HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-23, Page 1eeaa nyl .= .lei
it mod Cheapest Stott,
mis,AIthineters,Tspee. •
roots, 2 -ply All-wt)ale,
,finis, Oil Clothe it
1, and 8-4 widths,
Newest Makes,
3 above 1B1 00'
'g e.
ammo/i Ta 1a./.
ie sesi,
kelt Vie Memel • '
• waked any -
the ba .
4111011,111 iln Price.
rlml. ;Co )Ater -64eo4.
kg;a, Loaig cid Short
the price.
3t bbona.
LO. Draper.
JI -
each 75c
,d •. 50c
.. 42c
e "
pair 10 .ad 15c
Plate anything
ss, Iron, Copper,
eL Call and see
s of onr work.
will Brie.
ESmitt ,will Heat,
11100).' =RONIAN8
l‘f dig91:13•11. 11
Mil ABA Tis MATO MArrIIf.o-
Klondike veld Yields -The Bradley
Garroter Co
Kidney Trouble Cored-Falt0141. (Jo..
Our ODieU-Goo. Pita,
1 oared-SIOsat Moe
Norio. -Dr. Thompson...............-.
To Liit-Miss McLennan
New Hymn Books -Porter's Bookstore5
For Cash -Smith Breis. &
Ren oesl-Jan. Rekltlreh :4• •.:
nes los TAL MaTTiR6.
the _ hour r' n 9.33,000 to
for the erection of as elevator was car-
ried erg Kingston.
Albert Myon, n young fanner living
in the eici.ty of Manhunt, con►mittc•J
cackle yeetervla'y anorniug by . ahtwting
himself through the head.
rOI.IT- 1 N i•r:IIIAL.
Mr. Ill elmei Devitt says the lrieh do
(,ot want • It.,yal re sidence in Ir. lead.
end The Dublin Deily lndepeook•ut de-
olet'te that she Irlah people would rnth-r
eitsrce ate accept bounty from
at ITN R4►YAL11Ls.
-Tbei Bredloy l)ntestte° Co
..w satire sot OPENED
b .boosts oppo•itiaa-is m
enmbereof °curse. The ormolu has nor
Iosddeoee in the motion of rlianted•
1 Hamilton, Jos. Edge, Rohe. Johnnie and
W Godwin,were complimentary of the
1 t huux l,Jiur°h h
handsome rod commodious structure whiob
a.l ervote't tor
Fall IA.$1ze Court,
pa the people o
when it knows tn•t whatever the mIsM1� The Ded1Mmof deremou1M• their public worship. The address rel Der. Huron's
a1 • wh�tth Q attlle Capital et the day may undertake, it will w. mobb - Johnston was r fins effort, and straight
tinted to intelligent and shall n• oritloum.
talk was given to pastor and people u
An opposition that would challe.re%neecn• corning the duty of both if they expected
Y Y Th. s.eee.sfal •..0100 alt she memo Tamil" Ret beet result From their new and solsrged
What Geveraesent by Tarty *wow M..A Adeno* of the c ountr , is ales■ • desirable if
eggipm+ot. Th+ must°+l ezerouea were eb-
sot tap ,ttsin parliamentary
to the c 0 4 . Can such-Rlp.eet reresene and a films
47estrast ei ike s'rtaalples Lrhhf s! our parUainentrry id ,.isojeyeby .11 present, and sty rent of
• garliticatirm hi fon in the present ■ural aerates -e Mas4
Actuate Seib Pasties La the .eteotoos ire the often (•pit+lly readerd
seer. IMnetare. 1 by bur. Innocent, ohVrlla.s by the choir,
Canadian remittal Arse•. opposition $ the House; sod, if to, upon
wh.rgroands is the rthrmatvc to be K+1
based ! There ,Is se pest for them to Ii oats _
qualify upon, and it is only by building t
to the future that such +a opposition 1 ON' Flanday morning as early Y 10 I q C r,ollr Kd by the mai, members of tn.c choir.
r8 4rcea �114a stem of Rovemi ant shit fecut roars were wending thele: E.
tntoea for wli.ra. t.n.p� pt0'Aeoz oburAh b saailee sere sF•e4fip9l!aa'��,t
publio interest, sad the more the respect o .
by the (wares the to the edthoe would be °tempted. At the
- -'The prince end li:+:aetaa of Waleo.wi.l
utak(- uatny visite to London to eucour-
at:e the winter amnion.
