -The tug Holyoke was In
Vette harbor when We were there en
Sept. '2. She hadust •waved from uta
Bound with a .choler Gaff • Mssatw►eel
steamer 1n tow. -
••Tbe masterhad been throegthe
e r�y.�hg s . tat b
down off
Nadu three days bene. rsul M Raid that
he uau Seen the tills Anderson during the
storm. apparently In „rent distress. After
the storm be did not . ss her. He said that
It was possible that one pat Into Kadlac.
but no
afetyrd whenethe left r rad beenreceived
111101RAE (iOIfbaT.
da, l■ saga tars{
..•••-• • • • 46'
ass stmeta:e+aiS ssfls,iea.s -
4aeeets�,selas et its is is $ }snttl•aasii
r��f1w at
llapss's >9ifaM es seat 1q ruts
MISS )maces E. Willard announces
Toronto and Buffalo will protein against
ky'ne hang.
Rondot sg*'ost The Monetary Times,
an action 1. libel tried •t Sandwich
*seises, resulted in a verdict for the de -
Customs i*apectore at Laredo, Treat,
have found an onctslmed grip on a trate
containing $2410,000 worth of diamonds,
Jewelry and other valuesbies.
S ir Ellis Aahmead Bartlett hoe �eyw�rite
k will be published e Battlefields
which he ix an apologist for the Suiten.
Tbe corner -stone of the Jubilee wing
et the General Hnspi*tl In Hamilton,
'presume a
ni ]s ldlarge nthe umber et ln the
11he plates from wbich the Jubilee
stens Weare printed were destroyed at
Ottawa in the presence of the Poet -
master -General and a number of ca-
The sale of Shawnegan Fells ley the
Qnebee Government took lace Fridal-
it was purchased for $60,100, It is re
ported. by a compass
using the power to manufacture acetl-
Maltreat la tbreattensd with a water
limine owing to a freak in Lim big eta
1 carrying theter ander the
chine Ousel.A dredge employed to
eepe'sing the final tore up emeriti ase
tions of two Sedneh pipes. '.
An action he* Weert .i sem_* Mg
Exchequer (odrt in Ottawa be Hesde*-
sou Brothers against the federal GleQor-
0bebetweeThere tte ix e difference
000 iveeta*nt mithodties
ad the platatiffs asi to the,- a1$I M tim-
ber snppllled by than fat this Orris
1>Y�I�-�dw• Lsifytwa�'�
Tae Sown Are Bteren-
C'hleil-KTV , -1�pt t2 -- Pi,e lave.
from the Laetgert sausage vat. were
identified to -day as parts of a began
body, and were added to the chain of
circumstances which the proaecUtion be-
lieves will show beyond reasonable doubt
that a human body was destroyed 1n
the vat on the night of May 1. The
five bones identified were part of a third
rib, a part of the humerus, the greet
1>49ne of the arm, a bone from the palm
of tate hand and a bone from the fourth
toe of the right foot. The sesamoid
bone from the human foot was re-idssti-
RS WLlfilfT
As Good as Cold
Is the friend that stands o7 us in en
emergency. •• QUtcxevaa" is
The Great Emergency Remedy
�7 o -lht inlets people in the
land testify to its eiftdsoc7. It promptly cares
Toothache and all pain. Quickly allays inflam-
mation. Wherever than rkui ds cot, bruised burned.
l ammed or diseasedin any for •1� CUre 1s111Ao
Its wonderful work.
--t---Dr. $. B. Ihbot.oa..Major Royal khats, l[ostseab and Com-
mandant of Bigley Team in 1894, write* t I/' Qnickcure' is a treasure,
and doeii jest what you say for it ; when it is known every household
will levo it. Il is worth its weigh' its gold to parents, who should
I.keep it in the house for emergencies such as toothache, barns, cuts, etc.
Change in Business.
.......NEW FIRM«.,..
My son A. W. CORNELL having bought half interest in oty Un-
dertaking and Furniture Business, the name of the New Firm will be
Yea ma bay g,Me ansa Qodt_ all at LOTORY
Mahar. in ht�ie_ Mag �: ]i� Imelda *Lebow ii.eds--and
Diplomas for Embalming in our Show Window. The 15..t and Largest Stook
of CASKETS and CNT/I 5 and Funeral Trimmings in the County -Low
Durability of 1,10. rt •141.
Some interesting teats of 800tt4 ma-
ti.riate recently made In Philadelphia are
'described in The Scientific American.
The investigators used m ordinary iron
rubbing wheel, such as is used bystone
workers for robbdegg a smooth ace on
mprble or sandstone. The samples 3o
be tested were
of sandstone, and laid, face downward4
on the rubbing wheel, which revolved
, st the rate of seventy-five revolutions a
enieute and was kept supplied with
sharp. sand and water. The bioeks to
which the flooring, were cemented were
of equal weight, so that the rubbing
was effected under nearly the same pree-
mie in ail cases- Curiously .enough, the
material whioh resisted best this seven
test w as ' a,n India rubber biking, which,
alter an boar's rubbing. nest only ova
sixty-fourth of an Inch in thickness. Next
to this. ILgliah encaustic tie cave the
beet results, losing only one-eighth if
an inch in an hour', treatment. The
artibcis.l stone known as "gtamaithict„
wax thlyd,Insing three -eighth. of an Inca,
while North River blue atone host nine`
sixteenths of an Inch. A pleer of mar-
ble mosaic disappeared entirely In thirty-
five =tames, while solid white Vermont
marble lost three-anartem est an inch in
an hours robbing. Most of the wood
Hnotinga indeed. resisted abrasion better
that' the• marble. White pine, for en -
ample, brit melt' aewen^eixteeet a of an
Inch ender treatment, which removed
nearly twice as mods from cloud marble.
