HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-16, Page 88 . 'Jtifvaaf sTo Asps. 3111E37. a THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. E.AND SEB WhatASH can do for you 111 Nen Nall Goods Just Rece!V'OE —1 +' + + + + We are botr'to`-iieep up cut reputation itsTHE CHEAP STORE. ANOTHER SNAP IN BATS. 'igen viroatioronsmrawr4erth$1ne Fine Felt Hats, Black and Brown, worth $1.50 to 82.00, for 75s REMEMBER THEY WON'T BE WITH 1:18 LONG CLOTHING I CLOTHING 1- 11 aVe Have you seen our Clothing ? M EN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS, BOYS' SUITS, Ste. Complete Stook. Prices Lowest. 800 PAIRS HOSIERY 800 - A JOB LOT. Now is your chance to get your Fa'I'and Winter Hire at prices that are bound to clear them out in a few weeks. HEAVY ALL WOOL RIBBED HOSE FOR L4DIES OR BOYS' REGD. W...:....-, .LAS - ....,r ..,y,aa,:. -HEAVYAI1 Y001. tif Mint) nt) RIBBED REGULAR Or - • 85o.. FOR 42e. MILN'S,BLACK WOOL SOX ONLY 15o. PAIR. E FASHIONABLE TAILOR begs to announce to Ms very many customers and the public in general that his Model Tailoring Es- tablishment is now filled with his new FALL and WINTER STOCK, which, without doubt, is far ahead of anything yet shown or will be shown in this vicinity this Season. These Goods are direct importations from Great Britain, the duty being -has in Godyich, than saving the Middle OLBORNE . BItOS. Caipets . . The Lamest, Best and Cheapest Stook, In town In Brussele,Axminaters,Tapes. • tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply All -wools, Unir0 "itiditempa Twine and Japanese Nettings, Oil Cloths is three qualities directt from the mill in 4.4, 5.•4, 6-4. and 8-4 widths. The balance of our stock at Rook -Bottom Prices. FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE. New Fall Mantle Cloths in all the Newest Makes, All MANTLE and JACKET CLOTHS above $1 00' in Price, Out Free oP Charge. NEW FALL IANTIJES NOW IN STOCK a. .tw.1f •l.' -'L. -%fl !"••. ••,4. ., SV J.{Wca.ar .'++1.:. i have decided to do a strictly CASH business and everything will be sold on the lowest Cash basis. - I have just succeeded in securing the latest and greatest known AEW YORK SYSTEM OF GARMENT CUTTING DRESS 300D8. Fan cs Shot Colors1 Double WidtI T weed Dresilloo g .25c. for 18e - Ail Wool French Ours Flannels, Nice Fahey Fadi., regular 50c. for 25e. New Fancy Armoure Cloths, regular 50c. for 25e. Heavy Tweed Dress Goods, new designs, double width, worth 50e. for 35c. STAPLES. AU Wool FACTORY FLANNELS 25o. Blankets, Comforter., Quilts. • A Bargain Lot of New Tweeds worth 40 to 50o. tor 25c. MILLINERY and MANTLES. A New and Complete Stock of the Latest Deigns in JA 7KETS. see our r before you purchase. Our Stock is now Complete in all Lines. Bargains in Every Department. Viait us soon and get a Chokes. C ABH AND ONE PRICE ONLY - .P SMITH BROS. & CO. .w......woc OVER THE HURON, TRACT. The Griot from the Local BIM. A Weekly Digest of Gouty News Serval .p to ants everybody – nth and - !tat slipped aad Co.de.eod Prom river. $.Mlo.. Brussels : Last Sunday Jae. Rallentyns and wife drove over to Seaforth with • bores recently purchased l•y the above man• Wooed gentlemen. The animal ' sea speedy but nervous one, and while being unhitched at Mrs. Ballantyri a father's reatdeooe, aaade WY with the buggy. Before going vete stir