The Signal, 1897-9-23, Page 2• earvesenn.k-
8 TitilISDAS, Sepal 23, 1897.
ifillM_WO CLASS.
& W. gaSENZIE bai ninn" 14"li th"Ancmi,
lothertadoot 0:111111q2 0 IT
G1eg.807•1 thoolvel at Won whioh oaciaot bs foo any
whore. To get his price 1. tO game your onside.
He keeps the
acesowledged the heed.
/MrAU Hardware Building Supplies away down in Price
One of tko Advantage's Pe...messed Sy the
The Balder twins are in evidence'
--111ptim and- Oise an is lying &wake slights
trying to think an a wto vowneeLit
them. It was a put-up job /epithet him,
but he docent suspect it. 1.1e called at
the apartment house where the WWI:
kited and Lurked in a died/tremble way to
see "yowls Balder."
The ineespage was given to Hared*.
Who went out into 'the hall end met •
strauger,who, however, seemed to kooW
him very well.
Now, young air," he began, "I want
this bill aettled. You've stood me off
knee enough. and 1 don't kart here tar
might until I've got the motley or security
se guud aa the money."
Balder looked at the an with-
out flinching.
*1. never saw you in me Lao before,"
' be Said, with a haughty_ assumption of
' supreme indifference. "Will you be so
'explicit as to inform me what this bill
ie for 7"
"Oh, them b and mighty airs wen't
go down &Al. ate. You owe me for a
suit of clothee that you bought laat
dleitteg. andol And Lwaut
it now."
And let me tell yon right sow that I
never patronize a tailor that ooLliects his
own bill* or rends them in ander a year.
iota are inistakeu iji the perwm, my good
"Ain't your name Balder?"
- 'Certainty, but I never bought a suit
af clothes -LOOM you."
,"I've a greet mind t" thrash you, and
I believe 111 just do it. You'll tell the
truth and pay that bill, tou, when 1 get
t.hroUgh with yoir."
He had peeled off his coot and turned
SD obach wean fee Aimee op his
- bawds in satooleinneart. Etagere. Voider,
the other twin, had appeared on the
emote and as the two stood there side
by nede their own father and mother
multi not have told them apart
"Fre got 'eva again." said the unhappy
taller. robbing his hen& amide his eyes.
-Pertutpe you hare had some dealings
with my twin brether," said Harold
"Why didn't you tell me you had a
twin brother?"
"Why didn't you awletne' Now. (Ione,"
earning to hiaibrother. "I stritteree the.
is -the person Amu wanted me tti patron-
ise for my wedding suit? Well. iu' ad-
vice is that you pay him off and smut
him about'his busizess, and I will ere
my patronage to alone first -Maio par"-
list:meat. where they don't hound a fel-
km to death for a few dollars."
"Thee. dead easy. Harold." said En -
gene. ;lint the bank in (dosed and father
bus gone out fur the evenin."
"It's of no consequence: Fcl rather
owe than not. gasped the credi-
tor. "and any work yon want doue 1
will do it for the most reasonable -trice
and wait your convenieriee. You see. I
mixed yon up with anothev famny of the
seam name who do not pay their bills."
are the Balder twins: everybody
brows tic" Wel Harold prouiptly, "there
can be no other family of the name."
cone to think of it. ell!7 were
Iernith. 1 hope you'll excuse me.
"Don't mention it," said Harold, as be
treating creditor. Then be looked at
En^ene and cranked.
• "Thanks, awfully," amid his twin, "thet
fellow hail it in for me. didn't hit?"
"Yee but iyou ean stood him we .awhile
inniter. If he takes us singly It will he
all right. but together we can't bluff him
'It won't work."
With Tone rows..
"For five years,- said the tided bwaniee.
A . "I had to use au invalid chair."
"And I," said the Cheerful Idiot, "have
been win* erittided chairs ever since 1
became *a, hosnler."-Indianapolis Jo/r-
"Why. V. Embonpoint, you hook
(What's the matter?"
"Rat you don't ride a bleycie!"