Yellow pine allowed mobw3antially the
*Man reatatanoe as white pia*, while
oak lost more than either Of the pines.
It would seers as it tee treatment with
water was hardly fair to the wooden
floorings, whirls depend a good demi nu
their elasticity for avesolstiog wean, but
even ander snob unfavorable cerctira-
Wancee they hekl their aha res arkably.
Ddtveeses W w►sat.
Winnipeg, Sept. 12.-(SpodaL)- The
total .deliveries of wheat at country
will aggregate foe lie last week
points (100 bushels. 1 eeteteay's deliver-
ies along the G.P.R. amounted to 234),-
000 bushels, of which I11.01)0 were deliv-
ered at Gietsweld alone Might to
saghty-three main was peed.
ZterRMat at night over tour times as
Bch grain was marketed In the pro -
TIDO, VI ever before in the same at`r-
Md. T1Teehers' rlsbatnoga hitt to that
me treta a be fullyNS White a
aac eatdasaaa off I7 000
anefas a ie Mgdsa ISir i•
New Tort. Rept 9.-A spared 4o The
World from Colas, Colombia, r1ay s It Is
announced that a oo'nce.alue for tthhee
psrpvae cosople the Panama 0a•
Dal has Idnis gated to England.
New York gsp�a. -A despatch to
The World from Washington says: The
World's al cable advice from Co -
b4 to the eZ that the franchise
heretofore bead a /rest* company
for the most of a ship canal
serosa the Istmus of Panama ane bane
transferred to the Oevatuneut sit Gnat
Britada, hen mated a 'Pupation bac.
B all HUN; were re-
tore am d� i)1�a
ntn.pil to the Otte i++�(p-�Iiea'ta'beFsg
Hospital at Mnntn'* , �'s
Me wife tine a -year-old sngbter of a
tpyr trailway twit*rmes 1/
as who lives
It le stated MO, the Brkieh gGovern
• InaconipilegsCA_tysa alkl �° Passt�
Waahingtat *ithorltime sap
�•�t th.n will be so tease*
ja.70M *4* rn!Hears.�aotetMro of the P.
'n'Ad i` i. nei0ai Peas as j
art reel a tr g ilatmisTer oseesterakek
We keep a 1Arne;,Variety of WINDOW SHADES on hand. ...Give ns • oall
when you are looking for Bargains.
2 STORM, HAIE LTON-ST. and SQUARE, Next Bedford Hotel.
Msec nsaa-NI Mari.
nemins-11 moat Moue
tretghtAwrad�eat add tedal onelse
ben Moeetala Snag at 8a•wsnft. • small
� 20 caliets�wte�fita**1 Vaanhnrea, remit
the seiiooa nilery of Wit
eflrr•1 two of whMen and oa
wan Me-
inla the middle ed the trots was a oar
leaded wig" heavy naehlsery, sad K was
thla gar tura 1a WWII were stinger* n
a64 mora Which •even deed .»4 ata
aetloesty wee.dry were taken by the ti1a1n
mee Mortis atte'twaN.
mess tam 1l need.
ate=tset' Bop' 0.- f1 .e'lplea*
d�a1tl�1 alas �thavoc.
e tar
.t a � tl
Cu Mak a have best 13 M.
tara..y saes hash
ms I
,.� � boats nti
aSilk =IL "gig tit
Farmers, Dairymen
And their Wive,
Where Gold nam Been fewfd.
Gold exists Is Lamer or eaalleer
gitandlies in sway portion of the wo11&
It has been hound in almost every state
to tie United Steam; 1a Devm0Wre,
Cornwall. Wales and Scotland, in Great
Britain; on the sande of the Rhine, the
Renee, the Ithooe and the Aarl at
sva lle In 1btl*s■d at Zell; d.
the valleys of !legit, and Novasd,
en Piedmont: at la Lombardy;
on the Tagus. m Spain; in the river. of
Provence; in liootnern and Eastern
Mises; On teensen of kir dinetnm pmo-
vinc'r. a Chine; la the Island of Yemen,
M Japan: is odd gds* 1n I■dia, Thikiet
and the Wan&a of Ofilba and Borneo;
is AKasdulast, and the iSoudan
erneeti 1p: In Worth Mallets and the re-
gion watered by the Zambesi and Lim-
b, Smith Agnes; Ms Aesteslta, New
,,eahed need Canada. Het, ss a glad! role, Mmerlons rrl ons metal Is fnnnd tdno sed*
smell qq,taatitie a teat it will not pay to
work As tinsel or plowmen It la Unlit now and then that t cwecnre m t■li
Ineallttea in aastd■nee. -_. Pheadeiphia
._gyp. ...&-.{o*t-card•, and_ge. frec our
It costs nothing, tells all about Indurated
Fibre Pails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butt
Tubs,and will put money in your p_
no die 'Bta crane.
Iteavelrl. �1ltitsulsaaM *
use- 2i*D ,+Ater'!: la alit e,
• kis �irw+nr:IPii� 1aaaYlf.
Including the SLATER
and all other A I goods
Qpr Goode en' tie best that(caen be obtained, and Ire sold at
Rock Bottom
uund�redd of pictures leave oar store weekly. They are the
prettiest on earth, as nothing can compare with a handsome woman in
a pretty, neatly-itaade, fashionable pair of shoes, aind we only sell mach
as becomes the sweebst of plcturea.
�7CT ,. AN, Tr.
ticatiorelpeit.-1301Dg n