L is tail that the ghost of Anne
Boleyn has recently appeared in the
'1•.,o* er of London, a sure sign of the rep-
notehitug denth of a member of '.be
- '''Ilfitlr'LlietaltaitertIti jar" _n__'r
After rtes b ta reeof 4.m 0 coal idleness
between 15.(100
hi the Pittsburg district love resulted
w irk It is estimated that the otrik
which lasted 65 working ergs. Comb the
rode of the P4ttehnrg district trim
.txtf.000 to 17,000,000. Of tine •mown
OTTAWA, Sept, 2D. -There were
;met tong iGgd;'who hetnd"wrf+wdy Ira
question whether government by party, in
Canada, would ever revert from the down-
ward tendency toward Amerioanum, sod
approach ite ideelizatiooa@grandly exempli-
fied in Great Britain ; and multitudes
viewed with alarm, if not despair, the ra-
peseed so00.se. of the gigantic bribery
organization whioh then stifled the fres will
of the people and debauched the electorate
with opal precut •a. Sob succeeding eleo-
Mikto campaign tie -moved th hold of this
bribery precincts upon the country, and
caused it to flourish and grow stronger with
continued triumphs. Today meu breath
easier, and the load of doubt and misgivings
as to the efficacy of our politioal institutions
end the cherished traditions of governmeot
by party, nave been removed from all minds
by the knowledge that those principles will
the miners lore about92i260,000
Ml m.nmT of est ordinary rumors
are afloat is London with reference to
Merry. Petersen and tate feet Atlantic
service. Mr. Pe►etraer biarelf sees that
matters are progressing well, bet It is
generallyandenetamt be has elevtppted the
turret eelp and belt reverted to the finit-
ely* or ordinary tybe.
The commercial failures In the hatted
Stats for the week lest ended are 21)4.
au eoMpared eith 317 In the corrsipoAd-
roe week a yaat • rm
I•OI IT1Ci•-WOEIICrt. 'Ier. --off
and Greece was stoned st t�etmtaai ttr
The treaty d pore betweeek
$ ron
to Washington, has been recalled. He
held his office for 18 year•
The t(panieb.Minister of Finance. wbo
hue been ezcelmmnsic•ted for expropri-
ating church treasure, is expected to re-
The Emil* and American rib
of B are wont. :bier against
law which compels all foreigners to nerve
a term in the civic guard.
neva. the Indian Aidt•r°d e
Asaated upon and laved up to by the pre• ) proprure pro¢r.m,
▪ ebraitsil\l pert? "Percy,'" .t, q(ugpes)112k* s health ' tztorpties more biro- that toe
t T k e et:111 .tin ire: :iorebuo oarm3'tlhiltihatiT.
adi solo* i y Y1•+•e. fittteit". Whuaeyt
Wilknows, Sir.. l)u
y't.e ladies, ...retread, carried off the• oouorv,
an Oppoe t on. - d litswbiefry4et4O-Wbeteeg.ewe-a her
hu •solemn duty to dteoh•tg. In tb`
it gn • foregone oovier s that everYada u .rly tine eelvotton, of • wt uhloit °bar+ostr,
with seed muvem.•ot, and nsdered- to a
the people ie commanded wee taken,
votes and with a manner that drew laud IGD -
Opposition pursues, the better for all. Bat time tor opening every nation he I please from the •udisooe. At t . Ooucle
11100 of her solo Mus Whitney wee prereeted
when all it■ statesmanship is etmm•
down to merely • perpetual exhibition of
inconsistencies, fault -findings and tmpotept
ill -humors, expending all its energies in
Fortortro diatribe and Davioerque wind on
the floors of Parliament, it Dearer to be of
public utility and tails to command either
public support or reaped. '1'be Liberal
Oovernaent have been in power but 1(111.
over one short year, yet have during that situs. The rev. gentleman oboes hi text
short specie of time. with singular energy tram St. Paul's words, "For 1 .m cot
and courage, accomplished bed moth 0 Dom- ashamed of the Gospel of Chrtet,"
mend the admiration ot Great Britain and .ached an dm treble
Rho respect fofv all notions. and enough that and sermon,
oat m them
war lowed attentive) t.
should satisfy the least friecdl of Dubious 7 Y
Tn. outlook for the tuture of the Domta- all who had the good fortune to be present.
ion was, never brighter nor more The gentleman is an able reasoner, giver
encouraging than .t the present time. point to every esotenoe, sod delivers his
Never were the oonditione of harvest mon dycoar.s. elogwotiy. The choir, soder
romielog seasons more propitious, the leadership ot E. Belabor, txeesnted an
A.d niaa
and though °heirs were 'laced arouo, t
east,, many left for bowl o a000 a
At 11 L.M. the service oommeooed with
Feiss Gad from whom alt blew tnge flow,"
"mod the usual moreloe followed, Rev. Robert
Johnston, B.A., B.D., of London, oltioi-
yen , .eo • -t•vas:abae" &W.:1 AIR.