Mho bores and rig diseelved partnership oat Um former in her mad roe* ran against a herb wire fence, Iaoerating her breast and tore legs to aterrible manner. A veterinary was summoned. who suggested ending the .sera's days as the most profitable oonree for the owner to follow, as the Least would be tient' for service even If reoovery were probable. His advioe was takes aad the he.et•put out of misery. Holassville : The reatdeso..l b. T. Walters one of our moat respeotsd sfdMa-, was os Wed.edsy •voling the sots et.a fat nebing event. Exactly at 7 o'oloos Hoary T•bbutt and Emma Walters mooed daughter of 8 T. Welters, were pronounced saes and wits by Rev. 0. W. Andrews. R. A., in the preeeno• of Rome fifty invited g.s.y, chiefly relations of the oontnoting parties Lewis Tebbutt being groomsman Carrie Walters, bridesmaid. Mr. Tebbutt holds a laorativs sttnatieo near the town of 1MiLada, (7a1., and leaves for there is Mee course of a few days. 8eaforth : A vary pretty wedding took place M the hose of Ricbard Van Egmond w Taeeday Sete.. 7th. when hi. dater, Martha, we.• suited is the bonds of wedlock as Rd. Hiaohl•y, o1 this town. About fifty kaviesd roosts assembled to witness the hspcy *volt. wbioh took plate at twelve ,411ssll0000k noon, The bride was attired in • garnet The trimmed with lace, while j$di,sa.aid, WastesShtpl.v was dressed bleak awl rreen. The groom was ably I1Mhd by i iokard Van Egmont'. Rev. *. Ms leve, of MoRillop, tied the nuptial the gnseta partook get a sumptuous presents were both numerous wad apady, AUCTION SALk.S• Ad flMtlat thele sale bine or= aMe will have a Ace Delos tit 1M its to the time of salsa ♦ ,>l s of heroes, cattle, bM assortment of t.r.kn.e,`Aa ., 18th. at 2 °'dank r. r., M Reeolr, liederlob. TOM. Optrpty, Aeot. which enables me to giv 3 perfect fitting Garments ,uses, and does away withy the arnoyanca, ail bother of returning Garments to be altered. Everyone knows in most cases they are made worse than they were before. • I am also carrying this season a large range of __ready-to-wear OVER COATS, having secured the Agency from 8ROREY & CO., Montreal, of their celebrated RIGBY, RAIN -PROOFED FRIEZE ULSTER,.;with Wont Come -Off Buttons, in Olive Brown, Fawn, Claret and Oxford Grey, also a bean- tiful line of BEAVERS, in Blue -Black and Brown, -equal to lots of ordered Garments, which will be - -- mold on the lowest possible margin for Cash. • OUR MOTTO WILL BE : Goods will be sold only for Cash and no Goods allowed to go out that are not perfect in every respect. All outstanding accounts must be settled by 15th OCT., 1897, as the books will then be placed In hand for collection. PRI DHAM, THE TAILOR. SOH IGBT -SOAP Wrapper Competition: JULY, 1897. teen This following aro the wt..eri fa Mistrial No. 5. Western Ontario Winners of Stearn's Bicycles Mr. Allan Snyder, 1498 Qnee. Street, West, Tot onto. Mr. M. Ratably, 1112 vendee Street, To - Winners of Gold Watchet. Ute J. (Milton Cork, 459 Donde@ Street, Toronto.i Sweet Bros.,00r. Kim sad Elisabeth streets, Toronto. Mr. C. S. Philip, 39 MoNab Street, Hamil• ton. Mine Georgia McKee. Bridgebsrg. Mine Annie ()ander.56 Weet Lodge Avenue, Toronto. The above compWtl.a will bs'ro. Us.ed easO ae.tk or slag H'-°" THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDHQF'-.L. AL... usemusesmenemer