"Nol- but the tivretoh that knucited tee
*own did." -Journal Amurant.
Peofasmor-Idargaree _please take the
oat 'out of the room. I cannot have it
,Making such a notate whale 1 am at
murk. Where la it?
Martgaret-Why, air. you...are elttlug
ho Illaetter.
Catasby-All the world loves a lover.
Hawkins {lee rejected) -All but the
Volittr. beta -Philadelphia North
4 r
daaday school 4.esober-And whet did
itrserld say when be slung the stow at
iGoligah 1
PaINII-Yinere hot the only pebble on
the beaela-Now York Truth.
se eit-What was the avatar with
tipwl= Ile Ring thnt
Wag ly.
tanej think be had been
d rittArnalgiditHir We.
"Baby hasiketi do drinking from & spoon
rift' said Mho QlLmm'es wile° Mr,
era moue here Neaten the offlee.
^1111* weal take•his 0112 erten the bot.
tie at all say more."
"e'robehts," sold Mrs. Gihrunera, "he
bagherF ribber -tired."
Three ys atter Mrs. aliment took
a gaw 0 eei pro alweet and tell the jeke.
-.Omelette VA Eng ti leer.
ses. lioteord italondylrov.
ogres, George," the mid. as sheittiedly
woad apes the bearded tate a the
"we have been very pope three
you weal &way."
-we'll rivagge all that now, little wo-
son." said the manna miner. "But. here.
,,, aa gyagiegg
SS • wiilt. Were ill
jeer ?"
. Very taertet; sire anserequed. **1 have
meet Isthe luttseare iniftwilli-
to yosejjes,' 17.eteoed• "Sere, where
swift emir
I till r.-st eil/IK. I'ropeny elated .taisy
III OW %.'Hil,i oll,.!. Allil—%.lit. titb,rtt
, ugh, to elenr uo a viol fiver
itig:- thi. afternoon. I will take a bath,
the I.fe1;,diteeset S'1.141 a con
/1 tii• llienI.1?.tile
- maim! .,,,...
Cluvelaii,1 Plain I lea ler.
1 WSW ninnnal OarrSO menieseves wise
The doctor accepted. picked out sev-
eral members, kW waterbed the others
that he Mete have to ow on augur oc
them. To their honor and credit not erre
&Wetted. telt all reported for duty, and
from among dawn 125 more gratht were
made. This has about fluithed the work,
but tt more patches are needed qualified
well, slowly but surely, and hie g,ititi
subjects are ready. The gip! *
twenty pounds during the pain month.
The doctor think. rbc will be iu oott-
ditiou to. leave the hospital and ire to
her horns "before allow Oka". and the
soldier boys will give a serenade, Wes
the is well eueogh, to the little mister
a the regienent.-Rostue Transcript.
Rept it s Weed. •
"Wheu 1 heard O.. bicycle bell I just
stood on my rights and refused to move.
theeatening at the same titue that if
hi, ran into me I'd smash till machine."
"AN't- II r
kept my word. He ran into me and
I smashed the machiue." -
"What did he do?"
"Ile gathered it together."
"But you?"-
"Oh." endiT. other gathered*.ine to-
gether. too."Philadelphia North Am-
Reed -I have beim thinking of starting
a Home for Aged and Infirm Jokers.
Wright -Don't do it. There are too
ntany conic papers terW.-Cincinnati
• A•ronantical.
"Ileld np a ballotialat, did your
ociree doerepw
"Iloter""r"•-- 7,‘
"Pair o' shoots"'
And thus the Light of Egypt was pre-
In utile? land; Mill guarded by the "wise."'
ripe hayl leen in Win& darkness lost.
Pot now In4eed the dine was nIgh *1 band
Wheel Lets from ber cherished home mast
Abandontng her temples on the Nile.
Those eorgeous temples where the radiant
Of meowing ta a Seed of giegir
Bel= =j1i pillared Italia sad all
The comm, where still wail
Day after day to greet the rising sun.
The }Latin hymns of white -robed him°.