warble mtneni wealth of Canada • more dud mu.tolly and in portent 11105.mo'..
tangible reality d her launders poe.ib.lt- Godfrey Innocent, of Toronto. presided.
ties s emphatically 'video' to the whole � the organ and was a moot efficient a000m-
• yd yet to the jaundiced vision of
wrote a celebrated British statesmen, " u •
body of men united for promoting, by their
joist endeavors, the national iaaresc upon
some p.rtoular principle, upon whioh they
are all agreed." The great mdd plod upon
which the Ltbenf party uo
which ell Liberals sorsa t. the principle so
often snanouted-government of the people
by the people rd for the people. Patty,
se applied to toryum in Canada during the
past twenty years and as 1t exists today. b
• misnomer -a tine name for f.ctioo, of
wbioh the beads that unite It are stlfishow
and oorruptioo, and which worked to the
country's degratron and ended to disaster.
We see this faction in the throes of an
internecine struggle, yet all the while pre-
senting • front against the people's party
united still by the oasis bead. to conserve
tie narrow ams. The Toryprincof
g.vernment by petty. to judge
motives which seemed to hay• actuated that
party. during the loss rule of the bite re-
gime, was, and still is, -government of the
party, by the nag, and for pelf. As ooutra-
dytieguubed from the other, how marked
in demooratlo nobility end on.elfieh patriot-
ism M the Liberal guiding principle. The
Tory friction, ea is past history olearly
demonstrates, is solely knit together by
the common chaff* of political power
and pelt ; beyond this ite cohesion
is but • mockery sod a ahem. While Sir
John Mecdonalc lived and ruled there was
a certain amount of unison among hs party
because he was shrewd enough to heoo.e a
slats of me wbo osualiy embraced all the
elemcoa for this binding together.
t»se t. hien
is attributed
the saying
net would be or consisting of twelve mdi-
oorines, each of whom you could, if you
would, pat in the peneteotary. Look then
on the picture at such • Minis yas thus
paintedpatntand for its original let your
thoughts go back • few years and rest open
that dark page is Canada's political hurry,
raYeelinr... it dose, so many abomination
ot Tory mla*Tei -Tiidb disgraced tlssed& is
the .yes of the world. Fortunate it is, pro-
bably, that the half was never told, Even
ea it wee the rescue came almost too late.
The machine had been worked uuoups fami-
liarto is tallest capacity,and by
liar to the ask. Liberals foughtvaliant
fight but repeatedly in vain. Wroog
triumphed. Direct bribery woo- Govern-
ment osedid•w,w,th the boldest wholesale,
G eld out promises of jobs by
and 000stito.00ies were debauched with-
out fear or teak as 1. the eooeegoeooes.
The domination of knavery, koala
corruption held supreme sway. O lit
of public theft almost oeeeed • branded
• d1ga•lificaton. A member
with It by a *ration et the Hease,r.ttires
to his constituents. avows14. sot, s
that he *so wow than him
1. re .tested; • membstiof the (Jsbinet,eboat
whets Rail% there o.&id be so re.eonable
doubt, received osr o.ly • whits -wash
bat an ovation. And so on throwt
k the
loom r.o( l snit one turas from the r ro-
opsnton of that ugly peat with disgust and
leathi$g to the oontempl•ton of the fairer
erases% which h bat the the refleotion of e
brieh ter future. and how rearnariet
The coons is °banged,
the piestei visa- Trees a many. by
whose mitimanagement the Tory party bad
mode • by -word and • represeh • serer is
cestessperarlr sod wbioh. by reser of Is
enti rprtoe, rotor seed beendlos eeesuress
should loot ego have 0000pMd is
high stats ha nasi.wl life, sod heti hese
soaked with' the ]regressive ohmmeter, thee
e demoentic farm of government by party
sheald exhibit, Canada bas at lemgtb em -
d from the obseurlty into widthtory
sad has arra
telpikir had eeper ss
d so Iphere held in the foreground of
to bi'
ef earth As roe as the kbsek-
iu Sables' of mist*,Md & polities! hrnmerslity,
*high so lead fettered ovary moesmwt in
the seb1www alined every whims! ,t, emindustrial
o..I rsper•Msa
sad csslsvod the straw, had ben lessure
t► j IAksed beads, Creeds .erase 1a1e no -
ideal bete[ sad erred the highway *blob
Vie,r ealty mil the semeitiogrigisree:
govoAmo.i by patty Is
to •fwa. :a se the light
task tet derathe
i} birders sod
js, the
iy the residua polity el the peaeior W
ashes trate'. yels •,6a wish.