ALWAYS 9N HAND Scraiitou flrd Co91 ger TRIC MARKlr at 86.76 per ton, Ceeh. pims hal weighed tm ,toe Marto, atlaitA :.nese. yea gal MOD tbareg n (IK WINS LIM Omen wit ea ZAMA t Nese p.eatp0+t ee!nuru a Change Busi.nes. { • ...NEW FIRM....... My son.A..'W. CORNELL having bought half interest in ray Un- dertaking and Furniture Business, the name of the New Firm will be CORNELL & SON. F'URNIT'URE. Yet car buy first -elms Gado as IACTORY PR1C1f18—made by tits Bose •, taken is Canada only. No treble te'hew Goode—and all at FACTORY PRMCBB. tflibleSTAZING. 1 for Rmbelmi h ser Show Window. The Best and Largest Stook ,r ---4-'a 0Alle!'Pe and IX) sad Foneral Trimmings i. the County—Low Prim WINDOW SHAa8e We keep a L.rse Variety of WINDOW SHADES e. hand. Oita sea call woes von are leekrng for Bargains DONT FORGET ,THE NEW FIRM, CORNELL dr. SON. a KWIC HAYTLTQH•AT. and KM= Nat Bedford Hotel. VICTORIA OPERA HOURE Tf t Oiiora goose TWO NIGHTS ONLY. THURSDAY EVENING i IPz'_ 23=5-TIIESDAY, SEPT. 21. I WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22. SUXORAIIS CELTIC PLAY r P1RstT T11115 IN AM*RJCA. JINN1GAN'S FORTUNE Geo. Almonte and Company with Prof. Lorraine'. Fine Unifbr n.d BMW Band and O Make It a psfaa to iM NV aseervM mesas se fa e..va t..erers• Osatinaous Moving V9ewa of the Qteen'a Jubilee Precession, Ported Lit►Liks Ohms of HER MAJESTY AND TBS GREAT PB,O< IO ADMISSION, lbs, fits sad ilia 1-404.41140.- DIBWf FROI$ THE IL&IQUYAOTIIRER. F TER PER J- S- 001,130142,7EL The Great (tapet Warehouse 01 the County WINDOWCLASS. v--- R. W. MCKE! ZIE has placed la stook the lamest importation o W I x D O W GLASS yet reoeived at priose whioh oaoaot be totebed sal where. To get his price to to getenetelegif custom. _._.. He keeps the ELEPHANT BRAND WHITE LEAD. Acknowledged the Met. All Hardware Building Supplies away down in Prise. R. W. McKENZIE OF THE CHEAP HABDWA.RII $TbBA PREPARING FOR FALL AT MUNRO'S Canadian and Imported Scotch and English Varna. No batter 4seort- ment or value in town. • Ladies' and Children's Summer -Weight UnderclotblftAiws>yf eiltdShaft Sleeves Our 50 cent Corset, said to be the best value at the price. Large Stock of all kinds of Braids and Velvet Ribbons. Full Lines in Small Wares. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. A.t MUNRO. Draper. - Special Jubilee Bargains! Refrigerators isnornew. eta.. sett -. Oil Stoves BLOB TLS. all siege. Gsao le'*oves 1.4.3.t11ou.. Tamddin Stoves Lawn Mowers Daisy Churns xoaf,3.4 HARPER & LEE. AMUNITION. Our Stook is now oomi.lete and is one of the largest and best selewted outside the cities, LOADED SHELLS In any quantity to snit the purchaser. Shells loaded with any charge while you wait. We bave a fall Stock of POWDER, SHOT, SHELLS, PRIMERS AND WADS. —iota ova shoo( or — SHOT OUR et end. re Ars lr/t tf[d7 kilt DAVISON & 00. tU IIP-TO-DAta tLI1DRIxiI, Silver Plating PRICE LIST. Spoons per doz 75c Kniver._u --4144 Fork. •' - 75c Table Cruet, each 75c Pi.k1e " `` , 50o Butter Knife " 15o Candle Sticks '• 42e Sad Irons illi Scissors, per par -10 and lila_ ' We can Plate anything in BramIA,., Iron, Copper, or SteeL gall and see samples Of our work. IENDEBSOX BICYCLE CO., Lunged, Goderielt STOVES! STOVES t.w STOVES. a. STOVESt are at"" IRON,loves TEEL } Alfa.. =IMO sof ALL SONS WO: glitial ria ' w fosses. Ira