Aad In the hallowing Ught 01 evening still
T_he choral amok of the yelpers thrilled
Mae worshippers WI twl t drew the veU
And gegen= edience ecl o'er the menet
And now full soon the fateful bine drew
When Isla from her temple must d
alerted front her home noon the Nelaft.
And premonitions of the change appeared-
Strrage portents. voices. *Perim] vIvitaldn•
Oppressing men with boding* of unrest
And vague presentiment of owning woe.
"Twat said her statues had been seen to
And many from their pieces were removed,
had sobs and wailing, issued from the
Andmingled even with the vesper hymns;
And also later In the night was beard
• choral chant by choirs invisible,
• parting hymn goblin:re and exquialte,
That with Its cadence crooded all the pilot
Ttu peening brace It In the distance died
In softest murmurs like whispering wind!
And ofetthes too at mldnlgbt hour was
About the temples In their priestly robes
A spectzal -hoot that in procesmion moved
Amid the., shrines through halls and oorrl-
And Nile -ward hence along the avenues
Through lines a ophinxes on their pedes-
And underneath those frowning idotgoda
The solemn guardians a those zolghtd
do weird and awful In midnight hour.
Colloidal statues vested and upright,
41with the radiance a the mystic moos
-weir-um einonewr -of-ter *gat*
Traastormed them Into ghostly sbapes„
that seemed
As spectrl el the spectral host •that
Beneath them with their goddess to the
Where draped In sable lay the royal barge
Along the wharf in readiness equipped
To beer her hence, a wanderer once more,
Which hardly had the ghostly pageant
Than all the deck with bustle wart asUr.
Then rose a coo which plash of oars.and lot
The sable bark was speeding on Its way.
And then tbe pageant into air deaolved
Asd aU was silent, save the moaning wind
And looely water washing on the shoreI
Mica were the premonitions that four
The passing h .vce of late from her hooks
Whec she ap upon gges dwelt,
• Goddess worshipped 07 the multitude -
Their Chief Ideal of redemptIv• Love!
Raving her type In Nature with ber (AUK
In acture with her rlid,Idutreity.
Her lateet od'sp eve trans-
To beauty In the man form deelne
• model thus for every time and clime
Though orten, marred by priests and tank
With cruelties and simerstit0las vile.
Aad thus she sped upon her lonely way
To other lands, deep •elleel and sorrowful
Bearing her memos* to btimanity.
The model still of perfect WomanhaeL
However named. Whether railed litia now
Or Ishtar, Ceres or the Jewish Maid;
The same In all. her worship being still.
'Muth modthed to snit the tins aad plass
itP gentle worship Maternity
of tinbodied thy Woman and the tMlid„
Not as as idsti set before the crowd.
Hetet., tbe leather of the family,
Lucent/Se both to tender erinpathy,
Potent persuaders of oor human kind,
That conquered harsh barbarity by love
Till frOm the bride the Angel was evolved:
Sot see alone wpraleed •Imve the Race
sut ir. upon leglon•
a oil tr nioltitnde. leerseeinit 4*311
I attain their bvitigra end a aue
ding to the heiglits of Potty!
-W. *harp.. WV.. la Sorter MOW
.411Seeldest of the rem
I The stovg ch: • whole corneae, of
either. enlisting to be gratteo for they
go bin to save the ot • steferiate
little girl hi worthy of Reding. It he
barterer, • true story trod. ;Nauru. A
roans girl mimes Florence Coneed la
attenpung to till a gavottes eove see
horribly burued. penally a penal'
whose skits is ao atoeu fearopit se hem
dies, but she @arrived, yet after re
vaotiahe perfect Ore aad treatmeat
*tut unhealed. The tit charge
I skiii-grefting. wo healthy
Crt:irlers et the girt *feted gret. "Tame
is awe as yet Waal, doctor, to sere
Florester." they foolii Twenty pavhes
ware takee hem our, Porty-toor from :he
ether, and odjaalled to the tendering
• aters owl. Theo a brother,
who tel ea ot A.