�•ea ma the week at , eF
L ahem. sed
Sir Charles sod Indy Tripper tsr red
at Quebec teem England on
Parte. n.
Sir Catimlr Gmwaki. who hos. beds
seriously W in London for rue time, 1s
muds better.
r ,mut Louis de Loam d Bulgaria Is
traveling in Madtaba so *dm -doing
agent for Washburn ti circuit.
J. E. Gervais. one of the arrant
ceteMce inspectors for the division '
'-- 1.1.1 has not pot in au imirea Rue.•
at t&• pa foERI-iftw•eIsat"w'°ek
stated to hare gone . to the Canted
Ins DaAIn.
The dtatb L inandebred of
Staarrega, daughter of King Dde
A..ul ..
bJohn W. ('oickogb. collector os cus-
toms at Rat Portage, drojiiped dead from
heart disease.
. Mr. Prank Tedi of
Hanover, fell 1
on the btzthition grounds
trgee Waldron. veteran
of the
famous Light Brigade. died wt Mosireol
from uongeation of the taupe.+t notedMaxim.. Leper. ore of a moot
men aoibnget the Metis,MI
the Nuthweet, died .steamy at Cls
home at Dock Lake.
Reports ef trust here been received
Iron many priers hi Ontario.
*geeA thin
still wet -
of ice formed os pools
The bad'barvrie ^'boos eereot+ee° Rus-
tissian pDrorinces, ayd it he feared it will
also- be fMt nett year. as the droaiht
has prevented sawing winter wheat in.
a arge area.
MI . W. A. Misting, donMe eLLaaketot
he Wand. Minhist oGu�ln� ticil 13.11 Ithe
that r.• rForthw'est fanners
on tt a to eatheat s. His cowry has
on the'.r wheat rse!'eio0 ,Atli • wen-
e n -
reser had. soy R?R
liiaw, e •• •
?t4aI 1AUe ,(DELA.,
ArcIlia Grahopce
Iars l wchellbtly her.
Ilia (-rear An
leave for Bore, v* arpot�I, on the
isthtmdew, whilb sails from Montred on
flet- 9 cs hs the • . are not to ride bi-
MCiticite• This Is the (I*j r
.n as the last enciasiarW>•1 rs
tre-it V}' Mgr- Ertzetwed.
i lie new Jeer -tett Synagog*,HOW•
the(""`'`, ae:'ee eiid
A. .sa urea >cit.' Alfred hen
tuts t of
the,Tory..pre•s, bathing but blue ruin is to
be peen everywhere throughout the lad.
Wbicheassi.te the fairer picture, however,
The Maned Bleck Win a tussal Tic . servtos. In ht•oprtog remara. 1lr.Ander-
sec dwelt op moving from the old budding,
Some two weeks since the Horton -Jordan is partial demolition, and the rnduel
block ball players sent a °believes to Tan ruing of the new structure until itwwame
.�t10LAt. ofiies block. the conditions being ire Present handsome •ppeara.
that the players should be eeleoted from the pr..d the workmen intagd Ia is UP•
reuiog end ex prcesert hu tbaokfulneas that
la the afternoon the pastor Rev. J. A.
Anderson, B. A., preached to a laws rams -
mitten from the 4th terse of the 2nd t hsP r
of sc. Paul's first melt*. w
dividing his dieeoareg-gi`s ee partes
foundation stone, the superrtruotnra sad
with • baodrome bouquet. T1s gathering
olo.ed with the singing of the Doxology.
masses of Last Regular Meetleg of Mal
The regular meeting of the town oouocil
was held on Friday evening. Present -the
mayor, presiding ; reeve, dcooty reeve, god
deputy neve, councillors Tweedie, Colw.U,
Wilson: Marto, Pridh•m, Nioholeon, Cr-
aton. Cnieie, Neftel.
Minn' es of last meeting read, approved
and signed.
A oummunio•tion was read trom E. Cam-
pion regarding the old Agricultural proper-
ty, reoently leased to Jno. N. Platt, said
eou.muniatior complaining of the coursed
eBcslygy samor er sender thaw ton mit 1p by
Wm. Lew After Dem. dteoaatoa ootioe of
motion was given to rewind the motion made
eta former meeting.
The finance committee presented the fol-
lowing report : We have examined the fol.
lowing a000ealt sad reopdtmsod their pay-
t:I..s.:uB. 12o0
eats. a podtba'k -*5-- whys should
be the ob•mplons of Goderioh.. After look -
mg at the challenge and the rales Tns Sm.
the work had been carried to completion
without an accident, and that the different
Med°amen bad worked together mon her -
ted, but with the tonty throughout. He then
NAF. block players aogep
eloquently on the three parts into which he
timstion that it was • waste of time to divided bis text. As in the morning there
pity as everybody knew that the Law and
Press could beat anythine in sight. Not-
witb•tandiog this pointer, the Jordon-Hor-
too block pinyon Kept up • bold front and
to frights° their op -onsets got out • large
show card on the day of the game. whereon
their nine were duly shown with their mani-
fold qualifications, their leader claiming to
b. " 1S.B, the p111 slinger,' sod the others -
well, our vooubulary is not extensive enough
to ¢Ivo their high -bounding titles.
Go Thursday last as 4:30 both I.$nue show-
ed up in good form,tbe Jordan•Horton play-
ers being gaudily got up in sleeveless shire
and variegated running boot.,and after the
Judge had inspeoted the players he °alld
•' play bell," and soon Charlie Shawnee was
fsotog the pill stinger.
Bea sent down roll No. 1 but it was .ot
within reach, No 2 Dame straight for
Charlie's p(alate but he kicked .t the medi-
eine and seat it to mid -field and while the
pill slinger and his weans were ecnmb-
eg ter err -e*R+eut► the batter trotted.
leisurely to fiat bees. Stoddart also (ohm).
batted the pill, sed Payne not getting or
Bear enough was gives a bio by the Judge.
Malcomeoa gent • hoe Doe down the oeatn
and nosed &pothole ser•mble. Correa could
not oatoh the pill. Tighe oared • greet
rush to centre field. Munro followed suit.
Chteholm meds a isle tat, and Bell, amid
snob ezoitsmuat, that b. ball before on among
allmto id fielders and Rat
W bso the Law sed the Press got tired the
amateurs tried their bands, but failing to
master tbelintrioedee of the pitober's Danes
they retired in one, two, three order.
With slight variations the following in-
nings were similarly played, sad •1 the
end of the 6th, Ptll•Slioger h Co. having
given up all hope, the game was celled. Al
the cod of the 3rd innings Alex. M.Dooald
took his place os Tam Mori. block team
and A. W. Ball retired.
Tito mores obtained and the players were
se follows :
i t tags to
, milts, rbowti them
' Out
IMAM AVM cst*cawAi e.
is the et,
eGuilhar sit •
Eft to on ir1a *Tai
trial t litt
4011 room t.setelfi
eir• toe
k sees
OWE. saw
I! w•
.d 'te,
wara fall musical program, .red its ren-
dition was s• masterly.
La t1T summing, long before the time of
au* me, the edifice was tilled, tad .when the
first hymn was sung there was cot is avail-
obis seat, and a large number retired be-
comes aeronaut sanding room oonld not
be o taioed. The rev. gentleman who
preached in the morning ►gain occupied the
pulpiq and his sermon was as vigorooa and
eloquent as his morning deli
It will be noticed that the pastor io his
sermon said that the oharob was handsome,
and the buudmr is . standing proof m favor
of the statement. In the morning and
afternoon with the con glinting through the
stained glass windows on the polished floor
and maul aed the flowers that decorated the
reading desk and platform. the effect was
lovely, and in the sewing the stew light's
rays penetrated every part ot the building
making the picture equally pleasing.
At one time rt esu thought that extend-
ing the wells and re-.rran*Ing the sats
`wtrb1d teterf*re write thio reseetio • roper,
re of the buildlag, but •11 snob thoughts
passed away ea 8osc'•y, as every syllable
stored at the reading desk was heard dis-
tinctly in every put.
The oharob Ie seated to accommodate
1250, but at the moraine and evening
D srvioes the overate was over 1400, and oto
e 000unt of lb* parfait •rrsovement of the
sitting .sob person present had full view of
pre.ober sod the oboir. of l.lsto
The srohiteos, Will B. B.sniog,
wet, le to be oongntalntd mos the ertaie
design of the new oharob and the manner
in whioh the work has been tramp1ebed, and
the contractors, Buchanan& and Rhyme, ars
also to be oommrded for the ereotio fo
solid and so handsome • etruotore, tort
n umber present es Sunday tested it's
e olldity,l&pd all present tbst day admit
the% is Hsiehed farm shows good work,
wee work, and nark worthy of the temple.
ll'1. brtok work, Plastering era graso-
I(tbw walks were let to Jamieson Reid sad
e ou and these builders completed their al-
lured task in • thoroughly workmanlike
selling and walla were balsotnlod
d.oerstd by E. R. Wangs, and the
tasting sod designs he has placed thereon
are rsooed' of hie ability as a deoor&ter.