noun, Tauten Point. In Dieu
The fact that milk has became ex-
tretnely pupular with all chases of phy
*crane of late years is emphaeised by
a recent writer in The North Amerean
Review. Formerly a fever patient wus
forbidden to take the ardde, while iu
modern practioe it is bout the only
food allowed, sod * wcIl.nlgb xeluiive
diet of that liquid in said to be Very
efilcncloo• in diabetes. At the Heenan
lopes, Calitheri. Wiesbaden, etc., a very
little bread is allowed, the diet being
mostly made up of milk, eggs, grapes
and lean beef; a noneetarch diet is the
gule, breed, starchy vegetables and
cereal. being almost excluded. Rho is
easily digested and au excellent fod,
except that. it .rahounda. „ite. earth, &ale'.
suirienee sot only divested en the tlrst
stomach, but -they have • large part
01 the Ponriehntent already in a coo-
ditioa to be absorbed and assimilated ao
won as eaten. The food elements in
Wend and cereals have to undergo a
powers; of digestion in the ehrmaell and
then be passed on to the intestines for
a still further chemical change before
being of wee to the human system, at:atw-
itter the advantage of a diet of lean meats
and fruits.
alarm in the Hesse of onowee
An bonorabie member said in the
Howe lately that they had the Govern-
ment "on toast" for once. He added
that if he might use a -vulgar expres-
sion, he should @ter that the wild Irish
had been "got at." ^0.n toast," there
fore. woald amen to require no apology.
Once on • time Mr. Bernal Osborn,•••4
use of the expressioo "being eat upon"
caused some comment in another place.
But we have progreeeed since then. -
London Notes and queries.
lisswilly Answered
poet--Glve me a word that'm airway -
Mons with 'teem.'"
Amateur Farmer (sadly)-Failare.-
New York World. -
aa rnag Malt se the wade. "It
the fact kligadie is rather tier her motive be ao,briall
eiyA by graceful Whim sad venae MOS -
„minas those cum,. el the figure that tthie
a Woman's
"Pray do not let her hear yolk” said a
lady Worming. "She imaginers that she
10 so notch thither than she renby
and the *rends all bee aliewoote in the
dainty edges that thumb these dountleor
ruffle* Hut I believe the ought to Muer
the mistake she makes," trontinued the
"aud I am goiug to tell her." At
that moment the youtig lady in question
jobbed the two people discoarring her,
and, as she seated hentell. looked with
pride at her mttohly trimmed drew, that
had ruffles from the waist line to the_
*bottom of it, and was rather horvy, too,
since there was exactly tilOru ir tittr
pied* of white martin rufflerg.
Her expresakm somewhat changed.
however, when 4rr lady critic remarked:
"We were just ititeinierthet Yoh wade al
udstithe by weariag ao many ruffles; it
pexiiicte en effect of envier instead of
the curves that make natural and charm-
ing_ the feminiur figure."
But," at once exclaitned the Young wo-
man. "I ALM so very thin, and there de-
ify ruffles add tie any are."
"There is where yo; are mistaken,"
replied the gentleman. "Many thin wo-
men make that mistake. You sag yam
weigh a hundred ansl ten pounds. ariel,
year friend. His Po and Po. over
only weighs a hundred pounda, yet she
Locke rounder than you do.„eeikjier
jtown fathiune& but quite as
drossy as your* with all its ruiffee. She
appreciatee that the curves of ber sitml-
dirs and the general mititne of her fig-
ure are gond wad .has her corsage so
forthioned ,that nose ''ot, Ws is distil-
guiehed." __-
The yowler wonath by this time, cern-
Plaiting herself in a bail mirror and then
glancing at the lady who were but few
ruffles. had to acknowledge that ber crit-
ics observed what was trne and reapon-
able. Her niftiest seemed to wilt as she
realized their souperfluity, but she with iu
a degree consoled when the gentleman In
the party remarked: ^It la a eery erron-
eous idea for IrOn)f`n to enthrone that men
do not admire thin wocsen.
Your New %Ielting Cards.