Tbb cos sod the pulpit were m&palss
tared and fixed by the Pennington Remise
Company of Dundee, sad Use ooutraetnn
have done their part well as the seas ere
eomtortaWi, sabet•0Ns1 sed well finished.
The stained Blase windows wen put in by
Hobbs & Ca. of .Louden. sad the brm is to
be oemplimwted on the sxoellenoy of their
The •ddit.ins M the bs(Idi' g and the
improvements rememlly mob
tlis,000, and judging by the handsome
✓ ifle, sad the praise it has evoked, it is
wavy well mesa
OLD KNOT nUe5r:a
Buob tan dt Rhymes
A. IdoD. AU•.
A. Kirk brida.........
G. N. Devic •
Beardmore &10e.
J. Johnston
A. 3. Chrystal
The following amounts we refuse to rec-
esommend, se they are set seeoompanitsd by
vouchers :
Loodoa Supply Co $ 6 es 8255
Harper k L
Report of public works committee :
Your committee. afar due cor.ideratlosi
in the matter ot catch basins, decided it
would be in the interest of the tows to have
a committee visit Loodoo and enquire into
the working of the North basins then, and
in pursuance of such decision. appointed the
eheirm•n and engineer a committee to do so,
the result ot the visit the ubsirmen will ex-
plain to you.
We would recommend the payment of 55,
the oust of deputation to louden.
A large cumber of amounts were read and
referred to tinenca committee.
The soonest adjourned afar an address
from the deputy reeve on tee snbjroL of hie
vista to London.
' 76 37
6 41
136 14
10 18
69 00
.250 00
Tke Memorable air Wtlllaas Narcdst\ three
aides-T\e Work of the smut Jary
-DUP5.ltlem.1 t'a.re that tame
Valero Uwe Cart. '
• HE Fall term of the High Court of
Juetioe opened on Monday at 3 r M. before
William Meredith, Chief Justice of the
The first dntv mora outline the lirasd
Jury; Wm. Armour, Wi rh•m; W. J.
Dowding. Godertoh ; 'l'hcs. Eatery, Stsyb.n;
Hugh H. 1.11, Hut ' .t ; Alfred Hankies
Usborne ; Robt. M.Rray, Tuokersmuiti
Archibald Martin, E.a W•w•nooh : Adam
Reichert, Hemel' ; Adam Spectre, How ick;
Joo Woon, Godertuh Tp. and William
Weir, Howiok ; ru.wortag their names.
Only eleven Jurors appearing, his Lordship
directed the Sheriff to summon one from
those present, when William Watson, of
Goderiob, was selected as the tweitb mem-
The Jury having elected W. J. Dowding
foremen, sod been duly swore, His Lord-
ship charged them on the bills that would be
placed before them, pointing out their duty
as laid down by statute. The Judge said
the number of criminal oases, five, were
greater sod of s much mon serious ohareo-
t - •p ;gond on.ny of his former visite,
and having defihair thuit conrtttdW6S
different crimes, drew eatoatwo to the poi.
He said 11 c onained 3 prisoners, ono of
whom was an idiot wbo lied been confined
therein 16 mouths, and it would be their
slaty to investigate the oast as 11 woe un-
fortunate for the oounty tp base ,nab •
obarge so long. Es directed them to in-
spect* the jail .54 (Cart House, and if the
authorities would find the means, the Poor
Hormel and reingdinikeen in their present -
meet. i
Elgie vs, Batt --An action on • promissory
note was then preceded with. Ha Lord-
ship hearing the ease without • jury. At
it's 0000lesion judemeot was reserved till
the ruing of the court. Carrow A Proud.
foot for plaintiff, Holt for defeodeoi.
Gordon v,. Wright -An action for sedua
Mos was tried by • jury and lasted till the
eoart olosed. A verdiot for plaintiff end
$250 was rendered. E. Campion tor plain-
tiff, J. T. Garrote for deft.
In the oat of the Queen es. Rummel the
grand jury retuned • true bill.