Styles ;n visiting earde and note paper
tnigbt almost be said to change with the
seasons. The latest card has not
eitatiged in gar. but it is neither the ve.v
thek board of long ago nor the reeeut
very thin material: It is of modernte
thickness, and pure white. Block tile.
Is growing in popularity every day. a nd
v to oust the =Vt7. which has
ovelfIlb heir • 'serif Maize'
larger and heavier styk Se sun good
fothe Addreween are put either in the
Wier left or teeter right hand earner:
sow OrieStarr taste te dieveaklikildaeas
- -
Timely Hints
s.,3713ami blyd6some"us•tb"rant Gthfatitt euitilt7an is telid e°4""1111"11.16"11.- Whdeurealrle. stat
the heave" 15)11
log to evolve into • barkers aniinalr read ht.:1,7,2o (he light in tie windows of
was asked of a hairdresser, whose
treily is dimmer:a of the realer, says The light of the love of noy dean,.
4hese York titan. And Lowe- lb as light like • wwsuow hi
"'Aare is about as much probability Wieud4t4ihret"esam* hews the stars ft. ni tbe
of hiii walkiug „on all fears,' was the btu.. of Pm night:
positive reply. "They WOW nett W And athttsawhfrnestic the red Mee. a smile rrom
nothing about the hair and the scalp or
samThreartulogarguwevronger faaUebonotutthttenlaemeseiXteempre islt Thstilskeni" in the harbor from over the foaan
In t.b,eae gardens that bloom for my desriel
the way baa been stormy
they would never have mach u thought.
ed by the general bealth, the habit& of
the individuals, or the way the scalp la And Levi- to the light in the windows at
treated. Bloodies, of °purse es a rule,
_ .
borne -
have the thickest haii, aa city iwT average The light of the love of my death*.
190 hairs to the square inch, while there Mid ethe bti dr light, like the bloom from
are 008 chestnut or brown hairs, 57. When the spring sun wiaves wonders of
black hairs, and only 493 red !thin. 1 red and of white,
believe, as a rule, red-haired persona And the darkneaa of wlister le kissed to
keep their hair the iOngrati while itetarn"the bright
pray sooner than any other. The hair is In the gardens that bl,om for my dearle.
a good barometer of the health. for if a Th.' bInt to the neat and the bee to the
person is 'freak or ill. with 5.11 impere.-.2t comb,
dreningon, the eau invariably become., And never a night shall fell dreary
thin, unei,..n slid lurking in natural gloss. While the lIghts In the beautiful windows
at hone*
It is vronderful, with the constant ratline Are lit by the love of my death.,
Odt of the hair. that thin hair should And Love to the light, !Ike a bird teem
not be mor. common. or that there the night,
not move eases of total haldnees. The Where angels in lilies Love's litanies write,
"About the beet avxer;tesaeralile_of a hair is- from two •.o
And atheiduw Idtr, ths criumun. a smile from
Is the gardens that bloom for nay desrlel
way to keep scalp
healthy is to preserve its elastielt7. To -Frank L. Stanton.
do this massage is neeeesary.and W there
ing dry and brittle, a preparation POW MENDING BROKEN TREES.
&veld not be enough oil. the hair feel -
tabling isnoline. softened by the addl- Parader liositita of statr-otrattas with
Vcffe of either vaseline .or glyeerlart.
thouil be worked in withthe fingers. 1?
there is a tendency to baldness,this
be done daily. In each cases the appli:
eatitut.iiLivater.. aridiLwilvt ette.91._
pooing should he avoided. The best hair-
dressers will all tell you that the hair
aitoidd not he washed too treqoentie.
The'average person doesn't aped waah
his hair oftener them cots a month, but
where the hair le excessively oily,
vrhich is really a mood faults it tnewebe
waddled once every three weeks.