C. Shames
W. Stoddart
T. Payee
8. M.l.omwa
8. Curren
J. Tube
T. Munro
A 1 hteho im
a.'W. than R. Gammon
A. McDonald .
Been. 96. floors. 10.
Batteries -Paves sold 8tiddart ; liabh-
moa. Mishear, Osespies, 8%rims sod Pare
It rask Bbannca
D. McIver
H. L. Wages
0. W. Andrews
J. Brown
B. ttehlnwn
' Jap Nicholson
H Primera
Bir Wilfrid Leerier reee:red two de-
051000ns to on
Montreal, e from the
Notional Mibn and the other
from. the British Hme League.
It has besot deddtte that the Toronto
demonstration to Sir Wiifr d Lorries or
The Court opened at 10 A.M.
Jaoklio v. Proudlove-An anion for •
breech oI premise was beard, and being un-
defended, was soon given to the jury who
returned • verdiot tor plaintiff and 5800.
E. L Dickenson for plaintiff.
Horn vs. Glavin -An motion for slander
did not take up mooh time of the onurt as
the case ended before dinner in • verdiot for
plaintiff 24o. and Dost. R. H. Colli* feu
plaintiff. L. H. Dotson for dett.
MoNsll vs. Ru•eall-An action ler sedan
stun was settled by consent, • verdiot for
$250 for plaintiff being sooepted. Gsrrow
& Proudfoot for plff.. E. Campion and M.O.
Johnston for deft.
Johnston vs. Johnston was settled cut of
MoKinnon et .l vs. MoKinoon et al yeas
,.ttld by agreement, all parties to the snit
consenting to s judgment giving testator's
the interest of -Mater e pereoo•1 es-
tate during lite.
During the morning the grand jury
brought in • true bill for shooting with in-
tent, and immdissly attar the noon reoese
aliury was @worn to try the obarge. A num-
ber of witnesses were ermined, iooludisg
the 'prison:. and shortly after 5 the Dame
was gives to the jury who, .tar • delihera-
don of over an hour returned • verdiot at
unlawfully wounding.
J. T. Lear, Q. C.. Sarnia. prosecuted,
and J. T. Ostrow, Q C., defesdd.
The grand.lary threw out the bill, 2
ooaos, that charged R. DeLooq with herr
At the conclusion of the shooting oats the
Queen vs. Russell, s charge of rape, was
commenced. The first witnees the riot
Hart, red 16 yeah, was the only one.
for at the aloes of the erose examisetloe His
Lordship asked the Chown pre..00ter H
there was any ere, alter ihe girl's own ri-
ders, peocoedlnt with the oar, and the 43.
C. Intimating that there was set, i1 was
withdrawn and Remelt duesbariged J. T.
Lister, Q. C. proouted, end R. Campion
and M. O. Jelnrtoo defeeded.
The evert then adjourned.
C. E L-11.
The following are the topi.e ler the dif •
forest young people's eooibas *latch meet
demes the week :
l>toelh-st Methodist obrrob Lin of ('•E..
Today evening at 8 n'dtbok. On Sept.
94th ;these will N Temperance topic by W.
C. T. 1J.
gam Mug* Y.P.8.0.L, meet with
the general prerelease's,. The taiga
Mary strsltdt e$1 that the Mery
et Ms
the unions and itse pr
sh.reb. Koh. 4 : 1-1-16. 91, led
W Jess (Hisses.
All are cordially tevlted le .Wild 11eee
i s$00m, when age Mid M tile bewmssta
d the dlAerest efeeseka. *bete frau
Mier essietiee llrei %vfhed 1e be M em&
-Wel as iatallummeamilth...A.
triirmemapilehed mertsltase Metal1
*.sdRfet afiwte M lila
Woo..'' piety. Fal me make eev.
b1' MMC• who& Nle *Arend ha the
Mem greasos wmtg
d et$wnat Mira a
1 - 40440 OA*
'h' fes. 1..dl alai W
Yawls 1tkM►-'Qct. 1 a d 6.
Msowas1 8e8t- to 1L . .i
15 w.1ti h all citizens
invited to
Mt. Fielding, Dominion Miakrter M
I('laance, is expected in London showily.
No dlaiculty la anticipated in Canada
securing all the nwmey .If wants on fs-
,'00$b terms.
) I The Petrie, Mr. Tarte'. paper,
sod is 'Mlnerve, the French Oormerwt-
tite 011Gra1, express ,themselves in favor
of CNeiv or -General of Corwin_ olirtment of Lord hQOOa
Mr. J. P. Whitney told a number Of
other Clonime•rynttve leaders nddreesed a
wee mac• .eweriee et "aonwrto JUnOtl•)n
on Setttrday "•• evening they at-
tended a banquet given .•tp it honor
In the 'there -cornered t iee'e
Boston "Jittmpy" Micheal outrode Leath
and MoI)uflee.
The appalling number of eyeling aod-
dcrlivt Iwxrrloe i. Idemltnd_
for legt.islatloq to abatePsding theto ptza bdc (tan
The Toronto Baseb•1l Clce, wound uD
the home season by winning two guinea
,from Providence by 17 rents ea 4. tori 9
to 7.
The Genitals of Ottawa vmn the la-
crosse olwmplonahip of the world by de-
fehttnl; the Shamrpcke of Montreal by
4 gauss to 2.
elN•rl ICl.er 01 Dayton. Otto, beat Bald.
pbeed, Gaetln.r, r god d►thexz
e $2000 Invitation blrycle race ot
New. Tock.
Frank Eme, the lightweight des ,4ots
boxer, hoe _bee nqmstchcd to hoz Jas.
PPM. the on pugilist, before the
Toronto Atthletir ('Inb oir October 2.
Was built epos he pregame site just forty
years ego. Jest sweaty years afterwards
e n addition wee belle be sesosmodal the
members of the old kirk. Me two entireties
tatted ter worship. Th.
iwmpe.mwtaws tawere we& by Gerdes k
Molds. and at the time et its sranpletle•
it wee said that the bsfdbIg *said over
wed fertile, salergWNr• Thew who tock
that view wed have bees pisestagly ear -
muted ilesdsy lie see the -salaried head-
stone iiia.e whit wow ey aheeessd teat
wits I* lbs wall. Iboss-
les be Itse+s� Migeelr With.
1O a...cTsi 05s t'r�.peim
woes e'ls I war wet .w++w
se Ind bele 'etttpeat 4, ides -did*
semis.- i•Nes wade le A pea. d Mee pew
par te'.,-os Mem MOW)/ TM moo
Mitilld r1'tdii the elite AMMO A. *s I
Nine people were in j strtl by e -rine
awry horse at the Western Pair,
Albert Lake was killed by being
derwn into a threshing machine on Mr.
Lee's farm at Remark.
Fire destroyed tate residence of Mr
esr Howard sit Port Alma.liv
1110 the flames.
eta nehters lent t
A.t Brockville Mr. Trost, .eterk in LMP
B t of Onowill'r mea riding hie wbeele
he ran into a boy named Pennock.
wee knocked down Mid so ar
di0tiely 4 ertd that wee
otwo the. deetist Wooden
iTrsek et T oote. wee to* a ad-
iottree4 rtyocsprttyeran the wit:hett�leeti�evtrthe
the Uarilib � 1Hu cutis 1t 1, is ails
ah�trmen ret tS d •ptddsst
�rs�rs whorl at
/re�' t1°-
yvs�emes. of des* by r'ea�r IIry et hat
' 'llwit.
dogmataiserined aevtb 'id�
neer Aretrakbas. (
lb* .wee drolnt 6dhws Ips
Al the opening of the riot Colbert was
brought up for sonars sod sot to %he
Cereal Prier tor 12 months with bard
labor. .
Bomar twelve •.d on. o'oleek the grand
jury • ;peered in .cert and presented •
No BLit in each ot the Deans In the Jessup
osespirsoy ease, and this being the Ort Ism
ea the ealcsd.r the court was olneed la doe
The Jensen for oar Lady the ()sees hag
lean to report as follows : They have ox -
•mined the jail. end find the oleos very
dews- W • toad Ave prisoners there, or
.t whom. en idiot, boa been oosffaigl there
ter 17 months, wed tie ret that the proper
.aSbeittes have sot nn>Deldst room in the
Aryl's to tealeve hist. se we tbi■k the jail
as treat plass ter lush.
We tad the we dews with ort of repels,
and weeI%sagest thee they be made per-
teetly tighe. r the imam Despot tell from
the odes idionsurfo swumle tryise to gal
la sr est .r ,•
A. rem ea p.5Llbie we weeld suggest the
sewage system be wad sswst.M.
We regret abet the see■ty has wade a•
prwv1.a ter visiaia* the Resor of Rotate.
All el whelk is reemetfully subsisted.
W. J. Dowotee.
&aorta. arced Jere Ream, 7erestas.
lie tes11 r Vete 1897.
ims MON Ow"
ehest, Ina
it=t1111141=M 'MedHyeMfiXl
e ItMM11aM wto