"Aa awe comes oa, the small vetoed*,
the espillaries which feed the root. of
the hair, become mailer, the hair root.'
are notproperly umniedied and the hair
falls out. also happens in fevers
and deems. As a Motel thing, after ill-
ness, these vethele sone ruglike their Mr -
mai condition vied the loot ha* is quick-
ly motored, but with age, restoring the
hakf is mach mine dlcalt And if the
hair follicle@ are entirely destroyed there
10 eo remedy. The beet went, for re-
storing the hair, eepecially where the
person has been bald etene• time, la by
inaesage or electricity. The ffret oen be
gets by almost any barber, *ad I have
otien Wk.% who maismagati their own
heads suoessertoliy,hat the second should
only be given by or epos- the &rectos
of a physteieut. I have restored what
at Dept appeared to be hopeless cases 4.4
almsdt total baldness oc long etanding
by daily znamage and the free use of
lemollne and vaaeline on the strap. The
fluent', of cantharides, diluted to suit
the "redid= or the ihderilettel wildP,
• lemeavity of the circelation a•cl
very metal when the lees ot hair 1. 1;
woods* of the &oda and hair folleires.
Now. dandruff ta caused by the opp/e
site condltiou el tbe wale, or the *Ter
OPPIVitiOn th. glaikda It al to the
nesiP what Pimples ale to the tone. le
dem eases the hair talkies are clogged
with too much greaee, the' empleet and
meat effect -0T rantedy being 'a thorough
shampooing once a week and a deal
roossage et tbe scalp ter aid the theater
doe. Winkel, thataletog alcohol. we
monis. borax and carbomito of poter
aim are Noel. bet I Moe never had a
coo. that would set yield to abehittiosiot
and mamas*.
"Some ladles have great faith in the
old-bieldoned idea at giving th• hair one
beetked strokes edth the brush sight
god mornther. T Idled heiltate tirt reH
them it la a fake, Nagy of them think
my dislike of the *esti a melodies" and
ramiltlettiot atheritins teem *dye... bat my
oe the breath cense hem more
thas twenty years' eggesience The
'brash drags ont the hair moth Mote
tbatteitrke iSlambi mai aloe be used as
tit se prtheilde A toed healthe bead
se sin be beet Oen, as well with-
out the brush lel with it. AM thot
reetwassey is tie Veen tt reran sail well
orethel. Afteriher Met shoat keeping the
yes* and beer te parteet esedltimi shish
I* Wort the Nair
abets* Witereeed trete .erver e_.!..-
theetelsee sAistnainw eleewesertriates-pes-1
mit_ and should weer be etps4 *41
sitsilit dytivitv the bsavve 01
mos veLisee ass itailigsei
vire Asada.
In going trhough an old orchard, where
the great gale, of the of 114)4 blew
over mono trees, cutting surd sptitting
str batt'33.• 4 wee Mese*
says J. Fl. Male, in The eunnecticut Cour-
ant, with the amount of abase a, Wadi
tree will stand wed yet recover. In dear-
th/ up the wreckage some of the 'pat
trees were belted together. others had
wire bands put on, and until others bad
the broken salt eta •way entirely, the
split trunks smoothed. up with a draw-
ing. knife and'the onesided head short-
ened in W Falange it a retie better.
Trees treatedin the latter method, while
having a scarred truck, with bark t.nly
on one/side, have (1e) runded-out beads,
done, while the w process has girdl-
es toed RN theatitio harm had beim
ed maqy limbs se left pretty Door
tvees. The bolted trees kook fairly well,
but note are so good ae those that were
thonovely pruned. With no attempt to
sere broken limbs. This experience
covered about 1000 treestind in any fu-
ture breaking or aplIttin down I shall
cut everything away, eon dent that how -
peer lo4tolld a tree goy be two years'
new will put la better shape
than apy other method. A peculiar re-
sult of halferirdling borne trees with wire
bands was that the fsuit borne ist them
haa been tarter or brighter color,
ripening from ten Ohre to two weeks
earlier titan the same varieties of bees
without wive beads. This might be an
advadtaine is risme aeillelOna -with ee --
min varieties. sad' If only a portion of
a tree wore gilded ad on time, no seri-
ous Hans wotM come oe it
Tr, tat herniae* Club sins.
An disolated nee others a most danger-
ous attractieu to lighteiag. he
the yeti/ is ditainishedLbeeanse the elec-
tricity le matterad. Trees with roots
deep ix humid soil are *ore apt to be
strack thin them in this, spots. Trees
in da places are abraya coadactors of
ty. 1A6trting (seem oohs sad
,essizlajtouches Ure•brea. • thesibeeri= to
the prepor600 *lecd7ratter emseileed
discharge, 7 ee
in tbe twos& pieseseess but
lietk grew, as be a_good nth -
doctor. It is to those who
*not it for fait 11 planted net
ismer than eseWati hem a dwelMag
pre**, to be • goad *kWh* ltd. 12
oeteala sights am eerily semi* by elec.
meal Maid, it 1. Mestere their Mete are
be &voided doting
in damp eel. h=1.4toireeilLs should
12 Stearn's iliqr) 27 Go[d
Bicycles Watches
Amt. gi*00
Ask yisieoeir fisrtlars ora.lir
Nana and the ?seine Coast witil he es
pieced by another race within a period
varying from 16 to 200 yens
The Mississippi Mayor.
According to calculatigns of John
Birkenbine of Philadelphia, the drainage
area of the Misaissippi River is one and
one-fourth millions of square miles, in-
cluding nearly all or the couueey from
the Alleghenies to the Rockies aad from
Canada to the Gult of Mexico. In his
communication to the Engineers' Club,
Mr. Birketibine estimates that one inch
of rain falling evenly over this area
would equal 21,714000,000,000 gallons of
water. The average yearly fall in the
Mississippi -watershed averages from 20
to 43 inches according to locality. The
river has an average Sow of 664,000
ruble lkiskrte *wad.
lintrar Good etc Athletna.
Alpine climbers, who seldom eat candy
at home, Inc said to appreciate it high -
Lr when on their excursions. Guides are
4.•-•grase rooms vit mime
cuter force. juriments have recently
been made in Germany to demonstrate
the value of sugar to those who perform
hard labor. The Prussian Ministry 01
War is satisfied that muscular work
dope when natural auger (cane or beet
sugar) was used, was saperlor -to that
...kat. formed -a past. of -the,
diet. ,The blood it poor in sugar after
muscular exerdon. but a mail quantity
pates gives back the lost menu.
A Pointer for nisyslists.
To Mee,' grease *eta *addle sad
bags Make a .elution of India rubber,
by adding bisulphide of carbon to anent-
canised rubber, and letting the mixture
stand about 24 hours. A quantity of
the paste, when spread over grease spots
on saddle leather, etc., and allowed to
dry for two or three hours, can easily be
stripped oft, leaving the leather tree
from grease. The bisniphide ot carbon
does not Injuriously affect the color a
the leather.
mate ta Brushes
The Urush trade is full of deception.
An experienced hand will by touch tell
if a broom or a broth be all hair or
mixture., But if ever in doubt pull or
cat off a suspicious hair and apply a
match. However well doctored, the de-
ception will be shown at once. Hairs
will burn, rolling up ball -like. with the
well-known smell of burned hair, while
a vegetable substance will consume.
leaving the charred portion like a bune
ed match.
A Sirnenier 'mosey.
"Pa, what is a peri?"
peri is a yeoman who meets her
tired hunband at the door with a glass
of iotd lemonade and then sits down by
him sad fans hian."-Chicago Record.
Mating Klondike liebtranes.
London,Sept ll. -Mince the announce -
latent of the discoveries a gold in the
Klondikererios. the promoters 01 Lon -
40,11.4 bees- -bery--eskine -edventese-
et the newspaper boom giVeo to that
part of the world, Fifteen Klondike
iLimited) companies, which have re-
cently been started. hare brought ou•
capitni to the amount of 12,046,5•*3, of
which 11.137.001 hi effered, to the Pub-
lic. In the meanwhile.ethere Is an 11n-
tifinealls VAIN se 'Mintage&
wisairve dept.11.-4119e41ati-A termed
01 Ontario fret which bad been delayed
ht tram& was sold by ithetion here to-das.
Lots of ten baskets of Mama, peaches
ass grapes Nought from Sdc 40 1 pee
ineeet Destruetion.
A noted bacteriologist has lately eon-
Oeived a plan of exterminating all both-
ersome Insects by inoculating them with
sodie diseam peculiarly fatal to their
respective (peeler. The plan was swig -
rafted by the successful *sults obtained
by experiments in ridding fields ot train
from chinch bug& Idoefteitoes, which
are believed to convey malaria from
the swamps to the'human @ram, would
otist no more. Flies, which are not as
food scavengers as was once supposed
and tor whore loss improved sanitary
measures world MOTS them cempensate:
would no losers amble over the beads
and noses of would-be peppers. There
Is a pathogenic germ wITIRI ceuld
cultivated In babes, as cosaumptioo
Weld are now propagated, which would
e weep millions of the laver from vadat.
ems. Bags. 'mate sad a tweets which
ruin grain and frith are to be the adhjset
of bacterioiogical experiment.
Weemnetod Plants Have Werwr.
H. M. Richards, in England, ban die
cavered 3. wouaded planta a phenome-
non carrespoodiag to fever in animalo
It runs, as dose increttse in reepirattoet,
o eelliatte course, and attains tts
mtmt In about 24 hours after inject He
met that, eomparad eith the ordinary
treiperatare of plants ip release -to the
surroonding medium. the rise after the
injury Is ''•• great as. If net greater
than. In Ordinals." 1n stamice teems,
such as potatoes sod radishes afford, the
effect of the injery wave !oral, whereas
fa leaves (e4., onion bulbs) nisch t-
3*extent of thistle was symgat
oleate end 0.5.,,
A Statistiehm boa compiled • clerking
bah* et the ft-poet/wry of life, &ebb
and ashes. At the age of 20, dna* Id
Team mbar 44 rears: at the ago of 40,
drisak 11obey 29 yeath
TSB 011.? asssibeaeldellitithigaglidAtim -
MAO ON lee Mawr.
ressmas. tied Illasisarat
Guaranteed to oars
Solsocia, Lamb's°.
Gout and
A sure eure
Headache, Diastases
Commit:4*os, heti.
arestion, Bilioomea,
Brigitte Disease,
Diabetes, Paralysis,
Coavulsions, Haan
Deem, etc., eto,
gionananigeS--- sneer m awe gm Rent
1,10106,04.110' -101WILDN1halik
Winter is Near
no oe prepared to meet it witha
good Hat or Oap when it comet
We have put m stork all the Latent
Styles of Fall
which for i Mak and pries annot
equalled. In stook are numerous as
sortments of the latest in
C. R. MANS & 00.
TIllr ROMs Ita sad Pareflitag 9MIPOria•
18977... •
New Goode and.neet Valuer
thir Tailoring -1m at the
is1d-eatablished and reliable
West -at Emporium. Satisfac-
tion gust anteed in Quality
Style and Price.
01E112 WOR
eutesseer 016161•1110110.
auistasetaParstinIdelli et •
13 Co -
Smoke Steam, Ihdi Panay no* Iron
Works, Ma., etc..
Asti Dealer la-
Bekdineev 36nahloev7 Ceeloge. fah
All sixes of Pipes said Plps 711,
Steam avid Water Otiumss, Globe Valve%
Cheek Valves, Imphators, Ejecting aed
Cicalln 011 Rand St LOWS/
Tr:zeal lime et *Mel Was=sed B.
for use et caress sod
R realrlag Promptly Mossilisi
111111 -Ir
P. • Das I. ilei
Cartago & Fuel Co.
are prepared to bindle Beg -
gage Freight and Household f.
fade with at reasonable
ratea. grades of
80 FT
and /Markin* Ma!
Wood =di LaMar
a*ar o C11042:1111431111
!NO 1.001-40, ah. dais"
"Wart • vier Mao Zet:4X
euragar Mamramillaigestallit
OO* 0,7490
ettstalisirs And dav
44444 .4a
clie D.